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Sep 14th, 2017
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  1. 01[21:44] <Sqozza> Guess who just counter-protested the Westboro Baptists
  2. [21:44] <shortbreak0000> theu were protesting?
  3. [21:44] <shortbreak0000> why?
  4. [21:44] <shortbreak0000> who are they?
  5. 01[21:44] <Sqozza> Well, long story short
  6. 01[21:44] <Sqozza> The fucking KKK counter-protested
  7. 01[21:44] <Sqozza> :|
  8. [21:44] <shortbreak0000> KKK?
  9. 01[21:45] <Sqozza> ....
  10. 06[21:45] * Sqozza runs off screaming
  11. [21:45] <shortbreak0000> just tell me
  12. [21:45] <shortbreak0000> Ku Klux Klan?
  13. 01[21:46] <Sqozza> Yes.
  14. [21:46] <shortbreak0000> oh
  15. [21:46] <shortbreak0000> never heard of them
  16. [21:47] <shortbreak0000> and who are the Westboro Baptists, and why were they protesting?
  17. 01[21:48] <Sqozza> Google
  18. [21:48] <shortbreak0000> ok
  19. 01[21:48] <Sqozza> They don't like gay people.
  20. 01[21:48] <Sqozza> More or less
  21. [21:49] <shortbreak0000> I see
  22. [21:49] <shortbreak0000> two hate groups
  23. [21:50] <shortbreak0000> I see they're burning crosses on the Wikipedia page
  24. 01[21:50] <Sqozza> Mhmm
  25. 01[21:50] <Sqozza> And they've basically told the WBC to gtfo
  26. 01[21:50] <Sqozza> Cause they're taking it too far
  27. [21:51] <shortbreak0000> what did they do?
  28. 01[21:51] <Sqozza> Basically, WBC are rocking up at dead soldiers funerals
  29. 01[21:51] <Sqozza> and being all anti-gay
  30. [21:52] <shortbreak0000> well, I'd agree with not supporting homosexualism
  31. 01[21:52] <Sqozza> ._.
  32. [21:53] <shortbreak0000> evolutionarily it's a disease. I'm not saying you're a worse person by it, but it's a disease. One shouldn't discriminate sick people, but deifying them, as it seems to be beggining to be happening in the EU
  33. [21:53] <shortbreak0000> is wrong
  34. 01[21:54] <Sqozza> I'm not gay.
  35. 01[21:54] <Sqozza> .-.
  36. [21:54] <shortbreak0000> I'm not saying you are
  37. 03[21:55] * shortbreak0000 was kicked by Zz-_-ofpi (we don't want *your* kind here)
  38. 03[21:55] * shortbreak0000 ( has joined #NerdParadise
  39. [21:55] <shortbreak0000> I can defend my standpoint
  40. 03[21:55] * ikanreed ( has joined #NerdParadise
  41. [21:56] <shortbreak0000> hi ikanreed
  42. [21:56] <@Zz-_-ofpi> and yet, bigotry remains wrong.
  43. [21:56] <shortbreak0000> or I can apologize
  44. 01[21:56] <Sqozza> Magical wizards
  45. 06[21:56] * Sqozza dances for eofpi
  46. [21:57] <shortbreak0000> How am I a bigot?
  47. 03[21:57] * shortbreak0000 is now known as piano0000
  48. 03[21:57] * Zz-_-ofpi is now known as awayofpi
  49. [21:57] <piano0000> ^
  50. 06[21:57] * Sqozza bops eofpi
  51. 01[21:57] <Sqozza> You're derp.
  52. [21:58] <piano0000> umm
  53. [21:58] <piano0000> oh, ok
  54. [21:58] <piano0000> or wait
  55. [21:58] <piano0000> was that to me or to eofpi?
  56. 01[21:59] <Sqozza> Both of you.
  57. [21:59] <piano0000> ?
  58. [21:59] <piano0000> HOW AM I A BIGOT?
  59. [22:00] <piano0000> and how am I a dero?
  60. [22:00] <piano0000> *derp
  61. 01[22:00] <Sqozza> My opinion is, if you love someone, be free to do so.
  62. [22:00] <piano0000> I know
  63. [22:00] <piano0000> I never disagreed
  64. [22:00] <piano0000> only when you think about it evolutionarily
  65. 01[22:00] <Sqozza> Not that "Homosexuality is a disease"
  66. [22:01] <piano0000> only evolutionarily
  67. [22:01] <piano0000> a homosexual animal will not reproduce
  68. [22:01] <piano0000> and therefore will not spred its genes
  69. [22:01] <piano0000> it's only logical
  70. [22:01] <piano0000> I'm not saying it's bad to be a homosexual
  71. [22:02] <piano0000> like it's not bad to be a leper (not that I'm comparing them) or have cancer
  72. [22:02] <piano0000> well
  73. [22:02] <piano0000> no
  74. [22:02] <piano0000> let me rephrase that
  75. [22:03] <piano0000> like it's not bad to attempt to reproduce with your family
  76. 01[22:03] <Sqozza> Yes, yes it is.
  77. 01[22:03] <Sqozza> That ends up with retarded babies.
  78. 01[22:03] <Sqozza> Homosexual people don't get any unless they adopt.
  79. [22:03] <piano0000> and when they adopt
  80. [22:04] <piano0000> they can easily (I believe it's been proven) 'convert' the children
  81. 01[22:04] <Sqozza> "convert"
  82. 01[22:04] <Sqozza> I will kill you to death
  83. [22:04] <piano0000> what?
  84. 01[22:05] <Sqozza> tl;dr version
  85. [22:05] <piano0000> assuming, as you are, that homosexuality is but a different view on the world (at least, that
  86. 01[22:05] <Sqozza> If someone likes penis, let them like penis.
  87. [22:05] <piano0000> s how I understand you see it)
  88. 01[22:05] <Sqozza> If they like vagina, let them like vagina
  89. [22:05] <piano0000> I'm not sayi they can't
  90. 01[22:05] <Sqozza> Unless they try to stick a dick up my ass, I don't care what they do.
  91. [22:05] <piano0000> I'm not saying a leper can't be a leper
  92. 01[22:05] <Sqozza> If they're happy, let them be.
  93. [22:05] <piano0000> some diseases are pleasurable
  94. [22:06] <piano0000> mania, for instance
  95. 01[22:06] <Sqozza> ...
  96. [22:06] <piano0000> bipolar disorder
  97. [22:06] <piano0000> I believe it's called
  98. 01[22:06] <Sqozza> Wow, you're fucking stupid.
  99. Session Close: Tue May 31 22:06:39 2011
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