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Jan 31st, 2020
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  1. 14/11/19, 1:41 am - Messages to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info.
  2. 14/11/19, 1:41 am - Chris Essery: Hey mate, it’s Chris
  3. 14/11/19, 1:43 am - Chris Essery: Here’s my personal information: [REDACTED PERSONAL INFO]
  4. 14/11/19, 1:45 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris
  5. 14/11/19, 1:45 am - Shohaib: Ok great. Im out at the moment but will send you my info soon
  6. 14/11/19, 1:45 am - Chris Essery: I prefer WhatsApp 😄
  7. 14/11/19, 1:45 am - Shohaib: Yeah much easier
  8. 14/11/19, 1:47 am - Chris Essery: Awesome. I’ll send you banking information.
  9. I’ll need:
  10. Name as written on passport -
  11. Address -
  12. Email -
  13. Mobile -
  15. Email and mobile will just be used for shipping, they will txt you.
  16. 14/11/19, [REDACTED BANKING INFO]
  17. 14/11/19, 1:50 am - Shohaib: Name: [REDACTED FULL NAME]
  19. Address:
  20. [REDACTED]
  22. Email: [REDACTED]
  24. Mob: 0402 836 194
  25. 14/11/19, 1:50 am - Shohaib: I bank with [BANK NAME] so that should be quick to transfer
  26. 14/11/19, 1:50 am - Chris Essery: Oh great.
  27. 14/11/19, 1:50 am - Chris Essery: I’ll email you an invoice and drop a hard copy in the box
  28. 14/11/19, 1:57 am - Shohaib: Ok perfect
  29. 14/11/19, 1:57 am - Shohaib: And the invoice will have a receipt of payment with it
  30. 14/11/19, 1:57 am - Shohaib: Or some indication tht its been paid for
  31. 14/11/19, 1:57 am - Shohaib: I have had issues with the gst guys in the past at the airport sometimes they are not so nice
  32. 14/11/19, 2:04 am - Chris Essery: Just gimme 10. Sorting kids out 😄
  33. 14/11/19, 2:09 am - Chris Essery: Yea. There will be a red mark with paid on it
  34. 14/11/19, 2:11 am - Chris Essery: I’ve never had an issue with my invoices
  35. 14/11/19, 2:22 am - Chris Essery: I’ll send you the email version over the weekend and you can double check all the information is there.
  36. 14/11/19, 3:21 am - Shohaib: Ok cool. Will send you transfer advice when done in a few hrs
  37. 14/11/19, 3:34 am - Chris Essery: Sweet man. I’ll knock off early and post this arvo.
  38. 14/11/19, 5:10 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  39. 14/11/19, 5:11 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris, here is receipt of transfer of 29k
  40. 14/11/19, 5:40 am - Chris Essery: Sweet mate.
  41. 14/11/19, 5:41 am - Chris Essery: I’m just in and out of meetings. Will finish up around lunchtime, and get it out later this arvo.
  42. 14/11/19, 5:49 am - Shohaib: Ok sounds good cheers
  43. 14/11/19, 11:09 am - Chris Essery: Funds still not here mate.
  44. Hopefully in next hour or so.
  45. 14/11/19, 11:09 am - Shohaib: Hmm thats weird
  46. 14/11/19, 11:09 am - Shohaib: Ok keep me.posted
  47. 14/11/19, 11:09 am - Chris Essery: Heading to airport to pick up a package at 5 anyway. So it should tie in okay.
  48. 14/11/19, 11:09 am - Chris Essery: Will do
  49. 14/11/19, 11:10 am - Chris Essery: Maybe first time transfer, bit slower. I’m usually [BANK NAME 1], but I’ve recently moved to [BANK NAME 2], so I’m not sure how they work yet.
  50. 14/11/19, 11:25 am - Shohaib: I see ok
  51. 14/11/19, 11:28 am - Shohaib: Lets see maybe i transferred too late and missed the wire for today
  52. 14/11/19, 11:29 am - Shohaib: If the funds clear tomorrow am will the package make it by monday?
  53. 14/11/19, 11:38 am - Chris Essery: Yea man. I’m off work tomorrow so I’ll sort overnight delivery from toll or Dahl
  54. 14/11/19, 11:38 am - Chris Essery: Dahl
  55. 14/11/19, 11:38 am - Chris Essery: *dhl
  56. 14/11/19, 11:41 am - Shohaib: Ok nice one
  57. 15/11/19, 2:18 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris. Let me know if funds cleared this morning. Cheers
  58. 15/11/19, 3:15 am - Chris Essery: Got it mate.
  59. 15/11/19, 3:15 am - Chris Essery: Off to DHL and atoll this morning
  60. 15/11/19, 3:34 am - Shohaib: Brilliant
  61. 15/11/19, 3:58 am - Shohaib: Can you please send me a copy of the reciept
  62. 15/11/19, 3:59 am - Shohaib: Thanks
  63. 15/11/19, 4:21 am - Chris Essery: Sure man. Will be just after lunch
  64. 15/11/19, 4:29 am - Shohaib: Ok great
  65. 15/11/19, 8:54 am - Chris Essery: Hi mate, was pulled into work sorry.
  67. Toll Priority - [TRACKING INFO REDACTED]
  68. 15/11/19, 8:55 am - Chris Essery: Also I’m about to head home, I’ll send you invoice this arvo.
  69. 15/11/19, 8:56 am - Shohaib: Ok great and the original invoice is in the package
  70. 15/11/19, 8:56 am - Shohaib: Did they give you an eta for del?
  71. 15/11/19, 8:57 am - Chris Essery: Monday.
  73. Yea it’s in there.
  74. You can just print as well if you need a spare.
  75. 15/11/19, 9:03 am - Shohaib: Ok perfect thanks Chris
  76. 16/11/19, 4:31 am - Shohaib: Hi mate good morning. Had a look at the toll tracking site but nothing comes up against this ref number
  77. 16/11/19, 4:32 am - Shohaib: Also can you please send me this when you get a chance
  78. 16/11/19, 4:33 am - Chris Essery: Hey mate, yea sorry.
  79. I left laptop at office. Going into get it now.
  80. 16/11/19, 4:34 am - Chris Essery: Tracking is odd.
  81. 16/11/19, 4:40 am - Shohaib: Yeah i went to the toll site but nothing comes up
  82. 16/11/19, 4:41 am - Shohaib: Is the number correct?
  83. 16/11/19, 4:41 am - Chris Essery: Same.
  84. Just let me double check everything and get this invoice through.
  85. 16/11/19, 4:41 am - Shohaib: Ok
  86. 16/11/19, 4:42 am - Chris Essery: Cheers mate.
  87. 16/11/19, 4:42 am - Chris Essery: Thanks for patience on invoice, I was pulled in to work to sort something out urgently yesterday.
  88. 16/11/19, 4:43 am - Shohaib: No worries. Im just trying to get the gst forms filled in ahead of time
  89. 16/11/19, 4:44 am - Chris Essery: Oh wow. Didn’t know your could do that
  90. 16/11/19, 4:44 am - Chris Essery: I’ve just filled at airport. Good to know
  91. 16/11/19, 4:45 am - Shohaib: Yeah it saves time as my flight is late at night
  92. 16/11/19, 6:54 am - Shohaib: Got the invoice mate thanks. Didnt realise you were the owner of HH
  93. 16/11/19, 6:54 am - Chris Essery: 😄
  94. 16/11/19, 6:55 am - Chris Essery: Awesome.
  95. I’m just about to get onto this tracking number etc.
  96. 16/11/19, 6:56 am - Shohaib: Ok great thanks!
  97. 16/11/19, 9:54 am - Shohaib: Any luck with tracking #
  98. 16/11/19, 10:14 am - Chris Essery: Looks like it’s right, but I’m trying to find the paperwork. Took a snap of the tracking and that’s it.
  100. Called Toll, they’ll get back to me about the status.
  101. 16/11/19, 10:15 am - Chris Essery: Usually you get a text or email.
  102. Might pay to just check your promotions or spam in gmail
  103. 16/11/19, 10:16 am - Chris Essery: I’ll sort it.
  104. 16/11/19, 10:24 am - Shohaib: Had a look nothing thru
  105. 16/11/19, 10:24 am - Shohaib: Ok
  106. 16/11/19, 10:25 am - Chris Essery: Yea, it’s a little odd.
  107. I’ve shipped maybe 150-200 times.
  108. 16/11/19, 10:26 am - Chris Essery: Sorry for delayed response, I’ve been sorting my kids 😄
  109. 16/11/19, 10:32 am - Shohaib: Thats alright mate
  110. 16/11/19, 10:32 am - Shohaib: Hopefully it arrives by monday in all cases.. im sure it will if thats what they told you
  111. 16/11/19, 10:33 am - Shohaib: Just weird the tracking isnt showing up
  112. 16/11/19, 10:33 am - Chris Essery: Yeap. Tell me about it.
  113. Hopefully just a hiccup. I
  114. 16/11/19, 10:40 am - Shohaib: Hope so
  115. 16/11/19, 12:58 pm - Shohaib: Hey bud sorry to bother you again. Did toll come back at all?
  116. 16/11/19, 12:59 pm - Chris Essery: No mate. Not yet
  117. 16/11/19, 1:03 pm - Shohaib: Ok
  118. 16/11/19, 1:03 pm - Chris Essery: Will let out know as soon as they do
  119. 16/11/19, 1:03 pm - Shohaib: Sorry, i wouldnt generally be bothered, its just that im flying out
  120. 16/11/19, 1:04 pm - Chris Essery: Yea man, completely understand. Just want confirmation or be there Monday.
  121. 16/11/19, 1:04 pm - Chris Essery: Where are you heading?
  122. 16/11/19, 1:04 pm - Chris Essery: I just got back recently.
  123. 16/11/19, 1:04 pm - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  124. 16/11/19, 1:05 pm - Chris Essery: Doing my head in.
  125. 16/11/19, 1:05 pm - Shohaib: I work in bahrain so just going back to work
  126. 16/11/19, 1:05 pm - Shohaib: That looks pretty intense
  127. 16/11/19, 1:05 pm - Chris Essery: Ahh wow.
  128. 16/11/19, 1:05 pm - Shohaib: And outside my price range lol
  129. 16/11/19, 1:05 pm - Chris Essery: Me too man haha
  130. 16/11/19, 1:06 pm - Chris Essery: 😂
  131. 16/11/19, 1:06 pm - Chris Essery: One day!
  132. 16/11/19, 1:06 pm - Chris Essery: This is the only really expensive watch that I can say I’d buy if I had the money.
  133. Grail.
  134. 16/11/19, 1:07 pm - Shohaib: What is it?
  135. 16/11/19, 1:07 pm - Shohaib: I think iv seen it before but in the way too exp bucket
  136. 16/11/19, 1:07 pm - Chris Essery: MB&F Legacy Machine Perpetual
  137. 16/11/19, 1:07 pm - Chris Essery: About $150k US
  138. 16/11/19, 1:07 pm - Chris Essery: 😢
  139. 16/11/19, 1:07 pm - Shohaib: Ah i see ok.. looks every bit of the price
  140. 16/11/19, 1:07 pm - Shohaib: How long have you had your business
  141. 16/11/19, 1:09 pm - Chris Essery: Only about 18 month’s. I don’t deal watches much anymore, I now just focus on reviewing them.
  142. Hence why I ship so much 😄
  143. 16/11/19, 1:11 pm - Shohaib: Haha probably for the best mate. Buying watches has been a bad habit for me
  144. 16/11/19, 1:12 pm - Chris Essery: This is good, as I get sent some so that helps the spending habit :)
  146. But I know where you are coming from. It’s a bad habit 😂.
  147. 16/11/19, 1:12 pm - Chris Essery: Chat soon mate. I’ll gotta get this review smashed.
  148. 16/11/19, 1:13 pm - Shohaib: Ok cheers good luck
  149. 16/11/19, 1:13 pm - Chris Essery: I’ll let you know as soon as toll call.
  150. 16/11/19, 1:14 pm - Shohaib: Ok great
  151. 18/11/19, 1:40 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris
  152. Hope you had a good weekend mate. Do you mind calling toll to get a status on the delivery this morning? Not sure they will give me any info
  153. 18/11/19, 1:41 am - Chris Essery: Yea mate, that’s the plan. Just getting into the office then I’ll call ‘em. Still 6:40am here
  154. 18/11/19, 1:42 am - Shohaib: Excellent, many thanks
  155. 18/11/19, 1:47 am - Chris Essery: 👍👌
  156. 18/11/19, 3:35 am - Shohaib: Hey maye
  157. 18/11/19, 3:35 am - Shohaib: Mate
  158. 18/11/19, 3:35 am - Shohaib: I just got off the phone with toll
  159. 18/11/19, 3:35 am - Shohaib: They have no record of the item and they need more info
  160. 18/11/19, 3:36 am - Shohaib: Do you have the receipt of shipping. Maybe a receipt number or barcode number
  161. 18/11/19, 3:36 am - Shohaib: Just dont want to get stuck with the watch being lost in transit and im leaving tomorrow
  162. 18/11/19, 4:10 am - Chris Essery: Hi mate, just about to call them back.
  164. Only have this tracking number, I stupidly cannot find the physical paperwork. Wife’s searching the car and office for me more.
  165. 18/11/19, 4:10 am - Chris Essery: I’ll let you know how this goes
  166. 18/11/19, 4:14 am - Shohaib: Ok
  167. 18/11/19, 4:29 am - Chris Essery: We usually just get an email 5 mins after posting, hence why I don’t usually hold paperwork.
  168. On hold to them.
  170. I was told I’d have an investigation manager allocated to help sort, that’s not been done.
  171. 18/11/19, 4:29 am - Chris Essery: Chatting to them now
  172. 18/11/19, 4:39 am - Shohaib: Yeah that makes sense. Weird they didnt email you or me.
  173. 18/11/19, 4:50 am - Shohaib: Any news bud?
  174. 18/11/19, 4:55 am - Chris Essery: On phone.
  175. 18/11/19, 5:03 am - Chris Essery: They will get back to me within 4hrs.
  176. Sounds better than the uncertain crap I got on fed on Saturday.
  177. 18/11/19, 5:24 am - Chris Essery: I’m going to shoot to the airport this arvo where I sent from. Will finish work early.
  179. Hoping it just arrived to you in the meantime ☺
  180. 18/11/19, 5:24 am - Chris Essery: *arrives
  181. 18/11/19, 5:49 am - Shohaib: Sorry mate bit of a mess around for you
  182. 18/11/19, 5:50 am - Shohaib: Im just strapped for time
  183. 18/11/19, 5:53 am - Chris Essery: Mate, It’s absolutely no issues. Need to resolve this.
  184. It’s not a Seiko.
  185. 18/11/19, 6:20 am - Shohaib: Yeah agree
  186. 18/11/19, 6:50 am - Shohaib: Have they actually confirmed the item has been shipped
  187. 18/11/19, 6:51 am - Shohaib: Or they cant locate it
  188. 18/11/19, 6:53 am - Chris Essery: Can’t locate it.
  189. 18/11/19, 6:53 am - Chris Essery: I’ll go out there soon.
  190. 18/11/19, 6:56 am - Shohaib: Ok
  191. 18/11/19, 10:46 am - Shohaib: Hey mate fyi nothing arrived today
  192. 18/11/19, 10:48 am - Chris Essery: Thanks.
  194. I need to provide some more information to them.
  195. They are going through it though. Was hoping it was either just going to be delivered or just sitting here at the depot.
  196. 18/11/19, 10:49 am - Chris Essery: When are you back?
  197. And are you still contactable?
  198. 18/11/19, 10:52 am - Shohaib: Yeah whatsapp and email works
  199. 18/11/19, 10:52 am - Chris Essery: Sweet.
  200. 18/11/19, 10:52 am - Shohaib: Im not back for 6 months
  201. 18/11/19, 10:53 am - Shohaib: At minimum
  202. 18/11/19, 10:53 am - Chris Essery: Oh fuck!
  203. 18/11/19, 10:53 am - Shohaib: Yeah its a bit of a bad situation
  204. 18/11/19, 10:53 am - Shohaib: But lets see what they say
  205. 18/11/19, 10:53 am - Chris Essery: Ok mate.
  206. 18/11/19, 10:53 am - Chris Essery: Is there postage there? Can you receive?
  207. 18/11/19, 10:57 am - Shohaib: Wont be able to get tax back
  208. 18/11/19, 10:57 am - Shohaib: So it defeats the objective
  209. 18/11/19, 10:57 am - Chris Essery: I’ll work that out
  210. 18/11/19, 10:58 am - Shohaib: I mean i have qn address there
  211. 18/11/19, 10:58 am - Shohaib: Only problem is im not sure the implications on the value of the item.
  212. 18/11/19, 10:58 am - Shohaib: If they would want to charge me tax or something
  213. 18/11/19, 11:00 am - Shohaib: An option could be i get one of the boys from work to bring it over. Just need to work out how we do the gst
  214. 18/11/19, 11:00 am - Shohaib: A few other Aussies with me
  215. 18/11/19, 11:00 am - Shohaib: Or a visiting fsmily member.. my folks come.over here and there
  216. 18/11/19, 11:01 am - Chris Essery: Yep, or I’m having some time off soon. May be able to take to Singapore or just come for a little holiday etc, then send.
  218. I can then just send as a repaired item with a change in the invoice. Dont like doing it, but might help.
  220. I’ll see what they say.
  221. We’ve got full insurance as well, but yea.
  222. 18/11/19, 11:01 am - Chris Essery: Will see what they say
  223. 18/11/19, 11:04 am - Chris Essery: I feel sick!
  224. 18/11/19, 11:04 am - Shohaib: Ok im sure we can figure it out
  225. 18/11/19, 11:04 am - Shohaib: Cant believe they lost it
  226. 18/11/19, 11:04 am - Shohaib: Nuts
  227. 18/11/19, 11:04 am - Chris Essery: Will give you a bell tomorrow if you are free at some stage?
  228. 18/11/19, 11:05 am - Chris Essery: I think it’ll be located.
  229. 18/11/19, 11:06 am - Shohaib: Yeah sure i can take a call until around 5pm
  230. 18/11/19, 11:06 am - Shohaib: So 3pm your time
  231. 18/11/19, 11:06 am - Chris Essery: 👌👍
  232. 18/11/19, 11:06 am - Shohaib: Will be heading to airport around 6
  233. 18/11/19, 11:06 am - Shohaib: But ill still be reachable until 8pm
  234. 19/11/19, 4:42 am - Shohaib: Hey Chris, any news from toll
  235. 19/11/19, 7:58 am - Chris Essery: Nope. I’m going back out there today.
  236. Just got a stomach bug it something from my kids, as soon as that settles down I’ll get out there.
  237. 19/11/19, 8:17 am - Shohaib: Oh not good
  238. 19/11/19, 8:17 am - Shohaib: Alright let me know what they say.
  239. 19/11/19, 12:15 pm - Shohaib: Im at the airport mate heading off so let me know what you find out please. Its been a whole day so i would hope they have some more info for us by now.
  240. 19/11/19, 2:53 pm - Chris Essery: Hey mate, sorry been sleeping. Hit me hard.
  242. They have nothing yet. Like absolutely nothing.
  243. 19/11/19, 2:55 pm - Chris Essery: I’m pulling the footage from my car, shows in took the package in, and then lines up perfectly with a card transaction there paying for it.
  244. They are not denying I didn’t take it there, but I’m just covering ask bases
  245. 20/11/19, 4:51 am - Shohaib: No worries mate. Hope you feel better.
  246. 20/11/19, 4:52 am - Shohaib: This is so strange man. Never heard of something like this happening
  247. 21/11/19, 6:45 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris
  248. 21/11/19, 6:48 am - Chris Essery: Hey mate. Just sorting through everything with both toll and parcel pro.
  249. 21/11/19, 6:48 am - Shohaib: Any further updates
  250. 21/11/19, 6:48 am - Shohaib: Whats the story
  251. 21/11/19, 6:51 am - Chris Essery: They can’t locate it.
  252. 21/11/19, 6:52 am - Chris Essery: I need to wait for them to investigate further, however I’ve already given insurer a heads up
  253. 21/11/19, 6:53 am - Shohaib: Ok
  254. 21/11/19, 6:56 am - Shohaib: If this drags on much longer i may just ask for my funds to be returned and we can sort out a deal if the watch if found, hope that is ok
  255. 22/11/19, 10:17 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris, any updates today?
  256. 22/11/19, 2:12 pm - Chris Essery: Hey man. I’ve just been flying. Sorry for delay. I
  257. Nothing from toll yet.
  259. I’ve listed one of my other watches I’ve this does drag on so that I can sort you sooner rather than later
  260. 22/11/19, 2:27 pm - Shohaib: Hey mate, Ok, if this drags on past Monday are you ok to return my funds and we work something out if the watch is found? Im still keen the buy it when it gets tracked down.
  261. 22/11/19, 2:31 pm - Chris Essery: Yea, I’ve just sent them funds to another piece coming in.
  262. Didn’t expect this, as with over a few hundred transactions I’ve never had issues :(
  264. This is why I’m offloading another piece so that I can send you funds back sooner rather than later.
  265. 22/11/19, 2:31 pm - Chris Essery: I honestly don’t think it’s getting tracked down, I reckon it’s been stolen.
  266. 22/11/19, 2:34 pm - Shohaib: Uhhh that's not good news.
  267. 22/11/19, 2:38 pm - Shohaib: So am I waiting now until this other watch gets sold to have my funds returned.. what if this watch doesn't sell for 1,2,3 weeks?
  268. 22/11/19, 2:38 pm - Shohaib: Sounds like it
  269. 22/11/19, 2:38 pm - Shohaib: But weird something is so easily stolen, would imagine it would be rather easy for them to figure out who processed the order
  270. 22/11/19, 2:43 pm - Chris Essery: Yea, there isn’t much else I can do. I am trying to free up the $ to sort you sooner.
  272. I’m trying to move that piece, sort out Toll, and ParcelPro who handle the insurance.
  273. 22/11/19, 2:44 pm - Chris Essery: Yea, I assume they’ve got all that.
  274. I don’t know, just a little suss I guess.
  275. 22/11/19, 2:48 pm - Chris Essery: Hope I’m wrong
  276. 22/11/19, 2:49 pm - Shohaib: Ok mate but from my perspective this comes off as pretty dodgy. I have wired you money, no evidence of the item being sent, watch location is unknown, the funds are now no longer with you and return time frame of my funds is unknown.
  278. You seem like a trustworthy guy so hopefully we will resolve soon but please if you can give me an update every day i would appreciate that. 29k is a chunk of money for most people.
  279. 22/11/19, 2:54 pm - Chris Essery: Hmm,
  280. I run and started the Facebook group mate, the group has only been successful because it’s been built on trust.
  281. I also run Horology House.
  283. I’d say that your funds return would be around a week, so long as the watch isn’t found in the interim.
  284. 22/11/19, 2:55 pm - Shohaib: Yeah dont get me wrong, dont be offended by what i said. Trust is the reason i wired a stranger 29k 😅
  285. 22/11/19, 2:55 pm - Chris Essery: Like I said, hundreds of orders and never an issue.
  287. It’ll get resolved, however I can’t say or give a precise outcome at the moment, for obvious reasons.
  288. 22/11/19, 2:57 pm - Shohaib: Ok no worries Chris. Just keep me posted please even if there is no update.
  289. 22/11/19, 2:57 pm - Chris Essery: Yea no worries.
  290. 22/11/19, 2:57 pm - Chris Essery: We will sort
  291. 22/11/19, 2:57 pm - Shohaib: Yeah i understand its just one of those one in a 1000 scenarios i guess
  292. 22/11/19, 3:03 pm - Chris Essery: I can appreciate how it may seem, but I was just shit with the paperwork.
  294. I don’t even think, well after thinking a heap about it, I am certain that I didn’t take the paperwork from the branch, just a snap of it.
  296. This small mistake is why I am iffy about the whole thing.
  297. They check inside the box and know exactly what’s inside before taping up.
  298. 22/11/19, 3:06 pm - Shohaib: I see
  299. 22/11/19, 3:06 pm - Shohaib: Do you have an account with these guys since you post all the time?
  300. 22/11/19, 3:13 pm - Chris Essery: No account. Orders are ad hoc as I don’t do many watch sales anymore by choice. Used to have a DHL account.
  302. That being said, I’ll tee one up in January when I start selling straps so that its all easier to manage 100+ shipments a month.
  304. Probably won’t be using them though. DHL is a little more expensive for small businesses, but yea.
  305. 22/11/19, 3:16 pm - Shohaib: Ok fair enough
  306. 22/11/19, 3:21 pm - Chris Essery: I’ve got another black that I may be able to offload. It’s got my kids name on the warranty card though, so it’s rather sentimental.
  307. I’ll see if my supplier is able to get me another with the boys name on it, even if it’s a few months wait for me, at least your sorts.
  309. I’ll check that out and get back to you. Like I said, I’ll get it sorted, just won’t be instant is all.
  310. 22/11/19, 3:23 pm - Shohaib: Ok Chris i appreciate it and sorry for all the hassle this has caused you.
  311. 22/11/19, 3:24 pm - Chris Essery: All good.
  312. I didn’t even think of this option until about 2 mins ago 😅...
  313. They sit in the bank vault.
  314. 22/11/19, 3:30 pm - Shohaib: I dont even want to know how many watches you probably have
  315. 22/11/19, 3:32 pm - Chris Essery: Not that many man. Maybe 12, that includes a few for the kids.
  317. I behave, but try to keep most of my money in them.
  318. 22/11/19, 3:32 pm - Chris Essery: I buy some in and flip for review, I’m also sent in a few for review which is good. As the channels grow in having to buy less with my own $ thankfully 😄
  319. 22/11/19, 3:33 pm - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  320. 22/11/19, 3:34 pm - Shohaib: Man you take some really good photos
  321. 23/11/19, 12:45 pm - Shohaib: Hi Chris, for my own records can you please send me any correspondence you have had with insurance / toll regarding the watch.
  322. 23/11/19, 12:54 pm - Chris Essery: Yea, no problem once I get something from them.
  323. I assume I’ll get some form of formal comms once they’ve investigated.
  324. 23/11/19, 12:55 pm - Chris Essery: Insurance has just been a few phone calls giving a heads up that this may be coming and finding out what I need to do.
  325. 23/11/19, 12:55 pm - Shohaib: Ok thanks
  326. 23/11/19, 12:58 pm - Chris Essery: I am hopeful it’ll still pop up, but that’s slowly wearing off.
  327. Haven’t lost my shit at them yet, but it’s coming as that hope wears off.
  328. 23/11/19, 12:59 pm - Shohaib: Its been a week i would imagine it has turned up by now if going to be found
  329. 23/11/19, 1:00 pm - Chris Essery: Yea. True.
  331. Either way, I’ll have you sorted with another watch or fund’s return by the end of next week.
  332. 23/11/19, 1:04 pm - Shohaib: The other watch is what year model?
  333. 23/11/19, 1:05 pm - Chris Essery: April 2018.
  334. 23/11/19, 1:05 pm - Shohaib: Ah ok
  335. 23/11/19, 1:05 pm - Shohaib: Any thoughts on how we can handle the gst if we go down that road?
  336. 23/11/19, 1:06 pm - Chris Essery: It’s literally new. Plastic still on.
  338. Perhaps one of your mates that are coming over, or I just meet you somewhere over there for a short holiday.
  339. 23/11/19, 1:10 pm - Shohaib: So no issue writing an invoice in another person's name?
  340. 23/11/19, 1:10 pm - Chris Essery: I’d have to chat/ check with my accountant. Sh
  341. 23/11/19, 1:13 pm - Shohaib: Ok and when are you travelling and to where? I think you said singapore
  342. 23/11/19, 1:14 pm - Shohaib: Dubai is right next to me i could pop.over there no issue at all just for info
  343. 23/11/19, 1:14 pm - Chris Essery: I can come wherever man.
  344. Have lots of frequent flyers, and start my few months off in two weeks.
  345. 23/11/19, 1:15 pm - Chris Essery: Okay, cool.
  346. I just need to do some homework and see if my supplier can get me another with the little lads name on it in a few months.
  347. 23/11/19, 1:15 pm - Shohaib: So if you fly out yourself you can still get the gst back?
  348. 23/11/19, 1:15 pm - Shohaib: Sure ubderstand
  349. 23/11/19, 1:15 pm - Shohaib: Understand*
  350. 23/11/19, 1:16 pm - Chris Essery: Yea. That would be fine.
  351. Would just refund you that amount.
  353. Dubai could work though, would shoot some watch stuff there.
  354. 23/11/19, 1:18 pm - Shohaib: Ok. Yeah lots of big fish in dubai
  355. 23/11/19, 1:18 pm - Chris Essery: Would just need check all with accountant. But I can’t see an issue.
  356. 23/11/19, 1:25 pm - Shohaib: Ok
  357. 23/11/19, 1:35 pm - Chris Essery: Chat tomorrow mate.
  358. 23/11/19, 1:36 pm - Chris Essery: Supplier should get back to me tonight.
  359. 23/11/19, 1:40 pm - Shohaib: Ok mate cheers
  360. 25/11/19, 7:59 am - Chris Essery: Hi mate, just awaiting confirmation of an piece. Should hear this arvo.
  361. Hope you are well.
  363. Cheers
  364. 25/11/19, 8:09 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris, thanks for the update mate.
  365. 26/11/19, 1:05 pm - Chris Essery: Will update you on everything a little later tonight mate.
  366. 26/11/19, 1:11 pm - Shohaib: Hi Chris, ok sounds good
  367. 27/11/19, 12:41 pm - Shohaib: Hey Chris, any news?
  368. 27/11/19, 3:20 pm - Chris Essery: Hi mate, sorry for delayed response.
  369. Nothing from their end, only confirmation it’s lost.
  370. My insurer started talking to them yesterday, so that should drive some answers.
  372. Anyway, my dealer can sort me another with the lads name.
  373. So I can work through those logistics with you, or if you want a refund, I will list this watch I’ve got arriving tomorrow. Only fair imo.
  375. Let me know your thoughts mate.
  376. 27/11/19, 3:23 pm - Shohaib: Easiest option for me would be to ship the watch to my place in Bris and the gst is refunded to me so i can just bring it back over with me on my next trip. Is this an option?
  377. 27/11/19, 3:23 pm - Shohaib: The alternative seems a bit painful on logistics unless theres a firm plan sooner than later to get the watch to me in Bahrain
  378. 27/11/19, 3:24 pm - Chris Essery: Yea, Ill see if I can just sort you out in next couple of weeks and see what I can do in terms of getting over there closer to you.
  379. I have a day off tomorrow, and no video to make so will work out a plan.
  380. 27/11/19, 3:25 pm - Chris Essery: I could drop to bris. Never shipping expensive shit again.
  381. 27/11/19, 3:25 pm - Chris Essery: Let me run a few things past the wife and work out a plan
  382. 27/11/19, 3:27 pm - Shohaib: Ok sure we can chat tomorrow
  383. 27/11/19, 3:32 pm - Chris Essery: How’s it over there?
  384. 27/11/19, 4:13 pm - Shohaib: Not bad man weather is great
  385. 27/11/19, 4:13 pm - Shohaib: But long hours unfortunately
  386. 27/11/19, 4:13 pm - Shohaib: I dont see much of it
  387. 29/11/19, 1:29 pm - Shohaib: Hey Chris any news bud
  388. 29/11/19, 3:19 pm - Chris Essery: Yea man. Is there someone at yours to hold the item, like if I fly it over to brissy??
  389. 29/11/19, 3:37 pm - Shohaib: Yeah parents are there can leave with them
  390. 30/11/19, 9:58 am - Shohaib: When are you thinking to come over and how will gst be handled?
  391. 30/11/19, 11:53 am - Chris Essery: Probably in the next two weeks?
  392. 30/11/19, 11:53 am - Chris Essery: I can reissue to you
  393. 30/11/19, 12:08 pm - Shohaib: As a bank transfer?
  394. 30/11/19, 12:09 pm - Shohaib: That would be ok
  395. 2/12/19, 3:23 am - Chris Essery: No reissue invoice when you travel next. Happy to drop over to Brisbane though, not shipping again 😄.
  397. Like I said, I could also come overseas and deliver to you, that would not be until next month though, would be able to refund the GST amount directly to you as well.
  398. 2/12/19, 12:36 pm - Shohaib: Coming over works better for me mate as i wont be back in the short terl
  399. 2/12/19, 12:36 pm - Shohaib: Term
  400. 2/12/19, 12:36 pm - Shohaib: If this is all too complicated im ok to just be refunded
  401. 3/12/19, 6:55 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris
  402. 3/12/19, 6:55 am - Chris Essery: Hey mate
  403. 3/12/19, 6:55 am - Shohaib: Hows it going
  404. 3/12/19, 6:55 am - Chris Essery: Good mate, I think I can get over. Just need to sort it out.
  405. Happy to do that if you are okay.
  406. 3/12/19, 6:56 am - Chris Essery: Otherwise just drop to brissy and reissue the invoice when you shoot back oS
  407. 3/12/19, 6:56 am - Shohaib: When do you think you'll have that firmed up. I just feel like its all getting a bit complicated
  408. 3/12/19, 6:56 am - Shohaib: I wont be back for 6+ months so that wont work unfortunately
  409. 3/12/19, 6:57 am - Chris Essery: I’d say this week I could firm up some dates.
  410. I’ll make it straight forward for you either way mate.
  411. 3/12/19, 6:58 am - Chris Essery: Just finished work officially for a few months about 1 hour ago 😂
  412. 3/12/19, 7:01 am - Shohaib: Not bad if you can get it
  413. 3/12/19, 7:01 am - Shohaib: What do you do for work
  414. 3/12/19, 7:01 am - Chris Essery: Yea, haha. Haven’t had a proper holiday for 10 years. [POTENTIALLY IDENTIFYING INFO - REDACTED]
  415. 3/12/19, 7:01 am - Chris Essery: [EMPLOYER NAME REDACTED]
  416. 3/12/19, 7:02 am - Shohaib: Oh really nice
  417. 3/12/19, 7:02 am - Shohaib: We are in similar businesses
  418. 3/12/19, 7:03 am - Shohaib: I work for [EMPLOYER NAME REDACTED]
  419. 3/12/19, 7:03 am - Shohaib: Which area are you in?
  420. 3/12/19, 7:04 am - Chris Essery: Ohh nice!
  421. 3/12/19, 7:04 am - Chris Essery: [EMPLOYMENT DETAILS - NOT RELEVANT TO]
  422. 3/12/19, 7:05 am - Shohaib: Wow thats cool
  423. 3/12/19, 7:05 am - Chris Essery: Also do a little bit of [EMPLOYMENT DETAILS - NOT RELEVANT]
  424. 3/12/19, 7:05 am - Chris Essery: [EMPLOYMENT DETAILS - NOT RELEVANT]
  425. 3/12/19, 7:05 am - Shohaib: Yeah funny that
  426. 3/12/19, 7:06 am - Shohaib: [EMPLOYMENT DETAILS - NOT RELEVANT]
  427. 3/12/19, 7:06 am - Chris Essery: [EMPLOYMENT DETAILS - NOT RELEVANT]
  428. 3/12/19, 7:06 am - Chris Essery: My time off it’s something I’ll look into
  429. 3/12/19, 7:06 am - Shohaib: Yeah why not.. i can be fun if you are up for a bit of an adventure
  430. 3/12/19, 7:06 am - Shohaib: It*
  431. 3/12/19, 7:07 am - Shohaib: But hard to beat the aussie lifestyle
  432. 3/12/19, 7:07 am - Shohaib: It becomes much more visible when you leave how good we have it
  433. 3/12/19, 7:08 am - Chris Essery: Yea definitely. We spend a bit of time in [REDACTED]. Definitely miss it when away.
  434. 3/12/19, 7:09 am - Chris Essery: Let me get home, work through flights. Prob mid Jan.
  435. 3/12/19, 7:10 am - Chris Essery: If I come over it’s easier. I just send you back the GST $ as well
  436. 3/12/19, 7:14 am - Shohaib: Ok no worries. Let me know when you can. Enjoy the break sounds well deserved
  437. 3/12/19, 7:17 am - Shohaib: Didn't ask before can you send me some pictures of the other watch.
  438. 3/12/19, 7:28 am - Chris Essery: Yep.
  439. Will grab out of bank vault for you tomorrow.
  440. 3/12/19, 7:28 am - Chris Essery: I keep them away from home
  441. 3/12/19, 7:34 am - Shohaib: Ok no worries
  442. 5/12/19, 12:59 pm - Shohaib: Any pictures of the watch mate?
  443. 5/12/19, 1:05 pm - Chris Essery: Hey bud. Just got it out this arvo. On my way home.
  444. I’ll send you some in about an hour.
  445. 5/12/19, 1:05 pm - Chris Essery: Moving a white on as well.
  446. 5/12/19, 1:08 pm - Shohaib: Ok cool thanks
  447. 5/12/19, 1:08 pm - Shohaib: Panda?
  448. 5/12/19, 3:27 pm - Chris Essery: Yea mate
  449. 5/12/19, 3:28 pm - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  450. 5/12/19, 3:28 pm - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  451. 5/12/19, 3:28 pm - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  452. 5/12/19, 3:28 pm - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  453. 5/12/19, 3:28 pm - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  454. 5/12/19, 3:29 pm - Chris Essery: Just took in Patek box. Original box etc all in there as well.
  455. 5/12/19, 3:31 pm - Shohaib: Ok sure understood
  456. 5/12/19, 3:31 pm - Shohaib: Great
  457. 5/12/19, 3:31 pm - Shohaib: Thanks for that
  458. 5/12/19, 3:32 pm - Chris Essery: I just store them in the plastic coffins Rolex supply
  459. 5/12/19, 3:32 pm - Shohaib: Uh ok i see
  460. 5/12/19, 3:36 pm - Shohaib: Let me know about your travel plans when you can 👍🏾
  461. 5/12/19, 3:36 pm - Chris Essery: Yea will do man.
  462. 7/12/19, 7:43 pm - Chris Essery: Hi mate, sorry for shitty reposes. I’ve had some phone issues. Just replaced my newish phone today.
  463. 7/12/19, 8:12 pm - Shohaib: Hi Chris
  464. 7/12/19, 8:12 pm - Shohaib: No worries
  465. 11/12/19, 1:14 pm - Shohaib: Hi Chris hows it going mate
  466. 11/12/19, 1:15 pm - Chris Essery: Good mate.
  467. I’ll get them pics to you in about 1hr.
  468. 11/12/19, 1:15 pm - Chris Essery: I haven’t worked out flights yet, apologies.
  469. 11/12/19, 1:16 pm - Chris Essery: Offloading this as well, not sure if interested if I brought over
  470. 11/12/19, 1:16 pm - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  471. 11/12/19, 1:18 pm - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  472. 11/12/19, 1:19 pm - Shohaib: Already got that one
  473. 11/12/19, 1:19 pm - Shohaib: Haha
  474. 11/12/19, 1:19 pm - Shohaib: I can ask around the office though let me know price
  475. 11/12/19, 1:19 pm - Chris Essery: Ha ha. Nice. How do you find it?
  476. 11/12/19, 1:19 pm - Shohaib: Had it for a long time. I like it
  477. 11/12/19, 1:20 pm - Shohaib: Did you sell the panda?
  478. 11/12/19, 1:20 pm - Chris Essery: $19k.
  479. 2017 model.
  480. Been worn maybe 6 times since new, recently just taken out of storage when I took out the Daytona.
  481. 11/12/19, 1:22 pm - Shohaib: Ok i will ask around here see what they say
  482. 11/12/19, 1:22 pm - Chris Essery: Haven’t tried yet.
  483. We had some friends go missing in the volcano that exploded near NZ.
  484. Well wife’s friends, so just haven’t tried to deal with Facebook people yet 😂
  485. 11/12/19, 1:22 pm - Chris Essery: So that’s still available.
  486. 11/12/19, 1:22 pm - Shohaib: Man that's terrible
  487. 11/12/19, 1:23 pm - Shohaib: They are still missing
  488. 11/12/19, 1:24 pm - Chris Essery: Yea, really crap.
  489. Dad and Daughter are still missing.
  491. Wife also knew another family on the same boat which I find so weird, They are okay.
  492. 11/12/19, 1:29 pm - Shohaib: Very sad
  493. 11/12/19, 1:29 pm - Shohaib: How much is that one
  494. 11/12/19, 5:37 pm - Shohaib: Just realised this is a sea dweller not the deepsea. This is a bit smaller than the deepsea
  495. 11/12/19, 5:37 pm - Shohaib: I think 43mm?
  496. 15/12/19, 3:20 am - Chris Essery: Hi mate
  497. 15/12/19, 3:20 am - Chris Essery: Yep. This is the better watch 😂
  498. 15/12/19, 3:20 am - Chris Essery: Correct
  499. 15/12/19, 3:21 am - Chris Essery: I’m likely to be over in Dubai between [REDACTED - TRAVEL DATES]
  500. 15/12/19, 3:21 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  501. 15/12/19, 10:41 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris, ok sounds good
  502. 15/12/19, 10:41 am - Shohaib: Once you book flights let me know and ill do the same
  503. 15/12/19, 8:47 pm - Shohaib: Hi Chris, if possible to have your trip cross over a Friday or Saturday that would be good for me as i need to fly over to dubai from Bahrain
  504. 16/12/19, 2:36 pm - Chris Essery: Will do mate.
  505. 16/12/19, 2:36 pm - Shohaib: Hope thats no problem
  506. 16/12/19, 2:36 pm - Shohaib: If it is let me.know
  507. 16/12/19, 2:36 pm - Chris Essery: I’ll see if I can get you into that event if you like to pop along?
  508. 16/12/19, 2:37 pm - Chris Essery: MB&F, Moser, plus a few expensive AF brands are doing a private event.
  509. 16/12/19, 2:37 pm - Shohaib: Wow that sounds cool
  510. 16/12/19, 2:37 pm - Shohaib: Only problem is ill be working
  511. 16/12/19, 2:37 pm - Shohaib: When is the event?
  512. 16/12/19, 2:37 pm - Chris Essery: Can’t afford them, but it’s nice to go hands on with them.
  513. 16/12/19, 2:38 pm - Shohaib: For sure
  514. 16/12/19, 2:38 pm - Chris Essery: [REDACTED - TRAVEL DATES]
  515. 16/12/19, 2:38 pm - Shohaib: I will struggle but [REDACTED - DATE] would be my best bet
  516. 28/12/19, 9:32 pm - Shohaib: Hi mate hope you had a good xmas. Any news on your flights?
  517. 2/1/20, 4:06 pm - Shohaib: Hi Chris
  518. 2/1/20, 4:07 pm - Shohaib: Are we still meeting in the next few weeks
  519. 4/1/20, 1:20 pm - Shohaib: Hey mate whats going on?
  520. 4/1/20, 8:40 pm - Chris Essery: Hey mate, all go still.
  521. I’m just in NSW helping out family and friends with these fires.
  522. We’ve got crappy reception here at the moment, hence my lack of social media, etc.
  523. Flying home Monday hopefully.
  524. 4/1/20, 9:41 pm - Shohaib: Ah ok mate sorry to hear that. Have you booked flights? If so share them with me so i can book mine.
  525. 5/1/20, 4:52 pm - Chris Essery: Hey mate, just a heads up, I’ll be back online as normal tomorrow to chat.
  526. 5/1/20, 4:53 pm - Chris Essery: Back to normal reception
  527. 5/1/20, 5:04 pm - Shohaib: Hi mate ok safe travels
  528. 6/1/20, 6:04 pm - Shohaib: Hi Chris, let me know your flight details if you have them. I need to get my flight booked to dubai asap or i may not find a ticket. Cheers
  529. 8/1/20, 5:45 pm - Shohaib: Hi mate haven't heard from you
  530. 9/1/20, 11:31 am - Chris Essery: Hey man,
  531. This whole bushfire issue has just stuffed my plans over, 😔.
  532. Happy to get the watch to your parents next week, or just sell and send you $$.
  533. 9/1/20, 11:55 am - Shohaib: Uh i see mate. Sorry for the bad news. If you send watch what are we doing with the detax?
  534. 9/1/20, 11:57 am - Chris Essery: I’ll forward date invoice when you travel.
  535. I’ll fit in with you.
  536. 9/1/20, 12:23 pm - Shohaib: Ok that works
  537. 9/1/20, 12:26 pm - Shohaib: Are you going to post or is someone going to bris
  538. 10/1/20, 9:37 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris, if i decide to just cancel this whole thing due since its getting complicated how quickly can you wire me back my money
  539. 10/1/20, 10:17 am - Chris Essery: I’d just send it to them. Can post next Wed for a Thursday/ Fri delivery.
  541. If you don’t want it anymore, I’ll need to flip it, then xfer you the funds back.
  542. 10/1/20, 10:19 am - Chris Essery: Just back in NSW helping fam.
  543. 10/1/20, 10:21 am - Chris Essery: Just let me know address, with their phone.
  544. 10/1/20, 10:25 am - Shohaib: How bad is it over there?
  545. 10/1/20, 10:26 am - Shohaib: Ok posting is fine then. Same details as last time:
  549. 10/1/20, 10:27 am - Shohaib: Did you ever find out what happened to the one that got lost?
  550. 10/1/20, 10:27 am - Chris Essery: House, and the family dog are gone.
  551. Pretty bad man.
  553. I think vic is getting hit as well.
  554. 10/1/20, 10:27 am - Chris Essery: No. No insurance yet either.
  555. 10/1/20, 10:28 am - Shohaib: Who house?? Damnn that is rough sorry to hear
  556. 10/1/20, 10:28 am - Shohaib: Whole*
  557. 10/1/20, 10:28 am - Shohaib: Do these people have insurance that covers this type of stuff?
  558. 10/1/20, 10:29 am - Chris Essery: She’s still standing, by the rest is gone.
  559. Yea insurance sorts it all, but only offer a little bit of help immediately.
  560. 10/1/20, 10:29 am - Chris Essery: *shed
  561. 10/1/20, 10:30 am - Shohaib: Yeah plus all the stuff with sentimental value etc. Very sad
  562. 10/1/20, 10:32 am - Chris Essery: Ive been in cyclones etc, but never fires.
  563. It just wrecks everything. I’ve only seen the aftermath, would have been bad to of been here or near here when it was pumping.
  564. 10/1/20, 10:34 am - Shohaib: Can imagine
  565. 10/1/20, 10:34 am - Shohaib: Photos online look terrible
  566. 15/1/20, 5:49 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris will you be sending the watch out today
  567. 15/1/20, 11:46 am - Chris Essery: Hey mate,
  568. Just need to grab from my safety deposit box in the morning, then I’ll take it to DHL. It’ll go tomorrow.
  569. 15/1/20, 11:48 am - Shohaib: Ok thanks. Can you send me the paperwork when done pls. Lets hope we dont have any bad luck this time
  570. 15/1/20, 11:55 am - Chris Essery: Mate, Ill be tracking this to your parents door.
  571. 15/1/20, 11:55 am - Shohaib: Haha cheers
  572. 16/1/20, 10:56 am - Shohaib: Hi mate did you post the watch?
  573. 17/1/20, 12:46 pm - Shohaib: ??????
  574. 17/1/20, 2:14 pm - Shohaib: Mate this is starting to get very frustrating and is turning into a joke. If you are not going to send me the item that i have paid for either send me my money back immediately or i will need to take appropriate legal action. I have been very patient with you.
  575. 17/1/20, 5:31 pm - Chris Essery: Hi,
  577. I’m sorry. I’ve come back to NSW.
  578. Please just allow me a next week to get the watch to your parents. I’ve had to urgently come back here, and will be flying back Tuesday.
  579. I organised for the wife to collect and post however I have the safety deposit box key on me. So that backfired, Just another fk up admist everything else that’s happening here at the moment.
  581. If you don’t have the watch by next Friday (just allowing for any delays at all in shipping), I’ll provide you a refund that afternoon.
  582. Family will start sending me my funds back next week, as insurance starts kicking in so I’ll be able to sort you either way.
  584. I hope this is okay and I do understand how you must be feeling, you have been great considering.
  586. Please understand I WILL sort you, it’ll be worth the wait.
  587. 17/1/20, 5:31 pm - Chris Essery: I am sorry.
  588. 17/1/20, 6:01 pm - Chris Essery: Mate, I need to try and get some sleep.
  589. I understand it’s not ideal, but I had to get back over here.
  591. This transaction will all be right within a week.
  592. 18/1/20, 10:05 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris
  593. I appreciate the situation you are in and thanks for the explanation.
  595. This is not the first time you have made me a commitment that did not come through so i expect by Friday 24 January i have the watch or the funds returned.
  597. I am sure you can understand how i may be feeling about this given where we are today.
  599. Cheers
  601. Shohaib
  602. 18/1/20, 10:14 am - Chris Essery: Sounds good mate. Thank you
  603. 18/1/20, 10:15 am - Chris Essery: Back here helping the old man with insurance, my mum couldn’t deal with it anymore.
  604. 18/1/20, 10:16 am - Chris Essery: Hope your doing well over there. I should be in Dubai right now 😖
  605. 20/1/20, 8:40 am - Shohaib: Didnt know it was your parents mate. Sorry to hear
  606. 20/1/20, 8:40 am - Shohaib: Hope theyll be ok
  607. 20/1/20, 3:00 pm - Chris Essery: Cheers man. Insurance will be fine, just a lot of memories lost I guess.
  609. They’ll be cool. Thank you for asking though
  610. 20/1/20, 3:01 pm - Chris Essery: *caring
  611. 20/1/20, 3:16 pm - Shohaib: I can imagine. Would break my heart if that happened to my folks
  612. 22/1/20, 6:51 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris
  613. What is the status as of today?
  614. 22/1/20, 7:06 am - Shohaib: I take it since nothing has happened today being wednesday i can expect a refund on friday
  615. 22/1/20, 3:05 pm - Chris Essery: Hi mate, just arrived back.
  616. I’ll see if I can make anything happen tomorrow, will update you around lunchtime.
  617. 22/1/20, 3:25 pm - Chris Essery: Parents should also send me most of my funds back through tomorrow.
  618. 22/1/20, 3:25 pm - Chris Essery: So should be sweet either way
  619. 22/1/20, 4:54 pm - Shohaib: Ok mate cheers
  620. 23/1/20, 5:37 am - Chris Essery: Got the watch out of storage. Heading to post at 12:30. 👍
  621. 23/1/20, 5:41 am - Chris Essery: Delivery will be around 9am tomorrow. Is that ok?
  622. 23/1/20, 5:45 am - Chris Essery: Will your parents be home?
  623. 23/1/20, 5:48 am - Shohaib: Hi mate yes someone should be home
  624. 23/1/20, 5:48 am - Shohaib: Is this coming via dhl?
  625. 23/1/20, 6:33 am - Chris Essery: Awesome.
  626. 23/1/20, 6:33 am - Chris Essery: Yep.
  627. 23/1/20, 6:47 am - Shohaib: Ok mate send me the tracking info when you have it
  628. 23/1/20, 7:04 am - Chris Essery: Will do.
  629. 23/1/20, 7:25 am - Chris Essery: Will be at 1:30. Just lunch with daughter.
  630. Have watch box on me though.
  631. 23/1/20, 8:33 am - Chris Essery: [TRACKING NUMBER REDACTED TO HIDE ADDRESS INFO]
  632. 23/1/20, 8:39 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  633. 23/1/20, 8:42 am - Shohaib: Thanks Chris
  634. 23/1/20, 8:42 am - Shohaib: Is this the warranty card or just the rolex tag
  635. 23/1/20, 8:43 am - Chris Essery: Just the tag
  636. 23/1/20, 8:45 am - Chris Essery: Hang tag. They are not usually included anymore. Just a nice to have
  637. 23/1/20, 8:57 am - Shohaib: Ok cool
  638. 23/1/20, 8:57 am - Shohaib: Thanks mate
  639. 23/1/20, 8:59 am - Chris Essery: We got there. Again.....
  640. 23/1/20, 9:00 am - Chris Essery: Should be delivered by lunchtime tomorrow.
  641. 23/1/20, 9:01 am - Shohaib: Thanks Chris. Glad we got it sorted
  642. 23/1/20, 9:06 am - Shohaib: Ill be in oz April if you are still ok to give me a bill for gst
  643. 23/1/20, 9:18 am - Chris Essery: Yea mate. No problem 🥂
  644. 23/1/20, 9:25 am - Shohaib: Great
  645. 24/1/20, 7:07 am - Chris Essery: Arrived mate.
  646. 24/1/20, 7:16 am - Shohaib: Hey Chris, Yep i got it sent to the neighbour. Mum should be home in an hour or so and will open the package. Will let you know shortly that all is good
  647. 24/1/20, 7:54 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  648. 24/1/20, 7:54 am - Shohaib: All looks good Chris, many thanks
  649. 24/1/20, 8:37 am - Chris Essery: Just need that tag to you.
  650. 24/1/20, 8:38 am - Chris Essery: Fkk and bezel protector.
  651. 24/1/20, 8:38 am - Chris Essery: Sorry. I’ll post them Monday.
  652. 24/1/20, 8:38 am - Chris Essery: Same address?
  653. 24/1/20, 8:41 am - Shohaib: Yeah
  654. 24/1/20, 8:52 am - Shohaib: Just send me the deets once done
  655. 24/1/20, 8:52 am - Shohaib: Are there additional strap links somewhere as well
  656. 24/1/20, 10:41 am - Chris Essery: No that’s all the links they come with. Rolex are tight with that unfortunately
  657. 24/1/20, 10:42 am - Chris Essery: How many you need? I’ll
  658. 24/1/20, 10:42 am - Chris Essery: See if I’ve got one.
  659. 24/1/20, 10:53 am - Shohaib: One should be ok
  660. 24/1/20, 10:53 am - Shohaib: If you have
  661. 24/1/20, 10:57 am - Chris Essery: Ok. I’ll see what I have. Will throw it in for nothing.
  662. Owe you that at least.
  663. 24/1/20, 2:05 pm - Shohaib: Thanks Chris that would be great
  664. 25/1/20, 3:33 pm - Shohaib: Hi Chris, a couple of questions about the watch and package:
  666. 1. This does not appear to be a genuine box for rolex daytona. Is it from another rolex watch?
  668. 2. Why is there no retailer name written on the label. It has a sale date only.
  670. 3. The pouch from the sale tag is not the same as a 2018 daytona that i am comparing to?
  672. All seems a bit odd
  673. 25/1/20, 5:11 pm - Shohaib: I will be taking the watch to a store to verify as i now believe it is not genuine. Very disappointing mate.
  674. 25/1/20, 5:12 pm - Shohaib: And if confirmed as fake ill be going to the police and also taking legal action. I hope not the case but i have compared to another fully legit daytona and it is not matching up
  675. 25/1/20, 7:16 pm - Shohaib: You deleted this message
  676. 25/1/20, 7:16 pm - Shohaib: You deleted this message
  677. 25/1/20, 7:18 pm - Shohaib: You deleted this message
  678. 25/1/20, 7:48 pm - Shohaib: Why doesnt the warranty card have your sons name on it?
  679. 25/1/20, 7:58 pm - Shohaib: This is not the date on the warranty card
  680. 25/1/20, 7:59 pm - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  681. 26/1/20, 4:32 am - Chris Essery: Hey mate,
  682. I’ve got more than one of these in my safe, most places leave name blank. I simply fill in, but I gave you a newer piece.
  684. Retailer not being in the card is a little odd, but I’m happy to resolve for you. I didn’t really check. These come from a grey seller who gets from ADs.
  686. Boxes - They vary, there are three sizes, small, large and a really big one. I have the mid sized version here, so can swap that over if it’s a concern. I don’t store watches away in the boxes, just little plastic boxes and then store boxes at home.
  687. 26/1/20, 4:35 am - Chris Essery: Dude, why would I do that?
  688. I’ve stocked some of these pieces up over the past few years as investments.
  689. 26/1/20, 4:35 am - Chris Essery: This message was deleted
  690. 26/1/20, 4:36 am - Chris Essery: This message was deleted
  691. 26/1/20, 4:39 am - Chris Essery: Sorry, asked for front of card. Already have it.
  692. I’ll touch base with supplier and get back to you.
  693. 26/1/20, 4:56 am - Shohaib: I just want my money back to be honest mate. Ill happily express post you back the watch
  694. 26/1/20, 4:57 am - Chris Essery: Would be the stupidest scam in history mate if I was trying to.
  695. I’ve literally given you all my personal info, everything.
  697. By If you want to send it back, I’ve got funds back now from oldies.
  698. Totally understand.
  699. 26/1/20, 4:58 am - Shohaib: By when can you wire funds?
  700. 26/1/20, 4:58 am - Chris Essery: I’ll still suss this card out.
  701. 26/1/20, 4:59 am - Chris Essery: Once it gets back here, that day.
  702. 26/1/20, 5:00 am - Chris Essery: If you can get to DHL, it’s overnight. Auspost is two days.
  703. 26/1/20, 5:00 am - Shohaib: Ok ill arrange postage for tomorrow morning. Will send you the details soon as i get them.
  704. 26/1/20, 5:01 am - Chris Essery: 👍
  705. 26/1/20, 5:01 am - Shohaib: I think it was a day when you posted to me
  706. 26/1/20, 5:01 am - Shohaib: Which was surprisingly quick
  707. 26/1/20, 5:01 am - Chris Essery: Who do you bank with?
  708. 26/1/20, 5:02 am - Chris Essery: Yea, DHL are quick.
  709. 26/1/20, 5:02 am - Shohaib: Nab
  710. 26/1/20, 5:02 am - Shohaib: I would be much more comfortable id you wired my money back first tbh
  711. 26/1/20, 5:02 am - Shohaib: Since this has dragged on so long
  712. 26/1/20, 5:02 am - Shohaib: Im obviously not trying to scam you. You also have all my details
  713. 26/1/20, 5:03 am - Chris Essery: As soon as it’s back here, I’ll refund. What’s your details?
  714. I’ll send you a small amount today so there’s no delay when I send the large amount, won’t be a first time xfer.
  715. 26/1/20, 5:03 am - Shohaib: No chris please wire me the full amount today
  716. 26/1/20, 5:04 am - Shohaib: I will return your watch tomorrow i have acted in complete good faith this whole time
  717. 26/1/20, 5:04 am - Shohaib: And followed thru on all commitments
  718. 26/1/20, 5:05 am - Shohaib: Send me a transfer slip when done like i sent you when wiring funds.
  719. 26/1/20, 5:05 am - Shohaib: I dont think thats an unreasonable request
  720. 26/1/20, 5:06 am - Chris Essery: I’ll refund full amount once watch arrives.
  721. But, happy to do half today, then remaining when it lands.
  723. I think that’s reasonable.
  724. 26/1/20, 5:08 am - Chris Essery: Question - What do you mean by pouch is incorrect?
  725. I purchased around $200k worth of watches off this guy over the last two years to store away for some time, this has just got me thinking about the others.
  726. 26/1/20, 5:09 am - Shohaib: You can work it out mate being a watch guy. I just want this closed off for me with my fubds returned and ill happily move on
  727. 26/1/20, 5:10 am - Shohaib: I need the full amount returned today or ill be going to the police in WA
  728. 26/1/20, 5:11 am - Shohaib: If you wire it today ill receive it tomorrow morning and ill ship the item first thing
  729. 26/1/20, 5:11 am - Shohaib: Obviously im not the one running away in this scenario i just want to end this transaction
  730. 26/1/20, 5:12 am - Shohaib: I have been very patient and reasonable with you this entire time
  731. 26/1/20, 5:16 am - Chris Essery: It’ll be 50% today.
  732. Remaining on watch return.
  733. That’s reasonable and I’m not running away either.
  734. Happy to close off, but I need the watch back.
  735. 26/1/20, 5:18 am - Shohaib: It needs to be full amount chris this is ridiculous
  736. 26/1/20, 5:22 am - Shohaib: Please wire me the half for now and send me a photo of the transfer confirmation.
  737. 26/1/20, 5:25 am - Chris Essery: Thank you. Will send through shortly.
  739. What are your details?
  740. 26/1/20, 5:28 am - Shohaib: [BANK INFO REDACTED]
  741. 26/1/20, 6:20 am - Shohaib: Any update?
  742. 26/1/20, 6:34 am - Shohaib: ???
  743. 26/1/20, 6:35 am - Chris Essery: I’ll send through to you when I get home mid afternoon. I need my two factor authentication to make the xfer.
  745. I’ll send you a screenshot once complete.
  747. FYI, it’s Australia Day today, so that may impact transfer time to hit your bank.
  748. 26/1/20, 6:36 am - Chris Essery: Can you confirm 50% now, and 50% on watch delivery is okay?
  749. 26/1/20, 6:39 am - Shohaib: I want the full amount but if you send half this will be a good start as this whole situation is quiet unbelievable to me
  750. 26/1/20, 6:43 am - Shohaib: What time.can i expect this wire to be done local time for you
  751. 26/1/20, 6:44 am - Chris Essery: I need the watch returned, 50:50 is fair. I’m not running away, I am trying to just resolve with you.
  753. I’ll message you later today, I’d say around 4pm mate.
  754. 26/1/20, 6:46 am - Chris Essery: I’ve got to run.
  755. Will message you at 4 my time.
  756. 26/1/20, 6:47 am - Shohaib: Ok
  757. 26/1/20, 6:48 am - Chris Essery: Just know this - I will resolve and get you sorted
  758. 26/1/20, 8:02 am - Chris Essery: Hey mate, can you confirm 50% now 50% on delivery of the watch is all good?
  759. 26/1/20, 8:06 am - Shohaib: Its not really. I trusted you and sent the full amount
  760. 26/1/20, 8:07 am - Shohaib: I would hope you would do the same
  761. 26/1/20, 8:12 am - Shohaib: So you dont trust that i would send the item back?
  762. 26/1/20, 8:13 am - Shohaib: What is your concern? Was holding my cash for 2.5 months with no watch not enough confirmation that i am legit
  763. 26/1/20, 8:34 am - Shohaib: If i actually wanted the item we wouldnt be having this conversation at all
  764. 26/1/20, 8:41 am - Chris Essery: And I understand your concern with what is a legitimate compromise.
  766. Happy to do 50% now and 50% on watch delivery, the second transfer will be instant once it arrives.
  768. Once you confirm this is okay, I’ll be home soon and I’ll make the first xfer 👍
  769. 26/1/20, 8:42 am - Chris Essery: *dont understand
  770. 26/1/20, 8:45 am - Shohaib: A legitimate compromise would have been a full refund 2 months ago.
  771. 26/1/20, 8:46 am - Shohaib: I have contacted consumer protection WA and will go to the police if required.
  772. 26/1/20, 8:46 am - Shohaib: Consumer protection is just waiting on send the info now
  773. 26/1/20, 8:47 am - Shohaib: How can you guarantee me you'll send me the rest of the money back post shipping
  774. 26/1/20, 8:47 am - Chris Essery: Okay, that’s fine.
  775. I’m trying to finalise this with you.
  776. 26/1/20, 8:49 am - Chris Essery: No more pissing around, I want to close this off.
  777. I will send you 50% within half an hour to show that I’m keen to get this sorted.
  778. 26/1/20, 8:49 am - Chris Essery: I’ll leave and head home now to send through
  779. 26/1/20, 8:52 am - Chris Essery: Give me this one last shot to make this right mate.
  780. 26/1/20, 8:56 am - Shohaib: Will be waiting to see the transfer complete
  781. 26/1/20, 8:56 am - Chris Essery: So that’s a yes?
  782. 26/1/20, 8:57 am - Shohaib: You just said youll wire the money to show you arekeen to get this sorted
  783. 26/1/20, 8:57 am - Shohaib: So do that to demo strate you want to get this sorted
  784. 26/1/20, 8:57 am - Shohaib: If its 50% or 100% you still need to send the 50% so just do it
  785. 26/1/20, 8:57 am - Chris Essery: Yep, I just want confirmation on the 50/ 50
  786. That’s all
  787. 26/1/20, 8:58 am - Shohaib: Lets get this moving
  788. 26/1/20, 9:00 am - Chris Essery: So that a Yes or No on the 50/50 now and on delivery?
  789. 26/1/20, 9:00 am - Chris Essery: Must be late over there?
  790. 26/1/20, 9:01 am - Shohaib: What is your concern
  791. 26/1/20, 9:01 am - Shohaib: Explain that to me at least
  792. 26/1/20, 9:01 am - Shohaib: What do you think im going to do
  793. 26/1/20, 9:04 am - Chris Essery: Literally I’m just looking for an agreement that is all. This way we don’t have to ping heaps of messages between one another over the coming days.
  795. A simple yes or no that’s all.
  796. 26/1/20, 9:05 am - Shohaib: The agreement is you send me back my money
  797. 26/1/20, 9:05 am - Shohaib: In full
  798. 26/1/20, 9:05 am - Shohaib: And i send you back your fake watch
  799. 26/1/20, 9:05 am - Shohaib: I dont want to cause you any problems. I just want to walk away
  800. 26/1/20, 9:07 am - Chris Essery: I will. Just return this watch and it’ll be closed off.
  801. Please just confirm a 50% now and 50% on delivery and we can resolve this.
  802. 26/1/20, 9:08 am - Chris Essery: I just can’t see how that is.
  803. I’ve purchased a lot through my dealer over the last two years for personal pieces.
  804. 26/1/20, 9:09 am - Chris Essery: Boxes sizes are never a lock for certain watches.
  805. I’ve got various.
  806. 26/1/20, 9:10 am - Shohaib: Its ok ill leave that to you. I just want my funds
  807. 26/1/20, 9:10 am - Chris Essery: Anyway, please just confirm a yes or no on the 50% now and 50% on delivery.
  808. 26/1/20, 9:10 am - Shohaib: Send me 22k now and the rest on return
  809. 26/1/20, 9:10 am - Shohaib: And i will agree
  810. 26/1/20, 9:11 am - Chris Essery: Yea, odd thing is he’s not responding. But I’ll sort that.
  811. 26/1/20, 9:12 am - Shohaib: Yeah not my problem
  812. 26/1/20, 9:12 am - Shohaib: 22k and balance on return
  813. 26/1/20, 9:12 am - Shohaib: You have had my funds for going on 3 months now
  814. 26/1/20, 9:13 am - Shohaib: I am legit and so is my money so i have no issue going to the authorities
  815. 26/1/20, 9:13 am - Chris Essery: I literally can’t do that. 15k is what I’ve got there in acc now.
  817. Awaiting another $14k to my acc but need that to clear.
  818. 26/1/20, 9:14 am - Shohaib: Here we go
  819. 26/1/20, 9:14 am - Shohaib: Stories
  820. 26/1/20, 9:14 am - Shohaib: Again
  821. 26/1/20, 9:14 am - Chris Essery: Dude I’m trying to fix.
  822. 26/1/20, 9:14 am - Shohaib: How you dont have 30k in your bank account and you run a business and work for [REDACTED: EMPLOYER]
  823. 26/1/20, 9:15 am - Chris Essery: It’s in certain accounts mate, not accessible immediately, plus family is sending money back.
  824. 26/1/20, 9:16 am - Shohaib: I want 22k
  825. 26/1/20, 9:16 am - Shohaib: Figure it out
  826. 26/1/20, 9:17 am - Shohaib: So when is this other 14k going to magically hit your account?
  827. 26/1/20, 9:20 am - Shohaib: If its pending clearance. Let it clear and wire me 7k soon as cleared
  828. 26/1/20, 9:20 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  829. 26/1/20, 9:20 am - Shohaib: Once the 22k is cleared into my acc i will post
  830. 26/1/20, 9:21 am - Shohaib: Image is not downloading
  831. 26/1/20, 9:22 am - Chris Essery: It will
  832. 26/1/20, 9:23 am - Shohaib: Can you send it again pls
  833. 26/1/20, 9:24 am - Shohaib: Just spinning
  834. 26/1/20, 9:24 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  835. 26/1/20, 9:25 am - Chris Essery: These no more excuses mate. I want to close this off for you.
  836. Like I said, just need to to give me one more shot to make it all right.
  838. I’ll deliver on the 50% : 50%
  839. 26/1/20, 9:26 am - Shohaib: Nope
  840. 26/1/20, 9:26 am - Shohaib: 22k mate end of
  841. 26/1/20, 9:26 am - Shohaib: Thsts me done with you now
  842. 26/1/20, 9:26 am - Shohaib: Its either that or cops
  843. 26/1/20, 9:26 am - Shohaib: Whatever youre trying to send me is not being received. I have full internet
  844. 26/1/20, 9:27 am - Shohaib: So its not sending from your end
  845. 26/1/20, 9:28 am - Chris Essery: It’s an image 😂... it’s sent and shows two blue ticks you’ve received
  846. 26/1/20, 9:28 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  847. 26/1/20, 9:28 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  848. 26/1/20, 9:28 am - Shohaib: Just spinning
  849. 26/1/20, 9:29 am - Shohaib: Uh got it on the screenshot
  850. 26/1/20, 9:29 am - Chris Essery: That’s yours loading the image.
  851. 26/1/20, 9:29 am - Chris Essery: I knew this has been shit, but definitely not trying to play games with the transactions.
  852. Just want to close this off.
  853. 26/1/20, 9:29 am - Shohaib: So what is that for im confused
  854. 26/1/20, 9:32 am - Chris Essery: I’ve sent funds from that account so that I have funds to cover the second payment.
  856. There’s 15k in my acc right now that I can send to you.
  857. 26/1/20, 9:32 am - Shohaib: Show me the other account then
  858. 26/1/20, 9:33 am - Shohaib: I dont trust you anymore unfortunately
  859. 26/1/20, 9:35 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  860. 26/1/20, 9:35 am - Chris Essery: Like I said I want to close this off, just need you to give me one final shot to make it right.
  861. 26/1/20, 9:36 am - Shohaib: If the money is about to hit the other account
  862. 26/1/20, 9:36 am - Shohaib: Wire me 15k
  863. 26/1/20, 9:36 am - Shohaib: And when the other his 7k
  864. 26/1/20, 9:37 am - Shohaib: And the balance on delivery
  865. 26/1/20, 9:37 am - Shohaib: And its done
  866. 26/1/20, 9:37 am - Shohaib: I dont see the issue
  867. 26/1/20, 9:37 am - Chris Essery: Ok.
  868. 26/1/20, 9:37 am - Shohaib: Im the one whos got the drama here not you
  869. 26/1/20, 9:37 am - Chris Essery: Done.
  870. 26/1/20, 9:37 am - Shohaib: Ok ill be waiting.
  871. 26/1/20, 9:37 am - Shohaib: Once 22k clears i will post immediately
  872. 26/1/20, 9:38 am - Chris Essery: Can you guys send back via DHL or Auspost with tracking?
  873. just so that it’s quick and trackable.
  874. 26/1/20, 9:38 am - Shohaib: Sure
  875. 26/1/20, 9:39 am - Shohaib: Same method as your dhl post to bris. It was quick
  876. 26/1/20, 9:39 am - Chris Essery: First xfer in 5.
  878. Like I said mate, just give me one last shot to make something a little right out of this whole thing.
  880. Gimme 5
  881. 26/1/20, 9:39 am - Shohaib: How much was postage
  882. 26/1/20, 9:42 am - Chris Essery: $45.
  883. Just address to Horology House, and take a pic of the watch in the box at the depot, then wrapped up.
  884. My insurance will be okay that way, saves lots of $$.
  885. 26/1/20, 9:42 am - Shohaib: Will get the address details from you before posting
  886. 26/1/20, 9:43 am - Chris Essery: No worries.
  887. 26/1/20, 9:43 am - Chris Essery: What’s the time there?
  888. 26/1/20, 9:45 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  889. 26/1/20, 9:46 am - Shohaib: Yep
  890. 26/1/20, 9:47 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  891. 26/1/20, 9:47 am - Chris Essery: 👍
  892. 26/1/20, 9:48 am - Chris Essery: Next ones should be instant.
  893. 26/1/20, 9:48 am - Shohaib: So the 7k by when?
  894. 26/1/20, 9:48 am - Shohaib: Thanks
  895. 26/1/20, 9:49 am - Chris Essery: As soon as it hits acc.
  896. I’m hoping it’s not affected by public holiday.
  897. I’ve shifted funds from that account a bit, so hoping it’s overnight.
  898. 26/1/20, 9:50 am - Chris Essery: I’ll let you know as soon as it hits.
  899. 26/1/20, 9:51 am - Shohaib: Ok thank you
  900. 26/1/20, 9:52 am - Chris Essery: Need to get off this phone for a little bit mate 😄...
  901. I’ll chat to you either tonight, or in the morning.
  902. 26/1/20, 9:52 am - Shohaib: Ok
  903. 26/1/20, 9:52 am - Chris Essery: Are you working at the moment or days off?
  904. 26/1/20, 9:53 am - Shohaib: Working
  905. 26/1/20, 9:54 am - Chris Essery: Ahh ok. Have a good day mate. Chat soon
  906. 26/1/20, 9:54 am - Shohaib: 👍🏾
  907. 26/1/20, 3:47 pm - Shohaib: This has cleared mate
  908. 26/1/20, 3:48 pm - Chris Essery: Ahh awesome.
  909. 26/1/20, 3:49 pm - Chris Essery: I’ll let you know when this other amount hits my account. Was hoping it would sneak in this arvo but it hasn’t.
  910. 26/1/20, 3:50 pm - Chris Essery: The next xfers should be instant
  911. 26/1/20, 3:52 pm - Shohaib: Ok no worries. Hopefully tomorrow
  912. 26/1/20, 3:52 pm - Chris Essery: Yeah. It should. Not a first time transfer, so we should be sweet.
  913. 26/1/20, 3:52 pm - Shohaib: Ok
  914. 26/1/20, 3:53 pm - Chris Essery: Chat tomorrow mate. I’ll update you in the morning
  915. 26/1/20, 3:54 pm - Shohaib: Ok mate cheers
  916. 27/1/20, 2:44 am - Chris Essery: Hi mate, didn’t arrive yet.
  917. I will keep checking in and update you.
  918. 27/1/20, 5:30 am - Shohaib: Hi Chris, ok thx
  919. 27/1/20, 5:33 am - Chris Essery: Assuming it because of the public holiday.
  920. 27/1/20, 5:34 am - Chris Essery: Can you guys ship tomorrow as soon as I send you the $7k?
  921. 27/1/20, 5:43 am - Shohaib: Yes sure
  922. 27/1/20, 5:43 am - Shohaib: That was the agreement
  923. 27/1/20, 5:43 am - Chris Essery: Cheers man.
  924. 27/1/20, 5:48 am - Shohaib: And upon receipt you will wire the balance same time?
  925. 27/1/20, 5:48 am - Shohaib: 7k
  926. 27/1/20, 5:49 am - Chris Essery: Yea mate.
  927. Random thoughts question- Do you know if you can set up deposit alerts for NAB? Only moved over to them for business stuff in November.
  928. 27/1/20, 5:51 am - Shohaib: Yes i have them
  929. 27/1/20, 5:51 am - Shohaib: Think you do it on the online banking thing
  930. 27/1/20, 5:51 am - Shohaib: But i had it from the start when they opened my acc
  931. 27/1/20, 5:53 am - Chris Essery: Ahh ok. Thank you. Saves me checking in every 10 mins 😄
  932. 27/1/20, 5:54 am - Chris Essery: Have a good day mate. I’ll chat to you soon 👍
  933. 27/1/20, 5:54 am - Shohaib: 👍🏾
  934. 27/1/20, 8:48 am - Chris Essery: Hey man. Just wanted to apologise again for this transaction. I really am.
  935. Aside from causing you stress, I’ve got too much personally on the line to stuff you around.
  936. So from the bottom of my heart, I apologise.
  937. Looking forward to getting you sorted.
  938. 27/1/20, 9:17 am - Shohaib: Thanks Chris, just want to get this closed out. Im surewe both have better things to do
  939. 27/1/20, 9:18 am - Chris Essery: 100% mate. Just sitting back and thinking about it, it’s upsetting mate,m. Amongst everything else that’s basically come at once 😄...
  940. 27/1/20, 9:20 am - Shohaib: Imagine how i must be feeling
  941. 27/1/20, 9:21 am - Chris Essery: Yea, I put myself in your shoes last night.
  942. 27/1/20, 10:08 am - Shohaib: I should be charging you for damages and wasting my time.
  943. 27/1/20, 10:09 am - Chris Essery: I have had a pretty rough run as well mate.
  944. All I can do is apologise, and make it right.
  945. 27/1/20, 10:10 am - Shohaib: Lets just close it out
  946. 27/1/20, 10:10 am - Chris Essery: 100%, we will.
  947. 27/1/20, 12:01 pm - Shohaib: Any news?
  948. 27/1/20, 12:03 pm - Chris Essery: Still nothing mate. I assume public holiday delayed it.
  949. Will be with me in the morning.
  950. 27/1/20, 12:03 pm - Shohaib: Ok
  951. 27/1/20, 2:09 pm - Chris Essery: Nothing mate. Chat in the morning 👍
  952. 27/1/20, 3:41 pm - Chris Essery: Just checked before I head to bed. Nothing.
  953. Talk tomorrow mate.
  954. 27/1/20, 3:42 pm - Shohaib: Ok thanks for letting me know
  955. 27/1/20, 3:47 pm - Chris Essery: 👍
  956. 28/1/20, 2:09 am - Chris Essery: FYI, nothing just yet.
  957. Hopefully in the next 2-2.5hours. Thinking 9am my time it’ll hit.
  958. 28/1/20, 5:23 am - Shohaib: Hi mate, any update?
  959. 28/1/20, 5:24 am - Chris Essery: Nope, as soon as it’s hit you’ll know. Have notifications on now - Thanks for that 😄...
  960. 28/1/20, 5:24 am - Chris Essery: A small amount from another transaction hit about 15 mins ago
  961. 28/1/20, 5:38 am - Chris Essery: Just hit. Gimme 10 just driving
  962. 28/1/20, 5:40 am - Shohaib: Ok
  963. 28/1/20, 5:43 am - Chris Essery: Done mate. Should be instant
  964. 28/1/20, 5:43 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  965. 28/1/20, 5:45 am - Shohaib: Ok cheers will verify soon give me an hr
  966. 28/1/20, 5:46 am - Chris Essery: Ok
  967. 28/1/20, 5:46 am - Shohaib: Just getting ready to head to work
  968. 28/1/20, 5:46 am - Chris Essery: Sweet mate. No worries
  969. 28/1/20, 5:47 am - Chris Essery: Also Just let me know when you guys can ship it out.
  970. 28/1/20, 7:09 am - Chris Essery: All good mate?
  971. 28/1/20, 7:10 am - Shohaib: Sorry just sorting an urgent issue at work
  972. 28/1/20, 7:10 am - Shohaib: Will get back to you
  973. 28/1/20, 7:10 am - Shohaib: In 10
  974. 28/1/20, 7:10 am - Chris Essery: 👊 no worries
  975. 28/1/20, 7:15 am - Shohaib: Ok the money has arrived all good
  976. 28/1/20, 7:16 am - Chris Essery: Awesome man
  977. 28/1/20, 7:16 am - Shohaib: So the next question is how can i be sure that my funds will be returned upon postage. This whole thing has made me very uncomfortable.
  978. 28/1/20, 7:17 am - Chris Essery: It will be sent upon delivery man.
  979. We had this agreement, I told you there’s no more delays or screw arounds.
  980. 28/1/20, 7:18 am - Chris Essery: As soon as it arrives it’ll be sent.
  981. 28/1/20, 7:19 am - Shohaib: You do understand my concerns though i would hope
  982. 28/1/20, 7:19 am - Shohaib: Since this has gone on and on
  983. 28/1/20, 7:20 am - Chris Essery: Yep. Like I said give me one more shot to make it right, we agreed and here we are.
  984. 28/1/20, 7:20 am - Shohaib: I would much prefer if you wired me the balance today and i post this afternoon. Its 2pm in brisbane can be sent out today
  985. 28/1/20, 7:21 am - Chris Essery: No. Sorry, this was the agreement.
  986. 28/1/20, 7:23 am - Chris Essery: Please sent out, if it’s via DHL it’ll be here tomorrow and funds distributed on receipt.
  987. 28/1/20, 7:25 am - Shohaib: Lol mate relax lets not get too righteous about agreements this is the flakiest thing iv experienced in a while.
  988. 28/1/20, 7:25 am - Shohaib: Are you going to reimburse me the postage costs?
  989. 28/1/20, 7:25 am - Chris Essery: Yes I will.
  990. 28/1/20, 7:26 am - Chris Essery: Just need them pics taken is all 👍
  991. 28/1/20, 7:26 am - Chris Essery: I think if we pay an additional $2 it’ll be here by 12am or 9am tomorrow
  992. 28/1/20, 7:26 am - Chris Essery: Happy to cover shipping and that
  993. 28/1/20, 7:28 am - Shohaib: Can you please send me some additional evidence of the funds being in your bank account and a copy of your driving licence
  994. 28/1/20, 7:30 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  995. 28/1/20, 7:31 am - Shohaib: Great and the licence pls
  996. 28/1/20, 7:32 am - Shohaib: Also send me the address for the shipping. You said you wanted it sent to your shop
  997. 28/1/20, 7:32 am - Chris Essery: No, just address it to Horology House.
  998. 28/1/20, 7:32 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  999. 28/1/20, 7:33 am - Chris Essery: Excuse the pic 😄
  1000. 28/1/20, 7:34 am - Chris Essery: Just the dress on there mate.
  1002. 28/1/20, 7:35 am - Shohaib: Is that what you mean
  1003. 28/1/20, 7:36 am - Chris Essery: [ADDRESS REDACTED]
  1004. 28/1/20, 7:40 am - Shohaib: Righto
  1005. 28/1/20, 7:41 am - Shohaib: Let me try to get this organised
  1006. 28/1/20, 7:41 am - Shohaib: Im doing this against my better judgement so i hope you dont flake on me
  1007. 28/1/20, 7:41 am - Chris Essery: Cheers man. If they go to DHL they’ll package it all up.
  1008. 28/1/20, 7:43 am - Chris Essery: I want to end this right
  1009. 28/1/20, 7:44 am - Shohaib: Just so im clear about the insurance
  1010. 28/1/20, 7:44 am - Shohaib: You want us to take photos at dhl prior to pack up
  1011. 28/1/20, 7:45 am - Chris Essery: Just a pic of the watch in the box prior to pack up.
  1012. Then just on the same bench/ area once packed and sealed. 👍
  1013. 28/1/20, 7:49 am - Shohaib: so you are ok to take that risk
  1014. 28/1/20, 7:49 am - Shohaib: As i dont want any issues once we ship
  1015. 28/1/20, 7:49 am - Chris Essery: I’ll send you shipping $$ now?
  1016. 28/1/20, 7:49 am - Shohaib: If something happens
  1017. 28/1/20, 7:50 am - Chris Essery: I am okay with this.
  1018. DHL will check contents then pack.
  1019. 28/1/20, 7:55 am - Shohaib: Ok ill find someone to go to dhl
  1020. 28/1/20, 7:57 am - Chris Essery: Ok. Just sent $100 for shipping.
  1021. 28/1/20, 8:00 am - Shohaib: 👍🏾
  1022. 28/1/20, 8:03 am - Shohaib: Im going to try to get someone at home to post
  1023. 28/1/20, 8:03 am - Shohaib: But no one is home right now
  1024. 28/1/20, 8:03 am - Shohaib: Trying to find out when someone will be home to to ship
  1025. 28/1/20, 8:03 am - Shohaib: Will let you know soon as someone replies
  1026. 28/1/20, 8:03 am - Chris Essery: Okay man. No worries
  1027. 28/1/20, 8:04 am - Chris Essery: Cheers mate.
  1028. 28/1/20, 8:04 am - Chris Essery: If they just go to DHL with the package and info they’ll look after them.
  1029. 28/1/20, 8:05 am - Shohaib: Ok
  1030. 28/1/20, 8:12 am - Chris Essery: FYI,
  1031. Sending you a Rolex cardholder over. You’ll get tracking this arvo.
  1032. It just might be worthwhile your fam keeping an eye out is all
  1033. 28/1/20, 8:14 am - Shohaib: What is this for?
  1034. 28/1/20, 8:16 am - Chris Essery: Just a gift to close it off.
  1035. I really do apologise for this, and we will close off on the right note.
  1036. 28/1/20, 8:17 am - Shohaib: Long as i get my money back ill be straight
  1037. 28/1/20, 8:17 am - Chris Essery: 👍👊
  1038. 28/1/20, 8:21 am - Shohaib: Worst case it may end up being shipped tomorrow just fyi. No one at home is replying
  1039. 28/1/20, 8:22 am - Chris Essery: Okay. No stress.
  1040. I’ll be a little quiet this arvo mate, need to go and film.
  1041. 28/1/20, 8:22 am - Shohaib: Ok
  1042. 28/1/20, 8:23 am - Chris Essery: Have a good day, and I’ll chat to you soon 👍
  1043. 28/1/20, 8:24 am - Shohaib: Ok mate cheers
  1044. 28/1/20, 8:47 am - Shohaib: Hi mate i have logistics issue so the item.will be collected house tomorrow at 230pk
  1045. 28/1/20, 8:47 am - Shohaib: Pm
  1046. 28/1/20, 8:47 am - Shohaib: Will arrive to you thursday
  1047. 28/1/20, 8:47 am - Chris Essery: Ok mate. Sounds good.
  1048. 28/1/20, 8:48 am - Shohaib: Will send you tracking once received
  1049. 28/1/20, 8:48 am - Chris Essery: Awesome.
  1050. 28/1/20, 8:48 am - Chris Essery: Have a god day mate, and I’ll chat to you soon 👍
  1051. 28/1/20, 8:49 am - Chris Essery: *good
  1052. 28/1/20, 8:49 am - Shohaib: Cheers
  1053. 28/1/20, 10:01 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  1054. 28/1/20, 10:01 am - Shohaib: Pick up will be tomorrow at around 2pm
  1055. 28/1/20, 12:15 pm - Chris Essery: Jesus that’s high. I’ll send you more $ mate
  1056. 28/1/20, 12:15 pm - Chris Essery: Thanks mate
  1057. 28/1/20, 12:15 pm - Shohaib: Not sure mate people at home did it
  1058. 28/1/20, 12:16 pm - Chris Essery: All good mate. No worries
  1059. 29/1/20, 5:14 am - Chris Essery: All sweet for this arvo mate?
  1060. 29/1/20, 5:55 am - Shohaib: Yep
  1061. 29/1/20, 6:00 am - Shohaib: Will send you pictures
  1062. 29/1/20, 6:00 am - Shohaib: Soon as done
  1063. 29/1/20, 6:01 am - Chris Essery: Okay mate, sounds good.
  1064. 29/1/20, 7:40 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  1065. 29/1/20, 7:40 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  1066. 29/1/20, 7:40 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  1067. 29/1/20, 7:40 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  1068. 29/1/20, 7:40 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  1069. 29/1/20, 7:40 am - Shohaib: <Media omitted>
  1070. 29/1/20, 7:40 am - Shohaib: Just picked up
  1071. 29/1/20, 7:43 am - Chris Essery: Sweet man. Thank you.
  1072. Is there a waybill/ tracking number?
  1074. I’ll be home all day tomorrow, so will recieve and send $$ immediately.
  1075. 29/1/20, 7:45 am - Chris Essery: Actually got it from paperwork
  1076. 29/1/20, 7:45 am - Chris Essery: FYI:
  1077. 29/1/20, 7:45 am - Chris Essery: [TRACKING NUMBER REDACTED]
  1078. 29/1/20, 7:46 am - Shohaib: Ok cheers
  1079. 29/1/20, 7:59 am - Shohaib: They said delivery by noon.tmr0
  1080. 29/1/20, 8:14 am - Chris Essery: Awesome.
  1081. 29/1/20, 11:49 am - Shohaib: Checked the tracking. Hopefully you get the item by tomorrow morning and the funds are wired immediately
  1082. 29/1/20, 11:50 am - Chris Essery: Yep 👍. DHL are pretty good. And they will be
  1083. 29/1/20, 11:50 am - Shohaib: Cheers
  1084. 30/1/20, 4:58 am - Chris Essery: It should be here this morning mate. The new link for it just arrived as well.
  1085. 30/1/20, 5:46 am - Shohaib: Ok mate let me know once there
  1086. 30/1/20, 6:39 am - Chris Essery: Here mate and funds sent.
  1087. 30/1/20, 6:40 am - Shohaib: Just driving to work mate will confirm shortly
  1088. 30/1/20, 6:41 am - Chris Essery: In case you want to pick up a watch in the future from a dealer or wherever, do you want this extra link?
  1090. They are not easy to get hold of weather you go to a dealer, AD or not.
  1091. 30/1/20, 6:41 am - Chris Essery: Ok mate.
  1092. 30/1/20, 7:33 am - Shohaib: Confirm funds have been received
  1093. 30/1/20, 7:37 am - Chris Essery: Great mate.
  1094. 30/1/20, 7:48 am - Shohaib: Would be great to know why you shipped me a fake watch
  1095. 30/1/20, 7:48 am - Shohaib: But i guess thats obvious
  1096. 30/1/20, 8:22 am - Chris Essery: I’ve likely been duped on some pieces myself.
  1097. I purchased a lot of pieces from a supplier dating back to Feb 2018 through until mid last year, these were to be put away for some time (5 or so yrs).
  1098. Once I’d made two good transactions with the supplier I placed some large orders with him.
  1099. 30/1/20, 8:23 am - Chris Essery: <Media omitted>
  1100. 30/1/20, 10:45 am - Shohaib:
  1101. 30/1/20, 10:45 am - Shohaib: Do you honestly expect me to believe any of this?
  1102. 30/1/20, 10:45 am - Shohaib: You do reviews on how to spot fake watches
  1103. 30/1/20, 10:46 am - Shohaib: 🤣
  1104. 30/1/20, 10:49 am - Shohaib: Anyway
  1105. 30/1/20, 10:49 am - Shohaib: Thank you for returning my money
  1106. 30/1/20, 10:49 am - Chris Essery: I don’t need you to believe me, this is for me to work through.
  1107. 30/1/20, 10:50 am - Chris Essery: But, I am sorry.
  1108. 30/1/20, 10:56 am - Chris Essery: Happy to end this right.
  1109. 31/1/20, 8:50 am - Chris Essery: Mate, I just seen you posted.
  1110. 31/1/20, 8:50 am - Chris Essery: Just seen your post.
  1111. 31/1/20, 8:57 am - Chris Essery: Really man?
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