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a guest
Dec 9th, 2018
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  1. messages:
  2. prefix: '&4[RemoteCannons]'
  3. hold-success: '%prefix% &7You have pressed your last button for &a%time% &aticks&7.'
  4. press-success: '%prefix% &7You have pressed your last button.'
  5. button-removed: '%prefix% &7Your last pressed button was removed.'
  6. button-already-on: '%prefix% &7The button is already pressed.'
  7. button-already-off: '%prefix% &7The button is already released.'
  8. no-button-recently-clicked: '%prefix% &7You have not recently clicked a button.'
  9. button-no-longer-tracked: '%prefix% &7You have removed tracking of your last pressed button.'
  10. economy-withdraw: '%prefix% &7You were deducted &c$%amount%&7.'
  11. economy-insufficient-balance: '%prefix% &7You do not have enough money.'
  12. no-permission: '%prefix% &7You do not have permission.'
  13. config-reloaded: '%prefix% &7Config reloaded (&a%time%&7).'
  14. invalid-command-arguments: '%prefix% &7Invalid command arguments.'
  15. command-help: '&8&m------------------------------------\n%prefix%\n&f \n&a/rc press &8- &7Presses your last button\n&a/rc hold <ticks> &8- &7Presses your last button for certain ticks.\n&a/rc remove &8- &7Removes your tracked button.\n&a/rc view &8- &7Views your tracked button location.\n&a/rc release &8- &7Releases your tracked button.\n&8&m------------------------------------'
  16. command-help-admin: '&8&m------------------------------------\n%prefix%\n&f \n&a/rc press &8- &7Presses your last button\n&a/rc hold <ticks> &8- &7Presses your last button for certain ticks.\n&a/rc remove &8- &7Removes your tracked button.\n&a/rc reload &8- &7Reloads the configuration\n&a/rc view &8- &7Views your tracked button location.\n&a/rc release &8- &7Releases your tracked button.\n&8&m------------------------------------'
  17. duration-too-long: '%prefix% &7You can only hold it for &a%max%&7 ticks.'
  18. distance-too-far: '%prefix% &7You are too far from your button, you need to be within &c%distance% blocks&7.'
  19. not-same-world: '%prefix% &7You are not in the same world as your button.'
  20. hold-ticks-action-bar: '%prefix% &7Ticks left: &c%ticks%'
  21. button-view: '%prefix% &7Your button location is at: &8[&a%x%&7, &a%y%&7, &a%z%&8]&7 in &a%world%&7.'
  22. button-released: '%prefix% &7Your button has been released.'
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