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Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. #cls
  3. # This script creates a hashtable from the COIDs & Facilities List which gives us the COID and the COID's ID value
  4. # which we need to update the Employee Removal List's COID column, which is a lookup column, dynamically. We need
  5. # this value to use to update or add a new item to the List.
  6. # This script also updates the SharePoint Online List Employee Access Removal with values from the HR csv file running as a
  7. # scheduled task each night.
  9. # Load SharePoint CSOM Assemblies
  10. Add-Type -Path "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions15ISAPIMicrosoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
  11. Add-Type -Path "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions15ISAPIMicrosoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
  13. # Variables for Processing
  14. $SiteUrl = ""
  15. $ListName="Employee Rewards"
  16. $hashTable = @{}
  17. $ListLookup = "COIDs & Facs"
  19. # Location on the local computer to where the file is stored
  20. $ImportFile ="c:tempHR.csv"
  22. # Username and password of an account that can access the Office 365 site
  24. $UserName = ""
  25. $Password = "password"
  27. # Define the array to hold all items that are flagged for change
  28. # this will be used to create a log file when we are done
  29. $curItems = @()
  31. # Get the current month number and the 4 digit year so we can filter the csv file for items in the current month and year
  32. $curMonth = Get-Date -UFormat "%m"
  33. $curYear = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y"
  35. # These variables are used to dynamically get the current month and year so we only process the data for each month
  36. $curDate = "$curMonth/*/"+$curYear
  38. #Setup Credentials to connect
  39. $Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName,(ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force))
  42. function GetLookupValues
  43. {
  44. #Set up the context
  45. $lookupCTX = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteUrl)
  46. $lookupCTX.Credentials = $Credentials
  48. $lookupList = $lookupCTX.Web.Lists.GetByTitle($ListLookup)
  49. $lookupItems = $lookupList.GetItems([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery]::CreateAllItemsQuery())
  50. $lookupCTX.Load($lookupItems)
  51. $lookupCTX.ExecuteQuery()
  52. #$items.Count
  53. foreach($item in $lookupItems)
  54. {
  55. $ID = $item["ID"].ToString()
  56. $Facility = $item["Facility"]
  57. $COID = $item["C0ID"].ToString()
  58. $hashTable.Add($ID,$COID)
  59. #Write-Host "ID: $ID | Facility Name: $Facility | COID: $COID"
  61. }
  62. #$hashTable
  63. AddData($hashTable)
  64. }
  66. function AddData($hashTable)
  67. {
  68. #Set up the context
  69. $Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteUrl)
  70. $Context.Credentials = $credentials
  72. # Get the List
  73. $List = $Context.web.Lists.GetByTitle($ListName)
  75. # Get the Data from the CSV file and add a header to it
  76. $data = Import-Csv $ImportFile -Header coid,uid,nameLast,nameFirst,departmentID,departmentDesc,jobTitleID,jobTitle,labels,blank2,email,itemIsARecord,startDate,reasonCode,classificationIDDate,status,nameFull,address1,address2,city,state,zip,description
  78. # Loop through each row in the csv file
  79. foreach($row in $data) {
  81. # Create a variable for the start date
  82. $startDate = $row.startDate
  84. # TODO: Add a try/catch block to handle exceptions
  86. # Filter for the current month and year
  87. if($startDate -like $curDate)
  88. {
  89. # Take care of formatting issues of the names look proper
  90. $fullName = $row.nameFirst.substring(0,1).toUpper()+$row.nameFirst.substring(1).toLower() + " " + $row.nameLast.substring(0,1).toUpper()+$row.nameLast.substring(1).toLower()
  92. # Add items to the List
  93. $ListItemInfo = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListItemCreationInformation
  94. $Item = $List.AddItem($ListItemInfo)
  95. $Item["COID"] = $row.COID
  96. # In order to set the value of the COID we have to use the ID we have in our
  97. # $hashTable variable, this maps to the actual COID we want to update
  98. # this is bc we are using a lookup column in our list
  99. $match = $hashTable.GetEnumerator()| Where-Object {$_.value -eq $row.coid}
  100. if($match)
  101. {
  102. # Output the employees name, the current COID, the current value in the hashtable, (these two should match)
  103. # the hashtable Key has the SharePoint List ID of the current COID, which we will use to create a string
  104. # dynamicaly and to make sure the values are what we are expecting.
  105. $fullName
  106. $row.coid
  107. $match.Value
  108. $mKey = $match.Key
  109. $mKey
  110. # Create the value to update the COID column in the format "ID;#Value"
  111. $coidValue = $mKey.ToString() + ";#" + $row.coid.ToString()
  112. #$coidValue
  113. $Item["C0ID"] = $row.coid
  114. $Item["Facility"] = $coidValue.ToString()
  115. # If the column name in the list has a space then this special char set is added to the column name: _x0020_
  116. $Item["Full_x0020_Name"] = $fullName
  117. $Item["Department"] = $row.departmentID
  118. $Item["Department_x0020_Description"] = $row.departmentDesc
  119. $Item["Body"] = $row.description
  120. $Item["Email"] = $
  121. $Item["Job_x0020_Title"] = $row.jobTitle
  122. $Item["First_x0020_Name"] = $row.nameFirst.substring(0,1).toUpper()+$row.nameFirst.substring(1).toLower()
  123. $Item["Last_x0020_Name"] = $row.nameLast.substring(0,1).toUpper()+$row.nameLast.substring(1).toLower()
  124. $Item["Reason_x0020_Code"] = $row.reasonCode
  125. $Item["StartDate"] = $row.startDate
  126. $Item["Status"] = $row.status
  127. $Item["UID"] = $row.uid
  128. $Item.Update()
  129. $Context.ExecuteQuery()
  131. # Add items to the array of what is going to be updated
  132. $curItems += @($row)
  133. }
  134. else
  135. {
  136. # Log the error
  137. }
  138. }
  140. }
  141. # Find out how many records were updated
  142. $importedItems = $curItems.Count
  143. Write-host "$importedItems items to be imported into the Employee Removal SharePoint List. Log file is in the C:Temp directory"
  144. # Create a log file with the users identified to be updated
  145. $today = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y.%m.%d"
  146. $logfilePath = "C:temp"
  147. $logFile = $logfilePath+$today + "-HR-Updates.csv"
  148. $curItems | Export-Csv -Path $logFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
  149. }
  150. # Call the function
  152. GetLookupValues
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