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Sep 28th, 2014
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  1. -> ? : ? [List available commands( same as help )]
  2. abl
  3. baud : abl baud <baudrate> [Sets baudrate]
  4. key : abl key <key code> [Send the corresponding key]
  5. mute : abl mute [int|user] [Sets the internal or user mute]
  6. get : envswitch AccountId get [Retrieve AccountId from SystemConfiguration File]
  7. set : envswitch AccountId set <UUID> [Put AccountId for new Environment into SystemConfiguration File]
  8. boseurls
  9. set : envswitch boseurls set <BoseServerURL> <SoftwareUpdateURL> [Put new Bose Server Urls into /mnt/nv/OverrideConfigurationEFE.xml]
  10. newenviron
  11. activate : envswitch newenviron activate <EnvName> <UserAccountName> <AccountPassword> [Activate named environment on current server using named account ]
  12. define : envswitch newenviron define <EnvName> <BoseServerURL> <SoftwareUpdateURL> [Define a new named environment with Bose Server Urls ]
  13. select : envswitch newenviron select <EnvName> <ServerUrl> <UserAccountName> <AccountPassword> [Switch named environment on named account ]
  14. swupdateurl
  15. set : envswitch swupdateurl set <URL> [Put new SwUpdateUrl into /mnt/nv/OverrideConfigurationEFE.xml]
  16. testenvironments
  17. get : envswitch testenvironments get [Get Test Environments List from Marge]
  18. ext
  19. conthist : ext conthist [list of contents]
  20. info : ext info [Check Track Info]
  21. list : ext list [contentid] [start_offset] [count] [List container of a Upnp Server]
  22. loglevel : ext loglevel [<level>] [Set level]
  23. next : ext next [Next track]
  24. pause : ext pause [Pause]
  25. play : ext play [contentid] [track|folder] [Play a track]
  26. prev : ext prev [Previous track]
  27. repeat : ext repeat [on|one|off] [Set repeat mode]
  28. select : ext select idx [select a stored music source]
  29. server : ext server | ext server server_uuid [check or set current server]
  30. servers : ext servers [List Upnp Servers]
  31. shuffle : ext shuffle [on|off] [Set shuffle mode]
  32. sources : ext sources [check stored music sources]
  33. status : ext status [Check Play Status]
  34. stop : ext stop [Stop]
  35. tracks : ext tracks [list of play_all tracks]
  36. force_battery : force_battery [force a battery device to be created, regardless of variant]
  37. getpdo : getpdo <pdo_name> [Get PDO data]
  38. getpdosize : getpdo [<pdo_name>] [Get PDO data size in bytes]
  39. gpio : gpio <number> to read, gpio <number> [on | off] to set [Read input GPIO value or set GPIO output value]
  40. help : help [List available commands( same as ? )]
  41. ir : ir <cmd> [args]
  42. echo [on|off] : echo keys to TAP as received; MUST run 'async_responses on' TAP cmd
  43. in order to see the output [IR Device commands]
  44. key : key [key_value (volume_up, volume_down, preset_1, ..., preset_6 [Simulate a key press and release]
  45. led
  46. apsetup : led apsetup [Set LED for AP Setup mode]
  47. ethernet : led ethernet connected [Set LED for ethernet connection]
  48. intensity : led intensity 0-100 [amber,white] [Light LED at given intensity]
  49. update
  50. downloading : led update downloading [Set LED for update downloading]
  51. installing : led update installing [Set LED for update installing]
  52. wifi
  53. connected : led wifi connected [Set LED for wifi connected while system on]
  54. connecting : led wifi connecting [Set LED for wifi connecting while system on]
  55. disconnected : led wifi disconnected [Set LED for wifi disconnected while system on]
  56. lightswitch
  57. dataitems : lightswitch dataitems [CLI command to Display LS data items]
  58. faststatus : lightswitch faststatus [lightswitch message to get faststatus request from Lisa eg. <lightswitch faststatus >]
  59. getfile : lightswitch getfile <id> [lightswitch message to get the file for an id]
  60. getfileid : lightswitch getfielid <Text> [CLI command to get file id for a text ]
  61. getinfo : lightswitch getinfo [Command to get LS ser no ,software version, peer address,]
  62. getstatus : lightswitch getstatus [lightswitch message to get the status request from Lisa eg. <lightswitch getstatus atmelSoftwareVersion cc2540softVersion serialno>]
  63. getstoredversions : lightswitch getstoredversions [Command to get stored software versions of Atmel and CC2540]
  64. infile : lightswitch infile <FileName> [Command to test file download ]
  65. nexttrack : lightswitch nexttrack command [lightswitch message to play next track]
  66. playpause : lightswitch playpause command [lightswitch message to play/pause the station]
  67. prevtrack : lightswitch prevtrack command [lightswitch message to play prev track]
  68. resetfiledownload : lightswitch resetfiledownload true [CLI command to set downloadbyLS1 field as true/false.If you provide an arg(true) it will set the file downloaded as true otherwise false]
  69. scmgostandby : lightswitch scmgostandby [lightswitch CLI message to go scm in network standby]
  70. selpreset : lightswitch select preset command [lightswitch message to select prreset]
  71. setinfo : lightswitch setinfo srno peerAddress softVersion [Command to set LS ser no ,software version, peer address,]
  72. setpreset : lightswitch set preset command [lightswitch message to set prreset]
  73. storegbuffer : lightswitch dumpgraphics true/false true/false [lightswitch CLI command to store graphics icon buffer into a file, pass second arg as true for COMPRESSED or false for UNCOMPRESSED]
  74. tapcmd : lightswitch tapcmd <tap command> [lightswitch tap command for local Radio]
  75. updatecheck : lightswitch updatecheck true/false [CLI command to check LS update, It need one arg if pass as false, scm will not check LS update. Default scm will check LS update]
  76. volumechange : lightswitch volumechange [lightswitch volume change message to increment and decrement the volume by some delta value]
  77. local_services : local_services on [turn on local services (persistent)]
  78. loglevel : loglevel [<level>] or loglevel [<facility> <on|off>] [Set level, set facility on/off (current status if no args)]
  79. logread : logread [on | off] [turn on logread (persistent)]
  80. flush : logread flush <usb/fs> [Flushes the contents of logread to USB or File System (/mnt/nv/BoseLog/)]
  81. net
  82. analysis : net analysis [Perform a network analysis]
  83. pandora
  84. autocomplete : Pandora autocomplete [<off|on>] [Disable/enable autocomplete search]
  85. explain : Pandora explain [explainTrack]
  86. inactivity : Pandora inactivity [<time in minutes>] [Set the inactivity timeout (in minutes)]
  87. list
  88. accounts : Pandora list accounts [List the available accounts]
  89. stations : Pandora list stations [<maximum stations>] [List the available stations]
  90. tracks : Pandora list tracks [List tracks for current station]
  91. logout : Pandora logout [Logout]
  92. maint : Pandora maint [<off|on>] [Set the maintenance mode]
  93. playstation : pandora playstation <station index> [Play a station]
  94. rate_enabled : Pandora rate_enabled [<true|false>] [Set the rate enabled/allowed for the current track]
  95. rating : Pandora rating [<DOWN|NONE|UP>] [Set the rating for the current track]
  96. restrict : Pandora restrict [<off|on>] [Set the Restriced License mode]
  97. select
  98. account : Pandora select [<account id>] [Select account]
  99. skipcountreset : Pandora skipcountreset [Reset skip count for current station]
  100. thumbs : Pandora thumbs up[down] [Thumbs up/down]
  101. remote_services : remote_services on [turn on remote services (volatile)]
  102. rtc : rtc [gettime, getalarm, enablealarm, disablealarm, getwk, read, settime, setalarm yyyy - mm - dd hh : mm : ss, setwk yyyy - mm - dd hh : mm : ss 1( 0 )]
  103. scm
  104. exp : scm exp [scm experiments]
  105. kill : scm kill [kill a process]
  106. list : scm list [List processes scm manages]
  107. log
  108. purge : scm log purge [purge scm log file]
  109. read : scm log read [read back scm log file]
  110. per : scm per on|off [turn peripherals on or off]
  111. restart : scm restart [restart a process if it is restartable, otherwise, kill the process]
  112. sim
  113. amp-fault : scm sim amp-fault [simulate detected amp-fault condition]
  114. sleep : scm sleep [Go to sleep mode]
  115. start : scm start [start a process if it is not running, otherwise, no-op]
  116. wakeup : scm wakeup 0|1 (0--reboot linux; 1-- resume apps) [set scm wakeup option (experimental)]
  117. set
  118. master : set master <IP address> [Performs a set master call to APServer with master IP as the address]
  119. swupdate
  120. abort : swupdate abort [Abort the software update operation]
  121. query : swupdate query [Request the software update server status. Use 'swupdate view' to see the results]
  122. start : swupdate start [Start the software update operation]
  123. view : swupdate view [Display the current software update status]
  124. syncout : syncout [<AM-freq> 0|1|2]
  125. no arg. dumps present value
  126. 0 == North America
  127. 1 == Europe
  128. 2 == Asia
  129. off - disable SYNC_OUT signal [Sync_out signal control]
  130. sys
  131. auxkey : sys auxkey [Set the aux button]
  132. broadcast : sys broadcast [test broadcast to external clients]
  133. mode : sys broadcast mode [test mode broadcast to external clients]
  134. presets : sys broadcast presets [send presets to external clients (both UI and Peers)]
  135. recents : sys broadcast recents (deprecated) [test recents broadcast to external clients]
  136. configuration : sys configuration <XMLTag> <Value> [Dynamically modify the current loaded configuration]
  137. factorydefault : sys factorydefault [Reset to Factory Default(It will remove device from Marge, clear the persistence, reset the SMSC cne settings and reboot the system)]
  138. iconurl : sys iconurl <SoundTouch Source Type name> <url> [Set source icon url for an STS source]
  139. list
  140. sources : sys list sources [List the current sources]
  141. pers : sys list sources [Lists source information from datastore/persistence]
  142. listdiscdev : sys listdiscdev [List the devices that have been discovered by UPnP]
  143. login : sys login pandora [<username> <password>] [login a source (provide username/password)]
  144. net
  145. down : sys net down [Simulate network down]
  146. up : sys net up [Simulate network up]
  147. next : sys next [select the next track]
  148. notify : sys notify [test notification to other Lisa devices]
  149. pause : sys pause [pause the current station]
  150. play : sys play [play the current station]
  151. playpause : sys playpause [play/pause the current station]
  152. power : sys power [issue the power key]
  153. presetkey : sys presetkey [<number> p|ph] (p=press&release, ph=press&hold) [Set a preset button]
  154. prev : sys prev [select the prev track]
  155. reboot : sys reboot [Reboot the system]
  156. remove : sys remove type name [Remove a source]
  157. select : sys select type name [Change to new source]
  158. selectslave : sys selectslave [Send a mesage to SysController to select the slave source]
  159. set
  160. language : sys set language [1-n] [Sets the system language. Displays languages if no parameters specified]
  161. setup : sys setup [transition to setup state]
  162. setupap : sys setupap <enable/disable> [Set whether setupap mode (auto/off)]
  163. standby : sys standby [ |lowpower|charging] [transition to standby, low power standby or to charging standby]
  164. stop : sys stop [stop the current station]
  165. syncmarge : sys syncMarge [Sync with Marge]
  166. timeout : sys timeout inactivity seconds|enable|disable or sys timeout onbattery seconds [Override the default timeout for testing purpose]
  167. ver : sys ver [output BoseApp build version]
  168. volume : sys volume [setvalue updateDisplay] [set or get the system volume, enable/disable display update]
  169. down : sys volume down [delta] [decrease the system volume]
  170. max : sys volume max [threshold] [set the system volume max threshold]
  171. min : sys volume min [threshold] [set the system volume min threshold]
  172. mute : sys volume mute (toggle|on|off) [mute the system volume]
  173. up : sys volume up [delta] [increase the system volume]
  174. zone : sys zone [off|on] [Set/Get zone state]
  175. test
  176. senderrornotify : test sendErrorNotify [Sends a test error notification message]
  177. vm
  178. btest : vm btest [picture] [Test VM bottom pict]
  179. btesttext : vm btesttext [text to display] [Test VM bottom text]
  180. ftest : vm ftest [picture] [Test VM full pict]
  181. lspict : vm lspict [width] [height] [picture_ID] [Test Light Switch Pict]
  182. lstext : vm lstext [max font] [min font] [width] [height] [text] [Test Light Switch Text]
  183. set
  184. battery : vm set battery [0-100] [Set the VM pdo battery level percentage]
  185. test
  186. string : vm test string <stringId> [Test a Multi-language string on the display]
  187. ttag
  188. cycletime : vm ttag cycletime <time_in_milliseconds> [Set the cycle time for displaying ttag data]
  189. ttest : vm ttest [picture] [Test VM top pict]
  190. vtuner
  191. geturls : vtuner geturls [display current vtuner urls]
  192. home : vtuner home [List the home menu items. If <printlines> is not given, then the response from vtuner server won't be printed]
  193. inject
  194. badtoken : vtuner inject badtoken [<number of command transactions to corrupt>] [vtuner corrupt command request with un-encrypted token]
  195. ipaddr : vtuner inject ipaddr [<ip address to inject>] [<number of login transactions with new ip address>] [vtuner augment login command with alternative ip address]
  196. logapi : vtuner inject logapi [<number of vTuner responses to send to log>] [vtuner send dump of vTunerAPI responses to TEST_AUTO port]
  197. naverr : vtuner inject naverr [<number of nav errors>] [set vtuner navigation error count]
  198. playurl : vtuner setplayurl [<play url>] [<number of set requests to modify, -1 = forever>] [vtuner override play url returned from vtuner]
  199. protohint : vtuner setprotohint [<ptoto hint>] [<number of set requests to modify, -1 = forever>] [vtuner override proto hint returned from vtuner]
  200. srchlang : vtuner inject srchlang [<ISO language code>] [<number of search requests to modify>] [vtuner augment search request to use spelling specified by language code]
  201. list
  202. dir : vtuner list dir [<printlines>] [list current vtuner directory. If <printlines> is given, then only specified # of lines will be printed]
  203. station : vtuner list station [list current vtuner station info]
  204. localebackupurl : vtuner localebackupurl [<url>] [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner locale backup url]
  205. localeurl : vtuner localeurl [<url>] [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner locale primary url]
  206. location : vtuner location [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner location to use for the solr search]
  207. loginbackupurl : vtuner loginbackupurl [<url>] [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner login backup url]
  208. loginurl : vtuner loginurl [<url>] [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner login primary url]
  209. logout : vtuner logout [logout of vtuner server]
  210. open : vtuner open <index_num>/previous [<printlines>/all] [Open an entry of current directory, or open 'home', or open 'previous'. If <printlines> is not given, then the response from vtuner server won't be printed]
  211. predictivesearchurl : vtuner prectivesearchurl [<url>] [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner predictive search primary url]
  212. previous : vtuner previous [List the previous menu items.]
  213. search : vtuner search [search vtuner stations]
  214. searchbackupurl : vtuner searchbackupurl [<url>] [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner search backup url]
  215. searchurl : vtuner searchurl [<url>] [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner search primary url]
  216. solrsearchurl : vtuner solrsearchurl [<url>] [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner solr search url]
  217. status : vtuner status [show vtuner current station playback status]
  218. usesolrsearch : vtuner usesolrsearch [set or get (no argument gets) vtuner flag to force use of the solr search]
  219. webserver
  220. clients [Lists all connected clients via websockets]
  221. details [Lists all connected clients via websockets and all stats associated]
  222. devicelist [List all discovered devices]
  223. reqhist [Lists all last 100 requests]
  224. resphist [Lists all last 100 responses]
  225. stats [List all information regarding transactions going through webserver]
  226. ws
  227. acctmode
  228. get : ws AcctMode get [get AcctMode]
  229. set : ws AcctMode set <MODE> [set a new AcctMode]
  230. addpreset : ws AddPreset <SOURCE> <LOCATION> <LABEL> <SOURCEACCOUNT> <PRESETID> [NB: label may be quoted with " characters]
  231. getdeviceinfo : ws GetDeviceInfo
  232. getpresets : ws GetPresets [get presets]
  233. pairdevicewithmargeaccount : ws PairDeviceWithMargeAccount MARGEMAIL MARGEUUID PASSWORD
  234. removepreset : ws RemovePreset <PRESETID> [remove a preset]
  235. renamedevice : ws RenameDevice NEWDEVICENAME
  236. unpairdevicewithmargeaccount : ws UnPairDeviceWithMargeAccount
  237. ->
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