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Aug 13th, 2017
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  1. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // Torque Game Engine
  3. // Copyright (C), Inc.
  4. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. $MaxHelicopters = 3;
  6. $HelicopterCount = 0;
  7. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. datablock SFXDescription(HeliLooping3d)
  9. {
  10. volume = 1.0;
  11. isLooping = true;
  12. loopCount = 5;
  13. is3D = true;
  14. ReferenceDistance = 25.0;
  15. MaxDistance = 100.0;
  16. type = $SimAudioType;
  17. };
  19. datablock SFXProfile(heliEngineSound)
  20. {
  21. filename = "art/shapes/vehicles/iroquis/heli.ogg";
  22. description = HeliLooping3d;
  23. preload = true;
  24. };
  26. datablock SFXProfile(heliExplosionSound)
  27. {
  28. filename = "art/sound/m16/m16_explosion.ogg";
  29. description = AudioDefault3d;
  30. preload = true;
  31. };
  33. datablock ParticleData(HeliDustParticle)
  34. {
  35. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/smoke";
  36. dragCoefficient = 2.0;
  37. gravityCoefficient = 1.0;
  38. inheritedVelFactor = 0.1;
  39. constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  40. lifetimeMS = 1000;
  41. lifetimeVarianceMS = 0;
  42. colors[0] = "0.5 0.4 0.3 1.0";
  43. colors[1] = "0.65 0.55 0.45 0.6";
  44. sizes[0] = 5.0;
  45. sizes[1] = 10.0;
  46. useInvAlpha = true;
  47. };
  49. datablock ParticleEmitterData(HeliDustEmittera)
  50. {
  51. ejectionPeriodMS = 50;
  52. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  53. ejectionVelocity = 6;
  54. velocityVariance = 3.0;
  55. ejectionOffset = 1.0;
  56. thetaMin = 0;
  57. thetaMax = 180;
  58. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  59. phiVariance = 360;
  60. overrideAdvance = false;
  61. particles = "HeliDustParticle";
  62. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  63. };
  64. datablock ParticleEmitterData(HeliDustEmitterb)
  65. {
  66. ejectionPeriodMS = 50;
  67. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  68. ejectionVelocity = 6;
  69. velocityVariance = 3.0;
  70. ejectionOffset = 1.0;
  71. thetaMin = 0;
  72. thetaMax = 180;
  73. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  74. phiVariance = 360;
  75. overrideAdvance = false;
  76. particles = "HeliDustParticle";
  77. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  78. };
  79. datablock ParticleEmitterData(HeliDustEmitterc)
  80. {
  81. ejectionPeriodMS = 50;
  82. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  83. ejectionVelocity = 6;
  84. velocityVariance = 3.0;
  85. ejectionOffset = 1.0;
  86. thetaMin = 0;
  87. thetaMax = 180;
  88. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  89. phiVariance = 360;
  90. overrideAdvance = false;
  91. particles = "HeliDustParticle";
  92. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  93. };
  95. datablock ParticleData(LightDamageParticle)
  96. {
  97. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/smoke";
  98. dragCoefficient = 2.0;
  99. gravityCoefficient = -0.1;
  100. inheritedVelFactor = 0.1;
  101. constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  102. lifetimeMS = 1000;
  103. lifetimeVarianceMS = 0;
  104. colors[0] = "0.46 0.46 0.46 1.0";
  105. colors[1] = "0.16 0.16 0.16 0.0";
  106. sizes[0] = 1.50;
  107. sizes[1] = 3.0;
  108. };
  110. datablock ParticleEmitterData(LightDamageEmitter)
  111. {
  112. ejectionPeriodMS = 10;
  113. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  114. ejectionVelocity = 6;
  115. velocityVariance = 3.0;
  116. ejectionOffset = 0.0;
  117. thetaMin = 5;
  118. thetaMax = 60;
  119. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  120. phiVariance = 360;
  121. overrideAdvance = false;
  122. particles = "LightDamageParticle";
  123. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  124. };
  126. datablock ParticleData(HeavyDamageParticle)
  127. {
  128. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/smoke";
  129. dragCoefficient = 2.0;
  130. gravityCoefficient = -0.1;
  131. inheritedVelFactor = 0.1;
  132. constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  133. lifetimeMS = 2000;
  134. lifetimeVarianceMS = 0.5;
  135. colors[0] = "0.25 0.25 0.16 1.0";
  136. colors[1] = "0.16 0.16 0.16 0.0";
  137. sizes[0] = 2.50;
  138. sizes[1] = 5.0;
  139. };
  141. datablock ParticleEmitterData(HeavyDamageEmitter)
  142. {
  143. ejectionPeriodMS = 10;
  144. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  145. ejectionVelocity = 10;
  146. velocityVariance = 3.0;
  147. ejectionOffset = 0.4;
  148. thetaMin = 5;
  149. thetaMax = 60;
  150. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  151. phiVariance = 360;
  152. overrideAdvance = false;
  153. particles = "HeavyDamageParticle";
  154. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  155. };
  157. datablock ParticleData(DefaultHeliExplosionParticle)
  158. {
  159. dragCoefficient = 2;
  160. gravityCoefficient = 0.5;
  161. inheritedVelFactor = 0.9;
  162. constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  163. lifetimeMS = 900;
  164. lifetimeVarianceMS = 200;
  165. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/smoke";
  166. colors[0] = "0.86 0.36 0.26 1.0";
  167. colors[1] = "0.70 0.36 0.26 0.5";
  168. colors[2] = "0.56 0.36 0.26 0.0";
  169. sizes[0] = 8.5;
  170. sizes[1] = 11.5;
  171. sizes[2] = 17.0;
  172. };
  174. datablock ParticleEmitterData(DestroyedEmitter)
  175. {
  176. ejectionPeriodMS = 50;
  177. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  178. ejectionVelocity = 10;
  179. velocityVariance = 3.0;
  180. ejectionOffset = 0.4;
  181. thetaMin = 5;
  182. thetaMax = 60;
  183. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  184. phiVariance = 360;
  185. overrideAdvance = false;
  186. particles = "defaultHeliExplosionParticle";
  187. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  188. };
  190. datablock DebrisData(defaultHeliDebri)
  191. {
  192. explodeOnMaxBounce = false;
  193. shapeFile = "art/shapes/vehicles/iroquis/iroquis_debris.dts";
  194. elasticity = 0.15;
  195. friction = 0.5;
  197. lifetime = 30.0;
  198. lifetimeVariance = 0.0;
  200. minSpinSpeed = 1;
  201. maxSpinSpeed = 6;
  203. numBounces = 3;
  204. bounceVariance = 1.3;
  206. staticOnMaxBounce = false;
  207. gravModifier = 1.0;
  209. useRadiusMass = true;
  210. baseRadius = 1;
  212. velocity = 20.0;
  213. velocityVariance = 12.0;
  214. };
  216. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217. // Explosion Debris
  219. // Debris "spark" explosion
  220. datablock ParticleData(heliDebrisSpark)
  221. {
  222. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/fire";
  223. dragCoefficient = 0;
  224. gravityCoefficient = 0.0;
  225. windCoefficient = 0;
  226. inheritedVelFactor = 0.5;
  227. constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  228. lifetimeMS = 500;
  229. lifetimeVarianceMS = 50;
  230. spinRandomMin = -90.0;
  231. spinRandomMax = 90.0;
  232. useInvAlpha = false;
  234. colors[0] = "0.8 0.2 0 1.0";
  235. colors[1] = "0.8 0.2 0 1.0";
  236. colors[2] = "0 0 0 0.0";
  238. sizes[0] = 0.2;
  239. sizes[1] = 0.3;
  240. sizes[2] = 0.1;
  242. times[0] = 0.0;
  243. times[1] = 0.5;
  244. times[2] = 1.0;
  245. };
  247. datablock ParticleEmitterData(heliDebrisSparkEmitter)
  248. {
  249. ejectionPeriodMS = 20;
  250. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  251. ejectionVelocity = 0.5;
  252. velocityVariance = 0.25;
  253. ejectionOffset = 0.0;
  254. thetaMin = 0;
  255. thetaMax = 90;
  256. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  257. phiVariance = 360;
  258. overrideAdvance = false;
  259. orientParticles = false;
  260. lifetimeMS = 300;
  261. particles = "heliDebrisSpark";
  262. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  263. };
  265. datablock ExplosionData(heliDebrisExplosion)
  266. {
  267. emitter[0] = heliDebrisSparkEmitter;
  269. // Turned off..
  270. shakeCamera = false;
  271. impulseRadius = 0;
  272. lightStartRadius = 0;
  273. lightEndRadius = 0;
  274. };
  276. // Debris smoke trail
  277. datablock ParticleData(heliDebrisTrail)
  278. {
  279. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/fire";
  280. dragCoefficient = 1;
  281. gravityCoefficient = 0;
  282. inheritedVelFactor = 0;
  283. windCoefficient = 0;
  284. constantAcceleration = 0;
  285. lifetimeMS = 800;
  286. lifetimeVarianceMS = 100;
  287. spinSpeed = 0;
  288. spinRandomMin = -90.0;
  289. spinRandomMax = 90.0;
  290. useInvAlpha = true;
  292. colors[0] = "0.8 0.3 0.0 1.0";
  293. colors[1] = "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7";
  294. colors[2] = "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0";
  296. sizes[0] = 0.2;
  297. sizes[1] = 0.3;
  298. sizes[2] = 0.4;
  300. times[0] = 0.1;
  301. times[1] = 0.2;
  302. times[2] = 1.0;
  303. };
  305. datablock ParticleEmitterData(heliDebrisTrailEmitter)
  306. {
  307. ejectionPeriodMS = 30;
  308. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  309. ejectionVelocity = 0.0;
  310. velocityVariance = 0.0;
  311. ejectionOffset = 0.0;
  312. thetaMin = 170;
  313. thetaMax = 180;
  314. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  315. phiVariance = 360;
  316. //overrideAdvance = false;
  317. //orientParticles = true;
  318. lifetimeMS = 5000;
  319. particles = "heliDebrisTrail";
  320. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  321. };
  323. // Debris object
  324. datablock DebrisData(heliExplosionDebris)
  325. {
  326. shapeFile = "art/shapes/vehicles/common/debris.dts";
  327. emitters = "heliDebrisTrailEmitter";
  328. explosion = heliDebrisExplosion;
  330. elasticity = 0.6;
  331. friction = 0.5;
  332. numBounces = 1;
  333. bounceVariance = 1;
  334. explodeOnMaxBounce = true;
  335. staticOnMaxBounce = false;
  336. snapOnMaxBounce = false;
  337. minSpinSpeed = 0;
  338. maxSpinSpeed = 700;
  339. render2D = false;
  340. lifetime = 4;
  341. lifetimeVariance = 0.4;
  342. velocity = 10;
  343. velocityVariance = 0.5;
  344. fade = false;
  345. useRadiusMass = true;
  346. baseRadius = 0.3;
  347. gravModifier = 0.9;
  348. terminalVelocity = 6;
  349. ignoreWater = true;
  350. };
  352. datablock ParticleData(heliExplosionSmoke)
  353. {
  354. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/smoke";
  355. dragCoeffiecient = 100.0;
  356. gravityCoefficient = 0;
  357. inheritedVelFactor = 0.25;
  358. constantAcceleration = -0.30;
  359. lifetimeMS = 1200;
  360. lifetimeVarianceMS = 300;
  361. useInvAlpha = true;
  362. spinRandomMin = -80.0;
  363. spinRandomMax = 80.0;
  365. colors[0] = "0.56 0.36 0.26 1.0";
  366. colors[1] = "0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0";
  367. colors[2] = "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0";
  369. sizes[0] = 4.0;
  370. sizes[1] = 5;
  371. sizes[2] = 6;
  373. times[0] = 0.0;
  374. times[1] = 0.5;
  375. times[2] = 1.0;
  376. };
  378. datablock ParticleEmitterData(heliExplosionSmokeEmitter)
  379. {
  380. ejectionPeriodMS = 10;
  381. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  382. ejectionVelocity = 4;
  383. velocityVariance = 0.5;
  384. thetaMin = 0.0;
  385. thetaMax = 180.0;
  386. lifetimeMS = 250;
  387. particles = "heliExplosionSmoke";
  388. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  389. };
  391. datablock ParticleData(heliExplosionFire)
  392. {
  393. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/fire";
  394. dragCoeffiecient = 100.0;
  395. gravityCoefficient = 0;
  396. inheritedVelFactor = 0.25;
  397. constantAcceleration = 0.1;
  398. lifetimeMS = 1200;
  399. lifetimeVarianceMS = 300;
  400. useInvAlpha = false;
  401. spinRandomMin = -80.0;
  402. spinRandomMax = 80.0;
  404. colors[0] = "0.8 0.4 0 0.8";
  405. colors[1] = "0.2 0.0 0 0.8";
  406. colors[2] = "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0";
  408. sizes[0] = 1.5;
  409. sizes[1] = 3;
  410. sizes[2] = 5;
  412. times[0] = 0.0;
  413. times[1] = 0.5;
  414. times[2] = 1.0;
  415. };
  417. datablock ParticleEmitterData(heliExplosionFireEmitter)
  418. {
  419. ejectionPeriodMS = 5;
  420. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  421. ejectionVelocity = 0.8;
  422. velocityVariance = 0.5;
  423. thetaMin = 0.0;
  424. thetaMax = 180.0;
  425. lifetimeMS = 250;
  426. particles = "heliExplosionFire";
  427. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  428. };
  430. datablock ParticleData(heliExplosionSparks)
  431. {
  432. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/spark";
  433. dragCoefficient = 1;
  434. gravityCoefficient = 0.0;
  435. inheritedVelFactor = 0.2;
  436. constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  437. lifetimeMS = 500;
  438. lifetimeVarianceMS = 350;
  440. colors[0] = "0.60 0.40 0.30 1.0";
  441. colors[1] = "0.60 0.40 0.30 1.0";
  442. colors[2] = "1.0 0.40 0.30 0.0";
  444. sizes[0] = 0.25;
  445. sizes[1] = 0.15;
  446. sizes[2] = 0.15;
  448. times[0] = 0.0;
  449. times[1] = 0.5;
  450. times[2] = 1.0;
  451. };
  453. datablock ParticleEmitterData(heliExplosionSparkEmitter)
  454. {
  455. ejectionPeriodMS = 3;
  456. periodVarianceMS = 0;
  457. ejectionVelocity = 5;
  458. velocityVariance = 1;
  459. ejectionOffset = 0.0;
  460. thetaMin = 0;
  461. thetaMax = 180;
  462. phiReferenceVel = 0;
  463. phiVariance = 360;
  464. overrideAdvance = false;
  465. orientParticles = true;
  466. lifetimeMS = 100;
  467. particles = "heliExplosionSparks";
  468. softnessDistance = 1.0;
  469. };
  471. datablock ExplosionData(heliSubExplosion1)
  472. {
  473. offset = 0;
  474. emitter[0] = heliExplosionSmokeEmitter;
  475. emitter[1] = heliExplosionSparkEmitter;
  476. };
  478. datablock ExplosionData(heliSubExplosion2)
  479. {
  480. offset = 1.0;
  481. emitter[0] = heliExplosionSmokeEmitter;
  482. emitter[1] = heliExplosionSparkEmitter;
  483. };
  485. datablock ExplosionData(heliExplosion)
  486. {
  487. soundProfile = heliExplosionSound;
  488. lifeTimeMS = 1200;
  490. // Volume particles
  491. particleEmitter = heliExplosionFireEmitter;
  492. particleDensity = 300;
  493. particleRadius = 8;
  495. // Point emission
  496. emitter[0] = heliExplosionSmokeEmitter;
  497. emitter[1] = heliExplosionSparkEmitter;
  499. // Sub explosion objects
  500. subExplosion[0] = heliSubExplosion1;
  501. subExplosion[1] = heliSubExplosion2;
  503. // Camera Shaking
  504. shakeCamera = true;
  505. camShakeFreq = "10.0 11.0 10.0";
  506. camShakeAmp = "1.0 1.0 1.0";
  507. camShakeDuration = 0.5;
  508. camShakeRadius = 10.0;
  510. // Exploding debris
  511. debris = heliExplosionDebris;
  512. debrisThetaMin = 0;
  513. debrisThetaMax = 60;
  514. debrisPhiMin = 0;
  515. debrisPhiMax = 360;
  516. debrisNum = 7;
  517. debrisNumVariance = 5;
  518. debrisVelocity = 0.8;
  519. debrisVelocityVariance = 0.4;
  521. // Impulse
  522. impulseRadius = 20;
  523. impulseForce = 40;
  525. // Dynamic light
  526. lightStartRadius = 6;
  527. lightEndRadius = 3;
  528. lightStartColor = "0.5 0.5 0";
  529. lightEndColor = "0 0 0";
  530. };
  532. datablock ParticleData(HeliGroundDust)
  533. {
  534. dragCoefficient = 1.0;
  535. gravityCoefficient = -0.01;
  536. inheritedVelFactor = 0.0;
  537. constantAcceleration = 0.0;
  538. lifetimeMS = 2500;//2000;
  539. lifetimeVarianceMS = 500;
  540. useInvAlpha = true;
  541. spinRandomMin = -90.0;
  542. spinRandomMax = 90.0;
  543. textureName = "art/ParticleLibrary/ParticleTextures/smoke";
  544. colors[0] = "0.5 0.4 0.3 0.05";
  545. colors[1] = "0.65 0.55 0.45 0.05";
  546. colors[2] = "0.60 0.60 0.60 0.05";
  547. sizes[0] = 3.0;//3;
  548. sizes[1] = 4.0;//4;
  549. sizes[2] = 5.0;//5;
  550. times[0] = 0.0;
  551. times[1] = 0.7;
  552. times[2] = 1.0;
  553. };
  555. datablock ParticleEmitterData(HeliGroundDustEmitter)
  556. {
  557. canSaveDynamicFields = "1";
  558. Enabled = "1";
  559. ejectionPeriodMS = "1";
  560. periodVarianceMS = "0";
  561. ejectionVelocity = "20";
  562. velocityVariance = "10";
  563. ejectionOffset = "0";
  564. thetaMin = "85";
  565. thetaMax = "85";
  566. phiReferenceVel = "0";
  567. phiVariance = "360";
  568. softnessDistance = "1";
  569. ambientFactor = "0";
  570. overrideAdvance = "1";
  571. orientParticles = "0";
  572. orientOnVelocity = "1";
  573. particles = "HeliGroundDust";
  574. lifetimeMS = "0";
  575. lifetimeVarianceMS = "0";
  576. useEmitterSizes = "0";
  577. useEmitterColors = "0";
  578. blendStyle = "NORMAL";
  579. srcBlendFactor = "SRC_ALPHA";
  580. dstBlendFactor = "ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA";
  581. sortParticles = "0";
  582. reverseOrder = "0";
  583. alignParticles = "0";
  584. alignDirection = "0 1 0";
  585. overrideAdvance = "0";
  586. };
  589. datablock ShapeBaseImageData(DefaultHeliHud)
  590. {
  591. shapeFile = "art/shapes/vehicles/iroquis/heliHud.dts";
  592. emap = true;
  593. className = "VehicleWeaponImage";
  594. mountPoint = 0;
  595. offset = "0 0.2 0.8";
  596. //rotation = "1 0 0 -30";
  597. };
  600. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  601. datablock HeliVehicleData(DefaultHeli)
  602. {
  603. vehicleType = "helicopter";
  604. category = "Vehicles";
  605. shapeFile = "art/shapes/vehicles/iroquis/iroquis.dts";
  606. emap = true;
  608. //shapeType = $ShapeType::Box;
  609. //scale = "1 1 1";
  610. //minContactSpeed = 1.0;
  611. //slidingThreshold = 0.5;
  612. //mass = 2;//200
  614. useEyePoint = true;
  616. mountable = true;
  617. maxMountSpeed = 40.0;
  618. mountDelay = 0;
  619. dismountDelay = 1;
  621. stationaryThreshold = 0.5;
  622. maxDismountSpeed = 0.1;
  624. numMountPoints = 4;
  626. actionMapForMountPoint[0] = "heliDriverMap";
  627. mountPose[0] = "sitting";
  628. mountPointTransform[0] = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  630. actionMapForMountPoint[1] = "heliPassengerMap";
  631. mountPose[1] = "Sitting";
  632. mountPointTransform[1] = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  634. // When more mounts are added they will use this map.
  635. actionMapForMountPoint[2] = "heliPassengerMap";
  636. mountPose[2] = "Sitting";
  637. mountPointTransform[2] = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  639. actionMapForMountPoint[3] = "heliPassengerMap";
  640. mountPose[3] = "Sitting";
  641. mountPointTransform[3] = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  643. shadowSize = "1024";
  644. mountPose0 = "sitting";
  645. mountPose1 = "Sitting";
  646. mountPose2 = "Sitting";
  647. mountPointTransform0 = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  648. mountPose3 = "Sitting";
  649. mountPointTransform1 = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  650. mountPointTransform2 = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  651. mountPointTransform3 = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  652. actionMapForMountPoint1 = "heliPassengerMap";
  653. actionMapForMountPoint2 = "heliPassengerMap";
  654. actionMapForMountPoint0 = "heliDriverMap";
  655. actionMapForMountPoint3 = "heliPassengerMap";
  657. maxDamage = 750.0;
  658. destroyedLevel = 750.0;
  660. // 3rd person camera settings
  661. cameraRoll = true; // Roll the camera with the vehicle
  662. cameraMaxDist = 25; // Far distance from vehicle
  663. cameraOffset = 5; // Vertical offset from camera mount point
  664. cameraLag = 0.1; // Velocity lag of camera
  665. cameraDecay = 0.25; // Decay per sec. rate of velocity lag
  667. isShielded = true;
  669. maxEnergy = 250; //Afterburner and any energy weapon pool
  670. rechargeRate = 0;
  672. minDrag = 500; //Linear Drag (eventually slows you down when not thrusting...constant drag)
  673. rotationalDrag = 20; //Anguler Drag (dampens the drift after you stop moving the mouse...also tumble drag)
  675. maxAutoSpeed = 15; //Autostabilizer kicks in when less than this speed. (meters/second)
  676. autoAngularForce = 20; //Angular stabilizer force (this force levels you out when autostabilizer kicks in) up & down force
  677. autoLinearForce = 20; //Linear stabilzer force (this slows you down when autostabilizer kicks in)
  678. autoInputDamping = 0.95; //Dampen control input so you don't` whack out at very slow speeds
  680. // Maneuvering
  681. maxSteeringAngle = 3.5; //Max radiens you can rotate the wheel. Smaller number is more maneuverable.//5
  683. steeringIncrements = 0.9; // Change between 0.1(turn fast) and 0.9(turn slow).
  685. horizontalSurfaceForce =100; //Horizontal center "wing" (provides "bite" into the wind for climbing/diving & turning)
  686. verticalSurfaceForce = 100; //Vertical center "wing" (controls side slip. lower numbers make MORE slide.)
  687. maneuveringForce = 500; //Horizontal jets (W,S,D,A key thrust)
  688. steeringForce = 2700; //Steering jets (force applied when you move the mouse)
  689. steeringRollForce = 0.2; //Steering jets (how much you heel over when you turn)
  690. rollForce = 800; //Auto-roll (self-correction to right you after you roll/invert)
  691. flyingHeight = 0.1; //Height off the ground at rest
  692. createflyingHeight = 0.1; // Height off the ground when created
  694. // Turbo Jet
  695. jetForce = 8500; //Afterburner thrust (this is in addition to normal thrust)
  696. minJetEnergy = 0.0; //Afterburner can't be used if below this threshhold.
  697. jetEnergyDrain = 0.0; //Energy use of the afterburners (low number is less drain...can be fractional)
  698. vertThrustMultiple = 50; //Higher number means going up and down faster
  700. // Rigid body
  701. mass = 200;// //350 300 100 or 70Mass of the vehicle
  702. bodyFriction = 0; // Don't mess with this.
  703. bodyRestitution = 0.5; // When you hit the ground, how much you rebound. (between 0 and 1)
  704. minRollSpeed = 500; // Don't mess with this.
  705. softImpactSpeed = 0; // 14Sound hooks. This is the soft hit.
  706. hardImpactSpeed = 10; // 25Sound hooks. This is the hard hit.
  708. // Ground Impact Damage (uses DamageType::Ground)
  709. minImpactSpeed = 0.5; //If hit ground at speed above this then it's an impact. Meters/second
  710. speedDamageScale = 0.06;
  712. forwardThrust = true;
  713. gravity = 0; // Gravity of the vehicle
  714. integration = 16; // Physics integration: TickSec/Rate
  716. // Object Impact Damage (uses DamageType::Impact)
  717. collDamageThresholdVel = 20.0;
  718. collDamageMultiplier = 0.02;
  719. collisionTol = 5.0; // Collision distance tolerance
  720. contactTol = 5.0; // Contact velocity tolerance
  722. // Sounds
  723. engineSound = HeliEngineSound;
  725. // Damage Emitters, Offsets, etc.
  726. damageEmitter[0] = LightDamageEmitter;
  727. damageEmitter[1] = HeavyDamageEmitter;
  728. damageEmitter[2] = DestroyedEmitter;
  729. damageEmitterOffset[0] = "0.0 0.0 0.0";//"0.0 -3.0 0.0"; // right/left forward/backward, up/down
  730. damageEmitterOffset[1] = "0.0 0.0 0.0";//"0.0 0.0 0.5"; // right/left forward/backward, up/down
  731. damageEmitterOffset[2] = "0.0 0.0 0.0"; // right/left forward/backward, up/down
  733. damageLevelTolerance[0] = 0.3;
  734. damageLevelTolerance[1] = 0.7;
  735. numDmgEmitterAreas = 1;
  737. dustEmitter[0] = HeliGroundDustEmitter; //HeliDustEmittera;
  738. //dustEmitter[1] = HeliGroundDustEmitter; //HeliDustEmitterb;
  739. //dustEmitter[2] = HeliGroundDustEmitter; //HeliDustEmitterc;
  740. dustEmitterOffset[0] = "0.0 0.0 0.0 "; // right/left forward/backward, up/down
  741. //dustEmitterOffset[1] = "0.0 0.0 0.0 "; // right/left forward/backward, up/down
  742. //dustEmitterOffset[2] = "-50.0 0.0 0.0 "; // right/left forward/backward, up/down
  744. triggerDustHeight = 4.0;
  745. dustHeight = 1.0;
  747. splash = VehicleSplash;
  748. splashVelocity = 4.0;
  749. splashAngle = 67.0;
  750. splashFreqMod = 300.0;
  751. splashVelEpsilon = 0.60;
  752. bubbleEmitTime = 0.4;
  753. splashEmitter[0] = VehicleWakeEmitter;
  754. splashEmitter[1] = VehicleFoamEmitter;
  755. splashEmitter[2] = VehicleBubbleEmitter;
  757. // Explosion
  758. explosion = heliExplosion;
  759. debrisShapeName = "art/shapes/vehicles/common/debris.dts";
  760. debris = defaultHeliDebri;
  762. maxInv[Chaingun] = 1;
  763. maxInv[Chaingun2] = 1;
  764. maxInv[ChaingunAmmo] = 10000;
  765. maxInv[Chaingun2Ammo] = 10000;
  766. //maxInv[RocketLauncher] = 1;
  767. //maxInv[RocketLauncherAmmo] = 1000;
  769. // Make sure we don't render when
  770. // we are destroyed
  771. renderWhenDestroyed = false;
  773. };
  775. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  776. datablock HeliVehicleData(Helicopter)
  777. {
  778. spawnOffset = "0 0 2";
  779. emap = true;
  780. vehicleType = "helicopter";
  781. category = "Vehicles";
  782. shapeFile = "art/shapes/vehicles/iroquis/iroquis.dts";
  783. multipassenger = false;
  784. computeCRC = true;
  786. //shapeName = "art/shapes/vehicles/iroquis/iroquis.dts";
  787. shapeFile = "art/shapes/vehicles/iroquis/iroquis.dts";
  789. debris = PlaneExplosionDebris;
  790. renderWhenDestroyed = false;
  792. drag = 0.25;
  793. density = 1.0;
  795. // Mounting Details
  796. numMountPoints = 1; // How many mount points you want.
  797. multipassenger = false; // Depends on # of mountpoints.
  798. maxMountSpeed = 0.1;
  799. mountDelay = 8;
  800. dismountDelay = 1;
  801. stationaryThreshold = 0.5;
  802. maxDismountSpeed = 0.1;
  803. mountPose[0] = "Sitting";
  804. mountPointTransform[0] = "0 0 0 0 0 1 0";
  805. isProtectedMountPoint[0] = true;
  806. isProtectedMountPoint[1] = true;
  807. minMountDist = 2;
  809. mountPose[0] = sitting; // This is the possition linked to the animation
  811. mountable = true;
  813. // Camera Settings
  814. cameraOffset = 1.5; // Vertical offset from camera mount point
  815. cameraMaxDist = 16;
  816. cameraOffset = 3.65;
  817. cameraLag = 0.1;
  818. cameraRoll = true; // Roll the camera with the vehicle
  820. // Explosions = FighterVehicleExplosion; // Particle Data?
  821. explosionDamage = 10.5;
  822. explosionRadius = 15.0;
  824. maxDamage = 10e20;
  825. disabledLevel = 0.75;
  826. destroyedLevel = 1.0;
  828. // Afterburner and any energy weapon pool
  829. energyPerDamagePoint = 160;
  830. maxEnergy = 280;
  831. rechargeRate = 0.8;
  833. minDrag = 10; // Linear Drag (eventually slows you down when not thrusting...constant drag)
  834. rotationalDrag = 20; // Anguler Drag (dampens the drift after you stop moving the mouse...also tumble drag)
  836. maxAutoSpeed = 1; // Autostabilizer kicks in when less than this speed. (meters/second)
  837. autoAngularForce = 500; // Angular stabilizer force (this force levels you out when autostabilizer kicks in)
  838. autoLinearForce = 500; // Linear stabilzer force (this slows you down when autostabilizer kicks in)
  839. autoInputDamping = 0.55; // Dampen control input so you don't' whack out at very slow speeds
  841. // Maneuvering
  842. maxSteeringAngle = 2; // Max radiens you can rotate the wheel. Smaller number is more maneuverable.
  843. horizontalSurfaceForce = 40; // Horizontal center "wing" (provides "bite" into the wind for climbing/diving and turning)
  844. verticalSurfaceForce = 20; // Vertical center "wing" (controls side slip. lower numbers make MORE slide.)
  845. maneuveringForce = 2000; // Horizontal jets (W,S,D,A key thrust) was 3000
  846. steeringForce = 1000; // Steering jets (force applied when you move the mouse)
  847. steeringRollForce = 2000; // Steering jets (how much you heel over when you turn)
  848. rollForce = 20; // Auto-roll (self-correction to right you after you roll/invert)
  849. hoverHeight = 2; // Height off the ground at rest
  850. createHoverHeight = 1; // Height off the ground when created
  851. maxForwardSpeed = 90; // speed in which forward thrust force is no longer applied (meters/second)
  853. // Turbo Jet
  854. jetForce = 3000; // Afterburner thrust (this is in addition to normal thrust)
  855. minJetEnergy = 28; // Afterburner can't be used if below this threshhold.
  856. jetEnergyDrain = 2.8; // Energy use of the afterburners (low number is less drain...can be fractional) // Auto stabilize speed
  857. vertThrustMultiple = 3.0;
  859. // Rigid body
  860. mass = 100; // Mass of the vehicle
  861. integration = 3; // Physics integration: TickSec/Rate
  862. collisionTol = 0.6; // Collision distance tolerance
  863. contactTol = 0.4; // Contact velocity tolerance
  865. bodyFriction = 0; // Don't mess with this.
  866. bodyRestitution = 0.8; // When you hit the ground, how much you rebound. (between 0 and 1)
  867. minRollSpeed = 2000; // Don't mess with this.
  868. softImpactSpeed = 3; // Sound hooks. This is the soft hit.
  869. hardImpactSpeed = 15; // Sound hooks. This is the hard hit.
  871. // Ground Impact Damage (uses DamageType::Ground)
  872. minImpactSpeed = 2; // If hit ground at speed above this then it's an impact. Meters/second
  873. damageMul = 20;
  875. // Object Impact Damage (uses DamageType::Impact)
  876. collDamageThresholdVel = 23.0;
  877. collDamageMultiplier = 0.02;
  879. // Contrails
  880. minTrailSpeed = 1500; // The speed your contrail shows up at.
  881. trailEmitter = FighterContrailEmitter;
  882. forwardJetEmitter = FighterFJetEmitter;
  883. downJetEmitter = FighterDJetEmitter;
  885. checkRadius = 5.5;
  886. observeParameters = "0 0 1";
  887. shieldEffectScale = "0.937 1.125 0.60";
  888. };
  890. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  891. function HeliVehicleData::create(%block)
  892. {
  893. %obj = new heliVehicle(){
  894. dataBlock = %block;
  895. };
  897. return(%obj);
  898. }
  900. function HeliVehicleData::onAdd(%this,%obj)
  901. {
  902. Parent::onAdd(%this, %obj);
  904. %obj.playThread(0,"ambient");
  905. $HelicopterCount ++;
  907. %obj.mountable = true;
  909. %obj.setInventory(Chaingun, 1);
  910. %obj.setInventory(ChaingunAmmo, 10000);
  911. %obj.mountImage(ChaingunImage, 0);
  912. %obj.mountImage(Chaingun2Image, 2);
  914. %obj.mountImage(DefaultHeliHud, 1); //DS ON-MODEL CONTROLS/GUI/HUD
  916. //%obj.setInventory(RocketLauncher, 1);
  917. //%obj.setInventory(RocketLauncherAmmo, 1000);
  918. //%obj.mountImage(RocketLauncherImage, 1);
  920. %obj.setEnergyLevel(%this.MaxEnergy);
  921. %obj.setRechargeRate(%this.rechargeRate);
  922. }
  924. function HeliVehicleData::onCollision(%this,%obj,%col,%vec,%speed)
  925. {
  926. if (%col.getClassName() $= "Item")
  927. return;
  929. %directDamage = 0;
  930. if ( %speed >= 1 )
  931. {
  932. if (%col.getType() & $TypeMasks::ShapeBaseObjectType | $TypeMasks::GameBaseObjectType)
  933. %col.damage(%obj,%pos,( 3 * %speed ), "heliVehicle");
  934. %obj.applyImpulse(%pos, VectorScale(%impulseVec, %obj.getDataBlock().mass));
  935. }
  936. }
  938. function heliVehicleData::onDamage(%this,%obj)
  939. {
  940. %damageAmt = %obj.getDamageLevel();
  942. if (%damageAmt >= %this.destroyedLevel)
  943. {
  944. // Cloak our main object while
  945. // our explosion and debris are active
  946. // make the object unmountable
  947. %obj.mountable = false;
  948. %obj.setDamageState(Destroyed);
  949. }
  950. }
  952. function heliVehicleData::damage(%data, %myObj, %sourceObj, %position, %amount, %damageType, %momentum)
  953. {
  954. %myObj.applyDamage(%amount);
  957. %sparks = new ParticleEmitterNode()
  958. {
  959. position = %position;
  960. rotation = "1 0 0 0";
  961. scale = "1 1 1";
  962. dataBlock = "DamageFxNode";
  963. emitter = "BulletSparks";
  964. velocity = "1";
  965. };
  966. MissionCleanup.add(%sparks);
  967. }
  969. function HeliVehicleData::onDestroyed(%data, %obj, %prevState)
  970. {
  971. $HelicopterCount --;
  972. // Loop through all of our mounted objects, and
  973. // if any are players, unmount them to avoid control
  974. // object being lost and getting pink screen
  975. %totalMountedObjects = %obj.getMountedObjectCount();
  977. // If we don't have anything or anyone mounted then just delete
  978. // or destroy the vehicle
  979. if(%totalMountedObjects == 0)
  980. {
  981. // Schedule delete for parent afte 3 seconds
  982. //%obj.schedule(3000, "delete");
  983. return;
  984. }
  986. %driver = %obj.getMountNodeObject(0);
  988. // Everything by convention that is mounted to the iav should be
  989. // either a player (an object) or mounted as an image like the cannon,
  990. // cage, machine gun, plow, etc.
  991. for(%objCount = %totalMountedObjects; %objCount > -1; %objCount--)
  992. {
  993. //get the object at index %objCount
  994. %mountedObject = %obj.getMountedObject(%objCount);
  996. // If we have a driver then release so that
  997. // that client's player is the control object
  998. // and not the vehicle.
  999. if(isObject(%driver))
  1000. %driver.client.setControlObject(%driver);
  1002. // set mountVehicle to false
  1003. if (%mountedObject.mVehicle)
  1004. %mountedObject.mountVehicle = false;
  1006. // unmount our object
  1007. %mountedObject.unMount();
  1008. // schedule a time so we can remount shortly
  1009. %mountedObject.schedule(4000, "MountVehicles", true);
  1010. // unhide our player crosshair
  1011. unhideCrossHair();
  1013. // Player ejection
  1014. // Position above dismount point
  1015. %ejectpos = %mountedObject.getPosition();
  1016. %ejectpos = VectorAdd(%ejectpos, "0 0 5");
  1017. %mountedObject.setTransform(%ejectpos);
  1019. // get the vehicles velocity
  1020. %ejectvel = %mountedObject.mVehicle.getVelocity();
  1021. // add this velocity to our hard coded velocity here
  1022. %ejectvel = VectorAdd(%ejectvel, "0 0 10");
  1023. // scale the vector by the mass of the player
  1024. %ejectvel = VectorScale(%ejectvel, %mountedObject.getDataBlock().mass);
  1025. // apply impulse to throw us out of vehicle
  1026. %mountedObject.applyImpulse(%ejectpos, %ejectvel);
  1028. }
  1030. // Schedule delete for parent afte 3 seconds
  1031. %obj.schedule(3000, "delete");
  1032. }
  1034. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1035. // Weapon Setup
  1036. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1037. function DefaultHeli::onTrigger(%data, %obj, %trigger, %state)
  1038. {
  1039. // data = datablock
  1040. // obj = object number
  1041. // trigger = 0 for "fire", 1 for "jump", 3 for "thrust"
  1042. // state = 1 for firing, 0 for not firing
  1043. if(%trigger == 0)
  1044. {
  1045. switch (%state) {
  1046. case 0:
  1047. %obj.fireWeapon = false;
  1048. %obj.setImageTrigger(0, false);//false
  1049. %obj.setImageTrigger(2, false);//false
  1050. case 1:
  1051. %obj.fireWeapon = true;
  1052. if(%obj.nextWeaponFire == 2) {
  1053. %obj.setImageTrigger(0, true);
  1054. %obj.setImageTrigger(2, false);//false
  1055. }
  1056. else {
  1057. %obj.setImageTrigger(0, false);
  1058. %obj.setImageTrigger(2, true);//true
  1059. }
  1060. }
  1061. }
  1062. }
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