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Apr 16th, 2018
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text 8.43 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {
  2. "cells": [
  3. {
  4. "cell_type": "code",
  5. "execution_count": 4,
  6. "metadata": {
  7. "ExecuteTime": {
  8. "end_time": "2018-04-08T17:04:37.142633Z",
  9. "start_time": "2018-04-08T17:04:37.119296Z"
  10. }
  11. },
  12. "outputs": [
  13. {
  14. "name": "stdout",
  15. "output_type": "stream",
  16. "text": [
  17. "Using matplotlib backend: MacOSX\n"
  18. ]
  19. }
  20. ],
  21. "source": [
  22. "import matplotlib as mpl\n",
  23. "from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D, proj3d\n",
  24. "import numpy as np\n",
  25. "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
  26. "%matplotlib auto"
  27. ]
  28. },
  29. {
  30. "cell_type": "code",
  31. "execution_count": 5,
  32. "metadata": {
  33. "ExecuteTime": {
  34. "end_time": "2018-04-08T17:04:38.420881Z",
  35. "start_time": "2018-04-08T17:04:38.126231Z"
  36. }
  37. },
  38. "outputs": [],
  39. "source": [
  40. "def circle(p0, p1, ax, **kwargs):\n",
  41. " \"\"\"Draw circle passing through p0 and p1\"\"\"\n",
  42. " v = np.cross(p0, p1)\n",
  43. " u = np.cross(p0, v)\n",
  44. " p0 = np.array(p0)/np.sqrt(, p0))\n",
  45. " u = u/np.sqrt(, u))\n",
  46. " theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)\n",
  47. " r = np.outer(p0, np.cos(theta)) + np.outer(u, np.sin(theta))\n",
  48. " ax.plot(r[0], r[1], r[2], **kwargs)\n",
  49. "\n",
  50. "def circle_pole(p0, ax, **kwargs):\n",
  51. " \"\"\"Draw great circle with pole at p0\"\"\"\n",
  52. " rand = np.random.uniform(size=3)\n",
  53. " rand /= np.sqrt(, rand))\n",
  54. " u = np.cross(p0, rand)\n",
  55. " v = np.cross(p0, u)\n",
  56. " u /= np.sqrt(, u))\n",
  57. " v /= np.sqrt(, v))\n",
  58. " theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)\n",
  59. " r = np.outer(u, np.cos(theta)) + np.outer(v, np.sin(theta))\n",
  60. " ax.plot(r[0], r[1], r[2], **kwargs)\n",
  61. "\n",
  62. "def surface_arc(p0, radius, ax, start=0, stop=2*np.pi, label=None, **kwargs):\n",
  63. " \"\"\"Draw an arc around `p0` with `radius` from angle `start` to `stop`, where\n",
  64. " start and stop are measured CCW from +Alt when viewing from outside sphere.\"\"\"\n",
  65. " # Almost the same as circle_pole.\n",
  66. " # First find a vector perp to vertical and to p0\n",
  67. " u = np.cross(p0, [0,0,1])\n",
  68. " u /= np.sqrt(, u))\n",
  69. " # Next find a vector perp to u and p0\n",
  70. " v = np.cross(u, p0)\n",
  71. " v /= np.sqrt(, v))\n",
  72. " \n",
  73. " theta = np.linspace(start, stop, 100)\n",
  74. " # Tricky bit is center of circle is not (0,0,0), but point, and radius != 1\n",
  75. " r = np.outer(radius*v, np.cos(theta)) + np.outer(radius*u, np.sin(theta))\n",
  76. " r += np.array(p0)[:,None]\n",
  77. " ax.plot(r[0], r[1], r[2], **kwargs)\n",
  78. "\n",
  79. " # return label at midway point along arc\n",
  80. " if label:\n",
  81. " theta = 0.5*(start+stop)\n",
  82. " r = radius*v*np.cos(theta) + radius*u*np.sin(theta)\n",
  83. " r += np.array(p0)\n",
  84. " return r, ax.annotate(label, xy=(0, 0))\n",
  85. "\n",
  86. "def solve_triangle(alt, az, lat):\n",
  87. " # correct for lat>0 and HA<0\n",
  88. " c90malt = np.cos(np.pi/2-alt)\n",
  89. " c90mlat = np.cos(np.pi/2-lat)\n",
  90. " s90malt = np.sin(np.pi/2-alt)\n",
  91. " s90mlat = np.sin(np.pi/2-lat)\n",
  92. " caz = np.cos(az)\n",
  93. " saz = np.sin(az)\n",
  94. " c90mdec = c90malt*c90mlat + s90malt*s90mlat*caz\n",
  95. " dec = np.pi/2 - np.arccos(c90mdec) # This arccos is unambiguous\n",
  96. "\n",
  97. " # arcsin, arccos would be ambiguous here, so use arctan2\n",
  98. " s90mdec = np.sin(np.pi/2-dec)\n",
  99. " smq = saz/s90mdec*s90mlat\n",
  100. " cmq = (c90mlat-c90malt*c90mdec)/s90malt*s90mdec\n",
  101. " q = -np.arctan2(smq, cmq)\n",
  102. "\n",
  103. " # arcsin here is ambiguous, use arctan2\n",
  104. " smha = saz/s90mdec*s90malt\n",
  105. " cmha = (c90malt-c90mlat*c90mdec)/(s90mlat*s90mdec)\n",
  106. " ha = -np.arctan2(smha, cmha)\n",
  107. "\n",
  108. " print(\"alt = \", alt*180/np.pi)\n",
  109. " print(\"az = \", az*180/np.pi)\n",
  110. " print(\"lat = \", lat*180/np.pi)\n",
  111. " print(\"ha = \", ha*180/np.pi)\n",
  112. " print(\"dec = \", dec*180/np.pi)\n",
  113. " print(\"q = \", q*180/np.pi)\n",
  114. "\n",
  115. " return dict(ha=ha, dec=dec, q=q)"
  116. ]
  117. },
  118. {
  119. "cell_type": "code",
  120. "execution_count": 6,
  121. "metadata": {
  122. "ExecuteTime": {
  123. "end_time": "2018-04-08T17:04:39.318415Z",
  124. "start_time": "2018-04-08T17:04:38.797974Z"
  125. }
  126. },
  127. "outputs": [
  128. {
  129. "name": "stdout",
  130. "output_type": "stream",
  131. "text": [
  132. "alt = 65.6\n",
  133. "az = 231.36\n",
  134. "lat = 19.800000000000004\n",
  135. "ha = 18.8668475078\n",
  136. "dec = 3.77165715688\n",
  137. "q = 47.5581097468\n"
  138. ]
  139. }
  140. ],
  141. "source": [
  142. "# constants\n",
  143. "zenith = [0,0,1]\n",
  144. "nadir = [0,0,-1]\n",
  145. "horizon_north = [0,1,0]\n",
  146. "horizon_east = [1,0,0]\n",
  147. "\n",
  148. "# inputs and derived\n",
  149. "lat = 19.8*np.pi/180\n",
  150. "NCP = [0,np.cos(lat),np.sin(lat)]\n",
  151. "SCP = [0,-np.cos(lat),-np.sin(lat)]\n",
  152. "alt = 65.6*np.pi/180\n",
  153. "az = 231.36*np.pi/180\n",
  154. "point = [np.cos(alt)*np.sin(az),\n",
  155. " np.cos(alt)*np.cos(az),\n",
  156. " np.sin(alt)]\n",
  157. "triangle = solve_triangle(alt, az, lat)\n",
  158. "q = triangle['q']\n",
  159. "ha = triangle['ha']\n",
  160. "dec = triangle['dec']\n",
  161. "\n",
  162. "fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7))\n",
  163. "ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')\n",
  164. "ax.view_init(10,0)\n",
  165. "\n",
  166. "# plot unit sphere\n",
  167. "phi, theta = np.mgrid[0.0:np.pi:20j, 0.0:2.0*np.pi:20j]\n",
  168. "r = 1\n",
  169. "x = r*np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta)\n",
  170. "y = r*np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta)\n",
  171. "z = r*np.cos(phi)\n",
  172. "ax.plot_surface(x, y, z,\n",
  173. " rstride=1, cstride=1, \n",
  174. " color='c', alpha=0.1, linewidth=0)\n",
  175. "\n",
  176. "# Plot hour angle=0 circle\n",
  177. "circle(zenith, horizon_north, ax, c='k')\n",
  178. "ax.set_xlabel(\"x\")\n",
  179. "ax.set_ylabel(\"y\")\n",
  180. "ax.set_zlabel(\"z\")\n",
  181. "\n",
  182. "# Plot Zenith/nadir point\n",
  183. "ax.scatter(*zenith, c='r')\n",
  184. "ax.scatter(*nadir, c='r')\n",
  185. "\n",
  186. "# Plot NCP/SCP point\n",
  187. "ax.scatter(*NCP, c='b')\n",
  188. "ax.scatter(*SCP, c='b')\n",
  189. "\n",
  190. "# Plot horizon\n",
  191. "circle(horizon_north, horizon_east, ax, c='r')\n",
  192. "\n",
  193. "# Plot *\n",
  194. "ax.scatter(*point, c='k')\n",
  195. "\n",
  196. "# Plot meridian. Goes through zenith and point\n",
  197. "circle(zenith, point, ax, c='r')\n",
  198. "\n",
  199. "# Plot hour circle through NCP and point\n",
  200. "circle(NCP, point, ax, c='b')\n",
  201. "\n",
  202. "# Plot equator.\n",
  203. "circle_pole(NCP, ax, c='b')\n",
  204. "\n",
  205. "# Label the hour angle\n",
  206. "if ha > 0:\n",
  207. " halabel = surface_arc(NCP, 0.15, ax, start=0, stop=-ha, label=\"HA\")\n",
  208. "else:\n",
  209. " halabel = surface_arc(NCP, 0.15, ax, start=0, stop=-ha, label=\"-HA\")\n",
  210. "\n",
  211. "# Label the parallactic angle\n",
  212. "if q > 0:\n",
  213. " qlabel = surface_arc(point, 0.15, ax, start=0, stop=q, label=\"q\")\n",
  214. "else:\n",
  215. " qlabel = surface_arc(point, 0.15, ax, start=0, stop=q, label=\"-q\")\n",
  216. "\n",
  217. "# Add labels\n",
  218. "labels = []\n",
  219. "labels.append((NCP, ax.annotate(\"NCP\", xy=(0,0))))\n",
  220. "labels.append((SCP, ax.annotate(\"SCP\", xy=(0,0))))\n",
  221. "labels.append((zenith, ax.annotate(\"zenith\", xy=(0,0))))\n",
  222. "labels.append((nadir, ax.annotate(\"nadir\", xy=(0,0))))\n",
  223. "labels.append((point, ax.annotate(\"*\", xy=(0,0))))\n",
  224. "labels.append(halabel)\n",
  225. "labels.append(qlabel)\n",
  226. "\n",
  227. "def update_position(labels, fig, ax):\n",
  228. " for p, label in labels:\n",
  229. " x, y, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(p[0], p[1], p[2], ax.get_proj())\n",
  230. " label.set_x(x)\n",
  231. " label.set_y(y)\n",
  232. " fig.canvas.draw()\n",
  233. "update_position(labels, fig, ax)\n",
  234. "fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', lambda event: update_position(labels, fig, ax))\n",
  235. "pass"
  236. ]
  237. },
  238. {
  239. "cell_type": "code",
  240. "execution_count": null,
  241. "metadata": {},
  242. "outputs": [],
  243. "source": []
  244. }
  245. ],
  246. "metadata": {
  247. "anaconda-cloud": {},
  248. "kernelspec": {
  249. "display_name": "Python 3",
  250. "language": "python",
  251. "name": "python3"
  252. },
  253. "language_info": {
  254. "codemirror_mode": {
  255. "name": "ipython",
  256. "version": 3
  257. },
  258. "file_extension": ".py",
  259. "mimetype": "text/x-python",
  260. "name": "python",
  261. "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
  262. "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
  263. "version": "3.6.2"
  264. }
  265. },
  266. "nbformat": 4,
  267. "nbformat_minor": 1
  268. }
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