
Zipping and aligning Traversals

Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
  3. module ZipTraversal (
  4.     FunList(..),
  5.     runFunList,
  6.     FunApp(..),
  7.     sell,
  8.     runFunApp,
  9.     zipTraversal,
  10.     alignTraversal,
  11.     zipAlignTraversal
  12.   ) where
  14. import Control.Lens
  15. import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
  16. import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
  17. import Data.These
  18. import Data.Profunctor
  19. import Data.Profunctor.Strong (Costrong(..))
  20. import Data.Profunctor.Choice (Cochoice(..))
  22. data FunList t b a
  23.   = Done t
  24.   | More a (FunList (b -> t) b a)
  26. fmapFL :: forall a a' b t. (a -> a') -> FunList t b a -> FunList t b a'
  27. fmapFL f = go where
  28.  go :: forall u c. FunList u c a -> FunList u c a'
  29.   go (Done t) = Done t
  30.   go (More a fl') = More (f a) (go fl')
  31.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  32. {-# INLINE fmapFL #-}
  34. cmapFL :: forall a a' b t. a' -> FunList t b a -> FunList t b a'
  35. cmapFL a = go where
  36.  go :: forall u c. FunList u c a -> FunList u c a'
  37.   go (Done t) = Done t
  38.   go (More _ fl') = More a (go fl')
  39.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  40. {-# INLINE cmapFL #-}
  42. foldrFL :: forall a b t r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> FunList t b a -> r
  43. foldrFL f z = go where
  44.   go :: forall u c. FunList u c a -> r
  45.   go (Done _) = z
  46.   go (More a fl') = f a (go fl')
  47.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  48. {-# INLINE foldrFL #-}
  50. foldlFL' :: forall a b t r. (r -> a -> r) -> r -> FunList t b a -> r
  51. foldlFL' f = go where
  52.   go :: forall u c. r -> FunList u c a -> r
  53.   go z _ | z `seq` False = undefined
  54.   go z (Done _) = z
  55.   go z (More a fl') = go (f z a) fl'
  56.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  57. {-# INLINE foldlFL' #-}
  59. lengthWithFL :: Int -> FunList t b a -> Int
  60. lengthWithFL n _ | n `seq` False = undefined
  61. lengthWithFL n (Done _) = n
  62. lengthWithFL n (More _ fl') = lengthWithFL (n + 1) fl'
  63. {-# INLINE lengthWithFL #-}
  65. traverseFL :: forall f a a' b t. Applicative f => (a -> f a') -> FunList t b a -> f (FunList t b a')
  66. traverseFL f = go where
  67.  go :: forall u c. FunList u c a -> f (FunList u c a')
  68.   go (Done t) = pure (Done t)
  69.   go (More a fl') = liftA2 More (f a) (go fl')
  70.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  71. {-# INLINE traverseFL #-}
  73. btmapFL :: forall a b b' t t'. (b' -> b) -> (t -> t') -> FunList t b a -> FunList t' b' a
  74. btmapFL fb = go where
  75.   go :: forall u u' c. (u -> u') -> FunList u b c -> FunList u' b' c
  76.   go ft (Done t) = Done (ft t)
  77.   go ft (More a fl') = More a (go (\bt b -> ft (bt (fb b))) fl')
  78.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  79. {-# INLINE btmapFL #-}
  81. abtmapFL :: forall a a' b b' t t'. (b' -> b) -> (a -> a') -> (t -> t') -> FunList t b a -> FunList t' b' a'
  82. abtmapFL fb fa = go where
  83.  go :: forall u u'. (u -> u') -> FunList u b a -> FunList u' b' a'
  84.   go ft (Done t) = Done (ft t)
  85.   go ft (More a fl') = More (fa a) (go (\bt b -> ft (bt (fb b))) fl')
  86.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  87. {-# INLINE abtmapFL #-}
  89. unfirstFL :: (t -> t') -> FunList t (b, c) (a, c) -> FunList t' b a
  90. unfirstFL ft (Done t) = Done (ft t)
  91. unfirstFL ft (More (a, c) fl') = More a (unfirstFL (\bt b -> ft (bt (b, c))) fl')
  92. {-# INLINE unfirstFL #-}
  94. unsecondFL :: (t -> t') -> FunList t (c, b) (c, a) -> FunList t' b a
  95. unsecondFL ft (Done t) = Done (ft t)
  96. unsecondFL ft (More (c, a) fl') = More a (unsecondFL (\bt b -> ft (bt (c, b))) fl')
  97. {-# INLINE unsecondFL #-}
  99. unleftFL :: (t -> t') -> FunList t (Either b c) (Either a c) -> FunList t' b a
  100. unleftFL ft (Done t) = Done (ft t)
  101. unleftFL ft (More ac fl') = case ac of
  102.  Left a  -> More a (unleftFL (\bt b -> ft (bt (Left b))) fl')
  103.   Right c -> unleftFL (\bt -> ft (bt (Right c))) fl'
  104. {-# INLINE unleftFL #-}
  106. unrightFL :: (t -> t') -> FunList t (Either c b) (Either c a) -> FunList t' b a
  107. unrightFL ft (Done t) = Done (ft t)
  108. unrightFL ft (More ca fl') = case ca of
  109.   Left c  -> unrightFL (\bt -> ft (bt (Left c))) fl'
  110.  Right a -> More a (unrightFL (\bt b -> ft (bt (Right b))) fl')
  111. {-# INLINE unrightFL #-}
  113. instance Functor (FunList t b) where
  114.   fmap = fmapFL
  115.   {-# INLINE fmap #-}
  117.   (<$) = cmapFL
  118.   {-# INLINE (<$) #-}
  120. instance Foldable (FunList t b) where
  121.   foldr = foldrFL
  122.   {-# INLINE foldr #-}
  124.   foldl' = foldlFL'
  125.   {-# INLINE foldl' #-}
  127.   null (Done t) = True
  128.   null (More {}) = False
  129.   {-# INLINE null #-}
  131.   length = lengthWithFL 0
  132.   {-# INLINE length #-}
  134. instance Traversable (FunList t b) where
  135.   traverse = traverseFL
  136.   {-# INLINE traverse #-}
  138. instance Profunctor (FunList t) where
  139.   lmap f = \fl -> case fl of
  140.     Done t -> Done t
  141.     More a fl' -> More a (btmapFL f (. f) fl')
  142.   {-# INLINE lmap #-}
  144.   rmap = fmapFL
  145.   {-# INLINE rmap #-}
  147.   dimap f g = \fl -> case fl of
  148.     Done t -> Done t
  149.     More a fl' -> More (g a) (abtmapFL f g (. f) fl')
  150.   {-# INLINE dimap #-}
  152. instance Costrong (FunList t) where
  153.   unfirst (Done t) = Done t
  154.   unfirst (More (a, c) fl') = More a (unfirstFL (\bt b -> bt (b, c)) fl')
  155.   {-# INLINE unfirst #-}
  157.   unsecond (Done t) = Done t
  158.   unsecond (More (c, a) fl') = More a (unsecondFL (\bt b -> bt (c, b)) fl')
  159.   {-# INLINE unsecond #-}
  161. instance Cochoice (FunList t) where
  162.   unleft (Done t) = Done t
  163.   unleft (More ac fl') = case ac of
  164.    Left a  -> More a (unleftFL (\bt b -> bt (Left b)) fl')
  165.     Right c -> unleftFL (\bt -> bt (Right c)) fl'
  166.  {-# INLINE unleft #-}
  168.  unright (Done t) = Done t
  169.  unright (More ca fl') = case ca of
  170.     Left c  -> unrightFL (\bt -> bt (Left c)) fl'
  171.    Right a -> More a (unrightFL (\bt b -> bt (Right b)) fl')
  172.   {-# INLINE unright #-}
  174. runFunList :: forall f a b t. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> FunList t b a -> f t
  175. runFunList f = go where
  176.   go :: forall u. FunList u b a -> f u
  177.   go (Done t) = pure t
  178.   go (More a fl') = liftA2 (flip id) (f a) (go fl')
  179.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  180. {-# INLINE runFunList #-}
  182. newtype FunApp a b t = FunApp { unFunApp :: forall r. (forall x. ((t -> r) -> x) -> FunList x b a) -> FunList r b a }
  184. instance Functor (FunApp a b) where
  185.   fmap f (FunApp m) = FunApp $ \y -> m $ \c -> y $ \x -> c $ x . f
  186.   {-# INLINE fmap #-}
  188.   a <$ FunApp m = FunApp $ \y -> m $ \c -> y $ \x -> c $ const $ x a
  189.   {-# INLINE (<$) #-}
  191. instance Applicative (FunApp a b) where
  192.   pure t = FunApp $ \y -> y ($ t)
  193.   {-# INLINE pure #-}
  195.   liftA2 f (FunApp ma) (FunApp mb) = FunApp $ \y -> ma $ \t -> mb $ \u -> y $ \c -> u $ \b -> t $ \a -> c (f a b)
  196.   {-# INLINE liftA2 #-}
  198.   FunApp mf <*> FunApp ma = FunApp $ \y -> mf $ \t -> ma $ \u -> y $ \c -> u $ \a -> t $ \f -> c (f a)
  199.   {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
  201.   FunApp ma  *> FunApp mb = FunApp $ \y -> ma $ \t -> mb $ \u -> y $ \c -> u $ \b -> t $ const (c b)
  202.   {-# INLINE ( *>) #-}
  204.   FunApp ma <*  FunApp mb = FunApp $ \y -> ma $ \t -> mb $ \u -> y $ \c -> u $ const (t c)
  205.   {-# INLINE (<* ) #-}
  207. sell :: a -> FunApp a b b
  208. sell a = FunApp $ \y -> More a (y id)
  209. {-# INLINE sell #-}
  211. runFunApp :: FunApp a b t -> FunList t b a
  212. runFunApp (FunApp m) = m (\x -> Done (x id))
  213. {-# INLINE runFunApp #-}
  215. zipFunList :: forall f a b c t. Applicative f => ((a, b) -> f c) -> FunList t c a -> FunList t c b -> f t
  216. zipFunList f = go where
  217.   go :: forall u. FunList u c a -> FunList u c b -> f u
  218.   go (Done ta) _ = pure ta
  219.   go _ (Done tb) = pure tb
  220.   go (More a fa') (More b fb') = liftA2 (flip id) (f (a, b)) (go fa' fb')
  221.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  222. {-# INLINE zipFunList #-}
  224. zipTraversal :: LensLike (FunApp a c) sa t a c -> LensLike (FunApp b c) sb t b c -> Traversal (sa, sb) t (a, b) c
  225. zipTraversal ta tb = go where
  226.   go f = \ (sa, sb) -> zipFunList f (runFunApp $ ta sell sa) (runFunApp $ tb sell sb)
  227.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  228. {-# INLINE zipTraversal #-}
  230. alignFunList :: forall f a b c t. Applicative f => (These a b -> f c) -> FunList t c a -> FunList t c b -> f t
  231. alignFunList f = go where
  232.   go :: forall u. FunList u c a -> FunList u c b -> f u
  233.   go fa (Done _) = runFunList (f . This) fa
  234.   go (Done _) fb = runFunList (f . That) fb
  235.   go (More a fa') (More b fb') = liftA2 (flip id) (f (These a b)) (go fa' fb')
  236.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  237. {-# INLINE alignFunList #-}
  239. alignTraversal :: LensLike (FunApp a c) sa t a c -> LensLike (FunApp b c) sb t b c -> Traversal (sa, sb) t (These a b) c
  240. alignTraversal ta tb = go where
  241.   go f = \ (sa, sb) -> alignFunList f (runFunApp $ ta sell sa) (runFunApp $ tb sell sb)
  242.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  243. {-# INLINE alignTraversal #-}
  245. zipAlignFunList :: forall f a b c ta tb. Applicative f => (These a b -> f c) -> FunList ta c a -> FunList tb c b -> f (Ordering, ta, tb)
  246. zipAlignFunList f = go where
  247.   go :: forall ua ub. FunList ua c a -> FunList ub c b -> f (Ordering, ua, ub)
  248.   go (Done ta) (Done tb) = pure (EQ, ta, tb)
  249.   go (Done ta) fb = fmap ((,,) LT ta) (runFunList (f . That) fb)
  250.   go fa (Done tb) = fmap (\ta -> (GT, ta, tb)) (runFunList (f . This) fa)
  251.   go (More a fa') (More b fb') = liftA2 (\c ~(o, ta, tb) -> (o, ta c, tb c)) (f (These a b)) (go fa' fb')
  252.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  253. {-# INLINE zipAlignFunList #-}
  255. zipAlignTraversal :: LensLike (FunApp a c) sa ta a c -> LensLike (FunApp b c) sb tb b c -> Traversal (sa, sb) (Ordering, ta, tb) (These a b) c
  256. zipAlignTraversal ta tb = go where
  257.   go f = \ (sa, sb) -> zipAlignFunList f (runFunApp $ ta sell sa) (runFunApp $ tb sell sb)
  258.   {-# INLINE go #-}
  259. {-# INLINE zipAlignTraversal #-}
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