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a guest
Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. function GetCurentTownName()
  2. local pedCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
  3. local town_hash = Citizen.InvokeNative(0x43AD8FC02B429D33, pedCoords ,1)
  4. if town_hash == GetHashKey("Annesburg") then
  5. return "Annesburg"
  6. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Annesburg") then
  7. return "Annesburg"
  8. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Armadillo") then
  9. return "Armadillo"
  10. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Blackwater") then
  11. return "Blackwater"
  12. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("BeechersHope") then
  13. return "BeechersHope"
  14. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Braithwaite") then
  15. return "Braithwaite"
  16. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Butcher") then
  17. return "Butcher"
  18. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Caliga") then
  19. return "Caliga"
  20. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("cornwall") then
  21. return "Cornwall"
  22. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Emerald") then
  23. return "Emerald"
  24. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("lagras") then
  25. return "lagras"
  26. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Manzanita") then
  27. return "Manzanita"
  28. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Rhodes") then
  29. return "Rhodes"
  30. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Siska") then
  31. return "Siska"
  32. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("StDenis") then
  33. return "Saint Denis"
  34. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Strawberry") then
  35. return "Strawberry"
  36. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Tumbleweed") then
  37. return "Tumbleweed"
  38. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("valentine") then
  39. return "Valentine"
  40. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("VANHORN") then
  41. return "Vanhorn"
  42. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Wallace") then
  43. return "Wallace"
  44. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("wapiti") then
  45. return "Wapiti"
  46. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("AguasdulcesFarm") then
  47. return "Aguasdulces Farm"
  48. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("AguasdulcesRuins") then
  49. return "Aguasdulces Ruins"
  50. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("AguasdulcesVilla") then
  51. return "Aguasdulces Villa"
  52. elseif town_hash == GetHashKey("Manicato") then
  53. return "Manicato"
  54. end
  55. end
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