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Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. Starting server
  2. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0
  3. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using the ParNew young collector with the Serial old collector is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
  4. [12:45:27] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
  5. [12:45:27] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
  6. [12:45:27] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLServerTweaker
  7. [12:45:29] [main/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.10.2 loading
  8. [12:45:29] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_201, running on Windows 10:amd64:10.0, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_201
  9. [12:45:31] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker guichaguri.betterfps.tweaker.BetterFpsTweaker from BetterFps-1.4.5-1.10.jar
  10. [12:45:31] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.lib.asm.CCLCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  11. [12:45:31] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  12. [12:45:32] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  13. [12:45:32] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod net.shadowfacts.forgelin.preloader.ForgelinPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  14. [12:45:32] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod com.pengu.hammercore.asm.HammerCoreCore does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  15. [12:45:32] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  16. [12:45:32] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod lumien.randomthings.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  17. [12:45:32] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod net.fybertech.nwr.NWRTweak does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  18. [12:45:32] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod lumien.resourceloader.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  19. [12:45:32] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod shetiphian.core.asm.TweakPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  20. [12:45:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  21. [12:45:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name guichaguri.betterfps.tweaker.BetterFpsTweaker
  22. [12:45:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  23. [12:45:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  24. [12:45:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
  25. [12:45:32] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  26. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [FML]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
  27. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  28. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  29. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  30. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  31. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  32. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  33. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  34. [12:45:33] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  35. [12:45:34] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  36. [12:45:34] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class guichaguri.betterfps.tweaker.BetterFpsTweaker
  37. [12:45:34] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
  38. [12:45:34] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  39. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore]: Beginning early config parsing...
  40. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore]: Finished config parsing.
  41. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  42. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  43. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  44. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  45. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [FML]: Found runtime patcher net.ilexiconn.llibrary.server.core.patcher.LLibraryRuntimePatcher
  46. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  47. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  48. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  49. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  50. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [FML]: Found runtime patcher com.jamieswhiteshirt.literalascension.core.patcher.LiteralAscensionRuntimePatcher
  51. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  52. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [FML]: Found runtime patcher com.jamieswhiteshirt.literalascension.core.patcher.LiteralAscensionRuntimePatcher$onInit$1
  53. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  54. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  55. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
  56. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  57. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
  58. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [FML]: Patching class net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer
  59. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [FML]: Patching method run()V
  60. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:113]: Added METHOD:
  61. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.patches.ClassGetSimpleNamePatch$FFMethodVisitor:visitMethodInsn:49]: Replaced getSimpleName with getName
  62. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [Hammer Core [ASM]]: Transforming net.minecraft.util.HttpUtil (rb)...
  63. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [ShetiPhian-ASM]: Attempting: Injection of Run Particle Override into Entity.createRunningParticles
  64. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [ShetiPhian-ASM]: Searching for: Entity.createRunningParticles (func_174808_Z)
  65. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [ShetiPhian-ASM]: Found Method: Entity.createRunningParticles
  66. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [ShetiPhian-ASM]: Injecting: Run Particle Override
  67. [12:45:35] [main/INFO] [EnderCore]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer finished, added func_184613_cA() overriding EntityLivingBase
  68. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [FML]: Patching class net/minecraft/entity/EntityLivingBase
  69. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [FML]: Patching method func_70617_f_()Z
  70. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer}
  71. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [BetterFps]: Patching net.minecraft.block.Block... (akf)
  72. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer:transform:38]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.block.Block], Method [getExtendedState]
  73. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer:transform:93]: Transforming net.minecraft.block.Block Finished.
  74. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore]: Attempting to patch class
  75. [12:45:36] [main/WARN] [BiomeTweakerCore]: Failed to insert sky color instructions. If this is a server, don't worry. If if this a client, worry. A lot.
  76. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [BiomeTweakerCore]: Sucessfully patched! 15 patches were applied.
  77. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [BetterFps]: Patching net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper... (ams)
  78. [12:45:36] [main/INFO] [BetterFps]: Patching math utils with "RIVENS_HALF" algorithm
  79. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:103]: Spliced in METHOD: net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer.createState
  80. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:103]: Spliced in METHOD:
  81. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:136]: Added FIELD:
  82. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:136]: Added FIELD:
  83. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:103]: Spliced in METHOD:
  84. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:103]: Spliced in METHOD:
  85. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:103]: Spliced in METHOD:
  86. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:136]: Added FIELD:
  87. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:136]: Added FIELD:
  88. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully patched sg.recreateLeash.
  89. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [BetterFps]: Patching net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBeacon... (aqj)
  90. [12:45:37] [main/INFO] [BetterFps]: Patching net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityHopper... (aqx)
  91. [12:45:39] [main/INFO] [EnderCore]: Transforming Class [], Method [func_75246_d]
  92. [12:45:39] [main/INFO] [EnderCore]: Transforming Finished.
  93. [12:45:39] [main/INFO] [BetterFps]: Patching net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer... (ld)
  94. [12:45:39] [main/INFO] [EnderCore]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace], Method [func_82846_b]
  95. [12:45:40] [main/INFO] [EnderCore]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace Finished.
  96. [12:45:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.10.2
  97. [12:45:40] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: MinecraftForge v12.18.3.2477 Initialized
  98. [12:45:40] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Replaced 231 ore recipes
  99. [12:45:40] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 0 mods from the command line. Injecting into mod discoverer
  100. [12:45:40] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Searching C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods for mods
  101. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  102. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid AppleCore is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  103. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  104. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  105. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  106. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  107. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  108. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)...
  109. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  110. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [autopackager]: Mod autopackager is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.6.4b
  111. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  112. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid AutoRegLib is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  113. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  114. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  115. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  116. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  117. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  118. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)...
  119. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  120. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  121. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Baubles is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  122. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  123. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  124. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  125. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  126. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  127. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)...
  128. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  129. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [betterbuilderswands]: Mod betterbuilderswands is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 0.11.1
  130. [12:45:41] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod betterthanbunnies it is client side only.
  131. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  132. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid BlockDispenser is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  133. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  134. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  135. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  136. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  137. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  138. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  139. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  140. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  141. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid BloodMagic is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  142. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  143. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  144. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  145. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  146. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  147. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  148. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  149. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  150. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Botania is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  151. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  152. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  153. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  154. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  155. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  156. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  157. [12:45:41] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  158. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  159. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Chameleon is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  160. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  161. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  162. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  163. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  164. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  165. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  166. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  167. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  168. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid CharsetLib is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  169. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  170. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  171. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  172. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  173. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  174. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  175. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  176. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  177. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid CharsetPipes is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  178. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  179. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  180. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  181. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  182. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  183. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  184. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  185. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  186. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid CharsetWrench is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  187. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  188. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  189. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  190. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  191. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  192. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  193. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  194. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  195. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid ChestTransporter is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  196. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  197. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  198. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  199. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  200. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  201. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  202. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  203. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  204. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid ChickenChunks is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  205. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  206. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  207. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  208. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  209. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  210. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  211. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  212. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [ChickenChunks]: Mod ChickenChunks is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  213. [12:45:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod clienttweaks it is client side only.
  214. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  215. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid CodeChickenCore is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  216. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  217. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  218. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  219. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  220. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  221. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  222. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  223. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [CodeChickenCore]: Mod CodeChickenCore is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  224. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  225. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid CodeChickenLib is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  226. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  227. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  228. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  229. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  230. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  231. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  232. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  233. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [CodeChickenLib]: Mod CodeChickenLib is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  234. [12:45:42] [Server thread/INFO] [ccl-entityhook]: Mod ccl-entityhook is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting ccl-entityhook
  235. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [ccl-entityhook]: Mod ccl-entityhook is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
  236. [12:45:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod controlling it is client side only.
  237. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [cookingforblockheads]: Mod cookingforblockheads is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 4.2.45
  238. [12:45:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod ctgui it is client side only.
  239. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  240. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid MineTweaker3 is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  241. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  242. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  243. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  244. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  245. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  246. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  247. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  248. [12:45:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod ctm it is client side only.
  249. [12:45:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod custommainmenu it is client side only.
  250. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  251. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid PTRModelLib is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  252. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  253. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  254. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  255. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  256. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  257. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  258. [12:45:42] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  259. [12:45:42] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod defaultoptions it is client side only.
  260. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  261. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid DragonMounts is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  262. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  263. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  264. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  265. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  266. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  267. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  268. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  269. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  270. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid EnderIO is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  271. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  272. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  273. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  274. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  275. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  276. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  277. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  278. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  279. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid EnderStorage is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  280. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  281. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  282. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  283. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  284. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  285. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  286. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  287. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderStorage]: Mod EnderStorage is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  288. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [engineersworkshop]: Mod engineersworkshop is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.3.6-1.10.2
  289. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [excompressum]: Mod excompressum is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2.0.97
  290. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  291. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid ExtraBitManipulation is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  292. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  293. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  294. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  295. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  296. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  297. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  298. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  299. [12:45:43] [Server thread/WARN] [farmingforblockheads]: Mod farmingforblockheads is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.1.16
  300. [12:45:44] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod fw it is client side only.
  301. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  302. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Funnels is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  303. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  304. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  305. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  306. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  307. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  308. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  309. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  310. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  311. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid GardenOfGlass is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  312. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  313. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  314. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  315. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  316. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  317. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  318. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  319. [12:45:44] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod googlyeyes it is client side only.
  320. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  321. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Waila is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  322. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  323. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  324. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  325. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  326. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  327. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  328. [12:45:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  329. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  330. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid InGameInfoXML is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  331. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  332. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  333. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  334. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  335. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  336. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  337. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  338. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [ironchest]: Mod ironchest is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.10.2-
  339. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  340. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid ItsRainingFood is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  341. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  342. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  343. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  344. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  345. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  346. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  347. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  348. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  349. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid JEI is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  350. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  351. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  352. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  353. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  354. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  355. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  356. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  357. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [kleeslabs]: Mod kleeslabs is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 3.3.5
  358. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  359. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid LunatriusCore is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  360. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  361. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  362. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  363. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  364. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  365. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  366. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  367. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  368. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Morpheus is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  369. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  370. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  371. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  372. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  373. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  374. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  375. [12:45:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  376. [12:45:45] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod mousetweaks it is client side only.
  377. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  378. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Neat is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  379. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  380. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  381. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  382. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  383. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  384. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  385. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  386. [12:45:46] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod Neat it is client side only.
  387. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  388. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid OpenComputers is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  389. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  390. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  391. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  392. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  393. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  394. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  395. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  396. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  397. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Psi is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  398. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  399. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  400. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  401. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  402. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  403. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  404. [12:45:46] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  405. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  406. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid ResourceLoader is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  407. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  408. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  409. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  410. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  411. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  412. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  413. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  414. [12:45:47] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Disabling mod ResourceLoader it is client side only.
  415. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  416. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid SimpleAchievements is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  417. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  418. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  419. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  420. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  421. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  422. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  423. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  424. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  425. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid SimpleLabels is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  426. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  427. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  428. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  429. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  430. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  431. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  432. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  433. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  434. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid StorageDrawers is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  435. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  436. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  437. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  438. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  439. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  440. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  441. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  442. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  443. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The modid Translocator is not the same as it's lowercase version. Lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
  444. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.sanityCheckModId(
  445. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.<init>(
  446. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  447. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  448. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
  449. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  450. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  451. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [Translocator]: Mod Translocator is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
  452. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [twitchcrumbs]: Mod twitchcrumbs is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 2.0.4
  453. [12:45:47] [Server thread/INFO] [voidcup]: Mod voidcup is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting voidcup
  454. [12:45:47] [Server thread/WARN] [voidcup]: Mod voidcup is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
  455. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 184 mods to load
  456. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  457. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API CoFHAPI from source C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods\SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
  458. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager$APIContainer.validate(
  459. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.registerDataTableAndParseAPI(
  460. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.manageAPI(
  461. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
  462. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  463. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  464. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  465. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  466. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API CoFHAPI from source C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods\SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
  467. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager$APIContainer.validate(
  468. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.registerDataTableAndParseAPI(
  469. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.manageAPI(
  470. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
  471. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  472. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  473. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  474. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  475. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API CoFHAPI from source C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods\SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
  476. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager$APIContainer.validate(
  477. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.registerDataTableAndParseAPI(
  478. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.manageAPI(
  479. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
  480. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  481. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  482. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  483. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  484. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API CoFHAPI from source C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods\SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
  485. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager$APIContainer.validate(
  486. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.registerDataTableAndParseAPI(
  487. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.manageAPI(
  488. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
  489. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  490. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  491. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  492. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  493. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API CoFHAPI from source C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods\SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
  494. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager$APIContainer.validate(
  495. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.registerDataTableAndParseAPI(
  496. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.manageAPI(
  497. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
  498. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  499. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  500. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  501. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  502. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API CoFHAPI from source C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods\SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
  503. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager$APIContainer.validate(
  504. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.registerDataTableAndParseAPI(
  505. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.manageAPI(
  506. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
  507. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  508. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  509. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  510. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  511. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API CoFHAPI from source C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods\SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
  512. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager$APIContainer.validate(
  513. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.registerDataTableAndParseAPI(
  514. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.manageAPI(
  515. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
  516. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  517. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  518. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  519. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  520. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API CoFHAPI from source C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\mods\SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
  521. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager$APIContainer.validate(
  522. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.registerDataTableAndParseAPI(
  523. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModAPIManager.manageAPI(
  524. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(
  525. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(
  526. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(
  527. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  528. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [zerocore] containing declared API package cofh.api.core (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  529. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [valkyrielib] containing declared API package cofh.api.core (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  530. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [hatchery] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
  531. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [reborncore, reborncore-mcmultipart] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
  532. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [immersiveengineering] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
  533. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [brandonscore] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
  534. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [actuallyadditions] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
  535. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [zerocore] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
  536. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [simplyjetpacks] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
  537. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [refinedstorage] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
  538. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [moarsigns] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
  539. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [solarfluxreborn] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
  540. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [engineersworkshop] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
  541. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [valkyrielib] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
  542. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [rangedpumps] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
  543. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [energyconverters] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
  544. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [sonarcore] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by cofhlib) without associated API reference
  545. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [hatchery] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  546. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [reborncore, reborncore-mcmultipart] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  547. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [immersiveengineering] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  548. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [extrautils2] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  549. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [brandonscore] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  550. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [notenoughwands] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  551. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [actuallyadditions] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  552. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [zerocore] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  553. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [simplyjetpacks] containing declared API package (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  554. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [zerocore] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI) without associated API reference
  555. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [moarsigns] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  556. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [valkyrielib] containing declared API package cofh.api.item (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  557. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [refinedstorage] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  558. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [solarfluxreborn] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  559. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [extrautils2] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  560. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [engineersworkshop] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  561. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [valkyrielib] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  562. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [notenoughwands] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  563. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [rangedpumps] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  564. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [energyconverters] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  565. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found mod(s) [sonarcore] containing declared API package (owned by cofhapi) without associated API reference
  566. [12:45:48] [Server thread/WARN] [BiomeTweakerCore]: Mod BiomeTweakerCore has been disabled through configuration
  567. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file BetterThanBunnies-1.10.2-1.1.0.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  568. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file ClientTweaks_1.10.2-1.1.16.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  569. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file compatlayer-1.10-0.2.9.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  570. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file Controlling-1.0.5.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  571. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file CTM-MC1.10.2- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  572. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file CustomMainMenu-MC1.10.2-2.0.5.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  573. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file DefaultOptions_1.10.2-6.1.5.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  574. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file FullscreenWindowed-1.10.2-1.5.1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  575. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file GooglyEyes-1.10.2-6.0.0.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  576. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file mcjtylib-1.1x-2.4.3.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  577. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file MouseTweaks-2.8-mc1.10.2.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  578. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file Neat 1.3-12.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  579. [12:45:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: FML has found a non-mod file ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
  580. [12:45:52] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, NotEnoughItems, OpenComputers|Core, foamfixcore, fenceoverhaul, actuallyadditions, actuallycomputers, flyringbaublemod, AppleCore, apple_shields, appleskin, autopackager, AutoRegLib, baconators, base, Baubles, bdlib, bedbugs, betterbuilderswands, biometweaker, BlockDispenser, BloodMagic, bookshelf, Botania, brandonscore, ceramics, Chameleon, chancecubes, CharsetLib, CharsetPipes, CharsetWrench, ChestTransporter, ChickenChunks, chickens, chisel, chiselsandbits, clipboard, clumps, CodeChickenCore, CodeChickenLib, ccl-entityhook, colossalchests, commoncapabilities, cookingforblockheads, MineTweaker3, crafttweakerjei, cyclopscore, darkutils, PTRModelLib, props, dimensionalcake, draconicevolution, DragonMounts, bitdrawers, elevatorid, endercore, EnderIO, EnderStorage, energyconverters, engineersworkshop, environmentaltech, etlunar, excompressum, exnihiloadscensio, ExtraBitManipulation, extrautils2, bigreactors, fairylights, farmingforblockheads, flatcoloredblocks, fluxnetworks, foamfix, forgelin, ftbl, ftbu, Funnels, GardenOfGlass, advgenerators, gravestone, grue, guideapi, gyth, hammercore, hatchery, headcrumbs, hopperducts, Waila, hydrogel, immersiveengineering, InGameInfoXML, initialinventory, integrateddynamics, integratedtunnels, inventorysorter, ironbackpacks, ironchest, itsbecauseuhasnogoodspawn, ItsRainingFood, JEI, journeymap, kleeslabs, literalascension, llibrary, boots, lootbags, LunatriusCore, mantle, mcmultipart, mercurius, minemenu, minicoal, missing_pieces, moarsigns, mob_grinding_utils, modtweaker, morechickens, shear, moreshears, Morpheus, mpbasic, mputils, mtlib, mysticalagriculture, natura, nice, notenoughwands, OpenComputers, oreexcavation, packingtape, harvestcraft, platforms, Psi, quantumstorage, randomthings, rangedpumps, reborncore, reborncore-mcmultipart, rebornstorage, redstonepaste, refinedstorage, reliquia, rftools, rftoolscontrol, rftoolsdim, roots, woodenshears, scanner, shadowmc, shearmadness, shetiphiancore, SimpleAchievements, simplebarrels, simplecorn, simplegenerators, SimpleLabels, simplyjetpacks, snad, solarfluxreborn, sonarcore, stevescarts, StorageDrawers, rscircuits, tconstruct, beneath, tinkertoolleveling, tp, torchmaster, Translocator, ts2k16, twitchcrumbs, unidict, valkyrielib, voidcup, waddles, wanionlib, icse, wawla, withercrumbs, xprings, yunomakegoodmap, zerocore] at CLIENT
  581. [12:45:52] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, NotEnoughItems, OpenComputers|Core, foamfixcore, fenceoverhaul, actuallyadditions, actuallycomputers, flyringbaublemod, AppleCore, apple_shields, appleskin, autopackager, AutoRegLib, baconators, base, Baubles, bdlib, bedbugs, betterbuilderswands, biometweaker, BlockDispenser, BloodMagic, bookshelf, Botania, brandonscore, ceramics, Chameleon, chancecubes, CharsetLib, CharsetPipes, CharsetWrench, ChestTransporter, ChickenChunks, chickens, chisel, chiselsandbits, clipboard, clumps, CodeChickenCore, CodeChickenLib, ccl-entityhook, colossalchests, commoncapabilities, cookingforblockheads, MineTweaker3, crafttweakerjei, cyclopscore, darkutils, PTRModelLib, props, dimensionalcake, draconicevolution, DragonMounts, bitdrawers, elevatorid, endercore, EnderIO, EnderStorage, energyconverters, engineersworkshop, environmentaltech, etlunar, excompressum, exnihiloadscensio, ExtraBitManipulation, extrautils2, bigreactors, fairylights, farmingforblockheads, flatcoloredblocks, fluxnetworks, foamfix, forgelin, ftbl, ftbu, Funnels, GardenOfGlass, advgenerators, gravestone, grue, guideapi, gyth, hammercore, hatchery, headcrumbs, hopperducts, Waila, hydrogel, immersiveengineering, InGameInfoXML, initialinventory, integrateddynamics, integratedtunnels, inventorysorter, ironbackpacks, ironchest, itsbecauseuhasnogoodspawn, ItsRainingFood, JEI, journeymap, kleeslabs, literalascension, llibrary, boots, lootbags, LunatriusCore, mantle, mcmultipart, mercurius, minemenu, minicoal, missing_pieces, moarsigns, mob_grinding_utils, modtweaker, morechickens, shear, moreshears, Morpheus, mpbasic, mputils, mtlib, mysticalagriculture, natura, nice, notenoughwands, OpenComputers, oreexcavation, packingtape, harvestcraft, platforms, Psi, quantumstorage, randomthings, rangedpumps, reborncore, reborncore-mcmultipart, rebornstorage, redstonepaste, refinedstorage, reliquia, rftools, rftoolscontrol, rftoolsdim, roots, woodenshears, scanner, shadowmc, shearmadness, shetiphiancore, SimpleAchievements, simplebarrels, simplecorn, simplegenerators, SimpleLabels, simplyjetpacks, snad, solarfluxreborn, sonarcore, stevescarts, StorageDrawers, rscircuits, tconstruct, beneath, tinkertoolleveling, tp, torchmaster, Translocator, ts2k16, twitchcrumbs, unidict, valkyrielib, voidcup, waddles, wanionlib, icse, wawla, withercrumbs, xprings, yunomakegoodmap, zerocore] at SERVER
  582. [12:45:53] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.patchy.helpers.ConstructorReplacingTransformer$FFMethodVisitor:visitTypeInsn:47]: Replaced NEW for net/minecraft/util/ClassInheritanceMultiMap to pl/asie/foamfix/coremod/common/FoamyClassInheritanceMultiMap
  583. [12:45:53] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.patchy.helpers.ConstructorReplacingTransformer$FFMethodVisitor:visitMethodInsn:59]: Replaced INVOKESPECIAL for net/minecraft/util/ClassInheritanceMultiMap to pl/asie/foamfix/coremod/common/FoamyClassInheritanceMultiMap
  584. [12:45:54] [Server thread/INFO] [brandonscore]: Hello Minecraft!!!
  585. [12:45:54] [Server thread/INFO] [Pulsar-tconstruct]: Skipping Pulse craftingtweaksIntegration; missing dependency: craftingtweaks
  586. [12:45:54] [Server thread/INFO] [Pulsar-tconstruct]: Skipping Pulse theoneprobeIntegration; missing dependency: theoneprobe
  587. [12:45:54] [Server thread/INFO] [tconstruct]: Preparing to take over the world
  588. [12:45:56] [Server thread/INFO] [draconicevolution]: Hello Minecraft!!!
  589. [12:45:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [itsbecauseuhasnogoodspawn]: The mod itsbecauseuhasnogoodspawn is expecting signature 3FC93E27EA985EB8E3C5919EA9097534554DB29A for source ItsBecauseUHasNoGoodSpawn-1.0.5.jar, however there is no signature matching that description
  590. [12:45:57] [Server thread/INFO] [Pulsar-natura]: Skipping Pulse craftingtweaksIntegration; missing dependency: craftingtweaks
  591. [12:45:58] [Server thread/ERROR] [snad]: The mod snad is expecting signature @FINGERPRINT@ for source Snad-1.10.2-, however there is no signature matching that description
  592. [12:45:58] [Server thread/ERROR] [Snad]: No fingerprint found!
  593. [12:45:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
  594. [12:45:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 510 ObjectHolder annotations
  595. [12:45:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations
  596. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Found 1 ItemStackHolder annotations
  597. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  598. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  599. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  600. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  601. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  602. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  603. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
  604. [12:45:59] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [platforms] Starting version check at
  605. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Starting PreInitialization Phase...
  606. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Tesla not found! Skipping Tesla Power System integration.
  607. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Grabbing Configurations...
  608. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Tool Materials...
  609. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Armor Materials...
  610. [12:45:59] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Blocks...
  611. [12:45:59] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [platforms] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Target: null
  612. [12:45:59] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [CharsetLib] Starting version check at
  613. [12:46:00] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer:spliceClasses:103]: Spliced in METHOD:
  614. [12:46:00] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [grue] Starting version check at
  615. [12:46:00] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Items...
  616. [12:46:00] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Fuelstuffs...
  617. [12:46:00] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: PreInitializing ServerProxy...
  618. [12:46:00] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: PreInitialization Finished.
  619. [12:46:00] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [grue] Found status: BETA Target: null
  620. [12:46:00] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [refinedstorage] Starting version check at
  621. [12:46:00] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing blocks and items.
  622. [12:46:00] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface appeng.api.movable.IMovableTile from missing mod appliedenergistics2.
  623. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface from missing mod IC2.
  624. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.tileentity.traits.power.RedstoneFlux.
  625. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface buildcraft.api.tiles.IHasWork from missing mod BuildCraft|Core.
  626. [12:46:01] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [refinedstorage] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Target: null
  627. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEWrench from missing mod appliedenergistics2.
  628. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface from missing mod BuildCraftAPI|tools.
  629. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface com.bluepowermod.api.misc.IScrewdriver from missing mod bluepowerAPI.
  630. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface cofh.api.item.IToolHammer into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  631. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface crazypants.enderio.api.tool.ITool into li.cil.oc.common.item.Wrench.
  632. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface mekanism.api.IMekWrench from missing mod Mekanism.
  633. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.IMFRHammer from missing mod MineFactoryReloaded.
  634. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface mrtjp.projectred.api.IScrewdriver from missing mod ProjRed|Core.
  635. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface mods.railcraft.api.core.items.IToolCrowbar from missing mod Railcraft.
  636. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface ic2.api.item.IBoxable from missing mod IC2.
  637. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Injecting interface into li.cil.oc.common.item.traits.Chargeable.
  638. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface ic2.api.item.ISpecialElectricItem from missing mod IC2.
  639. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Skipping interface from missing mod Mekanism.
  640. [12:46:01] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [llibrary] Starting version check at
  641. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing additional OreDict entries.
  642. [12:46:01] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing OpenComputers API.
  643. [12:46:02] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [moarsigns] Starting version check at
  644. [12:46:02] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [moarsigns] Found status: UP_TO_DATE Target: null
  645. [12:46:02] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [simplyjetpacks] Starting version check at
  646. [12:46:02] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [simplyjetpacks] Found status: BETA Target: null
  647. [12:46:02] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [shetiphiancore] Starting version check at
  648. [12:46:02] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Found a compatible native library: 'OpenComputersMod-'.
  649. [12:46:02] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [ExtraBitManipulation] Starting version check at
  650. [12:46:02] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Found a compatible native library: 'OpenComputersMod-'.
  651. [12:46:03] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Done with pre init phase.
  652. [12:46:03] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [Forge] Starting version check at
  653. [12:46:03] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [Forge] Found status: OUTDATED Target:
  654. [12:46:03] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [CharsetPipes] Starting version check at
  655. [12:46:03] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [beneath] Starting version check at
  656. [12:46:04] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [beneath] Found status: OUTDATED Target: 1.4.2
  657. [12:46:04] [Forge Version Check/INFO] [ForgeVersionCheck]: [CharsetWrench] Starting version check at
  658. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [base]: Module Materials has successfully loaded
  659. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [base]: Module MineTweaker3 has successfully loaded
  660. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [base]: Module Tool has successfully loaded
  661. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:95]: Loading scripts
  662. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: bdlib loaded
  663. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.multiblock' for mod 'bdlib'
  664. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Access transform success createStackedBlock (func_180643_i).
  665. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker]: Beginning script parsing...
  666. [12:46:05] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker]: Finished script parsing.
  667. [12:46:06] [Server thread/ERROR] [Bookshelf]: Could not access supporter data.
  669. at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  670. at$200(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  671. at$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  672. at$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  673. at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  674. at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  675. at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  676. at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  677. at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  678. at net.darkhax.bookshelf.handler.SupporterHandler.readSupporterData( [SupporterHandler.class:?]
  679. at net.darkhax.bookshelf.features.supporters.FeatureSupporters.<init>( [FeatureSupporters.class:?]
  680. at net.darkhax.bookshelf.Bookshelf.preInit( [Bookshelf.class:?]
  681. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  682. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  683. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  684. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  685. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( [FMLModContainer.class:?]
  686. at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor8.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  687. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  688. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  689. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  690. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  691. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  692. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  693. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  694. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( [LoadController.class:?]
  695. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
  696. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  697. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  698. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  699. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  700. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  701. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  702. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  703. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  704. at [minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar:?]
  705. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( [LoadController.class:?]
  706. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.preinitializeMods( [Loader.class:?]
  707. at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( [FMLServerHandler.class:?]
  708. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( [FMLCommonHandler.class:?]
  709. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [ld.class:?]
  710. at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  711. at Source) [?:1.8.0_201]
  712. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [chickens]: Enabled chickens: [WhiteChicken, OrangeChicken, MagentaChicken, LightBlueChicken, YellowChicken, LimeChicken, PinkChicken, GrayChicken, SilverDyeChicken, ClayChicken, CyanChicken, RedstoneChicken, PurpleChicken, GlowstoneChicken, BlueChicken, IronChicken, CoalChicken, BrownChicken, GreenChicken, SlimeChicken, RedChicken, WaterChicken, BlackChicken, NetherwartChicken, EmeraldChicken, EnderChicken, GhastChicken, MagmaChicken, GunpowderChicken, FlintChicken, SnowballChicken, LavaChicken, QuartzChicken, SandChicken, GlassChicken, LeatherChicken, LogChicken, GoldChicken, DiamondChicken, BlazeChicken, StringChicken, SmartChicken]
  713. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [chickens]: Disabled chickens: []
  714. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [chickens]: [NORMAL] biome type will spawn [WhiteChicken, FlintChicken, SandChicken, LogChicken] ({})
  715. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [chickens]: [SNOW] biome type will spawn [] ({})
  716. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [chickens]: [NONE] biome type will spawn [] ({})
  717. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [chickens]: [HELL] biome type will spawn [QuartzChicken] ({})
  718. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Starting pre-init...
  719. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Loading blocks...
  720. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Skipping feature tin as it was disabled in the config.
  721. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: 69 Feature's blocks loaded.
  722. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Loading Tile Entities...
  723. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Tile Entities loaded.
  724. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Loading items...
  725. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Skipping feature tin as it was disabled in the config.
  726. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: 69 Feature's items loaded.
  727. [12:46:09] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Pre-init finished.
  728. [12:46:10] [Server thread/INFO] [clumps]: Module Entities has successfully loaded
  729. [12:46:10] [Server thread/WARN] [ColossalChests]: The config file of ColossalChests is out of date and might cause problems, please remove it so it can be regenerated.
  730. [12:46:10] [Server thread/WARN] [CommonCapabilities]: The config file of CommonCapabilities is out of date and might cause problems, please remove it so it can be regenerated.
  731. >
  747. [12:46:23] [Server thread/INFO] [draconicevolution]: Finished PreInitialization
  748. [12:46:23] [Server thread/INFO] [draconicevolution]: Adding ore entry for Dragon Mounts Dragon Eggs...
  749. [12:46:23] [Server thread/WARN] [bitdrawers]: Your version of Storage Drawers (3.7.10) differs majorly from the one Drawers & Bits was compiled with (3.6.1). Use at your own discretion, in case of issues please open an issue on GitHub and revert the version of Storage Drawers to the one known working until I can fix compatibility.
  750. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.sag_mill_power_intake
  751. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.sag_mill_power_buffer
  752. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.sag_mill_power_use
  753. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.painter_power_intake
  754. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.painter_power_buffer
  755. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.painter_power_use
  756. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.attractor_power_intake
  757. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.attractor_power_buffer
  758. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne
  759. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.attractorRangeLevelOne
  760. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.aversion_power_intake
  761. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.aversion_power_buffer
  762. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne
  763. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.aversion_range
  764. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.transceiverMaxIoRF
  765. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.transceiver_power_buffer
  766. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.transceiverUpkeepCostRF
  767. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.weather_power_intake
  768. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.weather_power_buffer
  769. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.weather_power_use
  770. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.farm_power_intake
  771. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.farm_power_buffer
  772. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.farm_power_use
  773. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.farm_base_size
  774. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.farmBonusSize
  775. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.farm_stack_limit
  776. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.spawner_power_intake
  777. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.spawner_power_buffer
  778. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF
  779. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.spawner_speedup
  780. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.slice_power_intake
  781. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.slice_power_buffer
  782. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF
  783. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.soul_binder_power_intake
  784. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.soul_binder_power_buffer
  785. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF
  786. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.stirling_power_buffer
  787. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.stirling_power_gen
  788. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.stirling_power_time
  789. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.power_monitor_power_intake
  790. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.power_monitor_power_buffer
  791. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.power_monitor_power_use
  792. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.inv_panel_sensor_power_intake
  793. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.inv_panel_sensor_power_buffer
  794. [12:46:24] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Missing translation: config.capacitor.inv_panel_sensor_power_use
  795. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: BLANK recipe loaded.
  796. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: STORAGE recipe loaded.
  797. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: AUTO_CRAFTER recipe loaded.
  798. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: SPEED recipe loaded.
  799. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: QUEUE recipe loaded.
  800. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: SOLAR recipe loaded.
  801. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: EFFICIENCY recipe loaded.
  802. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: AUTO_TRANSFER recipe loaded.
  803. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: FILTER recipe loaded.
  804. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: CHARGED recipe loaded.
  805. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: TRANSFER recipe loaded.
  806. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: RF recipe loaded.
  807. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: FUEL_DELAY recipe loaded.
  808. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: MAX_POWER recipe loaded.
  809. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: AXE recipe loaded.
  810. [12:46:27] [Server thread/INFO] [engineersworkshop]: Adding saw recipes to crusher.
  811. [12:46:28] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorComputerPort.
  812. [12:46:28] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityTurbineComputerPort.
  813. [12:46:28] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Initilising API
  814. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Initilised API
  815. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registering Blocks
  816. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Blocks
  817. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registering Crafting Recipes
  818. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Register Crafting Recipes
  819. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarInventoryHandler, sonar.core.handlers.inventories.ILargeInventoryHandler]
  820. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarInventoryHandler, sonar.core.handlers.inventories.IInventoryHandler]
  821. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarInventoryHandler, sonar.core.handlers.inventories.ItemHandlerHandler]
  822. [12:46:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [sonarcore]: Couldn't load %s %s for modid %s
  823. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarInventoryHandler, sonar.core.handlers.inventories.DrawersInventoryHandler]
  824. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarInventoryHandler, sonar.core.handlers.inventories.DSUInventoryHandler]
  825. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarInventoryHandler, sonar.core.handlers.inventories.RefinedStorageHandler]
  826. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarEnergyHandler,]
  827. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarEnergyHandler,]
  828. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarEnergyHandler,]
  829. [12:46:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [sonarcore]: Couldn't load %s %s for modid %s
  830. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarEnergyHandler,]
  831. [12:46:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [sonarcore]: Couldn't load %s %s for modid %s
  832. [12:46:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [sonarcore]: Couldn't load %s %s for modid %s
  833. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarFluidHandler, sonar.core.handlers.fluids.FluidCapabilityHandler]
  834. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarFluidHandler, sonar.core.handlers.fluids.TankHandler]
  835. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarFluidHandler, sonar.core.handlers.fluids.RefinedStorageHandler]
  836. [12:46:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [sonarcore]: Couldn't load %s %s for modid %s
  837. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarEnergyContainerHandler, sonar.core.handlers.container.ForgeItemHandler]
  838. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarEnergyContainerHandler, sonar.core.handlers.container.SonarItemHandler]
  839. [12:46:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [sonarcore]: Couldn't load %s %s for modid %s
  840. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: %s loaded successfully: [ISonarEnergyContainerHandler, sonar.core.handlers.container.RFItemHandler]
  841. [12:46:29] [Server thread/ERROR] [sonarcore]: Couldn't load %s %s for modid %s
  842. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Initilising API
  843. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Config
  844. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Network
  845. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Blocks/Items
  846. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Entities
  847. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Recipes
  848. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Packets
  849. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Renderers
  850. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Finished Pre-Initialization
  851. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [FTBLib]: Loading FTBLib, DevEnv:false
  852. [12:46:29] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Replacing net.minecraftforge.server.permission.DefaultPermissionHandler with com.feed_the_beast.ftbu.api_impl.FTBUtilitiesAPI_Impl
  853. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: RF Version: CoFHAPI|energy 1.8.9R1.2.0B1
  854. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: IC2 Version: NOT FOUND
  855. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Tesla Version: NOT FOUND
  856. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading internal config files for mod Advanced Generators
  857. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Takamu/Downloads/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server/mods/generators-!/assets/advgenerators/config/generators.cfg
  858. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Takamu/Downloads/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server/mods/generators-!/assets/advgenerators/config/recipes.cfg
  859. [12:46:29] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Takamu/Downloads/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server/mods/generators-!/assets/advgenerators/config/turbine.cfg
  860. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Takamu/Downloads/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server/mods/generators-!/assets/advgenerators/config/exchanger.cfg
  861. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Takamu/Downloads/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server/mods/generators-!/assets/advgenerators/config/syngas.cfg
  862. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Takamu/Downloads/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server/mods/generators-!/assets/advgenerators/config/turbine-materials.cfg
  863. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading config: jar:file:/C:/Users/Takamu/Downloads/FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server/mods/generators-!/assets/advgenerators/config/capacitor-materials.cfg
  864. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loading user config files for mod Advanced Generators
  865. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Config loading for mod Advanced Generators finished
  866. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Loaded creative tabs for advgenerators
  867. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Adding block for fluid 'steam'
  868. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Fluid 'syngas' not registered by any other mod, creating...
  869. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Adding block for fluid 'syngas'
  870. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [Hammer Core]: Added "com.pengu.hammercore.cfg.ConfigHolder" to Hammer Core Simple Configs.
  871. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [Hammer Core]: Added "com.mrdimka.hammercore.event.TileHandler@5a6e3312" to MCF Event Bus.
  872. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [Hammer Core]: Added "com.mrdimka.solarfluxreborn.SyncManager@6f42dfa4" to MCF Event Bus.
  873. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [Hammer Core]: Added "com.mrdimka.hammercore.TooltipAPI@501048b" to MCF Event Bus.
  874. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [Hammer Core]: Added "com.mrdimka.hammercore.event.vanilla.SpawnEnderDragonEggHandler@2ad5c0ae" to MCF Event Bus.
  875. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [Hammer Core]: Added 4 object to MCF Event Bus.
  876. [12:46:30] [Server thread/INFO] [hatchery]: IAnimalStats was registered wheeeeee!
  877. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  878. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_alubrass`, expected `immersiveengineering` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  879. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  880. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  881. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  882. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  883. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  884. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  885. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  886. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  887. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_alubrass`, expected `immersiveengineering` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  888. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  889. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  890. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  891. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  892. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  893. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  894. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  895. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  896. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_aluminum`, expected `immersiveengineering` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  897. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  898. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  899. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  900. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  901. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  902. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  903. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  904. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  905. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_aluminum`, expected `immersiveengineering` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  906. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  907. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  908. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  909. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  910. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  911. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  912. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  913. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  914. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_electrum`, expected `immersiveengineering` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  915. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  916. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  917. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  918. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  919. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  920. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  921. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  922. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  923. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_electrum`, expected `immersiveengineering` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  924. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  925. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  926. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  927. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  928. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  929. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  930. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  931. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  932. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_steel`, expected `immersiveengineering` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  933. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  934. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  935. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  936. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  937. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  938. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  939. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  940. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  941. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_steel`, expected `immersiveengineering` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  942. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  943. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  944. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  945. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  946. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  947. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  948. [12:46:32] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  949. [12:46:34] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [org.cyclops.integrateddynamics.GeneralConfig:onRegistered:82]: The config file of Integrated Dynamics is out of date and might cause problems, please remove it so it can be regenerated.
  950. [12:46:35] [Server thread/WARN] [Integrated Tunnels]: The config file of Integrated Tunnels is out of date and might cause problems, please remove it so it can be regenerated.
  951. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Your current LootBags version is: 2.3.9
  952. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagCommon.
  953. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagCommon.
  954. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  955. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  956. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagCommon.
  957. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagUncommon.
  958. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagUncommon.
  959. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  960. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  961. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagUncommon.
  962. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagRare.
  963. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagRare.
  964. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  965. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  966. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagRare.
  967. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagEpic.
  968. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagEpic.
  969. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  970. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  971. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagEpic.
  972. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagLegendary.
  973. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagLegendary.
  974. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  975. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  976. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagLegendary.
  977. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagArtifact.
  978. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Added color to bag: lootbagArtifact.
  979. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagArtifact.
  980. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  981. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  982. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  983. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagArtifact.
  984. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagOldBlue.
  985. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Added color to bag: lootbagOldBlue.
  986. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagOldBlue.
  987. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  988. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  989. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  990. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  991. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  992. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagOldBlue.
  993. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagBacon.
  994. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagBacon.
  995. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to back slash color code d.
  996. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  997. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to back slash color code d.
  998. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to back slash color code 7.
  999. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to back slash color code b.
  1000. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagBacon.
  1001. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagWornOut.
  1002. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Added color to bag: lootbagWornOut.
  1003. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagWornOut.
  1004. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1005. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1006. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1007. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagWornOut.
  1008. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagSoaryn.
  1009. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagSoaryn.
  1010. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1011. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1012. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagSoaryn.
  1013. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagWyld.
  1014. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagWyld.
  1015. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1016. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1017. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagWyld.
  1018. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagBat.
  1019. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagBat.
  1020. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1021. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1022. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1023. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1024. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagBat.
  1025. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagDarkosto.
  1026. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagDarkosto.
  1027. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1028. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1029. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1030. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1031. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagDarkosto.
  1032. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Started defining properties for bag named: lootbagDirewolf.
  1033. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Added color to bag: lootbagDirewolf.
  1034. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Set bag secret state for bag: lootbagDirewolf.
  1035. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1036. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1037. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1038. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Parsed text to TextFormatting option: .
  1039. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags Config Information: Successfully closed bag with name: lootbagDirewolf.
  1040. [12:46:35] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Bag Config Completed.
  1041. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Config.MpConfiguration:syncConfig:715]: Saving Config
  1042. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:preInitCommon:591]:
  1043. No Base metals
  1045. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:preInitCommon:611]:
  1046. Loaded natura candelabras
  1048. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:preInitCommon:671]:
  1049. No Base metals
  1051. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:preInitCommon:690]:
  1052. Loaded natura lamps
  1054. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: acacia_chair
  1055. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: birch_chair
  1056. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: dark_oak_chair
  1057. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: jungle_chair
  1058. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: oak_chair
  1059. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: spruce_chair
  1060. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: amaranth_chair
  1061. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: darkwood_chair
  1062. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: eucalyptus_chair
  1063. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: fusewood_chair
  1064. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: ghostwood_chair
  1065. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: hopseed_chair
  1066. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: maple_chair
  1067. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: redwood_chair
  1068. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: sakura_chair
  1069. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: silverbell_chair
  1070. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: tiger_chair
  1071. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:createChair:1689]: creating chair: willow_chair
  1072. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:preInitCommon:742]:
  1073. Loaded natura chairs
  1075. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:preInitCommon:875]:
  1076. Loaded natura pillars
  1078. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:preInitCommon:927]:
  1079. Loaded natura tables
  1081. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.Blocks:preInitCommon:1046]:
  1082. Loaded natura wedges
  1084. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.TileEntities:preInitCommon:75]:
  1085. Loaded natura shelves
  1087. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class lumien.randomthings.tileentity.TileEntityCreativePlayerInterface.
  1088. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class lumien.randomthings.tileentity.TileEntityOnlineDetector.
  1089. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class lumien.randomthings.tileentity.TileEntityChatDetector.
  1090. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class lumien.randomthings.tileentity.TileEntityRedstoneObserver.
  1091. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Successfully injected component logic into class lumien.randomthings.tileentity.redstoneinterface.TileEntityBasicRedstoneInterface.
  1092. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Waila Integration
  1093. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [modtweaker]: Starting PreInitialization for modtweaker
  1094. [12:46:36] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: More Chickens PreInit...
  1095. [12:46:37] [Server thread/INFO] [Morpheus]: Loading configuration
  1096. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1097. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_bronze`, expected `mysticalagriculture` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  1098. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1099. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1100. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1101. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  1102. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1103. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1104. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1105. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1106. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_bronze`, expected `mysticalagriculture` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  1107. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1108. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1109. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1110. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  1111. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1112. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1113. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1114. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1115. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_brass`, expected `mysticalagriculture` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  1116. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1117. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1118. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1119. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  1120. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1121. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1122. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1123. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1124. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_brass`, expected `mysticalagriculture` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  1125. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1126. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1127. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1128. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  1129. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1130. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1131. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1132. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1133. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_zinc`, expected `mysticalagriculture` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  1134. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1135. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1136. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1137. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  1138. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1139. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1140. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1141. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1142. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Dangerous alternative prefix `tconstruct` for name `molten_zinc`, expected `mysticalagriculture` invalid registry invocation/invalid name?
  1143. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1144. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1145. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.IForgeRegistryEntry$Impl.setRegistryName(
  1146. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.register(
  1147. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1148. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerPulse.registerBlock(
  1149. [12:46:37] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1150. [12:46:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registering drops for shadedGarden.
  1151. [12:46:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registering drops for tropicalGarden.
  1152. [12:46:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registering drops for windyGarden.
  1153. [12:46:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registering drops for frostGarden.
  1154. [12:46:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registering drops for aridGarden.
  1155. [12:46:37] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Registering drops for soggyGarden.
  1156. > 2019-01-18 12:46:38,934 WARN The Logger Reliquia was created with the message factory org.apache.logging.log4j.message.StringFormatterMessageFactory@1adafa0f and is now requested with a null message factory (defaults to org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessageFactory), which may create log events with unexpected formatting.
  1157. [12:46:38] [Server thread/INFO] [Reliquia]: Done loading config in 1ms !
  1158. [12:46:39] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Could not read 'userbuilder.json', this is not an error!
  1159. [12:46:40] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Registering rftools dimension type at id 2
  1160. [12:46:40] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Reading dimlets.json from config
  1161. [12:46:40] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Reading default dimlets.json
  1162. [12:46:41] [Server thread/INFO] [shearmadness]: You are not running a release build of Shear Madness. This message is purely for informational purposes.
  1163. > 35
  1164. [12:46:41] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Starting Simply Jetpacks 2
  1165. [12:46:41] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Loading configuration files
  1166. [12:46:41] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Registering items...
  1167. [12:46:43] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Loading plguins
  1168. [12:46:43] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Found plugin candidate:vswe.stevescarts.compat.forestry.CompatForestry
  1169. [12:46:43] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Plugin was NOT loaded due to mod 'forestry' missing, this isn't an error
  1170. [12:46:43] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Found plugin candidate:vswe.stevescarts.compat.ic2.CompatIC2
  1171. [12:46:43] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Plugin was NOT loaded due to mod 'IC2' missing, this isn't an error
  1172. [12:46:43] [Server thread/INFO] [stevescarts]: Loaded 0 plguins
  1173. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.kashdeya.tinyprogressions.configs.TinyConfig:initMainConfigs:31]: 1.1.0:1.1.0
  1174. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [tp]: Initiating Config Legacy Handler....
  1175. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [tp]: Moving Old Properties....
  1176. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [tp]: Renaming Old Propertiesr....
  1177. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [tp]: Cleaning up Categories....
  1178. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [tp]: Cleaning up Properties....
  1179. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [tp]: Config Legacy Handler Finished
  1180. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1181. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Invalid registration attempt for an Ore Dictionary item with name blockFlint has occurred. The registration has been denied to prevent crashes. The mod responsible for the registration needs to correct this.
  1182. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOreImpl(
  1183. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOre(
  1184. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOre(
  1185. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at com.kashdeya.tinyprogressions.handlers.OreDictHandler.init(
  1186. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at com.kashdeya.tinyprogressions.main.tinyprogressions.preInit(
  1187. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)...
  1188. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1189. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1190. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Invalid registration attempt for an Ore Dictionary item with name ingotFlint has occurred. The registration has been denied to prevent crashes. The mod responsible for the registration needs to correct this.
  1191. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOreImpl(
  1192. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOre(
  1193. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOre(
  1194. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at com.kashdeya.tinyprogressions.handlers.OreDictHandler.init(
  1195. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at com.kashdeya.tinyprogressions.main.tinyprogressions.preInit(
  1196. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)...
  1197. [12:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1198. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  1199. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  1200. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting itemstacks
  1201. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Itemstack injection complete
  1202. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
  1203. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
  1204. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  1205. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
  1206. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
  1207. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Starting Initialization Phase...
  1208. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing OreDictionary Entries...
  1209. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Achievements...
  1210. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing GuiHandler...
  1211. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Registering World Generator...
  1212. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Registering TileEntities...
  1213. [12:46:44] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Crafting Recipes...
  1214. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Entities...
  1215. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing ServerProxy...
  1216. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initialization Finished.
  1217. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'plan9k' from mod OpenComputers.
  1218. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'network' from mod OpenComputers.
  1219. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'openos' from mod OpenComputers.
  1220. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'data' from mod OpenComputers.
  1221. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'openloader' from mod OpenComputers.
  1222. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'builder' from mod OpenComputers.
  1223. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'generator' from mod OpenComputers.
  1224. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'oppm' from mod OpenComputers.
  1225. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'dig' from mod OpenComputers.
  1226. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'maze' from mod OpenComputers.
  1227. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering loot disk 'irc' from mod OpenComputers.
  1228. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing mod integration.
  1229. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing mod integration for 'EnderIO'.
  1230. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing mod integration for 'EnderStorage'.
  1231. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing mod integration for 'mcmultipart'.
  1232. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing mod integration for 'Minecraft'.
  1233. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing mod integration for 'OpenComputers'.
  1234. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Found extended redstone mods, enabling tier two redstone card.
  1235. [12:46:45] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing recipes.
  1236. [12:46:46] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Initializing capabilities.
  1237. [12:46:46] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Done with init phase.
  1238. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [Botania]: Registered %d recipes.
  1239. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Starting init...
  1240. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Loading recipes...
  1241. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Skipping feature tin as it was disabled in the config.
  1242. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: 69 Feature's recipes loaded.
  1243. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Init finished.
  1244. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Detected Chisel & Bits, enabling support
  1245. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [draconicevolution]: Loading Default Recipes...
  1246. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [draconicevolution]: Finished Initialization
  1247. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.OreDictTooltipHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
  1248. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler XPBoostHandler to busses: [FORGE, FML]
  1249. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.SpecialTooltipHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
  1250. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.ClientHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
  1251. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler FireworkHandler to busses: [FORGE, FML]
  1252. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Skipping class com.enderio.core.client.handlers.EnchantTooltipHandler, it is not loaded on this side.
  1253. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler AutoSmeltHandler to busses: [FORGE, FML]
  1254. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler Scheduler to busses: [FORGE, FML]
  1255. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler RightClickCropHandler to busses: [FORGE, FML]
  1256. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: [Handlers] Registering handler JoinMessageHandler to busses: [FORGE, FML]
  1257. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: Sending dummy event to all mods
  1258. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [EnderCore]: Reloading ingame configs for modid: endercore
  1259. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Updating config...
  1260. [12:46:47] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Loading configuration files
  1261. [12:46:48] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.excompressum.ExCompressum]: Duplicate entry for net.blay09.mods.excompressum.registry.RegistryKey@31bb2a53 in WoodenCrucible, overwriting...
  1262. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Ignored smelting recipe with conflicting input: 1xitem.coal@1 = 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotmetals@2
  1263. [12:46:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Overriding existing coil part data for oredict name <blockManyullyn>, original values: eff 3.00 / bonus 1.00, new values: eff 3.50 / bonus 1.00
  1264. [12:46:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Overriding existing radiation moderator data for <redstone>
  1265. [12:46:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Overriding existing radiation moderator data for <glowstone>
  1266. [12:46:48] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Overriding existing radiation moderator data for <ender>
  1267. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Checking Loaded Mods
  1268. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registering Packets
  1269. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Register Packets
  1270. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Integrated with WAILA
  1271. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registered Events
  1272. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Energy Type: Applied Energistics
  1273. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Energy Type: Minecraft Joules
  1274. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Energy Type: Energy Units
  1275. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Energy Type: Tesla
  1276. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Energy Type: Redstone Flux
  1277. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Energy Type: Forge Energy
  1278. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Planters: Vanilla Planter
  1279. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Harvesters: Harvester
  1280. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Loaded Fertilisers: Bonemeal
  1281. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Handlers
  1282. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loaded Handlers
  1283. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loading Handlers
  1284. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Loaded Events
  1285. [12:46:48] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Finished Initialization
  1286. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.generators' for mod 'advgenerators'
  1287. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Turbine material Enderium not present - skipping
  1288. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Registering turbine material: Steel
  1289. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Registering turbine material: Gold
  1290. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Turbine material Bronze not present - skipping
  1291. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Registering turbine material: Manyullyn
  1292. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Registering turbine material: Iron
  1293. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Registering turbine material: Vibrant
  1294. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Mod IC2 for turbine material AdvAlloy not present - skipping
  1295. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Registering capacitor material: Redstone
  1296. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Registering capacitor material: Advanced
  1297. [12:46:49] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Registering capacitor material: Dense
  1298. [12:46:50] [Server thread/INFO] [Integrated Dynamics]: Registered packet handler.
  1299. [12:46:50] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: YUNoMakeGoodMap Initalized
  1300. [12:46:50] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.sb205.missing_pieces.MissingPieces:init:41]: missing_pieces Is Rendering
  1301. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [modtweaker]: Starting Initialization for modtweaker
  1302. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: More Chickens Init...
  1303. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for More Chickens addon...
  1304. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading More Chickens addon...
  1305. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for Base Metals addon...
  1306. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading Base Metals addon...
  1307. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'invarchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1308. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'bronzechicken' It's LayItem was null
  1309. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'zincchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1310. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'tinchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1311. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'platinumchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1312. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'brasschicken' It's LayItem was null
  1313. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'cupronickelchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1314. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'saltpeterchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1315. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'amberchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1316. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'amethystchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1317. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'malachitechicken' It's LayItem was null
  1318. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'peridotchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1319. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'rubychicken' It's LayItem was null
  1320. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'sapphirechicken' It's LayItem was null
  1321. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'tanzanitechicken' It's LayItem was null
  1322. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'topazchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1323. [12:46:51] [Server thread/ERROR] [More Chickens]: Error Registering (basemetals) Chicken: 'garnetchicken' It's LayItem was null
  1324. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for Botania addon...
  1325. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading Botania addon...
  1326. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for Draconic Evolution addon...
  1327. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading Draconic Evolution addon...
  1328. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for EnderIO addon...
  1329. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading EnderIO addon...
  1330. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for Extreme Reactors addon...
  1331. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading Extreme Reactors addon...
  1332. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for Immersive Engineering addon...
  1333. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading Immersive Engineering addon...
  1334. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for Mekanism addon...
  1335. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading Mekanism addon...
  1336. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for Thermal Foundation addon...
  1337. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Looking for Tinkers Construct addon...
  1338. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: Loading Tinkers Construct addon...
  1339. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [More Chickens]: More Chickens Loading Config...
  1340. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [RebornCore]: Found 258 ores
  1341. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Reliquia]: Disabled integration module: [Biomes o' Plenty] ...
  1342. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Reliquia]: Disabled integration module: [Forestry] ...
  1343. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [Reliquia]: Enabled integration module: [Natura] !
  1344. [12:46:51] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: RFTools Detected Dimensions addon: enabling support
  1345. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Registering handlers
  1346. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Registering network messages
  1347. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Stealing Ender IO's items
  1348. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Doing intermod communication
  1349. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Registering EIO Alloy Smelter recipe
  1350. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Registering EIO Alloy Smelter recipe
  1351. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Registering EIO Alloy Smelter recipe
  1352. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Registering EIO Alloy Smelter recipe
  1353. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Registering EIO Soul Binder recipe
  1354. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [SimplyJetpacks]: Registering Sounds...
  1355. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.girafi.waddles.Waddles:init:54]: Spawn Penguin
  1356. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.girafi.waddles.Waddles:init:54]: Spawn Penguin
  1357. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.girafi.waddles.Waddles:init:54]: Spawn Penguin
  1358. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new wrench usage 'li.cil.oc.integration.enderio.EventHandlerEnderIO.useWrench' from mod OpenComputers.
  1359. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new wrench tool check 'li.cil.oc.integration.enderio.EventHandlerEnderIO.isWrench' from mod OpenComputers.
  1360. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Drone (Tier 1)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1361. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Drone (Tier 2)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1362. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Drone (Creative)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1363. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new disassembler template 'Drone' from mod OpenComputers.
  1364. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Microcontroller (Tier 1)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1365. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Microcontroller (Tier 2)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1366. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Microcontroller (Creative)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1367. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new disassembler template 'Microcontroller' from mod OpenComputers.
  1368. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new disassembler template 'Navigation Upgrade' from mod OpenComputers.
  1369. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Robot (Tier 1)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1370. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Robot (Tier 2)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1371. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Robot (Tier 3)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1372. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Robot (Creative)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1373. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new disassembler template 'Robot' from mod OpenComputers.
  1374. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new disassembler template 'Server' from mod OpenComputers.
  1375. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Tablet (Tier 1)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1376. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Tablet (Tier 2)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1377. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template 'Tablet (Creative)' from mod OpenComputers.
  1378. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new disassembler template 'Tablet' from mod OpenComputers.
  1379. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new assembler template filter 'li.cil.oc.common.template.TemplateBlacklist.filter' from mod OpenComputers.
  1380. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new wrench usage 'li.cil.oc.integration.opencomputers.ModOpenComputers.useWrench' from mod OpenComputers.
  1381. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new wrench tool check 'li.cil.oc.integration.opencomputers.ModOpenComputers.isWrench' from mod OpenComputers.
  1382. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new item charge implementation 'OpenComputers' from mod OpenComputers.
  1383. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new ink provider 'li.cil.oc.integration.opencomputers.ModOpenComputers.inkCartridgeInkProvider' from mod OpenComputers.
  1384. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new ink provider 'li.cil.oc.integration.opencomputers.ModOpenComputers.dyeInkProvider' from mod OpenComputers.
  1385. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'build' being on disk 'builder' from mod OpenComputers.
  1386. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'dig' being on disk 'dig' from mod OpenComputers.
  1387. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'base64' being on disk 'data' from mod OpenComputers.
  1388. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'deflate' being on disk 'data' from mod OpenComputers.
  1389. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'gpg' being on disk 'data' from mod OpenComputers.
  1390. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'inflate' being on disk 'data' from mod OpenComputers.
  1391. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'md5sum' being on disk 'data' from mod OpenComputers.
  1392. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'sha256sum' being on disk 'data' from mod OpenComputers.
  1393. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'refuel' being on disk 'generator' from mod OpenComputers.
  1394. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'irc' being on disk 'irc' from mod OpenComputers.
  1395. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'maze' being on disk 'maze' from mod OpenComputers.
  1396. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'arp' being on disk 'network' from mod OpenComputers.
  1397. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'ifconfig' being on disk 'network' from mod OpenComputers.
  1398. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'ping' being on disk 'network' from mod OpenComputers.
  1399. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'route' being on disk 'network' from mod OpenComputers.
  1400. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'opl-flash' being on disk 'openloader' from mod OpenComputers.
  1401. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Registering new program location mapping for program 'oppm' being on disk 'oppm' from mod OpenComputers.
  1402. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'geolyzer' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1403. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'keyboard' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1404. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'screen1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1405. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'transposer' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1406. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'angelUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1407. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'batteryUpgrade1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1408. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'batteryUpgrade2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1409. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'batteryUpgrade3' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1410. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'chunkloaderUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1411. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'craftingUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1412. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'experienceUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1413. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'generatorUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1414. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'hoverUpgrade1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1415. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'hoverUpgrade2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1416. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'inventoryUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1417. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'navigationUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1418. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'pistonUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1419. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'solarGeneratorUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1420. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tankUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1421. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tractorBeamUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1422. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'leashUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1423. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tradingUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Adapter' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1424. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'keyboard' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1425. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'screen1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1426. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'transposer' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1427. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'apu1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1428. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'apu2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1429. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'graphicsCard1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1430. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'graphicsCard2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1431. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'graphicsCard3' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1432. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'lanCard' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1433. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'redstoneCard1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1434. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'angelUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1435. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'craftingUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1436. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'hoverUpgrade1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1437. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'hoverUpgrade2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1438. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'keyboard' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1439. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'screen1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1440. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'apu1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1441. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'apu2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1442. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'graphicsCard1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1443. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'graphicsCard2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1444. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'graphicsCard3' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1445. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'angelUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1446. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'chunkloaderUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1447. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'craftingUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1448. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'databaseUpgrade1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1449. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'databaseUpgrade2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1450. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'databaseUpgrade3' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1451. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'experienceUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1452. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'generatorUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1453. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'hoverUpgrade1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1454. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'hoverUpgrade2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1455. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'inventoryUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1456. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'inventoryControllerUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1457. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'navigationUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1458. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tankUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1459. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tankControllerUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1460. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tractorBeamUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1461. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'leashUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1462. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tradingUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Microcontroller' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1463. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'transposer' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Robot' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1464. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'leashUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Robot' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1465. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'screen1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1466. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'transposer' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1467. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'lanCard' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1468. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'redstoneCard1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1469. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'angelUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1470. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'chunkloaderUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1471. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'craftingUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1472. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'databaseUpgrade1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1473. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'databaseUpgrade2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1474. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'databaseUpgrade3' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1475. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'experienceUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1476. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'generatorUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1477. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'hoverUpgrade1' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1478. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'hoverUpgrade2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1479. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'inventoryUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1480. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'inventoryControllerUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1481. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tankUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1482. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tankControllerUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1483. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'leashUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1484. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'tradingUpgrade' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1485. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'redstoneCard2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Drone' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1486. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Blacklisting component 'redstoneCard2' for host 'li.cil.oc.api.internal.Tablet' as requested by mod OpenComputers.
  1487. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1488. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1489. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1490. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1491. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1492. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1493. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1494. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1495. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1496. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1497. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1498. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1499. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1500. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1501. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1502. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1503. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Chisel]: Received IMC from immersiveengineering, of type variation:add.
  1504. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Chisel]: MOD immersiveengineering IS USING DEPRECATED IMC variation:add. This IMC type may be removed soon, please notify the author of this mod.
  1505. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ tconstruct ] for method slimeknights.tconstruct.plugin.waila.WailaRegistrar.wailaCallback
  1506. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ EnderIO ] for method crazypants.enderio.integration.waila.WailaCompat.load
  1507. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ engineersworkshop ] for method engineers.workshop.common.dependencies.waila.WailaHandler.onWailaCall
  1508. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ natura ] for method
  1509. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ moarsigns ] for method gory_moon.moarsigns.integration.waila.Provider.callbackRegister
  1510. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ rftools ] for method mcjty.lib.compat.waila.WailaCompatibility.load
  1511. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ scanner ] for method eladkay.scanner.compat.Waila.onWailaCall
  1512. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ wawla ] for method net.darkhax.wawla.engine.waila.EntityProvider.register
  1513. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ wawla ] for method net.darkhax.wawla.engine.waila.TileProvider.register
  1514. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ autopackager ] for method org.mcupdater.autopackager.compat.WailaRegistry.initWaila
  1515. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ BloodMagic ] for method WayofTime.bloodmagic.compat.waila.WailaCallbackHandler.callbackRegister
  1516. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ chickens ] for method com.setycz.chickens.waila.ChickensEntityProvider.load
  1517. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ cyclopscore ] for method org.cyclops.cyclopscore.modcompat.waila.Waila.callbackRegister
  1518. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ cookingforblockheads ] for method net.blay09.mods.cookingforblockheads.compat.WailaProvider.register
  1519. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ darkutils ] for method net.darkhax.darkutils.addons.waila.DarkUtilsTileProvider.registerAddon
  1520. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ StorageDrawers ] for method com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.integration.Waila.registerProvider
  1521. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ exnihiloadscensio ] for method exnihiloadscensio.compatibility.CompatWaila.callbackRegister
  1522. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ excompressum ] for method net.blay09.mods.excompressum.compat.waila.WailaProvider.register
  1523. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ advgenerators ] for method net.bdew.generators.waila.WailaHandler.loadCallback
  1524. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ gyth ] for method net.darkhax.gyth.plugins.PluginWaila.registerAddon
  1525. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ hatchery ] for method com.gendeathrow.hatchery.core.waila.HatcheryTileProvider.load
  1526. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ headcrumbs ] for method ganymedes01.headcrumbs.waila.WailaRegistrar.wailaCallback
  1527. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ immersiveengineering ] for method blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.waila.IEWailaDataProvider.callbackRegister
  1528. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ integrateddynamics ] for method org.cyclops.integrateddynamics.modcompat.waila.Waila.callbackRegister
  1529. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ mysticalagriculture ] for method com.blakebr0.mysticalagriculture.util.WailaDataProvider.callbackRegister
  1530. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ platforms ] for method shetiphian.platforms.modintegration.waila.WailaDataProvider.callbackRegister
  1531. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ quantumstorage ] for method QuantumStorage.compat.waila.CompatModuleWaila.callbackRegister
  1532. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Receiving registration request from [ solarfluxreborn ] for method com.mrdimka.solarfluxreborn.intr.waila.WailaIntegrar.registerWAIA
  1533. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: RecipeParser: Root element not specified before element recipeGroup.
  1534. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: RecipeParser: Root element not specified before element recipeGroup.
  1535. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: RecipeParser: Root element not specified before element recipeGroup.
  1536. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: RecipeParser: Root element not specified before element recipeGroup.
  1537. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: RecipeParser: Root element not specified before element recipeGroup.
  1538. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: RecipeParser: Root element not specified before element recipeGroup.
  1539. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Grue]: Received Dimension Whitelist Override for dimension 66 from mod beneath
  1540. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Grue]: Recieved messages from the following mods: [beneath]
  1541. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs tried to add Turkey2349 to the username list, but it was already present
  1542. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added KiwiFails to the username list
  1543. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added SlothMonster_ to the username list
  1544. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs tried to add Darkosto to the username list, but it was already present
  1545. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Herobrine to the username list
  1546. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Enderman to the username list
  1547. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Sheep to the username list
  1548. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Cow to the username list
  1549. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Villager to the username list
  1550. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Blaze to the username list
  1551. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_MushroomCow to the username list
  1552. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Slime to the username list
  1553. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Spider to the username list
  1554. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Chicken to the username list
  1555. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Ghast to the username list
  1556. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_LavaSlime to the username list
  1557. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Squid to the username list
  1558. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_PigZombie to the username list
  1559. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Pig to the username list
  1560. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_CaveSpider to the username list
  1561. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Golem to the username list
  1562. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [headcrumbs]: withercrumbs added MHF_Ocelot to the username list
  1563. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Received RFTools dimension manager request from mod 'rftools'
  1564. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting itemstacks
  1565. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Itemstack injection complete
  1566. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Starting PostInitialization Phase...
  1567. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Village Addons...
  1568. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Initializing Crusher Recipes...
  1569. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Added 84 Crusher Recipes automatically: [1xtile.oreGold@0 -> 2xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@19, 1xtile.oreGold@0 -> 2xitem.itemPowderIngot@2, 1xtile.oreGold@0 -> 2xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@1, 1xtile.oreGold@0 -> 2xitem.BloodMagic.baseComponent.@20, 1xtile.oreGold@0 ->, 1xtile.oreDiamond@0 -> 2xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@2, 1xtile.oreEmerald@0 -> 2xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@3, 1xitem.ingotIron@0 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@18, 1xitem.ingotIron@0 -> 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@1, 1xitem.ingotIron@0 -> 1xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@0, 1xitem.ingotIron@0 -> 1xitem.BloodMagic.baseComponent.@19, 1xitem.ingotIron@0 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.iron@2, 1xitem.ingotGold@0 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@19, 1xitem.ingotGold@0 -> 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@2, 1xitem.ingotGold@0 -> 1xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@1, 1xitem.ingotGold@0 -> 1xitem.BloodMagic.baseComponent.@20, 1xitem.ingotGold@0 ->, 1xitem.diamond@0 -> 1xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@2, 1xitem.emerald@0 -> 1xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@3, 1xitem.netherquartz@0 -> 1xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@5, 1xitem.prismarineShard@0 -> 1xitem.prismarineCrystals@0, 1xitem.dyePowder@4 -> 1xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@4, 1xitem.extrautils2:ingredients@0 ->, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@0 -> 2xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@9, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@0 -> 2xitem.itemPowderIngot@3, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@0 -> 2xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.copper@2, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@0 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@9, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@0 -> 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@3, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@0 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.copper@2, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.copper@3 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@9, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.copper@3 -> 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@3, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.copper@3 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.copper@2, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@2 -> 2xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@11, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@2 -> 2xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.lead@2, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@2 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@11, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@2 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.lead@2, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.lead@3 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@11, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.lead@3 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.lead@2, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@3 -> 2xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@12, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@3 -> 2xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.silver@2, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@3 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@12, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@3 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.silver@2, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.silver@3 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@12, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.silver@3 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.silver@2, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@4 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@13, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@4 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.nickel@2, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.nickel@3 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@13, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.nickel@3 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.nickel@2, 1xitem.material@1 -> 1xitem.material@0, 1xitem.material@2 -> 1xitem.material@0, 1xitem.tconstruct.ingots@0 -> 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@10, 1xitem.tconstruct.ingots@0 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.cobalt@2, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.cobalt@3 -> 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@10, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.cobalt@3 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.cobalt@2, 1xitem.tconstruct.ingots@1 -> 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@9, 1xitem.tconstruct.ingots@1 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.ardite@2, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.ardite@3 -> 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@9, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.ardite@3 -> 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.ardite@2, 1xtile.tconstruct.ore@0 -> 2xitem.itemPowderIngot@10, 1xtile.tconstruct.ore@0 -> 2xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.cobalt@2, 1xtile.tconstruct.ore@1 -> 2xitem.itemPowderIngot@9, 1xtile.tconstruct.ore@1 -> 2xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.ardite@2, 1xtile.draconicevolution:draconium_ore@0 -> 2xitem.draconicevolution:draconium_dust@0, 1xitem.draconicevolution:draconium_ingot@0 -> 1xitem.draconicevolution:draconium_dust@0, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@1 -> 2xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@10, 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@5 -> 2xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@14, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@1 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@10, 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.aluminium@3 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@10, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@5 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@14, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@6 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@15, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@7 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@16, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@8 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@17, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@8 -> 1xitem.bigreactors:dustmetals@5, 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotmetals@5 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@17, 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotmetals@5 -> 1xitem.bigreactors:dustmetals@5, 1xitem.immersiveengineering.material@19 -> 1xitem.immersiveengineering.material@18, 1xtile.actuallyadditions.blockMisc@3 -> 2xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@7, 1xitem.actuallyadditions.itemMisc@5 -> 1xitem.actuallyadditions.itemDust@7, 1xtile.bigreactors:brore@0 -> 2xitem.bigreactors:dustmetals@0, 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotmetals@0 -> 1xitem.bigreactors:dustmetals@0, 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotmetals@1 -> 1xitem.bigreactors:dustmetals@1, 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotmetals@2 -> 1xitem.bigreactors:dustmetals@2, 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotmetals@3 -> 1xitem.bigreactors:dustmetals@3, 1xitem.bigreactors:ingotmetals@4 -> 1xitem.bigreactors:dustmetals@4]
  1570. [12:46:52] [Server thread/WARN] [Actually Additions]: Couldn't add 198 Crusher Recipes automatically, either because the inputs were missing outputs, or because they exist already: [oreGold, oreIron, oreLapis, oreDiamond, oreRedstone, oreEmerald, oreQuartz, oreCoal, gemMoon, ingotDemonicMetal, ingotEnchantedMetal, ingotEvilMetal, oreCopper, oreTin, ingotTin, oreLead, oreSilver, oreNickel, orePlatinum, ingotPlatinum, ingotEbonyPsi, ingotIvoryPsi, oreEssence, oreSteel, ingotManasteel, ingotTerrasteel, ingotElvenElementium, ingotManyullyn, ingotKnightslime, ingotPigiron, ingotAlubrass, ingotBrickSeared, oreCobalt, oreArdite, gemPearl, oreDraconium, ingotDraconiumAwakened, ingotElectricalSteel, ingotEnergeticAlloy, ingotVibrantAlloy, ingotRedstoneAlloy, ingotConductiveIron, ingotPulsatingIron, ingotDarkSteel, ingotSoularium, oreAluminum, oreUranium, ingotRefinedIron, ingotBronze, ingotZinc, ingotBrass, ingotInvar, ingotMithril, ingotTungsten, ingotTitanium, ingotChrome, ingotIridium, gemRuby, gemSapphire, gemPeridot, ingotSignalum, ingotLumium, ingotEnderium, oreSalt, ingotDarkSoularium, oreQuartzBlack, oreDemonicMetal, oreNetherDemonicMetal, denseoreDemonicMetal, orePoorDemonicMetal, oreNetherIron, denseoreIron, orePoorIron, orePigiron, oreNetherPigiron, denseorePigiron, orePoorPigiron, oreKnightslime, oreNetherKnightslime, denseoreKnightslime, orePoorKnightslime, oreAlubrass, oreNetherAlubrass, denseoreAlubrass, orePoorAlubrass, oreNetherCobalt, denseoreCobalt, orePoorCobalt, oreNetherArdite, denseoreArdite, orePoorArdite, oreManyullyn, oreNetherManyullyn, denseoreManyullyn, orePoorManyullyn, oreNetherCopper, denseoreCopper, orePoorCopper, oreBronze, oreNetherBronze, denseoreBronze, orePoorBronze, oreNetherLead, denseoreLead, orePoorLead, oreNetherSilver, denseoreSilver, orePoorSilver, oreElectrum, oreNetherElectrum, denseoreElectrum, orePoorElectrum, oreNetherSteel, denseoreSteel, orePoorSteel, oreNetherGold, denseoreGold, orePoorGold, oreBrass, oreNetherBrass, denseoreBrass, orePoorBrass, oreNetherTin, denseoreTin, orePoorTin, oreNetherNickel, denseoreNickel, orePoorNickel, oreZinc, oreNetherZinc, denseoreZinc, orePoorZinc, oreNetherAluminum, denseoreAluminum, orePoorAluminum, oreConstantan, oreNetherConstantan, denseoreConstantan, orePoorConstantan, oreElectricalSteel, oreNetherElectricalSteel, denseoreElectricalSteel, orePoorElectricalSteel, oreEnergeticAlloy, oreNetherEnergeticAlloy, denseoreEnergeticAlloy, orePoorEnergeticAlloy, oreVibrantAlloy, oreNetherVibrantAlloy, denseoreVibrantAlloy, orePoorVibrantAlloy, oreRedstoneAlloy, oreNetherRedstoneAlloy, denseoreRedstoneAlloy, orePoorRedstoneAlloy, oreConductiveIron, oreNetherConductiveIron, denseoreConductiveIron, orePoorConductiveIron, orePulsatingIron, oreNetherPulsatingIron, denseorePulsatingIron, orePoorPulsatingIron, oreDarkSteel, oreNetherDarkSteel, denseoreDarkSteel, orePoorDarkSteel, oreSoularium, oreNetherSoularium, denseoreSoularium, orePoorSoularium, oreNetherUranium, denseoreUranium, orePoorUranium, ingotAluminium, oreYellorite, oreYellorium, ingotCupronickel, gemAmber, gemAmethyst, gemMalachite, gemTanzanite, gemTopaz, gemGarnet, gemRedGarnet, oreProsperity, oreNetherProsperity, oreEndProsperity, oreInferium, oreNetherInferium, oreEndInferium, ingotBaseEssence, ingotInferium, ingotPrudentium, ingotIntermedium, ingotSuperium, ingotSupremium, ingotSoulium]
  1571. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Registered a total of 87 booklet chapters, where 307 out of 406 booklet pages contain information about items or fluids!
  1572. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: PostInitializing ServerProxy...
  1573. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: PostInitialization Finished.
  1574. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [OpenComputers]: Done with post init phase.
  1575. [12:46:52] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [org.mcupdater.autopackager.AutoPackager:loadRecipes:82]: Key item: Redstone
  1576. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.MineTweakerAPI:registerClassRegistry:250]: Loaded class registry: JEI mod support
  1577. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'minecraft:lapis_ore/0=>1*minecraft:lapis_ore/4=>minecraft:lapis_ore/0' to mapping
  1578. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'minecraft:lit_redstone_ore/0=>1*minecraft:redstone_ore/0=>minecraft:lit_redstone_ore/0' to mapping
  1579. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'minecraft:grass/0=>1*minecraft:grass/0=>minecraft:grass/0' to mapping
  1580. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'minecraft:grass/0=>1*minecraft:dirt/0=>minecraft:dirt/0' to mapping
  1581. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'minecraft:dirt/1=>1*minecraft:dirt/1=>minecraft:dirt/1' to mapping
  1582. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'minecraft:dirt/1=>1*minecraft:dirt/0=>minecraft:dirt/0' to mapping
  1583. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'minecraft:dirt/2=>1*minecraft:dirt/2=>minecraft:dirt/2' to mapping
  1584. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'minecraft:dirt/2=>1*minecraft:dirt/0=>minecraft:dirt/0' to mapping
  1585. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'botania:enchantedSoil/0=>1*botania:enchantedSoil/0=>botania:enchantedSoil/0' to mapping
  1586. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'colossalchests:chestWall/0=>1*colossalchests:chestWall/0=>colossalchests:chestWall/0' to mapping
  1587. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'colossalchests:chestWall/2=>1*colossalchests:chestWall/1=>colossalchests:chestWall/2' to mapping
  1588. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'colossalchests:chestWall/4=>1*colossalchests:chestWall/2=>colossalchests:chestWall/4' to mapping
  1589. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'colossalchests:chestWall/6=>1*colossalchests:chestWall/3=>colossalchests:chestWall/6' to mapping
  1590. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'colossalchests:chestWall/8=>1*colossalchests:chestWall/4=>colossalchests:chestWall/8' to mapping
  1591. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [betterbuilderswands]: Added 'colossalchests:chestWall/10=>1*colossalchests:chestWall/5=>colossalchests:chestWall/10' to mapping
  1592. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BloodMagic]: Total number of compression recipes: 193
  1593. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [BloodMagic]: Added compression recipes in 92.67 ms
  1594. [12:46:53] [Server thread/INFO] [Botania]: The Lexica Botania has 26919 words.
  1595. [12:46:54] [Server thread/INFO] [chancecubes]: Adding minecraft:bedrock:0 to NRB array.
  1596. [12:46:54] [Server thread/INFO] [draconicevolution]: Finished PostInitialization
  1597. [12:46:54] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: OreDictionaryPreferenceParser: Attempted to register 1xitem.itemPowderIngot@4 as the preffered output for dustTin but it is not registered in the OreDictionary as dustTin
  1598. [12:46:54] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: OreDictionaryPreferenceParser: Attempted to register 1xitem.tconstruct.materials@9 as the preffered output for ingotCopper but it is not registered in the OreDictionary as ingotCopper
  1599. [12:46:54] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: OreDictionaryPreferenceParser: Attempted to register 1xitem.tconstruct.materials@10 as the preffered output for ingotTin but it is not registered in the OreDictionary as ingotTin
  1600. [12:46:54] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: OreDictionaryPreferenceParser: Attempted to register 1xitem.tconstruct.materials@13 as the preffered output for ingotBronze but it is not registered in the OreDictionary as ingotBronze
  1601. [12:46:54] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: OreDictionaryPreferenceParser: Attempted to register 1xitem.tconstruct.materials@11 as the preffered output for ingotAluminum but it is not registered in the OreDictionary as ingotAluminum
  1602. [12:46:54] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: OreDictionaryPreferenceParser: Attempted to register 1xitem.tconstruct.materials@11 as the preffered output for ingotAluminium but it is not registered in the OreDictionary as ingotAluminium
  1603. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xtile.immersiveengineering.ore@3
  1604. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.immersiveengineering.metal@3
  1605. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input:
  1606. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Could not find Build Craft Wrench definition. Wrench integration with other mods may fail
  1607. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.ardite@1
  1608. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.lead@1
  1609. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.aluminium@1
  1610. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.nickel@1
  1611. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.cobalt@1
  1612. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.copper@1
  1613. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.iron@1
  1614. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input:
  1615. [12:46:55] [Server thread/WARN] [EnderIO]: Not adding supplied recipe as a recipe already exists for the input: 1xitem.exnihiloadscensio.ore.silver@1
  1616. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Adding Discharge Values
  1617. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Added 4 Discharge Values
  1618. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Discharge Values:
  1619. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Discharge Values: 1xtile.blockCoal@0=4500
  1620. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Discharge Values: 1xitem.coal@0=500
  1621. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Discharge Values: 1xtile.blockRedstone@0=9000
  1622. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registered 6 Energy Types
  1623. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registered 6 Inventory Providers
  1624. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registered 3 Fluid Providers
  1625. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registered 4 Energy Handlers
  1626. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registered 3 Energy Container Providers
  1627. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Registered 0 Machine Upgrades
  1628. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [foamfix]: Weakening LaunchWrapper resource cache...
  1629. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [foamfix]: Optimized 4 FML registries, saving 33554272 bytes.
  1630. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: Turbine fuels:
  1631. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: * empoweredoil: 70 MJ/MB
  1632. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: * fire_water: 120 MJ/MB
  1633. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: * crystaloil: 40 MJ/MB
  1634. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: * oil: 20 MJ/MB
  1635. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: * rocket_fuel: 112 MJ/MB
  1636. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: * syngas: 100 MJ/MB
  1637. [12:46:55] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: * biodiesel: 50 MJ/MB
  1638. [12:46:56] [Immersive Engineering Contributors Thread/INFO] [immersiveengineering]: Attempting to download special revolvers from GitHub
  1639. [12:46:56] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:95]: Loading scripts
  1640. [12:46:56] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:143]: MineTweaker: Loading file inventory.zs
  1641. [12:46:56] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:customBrick0Slab could not be found.
  1642. [12:46:56] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:customBrick0SlabFull could not be found.
  1643. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:customBrick1Slab could not be found.
  1644. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:customBrick1SlabFull could not be found.
  1645. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:customBrick2Slab could not be found.
  1646. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:customBrick2SlabFull could not be found.
  1647. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:customBrick3Slab could not be found.
  1648. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:customBrick3SlabFull could not be found.
  1649. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:dirtPath0Slab could not be found.
  1650. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [net.blay09.mods.kleeslabs.KleeSlabs]: Slab Botania:dirtPath0SlabFull could not be found.
  1651. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: harvestcraft:muttonrawItem did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1652. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item harvestcraft:muttonrawItem is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1653. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: chancecubes:chancePendantTier1 did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1654. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item chancecubes:chancePendantTier1 is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1655. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: extrautils2:Wrench did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1656. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item extrautils2:Wrench is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1657. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: extrautils2:GoldenLasso did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1658. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item extrautils2:GoldenLasso is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1659. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: baconators:Squeakenator did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1660. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item baconators:Squeakenator is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1661. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: baconators:Darkonator did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1662. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item baconators:Darkonator is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1663. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: chancecubes:chancePendantTier2 did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1664. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item chancecubes:chancePendantTier2 is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1665. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: extrautils2:Ingredients did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1666. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item extrautils2:Ingredients is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1667. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: extrautils2:Ingredients did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1668. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item extrautils2:Ingredients is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1669. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: extrautils2:PassiveGenerator did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1670. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item extrautils2:PassiveGenerator is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1671. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: chancecubes:chancePendantTier3 did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1672. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item chancecubes:chancePendantTier3 is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1673. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: rftools:unknownDimlet did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1674. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item rftools:unknownDimlet is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1675. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: rftools:dimensionalShardItem did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1676. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item rftools:dimensionalShardItem is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1677. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: extrautils2:EnderLilly did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1678. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item extrautils2:EnderLilly is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1679. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Loot Item with name: chancecubes:chancePendantTier4 did not find an item with that name and mod ID. Ensure that the information is correct.
  1680. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Whitelisted Content Item chancecubes:chancePendantTier4 is NULL. This is a major problem, probably caused by the item not being initilized and added to the Forge registry before the PostInit event when this code runs.
  1681. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.betterbuilderswands:wandUnrestricted@0:1:1:1
  1682. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.betterbuilderswands:wandAdvanced@0:1:1:1
  1683. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.betterbuilderswands:wandBasic@0:1:1:1
  1684. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.juicerItem@0:1:1:1
  1685. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.blocks.integrateddynamics.menrilSapling@0:1:1:1
  1686. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.mushroom@0:1:1:1
  1687. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.carrots@0:1:1:1
  1688. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.dirt@0:1:1:1
  1689. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.dirt@1:1:1:1
  1690. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.dirt@2:1:1:1
  1691. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@1:1:1:1
  1692. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@10:1:1:1
  1693. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@11:1:1:1
  1694. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@12:1:1:1
  1695. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@13:1:1:1
  1696. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@14:1:1:1
  1697. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@15:1:1:1
  1698. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@2:1:1:1
  1699. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@3:1:1:1
  1700. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@4:1:1:1
  1701. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@5:1:1:1
  1702. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@6:1:1:1
  1703. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@7:1:1:1
  1704. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@8:1:1:1
  1705. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.dyePowder@9:1:1:1
  1706. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.seeds_melon@0:1:1:1
  1707. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.paper@0:1:1:1
  1708. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.potato@0:1:1:1
  1709. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.seeds_pumpkin@0:1:1:1
  1710. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.mushroom@0:1:1:1
  1711. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.sapling@0:1:1:1
  1712. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.sapling@1:1:1:1
  1713. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.sapling@2:1:1:1
  1714. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.sapling@3:1:1:1
  1715. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.sapling@4:1:1:1
  1716. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.sapling@5:1:1:1
  1717. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.snow@0:1:1:1
  1718. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.stick@0:1:1:1
  1719. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.sugar@0:1:1:1
  1720. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.wheat@0:1:1:1
  1721. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.gravel@0:1:1:1
  1722. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.miniCharcoal@0:1:1:1
  1723. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.miniCoal@0:1:1:1
  1724. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xtile.sand@0:1:1:1
  1725. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Blacklist Item: 1xitem.chesttransporter_wood@0:1:1:1
  1726. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: General Recycler Blacklist Error: Line: minecraft:string Improperly formed Blacklisted item.
  1727. [12:46:57] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: General Recycler Blacklist Error: Line: minecraft:coal Improperly formed Blacklisted item.
  1728. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Whitelist Item: 1xitem.arrow@0:1:1:100
  1729. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Added General Recycler Whitelist Item: 1xitem.bow@1:1:1:50
  1730. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Completed on-load tasks.
  1731. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Starting sign integrations
  1732. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Tinkers' Construct SignIntegration
  1733. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Natura SignIntegration
  1734. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Psi SignIntegration
  1735. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Roots SignIntegration
  1736. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Extreme Reactors SignIntegration
  1737. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Immersive Engineering SignIntegration
  1738. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Integrated Dynamics SignIntegration
  1739. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Draconic Evolution SignIntegration
  1740. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Ender IO SignIntegration
  1741. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded Random Things SignIntegration
  1742. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Finished 11 sign integrations with 64 signs registered
  1743. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Replacing Recipe: net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapelessOreRecipe@98ae0f6 (containing 1xitem.sign@0) -> gory_moon.moarsigns.api.ShapelessMoarSignRecipe@1bb22825
  1744. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Replacing Recipe: net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes@1ec066ec (containing 1xitem.sign@0) -> gory_moon.moarsigns.api.ShapedMoarSignRecipe@5ff2d9b2
  1745. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [MoarSigns]: Loaded CraftTweaker 3 Integration
  1746. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [modtweaker]: Starting PostInitialization for modtweaker
  1747. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class resonant.core.content.ItemScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1748. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrench (this is not an error)
  1749. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrenchElectric (this is not an error)
  1750. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class mrtjp.projectred.api.IScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1751. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class mods.railcraft.api.core.items.IToolCrowbar (this is not an error)
  1752. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class com.bluepowermod.items.ItemScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1753. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench (this is not an error)
  1754. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class (this is not an error)
  1755. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class mekanism.api.IMekWrench (this is not an error)
  1756. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class mcjty.rftools.items.smartwrench (this is not an error)
  1757. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class pneumaticCraft.common.item.ItemPneumaticWrench (this is not an error)
  1758. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [notenoughwands]: Failed to load wrench class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.IToolHammer (this is not an error)
  1759. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class resonant.core.content.ItemScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1760. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrench (this is not an error)
  1761. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrenchElectric (this is not an error)
  1762. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mrtjp.projectred.api.IScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1763. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mods.railcraft.api.core.items.IToolCrowbar (this is not an error)
  1764. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class com.bluepowermod.items.ItemScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1765. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench (this is not an error)
  1766. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class (this is not an error)
  1767. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mekanism.api.IMekWrench (this is not an error)
  1768. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mcjty.rftools.items.smartwrench (this is not an error)
  1769. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class pneumaticCraft.common.item.ItemPneumaticWrench (this is not an error)
  1770. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.IToolHammer (this is not an error)
  1771. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class resonant.core.content.ItemScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1772. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrench (this is not an error)
  1773. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrenchElectric (this is not an error)
  1774. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mrtjp.projectred.api.IScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1775. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mods.railcraft.api.core.items.IToolCrowbar (this is not an error)
  1776. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class com.bluepowermod.items.ItemScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1777. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench (this is not an error)
  1778. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class (this is not an error)
  1779. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mekanism.api.IMekWrench (this is not an error)
  1780. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mcjty.rftools.items.smartwrench (this is not an error)
  1781. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class pneumaticCraft.common.item.ItemPneumaticWrench (this is not an error)
  1782. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.IToolHammer (this is not an error)
  1783. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class resonant.core.content.ItemScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1784. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrench (this is not an error)
  1785. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class ic2.core.item.tool.ItemToolWrenchElectric (this is not an error)
  1786. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mrtjp.projectred.api.IScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1787. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mods.railcraft.api.core.items.IToolCrowbar (this is not an error)
  1788. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class com.bluepowermod.items.ItemScrewdriver (this is not an error)
  1789. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench (this is not an error)
  1790. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class (this is not an error)
  1791. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mekanism.api.IMekWrench (this is not an error)
  1792. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class mcjty.rftools.items.smartwrench (this is not an error)
  1793. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class pneumaticCraft.common.item.ItemPneumaticWrench (this is not an error)
  1794. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Failed to load wrench class powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.IToolHammer (this is not an error)
  1795. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Crafting Integration: Why so many recipes? I had to deal with 103 recipes.
  1796. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Furnace Integration: Some things that you smelted appear to be different now.
  1797. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Blood Magic Integration: It's bleeding...
  1798. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Chickens Integration: changed Chicken's DNA to eggs give the right things when hatched.
  1799. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Ender IO Integration: Some inanimate objects appear to have used ender pearls. They all disappeared, how this is possible?
  1800. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: Immersive Engineering Integration: The world's engineer appears to be more immersive.
  1801. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [wanionlib]: All 6 Integrations took 34ms to finish. at load stage PostInit
  1802. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1803. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Unknown recipe class! com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.lib.RecipeDislocatorClone Modders need to register their recipe types with net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
  1804. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter.getPriority(
  1805. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1806. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1807. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.countRunAndMakeAscending(Unknown Source)
  1808. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.sort(Unknown Source)
  1809. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source)...
  1810. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1811. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1812. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Unknown recipe class! com.brandon3055.draconicevolution.lib.RecipeEIOStabilization Modders need to register their recipe types with net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
  1813. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter.getPriority(
  1814. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1815. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1816. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.countRunAndMakeAscending(Unknown Source)
  1817. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.sort(Unknown Source)
  1818. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source)...
  1819. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1820. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1821. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Unknown recipe class! vswe.stevescarts.helpers.ShapedRecipes2 Modders need to register their recipe types with net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
  1822. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter.getPriority(
  1823. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1824. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1825. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.countRunAndMakeAscending(Unknown Source)
  1826. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.sort(Unknown Source)
  1827. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source)...
  1828. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1829. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1830. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Unknown recipe class! Modders need to register their recipe types with net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
  1831. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter.getPriority(
  1832. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1833. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1834. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.gallopLeft(Unknown Source)
  1835. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.mergeLo(Unknown Source)
  1836. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt(Unknown Source)...
  1837. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1838. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1839. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Unknown recipe class! mod.baijson.baconators.recipe.DyeableRecipe Modders need to register their recipe types with net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
  1840. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter.getPriority(
  1841. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1842. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1843. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.gallopLeft(Unknown Source)
  1844. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.mergeLo(Unknown Source)
  1845. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt(Unknown Source)...
  1846. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1847. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1848. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Unknown recipe class! com.amadornes.rscircuits.init.SCMRecipes$RecipeRedprintCircuit Modders need to register their recipe types with net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
  1849. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter.getPriority(
  1850. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1851. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1852. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.gallopLeft(Unknown Source)
  1853. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.mergeLo(Unknown Source)
  1854. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt(Unknown Source)...
  1855. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1856. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1857. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * Unknown recipe class! com.gendeathrow.hatchery.core.init.ModRecipes$1 Modders need to register their recipe types with net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
  1858. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter.getPriority(
  1859. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1860. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at
  1861. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.gallopLeft(Unknown Source)
  1862. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.mergeHi(Unknown Source)
  1863. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: * at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt(Unknown Source)...
  1864. [12:46:57] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: ****************************************
  1865. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [SuperScript]: Found 6 tweaks to apply for stage FINISHED_LOAD. Applying...
  1866. [12:46:57] [Server thread/INFO] [BiomeTweaker]: Generating biome status report...
  1867. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Attempting to register plugin for anything from team.chisel.common.integration.waila.ChiselDataHandler
  1868. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registered plugin for anything from team.chisel.common.integration.waila.ChiselDataHandler in 2.256 ms
  1869. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Attempting to register plugin for anything from mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft
  1870. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registered plugin for anything from mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.PluginMinecraft in 21.37 ms
  1871. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Attempting to register plugin for anything from mcp.mobius.waila.addons.capability.PluginCapability
  1872. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Registered plugin for anything from mcp.mobius.waila.addons.capability.PluginCapability in 8.848 ms
  1873. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect slimeknights.tconstruct.plugin.waila.WailaRegistrar wailaCallback
  1874. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering tconstruct
  1875. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect crazypants.enderio.integration.waila.WailaCompat load
  1876. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering EnderIO
  1877. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect engineers.workshop.common.dependencies.waila.WailaHandler onWailaCall
  1878. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering engineersworkshop
  1879. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect wailaCallback
  1880. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering natura
  1881. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect gory_moon.moarsigns.integration.waila.Provider callbackRegister
  1882. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering moarsigns
  1883. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect mcjty.lib.compat.waila.WailaCompatibility load
  1884. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering rftools
  1885. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect eladkay.scanner.compat.Waila onWailaCall
  1886. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering scanner
  1887. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect net.darkhax.wawla.engine.waila.EntityProvider register
  1888. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering wawla
  1889. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect net.darkhax.wawla.engine.waila.TileProvider register
  1890. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering wawla
  1891. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect org.mcupdater.autopackager.compat.WailaRegistry initWaila
  1892. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering autopackager
  1893. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect WayofTime.bloodmagic.compat.waila.WailaCallbackHandler callbackRegister
  1894. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering BloodMagic
  1895. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect com.setycz.chickens.waila.ChickensEntityProvider load
  1896. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering chickens
  1897. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect org.cyclops.cyclopscore.modcompat.waila.Waila callbackRegister
  1898. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering cyclopscore
  1899. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect net.blay09.mods.cookingforblockheads.compat.WailaProvider register
  1900. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering cookingforblockheads
  1901. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect net.darkhax.darkutils.addons.waila.DarkUtilsTileProvider registerAddon
  1902. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering darkutils
  1903. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.integration.Waila registerProvider
  1904. [12:46:58] [Server thread/WARN] [Waila]: Exception while trying to access the method : java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
  1905. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect exnihiloadscensio.compatibility.CompatWaila callbackRegister
  1906. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering exnihiloadscensio
  1907. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect net.blay09.mods.excompressum.compat.waila.WailaProvider register
  1908. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering excompressum
  1909. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect net.bdew.generators.waila.WailaHandler loadCallback
  1910. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [advgenerators]: WAILA callback received, loading...
  1911. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering advgenerators
  1912. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect net.darkhax.gyth.plugins.PluginWaila registerAddon
  1913. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering gyth
  1914. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect com.gendeathrow.hatchery.core.waila.HatcheryTileProvider load
  1915. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering hatchery
  1916. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect ganymedes01.headcrumbs.waila.WailaRegistrar wailaCallback
  1917. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering headcrumbs
  1918. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.waila.IEWailaDataProvider callbackRegister
  1919. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering immersiveengineering
  1920. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect org.cyclops.integrateddynamics.modcompat.waila.Waila callbackRegister
  1921. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering integrateddynamics
  1922. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect com.blakebr0.mysticalagriculture.util.WailaDataProvider callbackRegister
  1923. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering mysticalagriculture
  1924. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect shetiphian.platforms.modintegration.waila.WailaDataProvider callbackRegister
  1925. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering platforms
  1926. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect QuantumStorage.compat.waila.CompatModuleWaila callbackRegister
  1927. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering quantumstorage
  1928. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Trying to reflect com.mrdimka.solarfluxreborn.intr.waila.WailaIntegrar registerWAIA
  1929. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Waila]: Success in registering solarfluxreborn
  1930. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 184 mods
  1931. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FTBLib]: FTBLib Loaded
  1932. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: Root tag must be a named compound tag
  1933. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools.func_152456_a(
  1934. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools.func_74797_a(
  1935. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils.readTag(
  1936. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.api_impl.Universe.load(
  1937. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.FTBLibMod.onServerAboutToStart(
  1938. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  1939. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1940. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1941. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1942. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(
  1943. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor8.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1944. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1945. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1946. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1947. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1948. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1949. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1950. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1951. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
  1952. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(
  1953. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  1954. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1955. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1956. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1957. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1958. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1959. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1960. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1961. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1962. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
  1963. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.serverAboutToStart(
  1964. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerAboutToStart(
  1965. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
  1966. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1967. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at Source)
  1968. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: Root tag must be a named compound tag
  1969. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools.func_152456_a(
  1970. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools.func_74797_a(
  1971. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils.readTag(
  1972. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.api_impl.Universe.load(
  1973. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.FTBLibMod.onServerAboutToStart(
  1974. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  1975. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1976. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1977. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1978. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent(
  1979. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor8.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1980. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1981. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1982. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1983. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1984. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1985. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1986. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1987. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer(
  1988. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage(
  1989. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  1990. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1991. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1992. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
  1993. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1994. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1995. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1996. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1997. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  1998. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage(
  1999. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.serverAboutToStart(
  2000. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerAboutToStart(
  2001. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
  2002. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at
  2003. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.lib.util.NBTUtils:readTag:48]: at Source)
  2004. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FTBUtilities]: Loading ranks..
  2005. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
  2006. [12:46:58] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting existing block and item data into this server instance
  2007. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  2008. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  2009. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 0 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@1a4934d2)
  2010. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: Not in GZIP format
  2011. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at Source)
  2012. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at<init>(Unknown Source)
  2013. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at<init>(Unknown Source)
  2014. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools.func_74796_a(
  2015. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at
  2016. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at
  2017. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a(
  2018. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(
  2019. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at
  2020. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: []: at Source)
  2021. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 66 (world) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@1a4934d2)
  2022. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO] [Actually Additions]: Successfully received WorldData for world 66!
  2023. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Exception caught during firing event$Load@5e672725:
  2024. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1
  2025. at ~[Gson.class:?]
  2026. at ~[Gson.class:?]
  2027. at us.illyohs.itsbecauseuhasnogoodspawn.handler.IslandHandler.loadIslandList( ~[IslandHandler.class:?]
  2028. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_903_IslandHandler_loadIslandList_Load.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
  2029. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[ASMEventHandler.class:?]
  2030. at [EventBus.class:?]
  2031. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2032. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( [ld.class:?]
  2033. at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2034. at Source) [?:1.8.0_201]
  2035. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1
  2036. at ~[JsonReader.class:?]
  2037. at$ ~[MapTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter.class:?]
  2038. at$ ~[MapTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter.class:?]
  2039. at ~[Gson.class:?]
  2040. ... 9 more
  2041. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Index: 20 Listeners:
  2042. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 0: HIGHEST
  2043. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 1: ASM: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeInternalHandler@687f992c onDimensionLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2044. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 2: ASM: li.cil.oc.common.SaveHandler$@672763ac onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2045. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 3: NORMAL
  2046. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 4: ASM: codechicken.enderstorage.manager.EnderStorageManager$EnderStorageSaveHandler@31e8f922 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2047. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 5: ASM: onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2048. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 6: ASM: Block{botania:pistonRelay} onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2049. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 7: ASM: net.minecraftforge.lex.yunomakegoodmap.YUNoMakeGoodMap@224c5dd0 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2050. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 8: ASM: INSTANCE onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2051. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 9: ASM: onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2052. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 10: ASM: codechicken.nei.ServerHandler@38aabde0 loadEvent(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2053. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 11: ASM: de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.event.CommonEvents@227b9f7a onLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2054. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 12: ASM: li.cil.oc.common.event.BlockChangeHandler$@2fe46801 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2055. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 13: ASM: li.cil.oc.common.Loot$@291e6d3c initForWorld(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2056. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 14: ASM:$@4709f4a1 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2057. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 15: ASM:$@3c18f230 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2058. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 16: ASM: codechicken.chunkloader.handler.ChunkLoaderEventHandler@4d53667 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2059. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 17: ASM: com.pau101.fairylights.server.ServerEventHandler@12ea3fd7 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2060. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 18: ASM: sonar.flux.FluxEvents@2a55c773 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2061. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 19: ASM: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.EventHandler@29fe6d08 onLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2062. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 20: ASM: us.illyohs.itsbecauseuhasnogoodspawn.handler.IslandHandler@5b710b70 loadIslandList(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2063. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 21: LOWEST
  2064. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 22: ASM: com.rwtema.extrautils2.chunkloading.XUChunkLoaderManager@28843d51 worldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2065. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 23: ASM: me.superckl.biometweaker.common.handler.BiomeEventHandler@3f2cb180 onWorldLoad(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Load;)V
  2066. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
  2067. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1
  2068. at ~[Gson.class:?]
  2069. at ~[Gson.class:?]
  2070. at us.illyohs.itsbecauseuhasnogoodspawn.handler.IslandHandler.loadIslandList( ~[IslandHandler.class:?]
  2071. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_903_IslandHandler_loadIslandList_Load.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
  2072. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[ASMEventHandler.class:?]
  2073. at ~[EventBus.class:?]
  2074. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2075. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( ~[ld.class:?]
  2076. at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2077. at Source) [?:1.8.0_201]
  2078. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1
  2079. at ~[JsonReader.class:?]
  2080. at$ ~[MapTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter.class:?]
  2081. at$ ~[MapTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter.class:?]
  2082. at ~[Gson.class:?]
  2083. ... 9 more
  2084. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: C:\Users\Takamu\Downloads\FTBPresentsSkyfactory3Server\.\crash-reports\crash-2019-01-18_12.46.59-server.txt
  2085. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
  2086. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
  2087. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
  2088. [12:46:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
  2089. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Exception caught during firing event$Save@67702f32:
  2090. java.lang.NullPointerException: name can't be null
  2091. at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2092. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2093. at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkWrite(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2094. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2095. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2096. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2097. at ~[DataManager.class:?]
  2098. at ~[DataManager.class:?]
  2099. at ~[DataManager.class:?]
  2100. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_532_DataManager_onWorldSave_Save.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
  2101. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[ASMEventHandler.class:?]
  2102. at [EventBus.class:?]
  2103. at [ls.class:?]
  2104. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71267_a( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2105. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71260_j( [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2106. at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2107. at Source) [?:1.8.0_201]
  2108. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Index: 6 Listeners:
  2109. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 0: HIGHEST
  2110. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 1: ASM: net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeInternalHandler@687f992c onDimensionSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2111. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 2: NORMAL
  2112. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 3: ASM: codechicken.enderstorage.manager.EnderStorageManager$EnderStorageSaveHandler@31e8f922 onWorldSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2113. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 4: ASM: class com.feed_the_beast.ftbl.FTBLibEventHandler onWorldSaved(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2114. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 5: ASM: INSTANCE onWorldSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2115. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 6: ASM: onWorldSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2116. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 7: ASM: de.ellpeck.actuallyadditions.mod.event.CommonEvents@227b9f7a onSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2117. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 8: ASM: li.cil.oc.common.item.Tablet$@373aefe0 onWorldSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2118. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 9: ASM: li.cil.oc.common.event.ChunkloaderUpgradeHandler$@7fdebc4d onWorldSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2119. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 10: ASM: codechicken.chunkloader.handler.ChunkLoaderEventHandler@4d53667 onWorldSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2120. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 11: ASM: sonar.flux.FluxEvents@2a55c773 onWorldSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2121. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 12: ASM: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.EventHandler@29fe6d08 onSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2122. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 13: ASM: us.illyohs.itsbecauseuhasnogoodspawn.handler.IslandHandler@5b710b70 saveIslandList(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2123. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 14: LOWEST
  2124. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: 15: ASM: li.cil.oc.common.SaveHandler$@672763ac onWorldSave(Lnet/minecraftforge/event/world/WorldEvent$Save;)V
  2125. [12:46:59] [Server thread/ERROR]: Exception stopping the server
  2126. java.lang.NullPointerException: name can't be null
  2127. at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2128. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2129. at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkWrite(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2130. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2131. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2132. at<init>(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_201]
  2133. at ~[DataManager.class:?]
  2134. at ~[DataManager.class:?]
  2135. at ~[DataManager.class:?]
  2136. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_532_DataManager_onWorldSave_Save.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
  2137. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[ASMEventHandler.class:?]
  2138. at ~[EventBus.class:?]
  2139. at ~[ls.class:?]
  2140. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71267_a( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2141. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71260_j( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2142. at [MinecraftServer.class:?]
  2143. at Source) [?:1.8.0_201]
  2144. [12:47:02] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
  2145. [12:47:02] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
  2146. [12:47:02] [Server thread/INFO] [fluxnetworks]: Removed Networks
  2147. [12:47:02] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: RFTools: server is stopping. Shutting down gracefully
  2148. [12:47:02] [Server thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: RFTools: server is stopping. Shutting down gracefully
  2149. [12:47:02] [Server thread/INFO] [FML]: The state engine was in incorrect state SERVER_STARTING and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
  2150. [12:47:02] [Server Shutdown Thread/INFO]: Stopping server
  2151. > 2019-01-18 12:47:02,525 ERROR Attempted to append to non-started appender File
  2152. Exiting...
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