
CS284 L2 Imran silverscript

Jul 31st, 2017
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  1. CS284 L2 Imran silverscript July 31 2017
  3. Will the Real Alpha Jalloh Please Stand Up
  5. Transcript
  6. 0:10
  7. [Music]
  8. 0:18
  9. [Music]
  10. 0:29
  11. [Music]
  12. 0:36
  13. he's screwing it up the quick brown fox
  14. 0:38
  15. jumped over the lazy dog there we go I
  16. 0:41
  17. guess you got to plug the microphone
  18. 0:43
  19. actually into the mic transmitter not
  20. 0:46
  21. your headphones the quick brown fox
  22. 0:51
  23. can you talk to a Trish Hey well so I'll
  24. 1:10
  25. I'll start my day with a story yeah what
  26. 1:17
  27. is it again now let's say it's the
  28. 1:19
  29. heavens fall let the heavens follow
  30. 1:21
  31. justice first and let the heavens fall
  32. 1:22
  33. twice fit the justice be done let the
  34. 1:26
  35. heavens fall
  36. 1:26
  37. so it's fade justysia Rou act a rut
  38. 1:31
  39. Salem so no matter where this goes and
  40. 1:36
  41. we're getting down to the end here and
  42. 1:39
  43. even if it does implicate the president
  44. 1:41
  45. I will continue so that's my commitment
  46. 1:44
  47. to everyone as we get down here to the
  48. 1:45
  49. final strokes I'm talking about Obama
  50. 1:52
  51. and whoops got a little bit of a puzzle
  52. 2:01
  53. Trish there
  54. 2:15
  55. justysia just VCO just ECU I so I
  56. 2:22
  57. watched an interview with cheryl
  58. 2:24
  59. atkinson and she was on lars Larson
  60. 2:27
  61. talking about her book smear and I
  62. 2:31
  63. really would recommend the book and what
  64. 2:34
  65. she was talking about how they would
  66. 2:35
  67. actually be sending out journalists to
  68. 2:38
  69. say let's go get a like a like an old
  70. 2:42
  71. Jewish guy to say this let's go out and
  72. 2:46
  73. get a black guy to say that and then
  74. 2:49
  75. let's go get a mom with holding a baby
  76. 2:52
  77. or pushing a baby carriage to say this
  78. 2:54
  79. and let's talk about like the price of
  80. 2:57
  81. some commodity at the supermarket going
  82. 3:01
  83. up and that's go you know like they're
  84. 3:05
  85. finders almost for the media a fayette
  86. 3:09
  87. news i can't hear her quite yeah i don't
  88. 3:15
  89. know why Tricia's volume is low today oh
  90. 3:18
  91. sorry
  92. 3:19
  93. well we got you all the way up there
  94. 3:23
  95. Trish can you can you hear oh there you
  96. 3:26
  97. go that's I can hear you can you repeat
  98. 3:28
  99. what I can hear you now could you repeat
  100. 3:30
  101. what you just said I just said something
  102. 3:36
  103. about cheryl atkinson in the boot and
  104. 3:38
  105. the book smear and how these TV
  106. 3:42
  107. producers and local TV are saying go get
  108. 3:44
  109. these three perspectives and here are
  110. 3:46
  111. the three different kinds of people i
  112. 3:47
  113. want you to find and here's the story
  114. 3:49
  115. and i want to i want you to talk about
  116. 3:50
  117. the price of coffee or something and go
  118. 3:53
  119. get that story at the local supermarket
  120. 3:55
  121. right yeah and you said it was fake news
  122. 3:57
  123. but it's literally propaganda i mean
  124. 4:00
  125. that's what that is it's not just miss
  126. 4:03
  127. reporting or doing a half-assed job it's
  128. 4:07
  129. propaganda yeah i mean at the end that
  130. 4:09
  131. especially when you start doing this in
  132. 4:11
  133. the area of national news and you know
  134. 4:15
  135. she worked for CNN she worked for CBS
  136. 4:17
  137. and then she had the wrath of mccabe and
  138. 4:20
  139. co me come down on her and she gets into
  140. 4:23
  141. that and the later part of her book
  142. 4:25
  143. so it's nice to have someone saying
  144. 4:27
  145. who's it known that prominently saying
  146. 4:29
  147. the same thing I am about when you start
  148. 4:30
  149. getting out in front and start telling
  150. 4:32
  151. the truth that this thing starts coming
  152. 4:34
  153. your way and you guys have both seen
  154. 4:36
  155. this you know in a more compressed
  156. 4:39
  157. timeframe you know in the last maybe 60
  158. 4:44
  159. days but yeah this is but that's that's
  160. 4:48
  161. the backdrop I wanted it set so as we
  162. 4:50
  163. get closer and closer it's gonna get
  164. 4:51
  165. worse and worse I think about it saying
  166. 4:53
  167. the same thing you're saying what about
  168. 4:55
  169. Fox News
  170. 4:57
  171. well the where do we start I mean
  172. 5:02
  173. there's so many predictions coming true
  174. 5:04
  175. its Arctic go throw ball well first
  176. 5:08
  177. thing I said was what it's not just
  178. 5:09
  179. predictions because that makes it sounds
  180. 5:11
  181. like you're prognosticate no no no no no
  182. 5:13
  183. I'm just saying follow follow and now
  184. 5:15
  185. Brandi blonde was the one who turned us
  186. 5:17
  187. on to this one the MIS Department yes
  188. 5:19
  189. that was huge she called and she said
  190. 5:22
  191. hey you know we're a matter of fact we
  192. 5:24
  193. should just call her and she said hey
  194. 5:27
  195. I'll call her a couple minutes though
  196. 5:30
  197. everyone on this DNC link is not
  198. 5:32
  199. concentrating on the Mis Department
  200. 5:35
  201. that's where the leak is and it's not
  202. 5:36
  203. even a hack as a forensic ATAR proved
  204. 5:42
  205. it's a leak and they have it in the logs
  206. 5:45
  207. it's set right in the report it says
  208. 5:48
  209. that so why aren't we focusing on where
  210. 5:50
  211. the actual leak happened it's sort of
  212. 5:52
  213. like having a leak in your house and
  214. 5:54
  215. then running around your house yelling
  216. 5:56
  217. PP dossier until until you collapse
  218. 6:00
  219. thinking that's gonna fix the leak you
  220. 6:04
  221. know or or driving around the
  222. 6:06
  223. neighborhood in a Cadillac with a New
  224. 6:08
  225. York Times reporter trying to tun us
  226. 6:10
  227. yeah trying to have a ton of sex with
  228. 6:12
  229. different neighbors and that's gonna fix
  230. 6:14
  231. the leak it's not gonna fix the leak the
  232. 6:17
  233. leak is the leak yeah the leak is not
  234. 6:19
  235. gonna fix itself it's this very simple
  236. 6:21
  237. so I know that I've collected myself and
  238. 6:24
  239. all the technical stuff here I just want
  240. 6:26
  241. to apologize to everybody for that
  242. 6:27
  243. slightly discombobulated start now I
  244. 6:30
  245. don't even know if this got a chance to
  246. 6:32
  247. finish encoding I have to
  248. 6:34
  249. check but part of the reason I was going
  250. 6:37
  251. a little bit crazy there is that we just
  252. 6:38
  253. had a great phone call with our friend
  254. 6:42
  255. zero-hour yeah is that rainy no I don't
  256. 6:50
  257. think so it's a sweat bridge though this
  258. 6:51
  259. is George hello Tokyo came in Tokyo okay
  260. 6:56
  261. so the one is we had a great call with
  262. 6:59
  263. zero hour and that's gonna be going up
  264. 7:02
  265. right after this stream is done so that
  266. 7:05
  267. was you know sort of throwing our
  268. 7:07
  269. schedule off a little bit and our shot
  270. 7:09
  271. and my move Mahmood called me from
  272. 7:11
  273. Woodbridge Virginia we look literally
  274. 7:12
  275. what Virginia but is that our shot
  276. 7:15
  277. that's where he's from so how do you
  278. 7:17
  279. know that was him uh does he breathe the
  280. 7:20
  281. way he breathed heavy like our shot
  282. 7:21
  283. would like you are a car dealer to me
  284. 7:25
  285. now let's talk about that a little bit
  286. 7:27
  287. all the car dealers because of course
  288. 7:29
  289. today you know the image that we started
  290. 7:31
  291. with and hung on for a little while
  292. 7:33
  293. there while I was getting my deal
  294. 7:35
  295. together over here was our buddy
  296. 7:37
  297. Alfa giallo sitting there in his
  298. 7:40
  299. favorite you know Bentley I don't know
  300. 7:42
  301. if you got to see that picture but it's
  302. 7:44
  303. a nice thing well yeah that's breaking
  304. 7:47
  305. you what you want to just give the quick
  306. 7:49
  307. news there with Alfa in New Jersey Trish
  308. 7:52
  309. I let me see if I've got this now still
  310. 7:55
  311. in front of me there was reports that
  312. 7:58
  313. he's being he's listed as one of 22
  314. 8:00
  315. defendants in a racketeering case in
  316. 8:06
  317. Morristown and it lists him as being 26
  318. 8:10
  319. years of age and the offenses with which
  320. 8:14
  321. he's being charged are fencing and
  322. 8:18
  323. something else I can't remember record
  324. 8:20
  325. I'm sure
  326. 8:21
  327. so fencing you're not talking about a
  328. 8:23
  329. foil and parries and throw yes fencing
  330. 8:26
  331. stolen vehicles no and I posted to an
  332. 8:28
  333. article this morning saying that they
  334. 8:31
  335. were the cars were being stolen and then
  336. 8:33
  337. being transported to West African
  338. 8:36
  339. countries like Gabon some of the stuff
  340. 8:39
  341. was found in Gabon you're gonna see Cote
  342. 8:41
  343. degree you're gonna see
  344. 8:45
  345. Nigeria where giallo is from and you're
  346. 8:49
  347. gonna see this path go through
  348. 8:51
  349. Washington DC I'll just let everybody
  350. 8:52
  351. know that right now
  352. 8:54
  353. and there are a few reporters right now
  354. 8:56
  355. at DC motors on Massachusetts Avenue
  356. 9:00
  357. that are classic classic motors DC
  358. 9:03
  359. excuse me that are that haven't given up
  360. 9:06
  361. on the story even though that they've
  362. 9:08
  363. tried to make the reporters get tired
  364. 9:10
  365. out in them out in the van you know
  366. 9:12
  367. they've been there two days the last man
  368. 9:14
  369. standing is the guy who's gonna be very
  370. 9:15
  371. famous on this story I'll just let you
  372. 9:17
  373. know right now Evan Lambert Fox 5 DZ
  374. 9:20
  375. over there you are gonna be very famous
  376. 9:22
  377. because you did what no one else was
  378. 9:25
  379. willing to do which is get the story get
  380. 9:29
  381. the story you are going to be a pilot
  382. 9:31
  383. surprise winner keep following the story
  384. 9:33
  385. there's a big future for you in this
  386. 9:35
  387. story so with that I want to go back to
  388. 9:40
  389. the I want to go back to the MIS
  390. 9:43
  391. Department and we we talked about this
  392. 9:48
  393. and we had some great citizen reporting
  394. 9:50
  395. go there and say hey there's these
  396. 9:52
  397. apartments that the DNC is running out
  398. 9:55
  399. of right and this looks like if this is
  400. 9:59
  401. the VPN it looks like where the router
  402. 10:01
  403. would be but the router could go
  404. 10:04
  405. anywhere I think I might have said this
  406. 10:06
  407. over the last three or four days you
  408. 10:08
  409. don't know where the VPN starts and you
  410. 10:10
  411. don't know where it ends once you do -
  412. 10:12
  413. once you go to VPN route out side over
  414. 10:14
  415. the long lines right you keep it all in
  416. 10:16
  417. the building you have different ways of
  418. 10:19
  419. a lot of complicated IT stuff but
  420. 10:22
  421. there's different ways of making sure
  422. 10:23
  423. nobody's intruding on the network can
  424. 10:24
  425. you actually fill a pipe with gas and if
  426. 10:26
  427. somebody tries to punch or puncture the
  428. 10:28
  429. wire it'll it'll set off an alarm etc
  430. 10:32
  431. what the gas pressure goes down once you
  432. 10:33
  433. start going out over the long lines
  434. 10:35
  435. everything's up for grabs and I said
  436. 10:38
  437. it's either Mumbai and I'm still going
  438. 10:40
  439. to stay with this prediction that you're
  440. 10:41
  441. going to have offsite people in either
  442. 10:44
  443. Mumbai or I think I said Lahore Pakistan
  444. 10:47
  445. well and that's what Fox started
  446. 10:49
  447. reporting this morning no part of that
  448. 10:51
  449. this morning that Debbie
  450. 10:52
  451. wasserman-schultz now is reporting that
  452. 10:54
  453. there were off
  454. 10:56
  455. site people out of the country people
  456. 10:58
  457. now being paid this is why can you bring
  458. 11:01
  459. that up
  460. 11:01
  461. it's what uh where was that fathers just
  462. 11:04
  463. Debbie wasserman-schultz admits offshore
  464. 11:08
  465. employees the reason why they're
  466. 11:10
  467. spilling this now and the reason why
  468. 11:12
  469. they leaked it to Fox now is they don't
  470. 11:13
  471. want us to break it I mean we're on
  472. 11:16
  473. we're running down the IP addresses
  474. 11:19
  475. right now and people who think that's a
  476. 11:21
  477. ridiculous statement or we have to
  478. 11:23
  479. bloated up ahead DWS tweets does follow
  480. 11:26
  481. us on Twitter so she's obviously and for
  482. 11:28
  483. weeks or months why would they why well
  484. 11:31
  485. because we're on to what they're doing
  486. 11:32
  487. else let me ask this question
  488. 11:34
  489. who else has talked about the MIS
  490. 11:37
  491. company ever let alone in the last 24
  492. 11:41
  493. hours
  494. 11:41
  495. in the last 48 hours who anybody name
  496. 11:44
  497. anybody name anybody go out there mister
  498. 11:47
  499. doubters and and and try to find anyone
  500. 11:50
  501. talking about the MIS company why with
  502. 11:53
  503. Debbie wasserman-schultz come forward
  504. 11:54
  505. today of all days after Imran as it were
  506. 11:56
  507. arrested because she's about to cake her
  508. 11:59
  509. pants some people say that she had a
  510. 12:02
  511. thing but she probably had was crushing
  512. 12:08
  513. on Imran I'm thinking well that's every
  514. 12:12
  515. woman says the same thing you know
  516. 12:14
  517. because in roms good-looking and he's
  518. 12:16
  519. got kind of a slide before we go there
  520. 12:18
  521. let's talk about the intense pressure of
  522. 12:20
  523. incarceration that she there's this
  524. 12:26
  525. article about her admitting I see it
  526. 12:28
  527. says here that she's gonna testify in
  528. 12:31
  529. the aid probe do do fuck this link
  530. 12:38
  531. offshore just make sure you keep the
  532. 12:41
  533. word offshore meanwhile though I highly
  534. 12:44
  535. recommend the brainy blonde to interview
  536. 12:50
  537. she does a great job of explaining why
  538. 12:54
  539. the MIS Department is so mad so and here
  540. 13:00
  541. is where the brainy blonde really broke
  542. 13:02
  543. the story because I was on the
  544. 13:03
  545. management side of DNC I was on the
  546. 13:06
  547. d-triple-c side right
  548. 13:08
  549. and the DNC side of the management side
  550. 13:10
  551. and she was focused on hey nobody's
  552. 13:13
  553. talking about the Mis Department right
  554. 13:14
  555. so well having said that is this the
  556. 13:18
  557. Daily Caller where you're talking about
  558. 13:19
  559. where she admits house ID violations no
  560. 13:23
  561. no no FoxNews I was there Fox News
  562. 13:28
  563. offshore you got to use the word
  564. 13:30
  565. offshore you would be terrible to play
  566. 13:35
  567. charades with because you keep saying
  568. 13:38
  569. well we have a whole group of people
  570. 13:44
  571. right look at comments in Google at the
  572. 13:47
  573. same time I got two eyes all right we're
  574. 13:49
  575. finding it Fox News Washington Schultz
  576. 13:54
  577. asked sure I kept you bring that up just
  578. 13:57
  579. today night that's not it
  580. 14:02
  581. there was a Daily Caller or article that
  582. 14:05
  583. came out yesterday George I was in the
  584. 14:08
  585. comments that can find this thing that
  586. 14:12
  587. George is talking about
  588. 14:13
  589. important Jason Wow see kid Baker
  590. 14:17
  591. interview with Susan Whitmer so here's
  592. 14:19
  593. one thing we got to put out there George
  594. 14:20
  595. a lot of people send us comments like
  596. 14:22
  597. have you seen this look at this
  598. 14:24
  599. interview whatever and I I'm trying to
  600. 14:28
  601. find a very polite way to say this we
  602. 14:30
  603. just can't do that
  604. 14:31
  605. no no I mean here's here's what I do is
  606. 14:33
  607. it's it's a badminton match to have a
  608. 14:35
  609. conversation with us so send us ten
  610. 14:37
  611. words but it's like badminton with
  612. 14:39
  613. 10,000 no I understand that I'm
  614. 14:41
  615. explaining so so so so ten words is you
  616. 14:44
  617. hitting the shuttlecock over nice and
  618. 14:46
  619. easy to us so we can understand what
  620. 14:47
  621. you're trying to say think of like
  622. 14:49
  623. you're writing a headline headline for
  624. 14:51
  625. and newspaper then we when we see it
  626. 14:54
  627. we'll add it back right and then you
  628. 14:56
  629. will write the sub headline which says
  630. 14:58
  631. blah blah blah blah blah which is a
  632. 15:00
  633. sentence and just to clarify that if you
  634. 15:02
  635. were walking by a news theme and the New
  636. 15:04
  637. York Times every day said check this out
  638. 15:06
  639. you'd never look at the thrift it said
  640. 15:08
  641. Debbie wasserman-schultz
  642. 15:10
  643. admits to employees in India
  644. 15:12
  645. we'd be like well what's that and we'd
  646. 15:14
  647. look at that and also if you say here's
  648. 15:16
  649. this nineteen minute video say hey at 14
  650. 15:19
  651. minutes and 30 seconds Debbie
  652. 15:21
  653. wasserman-schultz admits to hiring him
  654. 15:23
  655. more on a one sin does that please yeah
  656. 15:26
  657. that's so helpful 20 emails that say
  658. 15:28
  659. have you seen this check this out this
  660. 15:30
  661. is amazing you guys need to look at this
  662. 15:32
  663. person's Twitter feed and there's
  664. 15:33
  665. seventeen thousand tweets before I find
  666. 15:36
  667. what I even write yes at what you might
  668. 15:38
  669. be so just like headline first then
  670. 15:39
  671. subheading so let's let's do this story
  672. 15:41
  673. right here Debbie wasserman-schultz
  674. 15:43
  675. admits to hiring offshore employees for
  676. 15:46
  677. the management department because I
  678. 15:47
  679. can't find it right then the next one is
  680. 15:51
  681. thirty two employees hired at Mumbai
  682. 15:55
  683. office okay through em is to put down
  684. 15:58
  685. Mis depart right okay that's how it goes
  686. 16:01
  687. so so then you move down to here's the
  688. 16:04
  689. link you know okay when you receive the
  690. 16:07
  691. when we backed a little birdie back to
  692. 16:09
  693. you hey that's yeah that's interesting
  694. 16:11
  695. can you send me the link then you send a
  696. 16:13
  697. link okay and the same thing I try to do
  698. 16:15
  699. with the postings in my youtube and I've
  700. 16:18
  701. said this a long time if you read a
  702. 16:20
  703. whole article like Luke Rosie act put
  704. 16:22
  705. the part in there that says alpha giallo
  706. 16:25
  707. put the cars in the containers this is
  708. 16:28
  709. what I do and did my presentation this
  710. 16:29
  711. morning in the shipping containers and
  712. 16:31
  713. shipped them yeah to Western African
  714. 16:34
  715. countries now you know alpha jello you
  716. 16:38
  717. know with the record and everything he
  718. 16:39
  719. would be able to just go up to any port
  720. 16:41
  721. right and just say here's a Bentley you
  722. 16:43
  723. would think you remember you guys
  724. 16:45
  725. remember me I'm gonna drive the Bentley
  726. 16:48
  727. on the end of the container right no he
  728. 16:52
  729. needs help he needs somebody with a
  730. 16:54
  731. diplomatic passport to get that thing on
  732. 16:55
  733. to the boat kids so I told you Evan I
  734. 16:59
  735. told you Evan Lambert stay with this
  736. 17:01
  737. story you're on a big big story so that
  738. 17:05
  739. is how these things got on the boat
  740. 17:07
  741. again again again the diplomatic
  742. 17:11
  743. loophole if they have just run rampant
  744. 17:14
  745. with the crimes with the ratlines with
  746. 17:16
  747. this diplomatic loophole and also again
  748. 17:19
  749. the liaison loophole using foreign
  750. 17:21
  751. operatives and the United
  752. 17:22
  753. dates to get around the faisal laws so
  754. 17:25
  755. anyway
  756. 17:26
  757. Wow I had that up I should have just
  758. 17:28
  759. sent it to you yeah that's another thing
  760. 17:30
  761. you should email me things rather than
  762. 17:32
  763. shouting the same keywords that me
  764. 17:34
  765. article yeah well I should have been an
  766. 17:38
  767. advice for you yeah good advice for me
  768. 17:40
  769. so we will get that everyone made a very
  770. 17:43
  771. funny comment she's saying that Imran
  772. 17:45
  773. would not stoop so low as to get down
  774. 17:47
  775. with Captain Crunch are you mean Nancy
  776. 17:51
  777. Pelosi the captain scrunches debbie
  778. 17:54
  779. wasserman show Oh from oh my god
  780. 17:56
  781. I forgot my scrunchie I'll go get it
  782. 17:58
  783. later yeah oh it's so good
  784. 18:00
  785. Supermarket we got a scrunchie for g-dub
  786. 18:03
  787. where's the where is it is it I gotta go
  788. 18:05
  789. get it let me let me see if I can go
  790. 18:08
  791. yeah yeah I gotta have my scrunchie this
  792. 18:10
  793. is I've reward for all the scrunchies so
  794. 18:12
  795. anyway there's this shootout happen two
  796. 18:14
  797. days ago at classic motors DC Evan stay
  798. 18:18
  799. on the story Evan Lambert if you want to
  800. 18:20
  801. go - Evan Lambert fox5 stay on the story
  802. 18:22
  803. bro you're gonna be gonna be famous
  804. 18:25
  805. the we're gonna find out who that I if
  806. 18:28
  807. it's the nephew of a peacock the Robert
  808. 18:31
  809. peacock guy I will be so hasty runchy
  810. 18:34
  811. because I've been trying to get ahold of
  812. 18:35
  813. them and this is it like the scrunch the
  814. 18:41
  815. scratch is here we now the this is
  816. 18:44
  817. available at all your finer stores right
  818. 18:46
  819. yeah I guess now everybody's gonna make
  820. 18:49
  821. comments but they're just gonna say hey
  822. 18:51
  823. scrunchie this could also be a blindfold
  824. 18:53
  825. if you want to be adventurous with your
  826. 18:56
  827. partner okay sorry
  828. 18:59
  829. and look buck ninety-nine it's way
  830. 19:01
  831. cheaper than going to the store but who
  832. 19:03
  833. am I now Who am I now I'm the New York
  834. 19:05
  835. Times what a white what should I write
  836. 19:09
  837. about today what should I write about
  838. 19:10
  839. it's pretty good so sorry I had to use
  840. 19:14
  841. the stretchy in that and the yeah I
  842. 19:15
  843. should night on now nevermind you don't
  844. 19:18
  845. have enough hair to put in a scrunchie
  846. 19:20
  847. yeah maybe I should scrunch it up and go
  848. 19:22
  849. scrunch you can wrap it maybe around
  850. 19:24
  851. yeah I'll be getting weird like a
  852. 19:26
  853. headband yeah yeah I'm gonna do I'm
  854. 19:28
  855. gonna go wash bro okay how
  856. 19:31
  857. Taekwon show show do we yeah so so we're
  858. 19:36
  859. gonna be setting these cars all over the
  860. 19:37
  861. world now everybody's gonna say Oh
  862. 19:39
  863. George you're you're exploding yet
  864. 19:42
  865. another program the FBI is is doping all
  866. 19:44
  867. these cars are putting all these
  868. 19:45
  869. listening devices they're putting all
  870. 19:47
  871. these tracking devices that's why
  872. 19:48
  873. they're going to the diplomat you're
  874. 19:49
  875. blowing up a big surveillance program we
  876. 19:51
  877. have with the DoD well I don't care I'm
  878. 19:54
  879. making another offer to mr. McCabe right
  880. 19:57
  881. now we can call this whole thing oh no
  882. 20:01
  883. these guys will go ahead keep doing what
  884. 20:02
  885. they're doing but we can call the whole
  886. 20:04
  887. thing off at any point so who's gonna go
  888. 20:06
  889. ahead and keep doing what they're doing
  890. 20:08
  891. I'm gonna go ahead well you probably
  892. 20:09
  893. will keep going with crowdsource the
  894. 20:10
  895. truth what do you care what they call
  896. 20:12
  897. off his fun then I'll call off my fun so
  898. 20:15
  899. I'm just like this friend you would stop
  900. 20:17
  901. investigating the news you'd stop
  902. 20:19
  903. investigating I would stop investigating
  904. 20:21
  905. Andrew McCabe okay that's fine whatever
  906. 20:25
  907. okay so I'm just making an offer for him
  908. 20:28
  909. not only him nobody else was like
  910. 20:30
  911. president Trump and the Attorney General
  912. 20:33
  913. are going to stop Andrew McCabe pretty
  914. 20:35
  915. soon they've been tweeting about his
  916. 20:37
  917. $700,000 payment that came from the from
  918. 20:41
  919. Governor McAuliffe to his wife state
  920. 20:43
  921. Senate campaign in exchange for doing
  922. 20:46
  923. surveillance for maybe allegedly doing
  924. 20:50
  925. surveillance for Hillary Clinton and
  926. 20:52
  927. some of her friends you can't keep using
  928. 20:55
  929. foreign operatives for spying on
  930. 20:58
  931. Congress it's gonna be Weibull as I said
  932. 21:01
  933. this morning you know people have
  934. 21:03
  935. criticized me for saying 150 people
  936. 21:06
  937. being compromised and then you know
  938. 21:09
  939. stefan molyneux comes out and says oh it
  940. 21:12
  941. is 80 and three or four people now 80 in
  942. 21:16
  943. about a week or so it is actually up to
  944. 21:18
  945. 150 I'm actually gonna increase that
  946. 21:21
  947. because I'm also gonna say right now the
  948. 21:23
  949. Republicans or also got these dope
  950. 21:25
  951. blackberries as well through that
  952. 21:27
  953. through the Verizon store and through
  954. 21:28
  955. the AT&T store and when you see if you
  956. 21:32
  957. only consider that there were House
  958. 21:36
  959. Democrats communicating with House
  960. 21:39
  961. Republicans and others throughout that
  962. 21:42
  963. time on those dope blackberries they're
  964. 21:44
  965. gonna have
  966. 21:44
  967. all of that correspondence - so by by
  968. 21:48
  969. definition others outside the Democratic
  970. 21:51
  971. Party are going to be compromised but
  972. 21:53
  973. there is some Republican caucus only and
  974. 21:56
  975. then meetings with donors the number one
  976. 21:58
  977. thing they actually wanted was meetings
  978. 21:59
  979. with donors the the back-and-forth with
  980. 22:01
  981. donors because they wanted to be able to
  982. 22:04
  983. call pay-to-play
  984. 22:05
  985. on the other guys and then the reason
  986. 22:07
  987. why they wanted to intercept Bernie
  988. 22:08
  989. donors was so they could intercept those
  990. 22:11
  991. for themselves right so but anyway now
  992. 22:14
  993. when you guys are talking about dope
  994. 22:15
  995. blackberries you don't mean these
  996. 22:17
  997. blackberries and dope you mean no I
  998. 22:19
  999. don't mean these blackberries or they
  1000. 22:20
  1001. have been hacked by Imran and they're
  1002. 22:22
  1003. syncing with the with the BlackBerry
  1004. 22:26
  1005. Enterprise Server for which he has a
  1006. 22:28
  1007. hidden master server and this is not us
  1008. 22:32
  1009. coming up with this this is the DC
  1010. 22:33
  1011. capital police right in their ranks in
  1012. 22:36
  1013. clients and an off-site server so they
  1014. 22:38
  1015. obviously know quite a bit about this
  1016. 22:40
  1017. and and also our friend
  1018. 22:42
  1019. zero-hour said that most high hey
  1020. 22:50
  1021. we would I
  1022. 22:52
  1023. talk to the person who broke the story
  1024. 22:53
  1025. and so just got crapped on I think oh
  1026. 23:10
  1027. whoa whoa whoa whoa that something went
  1028. 23:13
  1029. wrong they just cut us up hold on we're
  1030. 23:17
  1031. going to talk about Mis Department first
  1032. 23:19
  1033. okay just hold on and we go to alpha Joe
  1034. 23:21
  1035. line a second we're still on
  1036. 23:25
  1037. what's that not we're not
  1038. 23:47
  1039. all the cameras just got crapped out
  1040. 23:49
  1041. ever not hang on hang on hang on hang on
  1042. 23:52
  1043. mm-hmm Jesus yeah
  1044. 23:55
  1045. no it's it's it's all gonna it's all
  1046. 23:58
  1047. coming crashing down right now and so
  1048. 24:00
  1049. we'll have I don't know if people can
  1050. 24:02
  1051. hear us or see us no they can't yeah we
  1052. 24:05
  1053. can axis you you can see the straight
  1054. 24:08
  1055. there's no yeah I'm talking to Trish oh
  1056. 24:11
  1057. wait now it's gone yeah yeah that's all
  1058. 24:13
  1059. our streams down they hit our stream
  1060. 24:16
  1061. here pretty quick
  1062. 24:20
  1063. is it backers of frozen still give me a
  1064. 24:22
  1065. second excuse me that was my fault for
  1066. 24:32
  1067. not
  1068. 24:35
  1069. so let's just take it from the top for
  1070. 24:37
  1071. people who didn't hear that no one has
  1072. 24:39
  1073. heard anything I know I'm just I'm
  1074. 24:41
  1075. telling her so she she can go through it
  1076. 24:44
  1077. uh hi can you hear me can you hear me
  1078. 24:50
  1079. Laura Lauren can you hear me
  1080. 24:53
  1081. don't don't say that now you can't okay
  1082. 24:55
  1083. yeah yeah this is funny business going
  1084. 24:58
  1085. on it's gonna come back and one saying
  1086. 25:01
  1087. it so so we're gonna go through the Mis
  1088. 25:05
  1089. Department and then there we don't know
  1090. 25:07
  1091. where the remote offices if it's I think
  1092. 25:09
  1093. it's in Mumbai but because I think Obama
  1094. 25:13
  1095. had it in Mumbai with the Chopra's yeah
  1096. 25:15
  1097. they can't hear and what they can't hear
  1098. 25:18
  1099. they can hear and we can hear yeah okay
  1100. 25:20
  1101. great so let's get her on speakerphone
  1102. 25:22
  1103. okay here we go
  1104. 25:25
  1105. okay oh shit yes hang on chill it's a
  1106. 25:36
  1107. little bit of a technic okay hold on
  1108. 25:38
  1109. yeah once I hear it here should be back
  1110. 25:42
  1111. is it okay we're back videos back okay
  1112. 25:46
  1113. so what we're gonna do now is talk with
  1114. 25:48
  1115. brandy blonde and talk about the MIS
  1116. 25:51
  1117. Department how Nolan was paying
  1118. 25:52
  1119. attention to it so she brought it to our
  1120. 25:54
  1121. attention
  1122. 25:54
  1123. two days ago I was at looking at the
  1124. 25:58
  1125. executive side of the DNC and the D
  1126. 25:59
  1127. Triple C for the hacks and she said well
  1128. 26:02
  1129. why don't you go where the leak is why
  1130. 26:03
  1131. are you kind of like in the kitchen or
  1132. 26:05
  1133. in the bedroom looking for the leak if
  1134. 26:07
  1135. it's in the kitchen
  1136. 26:07
  1137. so here's brandy blood Lauren are you
  1138. 26:13
  1139. there I can't hear you George you can't
  1140. 26:15
  1141. hear me now I like it okay
  1142. 26:19
  1143. so we talked a little bit yesterday and
  1144. 26:21
  1145. the day before about this situation with
  1146. 26:24
  1147. Mis Department you just want to kind of
  1148. 26:26
  1149. briefly summarize that I mean there's
  1150. 26:31
  1151. seven people with access seven people
  1152. 26:33
  1153. with access you have mute pushed No okay
  1154. 26:41
  1155. go ahead you just talk then do you want
  1156. 26:44
  1157. me to talk yes I want you to oh I wasn't
  1158. 26:48
  1159. really gonna
  1160. 26:49
  1161. talk about the mis department share
  1162. 26:50
  1163. because and I think pretty much you've
  1164. 26:54
  1165. summed it up but there's I the way that
  1166. 26:56
  1167. I tend to look at stuff is
  1168. 26:58
  1169. I'll read everything I possibly can and
  1170. 27:00
  1171. then my mind always goes to like well
  1172. 27:02
  1173. that doesn't make sense so I was going
  1174. 27:05
  1175. to talk about just a bigger picture of
  1176. 27:07
  1177. kind of like what's going on at the time
  1178. 27:10
  1179. and I always separate things out into
  1180. 27:13
  1181. columns of like well this is an
  1182. 27:15
  1183. interesting person this person was
  1184. 27:18
  1185. involved with this directly so I kind of
  1186. 27:21
  1187. I just make notes in my head of to who
  1188. 27:25
  1189. is doing what when in hell and people
  1190. 27:27
  1191. tend to ignore key people and what
  1192. 27:30
  1193. they've said
  1194. 27:31
  1195. like for instance I mean you have like
  1196. 27:33
  1197. William Binney who's NSA died and all of
  1198. 27:36
  1199. those other people that are making all
  1200. 27:38
  1201. these comments that no one seems to pay
  1202. 27:41
  1203. attention to you also have Craig Murray
  1204. 27:43
  1205. who's a very interesting character with
  1206. 27:46
  1207. the comments that he made so I tend to
  1208. 27:48
  1209. look at when people like this or making
  1210. 27:51
  1211. comments when Craig Murray says it
  1212. 27:53
  1213. wasn't the Russians it was American
  1214. 27:55
  1215. whistleblowers I know who they are
  1216. 27:57
  1217. blah blah blah people kind of put that
  1218. 28:00
  1219. to the side and forget about it
  1220. 28:02
  1221. um the same thing with what's WikiLeaks
  1222. 28:04
  1223. I mean everyone knows that has 100%
  1224. 28:06
  1225. accuracy whether you choose to believe
  1226. 28:08
  1227. what they say or not it's fine but you
  1228. 28:10
  1229. have to look at at what they are saying
  1230. 28:12
  1231. so I was going to talk about interesting
  1232. 28:15
  1233. character today um just because I think
  1234. 28:19
  1235. George you could probably talk more
  1236. 28:21
  1237. about this but I'm not sure that people
  1238. 28:23
  1239. really understand how information can be
  1240. 28:26
  1241. given to WikiLeaks
  1242. 28:28
  1243. I think people assume that it's always
  1244. 28:30
  1245. like the dark web or people are
  1246. 28:32
  1247. uploading information there are
  1248. 28:34
  1249. intermediaries that also do play a part
  1250. 28:37
  1251. in how information is given to certain
  1252. 28:40
  1253. people on whether it be like on the US
  1254. 28:43
  1255. ducek and it goes from one person to
  1256. 28:45
  1257. another person to another person but I
  1258. 28:47
  1259. think in terms of the DNC leaks and the
  1260. 28:51
  1261. Podesta leaks which I firmly believe are
  1262. 28:53
  1263. tied together
  1264. 28:55
  1265. um because do tell story but when Craig
  1266. 28:58
  1267. Murray speaks he said there was two
  1268. 29:00
  1269. factions going on you have
  1270. 29:02
  1271. Podesta leaks which he says were legally
  1272. 29:06
  1273. obtained through intelligence and then
  1274. 29:10
  1275. you also have the DNC leaks which work
  1276. 29:12
  1277. disgruntled Bernie people and then you
  1278. 29:15
  1279. know the Podesta leaks results about the
  1280. 29:16
  1281. Clinton Foundation so there's one
  1282. 29:19
  1283. character Dennis Kucinich and I am not
  1284. 29:23
  1285. accusing him with anything but I just
  1286. 29:25
  1287. find that when you're listening to
  1288. 29:27
  1289. comments that he makes and who he is
  1290. 29:30
  1291. people always like to assume that that's
  1292. 29:33
  1293. Hillary Clinton that everywhere in the
  1294. 29:35
  1295. intelligence community and everyone
  1296. 29:37
  1297. watching case she was the one who they
  1298. 29:40
  1299. wanted to be a candidate on I mean yes
  1300. 29:42
  1301. that's true in some cases but there was
  1302. 29:44
  1303. also factions within the scene agencies
  1304. 29:46
  1305. that did not want her to be and this can
  1306. 29:50
  1307. go back to 2011 I I don't I don't know
  1308. 29:54
  1309. if people really understand what was
  1310. 29:56
  1311. actually going on within the agencies
  1312. 29:58
  1313. surrounding her and the State Department
  1314. 30:01
  1315. by Dennis Kucinich it is a interesting
  1316. 30:03
  1317. character because in 2011 when the whole
  1318. 30:06
  1319. thing with Libya was going on he was
  1320. 30:08
  1321. working with top Pentagon officials top
  1322. 30:11
  1323. top top top top who did not trust
  1324. 30:14
  1325. Hillary Clinton's everyone can look it
  1326. 30:16
  1327. up they had back channels into Libya
  1328. 30:19
  1329. Dennis Kucinich was was a congressman at
  1330. 30:22
  1331. that point on and he was working with
  1332. 30:24
  1333. top intelligence officials from the
  1334. 30:28
  1335. Pentagon to develop that channel it's
  1336. 30:30
  1337. okay to say Mike Flynn it's okay to say
  1338. 30:33
  1339. Mike Lynch Craig Murray
  1340. 30:35
  1341. everyone knows Craig Murray he was
  1342. 30:37
  1343. denied entrance into United States when
  1344. 30:40
  1345. he was coming to speak in September um
  1346. 30:42
  1347. and it was a kind of a big deal and I
  1348. 30:44
  1349. know like the Oh Binney and all these
  1350. 30:46
  1351. people wrote letters and he should be
  1352. 30:48
  1353. able to come into United States you have
  1354. 30:50
  1355. to look at the capabilities of the Intel
  1356. 30:53
  1357. agencies when Wednesday um I'm going to
  1358. 30:58
  1359. say why are taki but when they surveil
  1360. 30:59
  1361. people there's legal ways that you can
  1362. 31:02
  1363. do it if they're talking to any
  1364. 31:04
  1365. foreigner
  1366. 31:05
  1367. so when Craig Murray was allowed to come
  1368. 31:07
  1369. into the United States if you look at
  1370. 31:10
  1371. when he was speaking at American
  1372. 31:12
  1373. University which is where she's actually
  1374. 31:14
  1375. met an intermediary
  1376. 31:15
  1377. who gave him information in September of
  1378. 31:17
  1379. 2015 she was on the same panel with
  1380. 31:20
  1381. Dennis Kucinich Dennis Kucinich of his
  1382. 31:24
  1383. aggressive
  1384. 31:25
  1385. he has very oddly been speaking out kind
  1386. 31:29
  1387. of a defense of Donald Trump um but he
  1388. 31:32
  1389. was he's close with Craig Murray he's
  1390. 31:34
  1391. also close to Julian Assange you can
  1392. 31:36
  1393. look back at interviews he was with
  1394. 31:38
  1395. Julian Assange before he went into the
  1396. 31:41
  1397. embassy on Dennis Kucinich has had a
  1398. 31:44
  1399. long relationship with but WikiLeaks and
  1400. 31:46
  1401. Assange and Craig Murray um he defended
  1402. 31:49
  1403. Bradley Manning Chelsea Manning um she's
  1404. 31:51
  1405. always been involved in trying to get
  1406. 31:54
  1407. people to pay attention to what is being
  1408. 31:56
  1409. said in WikiLeaks I find it interesting
  1410. 31:58
  1411. that she's the one that was at American
  1412. 32:01
  1413. University on the same panel as Craig
  1414. 32:04
  1415. Murray on the day that Craig marries
  1416. 32:06
  1417. that he got the information from
  1418. 32:08
  1419. WikiLeaks and if you looked at what
  1420. 32:10
  1421. Craig Murray says is that the leaks they
  1422. 32:15
  1423. were leaked they were not hacks that
  1424. 32:16
  1425. they were legally obtained so to me that
  1426. 32:19
  1427. is that's intelligence community being
  1428. 32:22
  1429. able to legally obtain conversations
  1430. 32:26
  1431. emails you have to look at at Podesta
  1432. 32:29
  1433. Podesta is a foreign lobbyist his
  1434. 32:32
  1435. brother has connections so I'm just
  1436. 32:34
  1437. saying he's an interesting character if
  1438. 32:36
  1439. you look at the events that were
  1440. 32:40
  1441. happening around there everyone likes to
  1442. 32:42
  1443. point the finger and say the CIA that
  1444. 32:44
  1445. the FBI is bad everyone is is it's the
  1446. 32:48
  1447. deep state well you have the DJ's and
  1448. 32:51
  1449. then you have people in the same
  1450. 32:52
  1451. agencies that are actually working to
  1452. 32:54
  1453. expose the truth um and I think
  1454. 32:58
  1455. surrounding everything that's going on I
  1456. 33:00
  1457. mean to point the finger and say that
  1458. 33:02
  1459. one person like seth rich she's
  1460. 33:05
  1461. sophisticated like but so sophisticated
  1462. 33:07
  1463. that he coordinated all these leaks i
  1464. 33:09
  1465. would really think people should look
  1466. 33:12
  1467. and see what agencies were were having
  1468. 33:16
  1469. interagency problems at the time you
  1470. 33:19
  1471. have
  1472. 33:19
  1473. Loretta Lynch's Department of Justice
  1474. 33:22
  1475. you have Kazakh you have all these
  1476. 33:25
  1477. people you have to look at the contents
  1478. 33:26
  1479. of the emails of
  1480. 33:28
  1481. who was actually involved with shutting
  1482. 33:31
  1483. down information from getting out and
  1484. 33:33
  1485. who was trying to get information out
  1486. 33:36
  1487. it's really important that people
  1488. 33:38
  1489. understand the operations that that take
  1490. 33:40
  1491. place that were taking place during that
  1492. 33:42
  1493. time and to understand that it's not
  1494. 33:45
  1495. everyone in these Intel agencies that
  1496. 33:48
  1497. wanted Clinton's win and Dennis Kucinich
  1498. 33:51
  1499. talks a lot about why the CIA or people
  1500. 33:55
  1501. in these Intel agencies would want her
  1502. 33:57
  1503. to be in power they make a lot of money
  1504. 34:00
  1505. off of her a lot of people that retire
  1506. 34:02
  1507. from Intel agencies they go to places
  1508. 34:05
  1509. like Lockheed Martin and Booz Allen and
  1510. 34:08
  1511. they start their own things and any
  1512. 34:10
  1513. states they make a tremendous amount of
  1514. 34:12
  1515. money so you do have those bat Jenny's
  1516. 34:19
  1517. asking questions as to why and who would
  1518. 34:24
  1519. have been surveilling one let me stop
  1520. 34:31
  1521. you right there for a second and just
  1522. 34:33
  1523. catch our audience up now this is why
  1524. 34:36
  1525. I've continually hammered on September
  1526. 34:39
  1527. that just just hold on one second Brady
  1528. 34:41
  1529. blunt can you hear me the kid got bad
  1530. 34:46
  1531. signal over it can you hear me okay this
  1532. 34:51
  1533. is why I've hammered on the cover story
  1534. 34:53
  1535. so much of the phone calls starting in
  1536. 34:56
  1537. September 2015
  1538. 34:58
  1539. you know what we could do to improve
  1540. 34:59
  1541. your connection to her if she's just
  1542. 35:06
  1543. just one second
  1544. 35:07
  1545. so you know that I've made several
  1546. 35:09
  1547. connections or several videos at
  1548. 35:12
  1549. American University reenacting the the
  1550. 35:15
  1551. drop the British Embassy right by the
  1552. 35:17
  1553. Naval Observatory the role that
  1554. 35:20
  1555. potentially Joe Biden might have played
  1556. 35:22
  1557. in this so I'm just gonna say right now
  1558. 35:27
  1559. that it's gonna be a journalist gonna be
  1560. 35:30
  1561. a journalist going to you have to look
  1562. 35:38
  1563. at who and why I understand
  1564. 35:40
  1565. understand what's going on within the
  1566. 35:42
  1567. intelligence community but they legally
  1568. 35:45
  1569. illegally can surveil anyone they want
  1570. 35:48
  1571. you have to understand every single
  1572. 35:50
  1573. person connected to a biggie leaks have
  1574. 35:52
  1575. been surveilled so and you have to look
  1576. 35:54
  1577. at the lawyers who were also dead
  1578. 35:57
  1579. but anyone who was talking to that would
  1580. 36:01
  1581. be no to the intelligence community
  1582. 36:04
  1583. okay so anyone who was talking to Craig
  1584. 36:06
  1585. Murray Craig Craig married with children
  1586. 36:08
  1587. who is anybody well I mean let's just be
  1588. 36:11
  1589. honest she she's always been surveilled
  1590. 36:14
  1591. she's a boring person who's in the
  1592. 36:16
  1593. United States he was denied coming to
  1594. 36:18
  1595. United States so whomever she was
  1596. 36:20
  1597. talking to like Penn College community
  1598. 36:22
  1599. knows who probably who was giving him
  1600. 36:25
  1601. information the intelligence community
  1602. 36:27
  1603. knows who was getting her speaking to
  1604. 36:30
  1605. WikiLeaks attorneys so whoever was an
  1606. 36:33
  1607. intermediary or whoever was passing
  1608. 36:35
  1609. information like the intelligence
  1610. 36:37
  1611. community is not stupid everything was
  1612. 36:39
  1613. saying that we all talk about like they
  1614. 36:41
  1615. know but you have like it's not us
  1616. 36:44
  1617. against them or exam again us it's
  1618. 36:46
  1619. really there's factions within these
  1620. 36:48
  1621. agencies they're against each other and
  1622. 36:51
  1623. if you read through what was going on
  1624. 36:53
  1625. even starting in 2011 like even with the
  1626. 36:57
  1627. Libya stuff you have top Pentagon Intel
  1628. 37:00
  1629. officials that went behind Lauren's back
  1630. 37:03
  1631. in the State Department and did not
  1632. 37:05
  1633. trust her that said something so like
  1634. 37:09
  1635. all of these years that this stuff is
  1636. 37:10
  1637. going on and you have everything with
  1638. 37:12
  1639. the Clinton Foundation investigations
  1640. 37:13
  1641. you know the FBI you have two CIA you
  1642. 37:16
  1643. have the NSA
  1644. 37:16
  1645. there's people within those agencies
  1646. 37:19
  1647. that are working against each other
  1648. 37:22
  1649. ready ready but let me let me just cut
  1650. 37:26
  1651. you're you're saying all the causal
  1652. 37:29
  1653. reasons the whys and let me just say
  1654. 37:31
  1655. exactly how okay now I think you might
  1656. 37:34
  1657. remember Trish and Jason went to
  1658. 37:38
  1659. WikiLeaks excuse me what to do em
  1660. 37:41
  1661. besides interviewed Trish interviewed
  1662. 37:44
  1663. Craig Murray outside the embassy
  1664. 37:47
  1665. everyone
  1666. 37:49
  1667. he couldn't say exactly what happened at
  1668. 37:54
  1669. American University but Trish you want
  1670. 37:56
  1671. to talk about your reporting of exactly
  1672. 37:57
  1673. what he said happened regarding the the
  1674. 37:59
  1675. thumb drive what the drop that occurred
  1676. 38:02
  1677. do you remember yep so he said
  1678. 38:05
  1679. specifically that it was not a thumb
  1680. 38:07
  1681. drive and that he did meet over at the
  1682. 38:13
  1683. school is my recollection right Jason no
  1684. 38:17
  1685. thumb drive that he was aware of that he
  1686. 38:19
  1687. was and that he was involved in a
  1688. 38:21
  1689. bureaucratic fashion of something nice
  1690. 38:23
  1691. traitor administrator and at but then he
  1692. 38:26
  1693. also said he went down to the British
  1694. 38:27
  1695. Embassy right okay and that's actually
  1696. 38:30
  1697. where he had the meeting for the
  1698. 38:31
  1699. approval should we play that interview
  1700. 38:33
  1701. yeah why don't you cue that interview
  1702. 38:35
  1703. I'll cue it up while you guys can get me
  1704. 38:37
  1705. talking so the reason why I say this is
  1706. 38:39
  1707. so important is because Craig Murray
  1708. 38:40
  1709. does not want to be charged on the under
  1710. 38:43
  1711. the Espionage Act and that would
  1712. 38:46
  1713. definitely put him under if he is
  1714. 38:49
  1715. actually when you can say I took a drive
  1716. 38:53
  1717. with us secrets out of the United States
  1718. 38:55
  1719. and gave it to WikiLeaks I've lived this
  1720. 38:58
  1721. personally with thumb drives you are
  1722. 39:00
  1723. putting yourselves at risk for the
  1724. 39:02
  1725. Espionage Act right now if you can say
  1726. 39:05
  1727. you encouraged certain people to come
  1728. 39:09
  1729. forward if they had in information which
  1730. 39:13
  1731. was helpful in outing a crime that's
  1732. 39:18
  1733. that sort of thing that they should do
  1734. 39:20
  1735. so and it's a journalist that happens to
  1736. 39:23
  1737. be covering the event where Dennis
  1738. 39:24
  1739. Kucinich and Craig Murray are at that's
  1740. 39:27
  1741. a horse of a different color okay and
  1742. 39:30
  1743. you'll see but you have to look at the
  1744. 39:32
  1745. deep though so this is September so
  1746. 39:34
  1747. Podesta we came out in October so I mean
  1748. 39:37
  1749. railroad Explorer yeah whoa whoa whoa
  1750. 39:39
  1751. different year September 2015 is Craig
  1752. 39:42
  1753. Murray no
  1754. 39:50
  1755. do I have that wrong I don't know I'm
  1756. 39:52
  1757. working on the spinach was at American
  1758. 39:55
  1759. University September I think it was 23rd
  1760. 39:58
  1761. of 2016 this is before Podesta so you
  1762. 40:03
  1763. when if people go back and actually
  1764. 40:05
  1765. listen to what Janice is saying there
  1766. 40:10
  1767. are there's there's two there's two
  1768. 40:13
  1769. different factions
  1770. 40:15
  1771. there's people within the Intel
  1772. 40:17
  1773. community who legally had illegal access
  1774. 40:20
  1775. he specifically said legal access to
  1776. 40:23
  1777. this information there is no one other
  1778. 40:27
  1779. than people in the Intel community that
  1780. 40:29
  1781. would have legal access to be
  1782. 40:31
  1783. surveilling someone like a John Podesta
  1784. 40:34
  1785. John Podesta has foreign contacts she
  1786. 40:37
  1787. specifically says it's what John Podesta
  1788. 40:40
  1789. was doing lobbying and Podesta group for
  1790. 40:42
  1791. Saudi Arabia so of course he legally can
  1792. 40:46
  1793. be surveilled because it has foreign
  1794. 40:48
  1795. interactions it's the same thing that
  1796. 40:50
  1797. happened with that their Saint happens
  1798. 40:52
  1799. with Flynn so if you have interactions
  1800. 40:55
  1801. with foreign people your surveilled
  1802. 40:58
  1803. legally so his emails could have banging
  1804. 41:02
  1805. surveilled any any of that so she
  1806. 41:04
  1807. specifically said that when he was at
  1808. 41:06
  1809. American University that's when he said
  1810. 41:08
  1811. he did not meet the person who was the
  1812. 41:11
  1813. source of the information
  1814. 41:13
  1815. it wasn't intermediary what she got or
  1816. 41:16
  1817. what he received like he never has been
  1818. 41:19
  1819. specific about but it's it's interesting
  1820. 41:23
  1821. she was there with and the people that
  1822. 41:25
  1823. actually kind of fought for him to come
  1824. 41:28
  1825. over you can look it up but there's
  1826. 41:29
  1827. people that wrote letters Bill beanie
  1828. 41:32
  1829. for the letter a lot of intelligence
  1830. 41:34
  1831. people wrote letters on behalf of Craig
  1832. 41:36
  1833. Murray to allow him to come over to
  1834. 41:38
  1835. United okay pause for just one second we
  1836. 41:40
  1837. have the interview with met Craig Murray
  1838. 41:42
  1839. queued up here yeah let's play that for
  1840. 41:44
  1841. a moment
  1842. 41:50
  1843. what so try to politely squeeze in their
  1844. 41:54
  1845. instruments right there
  1846. 41:59
  1847. mr. Murray can I introduce you to Trish
  1848. 42:01
  1849. Negron have you really crowd-sourced the
  1850. 42:14
  1851. truth you're watching it's really an
  1852. 42:16
  1853. honor to meet you sir dirty bomb
  1854. 42:37
  1855. firestorm and a time we came here to see
  1856. 42:41
  1857. fun tonight our bravery who was CEO of
  1858. 42:45
  1859. the Clinton Foundation in had gone
  1860. 42:47
  1861. missing and yes and so George web series
  1862. 42:51
  1863. of course and when we heard we were
  1864. 42:57
  1865. wondering and he would be able to talk
  1866. 42:59
  1867. to us about
  1868. 43:01
  1869. the thumb drive or any of the details
  1870. 43:03
  1871. that you share before
  1872. 43:24
  1873. wasn't what I was doing whistleblowers
  1874. 43:43
  1875. have administration so I was doing
  1876. 43:48
  1877. something and the other thing I would
  1878. 43:52
  1879. also say is that I didn't I never in my
  1880. 43:57
  1881. life met Seth and he of course sadly
  1882. 44:01
  1883. been murdered some months before the
  1884. 44:04
  1885. occasion
  1886. 44:07
  1887. so and I really the what's a great mess
  1888. 44:15
  1889. until I heard he vanished I've never
  1890. 44:17
  1891. heard of it
  1892. 44:18
  1893. are you familiar with a set of files
  1894. 44:21
  1895. that were released by gujja four to
  1896. 44:23
  1897. about eight nine months ago that will
  1898. 44:26
  1899. retweet
  1900. 44:28
  1901. and container NGP van Kingdom as well as
  1902. 44:34
  1903. duck which is a voter data in the United
  1904. 44:37
  1905. States and Democratic Party gathers and
  1906. 44:41
  1907. utilizes an election
  1908. 44:43
  1909. and also Clinton Foundation
  1910. 44:45
  1911. documentation we actually also submitted
  1912. 44:51
  1913. resubmitted them to do things a few
  1914. 44:53
  1915. weeks ago after they were provided to us
  1916. 44:57
  1917. on a thumb drive because that link of
  1918. 44:59
  1919. the future to website is gone and so I
  1920. 45:03
  1921. wondered if you have any knowledge of
  1922. 45:05
  1923. that or could comment on those documents
  1924. 45:08
  1925. I know
  1926. 45:12
  1927. ovince we submitted them to we were
  1928. 45:20
  1929. wondering we met we don't know of anyone
  1930. 45:22
  1931. else was done so
  1932. 45:33
  1933. what how that information will be vetted
  1934. 45:36
  1935. and because we haven't communicated any
  1936. 45:38
  1937. further other than to provide the files
  1938. 45:40
  1939. and are curious to know what the process
  1940. 45:42
  1941. would be to authenticate them and when
  1942. 45:46
  1943. we might know or would we get a response
  1944. 45:49
  1945. or how obtained of associate and a
  1946. 45:59
  1947. whistleblower myself would pick
  1948. 46:01
  1949. suspected fictional organization which
  1950. 46:03
  1951. is has died vectors there's full time
  1952. 46:06
  1953. staff and it's very baby it's extremely
  1954. 46:12
  1955. careful that defense occasion right
  1956. 46:14
  1957. in fact I'll tell you how careful it was
  1958. 46:17
  1959. when I left the Foreign Service and I
  1960. 46:19
  1961. released a number five
  1962. 46:23
  1963. tortures extraordinary renditions
  1964. 46:26
  1965. WikiLeaks wouldn't actually take because
  1966. 46:29
  1967. they didn't just know me then and I just
  1968. 46:35
  1969. looked upon service and they they fought
  1970. 46:37
  1971. facility and rather too-good-to-be-true
  1972. 46:39
  1973. [Music]
  1974. 46:42
  1975. healthy skepticism I'm not party to the
  1976. 46:54
  1977. internal process when you said you were
  1978. 46:58
  1979. an administrative sort of role I wasn't
  1980. 47:00
  1981. sure if that maybe but we're familiar
  1982. 47:02
  1983. with the process so mr. Murray our
  1984. 47:07
  1985. audience is giving us comments as you
  1986. 47:08
  1987. guys speak and everyone is very
  1988. 47:10
  1989. interested to know if you saw the
  1990. 47:12
  1991. episode where George read out the tweet
  1992. 47:15
  1993. in which Julian was referencing the
  1994. 47:17
  1995. nhadra email and all the Pakistani
  1996. 47:19
  1997. officials okay well I'll I'll email it
  1998. 47:25
  1999. to you after we're done and then you can
  2000. 47:26
  2001. catch up on your crowdsource the truth
  2002. 47:28
  2003. and what about the Guardian and the
  2004. 47:30
  2005. Daily Mail George is asking about the
  2006. 47:32
  2007. Guardian and the Daily Mail the gown
  2008. 47:35
  2009. theorem tells the tooth decay sneeze
  2010. 47:36
  2011. never ever believe anything you need in
  2012. 47:38
  2013. the Daily Mail
  2014. 47:41
  2015. now what about driving American
  2016. 47:44
  2017. University we went to American
  2018. 47:45
  2019. University where Georgia attempted to
  2020. 47:47
  2021. retrace your steps and where was the
  2022. 47:51
  2023. drop snooping around the back of
  2024. 48:14
  2025. accommodation just away from university
  2026. 48:22
  2027. university Dan Massachusetts Avenue on
  2028. 48:26
  2029. the left hand side in the stretch of
  2030. 48:28
  2031. woodland which shares a boundary with
  2032. 48:30
  2033. Homeland Security that's amazing it's
  2034. 48:35
  2035. really exciting to meet you sir and
  2036. 48:36
  2037. we've got to thank you for all the
  2038. 48:38
  2039. things that you've done to help
  2040. 48:39
  2041. WikiLeaks and to try to help people who
  2042. 48:40
  2043. are interested in democracy and
  2044. 48:42
  2045. integrity and I just want to know if our
  2046. 48:44
  2047. audience has any more questions for what
  2048. 48:47
  2049. people can of course go on to the
  2050. 48:49
  2051. YouTube channel and check out that whole
  2052. 48:51
  2053. thing we played most of it right there
  2054. 48:53
  2055. okay so I'm still glad I emphasized
  2056. 48:57
  2057. September the 2015 as being a key date
  2058. 49:01
  2059. because it's not going to be the FBI
  2060. 49:04
  2061. calling the helpdesk to mis Department
  2062. 49:07
  2063. which now we found find routes to either
  2064. 49:10
  2065. India or Pakistan
  2066. 49:11
  2067. yes apartment the MIS apartment yeah so
  2068. 49:16
  2069. Lauren can you I already said her name
  2070. 49:18
  2071. so I hope Miley I have threads on my
  2072. 49:23
  2073. Twitter feed and I even have one poster
  2074. 49:25
  2075. but it's important to see what was what
  2076. 49:27
  2077. was actually going on in 2015 in 2015
  2078. 49:30
  2079. and I know that you talked about it
  2080. 49:32
  2081. before and everyone says follow the
  2082. 49:34
  2083. money so I think people need to realize
  2084. 49:35
  2085. like the stuff that the content is
  2086. 49:37
  2087. actually in WikiLeaks I mean people can
  2088. 49:40
  2089. talk about like John Podesta with speed
  2090. 49:41
  2091. dating or whatever he was doing but
  2092. 49:43
  2093. that's that's really not that's really
  2094. 49:45
  2095. not what was important in order to like
  2096. 49:48
  2097. prove something in just in the court of
  2098. 49:50
  2099. law there has to be intent or whatever
  2100. 49:52
  2101. the only way to do that is literal
  2102. 49:54
  2103. but they're agreements that follow the
  2104. 49:56
  2105. money and if you follow the money and
  2106. 49:57
  2107. like whatever perform on the scene in
  2108. 49:59
  2109. 2015 that's what everything like then
  2110. 50:01
  2111. the server curtain server started that's
  2112. 50:04
  2113. where there was a lot of infighting in
  2114. 50:06
  2115. 2015 and 2016 between especially the FBI
  2116. 50:09
  2117. New York um basically being told like
  2118. 50:13
  2119. you you could have you're not allowed to
  2120. 50:15
  2121. have access to emails to devices to
  2122. 50:18
  2123. anything you can still investigate but
  2124. 50:20
  2125. you have to find another way to get the
  2126. 50:22
  2127. information that you want to get they
  2128. 50:24
  2129. were investigating the Clinton
  2130. 50:25
  2131. Foundation New York Miami la Arkansas
  2132. 50:28
  2133. but basically the DOJ lynches DNZ shut
  2134. 50:31
  2135. them down
  2136. 50:32
  2137. the Brooklyn DA's office shut them down
  2138. 50:34
  2139. you can't look at this stuff so if
  2140. 50:36
  2141. you're I mean if you're from New York
  2142. 50:39
  2143. you know but you just don't tell the FBI
  2144. 50:41
  2145. New York no you don't do it I mean it's
  2146. 50:44
  2147. the dirt they're gonna find a way to get
  2148. 50:46
  2149. whatever information they want at the
  2150. 50:47
  2151. same time you have on you have to look
  2152. 50:50
  2153. at what Craig Murray saying about legal
  2154. 50:52
  2155. access leave these people had legal
  2156. 50:54
  2157. access to the information that was
  2158. 50:56
  2159. released so you have factions going on
  2160. 50:59
  2161. it was was someone an informant where
  2162. 51:02
  2163. they were working with someone in the
  2164. 51:03
  2165. DNC the follow of the money is not just
  2166. 51:05
  2167. the Clinton Foundation but whoever is
  2168. 51:08
  2169. funding the DNC also funds the Clinton
  2170. 51:10
  2171. Foundation so you have to look at the
  2172. 51:12
  2173. trails of money who funded the voter
  2174. 51:16
  2175. expansion project who was running the
  2176. 51:18
  2177. voter expansion projects who funded the
  2178. 51:20
  2179. Hilary Victory Fund who was funding the
  2180. 51:23
  2181. Clinton Foundation what benefits were
  2182. 51:25
  2183. they getting off of it they all links
  2184. 51:27
  2185. together it's always the same people
  2186. 51:29
  2187. it's always the same tax like democracy
  2188. 51:31
  2189. alliance you have to look at who their
  2190. 51:33
  2191. biggest funders were and then you have
  2192. 51:35
  2193. to look at how they're also connected to
  2194. 51:37
  2195. the Clinton Foundation so everything is
  2196. 51:39
  2197. tied together so with what's coming out
  2198. 51:42
  2199. with the DN DN C leaks it's not just
  2200. 51:45
  2201. stuff that was Oh Bernie is getting a
  2202. 51:47
  2203. bad deal and he's getting screwed over
  2204. 51:49
  2205. Bernie's was really talking about money
  2206. 51:51
  2207. the Hilary Victory Fund and the
  2208. 51:53
  2209. laundering and if you start looking at
  2210. 51:54
  2211. that stuff and you start looking at the
  2212. 51:56
  2213. key players who also whose bonds
  2214. 51:59
  2215. CrowdStrike
  2216. 51:59
  2217. they all work with the Clinton campaign
  2218. 52:02
  2219. so it does all revolve around this this
  2220. 52:05
  2221. trail of money
  2222. 52:06
  2223. but it also involves who wanted this
  2224. 52:08
  2225. information to get out and and it wasn't
  2226. 52:12
  2227. being allowed to get out through it
  2228. 52:16
  2229. through the DOJ in the investigation
  2230. 52:17
  2231. we're actually going on and when you
  2232. 52:19
  2233. look at the player I mean with Eric
  2234. 52:23
  2235. Braverman an informant for the FBI if
  2236. 52:26
  2237. you were to ask me I would say yes I
  2238. 52:28
  2239. know you've talked about it before but I
  2240. 52:30
  2241. mean he he could have gotten in a lot of
  2242. 52:32
  2243. trouble I mean he just left there was
  2244. 52:38
  2245. was reasons why he would have to protect
  2246. 52:40
  2247. himself when you start getting into to
  2248. 52:42
  2249. finances and documentation that's
  2250. 52:45
  2251. forensic evidence that that can be
  2252. 52:47
  2253. traced um he could have gotten in a lot
  2254. 52:50
  2255. of trouble
  2256. 52:50
  2257. and he specifically said in his
  2258. 52:52
  2259. interview if you want to know where the
  2260. 52:54
  2261. real Hillary Clinton scandal is follow
  2262. 52:57
  2263. the money so to me I think you know
  2264. 53:00
  2265. instead of looking I know you guys look
  2266. 53:03
  2267. look into bits and pieces you're not to
  2268. 53:05
  2269. look at the overall investigations that
  2270. 53:07
  2271. were going on and absolutely actually
  2272. 53:10
  2273. following the money from the DNC
  2274. 53:12
  2275. the state campaigns what was actually
  2276. 53:15
  2277. going on and and you have these puppet
  2278. 53:18
  2279. masters I mean it's it's deputy
  2280. 53:20
  2281. Wasserman Schultz's I mean she's an
  2282. 53:22
  2283. awful person but she's not made of money
  2284. 53:24
  2285. but she they basically do but their
  2286. 53:26
  2287. funders want them to do and and who who
  2288. 53:30
  2289. these people are is that actually fun
  2290. 53:32
  2291. they have financial gains when a certain
  2292. 53:36
  2293. candidate is elected and it also has
  2294. 53:38
  2295. tied to those same people and what was
  2296. 53:41
  2297. revealed is also the Clinton Foundation
  2298. 53:44
  2299. and what the Cleary's we're doing an
  2300. 53:46
  2301. example is energy pioneer solutions
  2302. 53:48
  2303. I mean when you look at what actually
  2304. 53:51
  2305. came out and what was in the news these
  2306. 53:55
  2307. are people that are involved in the DNP
  2308. 53:57
  2309. that also accept and did know um and
  2310. 54:02
  2311. that's not just energy pioneer solutions
  2312. 54:04
  2313. isn't just the only connections to set
  2314. 54:06
  2315. that there is but that was stuff that
  2316. 54:08
  2317. was brought out in the Podesta leaks but
  2318. 54:11
  2319. it's the DNC people that were actually
  2320. 54:14
  2321. investors in energy pioneer solutions
  2322. 54:17
  2323. which is connected to the Clinton
  2324. 54:18
  2325. Foundation there's
  2326. 54:20
  2327. there's things that people need to start
  2328. 54:22
  2329. connecting to see the overall arching
  2330. 54:25
  2331. scope of this interagency battle between
  2332. 54:28
  2333. the Department of Justice the NSA the
  2334. 54:31
  2335. FBI and and what was being obstructed
  2336. 54:34
  2337. everything that was being obstructed
  2338. 54:36
  2339. from coming out actually came out in
  2340. 54:39
  2341. glitchy leaves so anything that the FBI
  2342. 54:41
  2343. New York would have been able to get
  2344. 54:43
  2345. through the Brooklyn DA's office access
  2346. 54:45
  2347. to devices access to emails that's the
  2348. 54:48
  2349. information that we're seeing in the
  2350. 54:51
  2351. WikiLeaks it's not about Podesta
  2352. 54:54
  2353. speed-dating that memo
  2354. 54:55
  2355. I think Chaerles Ortel talked about it
  2356. 54:57
  2357. with Teneil and the Clinton Foundation
  2358. 55:00
  2359. that's really important um and I think
  2360. 55:03
  2361. it's always fun to look at the stuff of
  2362. 55:05
  2363. you know Podesta is cheating on his wife
  2364. 55:08
  2365. and going speed dating but that's
  2366. 55:09
  2367. separate page six shit who the hell
  2368. 55:11
  2369. would date John Podesta let me drop
  2370. 55:14
  2371. something on you guys for a second here
  2372. 55:16
  2373. okay because the comments are saying
  2374. 55:18
  2375. that it's truth drugs truth shrugs who
  2376. 55:22
  2377. often has good comments is letting Joe
  2378. 55:25
  2379. know that he found or she found a Sahin Tamene
  2380. 55:31
  2381. mean located at the Mis Department
  2382. 55:33
  2383. address in Chicago that also went by
  2384. 55:36
  2385. Stephanie Tamene and Stephanie Blakely
  2386. 55:40
  2387. and Stephanie Blakely visited the White
  2388. 55:42
  2389. House in 2012 what do we make of s well
  2390. 55:47
  2391. would I make it Stephanie Stephanie to
  2392. 55:51
  2393. mean looks like he may she may be living
  2394. 55:54
  2395. in the same house as Yared Tamene in
  2396. 55:58
  2397. that two one one five California address
  2398. 56:02
  2399. in Chicago at the Mis Department is it
  2400. 56:04
  2401. yarid or Eureka your read I I think it's
  2402. 56:08
  2403. why Yared Tamene ta and II
  2404. 56:12
  2405. and he he's the guy who was answering
  2406. 56:13
  2407. all those helpdesk fault phone calls
  2408. 56:15
  2409. from the FBI
  2410. 56:17
  2411. so it's sherry sherry Blakely sherry
  2412. 56:20
  2413. Tamim the Sherry's Lakeland Stephanie or
  2414. 56:23
  2415. Stephanie's definitely is interesting
  2416. 56:27
  2417. just because they it's just interesting
  2418. 56:31
  2419. to me that that the DNC would use a firm
  2420. 56:33
  2421. that blatantly was not Pro Hillary I
  2422. 56:37
  2423. mean the owner is very anti Wall Street
  2424. 56:44
  2425. well it's not that bad of an apartment I
  2426. 56:47
  2427. think what I mean but it's an
  2428. 56:48
  2429. unprofessional organization there's
  2430. 56:50
  2431. three people in a residential location
  2432. 56:52
  2433. running the IT department you can even
  2434. 56:56
  2435. like but even skip those fast
  2436. 56:58
  2437. who cares another think about if you are
  2438. 57:01
  2439. a progressive and what Craig Murray is
  2440. 57:03
  2441. saying is is that there was up for the
  2442. 57:07
  2443. DNC leaks it was people that were pissed
  2444. 57:08
  2445. off that Bernie was getting into I mean
  2446. 57:10
  2447. the MIS Department had had access to to
  2448. 57:13
  2449. all the stuff I'd like to know like who
  2450. 57:15
  2451. was working with who um they have
  2452. 57:19
  2453. information like if you're pissed off
  2454. 57:21
  2455. they can see all these emails they can
  2456. 57:23
  2457. see what's being done obviously
  2458. 57:26
  2459. like are they involved somehow with
  2460. 57:28
  2461. helping people get information or take
  2462. 57:31
  2463. it from the system we talk about the
  2464. 57:34
  2465. administrator level access again that's
  2466. 57:36
  2467. really important if they can assign they
  2468. 57:40
  2469. can assign administrator level access
  2470. 57:42
  2471. who knows you didn't assigned
  2472. 57:43
  2473. administrator level access to someone
  2474. 57:45
  2475. within the FBI that could go home and
  2476. 57:47
  2477. get off it you have to understand
  2478. 57:49
  2479. CrowdStrike was in the system and a bulk
  2480. 57:51
  2481. of these leaks and may came out you know
  2482. 57:54
  2483. CrowdStrike is looking from russia okay
  2484. 57:56
  2485. their system falcon is not gonna light
  2486. 57:58
  2487. up if someone on the inside is still
  2488. 58:01
  2489. kicking emails or looking at emails who
  2490. 58:04
  2491. had administered a level access it would
  2492. 58:06
  2493. never show up as a hack we've gotta find
  2494. 58:16
  2495. out and and I doubt that I might have to
  2496. 58:18
  2497. part more whatever talk about it is like
  2498. 58:20
  2499. what contractors actually had access to this stuff
  2500. 58:25
  2501. well my my what I want to say about this
  2502. 58:29
  2503. in 2008 and 2012 I think the Obama
  2504. 58:33
  2505. campaign may have gone for art with
  2506. 58:35
  2507. offshore programmers in in India
  2508. 58:38
  2509. somewhere I don't know if it's gonna be
  2510. 58:39
  2511. Mumbai exactly it could be somewhere
  2512. 58:41
  2513. else through the children which is fine
  2514. 58:43
  2515. that's that's fine Chopra was the CTO at
  2516. 58:46
  2517. 1:00 Chopra is the CTO the other Chopra
  2518. 58:48
  2519. ran why is it fine though it's use
  2520. 58:50
  2521. foreign well I mean poor programming for
  2522. 58:53
  2523. programming to write applications but
  2524. 58:55
  2525. not to be administrators you can write
  2526. 58:57
  2527. write applications but I think what
  2528. 59:00
  2529. happened here the reason what what went
  2530. 59:02
  2531. wrong in 2016 is it's very easy to hack
  2532. 59:05
  2533. when you start when you start sending stuff
  2534. 59:07
  2535. overseas you know that puts it in the
  2536. 59:09
  2537. CIA's purview and the NSA in
  2538. 59:12
  2539. international and if you just even go to
  2540. 59:15
  2541. Chicago you're opening it up to the NSA
  2542. 59:17
  2543. if you go to India you've got a million
  2544. 59:20
  2545. different places you can do a man in the
  2546. 59:22
  2547. middle of it it attacked and that's
  2548. 59:24
  2549. where the ax wands had the ability to
  2550. 59:27
  2551. insert anything somewhere somebody
  2552. 59:30
  2553. inserted the s on the end of act blue to
  2554. 59:33
  2555. steal all the money somebody it's came
  2556. 59:37
  2557. in and stole all the data during the
  2558. 59:39
  2559. backups whether it was Josh Uretsky's 20
  2560. 59:41
  2561. minute period or it was the for our
  2562. 59:43
  2563. backup period that crossbow said that's
  2564. 59:45
  2565. that's who stole the data and who stole
  2566. 59:47
  2567. the money but let's take a step back
  2568. 59:50
  2569. show the money but like when you look at
  2570. 59:52
  2571. I mean you could just show the money but
  2572. 59:54
  2573. uh when even like Andrew Ferrol?for all says
  2574. 59:57
  2575. that the Hillary Victory Fund is important
  2576. 60:00
  2577. because of the limits that were raised
  2578. 60:02
  2579. with how how much funding certain people
  2580. 60:05
  2581. and tax could get so that Hilary Victory
  2582. 60:08
  2583. Fund which actually like Bernie is the
  2584. 60:10
  2585. one that brought up on what was going on
  2586. 60:13
  2587. and how much money was actually going to
  2588. 60:15
  2589. the states and you've talked about it
  2590. 60:17
  2591. before and a NADRA Bank and
  2592. 60:18
  2593. Elizabeth Jones and all of these people
  2594. 60:20
  2595. involved like I think certain people had
  2596. 60:24
  2597. administrator access to certain systems
  2598. 60:27
  2599. there's more than one system at the DNC
  2600. 60:30
  2601. you have the main system you have the
  2602. 60:32
  2603. financial system they all work you know
  2604. 60:35
  2605. there's different systems they're so
  2606. 60:37
  2607. different
  2608. 60:38
  2609. people would have been given access to
  2610. 60:39
  2611. the different systems and when you again
  2612. 60:42
  2613. look at the emails whenever they were
  2614. 60:45
  2615. doing maintenance they list specifically
  2616. 60:47
  2617. what systems would be affected so you
  2618. 60:51
  2619. have to I think that there's probably
  2620. 60:53
  2621. only a few people a handful of people
  2622. 60:55
  2623. that would have better had access to all
  2624. 60:57
  2625. systems but then in the financial realm
  2626. 60:59
  2627. I mean there had to be people locally in
  2628. 61:02
  2629. DC that also would have had access to
  2630. 61:05
  2631. these systems I mean if a server or
  2632. 61:07
  2633. something goes down I I don't think it's
  2634. 61:10
  2635. that easy to remotely from Chicago start
  2636. 61:13
  2637. doing something to servers that are
  2638. 61:15
  2639. on-site at the DNC I mean did Elizabeth
  2640. 61:19
  2641. Jones have access to or any of the
  2642. 61:21
  2643. people in her office have access to the
  2644. 61:23
  2645. financial system at the DNC I mean
  2646. 61:25
  2647. that's where the movement of funding is
  2648. 61:27
  2649. really happening and I think that's what
  2650. 61:29
  2651. I use for all he was saying the
  2652. 61:31
  2653. laundering is if you're raising the max
  2654. 61:33
  2655. level of funding I mean you basically
  2656. 61:36
  2657. you can pump money into the Hillary
  2658. 61:38
  2659. victory fund and Manny you know
  2660. 61:41
  2661. Elizabeth Jones I think they said was
  2662. 61:42
  2663. basically go through a mug lady think
  2664. 61:44
  2665. they would put it into these state
  2666. 61:46
  2667. campaigns and the DCCC and then it would
  2668. 61:48
  2669. snap right back the same day to the
  2670. 61:52
  2671. Hilary Victory Fund so it it's that's I
  2672. 61:55
  2673. think where the where the movement of
  2674. 61:56
  2675. money is it's really interesting and I
  2676. 61:59
  2677. mean even with the act blues you know
  2678. 62:00
  2679. one talked about people actually donate
  2680. 62:03
  2681. money to the fake ActBlues site with
  2682. 62:06
  2683. the s me just think did well I mean
  2684. 62:08
  2685. where is it where did that money go
  2686. 62:10
  2687. I mean they were live wisdom it went to
  2688. 62:13
  2689. a joint account that Debbie
  2690. 62:15
  2691. wasserman-schultz was a signatory to but
  2692. 62:17
  2693. we're gonna we're gonna stop right there
  2694. 62:20
  2695. brandy blonde we're going to have you
  2696. 62:21
  2697. back on as this story develops because
  2698. 62:24
  2699. there's more coming out we're doing a
  2700. 62:25
  2701. lot of forensics on the traffic between
  2702. 62:28
  2703. Asia and the the MIS Department so when
  2704. 62:32
  2705. we have it would be really cool if
  2706. 62:35
  2707. people can kind of look and look at the
  2708. 62:37
  2709. different players the financial stuff
  2710. 62:39
  2711. that that's where the WikiLeaks emails
  2712. 62:41
  2713. came from the seven key players but if
  2714. 62:44
  2715. anyone knows who would have
  2716. 62:46
  2717. administrator access to these systems
  2718. 62:49
  2719. whose credentials might have been
  2720. 62:51
  2721. taken to gain access to these emails is
  2722. 62:54
  2723. really important because until you know
  2724. 62:57
  2725. who actually had what's allowed to have
  2726. 63:00
  2727. access into these systems we're gonna
  2728. 63:02
  2729. keep playing this game of like you know
  2730. 63:04
  2731. guessing and you know people can look
  2732. 63:07
  2733. and see you know Pratt Wiley and and McCabe
  2734. 63:10
  2735. Sam McCabe even Andrew Brown
  2736. 63:12
  2737. and all of the different systems people
  2738. 63:16
  2739. can go into the WikiLeaks and actually
  2740. 63:18
  2741. look and see I'd like to start seeing a
  2742. 63:20
  2743. list of what the different systems
  2744. 63:22
  2745. actually were you're not brainy blood
  2746. 63:26
  2747. you're not old enough to remember this
  2748. 63:28
  2749. but there was a band called Herman's
  2750. 63:29
  2751. Hermits and they had a hit called Mrs.
  2752. 63:33
  2753. Brown you've got a lovely daughter and
  2754. 63:36
  2755. so this is going to be Andrew Brown
  2756. 63:39
  2757. you've got a lovely dote and meaning
  2758. 63:42
  2759. Andrew was the leak but anyway I'm gonna
  2760. 63:45
  2761. go ahead and predict that's my choice
  2762. 63:47
  2763. out of the seven everyone else at home
  2764. 63:49
  2765. handicapping picked your guy it could be
  2766. 63:52
  2767. mccabe is there a relation what's
  2768. 63:54
  2769. McCabe's first name Sam
  2770. 63:58
  2771. relation could be a relation I'm not
  2772. 64:00
  2773. saying it's it's legitimate Lead feel
  2774. 64:07
  2775. that this entire thing with most of the
  2776. 64:10
  2777. leaks connected and what was coming out
  2778. 64:12
  2779. I think that this was an operation from
  2780. 64:14
  2781. the inside of our Intel agencies
  2782. 64:16
  2783. basically butting heads and working
  2784. 64:18
  2785. against each other and I think that they
  2786. 64:20
  2787. were working with people in the DNC to
  2788. 64:22
  2789. get certain information I think that
  2790. 64:24
  2791. there was probably I'm gonna say
  2792. 64:26
  2793. informants I don't know if that's the
  2794. 64:27
  2795. right word but talking to guys and Intel
  2796. 64:30
  2797. agency who they may not have known were
  2798. 64:31
  2799. in the intelligence date trying to get
  2800. 64:33
  2801. certain information says J: that's what Steve Pichinick although
  2802. 64:37
  2803. they started to get heated so when you
  2804. 64:39
  2805. say like they're the ones that will
  2806. 64:40
  2807. evening you have to look at motives that
  2808. 64:42
  2809. there's you have to look at motive for
  2810. 64:44
  2811. even wanting the information to get out
  2812. 64:46
  2813. but you can't have just the DNC leaks
  2814. 64:49
  2815. without thinking about the Podesta leaks
  2816. 64:51
  2817. because everything is tied together it's
  2818. 64:53
  2819. always the same people it's always the
  2820. 64:56
  2821. money it's like that kind of thing so I
  2822. 64:59
  2823. think if people start to look and see
  2824. 65:01
  2825. and really really look at like the NSA
  2826. 65:04
  2827. just like Hillary Clinton so much and
  2828. 65:07
  2829. you can like even look it up I have it
  2830. 65:09
  2831. in my thread see FBI New York you know
  2832. 65:13
  2833. do you also have like the NYPD without
  2834. 65:15
  2835. but the Weiner laptop these people are
  2836. 65:17
  2837. all working with each other different
  2838. 65:20
  2839. facets of the intelligence so keep that
  2840. 65:24
  2841. in mind when you're thinking about who
  2842. 65:26
  2843. would have leaked and who is involved
  2844. 65:28
  2845. and you have to can't forget what Craig
  2846. 65:30
  2847. Murray saying yep and Julian Assange I
  2848. 65:34
  2849. think we've got the right people in the
  2850. 65:36
  2851. train car thank you very much for your
  2852. 65:39
  2853. time
  2854. 65:40
  2855. Brainy Blonde thanks Brainy Blonde we'll
  2856. 65:42
  2857. have you back again make sure everybody
  2858. 65:44
  2859. follows drop the mic drop the mic score
  2860. 65:47
  2861. mic Julie don't forget look at look at
  2862. 65:51
  2863. the attorneys go on the DC Court job you
  2864. 65:55
  2865. can see she's changed just defense
  2866. 65:58
  2867. attorneys three times but one of his
  2868. 65:59
  2869. attorney is was the defense attorney for
  2870. 66:02
  2871. another driver who had diplomatic plates
  2872. 66:07
  2873. or was saying that he was a diplomat and
  2874. 66:09
  2875. he wasn't it's a very weird case it was
  2876. 66:11
  2877. in 2009 it's just strange
  2878. 66:13
  2879. that's an odd connection at the scene
  2880. 66:15
  2881. it's actually to me it makes a lot of
  2882. 66:18
  2883. sense because if alpha is going to be
  2884. 66:20
  2885. driving cars down to DC is alpha gonna
  2886. 66:23
  2887. be the one that drives or let's say
  2888. 66:24
  2889. Baltimore is alpha gonna be the one that
  2890. 66:26
  2891. drives them over to the dock knowing
  2892. 66:28
  2893. that he's wanted and it's been arrested
  2894. 66:30
  2895. before he's on different well would you
  2896. 66:33
  2897. have somebody with I I look at people
  2898. 66:35
  2899. and I think who is that and I just
  2900. 66:37
  2901. looked him up but his attorney is
  2902. 66:39
  2903. defense attorney but I think it was a
  2904. 66:43
  2905. 2009 case a very year case the guy like
  2906. 66:45
  2907. jumped out of his car and off of a
  2908. 66:47
  2909. bridge I mean he lived but it all had to
  2910. 66:49
  2911. do with diplomatic plates and diplomatic
  2912. 66:51
  2913. passes and it was a driver seen what's
  2914. 66:54
  2915. here what's the name of the attorney
  2916. 66:56
  2917. what's the name of the attorney now oh
  2918. 66:58
  2919. all right I posted a link here if you
  2920. 67:02
  2921. just go into DC court doc um stop you
  2922. 67:05
  2923. can actually look at the entire case but
  2924. 67:07
  2925. there was three attorneys
  2926. 67:08
  2927. one way in the beginning and then they
  2928. 67:11
  2929. just switched attorneys again but if you
  2930. 67:14
  2931. look in the DC Court dock you can look
  2932. 67:16
  2933. up the entire case of what's been going
  2934. 67:17
  2935. on
  2936. 67:18
  2937. you'll see his attorneys listed yeah and
  2938. 67:22
  2939. then a 2009 it's a diplomatic plates
  2940. 67:24
  2941. driver yeah so he's also linked to like
  2942. 67:29
  2943. some murder cases and stuff like that
  2944. 67:33
  2945. the diplomatic driver the diplomatic
  2946. 67:36
  2947. driver would be linked to murder cases
  2948. 67:38
  2949. is a wheelman in murder cases are you
  2950. 67:40
  2951. kidding me
  2952. 67:41
  2953. well well no also the one defense
  2954. 67:44
  2955. attorney
  2956. 67:45
  2957. it's the links of this diplomatic drive
  2958. 67:47
  2959. it's a really fucked up case but then
  2960. 67:50
  2961. his other attorney there was like a
  2962. 67:51
  2963. bunch of murders that happened in DC's
  2964. 67:53
  2965. if you look at both attorneys who has
  2966. 67:55
  2967. been representing him um they're they're
  2968. 67:59
  2969. interesting it's just interesting to see
  2970. 68:01
  2971. like what they're involved in and what
  2972. 68:03
  2973. their past cases have been I think we
  2974. 68:05
  2975. had I think we had an Awan murdered
  2976. 68:07
  2977. right outside the white house in
  2978. 68:08
  2979. Pennsylvania Avenue if people want to
  2980. 68:10
  2981. look up that 2009 case but anyway the
  2982. 68:13
  2983. comments want to know on your on your on
  2984. 68:20
  2985. on your Twitter thing with this live
  2986. 68:23
  2987. video I posted the link that you just
  2988. 68:25
  2989. literally just type in Alpha Jalloh's
  2990. 68:28
  2991. name and then case will come up okay
  2992. 68:31
  2993. great
  2994. 68:32
  2995. well look it up thank you very much
  2996. 68:33
  2997. we're gonna have you back I think we're
  2998. 68:35
  2999. gonna get Alpha Jolla they call in just
  3000. 68:37
  3001. because he's gonna be pissed off that
  3002. 68:38
  3003. nobody can remember his name yeah well
  3004. 68:41
  3005. in which ALPA Jolla which one you're
  3006. 68:43
  3007. gonna get so the one and only so
  3008. 68:45
  3009. everybody should definitely take a breath
  3010. 68:47
  3011. follow drop the underscore Mike on
  3012. 68:51
  3013. Twitter and that was the brainy blonde
  3014. 68:55
  3015. right there big G yeah and since I said
  3016. 69:01
  3017. her name on air of when I thought I was
  3018. 69:04
  3019. off the air then I thought what the hell
  3020. 69:06
  3021. it's a it's another deep undercover
  3022. 69:09
  3023. contact blown but sometimes that could
  3024. 69:12
  3025. be like you know no J: no it's not good
  3026. 69:16
  3027. no brings people to the surface right
  3028. 69:18
  3029. like I'm so like a pimple
  3030. 69:22
  3031. [Laughter]
  3032. 69:25
  3033. so we've been doing about an hour and 10
  3034. 69:28
  3035. minutes what else do we want to talk
  3036. 69:30
  3037. about here George well go ahead Trish I
  3038. 69:34
  3039. wanted to I saw some people in the
  3040. 69:37
  3041. comments pointing this out too that I
  3042. 69:39
  3043. think you should know the name Mahmud
  3044. 69:42
  3045. Amami
  3046. 69:42
  3047. he lives in shiraz iran and zero-hour is
  3048. 69:48
  3049. saying that he's an important figure in
  3050. 69:52
  3051. the whole spying arena so we talked to zero
  3052. 69:57
  3053. our this morning and he's talking about
  3054. 70:00
  3055. Duluth Minnesota which kind of lines up
  3056. 70:02
  3057. with the the I didn't have the city he
  3058. 70:04
  3059. had the city we've got a great zero our
  3060. 70:06
  3061. phone interview going up right after
  3062. 70:08
  3063. this stream so as soon as this is over
  3064. 70:10
  3065. you know everybody's gonna get fired
  3066. 70:11
  3067. from their jobs because nobody's getting
  3068. 70:13
  3069. anything done yeah watching all day but
  3070. 70:15
  3071. zero or does have some good stuff and I
  3072. 70:17
  3073. I don't know if this came out but anyway
  3074. 70:21
  3075. they were trying to cover for the the
  3076. 70:23
  3077. backbone Network if I'm on AT&T and I
  3078. 70:25
  3079. called Jason on Verizon there's this
  3080. 70:28
  3081. backbone network for you know handling
  3082. 70:32
  3083. the calls in between call the ss7
  3084. 70:33
  3085. Network and I think they might have
  3086. 70:35
  3087. upgraded it it's called the SS8 but
  3088. 70:36
  3089. when I worked on it it was the SS seven
  3090. 70:38
  3091. what does that do it switches from if
  3092. 70:40
  3093. I'm on AT&T to get to you on Verizon
  3094. 70:43
  3095. internally in my own network I can get
  3096. 70:45
  3097. text messages to everybody in AT&T but
  3098. 70:48
  3099. if I need to get it over to Verizon I
  3100. 70:49
  3101. need to go over the ss7 so the ss7 is
  3102. 70:52
  3103. the backbone between all the cell phone
  3104. 70:54
  3105. providers if I do a man-in-the-middle
  3106. 70:56
  3107. attack on the ss7 I get all cell calls I
  3108. 70:59
  3109. get also calls and I get all text
  3110. 71:01
  3111. everything boom so now I'm gonna say
  3112. 71:04
  3113. right now that Imran AWan and co and
  3114. 71:07
  3115. brothers were involved in an SS7
  3116. 71:09
  3117. hack in Washington DC surprising and the
  3118. 71:14
  3119. and the 1900 Association Avenue that
  3120. 71:17
  3121. mister zero hour brings
  3122. 71:22
  3123. up could be that location because there
  3124. 71:25
  3125. are it looks like a backbone location
  3126. 71:28
  3127. I'm glad we had that call because both
  3128. 71:30
  3129. you and I identified subtle things in
  3130. 71:33
  3131. his presentation that initially caused
  3132. 71:35
  3133. us to think it was possible disinfo I
  3134. 71:38
  3135. saw this thing that was talking about
  3136. 71:40
  3137. mainframes and I was
  3138. 71:42
  3139. that sounds crazy but of course our call
  3140. 71:44
  3141. last night with rice-a-roni if people
  3142. 71:46
  3143. haven't heard that you go back and
  3144. 71:48
  3145. listen he brought up the mainframes and
  3146. 71:50
  3147. said hey listen that's still a thing
  3148. 71:51
  3149. very obscure but IBM as recently as 2015
  3150. 71:55
  3151. or 2016 introduced the latest in their
  3152. 71:58
  3153. you know Z 13 whatever it was gigantic
  3154. 72:01
  3155. refrigerator size mainframe and you
  3156. 72:03
  3157. pointed out to me that a lot of times
  3158. 72:05
  3159. companies that have real legacy systems
  3160. 72:08
  3161. databases that have existed since the
  3162. 72:10
  3163. 1950s 1960s that are so vast and so
  3164. 72:13
  3165. complex they can't be rewritten
  3166. 72:15
  3167. they just keep need to be you know
  3168. 72:18
  3169. upgrading this what do they call it
  3170. 72:19
  3171. heavy iron these these mainframe
  3172. 72:22
  3173. computers and just has old old a lot of
  3174. 72:25
  3175. great systems that were written to do
  3176. 72:27
  3177. batch processing once a month right have
  3178. 72:30
  3179. the demand of customers like it fidelity
  3180. 72:32
  3181. was one of the customers I had that that
  3182. 72:35
  3183. used to see fifth or whatever they want
  3184. 72:38
  3185. to do it right now they want to pull the
  3186. 72:40
  3187. results right now I think I think they
  3188. 72:41
  3189. were up in Boston Trish if I'm not
  3190. 72:43
  3191. mistaken fidelity fidelity yeah and they
  3192. 72:47
  3193. need the power they just need raw
  3194. 72:48
  3195. horsepower so well you're gonna find the
  3196. 72:51
  3197. same thing with Alan Smithy he's he's
  3198. 72:54
  3199. legit and the work he's doing he's
  3200. 72:57
  3201. really great with financial analysis and
  3202. 73:00
  3203. document analysis and while I know his
  3204. 73:02
  3205. name sounds suspicious he's I've been
  3206. 73:05
  3207. following him for a while and his work
  3208. 73:07
  3209. like on amalgamated Bank and the loan to
  3210. 73:09
  3211. the DCCC that loan is is probably one of
  3212. 73:15
  3213. their money laundering methods J: so I didn't mean
  3214. 73:18
  3215. to discredit him or his information I
  3216. 73:21
  3217. just was pointing out that's obviously a
  3218. 73:23
  3219. code name because the name Alan's movie
  3220. 73:26
  3221. he's a parody account I mean he that's
  3222. 73:30
  3223. sort of his thing but he's legit no no
  3224. 73:34
  3225. and again I just want people to
  3226. 73:36
  3227. understand where these types of names
  3228. 73:37
  3229. come from that's obviously a wink to
  3230. 73:40
  3231. Hollywood this might be someone who's
  3232. 73:42
  3233. been involved in filmmaking as I have
  3234. 73:44
  3235. doesn't mean I'm releasing bunk
  3236. 73:46
  3237. information but it's a code name that's
  3238. 73:48
  3239. used for directors when they have a film
  3240. 73:50
  3241. that the director says hey I don't want
  3242. 73:51
  3243. to be associated this film is terrible
  3244. 73:53
  3245. they put the fake name Alan
  3246. 73:55
  3247. Smithy on there go to IMDB and look up
  3248. 73:57
  3249. Alan Smithy you'll see a lot of movies
  3250. 73:59
  3251. directed by no and there's no III want
  3252. 74:02
  3253. to say that I I absolutely I stood in
  3254. 74:05
  3255. front of Amalgamated Bank for two weeks
  3256. 74:06
  3257. in a row making films you know saying
  3258. 74:10
  3259. that there was money that went between
  3260. 74:11
  3261. the DC's DNC and al-mal Gamay Bank so
  3262. 74:15
  3263. I'm not I wouldn't have said that if I
  3264. 74:17
  3265. didn't believe it you know all those
  3266. 74:18
  3267. films were directed by Alan Smithy all
  3268. 74:20
  3269. those films so what else do we want to
  3270. 74:22
  3271. cover today guys Trish anything else not
  3272. 74:25
  3273. getting to be well under time there was
  3274. 74:27
  3275. more vindication here that I wanted to
  3276. 74:29
  3277. go over which was Luke Rosiack Carl Luke Carlson
  3278. 74:32
  3279. Louise yeah Rosie I came out with a
  3280. 74:34
  3281. story last night late last night that
  3282. 74:36
  3283. said that the in Ron's $300,000 transfer
  3284. 74:40
  3285. to to buy solid bod yeah was it the
  3286. 74:43
  3287. first transfer he it was a latest in a
  3288. 74:45
  3289. series of a flurry of transfers that
  3290. 74:47
  3291. have happened over time and Laurie one
  3292. 74:52
  3293. of our best researchers also pulled the
  3294. 74:56
  3295. Cynthia Martin congressional centures
  3296. 75:00
  3297. from her different activities within the
  3298. 75:03
  3299. u.s. congressional credit union and and
  3300. 75:07
  3301. I had said that there was a lot of
  3302. 75:08
  3303. activity between those two in terms of
  3304. 75:12
  3305. loans right so and let's also just talk
  3306. 75:15
  3307. real briefly George about the whole we
  3308. 75:18
  3309. spoke last night
  3310. 75:19
  3311. not about chop shops but the stealing of
  3312. 75:22
  3313. these Bentley's and there's someone in
  3314. 75:27
  3315. the comments right now is talking about
  3316. 75:29
  3317. chop shops we've spoken quite a lot
  3318. 75:31
  3319. about the different the different things
  3320. 75:33
  3321. that are going on with these cars
  3322. 75:35
  3323. now of course Alpha Jalloh is stealing
  3324. 75:38
  3325. these Bentley's not to send them to a
  3326. 75:39
  3327. Chop Shop but to put them in diplomatic
  3328. 75:41
  3329. containers and ship them overseas so
  3330. 75:45
  3331. that they can be enjoyed by the royalty
  3332. 75:48
  3333. and the rulers of various countries and
  3334. 75:50
  3335. we spoke about how different high-priced
  3336. 75:54
  3337. items that are potentially subject to
  3338. 75:56
  3339. theft like iPhones read cinema digital
  3340. 75:59
  3341. cameras you know they have certain
  3342. 76:01
  3343. mechanisms in the user experience the
  3344. 76:04
  3345. software the upgrade process the
  3346. 76:06
  3347. tracking of each serial
  3348. 76:08
  3349. that prevent them from being stolen and
  3350. 76:09
  3351. people have been sending me tons of
  3352. 76:12
  3353. emails about Bentley turns out the sales
  3354. 76:14
  3355. manager in Palm Beach was a little bit
  3356. 76:16
  3357. ambitious with his reporting of the
  3358. 76:18
  3359. annual sales of Bentley's at least in
  3360. 76:19
  3361. the United States in 2016 that number
  3362. 76:23
  3363. was it about 2,600 cars so we've been
  3364. 76:26
  3365. far fewer than the 5,000 he quoted and
  3366. 76:28
  3367. really a number it seems like the
  3368. 76:31
  3369. company could be tracking customer for
  3370. 76:34
  3371. customer where their car is and when you
  3372. 76:36
  3373. take the fact that the car's got a GPS
  3374. 76:38
  3375. in it I would imagine that company could
  3376. 76:41
  3377. know at every moment of every day where
  3378. 76:43
  3379. your car is could even have a valet that
  3380. 76:46
  3381. would call you and tell you oh yeah that
  3382. 76:48
  3383. in the parking garage it's on floor 7
  3384. 76:50
  3385. and here it is text that to your phone
  3386. 76:53
  3387. so it seems to me that the Bentley
  3388. 76:57
  3389. company does not want to track thefts of cars let
  3390. 77:00
  3391. me just explain why it's a state secrets
  3392. 77:02
  3393. program because if we could go are you
  3394. 77:04
  3395. kidding
  3396. 77:04
  3397. why would Andrew McCabe have an ain't be
  3398. 77:07
  3399. the angel on on Alpha Jalloh's wings
  3400. 77:11
  3401. our shoulder getting them out of prison
  3402. 77:13
  3403. switching prisoners and doing all this
  3404. 77:15
  3405. stuff the reason is is that they they
  3406. 77:18
  3407. talk to the diplomats they say you know
  3408. 77:20
  3409. you need to protect yourself we're gonna
  3410. 77:21
  3411. armor up this car we've got this safe
  3412. 77:23
  3413. cage in UAE we're gonna armor it up what
  3414. 77:26
  3415. they don't tell the diplomat is we're
  3416. 77:28
  3417. gonna put all kinds of telemetry on it
  3418. 77:29
  3419. we're gonna put all kinds of listening
  3420. 77:30
  3421. devices in it so that we can monitor
  3422. 77:32
  3423. your country just like we did with the
  3424. 77:34
  3425. promise software and Palantir after that
  3426. 77:36
  3427. so I'm sorry if I blew up a program
  3428. 77:38
  3429. there but that is how you have state
  3430. 77:42
  3431. secrets involved in a
  3432. 77:44
  3433. car theft ring again this is a black
  3434. 77:47
  3435. program it's an under-the-table program
  3436. 77:49
  3437. and you can't go oh we're gonna procure
  3438. 77:51
  3439. all of these cars in a public venue from
  3440. 77:54
  3441. Bentley and we're gonna sell them to all
  3442. 77:56
  3443. these African diplomats that we're gonna
  3444. 77:58
  3445. put all this these listening devices and
  3446. 77:59
  3447. telemetry in them you have to make it
  3448. 78:02
  3449. seem like they're stolen and you've got
  3450. 78:04
  3451. this inside contact in your diplomatic
  3452. 78:06
  3453. circles and you got to be all internecine
  3454. 78:08
  3455. seen and and all James Bond about it
  3456. 78:11
  3457. like you know you're getting a great
  3458. 78:12
  3459. deal in order to fool the sheiks and the
  3460. 78:16
  3461. diplomats in Africa so or wherever
  3462. 78:18
  3463. they're going all over the all over the
  3464. 78:20
  3465. world so that
  3466. 78:21
  3467. how Alfa jalloh gets out and gets a leg
  3468. 78:24
  3469. brace and that's because that guy you
  3470. 78:27
  3471. don't want to kill that program that guy
  3472. 78:29
  3473. is stealing program cars right now well
  3474. 78:32
  3475. and Bentley doesn't want to kill it
  3476. 78:33
  3477. either cuz that he doesn't want to kill
  3478. 78:34
  3479. I sure some of this stuff that you and I
  3480. 78:36
  3481. were discussing earlier in the case of
  3482. 78:38
  3483. say the red camera that's a much
  3484. 78:40
  3485. different customer they know that if
  3486. 78:42
  3487. 21st century 3d has to $55,000 red
  3488. 78:46
  3489. cameras stolen and something goes wrong
  3490. 78:48
  3491. with the insurance we're going out of
  3492. 78:50
  3493. business so we're never buying any more
  3494. 78:51
  3495. red cameras right conversely if some
  3496. 78:54
  3497. rich dude like Vince McMahon has his
  3498. 78:56
  3499. Bentley stolen he's got insurance he's
  3500. 78:58
  3501. getting it back and he's just going to
  3502. 78:59
  3503. buy another Bentley send it to Africa
  3504. 79:01
  3505. and do what you want with it right
  3506. 79:02
  3507. they're gonna sell parts to Africa right
  3508. 79:04
  3509. so that's that's how and even if they
  3510. 79:06
  3511. take Jalloh
  3512. 79:08
  3513. and let you know send jello up for the
  3514. 79:10
  3515. arraignment make a show of it it's state
  3516. 79:12
  3517. secrets its Smith month we can do
  3518. 79:14
  3519. whatever we want in terms of school play
  3520. 79:15
  3521. they're gonna show him for one day but
  3522. 79:17
  3523. when the case originally occurred with
  3524. 79:20
  3525. the shooting down there two days after
  3526. 79:21
  3527. Seth Rich's murder around Capitol Hill
  3528. 79:23
  3529. he was 18 they lied about that he was
  3530. 79:26
  3531. actually 26 the 26 came out later when
  3532. 79:29
  3533. you look at the way they rolled the
  3534. 79:31
  3535. whole Alpha Jalloh story out they rolled
  3536. 79:33
  3537. out jello they roll out 12 people then
  3538. 79:36
  3539. they rolled out 16 and then they rolled
  3540. 79:39
  3541. out a neat suspects yeah you know the
  3542. 79:41
  3543. the they arrested them all at the same
  3544. 79:43
  3545. time 26 DHS was involved FBI was
  3546. 79:48
  3547. involved CIA was involved why would all
  3548. 79:50
  3549. those agencies be involved right in in
  3550. 79:53
  3551. the thing just for ninety cars is what
  3552. 79:56
  3553. they recovered you know how many cars
  3554. 79:58
  3555. are gonna be in this thing by the time
  3556. 79:59
  3557. we get to the bottom of it a lot it's
  3558. 80:01
  3559. gonna be at least 10 times the number of
  3560. 80:03
  3561. cars were recovered everything that I've
  3562. 80:06
  3563. said all along the way has been true the
  3564. 80:09
  3565. diplomatic plates going into the
  3566. 80:11
  3567. shipping containers diplomatic loophole
  3568. 80:13
  3569. going to different diplomats in foreign
  3570. 80:17
  3571. countries that is exactly how this whole
  3572. 80:19
  3573. thing has occurred that's how McCabe
  3574. 80:21
  3575. gotten away with it do we want to talk
  3576. 80:23
  3577. about the Amtrak auto train and its
  3578. 80:26
  3579. endpoint in Sanford Florida and there
  3580. 80:30
  3581. woman that Trish has identified who kind
  3582. 80:32
  3583. of runs the show who we sort of want to
  3584. 80:34
  3585. get in touch with to maybe ask some
  3586. 80:36
  3587. questions and figure out what she knows
  3588. 80:38
  3589. about cars going down there I would
  3590. 80:40
  3591. think Bentley's on the auto train would
  3592. 80:42
  3593. be a big some suspicion I think it's the
  3594. 80:45
  3595. stuff they don't sell it's gonna go down
  3596. 80:46
  3597. but go ahead Trisha
  3598. 80:48
  3599. well she apparently has been there for
  3600. 80:51
  3601. ages and she knows all of the history
  3602. 80:56
  3603. around the activities with the train and
  3604. 80:59
  3605. she's apparently always there so
  3606. 81:02
  3607. hopefully you you will run into her
  3608. 81:05
  3609. though I don't have her name it's just
  3610. 81:07
  3611. she's apparently something of an icon Oh
  3612. 81:09
  3613. J: seems like she probably might not want
  3614. 81:12
  3615. to tell us or I don't know that would be
  3616. 81:14
  3617. some treacherous ground for her and
  3618. 81:16
  3619. giallo I'll just say one thing jello is
  3620. 81:18
  3621. gonna be a group of about seven or eight
  3622. 81:20
  3623. or nine in an entourage around some
  3624. 81:23
  3625. princely figure from that there they
  3626. 81:26
  3627. want to overthrow Nigeria and there's
  3628. 81:28
  3629. there a Prince of Nigeria yeah there is
  3630. 81:30
  3631. toward the upper northern part away from
  3632. 81:34
  3633. away from Lagos T: are these the ones
  3634. 81:37
  3635. suing shell is he the one
  3636. 81:39
  3637. or is it Shell Oil Nigeria the country
  3638. 81:44
  3639. is suing one of the oil companies oh
  3640. 81:46
  3641. well this is basically to take over the
  3642. 81:50
  3643. democratic process in Nigeria and
  3644. 81:52
  3645. there's this kind of Boko Haram is
  3646. 81:55
  3647. basically the CIA's lever to get the
  3648. 81:59
  3649. democratic government out they're gonna
  3650. 82:01
  3651. do Boko Haram originally started Nigeria
  3652. 82:03
  3653. just bombing in the areas where people
  3654. 82:07
  3655. were resisting using USAID trucks for
  3656. 82:10
  3657. giving food to Boko Haram and then
  3658. 82:13
  3659. running different supply lines to them
  3660. 82:16
  3661. and then they will they took over the
  3662. 82:18
  3663. oil fields and they and minerals but now
  3664. 82:21
  3665. the the next step after you divide the
  3666. 82:23
  3667. country in half is to then topple the
  3668. 82:25
  3669. rest of the country but in order to do
  3670. 82:27
  3671. that you have to infiltrate first so
  3672. 82:29
  3673. that's where you bring in the king and
  3674. 82:31
  3675. then you get all these people to
  3676. 82:32
  3677. secretly do their King oaths and all that
  3678. 82:35
  3679. crap and that's what's coming and ALPA
  3680. 82:37
  3681. Jalloh is gonna be one of those guys jabo
  3682. 82:40
  3683. know either one of them
  3684. 82:44
  3685. I mean they may have some they may have
  3686. 82:47
  3687. some poor kid that dad murdered somebody
  3688. 82:49
  3689. on a thirty-year rap doing the five
  3690. 82:50
  3691. years for four Jalloh
  3692. 82:52
  3693. whatever they sense and gently Joel Oh
  3694. 82:55
  3695. Chris Joel oh I said Joel oh yeah but
  3696. 82:58
  3697. but that kid that kid will be back in or
  3698. 83:02
  3699. twenty six-year-old will be back in
  3700. 83:04
  3701. Nigeria when Nigeria Falls when do you
  3702. 83:06
  3703. watch the movie Holloman the remake of
  3704. 83:09
  3705. The Invisible Man this is like jello man
  3706. 83:12
  3707. are you this is like Hooked on Phonics
  3708. 83:14
  3709. now just what we lose the pneumonic
  3710. 83:17
  3711. devices to remember things and I figured
  3712. 83:19
  3713. that's your trick yeah okay that Elmo
  3714. 83:22
  3715. Joel oh so so so wait we got that story
  3716. 83:25
  3717. you've got the Mis Department seven they
  3718. 83:28
  3719. offshoring yeah done whereas where I
  3720. 83:30
  3721. placed my bet on the one of the seven
  3722. 83:33
  3723. the Magnificent mis department seven I
  3724. 83:36
  3725. said it's gonna be Andrew Brown you've
  3726. 83:38
  3727. got a lovely daughter who are you
  3728. 83:39
  3729. putting your money on you're gonna put
  3730. 83:41
  3731. it on the cave or who you got to learn
  3732. 83:42
  3733. your seven we give us the seven again
  3734. 83:45
  3735. because I'm often distracted by stuff
  3736. 83:47
  3737. here and sometimes I'm faking it until I
  3738. 83:49
  3739. make it and watch this later and know
  3740. 83:51
  3741. what you're talking about
  3742. 83:51
  3743. I'll add that there's seven people she
  3744. 83:54
  3745. said there's or working for the Mis
  3746. 83:55
  3747. Department no that seven people had
  3748. 83:57
  3749. access to this leak that could have
  3750. 83:58
  3751. gotten this information out oh I think
  3752. 84:00
  3753. it's Braverman well the Braverman wasn't
  3754. 84:03
  3755. one of the seven administrators who
  3756. 84:05
  3757. access to which information that has
  3758. 84:08
  3759. access to the NGP van system right
  3760. 84:11
  3761. seven people and the financial system
  3762. 84:13
  3763. which I did they don't know cuz you said
  3764. 84:15
  3765. it was coming out I like Pete well
  3766. 84:17
  3767. listen the Steve pichenik narrative
  3768. 84:19
  3769. has always been that it was NSA CIA FBI
  3770. 84:23
  3771. people who didn't trust Hillary Clinton
  3772. 84:26
  3773. and when brainy blonde was talking about
  3774. 84:28
  3775. elements of the NSA hated and didn't
  3776. 84:30
  3777. trust Hillary Clinton I was thinking
  3778. 84:32
  3779. maybe the NSA isn't so bad but well
  3780. 84:34
  3781. there was a lot of people here that said
  3782. 84:36
  3783. clockwork orange' said in November 2015
  3784. 84:38
  3785. but they didn't say specifically they
  3786. 84:41
  3787. now dr. pichinik's clockwork orange'
  3788. 84:43
  3789. that says well they're he's calling
  3790. 84:45
  3791. himself clockwork or well on here what
  3792. 84:50
  3793. he's calling himself clock or George or
  3794. 84:52
  3795. intermediaries are calling them
  3796. 84:54
  3797. for genic I mean I didn't really
  3798. 84:56
  3799. understand what was going on when you
  3800. 84:57
  3801. said all that but I always okay the
  3802. 84:59
  3803. first Oh sir I understand it now okay a
  3804. 85:02
  3805. leak in the house let's say this is the
  3806. 85:04
  3807. DNC there's a leak upstairs bathroom
  3808. 85:06
  3809. yeah yeah Joyce is a run around the
  3810. 85:10
  3811. house and scream peepee dossier yeah yeah that
  3812. 85:13
  3813. won't fix it Joyce to get in a Cadillac
  3814. 85:15
  3815. get a person to drive around the
  3816. 85:19
  3817. neighborhood and try to bed have a ton
  3818. 85:21
  3819. of sex with the lawyer with men in the
  3820. 85:24
  3821. neighborhood that are named Trump right
  3822. 85:25
  3823. okay yeah the three is like me look all
  3824. 85:30
  3825. around the house except the place that
  3826. 85:32
  3827. there is a leak right four is the brandy
  3828. 85:35
  3829. brainy blondes approach which is actually
  3830. 85:37
  3831. go to the pipe that's actually leaking
  3832. 85:40
  3833. and then test one of the seven different
  3834. 85:42
  3835. spots where you may see a drip well what
  3836. 85:45
  3837. are this said that's what you've got
  3838. 85:47
  3839. who's the McCabe guy he's related to
  3840. 85:48
  3841. Andrew McCabe we don't know if he's
  3842. 85:50
  3843. related we don't know people don't
  3844. 85:51
  3845. listen if I'm sitting here right next to
  3846. 85:53
  3847. you and I don't immediately know who the
  3848. 85:55
  3849. seven are let's go over it because
  3850. 85:57
  3851. people probably don't I don't know the
  3852. 85:58
  3853. seven either all I know is Andrew Brown
  3854. 86:00
  3855. so who brought up the seven that was
  3856. 86:02
  3857. brainy blond brainy both blonde blonde
  3858. 86:03
  3859. we got a drill down on those I mean
  3860. 86:07
  3861. every no no no he wasn't on the list
  3862. 86:10
  3863. Seth rich is the biggest throw in the history
  3864. 86:12
  3865. of throws I mean I I have talked to the
  3866. 86:15
  3867. seven is fake news I'm gonna have brainy
  3868. 86:18
  3869. blondes another attacks me the seven
  3870. 86:20
  3871. later on next show let's do a phone
  3872. 86:23
  3873. interview with brainy blah let's put out
  3874. 86:25
  3875. a Twitter poll like drusen if it's in
  3876. 86:27
  3877. seven well we'll do the interview we'll
  3878. 86:30
  3879. have her enumerate who the seven are
  3880. 86:32
  3881. okay what reason this is gonna be like
  3882. 86:34
  3883. clue okay yeah we're down to the seven
  3884. 86:37
  3885. down the DNC but with a blackberry but
  3886. 86:40
  3887. that's what we're gonna do we're gonna
  3888. 86:42
  3889. figure out how this all went down I do
  3890. 86:43
  3891. not think it was Seth rich I think Seth
  3892. 86:45
  3893. rich and the murder of Seth rich were
  3894. 86:49
  3895. manufactured story to distract people
  3896. 86:51
  3897. right I don't mean to offend the family
  3898. 86:53
  3899. if I am wrong but beyond it being a
  3900. 86:57
  3901. personal tragedy this is a
  3902. 87:00
  3903. matter of national security and it's a
  3904. 87:01
  3905. matter of national and importance and
  3906. 87:03
  3907. for that reason the American
  3908. 87:04
  3909. people deserve to know certain facts and
  3910. 87:06
  3911. details that we have been you know G: I'll
  3912. 87:09
  3913. throw a real wrench into this do it
  3914. 87:11
  3915. speaking of a wrench in the bedroom yes
  3916. 87:15
  3917. now knowing hype though well I guess we
  3918. 87:19
  3919. could could be called lead pipe I guess
  3920. 87:20
  3921. that could be called no no no no hang on
  3922. 87:22
  3923. wrench in the game Clue its eye on that
  3924. 87:24
  3925. pie I know but I thought I teaching the
  3926. 87:27
  3927. Tahoe that okay now if you do if you do
  3928. 87:30
  3929. the Brainy blonde exercise the mental
  3930. 87:33
  3931. exercise of who the three power players
  3932. 87:35
  3933. are yeah the three power players are
  3934. 87:38
  3935. Michael Flint
  3936. 87:40
  3937. yeah dennis Kucinich I like Flynn and
  3938. 87:43
  3939. Craig Murray don't know much about
  3940. 87:45
  3941. Kucinich and Craig Murray we looked at
  3942. 87:47
  3943. him face to face those are the three
  3944. 87:49
  3945. power players yeah now what she said was
  3946. 87:51
  3947. what you would do is if you wanted to
  3948. 87:54
  3949. infiltrate the seven mmm
  3950. 87:56
  3951. you would send in an infiltrator okay
  3952. 87:59
  3953. okay yeah now you want to take down
  3954. 88:03
  3955. McCabe you don't like McCabe write
  3956. 88:07
  3957. you don't like what's going on with
  3958. 88:10
  3959. Hillary Clinton sounds like Mike Flint
  3960. 88:11
  3961. to me I know but we're getting to the
  3962. 88:14
  3963. infiltrator but I agree with Mike FLynn
  3964. 88:16
  3965. is behind this now Dennis Kucinich some
  3966. 88:18
  3967. people think that you know his brother
  3968. 88:20
  3969. was killed because of that much about
  3970. 88:23
  3971. his image Dennis Dennis considers his
  3972. 88:25
  3973. brother was killed reading the heart
  3974. 88:26
  3975. attacks I'm saying for two days we
  3976. 88:28
  3977. should be looking at Dennis because
  3978. 88:29
  3979. heart attack gun I'm not gonna say
  3980. 88:30
  3981. Hillary Clinton did it so that he
  3982. 88:32
  3983. wouldn't run in 2008 but I am gonna say
  3984. 88:34
  3985. Dyer died at the old heart attack gun
  3986. 88:36
  3987. check it so because I'm from Cleveland
  3988. 88:39
  3989. and he was my mayor but anyway she owned
  3990. 88:42
  3991. Apple he likes laying pipe yeah so grits
  3992. 88:48
  3993. yeah she's been under the radar Ritz has
  3994. 88:51
  3995. been under the radar
  3996. 88:52
  3997. have you noticed grits has been under
  3998. 88:53
  3999. the radar we had her in the bowl of
  4000. 88:55
  4001. grits weeks ago with McCain now would
  4002. 89:00
  4003. Flynn be smart enough he was dia she was
  4004. 89:04
  4005. dia - yeah absolutely
  4006. 89:06
  4007. he's the one who wrote that
  4008. 89:07
  4009. recommendation for grits would he send
  4010. 89:09
  4011. her in as the Mata Hari as the Valerie
  4012. 89:12
  4013. Plame there was there a
  4014. 89:14
  4015. romantic relationship between not
  4016. 89:16
  4017. between those two
  4018. 89:17
  4019. okay it was a sexual harassment thing no
  4020. 89:20
  4021. she McCabe's one who destroyed her
  4022. 89:22
  4023. somebody else at the FBI we don't know
  4024. 89:24
  4025. who the guy was that was sexually
  4026. 89:26
  4027. harassing her ahaha but MCcabe was the guy
  4028. 89:28
  4029. who destroyed her and said she was
  4030. 89:30
  4031. mentally ill right so and Mike Flynn
  4032. 89:34
  4033. was the guy who's stuck up for right and
  4034. 89:37
  4035. that's why I make so the comments like
  4036. 89:40
  4037. Kucinich right so so would you be smart
  4038. 89:43
  4039. enough to send in grits as your Mata
  4040. 89:47
  4041. Hari as your Valerie Plame's
  4042. 89:49
  4043. I just see what I'm saying Murder on the
  4044. 89:51
  4045. Orient Express moment where I think it
  4046. 89:54
  4047. was all of them what I mean I mean she
  4048. 89:58
  4049. is an operative she'd work for the FBI
  4050. 89:59
  4051. it's not one person it's all of them
  4052. 90:02
  4053. it's all coming together
  4054. 90:03
  4055. yeah it's Murder on the Orient Express I
  4056. 90:05
  4057. think because it maybe it is we just
  4058. 90:07
  4059. figure it out are we ready to go on
  4060. 90:09
  4061. vacation is it drunk we have to prove it
  4062. 90:11
  4063. now but that's why Oh
  4064. 90:12
  4065. grits people don't know grits well we
  4066. 90:15
  4067. got to go back and you got to look at
  4068. 90:16
  4069. the bowl of grits episode people don't
  4070. 90:18
  4071. know grits grits was the woman who was
  4072. 90:21
  4073. attacked by enemy cave well she was a
  4074. 90:27
  4075. technician was destroyed our reputation
  4076. 90:29
  4077. was destroyed and she worked for Michael
  4078. 90:33
  4079. Flynn at DIA h-he there was one guy in
  4080. 90:37
  4081. DIA that said if I was in a hostage
  4082. 90:40
  4083. situation in like Iraq or something and
  4084. 90:43
  4085. I had one person to lead the team to get
  4086. 90:46
  4087. me out regrets it would be grits because
  4088. 90:49
  4089. she's that good and that was the other
  4090. 90:50
  4091. letter of recommendation there was some
  4092. 90:52
  4093. Admiral or something I wasn't McMullen
  4094. 90:54
  4095. but it was some Admiral who was all
  4096. 90:56
  4097. grits was the name of the GRitz I think
  4098. 90:59
  4099. he RIT RIT Leslie did her name's gritz
  4100. 91:01
  4101. she's red new grits was our as rails
  4102. 91:04
  4103. that we did let me see if I can find
  4104. 91:06
  4105. that episode
  4106. 91:08
  4107. well listen it's been 93 minutes here so
  4108. 91:10
  4109. I think we should wrap it up yeah but I
  4110. 91:12
  4111. like the way God I got to do this blue
  4112. 91:15
  4113. water blue water blue water so we looked
  4114. 91:17
  4115. into blue water and they make films and
  4116. 91:19
  4117. and my kind of films money laundering
  4118. 91:23
  4119. films what do you mean money laundering
  4120. 91:25
  4121. well money laundering eb-5 film how to
  4122. 91:27
  4123. launder money or how to launder money
  4124. 91:29
  4125. yeah they do
  4126. 91:31
  4127. EB 5 yeah what they're doing is so money
  4128. 91:35
  4129. laundering they they actually make money
  4130. 91:39
  4131. laundering films I'm not getting win
  4132. 91:41
  4133. friends a lot of money no they do these
  4134. 91:43
  4135. films blue water does these films that
  4136. 91:47
  4137. if you put in under the you know take a
  4138. 91:51
  4139. piece of the action basically color in
  4140. 91:53
  4141. your cell for a million dollars or more
  4142. 91:55
  4143. then you become a part to invest
  4144. 91:58
  4145. in the film you get an eb-5
  4146. 92:00
  4147. but wait these are entertainment films
  4148. 92:02
  4149. yeah yeah yeah one of them is called
  4150. 92:04
  4151. destination X so it's a it's not a
  4152. 92:07
  4153. dramatic narrative film based on money
  4154. 92:10
  4155. longer destination it you can look it up
  4156. 92:13
  4157. destination X is one of the films and
  4158. 92:16
  4159. destination X is a eb-5 front
  4160. 92:22
  4161. I mean basically it's a big funnel to
  4162. 92:24
  4163. bring in people from different countries
  4164. 92:26
  4165. to get them US passports hmm interesting
  4166. 92:31
  4167. just that one comer is in a whole like
  4168. 92:34
  4169. they make several different ones but
  4170. 92:35
  4171. destination X it looks like it's gonna
  4172. 92:38
  4173. be the like x marks the spot
  4174. 92:41
  4175. for here if you want to get into the US
  4176. 92:43
  4177. for a million dollars and not have to go
  4178. 92:45
  4179. through a lot of paperwork you just I
  4180. 92:46
  4181. guess everybody who is a backer of the
  4182. 92:48
  4183. film got to be a citizen no it was
  4184. 92:52
  4185. like at the what do you call it when
  4186. 92:54
  4187. there's a when you show the film the
  4188. 92:56
  4189. first night and mirror screening well
  4190. 92:58
  4191. but no for the for your insiders just
  4192. 93:00
  4193. your people your premiere what not your
  4194. 93:04
  4195. public premiere the ones just for the
  4196. 93:06
  4197. cast and crew and all the people are
  4198. 93:07
  4199. working that's not a screening it's
  4200. 93:09
  4201. making it's a behavior it's a soft
  4202. 93:11
  4203. launch it can you tell well how about
  4204. 93:13
  4205. Julie acts tell us about the one you did
  4206. 93:14
  4207. for Julia Julia X the world premiere of
  4208. 93:17
  4209. Julia X was at
  4210. 93:19
  4211. there's a horror festival in Texas
  4212. 93:22
  4213. called
  4214. 93:23
  4215. oh boy a caramel Texas Chainsaw no it
  4216. 93:27
  4217. was at the Alamo while Texas Chainsaw
  4218. 93:29
  4219. was another film that I was gonna work
  4220. 93:31
  4221. on until it got unceremoniously stolen
  4222. 93:35
  4223. from me in a very unscrupulous manner
  4224. 93:37
  4225. but did Sorbo come out for the Sorbo
  4226. 93:41
  4227. Sorbo was there on skype for the world
  4228. 93:44
  4229. premiere at the scream fest or something
  4230. 93:47
  4231. or Fantastic Fest it was fantastic
  4232. 93:49
  4233. Sorbo was there Cyril was there yeah
  4234. 93:52
  4235. he's people you seem to like him a lot
  4236. 93:53
  4237. he's a nice guy I like it have it servo
  4238. 93:55
  4239. he wasn't a jerk on Sutter oh no and
  4240. 93:57
  4241. I've even spoken to him on the phone a
  4242. 93:59
  4243. couple times I was at a some event for
  4244. 94:01
  4245. the Lakers in some golf club in LA and
  4246. 94:05
  4247. he showed up that was actually the most
  4248. 94:07
  4249. time I ever spent with him because he
  4250. 94:08
  4251. didn't really hang out with us and party
  4252. 94:10
  4253. with us after the you know when we would
  4254. 94:12
  4255. rap he's married and he would go do
  4256. 94:14
  4257. whatever he was doing but that was at
  4258. 94:15
  4259. this golf thing and I don't play golf
  4260. 94:17
  4261. somebody gave me tickets to and I went
  4262. 94:20
  4263. there and the Lakers were having some
  4264. 94:21
  4265. kind of you know like one of these super
  4266. 94:23
  4267. schmaltzy things where you can have a
  4268. 94:25
  4269. silent auction and you know bid money on
  4270. 94:28
  4271. all this kind of crap I just went for
  4272. 94:30
  4273. the free food and Sorbo was there and I
  4274. 94:32
  4275. was hanging out talking to Sorbo and
  4276. 94:34
  4277. that guy who's into Allstate commercials
  4278. 94:36
  4279. what's that guy oh the black guy these
  4280. 94:38
  4281. guys are all your height I was like a
  4282. 94:40
  4283. midget but this remote was a big golfer
  4284. 94:42
  4285. apparently so he was yeah sore bones
  4286. 94:44
  4287. like 6 7 is he know he's maybe like 6-3
  4288. 94:47
  4289. 6-4 but he's you know he's way taller
  4290. 94:49
  4291. than me so so here's the true grits
  4292. 94:52
  4293. episode if people just go to the
  4294. 94:54
  4295. crowdsource the truth YouTube channel
  4296. 94:56
  4297. and put in you know in the search bar
  4298. 94:59
  4299. once you're on the channel there's you
  4300. 95:02
  4301. know there's this this little magnifying
  4302. 95:05
  4303. glass here that you can search within
  4304. 95:07
  4305. crowdsource the truth then you come up
  4306. 95:10
  4307. with true grit sand you can see and the
  4308. 95:12
  4309. cave is there looking pissed off and
  4310. 95:14
  4311. this is grits and this is the bowl of
  4312. 95:17
  4313. grits and what does he got he's got the
  4314. 95:18
  4315. nadra Bank he's got energy pioneer
  4316. 95:21
  4317. partners what is what is he got here
  4318. 95:23
  4319. George I forget what that was Oh DLA
  4320. 95:25
  4321. Piper yeah no no DLA Piper DLA Piper is
  4322. 95:29
  4323. over here
  4324. 95:29
  4325. here and this is depleted uranium Oh
  4326. 95:31
  4327. depleted uranium pink Maersk that's
  4328. 95:34
  4329. what he's doing there so that's it now
  4330. 95:36
  4331. wouldn't it be funny if this thing all
  4332. 95:38
  4333. comes down to the two key people that
  4334. 95:40
  4335. brainy blonde just mentioned which is
  4336. 95:42
  4337. Braverman and Craig Murray and you're a
  4338. 95:46
  4339. highly criticized trip you're to your
  4340. 95:49
  4341. guyses highly criticized trip to England
  4342. 95:52
  4343. was those two interviews or attempted in
  4344. 95:55
  4345. it well we didn't you know I had hidden
  4346. 95:58
  4347. video going for Eric Braverman but it
  4348. 96:01
  4349. got messed up I got totally thrown off
  4350. 96:03
  4351. and we didn't have the video I do have
  4352. 96:06
  4353. audio but it's like when I have these
  4354. 96:08
  4355. audio segments without the video it's
  4356. 96:09
  4357. very disappointing so maybe you guys
  4358. 96:11
  4359. were ahead of the news I think we were
  4360. 96:14
  4361. and partially because we know you and
  4362. 96:16
  4363. with that big G I'm gonna say I adieu for
  4364. 96:20
  4365. now
  4366. 96:21
  4367. cuz that's French I know you like to
  4368. 96:23
  4369. speak French okay and later we will see
  4370. 96:25
  4371. everybody we are going to be I mean
  4372. 96:27
  4373. we've got a lot of things that we're
  4374. 96:29
  4375. trying to do and they don't always work
  4376. 96:30
  4377. out so because everything is so far
  4378. 96:32
  4379. apart here in Florida I don't want to
  4380. 96:34
  4381. say where we're going or what we're
  4382. 96:35
  4383. doing because if we're done I would love
  4384. 96:36
  4385. to go to blue water studios and have you
  4386. 96:39
  4387. go in and say that in Florida oh yeah
  4388. 96:40
  4389. Florida yeah oh I didn't even know about
  4390. 96:43
  4391. that yeah I think it's up by or going
  4392. 96:45
  4393. north well there is some production in
  4394. 96:49
  4395. Orlando near universal Studios there and
  4396. 96:51
  4397. I've done some some stuff there you
  4398. 96:53
  4399. can't get in there unless you have you
  4400. 96:56
  4401. know credential I'm Jason Goodman Sony
  4402. 96:58
  4403. whoo anyway with that he needs an eb-5
  4404. 97:03
  4405. and and canaveral Port Canaveral we got
  4406. 97:05
  4407. to go to Port Canaveral all kinds of
  4408. 97:06
  4409. places were working on going but we will
  4410. 97:08
  4411. see you somebody send me blue well I
  4412. 97:11
  4413. have their address people should be
  4414. 97:12
  4415. listening to focus on the facts with
  4416. 97:14
  4417. Evelyn Pringle yeah and the progressive
  4418. 97:16
  4419. radio network Trish will be on there oh
  4420. 97:19
  4421. I want to say one thing about the
  4422. 97:20
  4423. macaron leaks the matte chrome leaks are
  4424. 97:22
  4425. such a macaroni they're subtle edit
  4426. 97:25
  4427. laters speaking of macaron what I want
  4428. 97:26
  4429. launch yeah I know but it's such a throw
  4430. 97:28
  4431. to take the the attention off this
  4432. 97:31
  4433. anyway oh god she goes it's another
  4434. 97:33
  4435. throw thanks everybody
  4436. 97:34
  4437. see you later and a huge thanks to our
  4438. 97:36
  4439. generous sponsors people have been
  4440. 97:38
  4441. really coming out to help us with this
  4442. 97:40
  4443. trip it's working great keeping the
  4444. 97:42
  4445. effort
  4446. 97:42
  4447. thanks everybody
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