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a guest
Sep 19th, 2019
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  1. class Solution:
  2. def numIslands(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
  3. if grid is None or len(grid) is 0:
  4. return 0
  5. row_count = len(grid)
  6. col_count = len(grid[0])
  7. visited = [[0 for _ in range(col_count)] for _ in range(row_count)]
  8. islands = 0
  9. for row_idx in range(len(visited)):
  10. for col_idx in range(len(visited[row_idx])):
  11. if not visited[row_idx][col_idx]:
  12. # haven't visited this cell before
  13. # find current cell in original
  14. curr_cell = grid[row_idx][col_idx]
  15. if curr_cell is "1":
  16. # if 1, new island has been found
  17. islands += 1
  18. # now must find all connecting land elements
  19. lands = [(row_idx, col_idx)]
  20. while lands:
  21. curr_land = lands.pop()
  22. associated_row = curr_land[0]
  23. associated_col = curr_land[1]
  24. if grid[associated_row][associated_col] is "1":
  25. if not visited[associated_row][associated_col]:
  26. visited[associated_row][associated_col] = 1
  27. # go through these neighbors and add to lands
  28. look_up = associated_row - 1
  29. look_down = associated_row + 1
  30. look_left = associated_col - 1
  31. look_right = associated_col + 1
  32. if look_up >= 0 and look_up < row_count:
  33. lands.append((look_up, associated_col))
  34. if look_down >= 0 and look_down < row_count:
  35. lands.append((look_down, associated_col))
  36. if look_left >= 0 and look_left < col_count:
  37. lands.append((associated_row, look_left))
  38. if look_right >= 0 and look_right < col_count:
  39. lands.append((associated_row, look_right))
  40. return islands
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