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a guest
Jan 13th, 2018
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # For LS_COLORS, print type and description in the relevant color.
  4. IFS=:
  5. for ls_color in $LS_COLORS; do
  6. color="${ls_color#*=}"
  7. type="${ls_color%=*}"
  9. # Add descriptions for named types.
  10. case "$type" in
  11. bd) type+=" (block device)" ;;
  12. ca) type+=" (file with capability)" ;;
  13. cd) type+=" (character device)" ;;
  14. di) type+=" (directory)" ;;
  15. do) type+=" (door)" ;;
  16. ex) type+=" (executable file)" ;;
  17. fi) type+=" (regular file)" ;;
  18. ln) type+=" (symbolic link)" ;;
  19. mh) type+=" (multi-hardlink)" ;;
  20. mi) type+=" (missing file)" ;;
  21. no) type+=" (normal non-filename text)" ;;
  22. or) type+=" (orphan symlink)" ;;
  23. ow) type+=" (other-writable directory)" ;;
  24. pi) type+=" (named pipe, AKA FIFO)" ;;
  25. rs) type+=" (reset to no color)" ;;
  26. sg) type+=" (set-group-ID)" ;;
  27. so) type+=" (socket)" ;;
  28. st) type+=" (sticky directory)" ;;
  29. su) type+=" (set-user-ID)" ;;
  30. tw) type+=" (sticky and other-writable directory)" ;;
  31. esac
  33. # Separate each color with a newline.
  34. if [[ $color_prev ]] && [[ $color != $color_prev ]]; then
  35. echo
  36. fi
  38. printf "\e[%sm%s\e[m " "$color" "$type"
  40. # For next loop
  41. color_prev="$color"
  42. done
  43. echo
  44. # Additional information 'dircolors -p' and 'man dir_colors'
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