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a guest
Sep 11th, 2019
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  1. Options:
  2. prefix: &cPunish
  4. command /Punish [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  5. permission: punish.use
  6. permission message: &cNo Permission.
  7. trigger:
  8. if arg-1 is not set:
  9. send "&cYou didn't specify a username!"
  10. cancel event
  11. if arg-1 is set:
  12. open chest with 1 row named "{@prefix}" to player
  13. wait 1 tick
  14. format gui slot 0 of player to book named "&bSpamming" with lore "&cWarns the player." to close then run player command "/Warn %arg-1% Spamming"]
  15. format gui slot 1 of player to book named "&bHacked Client" with lore "&cBans the player." to close then run player command "/Ban %arg-1% Hacked Client"
  16. format gui slot 2 of player to book named "&bAdvertising" with lore "&cBans the player." to close then run player command "/Ban %arg-1% Advertising"
  17. format gui slot 3 of player to book named "&bToxic" with lore "&cTempmutes the player." to close then run player command "/tempmute %arg-1% Toxicity Levels High"
  18. format gui slot 4 of player to book named "&bIndirect Advertisements" with lore "Will tempmute the player for an hour" to close then run player command "/tempmute %arg-1% Indirect Advertising 1h"
  19. format gui slot 5 of player to book named "&bStaff Disrespect" with lore "Will warn the player." to close then run player command "/Warn %arg-1% Staff Disrespect"
  20. format gui slot 6 of player to book named "&bRacist Slurs/Homophobic Slurs" with lore "Will tempmute the player for an hour" to close then run player command "/Tempmute %arg-1% Racist/Homophobic Slurs 1h"
  21. format gui slot 7 of player to book named "&bBan Evasion" with lore "Will IP-Ban the offender." to close then run player command "/IPBan %arg-1% Ban Evasion"
  22. format gui slot 8 of player to white stained glass pane named "&c&oComing Soon!"
  23. format gui slot 9 of player to white stained glass pane named "&c&oComing Soon!"
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