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part two of catacombs

a guest
Jun 12th, 2011
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  1. [19:33] <~Paradox> Last time!...
  2. [19:34] <~Paradox> Dr. Floyd has JUST thrown his glaive into a ghostscizor, sending it back into the dark fiery depths of HELL
  3. [19:34] <~Paradox> The Gothielle on the throne gives a displeased tut tut tut.
  4. [19:35] <~Paradox> "Hmph! It seems it is no common rabble we're dealing with, my darling."
  5. [19:36] <~Paradox> "Hmph, it seems so, my sweet. Tell me, why are you here, intruders?"
  6. [19:36] <Alcyone> "Got lost, mostly."
  7. 01[19:36] <Dr_Floyd> "Ve are konduckting only a research here, messeres."
  8. [19:37] <Alcyone> "Oh, yeah, that too."
  9. [19:38] <~Paradox> The Empoleon turns to the Gothielle. "Hear that? They're conducting research on how to steal our treasure."
  10. [19:39] <~Paradox> "How rude! We will just have to exterminate them ourselves!"
  11. [19:39] <Alcyone> "...Why would you need to research how to steal treasure?" Alcyone hmms. "I mean, you just go and take it, right? That isn't a sciency-thing."
  12. [19:39] <Alcyone> "Maybe if you invented a giant treasure vaccuum, but that's something I'd have to do in Ivyhollow, not here in the labryinth...."
  13. 06[19:39] * Alcyone status: not paying attnetion
  14. 06[19:39] * Brick points to the Gothielle
  15. [19:40] <~Paradox> (roll initia- I mean ... :B )
  16. [19:40] <Brick> "Just try me you pansies"
  17. 01[19:40] <Dr_Floyd> "Vell, it does 'ave archaeological value, señorita." Floyd shrugs.
  18. [19:40] <Alcyone> "But it's not research, it's archaeology :I"
  19. 03[19:41] * Paradox changes topic to 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Alcyone > Bob | Brandt 13 > Shorty11 > Vodun10 > scizors > Lebro8 > Nurse > CloudNone'
  20. [19:41] <Alcyone> (dex 8, speed 3 lol lutefisk)
  21. 03[19:41] * Paradox changes topic to 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Alcyone > Bob | Shorty11 > Vodun10 > scizors > Lebro8 > Lutefisk > Nurse > CloudNone'
  22. [19:41] <old_man_BoB> "ain't archeology if the one's ya escavatin' still haven't pased on," with a nod to the ghosts, "they ain't gonna be happy about this"
  23. [19:41] <Brick> (deadzors you mean)
  24. [19:42] <old_man_BoB> (dex 6, Vodun 12)
  25. [19:43] <Brick> (dex 17 , lebro yea)
  26. 03[19:43] * Paradox changes topic to 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Gothithelle > Alcyone > Empoleon > Bob | Shorty11 > Vodun10 > Gothitelle > Empoloeon > EmpLebro8 > Lutefisk > Nurse > CloudNone'
  27. [19:43] <~Paradox> (grrr)
  28. 03[19:44] * Paradox changes topic to 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Gothithelle > Alcyone > Empoleon > Bob | Vodun 12 > Shorty11 > Gothitelle > Empoloeon > Lebro8 > Lutefisk > Nurse > CloudNone'
  29. [19:44] <~Paradox> (OKAY THERE)
  30. [19:44] <Alcyone> (empolebro)
  31. [19:44] <~Paradox> Wyl starts off by returning Aqualung and sending out nurse!
  32. 01[19:44] <Dr_Floyd> (Woo woo woo!)
  33. [19:44] <Brick> (is ruler of all)
  34. [19:45] <~Paradox> (Brick's turn)
  35. [19:45] <Brick> 1d20+2 burning PAUUUUNCH
  36. [19:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, burning PAUUUUNCH: 6 [1d20=4]
  37. [19:46] <~Paradox> (on who?)
  38. [19:46] <Brick> (Gath)
  39. [19:46] <Brick> (Goth)
  40. [19:46] <~Paradox> Brick marches right up to the Queen and punches her in the face.
  41. [19:47] <~Paradox> She staggers back in sheer shock. Floyd's turn
  42. 01[19:47] <Dr_Floyd> (Stabbing goth on the face)
  43. 01[19:48] <Dr_Floyd> roll 1d20 stabbery
  44. [19:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, stabbery: 18 [1d20=18]
  45. [19:48] <~Paradox> Floyd continues sucking up all the high rolls! Damage?
  46. [19:48] <Brick> (oh yes damage )
  47. 01[19:48] <Dr_Floyd> 1d10+6
  48. [19:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d10+6: 16 [1d10=10]
  49. 01[19:49] <Dr_Floyd> (oooh, nice!)
  50. [19:49] <Brick> 4d10+13
  51. [19:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 4d10+13: 27 [4d10=3,1,2,8]
  52. [19:50] <~Paradox> (didn't I say your glaive did 4d6 damage? :I )
  53. 01[19:51] <Dr_Floyd> 4d6 :< i wasted a nice 10
  54. [19:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, :< i wasted a nice 10: 14 [4d6=4,3,1,6]
  55. [19:51] <Brick> 4d6+13 rather
  56. [19:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, rather: 24 [4d6=4,1,2,4]
  57. [19:51] <Alcyone> (you did more damage overall though)
  58. [19:51] <~Paradox> (+13?)
  59. [19:51] <~Paradox> (oh you're brick)
  60. [19:51] <~Paradox> (:B)
  61. [19:51] <Brick> (yes, yes I am)
  62. [19:52] <~Paradox> (okay! moving on.. )
  63. [19:52] <~Paradox> Connor kinda stands there, looking like he might do something! But he doesn't!
  64. [19:53] <~Paradox> The Gothithelle focuses on Brick!
  65. [19:53] <~Paradox> 1d20
  66. [19:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  67. [19:54] <~Paradox> 4d20+16
  68. [19:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 4d20+16: 71 [4d20=17,6,19,13]
  69. [19:54] <Brick> (D:)
  70. [19:54] <~Paradox> Brick's brain feels like it's getting punched in the cortex.
  71. [19:54] <~Paradox> Alcyone
  72. 06[19:55] * Alcyone conjures up a wave of fire to cut off the Empoleon from its queen!
  73. [19:55] <Alcyone> 1d20 fire spin
  74. [19:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, fire spin: 11 [1d20=11]
  75. [19:55] <Alcyone> 2d10+6
  76. [19:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 2d10+6: 19 [2d10=3,10]
  77. [19:55] <Alcyone> 1d4+1 turns
  78. [19:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, turns: 5 [1d4=4]
  79. [19:55] <Alcyone> (whoo)
  80. [19:55] <Alcyone> (trapped for five rounds)
  81. [19:57] <~Paradox> King Empoleon is not pleased! King Empoleon uses Bubblebeam on Alcyone!
  82. [19:57] <~Paradox> 1d20 buubblesss
  83. [19:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, buubblesss: 18 [1d20=18]
  84. [19:57] <~Paradox> 2d20+17
  85. [19:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d20+17: 31 [2d20=1,13]
  86. 06[19:57] * Alcyone is bubbleeeeeed oh god
  87. [19:57] <~Paradox> Gogo Bob!
  88. 06[19:58] * old_man_BoB approaches the queen with a voodoo idol in hand, his eyes go white as he glares at her
  89. [19:58] <Alcyone> (posess the -)
  90. [19:58] <old_man_BoB> 1d200-23 channel attempt
  91. [19:58] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_BoB, channel attempt: -8 [1d200=15]
  92. [19:58] <Alcyone> (yes that)
  93. [19:58] <Alcyone> (wait channel wut)
  94. [19:58] <old_man_BoB> (oops, ti's 1d100...)
  95. [19:58] <Alcyone> (not that it matters)
  96. [19:59] <~Paradox> (that makes the roll even more impressive)
  97. [19:59] <old_man_BoB> "submit, spirit," he mutters
  98. [19:59] <~Paradox> The Gothithelle is stunned from the sheer force of your will!
  99. [20:00] <~Paradox> Vodun's turn
  100. [20:00] <old_man_BoB> "she ain't gonna hold, dark voodoo in her"
  101. 06[20:01] * old_man_BoB Vodun laughs maniaclly as he dives at Empoleon for a sucker punch
  102. [20:01] <old_man_BoB> 1d20
  103. [20:01] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_BoB, 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
  104. [20:01] <~Paradox> (hit)
  105. [20:01] <old_man_BoB> 5d10+6
  106. [20:01] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_BoB, 5d10+6: 34 [5d10=8,2,1,9,8]
  107. [20:02] <~Paradox> (Shortyshort, go!)
  108. 01[20:03] <Dr_Floyd> "Down 'er, m'boy!" Floyd points at the Gothithelle
  109. 01[20:03] <Dr_Floyd> Shorty shoots another dark energy ball at her!
  110. 01[20:03] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20
  111. [20:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20: 18 [1d20=18]
  112. [20:04] <~Paradox> (what attack is that?)
  113. 01[20:04] <Dr_Floyd> (hex)
  114. 01[20:04] <Dr_Floyd> 4d6
  115. [20:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 4d6: 20 [4d6=4,5,5,6]
  116. 01[20:04] <Dr_Floyd> (whoops, forgot to add the +12)
  117. [20:04] <Alcyone> (why are you wasting hex asdfasdf)
  118. 01[20:05] <Dr_Floyd> (dude, she's like psychic/ghost)
  119. 01[20:05] <Dr_Floyd> (quad damage)
  120. [20:05] <Alcyone> (it doesn't matter, save it for when she's statused)
  121. [20:05] <Alcyone> (since she's a boss)
  122. [20:05] <Alcyone> (anyway)
  123. [20:05] <~Paradox> The Queen is stunned!
  124. [20:06] <~Paradox> The empoleon takes fire spin damage!
  125. [20:06] <~Paradox> 1d20
  126. [20:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  127. [20:06] <Alcyone> (oh shi)
  128. [20:06] <~Paradox> All the fire spin damage!
  129. [20:06] <~Paradox> Then...
  130. [20:06] <Alcyone> (oh. yaay)
  131. [20:07] <~Paradox> It creates a ring of water around himself!
  132. [20:07] <Alcyone> (oh boo)
  133. [20:07] <~Paradox> Lebro's turn!
  134. 06[20:07] * Brick staggers back, clutching his head "Lebro!! DO IT!"
  135. [20:07] <Brick> 1d20 supersonic empolion
  136. [20:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, supersonic empolion: 5 [1d20=5]
  137. [20:07] <~Paradox> Connor's eyes glow for a split second
  138. [20:07] <Brick> (:|)
  139. [20:07] <~Paradox> (reroll it)
  140. [20:08] <Alcyone> (ahaha he's a psychic?)
  141. [20:08] <Alcyone> (maybe we should drag him along)
  142. 01[20:08] <Dr_Floyd> (gently caress)
  143. [20:08] <Brick> 1d20
  144. [20:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 1d20: 4 [1d20=4]
  145. [20:08] <Brick> (pffft)
  146. [20:09] <~Paradox> Lutefisk go
  147. [20:09] <~Paradox> :I
  148. [20:09] <Alcyone> Lutefisk fires off a blast of mud at the empoleon!
  149. [20:09] <Alcyone> 1d20 mud shot
  150. [20:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, mud shot: 9 [1d20=9]
  151. [20:10] <~Paradox> (hit)
  152. [20:10] <Alcyone> (even at ac 3?)
  153. [20:10] <Alcyone> 3d10+1d6+14
  154. [20:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 3d10+1d6+14: 30 [3d10=2,5,6; 1d6=3]
  155. [20:10] <Alcyone> (aaand speed down one cs)
  156. 03[20:11] * Paradox changes topic to 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Gothithelle > Alcyone > Empoleon > Bob | Vodun 12 > Shorty11 > Gothitelle > Lebro8 > Empoleon > Lutefisk > Nurse > CloudNone'
  157. [20:12] <~Paradox> Nurse uses copycat!
  158. [20:12] <~Paradox> 1d20 Hex
  159. [20:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, Hex: 19 [1d20=19]
  160. [20:13] <~Paradox> 4d6+1
  161. [20:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 4d6+1: 14 [4d6=2,1,4,6]
  162. [20:13] <~Paradox> Cloud licks the Queen!
  163. [20:13] <~Paradox> 1d20
  164. [20:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
  165. [20:13] <~Paradox> 1d8+13
  166. [20:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d8+13: 14 [1d8=1]
  167. [20:14] <~Paradox> Wyl uses heal on Brick!
  168. [20:14] <Brick> (yay)
  169. [20:14] <~Paradox> +85 health I believe
  170. [20:14] <~Paradox> Brick goes!
  171. [20:14] <Brick> (YAY!)
  172. [20:14] <Brick> 1d20 get that goth
  173. [20:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, get that goth: 1 [1d20=1]
  174. [20:14] <Brick> (SOKHJGFDVSJ JHFSKBKFSHJVF)
  175. [20:14] <Alcyone> (reroll that)
  176. [20:15] <Alcyone> (actually no)
  177. [20:15] <Alcyone> (saving my rerolls)
  178. [20:15] <~Paradox> (reroll that)
  179. [20:15] <Brick> "Thanks Wyl!)
  180. [20:15] <Brick> 1d20
  181. [20:15] <Alcyone> (oh god dox what)
  182. [20:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  183. [20:15] <~Paradox> Connor's eyes light up again.
  184. [20:15] <~Paradox> (damage?)
  185. [20:15] <Brick> 4d6+13 PAUNCH!
  186. [20:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, PAUNCH!: 23 [4d6=3,1,4,2]
  187. [20:15] <Brick> (what the hell dicemaid, what the hell)
  188. [20:16] <~Paradox> (punching what, btw?)
  189. [20:16] <~Paradox> (durr goth okay)
  190. [20:16] <Brick> (goth)
  191. [20:16] <Brick> (ya)
  192. [20:16] <~Paradox> Floyd, go!
  193. [20:16] <old_man_BoB> (your fist must be puny, like the guy in the Burger King commercials)
  194. [20:16] <Brick> "ORRAAHHHHHHHH!"
  195. 01[20:16] <Dr_Floyd> "Can't ve negotiate?"
  196. 01[20:17] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 oh fuck it going to stab the goth
  197. [20:17] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, oh fuck it going to stab the goth: 1 [1d20=1]
  198. 06[20:17] * Brick sends a flaming fist into the Goth's face
  199. [20:18] <Alcyone> (dem rolls man)
  200. [20:18] <~Paradox> Floyd is too busy considering negotiation to properly stab!
  201. [20:19] <~Paradox> Connor continues standing there at the ready!
  202. [20:19] <~Paradox> The Queen shakes off Bob's stun
  203. [20:19] <Brick> (shiiii)
  204. 01[20:19] <Dr_Floyd> (oh snap)
  205. [20:19] <~Paradox> 1d20 HB
  206. [20:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, HB: 19 [1d20=19]
  207. [20:20] <Brick> (D:)
  208. [20:20] <~Paradox> 1d4+1
  209. [20:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d4+1: 5 [1d4=4]
  210. [20:20] <~Paradox> Brick cannot be healed for 5 turns!
  211. 03[20:20] * TF2Kit ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
  212. [20:20] <~Paradox> (HB = heal block :B )
  213. [20:20] <Alcyone> (oh god)
  214. [20:20] <~Paradox> Alcyone's turn
  215. [20:20] <Brick> (I am deaders)
  216. 03[20:21] * TF2Kit is now known as Kit
  217. [20:21] <old_man_BoB> (TIME TO LET THE OLD MAN TAKE THE WHEEL)
  218. 01[20:21] <Dr_Floyd> (hahaha you are boned dude)
  219. 06[20:21] * Alcyone showers the gothi with ice instead of fire!
  220. [20:21] <Alcyone> 1d20 powder snow c'mon freeze
  221. [20:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, powder snow c'mon freeze: 20 [1d20=20]
  222. [20:21] <Alcyone> (WHELP)
  223. [20:21] <Kit> (>20)
  224. [20:21] <Alcyone> 36 damage
  225. [20:21] <Alcyone> and froooozen
  226. [20:21] <Kit> (:D)
  227. [20:22] <~Paradox> The Queen is encased in ice!
  228. [20:22] <~Paradox> Empoleon's turn!
  229. [20:23] <~Paradox> 1d20 Signal Beam
  230. [20:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, Signal Beam: 7 [1d20=7]
  231. [20:23] <Alcyone> (hitting?)
  232. [20:24] <~Paradox> It Signal Beams Alcyone, Lutefisk, and Shorty!
  233. [20:24] <~Paradox> 5d10+17
  234. [20:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 5d10+17: 47 [5d10=5,5,9,6,5]
  235. [20:24] <~Paradox> Bob's turn
  236. [20:24] <Alcyone> Lutefisk burbles D:
  237. 06[20:25] * old_man_BoB looks to his walking stick with little hope, knowning he doesn't have many choices here, and swins at the queen
  238. [20:25] <old_man_BoB> 1d20
  239. [20:25] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_BoB, 1d20: 18 [1d20=18]
  240. [20:25] <~Paradox> (it doesn't hit shorty)
  241. 01[20:26] <Dr_Floyd> (lol)
  242. [20:26] <~Paradox> (damagE?)
  243. [20:27] <old_man_BoB> 2d10+6
  244. [20:27] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_BoB, 2d10+6: 17 [2d10=1,10]
  245. [20:27] <~Paradox> Vodun's turn
  246. 06[20:28] * old_man_BoB laughs giddly as he flies up to the queen and licks her
  247. [20:28] <~Paradox> Bob's attack goes through the gothithelle durr :B
  248. [20:28] <old_man_BoB> 1d20
  249. [20:28] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_BoB, 1d20: 6 [1d20=6]
  250. [20:28] <~Paradox> Vodun's lick however hits the mark
  251. 06[20:28] * old_man_BoB and I totally meant Vodun does that, not me.
  252. [20:29] <~Paradox> (and I knew what you meant)
  253. [20:29] <~Paradox> (damage?)
  254. [20:29] <old_man_BoB> 1d8+6+1d8 is 1d8 the 20+ STAB?
  255. [20:29] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_BoB, is 1d8 the 20+ STAB?: 16 [1d8=3; 1d8=7]
  256. [20:29] <Alcyone> (it is)
  257. [20:29] <~Paradox> Shorty~
  258. 01[20:30] <Dr_Floyd> Shorty jumps at the queen and tries to bite her ghostly spectral face!
  259. 01[20:30] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 bite
  260. [20:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, bite: 9 [1d20=9]
  261. 01[20:30] <Dr_Floyd> 3d10+6 damage
  262. [20:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, damage: 31 [3d10=8,9,8]
  263. [20:31] <~Paradox> HGGGGN
  264. [20:31] <~Paradox> Shorty bites the Queen! The Queen looks ... quite displeased with all this mouth contact that's going on!
  265. [20:32] <~Paradox> The Queen takes her turn and...
  266. [20:32] <Brick> (cries)
  267. [20:32] <Alcyone> (is frozen)
  268. [20:32] <~Paradox> 1d20 Freeze
  269. [20:32] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, Freeze: 7 [1d20=7]
  270. [20:32] <~Paradox> and does nothing.
  271. [20:32] <Brick> (cries icicles)
  272. [20:32] <~Paradox> Lebro's turn
  273. [20:33] <Brick> "Just like practice Lebro, follow through THUNDERPUNCH!"
  274. [20:33] <Brick> 1d20 thunderpunch goth
  275. [20:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, thunderpunch goth: 11 [1d20=11]
  276. [20:33] <~Paradox> (damage~)
  277. [20:33] <Brick> 5d10+1d20
  278. [20:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 5d10+1d20: 48 [5d10=4,2,9,9,7; 1d20=17]
  279. [20:33] <Brick> (sexay)
  280. [20:34] <Alcyone> (don't forget your attack stat)
  281. [20:34] <Brick> +6
  282. [20:34] <Brick> (sexay-er)
  283. [20:34] <~Paradox> Lebro dives into the frozen Queen with a thunderpunch, shattering the ice as he punches her in the face!
  284. [20:34] <~Paradox> She lets out a final wail as her body dissolves into shadow
  285. 03[20:35] * Paradox changes topic to 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Alcyone > Empoleon > Bob | Vodun 12 > Shorty11 > Lebro8 > Empoleon > Lutefisk > Nurse > CloudNone'
  286. [20:35] <~Paradox> "My Queen! You will pay!"
  287. [20:35] <Brick> "Good work Buddy!"
  288. 01[20:35] <Dr_Floyd> "Check!"
  289. [20:36] <~Paradox> 1d20 WATER EVERYWHERE
  290. [20:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, WATER EVERYWHERE: 14 [1d20=14]
  291. [20:36] <Brick> (fuuuuuuu)
  292. [20:36] <~Paradox> 4d20+17
  293. [20:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 4d20+17: 40 [4d20=1,7,2,13]
  294. [20:37] <~Paradox> A torrent of water sweeps through the hall, hitting everyone
  295. [20:37] <Alcyone> "wargl"
  296. [20:37] <Brick> "LEBRO!"
  297. [20:37] <Brick> (split)
  298. [20:37] <~Paradox> (okay. Lute's turn)
  299. [20:37] <Alcyone> (sec)
  300. 01[20:38] <Dr_Floyd> "Le drown!"
  301. [20:38] <Alcyone> Lutefisk spends his turn going flop. :c
  302. [20:38] <~Paradox> Nurse! ... uses... uh ...
  303. [20:39] <Alcyone> (healan hopefully)
  304. [20:39] <Alcyone> (I haven't gotten to thunder wave :c)
  305. [20:39] <Brick> (is that def or special def)
  306. [20:39] <~Paradox> 1d20 Charm?
  307. [20:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, Charm?: 13 [1d20=13]
  308. [20:39] <~Paradox> Nurse charms. :3c
  309. [20:39] <Alcyone> (how charming :3c)
  310. [20:39] <~Paradox> Cloud lashes out with...
  311. [20:40] <~Paradox> his tongue!
  312. [20:40] <~Paradox> 1d20
  313. [20:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
  314. [20:40] <~Paradox> 5d20
  315. [20:40] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 5d20: 46 [5d20=8,13,14,9,2]
  316. [20:40] <Alcyone> (oh god power whip)
  317. [20:40] <~Paradox> Wyl's turn!
  318. [20:41] <~Paradox> Wyl heals ... himself :I
  319. [20:41] <~Paradox> Brick's turn
  320. [20:41] <Alcyone> (how many more turns on fire spin by the way)
  321. [20:41] <Brick> "Oh you little shit, that almost hurt!"
  322. [20:41] <Alcyone> "Brick, be careful!"
  323. [20:41] <Brick> 1d20 run up and grapple
  324. [20:41] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, run up and grapple: 20 [1d20=20]
  325. [20:41] <Brick> (fuck yea)
  326. [20:41] <Alcyone> (uh brick)
  327. [20:41] <Alcyone> (fire spin)
  328. [20:42] <Brick> (who gives a shit)
  329. 01[20:42] <Dr_Floyd> (power whip is for level 49 lickitungs!)
  330. [20:42] <Alcyone> (you're under heal block)
  331. [20:42] <Alcyone> (you gonna get roasted)
  332. [20:42] <Brick> (how my=uch damage per turn?)
  333. [20:42] <Alcyone> (1d20)
  334. [20:42] <~Paradox> (grapple? brb need to bring up the three grapple rule pdfs)
  335. [20:42] <Brick> (I minus 15)
  336. [20:42] <Brick> (all day every day)
  337. [20:43] <Alcyone> (er)
  338. [20:43] <Alcyone> (no)
  339. [20:43] <Alcyone> (you don't reduce it)
  340. [20:43] <Brick> (nad I'm pissed)
  341. [20:43] <~Paradox> (you can flavor a punch attack as a grapple if you want?)
  342. [20:43] <Brick> (it says anything but recoil ;_;)
  343. [20:43] <old_man_BoB> (SUPLEX HIM)
  344. [20:43] <old_man_BoB> (DO EEEET)
  345. [20:43] <Brick> (fine)
  346. [20:43] <~Paradox> (I'm not doing grapple rules, especially since -there aren't any- in PTA)
  347. [20:44] <Brick> (punch then )
  348. [20:44] <~Paradox> (damage?)
  349. [20:44] <Brick> 4d6+13
  350. [20:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 4d6+13: 23 [4d6=1,3,5,1]
  351. 01[20:44] <Dr_Floyd> (yeah, suplex!)
  352. [20:44] <~Paradox> (well it's maxed since you rolled a 20)
  353. [20:44] <Brick> (yay)
  354. [20:44] <~Paradox> (so that'd be ... 24+13)
  355. [20:44] <Brick> 37
  356. 03[20:45] * Paradox changes topic to 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Alcyone > Empoleon > Bob | Vodun 12 > Shorty11 > Lebro8 > Empoleon > Lutefisk > Nurse > CloudNone'
  357. [20:45] <~Paradox> Floyd's turn
  358. 01[20:46] <Dr_Floyd> (Does heal block applies for healing items?)
  359. 06[20:46] * Brick cuts through the remainder of teh waves and sends his fist into The Empoleon's face-err, beak
  360. [20:46] <Alcyone> (yes)
  361. [20:46] <Brick> (or body focus :3)
  362. [20:46] <Brick> (aw)
  363. [20:46] <Alcyone> (yes)
  364. 01[20:46] <Dr_Floyd> (sorry Brick :<)
  365. [20:47] <Brick> (np)
  366. 01[20:47] <Dr_Floyd> "Know ven to surrender, foul beest!" Floyd curses as he tries to carve a hole on the Empoleon's face
  367. 01[20:47] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20
  368. [20:47] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20: 2 [1d20=2]
  369. [20:47] <old_man_BoB> (THE DICE, THEY HAVE BETRAYED YOU)
  370. [20:47] <~Paradox> Floyd carves a hole on the floor instead!
  371. [20:48] <~Paradox> Connor's eyes light up.
  372. [20:48] <~Paradox> Alcyone's turn!
  373. 06[20:50] * Alcyone stuffs a Sitrus Berry in Lutefisk's face.
  374. [20:50] <Alcyone> and he's up doo doo doo doo
  375. [20:50] <Alcyone> (she :B)
  376. [20:51] <~Paradox> The King is unamused! The King pecks Brick in the face!
  377. [20:51] <~Paradox> 1d20
  378. [20:51] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 20 [1d20=20]
  379. [20:51] <Brick> (shit)
  380. [20:51] <~Paradox> 67 damage
  381. [20:51] <Brick> ....
  382. [20:51] <~Paradox> (you're lucky he didn't get a 20 on hydropump or something, at least :P)
  383. [20:52] <~Paradox> Lutefisk!
  384. 01[20:52] <Dr_Floyd> (Owie!)
  385. [20:52] <Alcyone> (hey dox, have you been rolling fire spin :3c)
  386. 06[20:52] * Brick falls back, a bit of blood coming from his mouth and forehead
  387. [20:52] <Alcyone> Lutefisk fires off a thunder wave!
  388. [20:52] <~Paradox> (yeeeno. :I)
  389. [20:52] <Alcyone> BZZZT
  390. [20:52] <Alcyone> (:3c ok)
  391. [20:53] <~Paradox> 2d20
  392. [20:53] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d20: 24 [2d20=14,10]
  393. [20:54] <~Paradox> Nurse's turn! She uses... uh
  394. [20:54] <Brick> (kick in the nads)
  395. [20:54] <~Paradox> 1d6
  396. [20:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d6: 6 [1d6=6]
  397. [20:54] <~Paradox> (... )
  398. 01[20:54] <Dr_Floyd> (Wait)
  399. [20:54] <~Paradox> 1d5
  400. [20:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d5: 3 [1d5=3]
  401. 01[20:54] <Dr_Floyd> (What about Shorty?)
  402. [20:54] <Brick> (wait)
  403. [20:54] <Brick> (what about Lebro :I)
  404. [20:55] <Alcyone> (wasn't lebro down)
  405. [20:55] <Brick> (nope, split damage )
  406. [20:55] <~Paradox> (oh I .. oh. :B )
  407. [20:55] <~Paradox> (I jumped from Alcyone to Lutefisk DURRR)
  408. [20:55] <old_man_BoB> (I'm confused how turn order happened here
  409. [20:55] <Brick> (heh)
  410. 03[20:56] * old_man_BoB is now known as old_man_Bob
  411. [20:56] <~Paradox> (okay so BOB's turn)
  412. [20:56] <~Paradox> (then Vodun ect.)
  413. 06[20:56] * old_man_Bob flails his staff uselessly, "stupid wooden stick"
  414. [20:56] <old_man_Bob> 1d20 LOLWHOCARES
  415. [20:56] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, LOLWHOCARES: 9 [1d20=9]
  416. [20:57] <~Paradox> stupid goasts
  417. 06[20:57] * old_man_Bob Vodun laughs maniacilly and uses a Night Shade
  418. [20:57] <~Paradox> speaking of which
  419. [20:57] <old_man_Bob> 1d20
  420. [20:57] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d20: 3 [1d20=3]
  421. [20:57] <old_man_Bob> (and missed)
  422. [20:57] <~Paradox> reroll
  423. [20:57] <old_man_Bob> 1d20
  424. [20:57] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d20: 15 [1d20=15]
  425. [20:58] <Alcyone> (reroll that-)
  426. [20:58] <Alcyone> (oh you got it)
  427. [20:58] <old_man_Bob> (11 dmg, Vodun's 22, I don't think he gets STAB on it since I don't roll for dmg)
  428. [20:58] <Alcyone> (he doesn't)
  429. [20:59] <~Paradox> Shorty! Go!
  430. 01[20:59] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 bite again~
  431. [20:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, bite again~: 3 [1d20=3]
  432. [21:00] <~Paradox> reroll
  433. 01[21:00] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 bite again again
  434. [21:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, bite again again: 10 [1d20=10]
  435. [21:00] <~Paradox> Connor collapses
  436. 06[21:00] * Brick fails to notice
  437. [21:00] <~Paradox> (damage)
  438. 06[21:00] * Dr_Floyd ignores him.
  439. 01[21:00] <Dr_Floyd> 3d10+6 damage
  440. [21:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, damage: 15 [3d10=4,3,2]
  441. 03[21:00] * Kit is now known as Hau
  442. 06[21:01] * old_man_Bob is TOO ANGRY WITH HIS STICKLY FRIEND to care
  443. [21:01] <~Paradox> Lebro's turn
  445. [21:01] <Brick> 1d20
  446. [21:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 1d20: 8 [1d20=8]
  447. [21:02] <Brick> 3d10+1d20+6
  448. [21:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 3d10+1d20+6: 24 [3d10=1,5,2; 1d20=10]
  449. 03[21:02] * Paradox changes topic to 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Alcyone > Empoleon > Bob | Vodun 12 > Shorty11 > Lebro8 > Empoleon > Lutefisk > Nurse > CloudNone'
  450. [21:03] <~Paradox> The King's turn!
  451. [21:03] <~Paradox> He...
  452. [21:03] <Brick> (dies?)
  453. [21:04] <~Paradox> 1d20 is already dead :B
  454. [21:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, is already dead :B: 10 [1d20=10]
  455. [21:04] <~Paradox> 7d20+17 damage on Brick/Lebro/Shorty/Bob/Floyd/Nurse
  456. [21:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, damage on Brick/Lebro/Shorty/Bob/Floyd/Nurse: 94 [7d20=16,3,16,16,1,15,10]
  457. [21:05] <Alcyone> (holy shit did he just into selfdestruct)
  458. [21:05] <~Paradox> The King screams, a huge jet of water blasting everyone around him
  459. [21:05] <~Paradox> (water damage)
  460. [21:05] <Alcyone> (ah)
  461. 01[21:05] <Dr_Floyd> (oh goddamn)
  462. [21:06] <Brick> "What the!"
  463. 06[21:06] * Alcyone cowers
  464. [21:06] <old_man_Bob> (I live with 1 HP, olol)
  465. [21:06] <~Paradox> Lutefisk NOW paralyzes him
  466. [21:06] <~Paradox> Nurse is down :<
  467. [21:07] <Brick> (also split)
  468. [21:07] <~Paradox> (you're going to take 94 + 47 damage? )
  469. [21:07] <~Paradox> ( D: )
  470. [21:07] <~Paradox> (Oh cloud should have taken damage too)
  471. [21:07] <~Paradox> (but he's still up)
  472. [21:07] <~Paradox> Cloud uses...
  473. [21:08] <Brick> (yes, yes I am)
  474. [21:08] <~Paradox> 1d20
  475. [21:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 16 [1d20=16]
  476. [21:08] <Brick> ( or Lebro will die)
  477. 01[21:08] <Dr_Floyd> (shorty is down, even with halved damage :<)
  478. [21:08] <Brick> (permanently )
  479. [21:08] <~Paradox> 3d20+13
  480. [21:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3d20+13: 39 [3d20=5,9,12]
  481. [21:09] <~Paradox> Cloud rushes at the penguinking, and mashes him with an arm!
  482. [21:09] <~Paradox> Wyl uses heal on Bob
  483. [21:10] <Brick> (brick and Lebro are down)
  484. [21:10] <Brick> (just so you know)
  485. 01[21:11] <Dr_Floyd> (i'm down too)
  486. [21:11] <~Paradox> Floyd's turn
  487. [21:11] <~Paradox> nvm
  488. [21:11] <~Paradox> Alcyone's turn
  489. [21:11] <Alcyone> 1d20 why not into fire spin some more
  490. [21:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, why not into fire spin some more: 8 [1d20=8]
  491. [21:11] <Alcyone> 2d10+6
  492. [21:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 2d10+6: 15 [2d10=4,5]
  493. [21:11] <Alcyone> 1d4+1
  494. [21:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 1d4+1: 2 [1d4=1]
  495. [21:11] <Alcyone> herp
  496. [21:12] <~Paradox> You extend the fire spin a little bit
  497. [21:12] <~Paradox> also 1d20 forgot last turn
  498. 03[21:12] * Garlyle ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
  499. [21:12] <Alcyone> (hi gabe)
  500. [21:12] <~Paradox> 1d20
  501. [21:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 7 [1d20=7]
  502. [21:12] <Alcyone> (nurse is down)
  503. [21:12] <Alcyone> (so are brick, floyd, and their mans)
  504. [21:13] <Garlyle> (oh hey will you look at that I seem to be awake. Also goddamn, you guys)
  505. 03[21:13] * Garlyle is now known as Wyl
  506. [21:13] <Alcyone> (hi gabu :])
  507. [21:13] <~Paradox> Empoleon's turn!
  508. [21:13] <~Paradox> He uses Giga Impact on Alcyone!
  509. [21:13] <~Paradox> JK he's exhausted :>
  510. [21:14] <Alcyone> (oh fu-)
  511. [21:14] <~Paradox> Go Bob
  512. [21:14] <Alcyone> (doxy y u do dat)
  513. 01[21:14] <Dr_Floyd> (oh goddamnit dox)
  514. 06[21:14] * old_man_Bob flails uselessly again, curse ghoasts
  515. 01[21:14] <Dr_Floyd> (i'd punch your face if i could)
  516. [21:14] <old_man_Bob> 1d20 let's humor myself
  517. [21:14] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, let's humor myself: 8 [1d20=8]
  518. 06[21:14] * Dr_Floyd is drowning at a corner alongside Shorty
  519. [21:14] <~Paradox> (You could do hex maniac things at it?)
  520. [21:15] <old_man_Bob> (k i'll try? D:)
  521. 06[21:15] * old_man_Bob glares at the king, and attempts a hypnotize
  522. [21:15] <old_man_Bob> 1d20
  523. [21:15] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d20: 11 [1d20=11]
  524. [21:15] <~Paradox> Sreepy empoleon is sreepy.
  525. [21:16] <~Paradox> Is Vodun still up?
  526. [21:16] <old_man_Bob> (yup)
  527. [21:16] <~Paradox> Vodun's turn then
  528. 06[21:16] * old_man_Bob taunts the sleepy Empoleon with a lick
  529. [21:16] <old_man_Bob> 1d20
  530. [21:16] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d20: 15 [1d20=15]
  531. [21:16] <old_man_Bob> 1d8+6+1d8
  532. [21:16] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d8+6+1d8: 21 [1d8=7; 1d8=8]
  533. [21:17] <~Paradox> (hgggn you guys keep doing this)
  534. [21:17] <old_man_Bob> (it's paralyzed and sleepy eh D:)
  535. [21:17] <~Paradox> Go ... Lutefisk?
  536. [21:18] <Alcyone> Lutefisk fires off another Mud Shot.
  537. [21:18] <Alcyone> 1d20
  538. [21:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 1d20: 5 [1d20=5]
  539. [21:18] <Alcyone> (aand I bet that misses)
  540. [21:18] <~Paradox> nope.avi
  541. [21:18] <Alcyone> (ac 3)
  542. [21:18] <~Paradox> Cloud stomps on the ground!
  543. [21:18] <~Paradox> 1d20
  544. [21:18] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  545. [21:19] <~Paradox> 1d10
  546. [21:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d10: 4 [1d10=4]
  547. [21:19] <~Paradox> 1d12+13
  548. [21:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d12+13: 22 [1d12=9]
  549. [21:19] <~Paradox> The ground under the Empoleon shakes! ... And it topples over, fading into the beyond
  550. [21:20] <~Paradox> The gold metal on its face remains, clanking to the ground.
  551. [21:20] <~Paradox> (Vodun's lick brought it exactly to 1HP)
  552. [21:20] <~Paradox> (the same thing happened earlier with Gothielle)
  553. [21:21] <~Paradox> (that's what I meant by you guys keep doing this :P )
  554. [21:21] <Alcyone> (:B)
  555. [21:21] <~Paradox> </Combat>
  556. [21:21] <~Paradox> Only Bob, Alcyone, and Wyl are up.
  557. 06[21:22] * Dr_Floyd is still out cold.
  558. 06[21:22] * Brick lays bleeding and wet, holding on to his unconsious Ladyba
  559. 01[21:23] <Dr_Floyd> (:< i really wanted to do an one-liner)
  560. 06[21:23] * Alcyone cracks her knuckles and goes to assist the people who are down and out.
  561. [21:23] <~Paradox> (4950XP to participants! You can store up to half of that if you want though)
  562. [21:23] <Alcyone> "Hey Wyl, a hand please?)
  563. 06[21:23] * Wyl plants himself firm on the ground, and... fwoosh! One by one, back up goes Brick, Floyd, and all of their various KO'd mons.
  564. 06[21:24] * Wyl also makes a point to restore Connor, too, if he is among the downed
  565. 06[21:24] * Alcyone pets Lutefisk, who wriggles happily in her derpfish manner.
  566. 06[21:24] * Wyl ...actually has no clue exactly how many people that is for the purpose of calculating his remaining charge D:
  567. [21:24] <~Paradox> (5 people)
  568. [21:24] <~Paradox> (also you used three charges during that fight)
  569. 06[21:25] * Dr_Floyd gets up slowly alongside shorty. He looks around before heading near the Empoleon's fallen golden crest. "Vell, eet seems ve 'ave checkmated 'im."
  570. [21:25] <Brick> (is at -92 btw)
  571. [21:25] <Wyl> (Alright. So anyone who was KO'd gets 80 HP back, I've only got 800 charge left... how injured if at all were Wyl and Nurse--oh goddamnit Brick, fine, you get two charges BACK ON YOUR FEET YOU BABY)
  572. [21:26] <~Paradox> Nurse is out by -11HP
  573. 06[21:26] * old_man_Bob sighs and kneels down, "that was rough."
  574. 01[21:26] <Dr_Floyd> (shorty was at -2, i was at -4)
  575. [21:26] <~Paradox> Wyl healed himself and didn't take damage since
  576. [21:26] <Alcyone> "Maybe we should retreat for now?"
  577. 06[21:26] * Alcyone searches for crystals among the wreckage.
  578. [21:27] <~Paradox> The shiny gold metal from the Empoleon's face is the only thing that remains.
  579. 06[21:27] * Brick 's eyes flash open of the energy enters his body "LEBRO!"
  580. 06[21:27] * Dr_Floyd takes the golden crest. "Yeah, just let me take a look."
  581. [21:27] <old_man_Bob> "Might be wise, but I'm curious what that treasure they were discussin' was. Granted we be pretty bruised, might not be the time to investigate further"
  582. [21:27] <~Paradox> It glows with a spooky light.
  583. 01[21:27] <Dr_Floyd> (Also, Dox, about the fossil you said i'd find last session?"
  584. [21:27] <~Paradox> (I remember~)
  585. [21:28] <Alcyone> "It's probably something like a berry tree. What would pokemon do with treasure?"
  586. [21:28] <~Paradox> You hear creaking as soon as you pick up the Empoleon's crest
  587. [21:28] <~Paradox> and a stone door slowly opens behind the throne chairs.
  588. 06[21:28] * Wyl finishes getting everyone back up on their feet, looking nervously down to his medigun. "That... might be an idea..."
  589. [21:29] <Alcyone> "...Hmm."
  590. [21:29] <Alcyone> "I'm in pretty good shape, let me go first."
  591. 01[21:29] <Dr_Floyd> (Trainers gain a level too?)
  592. [21:29] <~Paradox> (Oh, yes~)
  593. 01[21:29] <Dr_Floyd> "Vouldn't hurt to explore a leetle bet, eh?"
  594. [21:29] <Alcyone> (oh boy)
  595. [21:30] <~Paradox> Connor patpats the Lickitung.
  596. [21:30] <~Paradox> (funny that the lickitung kept attacking even though Connor was down~)
  597. [21:31] <Brick> (YAY ! A LEVEL!)
  598. [21:31] <Alcyone> (hmm, flash cannon or mirror shot)
  599. 06[21:31] * Alcyone takes the lead!
  600. [21:31] <Brick> (also, mach punch trifecta get!)
  601. 06[21:31] * Wyl looks up to Alcyone. "You're the boss, but... my Medigun's almost empty. Not that I can't keep treating you guys if it runs out, but it won't be nearly as easy, and if we end up in a bad situation..."
  602. [21:32] <Alcyone> "Right. We'll run if we have to."
  603. [21:32] <Alcyone> "Don't engage any Pokemon you find, guys."
  604. 06[21:32] * Brick places his hand on Lebro and floods energy into his system
  605. [21:32] <Brick> (body focus)
  606. [21:33] <~Paradox> You don't walk long once through the door. You enter a chamber with elaborate carvings on the walls; but of more immediate concern are the various objects in the room
  607. [21:33] <Brick> "Comon buddy," he whispers, "You did well"
  608. 01[21:33] <Dr_Floyd> "Ah, relics! 'ow delightful."
  609. [21:33] <Alcyone> (+1 con, flash cannon)
  610. [21:33] <Brick> (lv 19 Ledyba btw)
  611. [21:34] <~Paradox> Lebro glows as you put your hand on him to heal him.
  612. [21:34] <Wyl> (+1 Wis; Restore Strength... and Nurse is now level 20 and has almost hit the 100 HP mark!?)
  613. 06[21:34] * old_man_Bob uses a healing herb on Vodun
  614. [21:34] <Alcyone> (o:)
  615. [21:34] <old_man_Bob> 1d10
  616. [21:34] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2]
  617. [21:34] <~Paradox> As you finish flooding energy into him, he's changed shape! Your ledian flexes~
  618. 01[21:34] <Dr_Floyd> (woot, shorty has now protect)
  619. [21:35] <~Paradox> (Anyway...)
  620. [21:35] <~Paradox> There's various jars and vases throughout the room, and various gold figurines depicting a kingly figure with an empoleon.
  621. [21:35] <Brick> (yay!)
  622. [21:36] <Brick> "You did well"
  623. [21:36] <~Paradox> There's a very elaborately designed wooden box sitting in the middle of the room. It has blue stripes and a ruby lock.
  624. 06[21:36] * Alcyone is interested in the box. LOCKS ARE A PUZZLE
  625. [21:36] <~Paradox> And off to one corner, there's a strange rock in a jar.
  626. [21:37] <Wyl> (Will you mind if I flee for about another twenty minutes? I should hop in a shower and stuff; I haven't even left bed yet!)
  627. 06[21:37] * Dr_Floyd examines the lock and tries to compare it with the golden crest.
  628. [21:37] <Alcyone> (flee on)
  629. [21:37] <~Paradox> 1d9
  630. [21:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d9: 6 [1d9=6]
  631. [21:38] <~Paradox> The rock looks nothing like the crest. It looks like an egg, with a line running through it about 2/3 of the way down.
  632. [21:39] <~Paradox> Armor fossil get
  633. 01[21:39] <Dr_Floyd> (I said lock.)
  634. 01[21:39] <Dr_Floyd> (ruby lock)
  635. [21:40] <Alcyone> (he was describing the rock first though)
  636. [21:40] <Alcyone> (geez man)
  637. 01[21:40] <Dr_Floyd> (oh :<)
  638. [21:40] <~Paradox> The lock also looks nothing like the crest. It's just a ruby, cut in a circle.
  639. [21:40] <~Paradox> There's lock under it.
  640. [21:40] <~Paradox> :I
  641. 06[21:41] * Alcyone attempts to wriggle the lock open. HNNNNGH
  642. [21:41] <~Paradox> That's rather odd, come think of it. Do wildlings have locks?
  643. [21:41] <Alcyone> (in b4 I break it)
  644. [21:41] <~Paradox> Alcyone jiggles it a bit but can't seem to do much.
  645. [21:41] <old_man_Bob> "I'm not sure voice in the sky, least I don't think MY tribe did"
  646. [21:41] <~Paradox> Connor meanwhile is busy stuffing his pockets with gold idols.
  647. [21:41] <Alcyone> (hey dox should I roll something :B)
  648. [21:41] <~Paradox> Of course Wildlings don't have locks that would be stupid.
  649. 01[21:42] <Dr_Floyd> "...Ze boy sure is making 'is way..."
  650. [21:42] <old_man_Bob> "it's curious either way, why would he be scared of us stealin' it if we don't have a key?"
  651. [21:42] <~Paradox> That should be common sense to anyone here, but you can roll WIS if you want :P
  652. [21:42] <Brick> (backish)
  653. [21:42] <Alcyone> (I meant for the lock)
  654. [21:42] <old_man_Bob> (I was just kidding, but LET'S DO IT)
  655. [21:42] <old_man_Bob> 1d20+7
  656. [21:42] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d20+7: 21 [1d20=14]
  657. [21:42] <~Paradox> Well the lock needs a key obviously. Or the attention of a locksmith.
  658. 01[21:42] <Dr_Floyd> (the player says not to open, but the character says fuck it)
  659. [21:43] <Alcyone> "...Maybe we can find someone who can open it in town."
  660. 06[21:43] * Dr_Floyd takes the box and puts it under his arm. "Eh, 'e vill take eet there zen."
  661. [21:43] <old_man_Bob> "actually, on another note, that thing ain't from MY people, why is it down here?"
  662. 06[21:43] * Alcyone taps Connor on the shoulder.
  663. [21:43] <old_man_Bob> "wish I coulda peeped into the thoughts of the queen a bit deeper now."
  664. [21:44] <~Paradox> "Uuuuh hi."
  665. [21:44] <Alcyone> "You're going to want us to help you get out again, right?"
  666. [21:44] <Brick> "Let me have a wack it it."
  667. [21:44] <Alcyone> "Don't let him have a whack at it."
  668. 01[21:44] <Dr_Floyd> "Maybe 'e vants to stay for a leetle vhile and do some more graverobbing."
  669. [21:44] <~Paradox> "Well, I mean, I'll just follow you out.. you're not just gonna stay here, right?"
  670. [21:45] <Brick> :C
  671. [21:45] <Alcyone> "Well, we could tell you to take a hike."
  672. [21:45] <~Paradox> Handing Brick delicate relics probably hundreds of years old sounds like a GREAT idea, why NOT let him take a whack at it?
  673. 01[21:45] <Dr_Floyd> "Yeah vell, no."
  674. [21:46] <Alcyone> "And try to find your own way out."
  675. [21:46] <~Paradox> Connor frowns. "Well, I guess you could. I'm not sure what you're getting at."
  676. [21:46] <old_man_Bob> "Conner, would you really want to risk taking somethin' out of here that's possessed. You don't seem to handle ghosts too well"
  677. [21:46] <Alcyone> "I'm just saying you haven't bought the round trip ticket yet~"
  678. 06[21:46] * Alcyone rubs her fingers together in the international gesture meaning MONEY
  679. [21:47] <~Paradox> "Oh!"
  680. [21:47] <~Paradox> Connor hands Alcyone a figurine from his pocket. <:3c
  681. 06[21:47] * Alcyone pokes at it, trying to figure out how someone could tell these things are cursed. >:I
  682. [21:48] <~Paradox> "I don't think they're cursed. I think I'd know if they were cursed."
  683. 01[21:48] <Dr_Floyd> (lol Anise)
  684. 01[21:48] <Dr_Floyd> "Curses do not exist. Eet ees superstition." Floyd says while ignoring that they just fought the undead.
  685. [21:49] <~Paradox> "This was obviously just the kingguy's loot place."
  686. [21:49] <Alcyone> "Any case, that's good enough for me."
  687. [21:49] <~Paradox> Connor picks up silver tiara and puts it on his head.
  688. [21:49] <Brick> 1d20-2 perception check da room
  689. [21:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, perception check da room: 14 [1d20=16]
  690. 06[21:49] * Alcyone pockets the OH GOD HE IS THE PRETTIEST PRINCESS idol and looks around for magicky-looking stuff
  691. [21:50] <~Paradox> Besides LOOT and THE ARMOR FOSSIL and the MYSTERIOUS BOX, there's not much in the room. Which is to say there's a lot in the room.
  692. [21:50] <Alcyone> (it's just all loot)
  693. 06[21:50] * Brick loots da loot
  694. [21:51] <Brick> metal for da armorer
  695. 01[21:51] <Dr_Floyd> (i already got my fossil, the box and the golden shit so yeah, have fun)
  696. [21:51] <Brick> "HEY KURO! come help me with this!", brick says, calling out his friend
  697. [21:51] <~Paradox> Brick loots some OLD CEREMONIAL ARMOR. That looks like it has plenty of metal!
  698. [21:52] <Brick> (awesome)
  699. [21:52] <Brick> (I feel like wearing it back)
  700. [21:52] <Brick> "Sweet!"
  701. 06[21:53] * Brick attempts to put on the old armour
  702. 06[21:53] * Alcyone goes for the light things that look easy to carry - probably jewels.
  703. [21:53] <~Paradox> Brick ... actually fits in the old breastplate.
  704. [21:53] <Brick> (heak yea armour feat)
  705. [21:54] <~Paradox> Alcyone, you find a gold bracelet studded with rubies.
  706. [21:54] <~Paradox> (Anyway you all get LOOT, which is to say 10k gold.)
  707. [21:54] <Brick> (furk yea)
  708. [21:54] <~Paradox> (and actually ... hmm )
  709. [21:54] <~Paradox> 1d20
  710. [21:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  711. [21:55] <~Paradox> 1d10
  712. [21:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d10: 9 [1d10=9]
  713. [21:55] <~Paradox> 1d10
  714. [21:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d10: 9 [1d10=9]
  715. [21:55] <~Paradox> 1d10
  716. [21:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6]
  717. [21:55] <Alcyone> (10k each? o:)
  718. [21:55] <~Paradox> You find two swords and a glaive, as well!
  719. [21:55] <~Paradox> (Yes, 10k each.)
  720. [21:55] <Alcyone> (O:)
  721. 01[21:55] <Dr_Floyd> (woot)
  722. [21:56] <~Paradox> One of the swords is a large two hander; the other is a slim short sword.
  723. [21:56] <~Paradox> The glaive is tall and ornate, and still quite sharp.
  724. 06[21:57] * Alcyone doesn't know how to weapons, so she keeps her distance.
  725. 06[21:58] * Brick stares at his flaming fists
  726. [21:58] <Brick> "Uhh boss lady... how do I turn this off?"
  727. [21:58] <Alcyone> "Uh. Take off the gauntlets?"
  728. 06[21:58] * Dr_Floyd takes a look at the the Glaive before turning to Brick. "It doesn't."
  729. 06[21:58] * Brick recoils in horror at the very notion
  730. [21:59] <Alcyone> (which notion)
  731. 06[21:59] * Wyl has been idly searching the room. He doesn't actually seem as enthused about the idea of looting the place as the others, tapping his chin.
  732. 01[21:59] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2 perception are those weapons special or shit?
  733. [21:59] <Brick> (taking off his gauntlets)
  734. [21:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, perception are those weapons special or shit?: 5 [1d20=3]
  735. [21:59] <Alcyone> "I mean, if getting soaked didn't stop it..."
  736. [21:59] <~Paradox> They're SO SPECIAL. Obviously these are the SPECIALEST weapons ever.
  737. [21:59] <Alcyone> "Maybe you can just think them into not working."
  738. [21:59] <Brick> "hmmmm"
  739. 06[22:00] * Brick tries REAL HARD!
  740. [22:00] <~Paradox> BRICK FOCUSES HIS WILL!
  741. [22:00] <Brick> *vein bulge*
  742. 01[22:00] <Dr_Floyd> "Ze oil ees experimental, Herr Brick. You are doing ze field test for it. Ha ha ha!"
  743. 06[22:00] * Alcyone regrets asking brick to think. >_>
  744. [22:00] <Wyl> "...And here this place was supposed to be empty..."
  745. [22:00] <~Paradox> HIS FISTS ... continue to be on fire. The flames continue gently licking the air.
  746. [22:00] <Brick> "GAHHH!"
  747. 06[22:01] * Dr_Floyd takes the Glaive! It might not work as a cane, but it must be special!
  748. [22:01] <Brick> "Dammit, once more with feeling!"
  749. [22:01] <Brick> (don't worry I know)
  750. [22:01] <Alcyone> "You okay, Wyl?"
  751. [22:01] <~Paradox> Even Brick cannot extiguish his own burning fists.
  752. 01[22:02] <Dr_Floyd> "Empty eet ees not, but 'tis interesting zat ze 'Queen and King' vere not mentioned anyvere."
  753. 01[22:02] <Dr_Floyd> (you are only with your hands on fire you big baby)
  754. 06[22:02] * Wyl smiles a little. "I'm fine. Maybe just a bit... nostalgic? Mixed with still a bit creeped out, anyway."
  755. [22:02] <Brick> (brick takes still standing)
  756. 06[22:03] * Brick releases his breath and sits down panting
  757. [22:04] <Brick> "Looks *ha* like I'm still not good enough yet *ha*"
  758. [22:04] <Alcyone> "Want me to try?"
  759. 06[22:04] * Alcyone attempts to yank the gauntlets off WITH HER MIIIND
  760. [22:04] <Brick> !
  761. 06[22:04] * Wyl is halfway to leaning down towards the treasure when he stumbles onto his ass in surprise at... something.
  762. 06[22:04] * Brick COUNTERS!
  763. [22:04] <Alcyone> "AUGH"
  764. [22:05] <Alcyone> "NOT IN THE FACE"
  765. [22:05] <Brick> "Huh what?"
  766. 06[22:05] * Brick stops suddenly and falls
  767. 06[22:05] * Alcyone looks up from cringing.
  768. [22:05] <Alcyone> "Seriously. Try to take them off."
  769. [22:05] <~Paradox> It was just a spooky figurine, Wyl. You so silly.
  770. 06[22:05] * old_man_Bob laughs at this spectical "wonder how you'll bath now"
  771. 06[22:06] * Dr_Floyd sighs. "Does 'e even bathes?"
  772. [22:06] <Alcyone> "Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to."
  773. [22:06] <Brick> !
  774. [22:06] <~Paradox> Connor stands over Wyl and just stares at him.
  775. [22:06] <~Paradox> ":I
  776. [22:06] <Brick> "OHHH! YOU ARE A GENIUS!"
  777. [22:06] <Brick> "HOT SCRUBS!"
  778. [22:06] <~Paradox> "Did you just flail around and fall down for no reason?"
  779. [22:06] <Brick> (should have been massage therapist)
  780. 01[22:07] <Dr_Floyd> (hahhaha)
  781. 06[22:07] * Wyl settles himself down, and then looks back to Connor. "Eh? No... well, maybe. I slipped~" he laughs its off.
  782. [22:07] <~Paradox> "You guys sure are weird."
  783. 06[22:08] * Brick gets up and grabs the two handed blade
  784. [22:08] <Brick> "What's up with this anyway...."
  785. [22:08] <~Paradox> It's huge and heavy!
  786. [22:08] <~Paradox> ... and on fire.
  787. [22:08] <Brick> !
  788. [22:08] <~Paradox> As soon as you pick it up it's on fire, anyway.
  789. [22:08] <Brick> "What the!"
  790. 01[22:08] <Dr_Floyd> "VAT."
  791. 06[22:08] * Brick drops it
  792. 06[22:09] * Wyl grins a bit, relaxing a little and occupying himself with digging through the smaller treasures - at least until Brick drops a HUGE BLADE OF FIRE
  793. 06[22:09] * Alcyone sprays it down with water.
  794. [22:09] <~Paradox> The fire disappears as soon as Brick stops touching it, way before it hits the ground
  795. 01[22:11] <Dr_Floyd> "I zink zat it's connected vith ze... oil. Try taking eet again, Brick."
  796. 06[22:11] * Alcyone scoots over to Wyl and Connor. She doesn't want to be anywhere near this.
  797. 06[22:11] * Brick glances over at teh doc and hesitant;y takes up the blade again
  798. [22:12] <Wyl> "Try not to blow anything up over there in the search for SCIENCE, okay?"
  799. 06[22:12] * Wyl jokes back to them, and sets about to looking through little tidbits of loot again.
  800. [22:12] <~Paradox> The blade lights up again.
  801. [22:13] <Brick> "OHHHHH!"
  802. [22:13] <Brick> "This is awesome!"
  803. 06[22:13] * Brick swings the blade around
  804. 01[22:13] <Dr_Floyd> "...Vell, the burning hand problem is resolved. Just take zis sword vith you all the time."
  805. 01[22:13] <Dr_Floyd> "ALL. THE. TIME."
  806. [22:13] <~Paradox> Floyd found Ancient Glaive! 4d10 Steel-Type Damage! AC-4
  807. [22:14] <Brick> (heck yea, brick the ancient samurai of flames)
  808. [22:14] <Brick> (maybe I shoudl drink the other one....)
  809. [22:15] <~Paradox> Brick found Ornate BFSword! 5d8 Steel-Type Damage! AC-6 (so AC4 for you)
  810. [22:15] <Alcyone> (no)
  811. [22:15] <~Paradox> (also obviously fire-type damage if you'rew earing the gauntlets)
  812. [22:16] <~Paradox> Wyl finds various rings, bracelets, and pendants
  813. [22:16] <Brick> (K )
  814. 06[22:17] * Wyl seems much more intrigued in them than the various weapons around, being quite discerning about his choices; focusing mostly on the rings and bracelets.
  815. 06[22:18] * Wyl at least seems intrigued; but the expression on his face is noticably sober
  816. [22:18] <~Paradox> Rubies seem to be the gem of choice here. There's various gold rings with a set ruby, same with the bracelet. Some of them have ornate floral designs in the gold.
  817. 06[22:18] * Brick swings the sword around making whooshing noises
  818. 06[22:18] * Alcyone looks down at her feet, looking a bit embarrassed.
  819. 06[22:19] * Brick suddenly stops
  820. 06[22:19] * Wyl stares at one bracelet in particular, holding it up to his wrist; then attempts to slip it on. "This one might not look half bad..."
  821. [22:19] <~Paradox> Connor finds another tiara; a gold one with three rubies in it, and stacks it on top of his silver one.
  822. [22:19] <~Paradox> Now he's the DOUBLE PRETTIEST PRINCESS.
  823. [22:19] <Brick> "Hmmm, I can't be a proper samurai without a good crest hmmmm"
  824. [22:19] <Alcyone> (go for the triple crown!)
  825. [22:19] <Alcyone> (do ho ho ho)
  826. 06[22:19] * Wyl looks up to Connor and chuckles, his mood coming back to him
  827. [22:20] <~Paradox> Wyl's GIRL WRISTS easily slip into the bracelet.
  828. 06[22:20] * Brick looks around for something to put on his helmet
  829. 06[22:20] * Dr_Floyd just takes a good look at the fossil. "My my, vat kind of beast you vere, my friend?"
  830. [22:20] <~Paradox> (Well, the sword is more a claymore than a katana.)
  831. [22:20] <~Paradox> There IS an ornate ceremonial helmet.
  832. 06[22:20] * Wyl stares at it, seemingly quite content with it. "I think it looks nice. What do you think, Alcyone?"
  833. [22:20] <Brick> (oh... )
  834. [22:21] <Alcyone> "Huh? What? Er. I don't know. I- er- don't know much about jewelry. It always gets in the way when you're doing SCIENCE, you know."
  835. [22:21] <~Paradox> "It looks nice."
  836. [22:22] <~Paradox> "But not as nice as my DOUBLE CROWNS."
  837. 06[22:22] * Alcyone stammers a bit more.
  838. 06[22:22] * old_man_Bob looks for anything...occult that might be laying around
  839. 06[22:22] * Brick gives up the search and begins chasing Lebro around the room, sword held high
  840. 01[22:22] <Dr_Floyd> "Science does not exclude beauty, Alcyone." Floyd says while still looking at the fossil.
  841. 06[22:23] * Wyl grins, almost laughing at the situation. "Want me to find something for you, Alcy?"
  842. [22:24] <Alcyone> "I'm just going to sell it. >:I"
  843. 06[22:24] * Wyl sticks his tongue out. "Fine then~"
  844. 01[22:26] <Dr_Floyd> "...Children."
  845. [22:27] <Alcyone> "I need money for research. Why would I want to look pretty when there are more important things to worry about?"
  846. 01[22:27] <Dr_Floyd> "Hahaha, ze money i 'ave barely works out but my research is doing fine!"
  847. 06[22:28] * Wyl chuckles. "Well, whatever makes you happy," he muses, and goes back to digging through things idly.
  848. 06[22:28] * Brick stops chasing Lebro and walks up to the group
  849. 06[22:29] * Alcyone just packs lightish things to carry back
  850. 06[22:30] * Wyl takes a few more of the rings and bracelets to sell for later; occasionally trying one or two on himself - or dragging Connor down to try them on him.
  851. [22:31] <Alcyone> "Does any one know what time it is?"
  852. [22:31] <Alcyone> "Wyl?"
  853. [22:32] <~Paradox> You'd guess about 5PM
  854. [22:32] <~Paradox> (also brb real quick phone)
  855. [22:32] <Alcyone> "I don't want to get stuck in here at night."
  856. 01[22:32] <Dr_Floyd> (oh dear)
  857. [22:32] <Wyl> "Would it really make a difference?"
  858. 01[22:32] <Dr_Floyd> "Maybe ve should make camp 'ere. Vathever 'chased' Conner is out there."
  859. [22:33] <Alcyone> "You want to find your way back in the dark?"
  860. [22:33] <Alcyone> "With the monsters all ready to eat you?"
  861. [22:34] <Wyl> "It's not like it'd be that hard" Wyl shrugs, seemingly unbothered by the idea
  862. 06[22:34] * Brick digs out a piece of awesome bread from a jar and toasts it slightly on his arms (heck yea) before eating it
  863. [22:34] <Brick> "Bread?"
  864. [22:35] <Wyl> "Sure~"
  865. [22:35] <Alcyone> "You're awfully confident. No, no thanks, Brick."
  866. 06[22:35] * Alcyone munches on an apple.
  867. 01[22:35] <Dr_Floyd> "...How interesting vill be to study ze poisoning of eating food from 500+ years ago."
  868. [22:35] <Alcyone> (Lutefisk hits level 19, learns camoflage)
  869. 06[22:35] * Brick gives Wyl a JAR'O BREAD
  870. [22:36] <Wyl> "...Wait what, what do you mean it's that old?"
  871. 06[22:36] * Wyl stares at the jar idly.
  872. [22:36] <Brick> (it's from this morning Floyd)
  873. [22:36] <Brick> (Jar o bread, Brick style)
  874. 01[22:36] <Dr_Floyd> (oooh, i thought it was a jar from THIS room)
  875. [22:36] <Wyl> "And, if you know what you're doing, returning safely to somewhere you've already been... isn't that hard."
  876. [22:36] <Brick> (oh hell no)
  877. 06[22:36] * Wyl tests the bread with a finger. Hey, it's fresh. Food! 8D
  878. 01[22:37] <Dr_Floyd> "Eh, you took it from ze outside? I guess eet ees not spoiled zen."
  879. [22:37] <Wyl> It's good~
  880. [22:38] <Alcyone> "Really?"
  881. [22:38] <Brick> "Of course not, I'm not stupid " Brick syas, figtign with another Jar
  882. 06[22:38] * Wyl passes some to Connor
  883. 01[22:38] <Dr_Floyd> "Yes, yes..." Floyd mumbles while taking a piece of the bread.
  884. [22:39] <Wyl> "Yeah. Well, I mean, if you know what you're looking for anyway."
  885. [22:40] <Alcyone> "Hmm."
  886. [22:40] <Alcyone> "I'm already lost."
  887. [22:41] <Wyl> "Really? Here, lemme show you."
  888. 06[22:41] * Wyl starts arranging rings, bracelets, and the chains from various pendants into a map~
  889. 06[22:41] * Alcyone watches. O:
  890. 06[22:42] * Wyl clearly has a very good memory for these things, pointing out to Alcyone pretty much every place they went through in the process to make sure she's following along.
  891. [22:42] <old_man_Bob> "on a side note, I kinda side with Wyl, don't make much difference what time of day we come here."
  892. [22:43] <~Paradox> (okay sorry)
  893. [22:43] <Brick> (bread for errybody)
  894. [22:44] <Brick> (I want my jars back though)
  895. 01[22:44] <Dr_Floyd> "Yes, but it's better to leave ven rested."
  896. 01[22:44] <Dr_Floyd> (just have those jars back you, you DOUBLE FIGHTER)
  897. [22:44] <old_man_Bob> (I lol'd)
  898. [22:45] <Alcyone> "Hmm. Well, at the very least, we should cover the door while we sleep."
  899. [22:45] <~Paradox> (perception check)
  900. [22:45] <Brick> (*blush* why thank you Herr Dockter, but Brick does not roll vat way)
  901. [22:45] <Alcyone> 1d20 :D?
  902. [22:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, :D?: 10 [1d20=10]
  903. [22:45] <Alcyone> (how average)
  904. [22:45] <Wyl> 1d20+5
  905. [22:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Wyl, 1d20+5: 19 [1d20=14]
  906. [22:45] <Brick> 1d20-1
  907. [22:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 1d20-1: 19 [1d20=20]
  908. [22:45] <Brick> (HECK YEA)
  909. [22:45] <Wyl> (what)
  910. [22:46] <Alcyone> (strangely perceptive ma.jpg)
  911. [22:46] <~Paradox> Brick and Wyl spot a venipede on the ceiling.
  912. [22:46] <Brick> !
  913. [22:46] <Alcyone> (awww)
  914. 01[22:46] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
  915. [22:46] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 21 [1d20=19]
  916. 06[22:46] * Brick prepares to throw his blade at teh ghostly pokemon
  917. [22:46] <~Paradox> Floyd also sees it.
  918. 06[22:46] * Wyl looks up and--"Oh dear"
  919. [22:47] <Brick> "YOU BASTARDS NEVER KNOW WHEN TO QUIT!"
  920. 06[22:47] * Dr_Floyd carefully looks up. "*Sigh*"
  921. [22:47] <Alcyone> "Huh?"
  922. 06[22:47] * Alcyone looks around.
  923. [22:47] <Wyl> "Up, Alcyone," me stands up, pointing at the Venipede
  924. [22:47] <Alcyone> "Ohhhhhh OH GOD"
  925. 06[22:47] * Alcyone backs away from the bug.
  926. [22:48] <old_man_Bob> (sorry was getting my laundry)
  927. 06[22:48] * Brick then remembers how valuable it is and pauses
  928. [22:48] <~Paradox> It just stares down at the party. y so loud, doods?
  929. [22:48] <Alcyone> (Man, i want a venipede but I already have all the mans)
  930. 06[22:48] * Wyl blinks back at it and waves cautiously.
  931. [22:48] <Alcyone> (and all the bugs)
  932. 06[22:48] * Alcyone checks its eyes.
  933. 06[22:49] * old_man_Bob asks it, "What you be doin up there, mon?"
  934. [22:49] <old_man_Bob> 1d20+7 zoopathy
  935. [22:49] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, zoopathy: 19 [1d20=12]
  936. 06[22:49] * Dr_Floyd stealthly reaches for Marta's ball.
  937. [22:49] <Brick> "OY! Lebro! show him what you are made of!"
  938. 06[22:49] * Wyl turns to Brick. "Hey! No unnecessary fighting!"
  939. [22:49] <old_man_Bob> "he ain't mean us much trouble"
  940. [22:49] <Brick> (areial ace? :3)
  941. [22:50] <old_man_Bob> "just be (/glasses) hanging out"
  942. [22:50] <old_man_Bob> (YEEAAAAH)
  943. [22:50] <old_man_Bob> "don't mind the boxer here, mon', he just hot tempered"
  944. [22:50] <Brick> AREAL AAAAACCEEEEE!
  945. [22:51] <~Paradox> The Venipede drops from the ceiling, landing on Bob.
  946. [22:51] <~Paradox> Oomph! He's kind of heavy!
  947. 06[22:51] * old_man_Bob Might be old but can still carry a load. He pats the creatuer on the head. "Ain't you a friendly one"
  948. [22:51] <~Paradox> Now that he's closer, you see that his caparace seems to be metallic.
  949. 06[22:52] * Alcyone watches. O:
  950. [22:52] <Wyl> "Ohjeez..."
  951. [22:52] <Brick> (brick is trigger happy right now)
  952. 06[22:53] * Dr_Floyd curiously looks at the carapace. "Hmph"
  953. [22:53] <old_man_Bob> "How you takin' to joinin' me?" (produces a friend ball)
  954. [22:54] <old_man_Bob> "aye man, chill we will"
  955. [22:55] <~Paradox> It headbutts the friend ball, getting sucked into it. :O
  956. [22:55] <Brick> (awesome )
  957. [22:56] <Alcyone> "....Can I pet it?"
  958. [22:56] <~Paradox> Level 10 Broapede. Steel/Poison.
  959. [22:56] <~Paradox> Male
  960. 03[22:56] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  961. [22:56] <old_man_Bob> "sure if you want, he's extremely friendly," releases him for Alcyone to play with
  962. 03[22:56] * Jessie is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  963. [22:57] <~Paradox> It crawls up on Alcyone.
  964. 06[22:57] * Alcyone cautiously pokes at the bug oh god I bet it bites
  965. 06[22:57] * Brick shrugs and resumes eating bread
  966. [22:58] <Alcyone> "h-h-hiiii there."
  967. [22:58] <Wyl> "Well, good thing it's, uh... 'chill'."
  968. 01[22:59] <Dr_Floyd> "Perhaps ze wildlife is getting more friendly the more of ze 'chiefs' ve defeet."
  969. [23:00] <Alcyone> "This one wasn't corrupted though."
  970. [23:00] <Alcyone> "Maybe this is the way Pokemon usually are."
  971. [23:00] <Alcyone> "We don't know much about them, do we?"
  972. 06[23:01] * Dr_Floyd shrugs. "No, ve do not."
  973. [23:01] <~Paradox> It wiggles its antenna in Alcyone's face, studying her.
  974. [23:01] <~Paradox> (so what are you guys doing)
  975. 06[23:01] * Alcyone scrunches up her face. Oh god it's a bug and not even a cute bug like Brandt
  976. 01[23:02] <Dr_Floyd> (i say we stay, eh.)
  977. 06[23:02] * Wyl is enjoying watching Alcyone deal with BUG for the time being.
  978. [23:02] <Wyl> "So... are we going to stay here and continue in the morning, or...?"
  979. [23:03] <old_man_Bob> "Look at it this way, Conner spent days out here safe in the courtyard"
  980. [23:03] <~Paradox> (Venipede says LETS GO)
  981. [23:03] <~Paradox>
  982. [23:03] <old_man_Bob> "no reason to go back when we can just camp out here"
  983. [23:04] <Brick> "Actually ah... I would like to make a quick stop...."
  984. 06[23:04] * Alcyone eventually awkwardly pries the bug off. "I'd like to go back at full strength if you think we can stay the night."
  985. 01[23:04] <Dr_Floyd> "My vords exactly."
  986. [23:04] <Wyl> "We could... but the courtyard seems comparatively safe against whatever beast is still lurking this place, and if worse comes to worse... this room is a dead end."
  987. [23:04] <Brick> "*sigh* fine*
  988. [23:04] <~Paradox> The venipede doesn't need much prying to get off. He's a chill bro.
  989. 06[23:05] * Alcyone hands it back
  990. 06[23:05] * old_man_Bob "I think I'll call you Lebowski," says Bob.
  991. [23:05] <old_man_Bob> (what's his nature btw? D:)
  992. [23:05] <old_man_Bob> (chill?)
  993. [23:05] <Brick> (heh)
  994. 01[23:06] <Dr_Floyd> (The dude abides)
  995. [23:06] <~Paradox> CHILL NATURE
  996. [23:07] <~Paradox> Plus all the stats. Then minus all the stats.
  997. [23:08] <Wyl> "...So, should we head back to the courtyard?"
  998. [23:08] <old_man_Bob> "aye, either way, we have to"
  999. [23:08] <Alcyone> "Good idea."
  1000. 06[23:09] * Alcyone picks up Lutefisk, who's managed to pick up a tiara of her own, and carries her toward the courtyard.
  1001. [23:09] <Brick> "OK THEN! LET'S GO!"
  1002. [23:09] <~Paradox> 1d20
  1003. [23:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  1004. [23:09] <~Paradox> nope.avi
  1005. 06[23:09] * Brick jumps to his feet and runs down as fast as he can
  1006. [23:09] <~Paradox> (and you will never know what I just nope'd)
  1007. [23:09] <Brick> (;_;)
  1008. [23:10] <~Paradox> You make it back to the courtyard without seeing anything strange.
  1009. [23:10] <~Paradox> Which is to say, those floating candles you saw earlier are gone.
  1010. 01[23:10] <Dr_Floyd> "Vell, guess zat things are... normaler, eh?"
  1011. 06[23:10] * Alcyone mindreads dox
  1012. [23:10] <Alcyone> "Something like that."
  1013. [23:11] <Wyl> "I'm glad~"
  1014. [23:11] <Brick> (~Whoowowowo*mind reading noises*oooooowowow~~~)
  1015. [23:11] <~Paradox> (Alcyone can suddenly think only of GLORIA GAYNOR! Dox wishes he was a strong black woman like GLORIA GAYNOR!)
  1016. [23:11] <Alcyone> (/me bleeds from the eyes)
  1017. [23:12] <Alcyone> "So, what are you going to do with your share of the loot, Wyl?"
  1018. 06[23:12] * Wyl ponders. "...I'll probably keep at least some of it. Maybe pass some of it along to mother; she'll appreciate it. I hope."
  1019. 01[23:12] <Dr_Floyd> (...)
  1020. [23:13] <~Paradox> (I've been listening to this song most of the session :B )
  1021. [23:13] <Alcyone> "I'm going to see if I can buy more of those crystals off of other adventurers."
  1022. [23:14] <Wyl> "Crystals... like the ones we found from that giant thing in the swamp?"
  1023. 06[23:15] * Alcyone nods.
  1024. [23:15] <~Paradox> It's most certainly evening by the time you make it out to the courtyard.
  1025. [23:15] <~Paradox> Cloud begins devouring berries and fruit again. OMNOMNOM
  1026. 06[23:16] * Alcyone helps herself to a banana from her bag. It's a little bruised.
  1027. [23:16] <Wyl> "...You might be able to find some, yeah," he nods, staring up at the sky... and hopefully the stars.
  1028. 01[23:16] <Dr_Floyd> "...Ve vould 'ave one if you 'aven't destroyed ze last..."
  1029. [23:17] <Alcyone> "Well, we still have the halves."
  1030. 06[23:17] * old_man_Bob pulls out a leftover cake from this morning
  1031. [23:18] <Alcyone> "And if we hadn't used it on Brandt, we wouldn't know what they do. :I"
  1032. 06[23:18] * Brick begins harvesting berries to stuff in Jars
  1033. [23:18] <~Paradox> You find ... raspberries!
  1034. [23:18] <~Paradox> Just regular raspberries.
  1035. [23:19] <Brick> (SO MANY BERRIES)
  1036. [23:19] <Alcyone> "We should have people keeping watch."
  1037. 06[23:19] * Dr_Floyd already ate jar bread so yeah. "Guess so. In any case, ve must prepare a mass-production cure."
  1038. [23:19] <Alcyone> "Which is why I'm gathering the crystals."
  1039. [23:19] <Brick> "I'll take first!" Brick says between handfuls
  1040. [23:19] <Alcyone> "Fine with me."
  1041. [23:20] <Brick> (RASPBERRY JARS GET! now to find a cook to make Jam)
  1042. [23:20] <Wyl> "There's six of us... at about an hour and change each we should be good?"
  1043. 06[23:20] * Alcyone nods.
  1044. [23:20] <~Paradox> "Fine with me."
  1045. 01[23:21] <Dr_Floyd> "Guess so."
  1046. 06[23:21] * Alcyone curls up under a tree.
  1047. 06[23:21] * old_man_Bob takes out his bed roll and sets up a place to sleep, "fine by me."
  1048. 06[23:21] * Wyl stretches out. "I'll take third watch?"
  1049. [23:21] <Alcyone> "I'll take last watch!"
  1050. 01[23:22] <Dr_Floyd> "I take second." Floyd just keeps quiet and quietly sits on a patch of grass.
  1051. [23:22] <~Paradox> "I'll do fourth I guess."
  1052. [23:22] <old_man_Bob> "guess that makes me 5th."
  1053. 06[23:22] * old_man_Bob SNOOOORE
  1054. 06[23:22] * Alcyone doesn't snore because she is a lady :I
  1055. [23:22] <~Paradox> SO SREEP
  1056. 06[23:23] * Wyl sets himself up where he can see the stars overhead~
  1057. 06[23:23] * old_man_Bob Lewboski is also snoring, on top of me
  1058. 01[23:24] <Dr_Floyd> (Old man bob lebowski lol)
  1059. 06[23:24] * Brick takes up residence at the doorway with Lebro at his side
  1060. [23:25] <~Paradox> Connor uses Clouds as a pillow, curling up by the same bush where you first found him. Cloud doesn't seem to mind, and keeps eating from the spot, using his long tongue to grab fruit from the trees. Omnomnom.
  1061. [23:26] <~Paradox> 1d100
  1062. [23:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d100: 45 [1d100=45]
  1063. [23:26] <Alcyone> (y u such a fatty cloud)
  1064. [23:26] <~Paradox> You are all possessed by demons during the night. Roll to see what circle of hell your souls end up in.
  1065. [23:26] <Alcyone> 1d6
  1066. [23:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 1d6: 3 [1d6=3]
  1067. [23:26] <Brick> ...
  1068. [23:26] <Alcyone> how middling
  1069. 01[23:26] <Dr_Floyd> 1d9
  1070. [23:26] <old_man_Bob> 1d8
  1071. [23:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d9: 3 [1d9=3]
  1072. [23:26] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d8: 8 [1d8=8]
  1073. [23:26] <Wyl> 1d9
  1074. [23:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Wyl, 1d9: 6 [1d9=6]
  1075. [23:26] <Alcyone> oh right how many circles of hell are there
  1076. [23:27] <Alcyone> 1d9
  1077. [23:27] <Brick> ....
  1078. [23:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 1d9: 7 [1d9=7]
  1079. 01[23:27] <Dr_Floyd> (heh, greedy hell)
  1080. [23:27] <old_man_Bob> oh, right
  1081. [23:27] <old_man_Bob> 1d9
  1082. [23:27] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d9: 7 [1d9=7]
  1083. [23:27] <Wyl> (hahaha)
  1084. [23:27] <Alcyone> fuck, hell with bob D:
  1085. [23:27] <Brick> ( I had a dream about this)
  1086. [23:27] <Brick> (last year I believe)
  1087. 01[23:27] <Dr_Floyd> (oh wait, it's gluttony)
  1088. [23:27] <~Paradox> (Anyway :3 )
  1089. [23:27] <old_man_Bob> guess I'll (/glasses) SEE YOU IN HELL
  1090. [23:27] <Wyl> (YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAA-no.)
  1091. [23:27] <Brick> (guess my future sight still works)
  1092. [23:28] <~Paradox> You're all woken up by an ear-splitting snarl
  1093. 06[23:29] * Alcyone opens one eye.
  1094. [23:29] <Wyl> (during which shift?)
  1095. [23:29] <~Paradox> You see Marta lunging at Floyd
  1096. [23:29] <Brick> mach punch
  1097. [23:29] <old_man_Bob> (wasn't that the wild child from earlier?)
  1098. 06[23:29] * Dr_Floyd tries to hold the goddamn Floatzel from him!
  1099. [23:29] <~Paradox> (No, that's the Floatzel he caught)
  1100. [23:29] <old_man_Bob> (oh derp)
  1101. 01[23:29] <Dr_Floyd> (Guess that she has a grudge.)
  1102. [23:30] <Brick> 1d20
  1103. [23:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
  1104. [23:30] <Brick> hit
  1105. [23:30] <~Paradox> Brick runs up to her and punches!
  1106. 06[23:30] * old_man_Bob rolls out of bed, "I told you that was gonna happen"
  1107. 06[23:30] * old_man_Bob "well, okay, maybe I didn't, but still"
  1108. 06[23:30] * Alcyone rolls over and uses Lutefisk as an ear covering. >:
  1109. [23:30] <Brick> (leaving soon)
  1110. [23:30] <~Paradox> (damage?)
  1111. 06[23:30] * Wyl grumbles a little, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Is... is it my turn already...?"
  1112. [23:31] <Brick> 2d10+13
  1113. [23:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Brick, 2d10+13: 18 [2d10=3,2]
  1114. 06[23:31] * old_man_Bob walks over after the punch is resolved, holds out a hand and attempts to channel Marta. (Channel Friend +, but she doesn't seem too happy at the moment)
  1115. [23:32] <~Paradox> (she is most definitely not anyone's friend atm)
  1116. [23:32] <old_man_Bob> 1d100-24
  1117. [23:32] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d100-24: 69 [1d100=93]
  1118. [23:32] <Alcyone> (is she my friend ;_;)
  1119. [23:32] <old_man_Bob> (lol fail)
  1120. 06[23:32] * Brick holds it down
  1121. [23:33] <~Paradox> 1d20+5
  1122. [23:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20+5: 12 [1d20=7]
  1123. 03[23:33] * KujiUn (Kotodes@93D3A8D3.60ECF9E2.E096B1A4.IP) has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
  1124. [23:33] <~Paradox> Brick manages to hold the floatzel still
  1125. 01[23:33] <Dr_Floyd> "Just get 'er offa me!"
  1126. [23:34] <old_man_Bob> "I guess the sayin' be troo, hell have no wrath like a scorned woman."
  1127. [23:34] <~Paradox> Now that she's still you can just return her.
  1128. [23:34] <old_man_Bob> "what you do, Docter, let her out and she pounce?"
  1129. [23:35] <Brick> (Ok, I have to leave for awhile )
  1130. 06[23:35] * Wyl looks sideways to the wrestling water-type and fire-fighting-type. "...Wait, what the hell...?"
  1131. [23:35] <Brick> (see ya in an hr or so )
  1132. [23:36] <Brick> (have to get home)
  1133. [23:36] <Alcyone> "Wylllllll."
  1134. [23:36] <Alcyone> "Is this something I need to get up for?"
  1135. [23:36] <Wyl> "No, I think it's just the doctor getting what he had coming."
  1136. 06[23:36] * Wyl lazes back
  1137. 01[23:36] <Dr_Floyd> "Argh, zat doesn't even matches ze effort." Floyd waves at bob. "She can go or vatever."
  1138. [23:37] <Alcyone> "Mmm."
  1139. 06[23:37] * Alcyone closes her eyes again.
  1140. [23:38] <~Paradox> 1d20
  1141. [23:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 8 [1d20=8]
  1142. [23:38] <~Paradox> roll perception checks~
  1143. [23:38] <Wyl> 1d20+5
  1144. [23:38] <DiceMaid-9001> Wyl, 1d20+5: 8 [1d20=3]
  1145. [23:38] <old_man_Bob> 1d20+7
  1146. [23:38] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, 1d20+7: 26 [1d20=19]
  1147. [23:39] <Alcyone> should I take a penalty for being all zzzzz
  1148. [23:39] <old_man_Bob> (I AM. SO ALERT)
  1149. [23:39] <Wyl> (oh holy shit)
  1150. [23:39] <~Paradox> (well, don't make one, alcyone)
  1151. 02[23:39] * Bonnenheimer ( Quit (Client exited)
  1152. [23:39] <Alcyone> (OL' BOB SLEEPS WITH HIS EYES OPEN)
  1153. [23:39] <Alcyone> (k)
  1154. 02[23:39] * Brick ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1155. 01[23:39] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20.2
  1156. [23:39] <~Paradox> Bob looks behind herr doktor...
  1157. [23:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20.2: 12 [1d20=10]
  1158. [23:39] <~Paradox> And Herr Doktor himself suddenly remembers why he let Marta out in the first place
  1159. [23:40] <~Paradox> There's a big lumbering purple spiky thing.
  1160. [23:40] <~Paradox> And it looks PISSED
  1161. [23:40] <Alcyone> (aww)
  1162. 06[23:40] * old_man_Bob nudges Alcyone with his stick, "get up, boss, we got comp'ny
  1163. 06[23:40] * Alcyone slowly gets up. "Buh?"
  1164. [23:40] <~Paradox> Floyd quickly recognizes it as a Nidoking.
  1165. 01[23:41] <Dr_Floyd> "Vell, scheisse."
  1166. [23:41] <~Paradox> "Waah! That's the thing that cased me into the garden!"
  1167. 06[23:41] * Wyl gets up and rubs his head at hearing the shouts. "Oh god damnit..."
  1168. 01[23:41] <Dr_Floyd> "You said 'e never went to ze courtyard you little merde!"
  1169. [23:42] <Alcyone> "C'mon, Gladius! Be my sword!"
  1170. 06[23:42] * old_man_Bob steps forward, not discouraged by his failure just now, holds out his creepy idol, eyes go white
  1171. 06[23:42] * Wyl stands up shakily. "Ugh... I'm not awake enough for this...!"
  1172. [23:42] <old_man_Bob> 1d100-24 CHANNEL ATTEMPT
  1173. [23:42] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, CHANNEL ATTEMPT: 16 [1d100=40]
  1174. [23:43] <old_man_Bob> "stay, monster."
  1175. [23:44] <~Paradox> (it's at full health, so that fails)
  1176. [23:45] <Alcyone> "We have bigger problems!"
  1177. 06[23:45] * Alcyone points at the nidoking.
  1178. 06[23:45] * old_man_Bob turns around, shrugs, "nope dot jay peg."
  1179. [23:45] <Alcyone> "What."
  1180. [23:45] <old_man_Bob> "It's a strong one, can't make it submit"
  1181. [23:46] <old_man_Bob> "well, at the moment."
  1182. 06[23:46] * Alcyone focuses her attention on the nidoking and starts murmuring a spell.
  1183. [23:48] <~Paradox> (trainer actions go)
  1184. [23:48] <Alcyone> (wyllll)
  1185. 06[23:49] * old_man_Bob releases Vodun, "hey mon, wake up, we got business to attend to." Vodun cackles madly
  1186. [23:49] <Alcyone> (should I go while waiting)
  1187. [23:49] <~Paradox> (sure, go)
  1188. 06[23:49] * Dr_Floyd frustrately breaks Marta's fast ball in half.
  1189. [23:50] <Alcyone> 1d20 flash cannon on the nidokin
  1190. [23:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, flash cannon on the nidokin: 1 [1d20=1]
  1191. [23:50] <Alcyone> nope.jpg.avi.wav
  1192. [23:50] <Wyl> (Actually yeah, Wyl will wait until the end of this turn - namely I want to know if anyone will be angry if I try to scare it away)
  1193. [23:50] <Alcyone> (which)
  1194. [23:50] <Alcyone> (also probs not)
  1195. [23:50] <~Paradox> Reroll that
  1196. [23:50] <Alcyone> 1d20
  1197. [23:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 1d20: 1 [1d20=1]
  1198. [23:50] <Alcyone> :V
  1199. [23:50] <~Paradox> ...
  1200. [23:50] <~Paradox> shiny?
  1201. [23:50] <old_man_Bob> "you got a plan to scare this guy off, Wyl? I doubt we can't take em, but it IS an odd hour of the night"
  1202. [23:50] <Alcyone> 1d20 let's see
  1203. [23:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, let's see: 6 [1d20=6]
  1204. [23:51] <Alcyone> fuck you dicemaid :I
  1205. [23:51] <Alcyone> but I already have all the shiny I want
  1206. [23:51] <Alcyone> lutefisk :]
  1207. 06[23:51] * Wyl stands up shakily, digging under the collar of his clothes for something. It looks kind of... odd in this kind of darkness.
  1208. [23:51] <~Paradox> Who's next?
  1209. 06[23:51] * Alcyone 's sudden burst of light energy misses completely!
  1210. [23:51] <~Paradox> (also Floyd did you wanna try and catch it?)
  1211. [23:51] <~Paradox> (Coz otherwise I think Wyl is gonna scare it away)
  1212. [23:51] <Alcyone> (what could possibly go wrong)
  1213. [23:52] <Wyl> (That's if I manage it. The success rate on it isn't actually that huge!)
  1214. 01[23:52] <Dr_Floyd> (eh, well, okay i guess.)
  1215. [23:53] <Alcyone> (I've got your back with prob control)
  1216. [23:53] <~Paradox> someone do their turn
  1217. [23:53] <~Paradox> Okay ... pokemon?
  1218. 06[23:54] * Wyl finally digs whatever he was fumbling for out; some old pendant that doesn't look like any of those from the ruins. He clutches it in his hand, complete with the softest glow. "Sorry dear... I've got to ask you a favour."
  1219. [23:54] <Alcyone> 1d20 bubblebeam on nidoking I guess?
  1220. [23:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, bubblebeam on nidoking I guess?: 6 [1d20=6]
  1221. [23:54] <Alcyone> (er)
  1222. 06[23:54] * Wyl finally finishes typing just as you say that D: <
  1223. [23:54] <Alcyone> (retcon that)
  1224. [23:54] <Alcyone> (yes :C)
  1225. [23:54] <Wyl> 1d20+5 Ward (Success is on a 20 or higher)
  1226. [23:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Wyl, Ward (Success is on a 20 or higher): 22 [1d20=17]
  1227. [23:55] <Alcyone> (:3)
  1228. [23:55] <~Paradox> The Nidoking is not moved.
  1229. [23:55] <~Paradox> (mostly because Floyd wants to catch it you silly)
  1230. 01[23:55] <Dr_Floyd> (nah)
  1231. 01[23:55] <Dr_Floyd> (let it go :<)
  1232. [23:55] <~Paradox> Okay fine then it goes away.
  1233. [23:55] <Wyl> (...He did?)
  1234. [23:56] <old_man_Bob> (does it literally, like, just, shrug and walk off?)
  1235. [23:56] <old_man_Bob> (cause that'd be kind of awesome)
  1236. [23:56] <~Paradox> The Nidoking literally shrugs, and walks off.
  1237. [23:56] <~Paradox> It doesn't even walk that far.
  1238. [23:56] <~Paradox> It finds a rock in the courtyard and digs under it.
  1239. [23:56] <old_man_Bob> "I like how that pokemon thinks"
  1240. 06[23:57] * Alcyone breathes a sigh of relief and puts her hand over Gladius's mouth before it can bubblebeam.
  1241. [23:57] <~Paradox> Gladius bubbles all over Alcyone's hand. BURLBLE
  1242. 06[23:57] * Wyl lets go, stuffing the pendant back down under his shirt. "Phew..."
  1243. 01[23:57] <Dr_Floyd> "...Zat vas anticlimatic"
  1244. 06[23:57] * Alcyone sits down again, cautiously eying the Floatzel.
  1245. [23:58] <~Paradox> The floatzel is ... nowhere to be seen.
  1246. [23:58] <~Paradox> It seems to have scuttled off into the bushes during the distraction.
  1247. 06[23:58] * Alcyone shrugs.
  1248. [23:58] <Alcyone> "Is it time to get moving?"
  1249. [23:58] <old_man_Bob> "well we are all up now..."
  1250. [23:58] <old_man_Bob> "might as well continue our investigation?"
  1251. [23:58] <~Paradox> You slept like two hours. Floyd had the second shift.
  1252. [23:58] <~Paradox> It's the dead of night.
  1253. [23:58] <old_man_Bob> "or not"
  1254. 06[23:59] * Alcyone goes back to bed. Stunfisk make good pillows :]
  1255. [23:59] <~Paradox> The sun wakes you lazy bastards up bright and early.
  1256. 06[23:59] * Dr_Floyd sleeps under his tree, still frustrated at the last occurrences.
  1257. [23:59] <~Paradox> Clouds is up first, eating fruit from his PILE OF DELICIOUS.
  1258. [23:59] <~Paradox> ... The nidoking is sitting with him, eating too.
  1259. Session Time: Wed Apr 06 00:00:00 2011
  1260. 06[00:00] * Alcyone slowly gets up, groaning a little. SO STIFF
  1261. 06[00:00] * old_man_Bob wakes up, notices this, and walks over. He sits down next to the creatures and speaks
  1262. 06[00:00] * Wyl seems to have slept fairly peacefully, taking his time getting up.
  1263. [00:00] <old_man_Bob> "well you don't look nearly as threatening as that boy right there said you were."
  1264. [00:00] <old_man_Bob> 1d20+7 zoopathy
  1265. [00:00] <DiceMaid-9001> old_man_Bob, zoopathy: 15 [1d20=8]
  1266. [00:01] <~Paradox> The Nidoking just shrugs and sticks a mango in his mouff
  1267. [00:01] <~Paradox> CRUNCHCRUNCH
  1268. [00:02] <old_man_Bob> "Ain't the talkative one I see."
  1269. [00:02] <~Paradox> Connor hides behind Brick from the Nidoking. "It uh, doesn't seem as angry as it was a few days ago I guess."
  1270. [00:02] <Alcyone> "Is it gonna eat us?"
  1271. [00:02] <Alcyone> "It's too early to be eaten."
  1272. 01[00:02] <Dr_Floyd> "Vas it even hostile yesterday?"
  1273. 06[00:02] * old_man_Bob takes out a cake from his pack and munches with the monsters. Releases Vodun and Lebowski and feeds them as well"
  1274. 06[00:03] * Wyl tilts his head. "...Connor, are you -sure- it's the same one?"
  1275. 06[00:03] * old_man_Bob looks to Alcyone with a smirk. "he seems to like fruit more than magical girls"
  1276. 01[00:03] <Dr_Floyd> "Guess zat ze boy zought wrong about our friend 'ere."
  1277. [00:03] <~Paradox> "I dunno. Aren't those rare?"
  1278. [00:04] <Alcyone> "Fine with me," Alcyone says, a little vaguely, as she feeds her mans.
  1279. [00:04] <Alcyone> (brb)
  1280. [00:04] <~Paradox> "It does seem a little ... smaller, come think of it. And it's not breathing fire."
  1281. [00:04] <~Paradox> "The other oen was breathing fire."
  1282. [00:04] <Wyl> "...Things having fire where they shouldn't have fire seems to be becoming common around here."
  1283. [00:04] <old_man_Bob> "you sure it's even the same one?"
  1284. 06[00:04] * Wyl looks at Brick.
  1285. [00:04] <old_man_Bob> "he ain't exactly talkin' at the moment, I can't confirm it"
  1286. [00:05] <Wyl> "...So there might be more than one around here--Connor, the one that attacked you didn't have red eyes, did it?"
  1287. 01[00:05] <Dr_Floyd> "'es probably too much of a covard to acknowledge he 'as run away from zis innofensive Nidoking."
  1288. [00:05] <~Paradox> The Nidoking roars something at Bob.
  1289. 06[00:05] * old_man_Bob looks surprised, "Oh, really now."
  1290. [00:05] <~Paradox> "Yeah, it had red eyes."
  1291. [00:06] <~Paradox> Connor gives Floyd a dirty look.
  1292. [00:06] <old_man_Bob> "It seems he has no memory of this event, and he's the only Nidoking around here"
  1293. [00:06] <Wyl> "...Well there we go. So there's a crazy, corrupt something else running around this place that looks like a Nidoking and breathes fire."
  1294. 06[00:06] * old_man_Bob turns back to the big purple fruit lover, "Come to think of it, we didn't see you when you came in yesterday, where were you at?"
  1295. 06[00:07] * Dr_Floyd sighs. Some people are too trusting.
  1296. [00:07] <old_man_Bob> " were out here?"
  1297. [00:08] <old_man_Bob> "if that's the case, I think it's more than enough to say we got something fishy going on"
  1298. 06[00:08] * old_man_Bob turns to the humans, "He says he was here, all day yesterday."
  1299. [00:08] <old_man_Bob> "Conner was probably sleeping by him for days"
  1300. [00:08] <~Paradox> :I
  1301. [00:09] <old_man_Bob> " no knowledge of what pokemon are native to this island, ain't my homeland."
  1302. [00:09] <old_man_Bob> "nor do I know the rituals of this tribe, this trickery is something unfamiliar to me"
  1303. 01[00:10] <Dr_Floyd> "I still think ze kid got hyperventilated when seeing ze big un zere und invented zis story to try and excuse 'is covardice"
  1304. [00:11] <~Paradox> "I did not!"
  1305. [00:11] <old_man_Bob> "seems a bit of a coincidence to say your imaginary attacker was...almost exactly like a Nidoking."
  1306. [00:11] <old_man_Bob> "I ain't gonna rule out that he was afraid, and maybe saw him and got his memories mixed up"
  1307. [00:12] <~Paradox> "Well, it was. But it breathed fire. And was pissed as all fuck."
  1308. [00:12] <old_man_Bob> "but wasn't this guy"
  1309. [00:12] <Wyl> "I'd rather assume he's telling the truth and be prepared for it if it turns out he's telling the truth. And if we don't run into something like that, then we don't run into something like that. Is that so hard?"
  1310. [00:12] <~Paradox> "And of course I was afraid, I already said that!"
  1311. [00:12] <~Paradox> "If I hadn't been afraid I wouldn't have stayed in this stupid courtyard for so long!"
  1312. [00:12] <old_man_Bob> "Granted, this guy's an old grump like myself, just wants us off his lawn."
  1313. 06[00:13] * Wyl snrrrks
  1314. [00:13] <old_man_Bob> "I think we'll find our answer further in"
  1315. 01[00:13] <Dr_Floyd> "Oh vell, guess zat argueing von't 'elp. Let us just go on and let zis place behind."
  1316. [00:13] <old_man_Bob> "back at that sacrificial chamber, or whatever the hell it turns out to be"
  1317. [00:14] <~Paradox> "Yeah that place was creepy."
  1318. [00:14] <Alcyone> (back)
  1319. [00:15] <Alcyone> "Breathed far? How far did it breathe?"
  1320. 06[00:15] * Alcyone isn't quite awake yet."
  1321. [00:15] <Wyl> "Fire, Alcyone."
  1322. 06[00:15] * old_man_Bob stands up, "I guess we be gettin' out of your way soon, big guy."
  1323. [00:15] <Alcyone> "Ohhhh."
  1324. [00:15] <Alcyone> "Those things can breathe fire?"
  1325. [00:15] <~Paradox> The nidoking just shrugs and throws two mangos in its mouth.
  1326. [00:16] <old_man_Bob> (holy shit they CAN learn flamethrower. badass)
  1327. [00:16] <Alcyone> (they can also learn blizzard)
  1328. [00:16] <~Paradox> (Nidokings make surprisingly awesome special attackers, especiallyi n PTA)
  1329. [00:17] <old_man_Bob> (i'lltaketwenty.jpg)
  1330. [00:17] <~Paradox> (Icebeam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt~)
  1331. [00:17] <Alcyone> "Should we move on?"
  1332. 06[00:17] * Alcyone cleans up after herself and returns her mans.
  1333. 06[00:17] * old_man_Bob packs up his bedroll, returns his buddies as well
  1334. 06[00:18] * Wyl nods, slowly gathering himself up and taking a fruit to munch on for breakfast. "Let's see, where do we want to check out next?"
  1335. 06[00:19] * Dr_Floyd gets up and packs. "For ze town i guess?"
  1336. [00:19] <Alcyone> 'Let's see. Where else is there to go?"
  1337. 06[00:20] * old_man_Bob kicks Brick into gear, "let's get goin' Brick"
  1338. [00:20] <old_man_Bob> oops
  1339. [00:20] <~Paradox> (So straight to town? Or checking out the sacrificial chamber?)
  1340. [00:20] <Alcyone> (the latter o:)
  1341. [00:20] <Wyl> "Well, if we wanted to head back, there's still one place en-route to check out."
  1342. [00:21] <Alcyone> "Since we all seem to be pretty recovered, why not check it out?"
  1343. [00:22] <~Paradox> You head back into the dark catacombs, Alcyone lighting the way
  1344. [00:23] <~Paradox> The narrow, moldy halls smell strongly of dirt.
  1345. [00:23] <~Paradox> The carvings on the wall become more and more graphic as you approach the sacrificial chamber
  1346. 06[00:24] * Alcyone wrinkles her nose.
  1347. [00:24] <~Paradox> The chamber itself.. is quite large.
  1348. [00:25] <~Paradox> There's a large stepped half-pyramid against the back wall
  1349. [00:25] <~Paradox> On the top of it you see a huge gold urn
  1350. 06[00:25] * Dr_Floyd whispers a foreigner song as he heads down the path.
  1351. [00:25] <~Paradox> The walls of the chamber itself are surprisingly empty of any carvings.
  1352. 06[00:26] * Wyl shivers a little nervously
  1353. [00:26] <old_man_Bob> "that be ominous"
  1354. 06[00:26] * Alcyone feels around for hidden panels because there are always hidden panels :V
  1355. [00:26] <old_man_Bob> "I'm just gonna go ahead and warn ya. Yesterday, when that first ghost appeared, it said a few things to me."
  1356. [00:26] <old_man_Bob> "it wasn't the same spirits we fought downstairs"
  1357. 01[00:26] <Dr_Floyd> "Zing zat you forgot to mention until now?"
  1358. [00:27] <old_man_Bob> "I told you the spirit was just watching us. for now."
  1359. [00:27] <~Paradox> There's no hidden pannels. But you do find an altar with a knife on it.
  1360. [00:27] <old_man_Bob> "just left out the 'oh, we didn't send him back to the land of the dead yet.' part."
  1361. [00:27] <Wyl> "...So there are more things in this place, is what you're saying."
  1362. [00:27] <old_man_Bob> "yes"
  1363. [00:27] <old_man_Bob> "granted, this one seems more sane than the previous ones"
  1364. 01[00:28] <Dr_Floyd> "Vell zat ees a relief."
  1365. 06[00:28] * Alcyone picks up the knife. o:
  1366. 06[00:28] * Alcyone waves it around.
  1367. [00:28] <~Paradox> The Duskull appears again.
  1368. 06[00:28] * Wyl watches Alcyone nervously
  1369. [00:28] <~Paradox> Right in front of Bob.
  1370. [00:28] <old_man_Bob> "oh, there he is"
  1371. [00:28] <~Paradox> <Talking about me, are we?>
  1372. 06[00:28] * Wyl then turns to Bob. "Where wh--asdfgh"
  1373. [00:28] <old_man_Bob> "you caught me red handed"
  1374. 06[00:28] * Wyl gets the heebie-jeebies
  1375. [00:28] <old_man_Bob> "didn't mean no harm, spirit."
  1376. [00:29] <~Paradox> <Neither did I.>
  1377. [00:29] <Wyl> (are we all hearing it?)
  1378. [00:29] <~Paradox> (yes)
  1379. 06[00:29] * Alcyone stops waving the knife oh god
  1380. 06[00:29] * Dr_Floyd turns to bob and shrugs. Why would he go all the way to pretend he talked to pokémon?
  1381. [00:29] <old_man_Bob> "we are just investigatin' these ruins. I'm not of the tribe who built this place, so I don't know what rituals were conducted here."
  1382. [00:29] <~Paradox> <You should put that knife down. It holds 997 souls, all of them quite angry.>
  1383. [00:30] <Wyl> "...That's a disturbingly large number" D:
  1384. [00:30] <Alcyone> 1d20
  1385. [00:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Alcyone, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  1386. 06[00:30] * Alcyone manages to avoid dropping the knife on her foot as she puts it down WITH ALL HASTE
  1387. 01[00:30] <Dr_Floyd> "...Und vat am i listening?"
  1388. [00:31] <old_man_Bob> "I take it this room was exactly what it appears to be, assumin' you're a native here"
  1389. [00:31] <~Paradox> <You don't want to know what happened here.>
  1390. [00:31] <Wyl> "No, no I don't" D:
  1391. 06[00:31] * old_man_Bob points to the vase, "What's up with that? Seems pretty spooky to be placed there like that."
  1392. [00:31] <~Paradox> <I was once High Priest Urmaresheron, Fourth Favored, Keeper of the Chalice.>
  1393. [00:32] <Alcyone> "Who were the first three favored?"
  1394. [00:32] <~Paradox> <It was my job to give the sacrifices the Purifying Elixir of the High Flames>
  1395. [00:32] <~Paradox> <I ... I don't remember. It was a long time ago.>
  1396. 06[00:32] * Dr_Floyd scoffs. A pokémon pretending to be a human before?
  1397. 06[00:33] * old_man_Bob bows, "I'm <name is undecipherable to non-wildings>, an exiled shaman of the...(darkfeather tribe? I forgot what one it was). It is a pleasure to meet your aquaintence"
  1398. [00:34] <Alcyone> "I'm Alcyone di Cimeres, leader of the Light Company!"
  1399. [00:34] <old_man_Bob> "don't mind the doctor here, he's a stern nonbeliever"
  1400. [00:34] <~Paradox> (Skullnest! Close enough!)
  1401. [00:34] <old_man_Bob> (so putting that in my bio so I don't forget again)
  1402. [00:34] <~Paradox> <Curious. Close enough.>
  1403. 01[00:35] <Dr_Floyd> "Man of logic i must say!"
  1404. [00:36] <Alcyone> "Isn't it more logical to accept what your eyes tell you?"
  1405. [00:36] <old_man_Bob> "we don't mean to disturb these grounds, exalted one, we're just on an expidition to inspect this long forgotten place."
  1406. [00:36] <old_man_Bob> "I do have a question to ask you though, pertaining to the nidoking who lives here"
  1407. [00:37] <~Paradox> <The one in the courtyard. Yes.?
  1408. [00:37] <~Paradox> >
  1409. 01[00:37] <Dr_Floyd> "It's logical to assume zat ve are under collective hysteria!"
  1410. [00:37] <old_man_Bob> "we found a boy who says he was attacked by the likeness of a Nidoking a few days ago. The one over yonger claims it wasn't him. I sensed no lies in his speech, I'm curious just what the boy actually say"
  1411. [00:37] <old_man_Bob> saw*
  1412. [00:38] <~Paradox> <That was ... an intruder.>
  1413. [00:38] <Alcyone> "An intruder?"
  1414. [00:38] <~Paradox> <It was not really a Nidoking, it was merely taking that form.>
  1415. [00:39] <Alcyone> "...There arent many things that can take other forms, right?
  1416. [00:39] <Alcyone> "
  1417. [00:40] <Wyl> "Not normally, but... that doesn't mean much."
  1418. 01[00:40] <Dr_Floyd> "Hahaha, a shapesheefter? Yeah, rite."
  1419. [00:40] <Alcyone> "Daddy once told me that it's a lot easier to be yourself than someone else."
  1420. Session Close: Wed Apr 06 00:46:28 2011
  1422. Session Start: Wed Apr 06 00:46:28 2011
  1423. Session Ident: #PoketrianOdyssey
  1424. 02[00:46] * Disconnected
  1425. 02[00:46] * Attempting to rejoin channel #PoketrianOdyssey
  1426. 03[00:46] * Rejoined channel #PoketrianOdyssey
  1427. 03[00:46] * Topic is 'Wyl > Brick > Floyd > Connor > Alcyone > Empoleon > Bob | Vodun 12 > Shorty11 > Lebro8 > Empoleon > Lutefisk > Nurse > CloudNone'
  1428. 03[00:46] * Set by Paradox on Tue Apr 05 21:02:51
  1429. [00:46] <Alcyone> "What. D:"
  1430. [00:47] <~Paradox> <Then at the top, the High Favored of Urmaresheron sacrifices their body and soul with the knife of Shuryla so that Urmaresheron may sleep forever.>
  1431. 06[00:48] * Wyl is going to be squirming for days
  1432. 03[00:48] * Brick ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
  1433. 06[00:48] * Alcyone touched that knife oh god
  1434. 06[00:49] * Dr_Floyd only shrugs. That the knife is unclean he knows, but for them to believe it has a curse?
  1435. 06[00:49] * old_man_Bob has an odd look about him
  1436. [00:49] <Wyl> "That's... p-people... th-that sounds like they... d-di that... willingly D: "
  1437. [00:49] <old_man_Bob> "would...Urmaresheron, happen to be a sea dwelling creature?"
  1438. [00:49] <Alcyone> "I guess they were less afraid of the knife than of Ummirestaurant."
  1439. [00:50] <~Paradox> <If the sacrifice is acceptable to Urmaresheron, their soul would be taken into the knife. Otherwise they'd be used to power The Binding.>
  1440. [00:50] <~Paradox> < Sea Dwelling? ... I don't remember.>
  1441. 01[00:50] <Dr_Floyd> "'Ze Binding'?" Floyd says while actually airquoting his words.
  1442. [00:51] <old_man_Bob> "forgive the odd question, my own tribe has different deities."
  1443. [00:51] <~Paradox> < ... I don't even know many of the things I speak of are anymore, to be honest. But the words, I can't forget the words ... >
  1444. 06[00:51] * old_man_Bob turns to the others. "I'm really not sure what else we can ask him outside of what we ran into downstairs..."
  1445. [00:51] <~Paradox> < I no longer remember Urmaresheron or his voice, when he spoke in my head ... or what The Binding is, or who Shurema or Shuryla were..."
  1446. [00:51] <~Paradox> >
  1447. 01[00:52] <Dr_Floyd> "You'd guess a ghoust vould be more knowledgeable. If 'e existed."
  1448. [00:52] <~Paradox> < And some did it willingly. Many in fact, hoping to be chosen by the knife. >
  1449. [00:53] <old_man_Bob> "did he speak to dreams?"
  1450. [00:53] <~Paradox> < But it's funny ... it was usually the unwilling that were taken into the knife. >
  1451. 06[00:53] * old_man_Bob seems very cautious to ask this
  1452. [00:53] <Alcyone> (I am getting the urge to ask him about Cassilda and Camilla, and Lake Hali.)
  1453. [00:53] <~Paradox> The duskull laughs.
  1454. 06[00:53] * Wyl audibly whimpers and backs up. This whole thing is just aghghghgh
  1455. [00:53] <~Paradox> < No, he did not speak in dreams. >
  1456. 03[00:53] * Brick_ ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
  1457. 02[00:53] * Brick ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  1458. 03[00:53] * Brick_ is now known as Brick
  1459. [00:53] <~Paradox> < Only the Deceiver spoke in dreams. But I no longer remember who the deceiver is... hmm... >
  1460. 06[00:54] * Alcyone is now thoroughly freaked out.
  1461. 01[00:54] <Dr_Floyd> "Zis Duskull is delusional, Bob, let us go und leave 'im alone."
  1462. 06[00:54] * Alcyone joins Wyl in whimpering.
  1463. 06[00:54] * old_man_Bob bows again, "thank you, spirit, for your insight." He turns to the Alcyone, "should we inquire about the room below here?"
  1464. [00:54] <old_man_Bob> "I can't deny, that was an odd affair."
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