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a guest
Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. logo: &7[&bSkywars"
  3. jmax: 1
  4. command /skywars <text> <text> <text>:
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg 1 is "join":
  7. if {skywars.start} is false:
  8. if {skywars.%player%.start} is false:
  9. set {skywars.%player%.start} to true
  10. set {skywars.start} to true
  11. add 1 to {skywars.join}
  12. teleport player to {skywars.waiting}
  13. loop all players in world "skywars":
  14. send "{@logo} &a%loop-player% &7(%{skywars.join}%/12&7"
  15. if {skywars.join} is equal to {@jmax}:
  16. make console execute command "skywars start"
  17. else:
  18. send "{@logo} &cJoin Agaien"
  19. else:
  20. send "@logo} &cno party"
  21. if arg 1 is "set":
  22. if arg 2 is "ile":
  23. set variable {skywars.location::%arg 3%} to location of player
  24. send "&aSpawn %arg 3% set en : &b{skywars.location::%arg 3%}%"
  25. if arg 2 is "waiting":
  26. set {skywars.wait} to location of player
  27. send "waiting set!"
  28. if arg is 1 "stop":
  29. set {skywars.%player%.start} to false
  30. set {skywars.start} to false
  31. set {skywars.join} to 0
  32. loop all players in world "skywars":
  33. teleport loop-player to {hub.loc}
  34. if arg 1 is "start":
  35. set {skywars.start} to true
  36. loop all players in world "skywars":
  37. send "{@title} &aGame start in 10 seconds"
  38. wait 5 seconds
  39. loop all players in world "skywars":
  40. send "{@title} &aGame start in 5 seconds"
  41. wait 1 seconds
  42. loop all players in world "skywars":
  43. send "{title} &aGame start in 4 seconds"
  44. wait 1 seconds
  45. loop all players in world "skywars":
  46. send "{title} &aGame start in 3 seconds
  47. wait 1 seconds
  48. loop all players in world "skywars":
  49. send "{title} &aGame start in 2seconds
  50. wait 1 seconds
  51. loop all players in world "skywars":
  52. send "{title} &aGame start in 1 seconds
  53. wait 1 seconds
  54. loop all players in world "skywars":
  55. send "{@title} game start"
  56. set {_tp} to 0
  57. teleport loop-player to {skywars.locatiom::%{_tp}%}
  58. add 1 to {_tp}
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