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a guest
Feb 22nd, 2019
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  1. first call data -> A B C D are added to the recyclerview
  2. second call data -> A B C D E F
  3. compare data from call 1 with call 2 and add E F because they are different
  5. the final result to be shown in the recyclerview would be the following A B C D E F
  7. mData.remove(position);
  8. notifyItemRemoved(position);
  9. notifyItemRangeChanged(position, mData.size());
  10. notifyDataSetChanged();
  11. //this lines deletes the final button, and after add the new data
  12. JSONArray res = response_json.getJSONArray("res");
  13. for(int i=0;i<mData.size();i++){
  14. if(i >= row_index){ //row_index I identify the index of the page to update from it
  15. for(int j=0;j<res.length();j++){
  16. JSONObject item = res.getJSONObject(j);
  17. if(mData.get(i).getId() != item.getInt("id")){
  18. //add diferent data
  19. obj = new Obj();
  20. obj.setId_pedido(item.getInt("id"));
  21. obj.setValor(item.getString("valor"));
  22. mData.add(obj);
  23. notifyDataSetChanged();
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }
  27. }
  28. Obj mas = new Obj();
  29. mas.setId_pedido(0);
  30. mas.setValor("OBtener mas data");
  31. mData.add(mas);
  32. //Add the final button
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