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Mar 14th, 2013
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  1. C:\Users\user\Dropbox\app\app>c:\Python27\Scripts\celery.exe -A app.tasks worker -l info
  3. -------------- celery@user-PC v3.0.16 (Chiastic Slide)
  4. ---- **** -----
  5. --- * *** * -- [Configuration]
  6. -- * - **** --- . broker: amqp://guest@localhost:5672//
  7. - ** ---------- . app: tasks:0x20688f0
  8. - ** ---------- . concurrency: 4 (processes)
  9. - ** ---------- . events: OFF (enable -E to monitor this worker)
  10. - ** ----------
  11. - *** --- * --- [Queues]
  12. -- ******* ---- . celery: exchange:celery(direct) binding:celery
  13. --- ***** -----
  15. [Tasks]
  16. . app.tasks.check_fence
  17. . app.tasks.check_st
  19. [2013-03-14 15:00:59,819: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@user-PC ready.
  20. [2013-03-14 15:00:59,838: INFO/MainProcess] consumer: Connected to amqp://guest@
  22. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,111: INFO/MainProcess] Got task from broker: app.tasks.c
  23. heck_fence[5b28c53e-c842-4957-bed2-2d53ed0ec00a]
  24. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,115: WARNING/MainProcess] Traceback (most recent call last)
  25. :
  26. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,117: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\logging\__i
  27.", line 846, in emit
  28. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,118: WARNING/MainProcess] msg = self.format(record)
  29. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,118: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\logging\__i
  30.", line 723, in format
  31. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,119: WARNING/MainProcess] return fmt.format(record)
  32. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,119: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packag
  33. es\celery\utils\", line 102, in format
  34. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,121: WARNING/MainProcess] return safe_str(logging.Formatter
  35. .format(self, record))
  36. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,121: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\logging\__i
  37.", line 464, in format
  38. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,121: WARNING/MainProcess] record.message = record.getMessag
  39. e()
  40. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,121: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\logging\__i
  41.", line 328, in getMessage
  42. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,122: WARNING/MainProcess] msg = msg % self.args
  43. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,122: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packag
  44. es\celery\worker\", line 461, in __str__
  45. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,124: WARNING/MainProcess] ' eta:[%s]' % (self.eta, ) if sel
  46. f.eta else '',
  47. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,125: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packag
  48. es\dateutil\", line 32, in utcoffset
  49. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,125: WARNING/MainProcess] if self._isdst(dt):
  50. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,127: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packag
  51. es\dateutil\", line 67, in _isdst
  52. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,127: WARNING/MainProcess] self._dstweeknumber)
  53. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,127: WARNING/MainProcess] File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packag
  54. es\dateutil\", line 166, in picknthweekday
  55. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,128: WARNING/MainProcess] first = datetime.datetime(year, m
  56. onth, 1, hour, minute)
  57. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,128: WARNING/MainProcess] ValueError: month must be in 1..1
  58. 2
  59. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,128: WARNING/MainProcess] Logged from file, lin
  60. e 513
  61. [2013-03-14 15:01:09,128: ERROR/MainProcess] Unrecoverable error: ValueError('mo
  62. nth must be in 1..12',)
  63. Traceback (most recent call last):
  64. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\worker\", line 356, in s
  65. tart
  66. component.start()
  67. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\worker\", line 393, in s
  68. tart
  69. self.consume_messages()
  70. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\worker\", line 886, in c
  71. onsume_messages
  72. self.connection.drain_events(timeout=10.0)
  73. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kombu\", line 277, in drain_e
  74. vents
  75. return self.transport.drain_events(self.connection, **kwargs)
  76. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kombu\transport\", line 91, in dr
  77. ain_events
  78. return connection.drain_events(**kwargs)
  79. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\amqp\", line 288, in drain_ev
  80. ents
  81. return amqp_method(channel, args, content)
  82. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\amqp\", line 1886, in _basic_del
  83. iver
  84. fun(msg)
  85. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kombu\", line 542, in _receive
  86. _callback
  87. return on_m(message) if on_m else self.receive(decoded, message)
  88. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kombu\", line 514, in receive
  89. [callback(body, message) for callback in callbacks]
  90. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\worker\", line 592, in r
  91. eceive_message
  92. self.strategies[name](message, body, message.ack_log_error)
  93. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\worker\", line 25, in ta
  94. sk_message_handler
  95. delivery_info=message.delivery_info))
  96. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\worker\", line 528, in o
  97. n_task
  98. eta = to_timestamp(to_system_tz(task.eta))
  99. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\utils\", line 116, in t
  100. o_system
  101. return localize(dt, self.local)
  102. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\celery\utils\", line 297, in l
  103. ocalize
  104. dt = dt.astimezone(tz)
  105. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\dateutil\", line 32, in utcoffset
  106. if self._isdst(dt):
  107. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\dateutil\", line 67, in _isdst
  108. self._dstweeknumber)
  109. File "c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\dateutil\", line 166, in picknthwe
  110. ekday
  111. first = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1, hour, minute)
  112. ValueError: month must be in 1..12
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