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Mar 25th, 2019
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  1. 2019-03-25T10:07:55.788 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] h into `arr` along `axis` to calculate mean.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Range: [1, `arr.shape[axis]`] or None (entire axis)\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values appended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0appended region is the maximum of the final `num` values along `axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_append_mean', 'insertText': '_append_mean(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:num}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_append_med(arr, pad_amt, num, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_append_med(arr, pad_amt, num, axis=-1)\n\nAppend `pad_amt` median values along `axis`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to append.\nnum : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Depth into `arr` along `axis` to calculate median.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Range: [1, `arr.shape[axis]`] or None (entire axis)\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values appended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0appended region is the median of the final `num` values along `axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_append_med', 'insertText': '_append_med(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:num}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_append_min(arr, pad_amt, num, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_append_min(arr, pad_amt, num, axis=-1)\n\nAppend `pad_amt` median values along `axis`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to append.\nnum : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Depth into `arr` along `axis` to calculate minimum.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Range: [1, `arr.shape[axis]`] or None (entire axis)\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values appended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0appended region is the minimum of the final `num` values along `axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_append_min', 'insertText': '_append_min(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:num}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_append_ramp(arr, pad_amt, end, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_append_ramp(arr, pad_amt, end, axis=-1)\n\nAppend linear ramp along `axis`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to append.\nend : scalar\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Constal value to use. For best results should be of type `arr.dtype`;\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0if not `arr.dtype` will be cast to `arr.dtype`.\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values appended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0appended region ramps linearly from the edge value to `end`.', 'sortText': 'z_append_ramp', 'insertText': '_append_ramp(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:end}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_arange_ndarray(arr, shape, axis, reverse)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_arange_ndarray(arr, shape, axis, reverse=False)\n\nCreate an ndarray of `shape` with increments along specified `axis`\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\nshape : tuple of ints\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Shape of desired array. Should be equivalent to `arr.shape` except\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0`shape[axis]` which may have any positive value.\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis to increment along.\nreverse : bool\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0If False, increment in a positive fashion from 1 to `shape[axis]`,\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0inclusive. If True, the bounds are the same but the order reversed.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array sized to pad `arr` along `axis`, with linear range from\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa01 to `shape[axis]` along specified `axis`.\n\nNotes\n-----\nThe range is deliberately 1-indexed for this specific use case. Think of\nthis algorithm as broadcasting `np.arange` to a single `axis` of an\narbitrarily shaped ndarray.', 'sortText': 'z_arange_ndarray', 'insertText': '_arange_ndarray(${1:arr}, ${2:shape}, ${3:axis}, ${4:reverse})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_arg', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy.core.umath', 'documentation': "_arg(x, /, out=None, \\*, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])\n\nDO NOT USE, ONLY FOR TESTING", 'sortText': 'z_arg', 'insertText': '_arg(${1:x}, ${2:/}, ${3:out}, ${4:*}, ${5:where}, ${6:casting}, ${7:order}, ${8:dtype}, ${9:subok}, ${10:signature}, ${11:extobj})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_ARGUMENT', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_ARGUMENT', 'insertText': '_ARGUMENT'}, {'label': '_ARGUMENT_LIST', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_ARGUMENT_LIST', 'insertText': '_ARGUMENT_LIST'}, {'label': '_array2string(a, options, separator, prefix)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_array2string(a, options, separator=\' \', prefix="")', 'sortText': 'z_array2string', 'insertText': '_array2string(${1:a}, ${2:options}, ${3:separator}, ${4:prefix})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_ascii_lower', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_ascii_lower', 'insertText': '_ascii_lower'}, {'label': '_ascii_upper', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_ascii_upper', 'insertText': '_ascii_upper'}, {'label': '_binary_method(ufunc, name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.mixins', 'documentation': '_binary_method(ufunc, name)\n\nImplement a forward binary method with a ufunc, e.g., __add__.', 'sortText': 'z_binary_method', 'insertText': '_binary_method(${1:ufunc}, ${2:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_block(arrays, max_depth, result_ndim)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.shape_base', 'documentation': '_block(arrays, max_depth, result_ndim)\n\nInternal implementation of block. `arrays` is the argument passed to\nblock. `max_depth` is the depth of nested lists within `arrays` and\n`result_ndim` is the greatest of the dimensions of the arrays in\n`arrays` and the depth of the lists in `arrays` (see block docstring\nfor details).', 'sortText': 'z_block', 'insertText': '_block(${1:arrays}, ${2:max_depth}, ${3:result_ndim})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_block_check_depths_match(arrays, parent_index)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.shape_base', 'documentation': '_block_check_depths_match(arrays, parent_index=[])\n\nRecursive function checking that the depths of nested lists in `arrays`\nall match. Mismatch raises a ValueError as described in the block\ndocstring below.\n\nThe entire index (rather than just the depth) needs to be calculated\nfor each innermost list, in case an error needs to be raised, so that\nthe index of the offending list can be printed as part of the error.\n\nThe parameter `parent_index` is the full index of `arrays` within the\nnested lists passed to _block_check_depths_match at the top of the\nrecursion.\nThe return value is a pair. The first item returned is the full index\nof an element (specifically the first element) from the bottom of the\nnesting in `arrays`. An empty list at the bottom of the nesting is\nrepresented by a `None` index.\nThe second item is the maximum of the ndims of the arrays nested in\n`arrays`.', 'sortText': 'z_block_check_depths_match', 'insertText': '_block_check_depths_match(${1:arrays}, ${2:parent_index})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_broadcast_shape(args)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.stride_tricks', 'documentation': '_broadcast_shape(\\*args)\n\nReturns the shape of the arrays that would result from broadcasting the\nsupplied arrays against each other.', 'sortText': 'z_broadcast_shape', 'insertText': '_broadcast_shape(${1:args})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_broadcast_to(array, shape, subok, readonly)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.stride_tricks', 'documentation': '_broadcast_to(array, shape, subok, readonly)', 'sortText': 'z_broadcast_to', 'insertText': '_broadcast_to(${1:array}, ${2:shape}, ${3:subok}, ${4:readonly})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_byteorderconv', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.records', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_byteorderconv', 'insertText': '_byteorderconv'}, {'label': '_calculate_shapes(broadcast_shape, dim_sizes, list_of_core_dims)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_calculate_shapes(broadcast_shape, dim_sizes, list_of_core_dims)\n\nHelper for calculating broadcast shapes with core dimensions.', 'sortText': 'z_calculate_shapes', 'insertText': '_calculate_shapes(${1:broadcast_shape}, ${2:dim_sizes}, ${3:list_of_core_dims})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_can_coerce_all(dtypelist, start)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '_can_coerce_all(dtypelist, start=0)', 'sortText': 'z_can_coerce_all', 'insertText': '_can_coerce_all(${1:dtypelist}, ${2:start})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_can_dot(inputs, result, idx_removed)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': "_can_dot(inputs, result, idx_removed)\n\nChecks if we can use BLAS (np.tensordot) call and its beneficial to do so.\n\nParameters\n----------\ninputs : list of str\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Specifies the subscripts for summation.\nresult : str\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Resulting summation.\nidx_removed : set\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Indices that are removed in the summation\n\n\nReturns\n-------\ntype : bool\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Returns true if BLAS should and can be used, else False\n\nNotes\n-----\nIf the operations is BLAS level 1 or 2 and is not already aligned\nwe default back to einsum as the memory movement to copy is more\ncostly than the operation itself.\n\n\nExamples\n--------\n\n# Standard GEMM operation\n>>> _can_dot(['ij', 'jk'], 'ik', set('j'))\nTrue\n\n# Can use the standard BLAS, but requires odd data movement\n>>> _can_dot(['ijj', 'jk'], 'ik', set('j'))\nFalse\n\n# DDOT where the memory is not aligned\n>>> _can_dot(['ijk', 'ikj'], '', set('ijk'))\nFalse", 'sortText': 'z_can_dot', 'insertText': '_can_dot(${1:inputs}, ${2:result}, ${3:idx_removed})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_chbevl(x, vals)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_chbevl(x, vals)', 'sortText': 'z_chbevl', 'insertText': '_chbevl(${1:x}, ${2:vals})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_compute_size_by_dict(indices, idx_dict)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': "_compute_size_by_dict(indices, idx_dict)\n\nComputes the product of the elements in indices based on the dictionary\nidx_dict.\n\nParameters\n----------\nindices : iterable\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Indices to base the product on.\nidx_dict : dictionary\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Dictionary of index sizes\n\nReturns\n-------\nret : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The resulting product.\n\nExamples\n--------\n>>> _compute_size_by_dict('abbc', {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5})\n90", 'sortText': 'z_compute_size_by_dict', 'insertText': '_compute_size_by_dict(${1:indices}, ${2:idx_dict})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_construct_char_code_lookup()', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '_construct_char_code_lookup()', 'sortText': 'z_construct_char_code_lookup', 'insertText': '_construct_char_code_lookup'}, {'label': '_construct_lookups()', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '_construct_lookups()', 'sortText': 'z_construct_lookups', 'insertText': '_construct_lookups'}, {'label': '_convert_from_string(data)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix', 'documentation': '_convert_from_string(data)', 'sortText': 'z_convert_from_string', 'insertText': '_convert_from_string(${1:data})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_convert_to_float', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_convert_to_float', 'insertText': '_convert_to_float'}, {'label': '_convert_when(when)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': '', 'documentation': '_convert_when(when)', 'sortText': 'z_convert_when', 'insertText': '_convert_when(${1:when})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_copyto(a, val, mask)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': '_copyto(a, val, mask)\n\nReplace values in `a` with NaN where `mask` is True.\xa0\xa0This differs from\ncopyto in that it will deal with the case where `a` is a numpy scalar.\n\nParameters\n----------\na : ndarray or numpy scalar\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Array or numpy scalar some of whose values are to be replaced\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0by val.\nval : numpy scalar\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Value used a replacement.\nmask : ndarray, scalar\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Boolean array. Where True the corresponding element of `a` is\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0replaced by `val`. Broadcasts.\n\nReturns\n-------\nres : ndarray, scalar\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Array with elements replaced or scalar `val`.', 'sortText': 'z_copyto', 'insertText': '_copyto(${1:a}, ${2:val}, ${3:mask})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_CORE_DIMENSION_LIST', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_CORE_DIMENSION_LIST', 'insertText': '_CORE_DIMENSION_LIST'}, {'label': '_create_arrays(broadcast_shape, dim_sizes, list_of_core_dims, dtypes)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_create_arrays(broadcast_shape, dim_sizes, list_of_core_dims, dtypes)\n\nHelper for creating output arrays in vectorize.', 'sortText': 'z_create_arrays', 'insertText': '_create_arrays(${1:broadcast_shape}, ${2:dim_sizes}, ${3:list_of_core_dims}, ${4:dtypes})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_decode_line', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.npyio', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_decode_line', 'insertText': '_decode_line'}, {'label': '_Deprecate', 'kind': 7, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '_Deprecate(self, old_name=None, new_name=None, message=None)\n\nDecorator class to deprecate old functions.\n\nRefer to `deprecate` for details.\n\nSee Also\n--------\ndeprecate', 'sortText': 'z_Deprecate', 'insertText': '_Deprecate(${1:old_name}, ${2:new_name}, ${3:message})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_deprecate_out_named_y(f)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.ufunclike', 'documentation': '_deprecate_out_named_y(f)\n\nAllow the out argument to be passed as the name `y` (deprecated)\n\nIn future, this decorator should be removed.', 'sortText': 'z_deprecate_out_named_y', 'insertText': '_deprecate_out_named_y(${1:f})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_dictlist', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_dictlist', 'insertText': '_dictlist'}, {'label': '_DIMENSION_NAME', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_DIMENSION_NAME', 'insertText': '_DIMENSION_NAME'}, {'label': '_disables_array_ufunc(obj)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.mixins', 'documentation': '_disables_array_ufunc(obj)\n\nTrue when __array_ufunc__ is set to None.', 'sortText': 'z_disables_array_ufunc', 'insertText': '_disables_array_ufunc(${1:obj})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_discovered_machar(ftype)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '_discovered_machar(ftype)\n\nCreate MachAr instance with found information on float types\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0', 'sortText': 'z_discovered_machar', 'insertText': '_discovered_machar(${1:ftype})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_distributor_init', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_distributor_init', 'insertText': '_distributor_init'}, {'label': '_divide_by_count(a, b, out)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': '_divide_by_count(a, b, out=None)\n\nCompute a/b ignoring invalid results. If `a` is an array the division\nis done in place. If `a` is a scalar, then its type is preserved in the\noutput. If out is None, then then a is used instead so that the\ndivision is in place. Note that this is only called with `a` an inexact\ntype.\n\nParameters\n----------\na : {ndarray, numpy scalar}\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Numerator. Expected to be of inexact type but not checked.\nb : {ndarray, numpy scalar}\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Denominator.\nout : ndarray, optional\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Alternate output array in which to place the result.\xa0\xa0The default\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0is ``None``; if provided, it must have the same shape as the\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0expected output, but the type will be cast if necessary.\n\nReturns\n-------\nret : {ndarray, numpy scalar}\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The return value is a/b. If `a` was an ndarray the division is done\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0in place. If `a` is a numpy scalar, the division preserves its type.', 'sortText': 'z_divide_by_count', 'insertText': '_divide_by_count(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:out})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_do_append(arr, pad_chunk, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_do_append(arr, pad_chunk, axis)', 'sortText': 'z_do_append', 'insertText': '_do_append(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_chunk}, ${3:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_do_prepend(arr, pad_chunk, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_do_prepend(arr, pad_chunk, axis)', 'sortText': 'z_do_prepend', 'insertText': '_do_prepend(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_chunk}, ${3:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_dt_', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_dt_', 'insertText': '_dt_'}, {'label': '_epsneg_f128', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_epsneg_f128', 'insertText': '_epsneg_f128'}, {'label': '_epsneg_f64', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_epsneg_f64', 'insertText': '_epsneg_f64'}, {'label': '_epsneg_f80', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_epsneg_f80', 'insertText': '_epsneg_f80'}, {'label': '_errdict', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_errdict', 'insertText': '_errdict'}, {'label': '_errdict_rev', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_errdict_rev', 'insertText': '_errdict_rev'}, {'label': '_evalname(name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '_evalname(name)', 'sortText': 'z_evalname', 'insertText': '_evalname(${1:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_extendLine(s, line, word, line_width, next_line_prefix, legacy)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_extendLine(s, line, word, line_width, next_line_prefix, legacy)', 'sortText': 'z_extendLine', 'insertText': '_extendLine(${1:s}, ${2:line}, ${3:word}, ${4:line_width}, ${5:next_line_prefix}, ${6:legacy})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_f16', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_f16', 'insertText': '_f16'}, {'label': '_f32', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_f32', 'insertText': '_f32'}, {'label': '_f64', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_f64', 'insertText': '_f64'}, {'label': '_find_common_coerce(a, b)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '_find_common_coerce(a, b)', 'sortText': 'z_find_common_coerce', 'insertText': '_find_common_coerce(${1:a}, ${2:b})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_find_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': "_find_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set)\n\nFinds the contraction for a given set of input and output sets.\n\nParameters\n----------\npositions : iterable\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Integer positions of terms used in the contraction.\ninput_sets : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript\noutput_set : set\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript\n\nReturns\n-------\nnew_result : set\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The indices of the resulting contraction\nremaining : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0List of sets that have not been contracted, the new set is appended to\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0the end of this list\nidx_removed : set\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Indices removed from the entire contraction\nidx_contraction : set\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The indices used in the current contraction\n\nExamples\n--------\n\n# A simple dot product test case\n>>> pos = (0, 1)\n>>> isets = [set('ab'), set('bc')]\n>>> oset = set('ac')\n>>> _find_contraction(pos, isets, oset)\n({'a', 'c'}, [{'a', 'c'}], {'b'}, {'a', 'b', 'c'})\n\n# A more complex case with additional terms in the contraction\n>>> pos = (0, 2)\n>>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')]\n>>> oset = set('ac')\n>>> _find_contraction(pos, isets, oset)\n({'a', 'c'}, [{'a', 'c'}, {'a', 'c'}], {'b', 'd'}, {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'})", 'sortText': 'z_find_contraction', 'insertText': '_find_contraction(${1:positions}, ${2:input_sets}, ${3:output_set})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_float128_ma', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_float128_ma', 'insertText': '_float128_ma'}, {'label': '_float16_ma', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_float16_ma', 'insertText': '_float16_ma'}, {'label': '_float32_ma', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_float32_ma', 'insertText': '_float32_ma'}, {'label': '_float64_ma', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_float64_ma', 'insertText': '_float64_ma'}, {'label': '_float80_ma', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_float80_ma', 'insertText': '_float80_ma'}, {'label': '_float_dd_ma', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_float_dd_ma', 'insertText': '_float_dd_ma'}, {'label': '_flop_count(idx_contraction, inner, num_terms, size_dictionary)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': "_flop_count(idx_contraction, inner, num_terms, size_dictionary)\n\nComputes the number of FLOPS in the contraction.\n\nParameters\n----------\nidx_contraction : iterable\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The indices involved in the contraction\ninner : bool\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Does this contraction require an inner product?\nnum_terms : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The number of terms in a contraction\nsize_dictionary : dict\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The size of each of the indices in idx_contraction\n\nReturns\n-------\nflop_count : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The total number of FLOPS required for the contraction.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\n>>> _flop_count('abc', False, 1, {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5})\n90\n\n>>> _flop_count('abc', True, 2, {'a': 2, 'b':3, 'c':5})\n270", 'sortText': 'z_flop_count', 'insertText': '_flop_count(${1:idx_contraction}, ${2:inner}, ${3:num_terms}, ${4:size_dictionary})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_format_options', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_format_options', 'insertText': '_format_options'}, {'label': '_formatArray(a, format_function, line_width, next_line_prefix, separator, edge_items, summary_insert, legacy)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_formatArray(a, format_function, line_width, next_line_prefix,\nseparator, edge_items, summary_insert, legacy)\n\nformatArray is designed for two modes of operation:\n\n1. Full output\n\n2. Summarized output', 'sortText': 'z_formatArray', 'insertText': '_formatArray(${1:a}, ${2:format_function}, ${3:line_width}, ${4:next_line_prefix}, ${5:separator}, ${6:edge_items}, ${7:summary_insert}, ${8:legacy})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_fr0(a)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '_fr0(a)\n\nfix rank-0 --> rank-1', 'sortText': 'z_fr0', 'insertText': '_fr0(${1:a})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_fr1(a)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '_fr1(a)\n\nfix rank > 0 --> rank-0', 'sortText': 'z_fr1', 'insertText': '_fr1(${1:a})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_from_string(str, gdict, ldict)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix', 'documentation': '_from_string(str, gdict, ldict)', 'sortText': 'z_from_string', 'insertText': '_from_string(${1:str}, ${2:gdict}, ${3:ldict})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_function_signature_re', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_function_signature_re', 'insertText': '_function_signature_re'}, {'label': '_g_div_gp(r, n, p, x, y, w)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': '', 'documentation': '_g_div_gp(r, n, p, x, y, w)', 'sortText': 'z_g_div_gp', 'insertText': '_g_div_gp(${1:r}, ${2:n}, ${3:p}, ${4:x}, ${5:y}, ${6:w})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_gentype', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_gentype', 'insertText': '_gentype'}, {'label': '_get_bin_edges(a, bins, range, weights)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_get_bin_edges(a, bins, range, weights)\n\nComputes the bins used internally by `histogram`.\n\nParameters\n==========\na : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Ravelled data array\nbins, range\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Forwarded arguments from `histogram`.\nweights : ndarray, optional\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Ravelled weights array, or None\n\nReturns\n=======\nbin_edges : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Array of bin edges\nuniform_bins : (Number, Number, int):\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The upper bound, lowerbound, and number of bins, used in the optimized\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0implementation of `histogram` that works on uniform bins.', 'sortText': 'z_get_bin_edges', 'insertText': '_get_bin_edges(${1:a}, ${2:bins}, ${3:range}, ${4:weights})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_get_format_function(data, options)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_get_format_function(data, \\*\\*options)\n\nfind the right formatting function for the dtype_', 'sortText': 'z_get_format_function', 'insertText': '_get_format_function(${1:data}, ${2:options})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_get_formatdict(data, opt)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_get_formatdict(data, \\*\\*opt)', 'sortText': 'z_get_formatdict', 'insertText': '_get_formatdict(${1:data}, ${2:opt})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_get_machar(ftype)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '_get_machar(ftype)\n\nGet MachAr instance or MachAr-like instance\n\nGet parameters for floating point type, by first trying signatures of\nvarious known floating point types, then, if none match, attempting to\nidentify parameters by analysis.\n\nParameters\n----------\nftype : class\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Numpy floating point type class (e.g. ``np.float64``)\n\nReturns\n-------\nma_like : instance of :class:`MachAr` or :class:`MachArLike`\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Object giving floating point parameters for `ftype`.\n\nWarns\n-----\nUserWarning\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0If the binary signature of the float type is not in the dictionary of\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0known float types.', 'sortText': 'z_get_machar', 'insertText': '_get_machar(${1:ftype})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_get_outer_edges(a, range)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_get_outer_edges(a, range)\n\nDetermine the outer bin edges to use, from either the data or the range\nargument', 'sortText': 'z_get_outer_edges', 'insertText': '_get_outer_edges(${1:a}, ${2:range})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_getconv(dtype)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.npyio', 'documentation': '_getconv(dtype)\n\nFind the correct dtype converter. Adapted from matplotlib ', 'sortText': 'z_getconv', 'insertText': '_getconv(${1:dtype})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_getmaxmin(t)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.type_check', 'documentation': '_getmaxmin(t)', 'sortText': 'z_getmaxmin', 'insertText': '_getmaxmin(${1:t})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_getmembers(item)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '_getmembers(item)', 'sortText': 'z_getmembers', 'insertText': '_getmembers(${1:item})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_globals', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_globals', 'insertText': '_globals'}, {'label': '_greedy_path(input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': "_greedy_path(input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit)\n\nFinds the path by contracting the best pair until the input list is\nexhausted. The best pair is found by minimizing the tuple\n``(-prod(indices_removed), cost)``.\xa0\xa0What this amounts to is prioritizing\nmatrix multiplication or inner product operations, then Hadamard like\noperations, and finally outer operations. Outer products are limited by\n``memory_limit``. This algorithm scales cubically with respect to the\nnumber of elements in the list ``input_sets``.\n\nParameters\n----------\ninput_sets : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript\noutput_set : set\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript\nidx_dict : dictionary\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Dictionary of index sizes\nmemory_limit_limit : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The maximum number of elements in a temporary array\n\nReturns\n-------\npath : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The greedy contraction order within the memory limit constraint.\n\nExamples\n--------\n>>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')]\n>>> oset = set('')\n>>> idx_sizes = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4}\n>>> _path__greedy_path(isets, oset, idx_sizes, 5000)\n[(0, 2), (0, 1)]", 'sortText': 'z_greedy_path', 'insertText': '_greedy_path(${1:input_sets}, ${2:output_set}, ${3:idx_dict}, ${4:memory_limit})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_guarded_str', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_guarded_str', 'insertText': '_guarded_str'}, {'label': '_hist_bin_auto(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': "_hist_bin_auto(x)\n\nHistogram bin estimator that uses the minimum width of the\nFreedman-Diaconis and Sturges estimators if the FD bandwidth is non zero\nand the Sturges estimator if the FD bandwidth is 0.\n\nThe FD estimator is usually the most robust method, but its width\nestimate tends to be too large for small `x` and bad for data with limited\nvariance. The Sturges estimator is quite good for small (<1000) datasets\nand is the default in the R language. This method gives good off the shelf\nbehaviour.\n\n.. versionchanged:: 1.15.0\nIf there is limited variance the IQR can be 0, which results in the\nFD bin width being 0 too. This is not a valid bin width, so\n``np.histogram_bin_edges`` chooses 1 bin instead, which may not be optimal.\nIf the IQR is 0, it's unlikely any variance based estimators will be of\nuse, so we revert to the sturges estimator, which only uses the size of the\ndataset in its calculation.\n\nParameters\n----------\nx : array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input data that is to be histogrammed, trimmed to range. May not\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0be empty.\n\nReturns\n-------\nh : An estimate of the optimal bin width for the given data.\n\nSee Also\n--------\n_hist_bin_fd, _hist_bin_sturges", 'sortText': 'z_hist_bin_auto', 'insertText': '_hist_bin_auto(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_hist_bin_doane(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': "_hist_bin_doane(x)\n\nDoane's histogram bin estimator.\n\nImproved version of Sturges' formula which works better for\nnon-normal data. See\\n\nParameters\n----------\nx : array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input data that is to be histogrammed, trimmed to range. May not\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0be empty.\n\nReturns\n-------\nh : An estimate of the optimal bin width for the given data.", 'sortText': 'z_hist_bin_doane', 'insertText': '_hist_bin_doane(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_hist_bin_fd(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_hist_bin_fd(x)\n\nThe Freedman-Diaconis histogram bin estimator.\n\nThe Freedman-Diaconis rule uses interquartile range (IQR) to\nestimate binwidth. It is considered a variation of the Scott rule\nwith more robustness as the IQR is less affected by outliers than\nthe standard deviation. However, the IQR depends on fewer points\nthan the standard deviation, so it is less accurate, especially for\nlong tailed distributions.\n\nIf the IQR is 0, this function returns 1 for the number of bins.\nBinwidth is inversely proportional to the cube root of data size\n(asymptotically optimal).\n\nParameters\n----------\nx : array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input data that is to be histogrammed, trimmed to range. May not\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0be empty.\n\nReturns\n-------\nh : An estimate of the optimal bin width for the given data.', 'sortText': 'z_hist_bin_fd', 'insertText': '_hist_bin_fd(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_hist_bin_rice(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_hist_bin_rice(x)\n\nRice histogram bin estimator.\n\nAnother simple estimator with no normality assumption. It has better\nperformance for large data than Sturges, but tends to overestimate\nthe number of bins. The number of bins is proportional to the cube\nroot of data size (asymptotically optimal). The estimate depends\nonly on size of the data.\n\nParameters\n----------\nx : array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input data that is to be histogrammed, trimmed to range. May not\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0be empty.\n\nReturns\n-------\nh : An estimate of the optimal bin width for the given data.', 'sortText': 'z_hist_bin_rice', 'insertText': '_hist_bin_rice(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_hist_bin_scott(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_hist_bin_scott(x)\n\nScott histogram bin estimator.\n\nThe binwidth is proportional to the standard deviation of the data\nand inversely proportional to the cube root of data size\n(asymptotically optimal).\n\nParameters\n----------\nx : array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input data that is to be histogrammed, trimmed to range. May not\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0be empty.\n\nReturns\n-------\nh : An estimate of the optimal bin width for the given data.', 'sortText': 'z_hist_bin_scott', 'insertText': '_hist_bin_scott(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_hist_bin_selectors', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_hist_bin_selectors', 'insertText': '_hist_bin_selectors'}, {'label': '_hist_bin_sqrt(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_hist_bin_sqrt(x)\n\nSquare root histogram bin estimator.\n\nBin width is inversely proportional to the data size. Used by many\nprograms for its simplicity.\n\nParameters\n----------\nx : array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input data that is to be histogrammed, trimmed to range. May not\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0be empty.\n\nReturns\n-------\nh : An estimate of the optimal bin width for the given data.', 'sortText': 'z_hist_bin_sqrt', 'insertText': '_hist_bin_sqrt(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_hist_bin_sturges(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_hist_bin_sturges(x)\n\nSturges histogram bin estimator.\n\nA very simplistic estimator based on the assumption of normality of\nthe data. This estimator has poor performance for non-normal data,\nwhich becomes especially obvious for large data sets. The estimate\ndepends only on size of the data.\n\nParameters\n----------\nx : array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input data that is to be histogrammed, trimmed to range. May not\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0be empty.\n\nReturns\n-------\nh : An estimate of the optimal bin width for the given data.', 'sortText': 'z_hist_bin_sturges', 'insertText': '_hist_bin_sturges(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_huge_dd', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_huge_dd', 'insertText': '_huge_dd'}, {'label': '_huge_f128', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_huge_f128', 'insertText': '_huge_f128'}, {'label': '_huge_f80', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_huge_f80', 'insertText': '_huge_f80'}, {'label': '_i0_1(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_i0_1(x)', 'sortText': 'z_i0_1', 'insertText': '_i0_1(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_i0_2(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_i0_2(x)', 'sortText': 'z_i0_2', 'insertText': '_i0_2(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_i0A', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_i0A', 'insertText': '_i0A'}, {'label': '_i0B', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_i0B', 'insertText': '_i0B'}, {'label': '_import_tools', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_import_tools', 'insertText': '_import_tools'}, {'label': '_index_deprecate(i, stacklevel)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.function_base', 'documentation': '_index_deprecate(i, stacklevel=2)', 'sortText': 'z_index_deprecate', 'insertText': '_index_deprecate(${1:i}, ${2:stacklevel})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_info(obj, output)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '_info(obj, output=sys.stdout)\n\nProvide information about ndarray obj.\n\nParameters\n----------\nobj : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Must be ndarray, not checked.\noutput\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Where printed output goes.\n\nNotes\n-----\nCopied over from the numarray module prior to its removal.\nAdapted somewhat as only numpy is an option now.\n\nCalled by info.', 'sortText': 'z_info', 'insertText': '_info(${1:obj}, ${2:output})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_inplace_binary_method(ufunc, name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.mixins', 'documentation': '_inplace_binary_method(ufunc, name)\n\nImplement an in-place binary method with a ufunc, e.g., __iadd__.', 'sortText': 'z_inplace_binary_method', 'insertText': '_inplace_binary_method(${1:ufunc}, ${2:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_insert', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_insert', 'insertText': '_insert'}, {'label': '_internal', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy.core', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_internal', 'insertText': '_internal'}, {'label': '_is_string_like', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.npyio', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_is_string_like', 'insertText': '_is_string_like'}, {'label': '_kind_list', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_kind_list', 'insertText': '_kind_list'}, {'label': '_KNOWN_TYPES', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_KNOWN_TYPES', 'insertText': '_KNOWN_TYPES'}, {'label': '_ld', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_ld', 'insertText': '_ld'}, {'label': '_leading_trailing(a, edgeitems, index)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_leading_trailing(a, edgeitems, index=())\n\nKeep only the N-D corners (leading and trailing edges) of an array.\n\nShould be passed a base-class ndarray, since it makes no guarantees about\npreserving subclasses.', 'sortText': 'z_leading_trailing', 'insertText': '_leading_trailing(${1:a}, ${2:edgeitems}, ${3:index})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_loadtxt_chunksize', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.npyio', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_loadtxt_chunksize', 'insertText': '_loadtxt_chunksize'}, {'label': '_lookfor_caches', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_lookfor_caches', 'insertText': '_lookfor_caches'}, {'label': '_lookfor_generate_cache(module, import_modules, regenerate)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '_lookfor_generate_cache(module, import_modules, regenerate)\n\nGenerate docstring cache for given module.\n\nParameters\n----------\nmodule : str, None, module\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Module for which to generate docstring cache\nimport_modules : bool\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Whether to import sub-modules in packages.\nregenerate : bool\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Re-generate the docstring cache\n\nReturns\n-------\ncache : dict {obj_full_name: (docstring, kind, index), ...}\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Docstring cache for the module, either cached one (regenerate=False)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0or newly generated.', 'sortText': 'z_lookfor_generate_cache', 'insertText': '_lookfor_generate_cache(${1:module}, ${2:import_modules}, ${3:regenerate})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_MACHAR_PARAMS', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_MACHAR_PARAMS', 'insertText': '_MACHAR_PARAMS'}, {'label': '_make_along_axis_idx(arr_shape, indices, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.shape_base', 'documentation': '_make_along_axis_idx(arr_shape, indices, axis)', 'sortText': 'z_make_along_axis_idx', 'insertText': '_make_along_axis_idx(${1:arr_shape}, ${2:indices}, ${3:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_make_options_dict(precision, threshold, edgeitems, linewidth, suppress, nanstr, infstr, sign, formatter, floatmode, legacy)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_make_options_dict(precision=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None,\nlinewidth=None, suppress=None, nanstr=None, infstr=None, sign=None,\nformatter=None, floatmode=None, legacy=None)\n\nmake a dictionary out of the non-None arguments, plus sanity checks ', 'sortText': 'z_make_options_dict', 'insertText': '_make_options_dict(${1:precision}, ${2:threshold}, ${3:edgeitems}, ${4:linewidth}, ${5:suppress}, ${6:nanstr}, ${7:infstr}, ${8:sign}, ${9:formatter}, ${10:floatmode}, ${11:legacy})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_makenamedict(module)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': "_makenamedict(module='numpy')", 'sortText': 'z_makenamedict', 'insertText': '_makenamedict(${1:module})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_maketup(descr, val)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '_maketup(descr, val)', 'sortText': 'z_maketup', 'insertText': '_maketup(${1:descr}, ${2:val})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_mat', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_mat', 'insertText': '_mat'}, {'label': '_maxvals', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_maxvals', 'insertText': '_maxvals'}, {'label': '_maybe_view_as_subclass(original_array, new_array)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.stride_tricks', 'documentation': '_maybe_view_as_subclass(original_array, new_array)', 'sortText': 'z_maybe_view_as_subclass', 'insertText': '_maybe_view_as_subclass(${1:original_array}, ${2:new_array})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_median(a, axis, out, overwrite_input)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_median(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False)', 'sortText': 'z_median', 'insertText': '_median(${1:a}, ${2:axis}, ${3:out}, ${4:overwrite_input})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_median_nancheck(data, result, axis, out)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '_median_nancheck(data, result, axis, out)\n\nUtility function to check median result from data for NaN values at the end\nand return NaN in that case. Input result can also be a MaskedArray.\n\nParameters\n----------\ndata : array\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input data to median function\nresult : Array or MaskedArray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Result of median function\naxis : {int, sequence of int, None}, optional\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis or axes along which the median was computed.\nout : ndarray, optional\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array in which to place the result.\nReturns\n-------\nmedian : scalar or ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Median or NaN in axes which contained NaN in the input.', 'sortText': 'z_median_nancheck', 'insertText': '_median_nancheck(${1:data}, ${2:result}, ${3:axis}, ${4:out})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_methods', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_methods', 'insertText': '_methods'}, {'label': '_min_int(low, high)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.twodim_base', 'documentation': '_min_int(low, high)\n\nget small int that fits the range ', 'sortText': 'z_min_int', 'insertText': '_min_int(${1:low}, ${2:high})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_minvals', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_minvals', 'insertText': '_minvals'}, {'label': '_mklinit', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_mklinit', 'insertText': '_mklinit'}, {'label': '_mode_from_name(mode)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '_mode_from_name(mode)', 'sortText': 'z_mode_from_name', 'insertText': '_mode_from_name(${1:mode})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_mode_from_name_dict', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_mode_from_name_dict', 'insertText': '_mode_from_name_dict'}, {'label': '_move_axis_to_0(a, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '_move_axis_to_0(a, axis)', 'sortText': 'z_move_axis_to_0', 'insertText': '_move_axis_to_0(${1:a}, ${2:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_namedict', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_namedict', 'insertText': '_namedict'}, {'label': '_namefromtype', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.type_check', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_namefromtype', 'insertText': '_namefromtype'}, {'label': '_nanmedian(a, axis, out, overwrite_input)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': "_nanmedian(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False)\n\nPrivate function that doesn't support extended axis or keepdims.\nThese methods are extended to this function using _ureduce\nSee nanmedian for parameter usage", 'sortText': 'z_nanmedian', 'insertText': '_nanmedian(${1:a}, ${2:axis}, ${3:out}, ${4:overwrite_input})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_nanmedian1d(arr1d, overwrite_input)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': '_nanmedian1d(arr1d, overwrite_input=False)\n\nPrivate function for rank 1 arrays. Compute the median ignoring NaNs.\nSee nanmedian for parameter usage', 'sortText': 'z_nanmedian1d', 'insertText': '_nanmedian1d(${1:arr1d}, ${2:overwrite_input})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_nanmedian_small(a, axis, out, overwrite_input)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': '_nanmedian_small(a, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False)\n\nsort + indexing median, faster for small medians along multiple\ndimensions due to the high overhead of apply_along_axis\n\nsee nanmedian for parameter usage', 'sortText': 'z_nanmedian_small', 'insertText': '_nanmedian_small(${1:a}, ${2:axis}, ${3:out}, ${4:overwrite_input})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_nanquantile_1d(arr1d, q, overwrite_input, interpolation)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': "_nanquantile_1d(arr1d, q, overwrite_input=False, interpolation='linear')\n\nPrivate function for rank 1 arrays. Compute quantile ignoring NaNs.\nSee nanpercentile for parameter usage", 'sortText': 'z_nanquantile_1d', 'insertText': '_nanquantile_1d(${1:arr1d}, ${2:q}, ${3:overwrite_input}, ${4:interpolation})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_nanquantile_unchecked(a, q, axis, out, overwrite_input, interpolation, keepdims)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': "_nanquantile_unchecked(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False,\ninterpolation='linear', keepdims=np._NoValue)\n\nAssumes that q is in [0, 1], and is an ndarray", 'sortText': 'z_nanquantile_unchecked', 'insertText': '_nanquantile_unchecked(${1:a}, ${2:q}, ${3:axis}, ${4:out}, ${5:overwrite_input}, ${6:interpolation}, ${7:keepdims})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_nanquantile_ureduce_func(a, q, axis, out, overwrite_input, interpolation)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': "_nanquantile_ureduce_func(a, q, axis=None, out=None,\noverwrite_input=False, interpolation='linear')\n\nPrivate function that doesn't support extended axis or keepdims.\nThese methods are extended to this function using _ureduce\nSee nanpercentile for parameter usage", 'sortText': 'z_nanquantile_ureduce_func', 'insertText': '_nanquantile_ureduce_func(${1:a}, ${2:q}, ${3:axis}, ${4:out}, ${5:overwrite_input}, ${6:interpolation})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_none_or_positive_arg(x, name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_none_or_positive_arg(x, name)', 'sortText': 'z_none_or_positive_arg', 'insertText': '_none_or_positive_arg(${1:x}, ${2:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_normalize_shape(ndarray, shape, cast_to_int)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': "_normalize_shape(ndarray, shape, cast_to_int=True)\n\nPrivate function which does some checks and normalizes the possibly\nmuch simpler representations of 'pad_width', 'stat_length',\n'constant_values', 'end_values'.\n\nParameters\n----------\nnarray : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input ndarray\nshape : {sequence, array_like, float, int}, optional\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The width of padding (pad_width), the number of elements on the\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0edge of the narray used for statistics (stat_length), the constant\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0value(s) to use when filling padded regions (constant_values), or the\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0endpoint target(s) for linear ramps (end_values).\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((before_1, after_1), ... (before_N, after_N)) unique number of\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0elements for each axis where `N` is rank of `narray`.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((before, after),) yields same before and after constants for each\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0axis.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0(constant,) or val is a shortcut for before = after = constant for\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0all axes.\ncast_to_int : bool, optional\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Controls if values in ``shape`` will be rounded and cast to int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0before being returned.\n\nReturns\n-------\nnormalized_shape : tuple of tuples\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0val\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 => ((val, val), (val, val), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0[[val1, val2], [val3, val4], ...] => ((val1, val2), (val3, val4), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((val1, val2), (val3, val4), ...) => no change\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0[[val1, val2], ]\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0=> ((val1, val2), (val1, val2), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((val1, val2), )\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0=> ((val1, val2), (val1, val2), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0[[val ,\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ], ]\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0=> ((val, val), (val, val), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((val ,\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ), )\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0=> ((val, val), (val, val), ...)", 'sortText': 'z_normalize_shape', 'insertText': '_normalize_shape(${1:ndarray}, ${2:shape}, ${3:cast_to_int})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_NoValue', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_NoValue', 'insertText': '_NoValue'}, {'label': '_nt', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_nt', 'insertText': '_nt'}, {'label': '_numeric_methods(ufunc, name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.mixins', 'documentation': '_numeric_methods(ufunc, name)\n\nImplement forward, reflected and inplace binary methods with a ufunc.', 'sortText': 'z_numeric_methods', 'insertText': '_numeric_methods(${1:ufunc}, ${2:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_nx', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy.core.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_nx', 'insertText': '_nx'}, {'label': '_object_format(o)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_object_format(o)\n\nObject arrays containing lists should be printed unambiguously ', 'sortText': 'z_object_format', 'insertText': '_object_format(${1:o})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_ones_like', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy.core.umath', 'documentation': "_ones_like(x, /, out=None, \\*, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])\n\nThis function used to be the numpy.ones_like, but now a specific\nfunction for that has been written for consistency with the other\n\\*_like functions. It is only used internally in a limited fashion now.\n\nSee Also\n--------\nones_like", 'sortText': 'z_ones_like', 'insertText': '_ones_like(${1:x}, ${2:/}, ${3:out}, ${4:*}, ${5:where}, ${6:casting}, ${7:order}, ${8:dtype}, ${9:subok}, ${10:signature}, ${11:extobj})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_optimal_path(input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': "_optimal_path(input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit)\n\nComputes all possible pair contractions, sieves the results based\non ``memory_limit`` and returns the lowest cost path. This algorithm\nscales factorial with respect to the elements in the list ``input_sets``.\n\nParameters\n----------\ninput_sets : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0List of sets that represent the lhs side of the einsum subscript\noutput_set : set\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Set that represents the rhs side of the overall einsum subscript\nidx_dict : dictionary\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Dictionary of index sizes\nmemory_limit : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The maximum number of elements in a temporary array\n\nReturns\n-------\npath : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The optimal contraction order within the memory limit constraint.\n\nExamples\n--------\n>>> isets = [set('abd'), set('ac'), set('bdc')]\n>>> oset = set('')\n>>> idx_sizes = {'a': 1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4}\n>>> _path__optimal_path(isets, oset, idx_sizes, 5000)\n[(0, 2), (0, 1)]", 'sortText': 'z_optimal_path', 'insertText': '_optimal_path(${1:input_sets}, ${2:output_set}, ${3:idx_dict}, ${4:memory_limit})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_pad_ref(arr, pad_amt, method, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': "_pad_ref(arr, pad_amt, method, axis=-1)\n\nPad `axis` of `arr` by reflection.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : tuple of ints, length 2\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Padding to (prepend, append) along `axis`.\nmethod : str\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Controls method of reflection; options are 'even' or 'odd'.\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt[0]` values prepended and `pad_amt[1]`\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0values appended along `axis`. Both regions are padded with reflected\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0values from the original array.\n\nNotes\n-----\nThis algorithm does not pad with repetition, i.e. the edges are not\nrepeated in the reflection. For that behavior, use `mode='symmetric'`.\n\nThe modes 'reflect', 'symmetric', and 'wrap' must be padded with a\nsingle function, lest the indexing tricks in non-integer multiples of the\noriginal shape would violate repetition in the final iteration.", 'sortText': 'z_pad_ref', 'insertText': '_pad_ref(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:method}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_pad_sym(arr, pad_amt, method, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': "_pad_sym(arr, pad_amt, method, axis=-1)\n\nPad `axis` of `arr` by symmetry.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : tuple of ints, length 2\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Padding to (prepend, append) along `axis`.\nmethod : str\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Controls method of symmetry; options are 'even' or 'odd'.\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt[0]` values prepended and `pad_amt[1]`\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0values appended along `axis`. Both regions are padded with symmetric\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0values from the original array.\n\nNotes\n-----\nThis algorithm DOES pad with repetition, i.e. the edges are repeated.\nFor padding without repeated edges, use `mode='reflect'`.\n\nThe modes 'reflect', 'symmetric', and 'wrap' must be padded with a\nsingle function, lest the indexing tricks in non-integer multiples of the\noriginal shape would violate repetition in the final iteration.", 'sortText': 'z_pad_sym', 'insertText': '_pad_sym(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:method}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_pad_wrap(arr, pad_amt, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': "_pad_wrap(arr, pad_amt, axis=-1)\n\nPad `axis` of `arr` via wrapping.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : tuple of ints, length 2\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Padding to (prepend, append) along `axis`.\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt[0]` values prepended and `pad_amt[1]`\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0values appended along `axis`. Both regions are padded wrapped values\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0from the opposite end of `axis`.\n\nNotes\n-----\nThis method of padding is also known as 'tile' or 'tiling'.\n\nThe modes 'reflect', 'symmetric', and 'wrap' must be padded with a\nsingle function, lest the indexing tricks in non-integer multiples of the\noriginal shape would violate repetition in the final iteration.", 'sortText': 'z_pad_wrap', 'insertText': '_pad_wrap(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_parse_einsum_input(operands)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': "_parse_einsum_input(operands)\n\nA reproduction of einsum c side einsum parsing in python.\n\nReturns\n-------\ninput_strings : str\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Parsed input strings\noutput_string : str\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Parsed output string\noperands : list of array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The operands to use in the numpy contraction\n\nExamples\n--------\nThe operand list is simplified to reduce printing:\n\n>>> a = np.random.rand(4, 4)\n>>> b = np.random.rand(4, 4, 4)\n>>> __parse_einsum_input(('...a,...a->...', a, b))\n('za,xza', 'xz', [a, b])\n\n>>> __parse_einsum_input((a, [Ellipsis, 0], b, [Ellipsis, 0]))\n('za,xza', 'xz', [a, b])", 'sortText': 'z_parse_einsum_input', 'insertText': '_parse_einsum_input(${1:operands})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_parse_gufunc_signature(signature)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_parse_gufunc_signature(signature)\n\nParse string signatures for a generalized universal function.\n\nArguments\n---------\nsignature : string\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Generalized universal function signature, e.g., ``(m,n),(n,p)->(m,p)``\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0for ``np.matmul``.\n\nReturns\n-------\nTuple of input and output core dimensions parsed from the signature, each\nof the form List[Tuple[str, ...]].', 'sortText': 'z_parse_gufunc_signature', 'insertText': '_parse_gufunc_signature(${1:signature})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_parse_input_dimensions(args, input_core_dims)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_parse_input_dimensions(args, input_core_dims)\n\nParse broadcast and core dimensions for vectorize with a signature.\n\nArguments\n---------\nargs : Tuple[ndarray, ...]\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Tuple of input arguments to examine.\ninput_core_dims : List[Tuple[str, ...]]\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0List of core dimensions corresponding to each input.\n\nReturns\n-------\nbroadcast_shape : Tuple[int, ...]\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Common shape to broadcast all non-core dimensions to.\ndim_sizes : Dict[str, int]\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Common sizes for named core dimensions.', 'sortText': 'z_parse_input_dimensions', 'insertText': '_parse_input_dimensions(${1:args}, ${2:input_core_dims})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_parse_possible_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set, idx_dict, memory_limit, path_cost, naive_cost)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': '_parse_possible_contraction(positions, input_sets, output_set, idx_dict,\nmemory_limit, path_cost, naive_cost)\n\nCompute the cost (removed size + flops) and resultant indices for\nperforming the contraction specified by ``positions``.\n\nParameters\n----------\npositions : tuple of int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The locations of the proposed tensors to contract.\ninput_sets : list of sets\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The indices found on each tensors.\noutput_set : set\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The output indices of the expression.\nidx_dict : dict\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Mapping of each index to its size.\nmemory_limit : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The total allowed size for an intermediary tensor.\npath_cost : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The contraction cost so far.\nnaive_cost : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The cost of the unoptimized expression.\n\nReturns\n-------\ncost : (int, int)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0A tuple containing the size of any indices removed, and the flop cost.\npositions : tuple of int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The locations of the proposed tensors to contract.\nnew_input_sets : list of sets\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The resulting new list of indices if this proposed contraction is performed.', 'sortText': 'z_parse_possible_contraction', 'insertText': '_parse_possible_contraction(${1:positions}, ${2:input_sets}, ${3:output_set}, ${4:idx_dict}, ${5:memory_limit}, ${6:path_cost}, ${7:naive_cost})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_poly_mat', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.polynomial', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_poly_mat', 'insertText': '_poly_mat'}, {'label': '_prepend_const(arr, pad_amt, val, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_prepend_const(arr, pad_amt, val, axis=-1)\n\nPrepend constant `val` along `axis` of `arr`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to prepend.\nval : scalar\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Constant value to use. For best results should be of type `arr.dtype`;\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0if not `arr.dtype` will be cast to `arr.dtype`.\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` constant `val` prepended along `axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_prepend_const', 'insertText': '_prepend_const(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:val}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_prepend_edge(arr, pad_amt, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_prepend_edge(arr, pad_amt, axis=-1)\n\nPrepend `pad_amt` to `arr` along `axis` by extending edge values.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to prepend.\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, extended by `pad_amt` edge values appended along `axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_prepend_edge', 'insertText': '_prepend_edge(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_prepend_max(arr, pad_amt, num, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_prepend_max(arr, pad_amt, num, axis=-1)\n\nPrepend `pad_amt` maximum values along `axis`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to prepend.\nnum : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Depth into `arr` along `axis` to calculate maximum.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Range: [1, `arr.shape[axis]`] or None (entire axis)\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values appended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0prepended region is the maximum of the first `num` values along\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0`axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_prepend_max', 'insertText': '_prepend_max(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:num}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_prepend_mean(arr, pad_amt, num, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_prepend_mean(arr, pad_amt, num, axis=-1)\n\nPrepend `pad_amt` mean values along `axis`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to prepend.\nnum : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Depth into `arr` along `axis` to calculate mean.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Range: [1, `arr.shape[axis]`] or None (entire axis)\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns
  2. 2019-03-25T10:07:55.788 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] \n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values prepended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0prepended region is the mean of the first `num` values along `axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_prepend_mean', 'insertText': '_prepend_mean(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:num}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_prepend_med(arr, pad_amt, num, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_prepend_med(arr, pad_amt, num, axis=-1)\n\nPrepend `pad_amt` median values along `axis`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to prepend.\nnum : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Depth into `arr` along `axis` to calculate median.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Range: [1, `arr.shape[axis]`] or None (entire axis)\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values prepended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0prepended region is the median of the first `num` values along `axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_prepend_med', 'insertText': '_prepend_med(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:num}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_prepend_min(arr, pad_amt, num, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_prepend_min(arr, pad_amt, num, axis=-1)\n\nPrepend `pad_amt` minimum values along `axis`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to prepend.\nnum : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Depth into `arr` along `axis` to calculate minimum.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Range: [1, `arr.shape[axis]`] or None (entire axis)\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values prepended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0prepended region is the minimum of the first `num` values along\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0`axis`.', 'sortText': 'z_prepend_min', 'insertText': '_prepend_min(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:num}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_prepend_ramp(arr, pad_amt, end, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_prepend_ramp(arr, pad_amt, end, axis=-1)\n\nPrepend linear ramp along `axis`.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array of arbitrary shape.\npad_amt : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Amount of padding to prepend.\nend : scalar\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Constal value to use. For best results should be of type `arr.dtype`;\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0if not `arr.dtype` will be cast to `arr.dtype`.\naxis : int\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Axis along which to pad `arr`.\n\nReturns\n-------\npadarr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Output array, with `pad_amt` values prepended along `axis`. The\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0prepended region ramps linearly from the edge value to `end`.', 'sortText': 'z_prepend_ramp', 'insertText': '_prepend_ramp(${1:arr}, ${2:pad_amt}, ${3:end}, ${4:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_quantile_is_valid(q)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_quantile_is_valid(q)', 'sortText': 'z_quantile_is_valid', 'insertText': '_quantile_is_valid(${1:q})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_quantile_unchecked(a, q, axis, out, overwrite_input, interpolation, keepdims)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': "_quantile_unchecked(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False,\ninterpolation='linear', keepdims=False)\n\nAssumes that q is in [0, 1], and is an ndarray", 'sortText': 'z_quantile_unchecked', 'insertText': '_quantile_unchecked(${1:a}, ${2:q}, ${3:axis}, ${4:out}, ${5:overwrite_input}, ${6:interpolation}, ${7:keepdims})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_quantile_ureduce_func(a, q, axis, out, overwrite_input, interpolation, keepdims)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': "_quantile_ureduce_func(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False,\ninterpolation='linear', keepdims=False)", 'sortText': 'z_quantile_ureduce_func', 'insertText': '_quantile_ureduce_func(${1:a}, ${2:q}, ${3:axis}, ${4:out}, ${5:overwrite_input}, ${6:interpolation}, ${7:keepdims})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_raise_power(astr, wrap)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.polynomial', 'documentation': '_raise_power(astr, wrap=70)', 'sortText': 'z_raise_power', 'insertText': '_raise_power(${1:astr}, ${2:wrap})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_range', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_range', 'insertText': '_range'}, {'label': '_ravel_and_check_weights(a, weights)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_ravel_and_check_weights(a, weights)\n\nCheck a and weights have matching shapes, and ravel both ', 'sortText': 'z_ravel_and_check_weights', 'insertText': '_ravel_and_check_weights(${1:a}, ${2:weights})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_rbl(rate, per, pmt, pv, when)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': '', 'documentation': "_rbl(rate, per, pmt, pv, when)\n\nThis function is here to simply have a different name for the 'fv'\nfunction to not interfere with the 'fv' keyword argument within the 'ipmt'\nfunction.\xa0\xa0It is the 'remaining balance on loan' which might be useful as\nit's own function, but is easily calculated with the 'fv' function.", 'sortText': 'z_rbl', 'insertText': '_rbl(${1:rate}, ${2:per}, ${3:pmt}, ${4:pv}, ${5:when})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_recursive_guard(fillvalue)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': "_recursive_guard(fillvalue='...')\n\nLike the python 3.2 reprlib.recursive_repr, but forwards \\*args and \\*\\*kwargs\n\nDecorates a function such that if it calls itself with the same first\nargument, it returns `fillvalue` instead of recursing.\n\nLargely copied from reprlib.recursive_repr", 'sortText': 'z_recursive_guard', 'insertText': '_recursive_guard(${1:fillvalue})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_reflected_binary_method(ufunc, name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.mixins', 'documentation': '_reflected_binary_method(ufunc, name)\n\nImplement a reflected binary method with a ufunc, e.g., __radd__.', 'sortText': 'z_reflected_binary_method', 'insertText': '_reflected_binary_method(${1:ufunc}, ${2:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_register_types()', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '_register_types()', 'sortText': 'z_register_types', 'insertText': '_register_types'}, {'label': '_remove_nan_1d(arr1d, overwrite_input)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': '_remove_nan_1d(arr1d, overwrite_input=False)\n\nEquivalent to arr1d[~arr1d.isnan()], but in a different order\n\nPresumably faster as it incurs fewer copies\n\nParameters\n----------\narr1d : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Array to remove nans from\noverwrite_input : bool\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0True if `arr1d` can be modified in place\n\nReturns\n-------\nres : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Array with nan elements removed\noverwrite_input : bool\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0True if `res` can be modified in place, given the constraint on the\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0input', 'sortText': 'z_remove_nan_1d', 'insertText': '_remove_nan_1d(${1:arr1d}, ${2:overwrite_input})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_replace_nan(a, val)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.nanfunctions', 'documentation': '_replace_nan(a, val)\n\nIf `a` is of inexact type, make a copy of `a`, replace NaNs with\nthe `val` value, and return the copy together with a boolean mask\nmarking the locations where NaNs were present. If `a` is not of\ninexact type, do nothing and return `a` together with a mask of None.\n\nNote that scalars will end up as array scalars, which is important\nfor using the result as the value of the out argument in some\noperations.\n\nParameters\n----------\na : array-like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array.\nval : float\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0NaN values are set to val before doing the operation.\n\nReturns\n-------\ny : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0If `a` is of inexact type, return a copy of `a` with the NaNs\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0replaced by the fill value, otherwise return `a`.\nmask: {bool, None}\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0If `a` is of inexact type, return a boolean mask marking locations of\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0NaNs, otherwise return None.', 'sortText': 'z_replace_nan', 'insertText': '_replace_nan(${1:a}, ${2:val})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_replace_zero_by_x_arrays(sub_arys)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.shape_base', 'documentation': '_replace_zero_by_x_arrays(sub_arys)', 'sortText': 'z_replace_zero_by_x_arrays', 'insertText': '_replace_zero_by_x_arrays(${1:sub_arys})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_round_ifneeded(arr, dtype)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_round_ifneeded(arr, dtype)\n\nRounds arr inplace if destination dtype is integer.\n\nParameters\n----------\narr : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array.\ndtype : dtype\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The dtype of the destination array.', 'sortText': 'z_round_ifneeded', 'insertText': '_round_ifneeded(${1:arr}, ${2:dtype})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_sanity_check()', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '_sanity_check()\n\nQuick sanity checks for common bugs caused by environment.\nThere are some cases e.g. with wrong BLAS ABI that cause wrong\nresults under specific runtime conditions that are not necessarily\nachieved during test suite runs, and it is useful to catch those early.\n\nSee and other\nsimilar bug reports.', 'sortText': 'z_sanity_check', 'insertText': '_sanity_check'}, {'label': '_savez(file, args, kwds, compress, allow_pickle, pickle_kwargs)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.npyio', 'documentation': '_savez(file, args, kwds, compress, allow_pickle=True,\npickle_kwargs=None)', 'sortText': 'z_savez', 'insertText': '_savez(${1:file}, ${2:args}, ${3:kwds}, ${4:compress}, ${5:allow_pickle}, ${6:pickle_kwargs})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_sctype2char_dict', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_sctype2char_dict', 'insertText': '_sctype2char_dict'}, {'label': '_search_sorted_inclusive(a, v)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_search_sorted_inclusive(a, v)\n\nLike `searchsorted`, but where the last item in `v` is placed on the right.\n\nIn the context of a histogram, this makes the last bin edge inclusive', 'sortText': 'z_search_sorted_inclusive', 'insertText': '_search_sorted_inclusive(${1:a}, ${2:v})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_set_array_types()', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '_set_array_types()', 'sortText': 'z_set_array_types', 'insertText': '_set_array_types'}, {'label': '_set_function_name(func, name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '_set_function_name(func, name)', 'sortText': 'z_set_function_name', 'insertText': '_set_function_name(${1:func}, ${2:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_set_up_aliases()', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '_set_up_aliases()', 'sortText': 'z_set_up_aliases', 'insertText': '_set_up_aliases'}, {'label': '_setdef()', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '_setdef()', 'sortText': 'z_setdef', 'insertText': '_setdef'}, {'label': '_SIGNATURE', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_SIGNATURE', 'insertText': '_SIGNATURE'}, {'label': '_slice_at_axis(shape, sl, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_slice_at_axis(shape, sl, axis)\n\nConstruct a slice tuple the length of shape, with sl at the specified axis', 'sortText': 'z_slice_at_axis', 'insertText': '_slice_at_axis(${1:shape}, ${2:sl}, ${3:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_slice_first(shape, n, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_slice_first(shape, n, axis)\n\nConstruct a slice tuple to take the first n elements along axis ', 'sortText': 'z_slice_first', 'insertText': '_slice_first(${1:shape}, ${2:n}, ${3:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_slice_last(shape, n, axis)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_slice_last(shape, n, axis)\n\nConstruct a slice tuple to take the last n elements along axis ', 'sortText': 'z_slice_last', 'insertText': '_slice_last(${1:shape}, ${2:n}, ${3:axis})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_split_line(name, arguments, width)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.utils', 'documentation': '_split_line(name, arguments, width)', 'sortText': 'z_split_line', 'insertText': '_split_line(${1:name}, ${2:arguments}, ${3:width})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_sum_', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_sum_', 'insertText': '_sum_'}, {'label': '_TimelikeFormat', 'kind': 7, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_TimelikeFormat(self, data)', 'sortText': 'z_TimelikeFormat', 'insertText': '_TimelikeFormat(${1:data})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_tiny_f128', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_tiny_f128', 'insertText': '_tiny_f128'}, {'label': '_tiny_f64', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_tiny_f64', 'insertText': '_tiny_f64'}, {'label': '_tiny_f80', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_tiny_f80', 'insertText': '_tiny_f80'}, {'label': '_title_fmt', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.getlimits', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_title_fmt', 'insertText': '_title_fmt'}, {'label': '_toadd', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_toadd', 'insertText': '_toadd'}, {'label': '_typecodes_by_elsize', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.type_check', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_typecodes_by_elsize', 'insertText': '_typecodes_by_elsize'}, {'label': '_typedict', 'kind': 7, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': 'Base object for a dictionary for look-up with any alias for an array dtype.\n\nInstances of `_typedict` can not be used as dictionaries directly,\nfirst they have to be populated.', 'sortText': 'z_typedict', 'insertText': '_typedict'}, {'label': '_typelessdata', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_typelessdata', 'insertText': '_typelessdata'}, {'label': '_types', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_types', 'insertText': '_types'}, {'label': '_typestr', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_typestr', 'insertText': '_typestr'}, {'label': '_UFUNC_API', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy.core.umath', 'documentation': 'Capsule objects let you wrap a C "void \\*" pointer in a Python\nobject.\xa0\xa0They\'re a way of passing data through the Python interpreter\nwithout creating your own custom type.\n\nCapsules are used for communication between extension modules.\nThey provide a way for an extension module to export a C interface\nto other extension modules, so that extension modules can use the\nPython import mechanism to link to one another.', 'sortText': 'z_UFUNC_API', 'insertText': '_UFUNC_API'}, {'label': '_ufunc_reconstruct(module, name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core', 'documentation': '_ufunc_reconstruct(module, name)', 'sortText': 'z_ufunc_reconstruct', 'insertText': '_ufunc_reconstruct(${1:module}, ${2:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_ufunc_reduce(func)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core', 'documentation': '_ufunc_reduce(func)', 'sortText': 'z_ufunc_reduce', 'insertText': '_ufunc_reduce(${1:func})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_unary_method(ufunc, name)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.mixins', 'documentation': '_unary_method(ufunc, name)\n\nImplement a unary special method with a ufunc.', 'sortText': 'z_unary_method', 'insertText': '_unary_method(${1:ufunc}, ${2:name})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_unique1d(ar, return_index, return_inverse, return_counts)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraysetops', 'documentation': '_unique1d(ar, return_index=False, return_inverse=False,\nreturn_counts=False)\n\nFind the unique elements of an array, ignoring shape.', 'sortText': 'z_unique1d', 'insertText': '_unique1d(${1:ar}, ${2:return_index}, ${3:return_inverse}, ${4:return_counts})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_unpack_tuple(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraysetops', 'documentation': '_unpack_tuple(x)\n\nUnpacks one-element tuples for use as return values ', 'sortText': 'z_unpack_tuple', 'insertText': '_unpack_tuple(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_unsigned_subtract(a, b)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.histograms', 'documentation': '_unsigned_subtract(a, b)\n\nSubtract two values where a >= b, and produce an unsigned result\n\nThis is needed when finding the difference between the upper and lower\nbound of an int16 histogram', 'sortText': 'z_unsigned_subtract', 'insertText': '_unsigned_subtract(${1:a}, ${2:b})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_unspecified', 'kind': 7, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_unspecified', 'insertText': '_unspecified'}, {'label': '_Unspecified', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numeric', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_Unspecified', 'insertText': '_Unspecified'}, {'label': '_update_dim_sizes(dim_sizes, arg, core_dims)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': '_update_dim_sizes(dim_sizes, arg, core_dims)\n\nIncrementally check and update core dimension sizes for a single argument.\n\nArguments\n---------\ndim_sizes : Dict[str, int]\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Sizes of existing core dimensions. Will be updated in-place.\narg : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Argument to examine.\ncore_dims : Tuple[str, ...]\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Core dimensions for this argument.', 'sortText': 'z_update_dim_sizes', 'insertText': '_update_dim_sizes(${1:dim_sizes}, ${2:arg}, ${3:core_dims})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_update_other_results(results, best)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.einsumfunc', 'documentation': '_update_other_results(results, best)\n\nUpdate the positions and provisional input_sets of ``results`` based on\nperforming the contraction result ``best``. Remove any involving the tensors\ncontracted.\n\nParameters\n----------\nresults : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0List of contraction results produced by ``_parse_possible_contraction``.\nbest : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The best contraction of ``results`` i.e. the one that will be performed.\n\nReturns\n-------\nmod_results : list\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The list of modifed results, updated with outcome of ``best`` contraction.', 'sortText': 'z_update_other_results', 'insertText': '_update_other_results(${1:results}, ${2:best})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_ureduce(a, func, kwargs)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'documentation': "_ureduce(a, func, \\*\\*kwargs)\n\nInternal Function.\nCall `func` with `a` as first argument swapping the axes to use extended\naxis on functions that don't support it natively.\n\nReturns result and a.shape with axis dims set to 1.\n\nParameters\n----------\na : array_like\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input array or object that can be converted to an array.\nfunc : callable\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Reduction function capable of receiving a single axis argument.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0It is called with `a` as first argument followed by `kwargs`.\nkwargs : keyword arguments\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0additional keyword arguments to pass to `func`.\n\nReturns\n-------\nresult : tuple\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Result of func(a, \\*\\*kwargs) and a.shape with axis dims set to 1\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0which can be used to reshape the result to the same shape a ufunc with\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0keepdims=True would produce.", 'sortText': 'z_ureduce', 'insertText': '_ureduce(${1:a}, ${2:func}, ${3:kwargs})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_validate_lengths(narray, number_elements)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.lib.arraypad', 'documentation': '_validate_lengths(narray, number_elements)\n\nPrivate function which does some checks and reformats pad_width and\nstat_length using _normalize_shape.\n\nParameters\n----------\nnarray : ndarray\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0Input ndarray\nnumber_elements : {sequence, int}, optional\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0The width of padding (pad_width) or the number of elements on the edge\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0of the narray used for statistics (stat_length).\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((before_1, after_1), ... (before_N, after_N)) unique number of\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0elements for each axis.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((before, after),) yields same before and after constants for each\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0axis.\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0(constant,) or int is a shortcut for before = after = constant for all\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0axes.\n\nReturns\n-------\n_validate_lengths : tuple of tuples\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0int\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 => ((int, int), (int, int), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0[[int1, int2], [int3, int4], ...] => ((int1, int2), (int3, int4), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((int1, int2), (int3, int4), ...) => no change\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0[[int1, int2], ]\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0=> ((int1, int2), (int1, int2), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((int1, int2), )\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0=> ((int1, int2), (int1, int2), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0[[int ,\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ], ]\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0=> ((int, int), (int, int), ...)\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0((int ,\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ), )\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0=> ((int, int), (int, int), ...)', 'sortText': 'z_validate_lengths', 'insertText': '_validate_lengths(${1:narray}, ${2:number_elements})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_void_scalar_repr(x)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '_void_scalar_repr(x)\n\nImplements the repr for structured-void scalars. It is called from the\nscalartypes.c.src code, and is placed here because it uses the elementwise\nformatters defined above.', 'sortText': 'z_void_scalar_repr', 'insertText': '_void_scalar_repr(${1:x})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_when_to_num', 'kind': 14, 'detail': '', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z_when_to_num', 'insertText': '_when_to_num'}, {'label': '_wrapfunc(obj, method, args, kwds)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'documentation': '_wrapfunc(obj, method, \\*args, \\*\\*kwds)', 'sortText': 'z_wrapfunc', 'insertText': '_wrapfunc(${1:obj}, ${2:method}, ${3:args}, ${4:kwds})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_wrapit(obj, method, args, kwds)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'documentation': '_wrapit(obj, method, \\*args, \\*\\*kwds)', 'sortText': 'z_wrapit', 'insertText': '_wrapit(${1:obj}, ${2:method}, ${3:args}, ${4:kwds})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '_wrapreduction(obj, ufunc, method, axis, dtype, out, kwargs)', 'kind': 3, 'detail': 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'documentation': '_wrapreduction(obj, ufunc, method, axis, dtype, out, \\*\\*kwargs)', 'sortText': 'z_wrapreduction', 'insertText': '_wrapreduction(${1:obj}, ${2:ufunc}, ${3:method}, ${4:axis}, ${5:dtype}, ${6:out}, ${7:kwargs})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}, {'label': '__all__', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__all__', 'insertText': '__all__'}, {'label': '__config__', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__config__', 'insertText': '__config__'}, {'label': '__doc__', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__doc__', 'insertText': '__doc__'}, {'label': '__docformat__', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__docformat__', 'insertText': '__docformat__'}, {'label': '__file__', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__file__', 'insertText': '__file__'}, {'label': '__git_revision__', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__git_revision__', 'insertText': '__git_revision__'}, {'label': '__len_test_types', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__len_test_types', 'insertText': '__len_test_types'}, {'label': '__loader__', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy.core.umath', 'documentation': 'Loader for extension modules.\n\nThe constructor is designed to work with FileFinder.', 'sortText': 'z__loader__', 'insertText': '__loader__'}, {'label': '__mkl_version__', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__mkl_version__', 'insertText': '__mkl_version__'}, {'label': '__name__', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__name__', 'insertText': '__name__'}, {'label': '__NUMPY_SETUP__', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__NUMPY_SETUP__', 'insertText': '__NUMPY_SETUP__'}, {'label': '__package__', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__package__', 'insertText': '__package__'}, {'label': '__spec__', 'kind': 18, 'detail': 'numpy.core.umath', 'documentation': 'The specification for a module, used for loading.\n\nA module\'s spec is the source for information about the module.\xa0\xa0For\ndata associated with the module, including source, use the spec\'s\nloader.\n\n`name` is the absolute name of the module.\xa0\xa0`loader` is the loader\nto use when loading the module.\xa0\xa0`parent` is the name of the\npackage the module is in.\xa0\xa0The parent is derived from the name.\n\n`is_package` determines if the module is considered a package or\nnot.\xa0\xa0On modules this is reflected by the `__path__` attribute.\n\n`origin` is the specific location used by the loader from which to\nload the module, if that information is available.\xa0\xa0When filename is\nset, origin will match.\n\n`has_location` indicates that a spec\'s "origin" reflects a location.\nWhen this is True, `__file__` attribute of the module is set.\n\n`cached` is the location of the cached bytecode file, if any.\xa0\xa0It\ncorresponds to the `__cached__` attribute.\n\n`submodule_search_locations` is the sequence of path entries to\nsearch when importing submodules.\xa0\xa0If set, is_package should be\nTrue--and False otherwise.\n\nPackages are simply modules that (may) have submodules.\xa0\xa0If a spec\nhas a non-None value in `submodule_search_locations`, the import\nsystem will consider modules loaded from the spec as packages.\n\nOnly finders (see and\ should modify ModuleSpec instances.', 'sortText': 'z__spec__', 'insertText': '__spec__'}, {'label': '__test_types', 'kind': 14, 'detail': 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__test_types', 'insertText': '__test_types'}, {'label': '__version__', 'kind': 9, 'detail': 'numpy', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'z__version__', 'insertText': '__version__'}]}
  4. 2019-03-25T10:07:55.902 WARN (pid:916) [completion-complete] - Complete source "pyls" takes 1833ms
  5. 2019-03-25T10:07:55.903 INFO (pid:916) [completion-complete] - Results from: pyls
  6. 2019-03-25T10:07:55.934 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
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  15. 2019-03-25T10:07:56.721 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 's' ]
  16. 2019-03-25T10:07:56.723 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
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  24. 2019-03-25T10:07:56.723 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  25. 2019-03-25T10:07:56.739 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  26. 2019-03-25T10:07:56.755 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
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  29. completed_item: {},
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  34. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.418 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  35. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.420 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 8 ] ]
  36. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.420 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  37. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.436 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
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  45. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.437 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  46. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.568 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'r' ]
  47. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.570 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
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  55. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.570 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  56. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.587 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  57. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.592 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  58. row: 6,
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  60. completed_item: {},
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  63. size: 50 },
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  65. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.681 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'r' ]
  66. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.683 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
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  74. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.683 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  75. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.692 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  76. 2019-03-25T10:07:59.695 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  77. row: 6,
  78. scrollbar: true,
  79. completed_item: {},
  80. width: 180,
  81. height: 39,
  82. size: 50 },
  83. 5 ]
  84. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.418 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'a' ]
  85. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.419 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  86. row: 6,
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  88. completed_item: {},
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  93. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.420 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  94. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.428 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  95. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.431 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  96. row: 6,
  97. scrollbar: false,
  98. completed_item: {},
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  102. 5 ]
  103. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.905 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'y' ]
  104. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.907 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  105. row: 6,
  106. scrollbar: false,
  107. completed_item: {},
  108. width: 181,
  109. height: 10,
  110. size: 10 },
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  112. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.907 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  113. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.912 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  114. 2019-03-25T10:08:00.915 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  115. row: 6,
  116. scrollbar: false,
  117. completed_item: {},
  118. width: 181,
  119. height: 29,
  120. size: 29 },
  121. 5 ]
  122. 2019-03-25T10:08:01.471 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  123. row: 6,
  124. scrollbar: false,
  125. completed_item:
  126. { word: 'array',
  127. menu: 'numpy.core.numerictypes [LS]',
  128. user_data: '{"cid":1553526475,"source":"pyls","index":35}',
  129. info: '',
  130. kind: 'M',
  131. abbr: 'array' },
  132. width: 181,
  133. height: 29,
  134. size: 29 },
  135. 5 ]
  136. 2019-03-25T10:08:02.031 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  137. row: 6,
  138. scrollbar: false,
  139. completed_item:
  140. { word: 'array2string',
  141. menu: 'numpy.core.arrayprint [LS]',
  142. user_data: '{"cid":1553526475,"source":"pyls","index":36}',
  143. info: '',
  144. kind: 'f',
  145. abbr: 'array2string(a, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small, separator, prefix, style, formatter, threshold, edgeitems, sign, floatmode, suffix, kwarg)~' },
  146. width: 181,
  147. height: 29,
  148. size: 29 },
  149. 5 ]
  150. 2019-03-25T10:08:02.034 ERROR (pid:916) [events] - Error on MenuPopupChanged: TypeError: Cannot read property 'charCodeAt' of undefined
  151. at FloatBuffer.softSplit (/snapshot/coc.nvim/lib/model/floatBuffer.js:239:31)
  152. at FloatBuffer.setDocuments (/snapshot/coc.nvim/lib/model/floatBuffer.js:73:38)
  153. at FloatingWindow.calculateBounding (/snapshot/coc.nvim/lib/completion/floating.js:85:27)
  154. at (/snapshot/coc.nvim/lib/completion/floating.js:19:31)
  155. at Completion.onPumChange (/snapshot/coc.nvim/lib/completion/index.js:496:33)
  156. at <anonymous>
  157. at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
  158. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.084 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  159. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.087 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 11 ] ]
  160. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.087 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  161. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.096 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  162. row: 6,
  163. scrollbar: false,
  164. completed_item: {},
  165. width: 181,
  166. height: 36,
  167. size: 36 },
  168. 5 ]
  169. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.097 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  170. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.249 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  171. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.251 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 10 ] ]
  172. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.252 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  173. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.261 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  174. row: 6,
  175. scrollbar: true,
  176. completed_item: {},
  177. width: 180,
  178. height: 39,
  179. size: 50 },
  180. 5 ]
  181. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.261 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  182. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.410 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  183. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.412 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 9 ] ]
  184. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.412 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  185. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.422 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  186. row: 6,
  187. scrollbar: true,
  188. completed_item: {},
  189. width: 180,
  190. height: 39,
  191. size: 50 },
  192. 5 ]
  193. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.423 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  194. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.611 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  195. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.613 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 8 ] ]
  196. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.614 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  197. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.628 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  198. row: 6,
  199. scrollbar: true,
  200. completed_item: {},
  201. width: 180,
  202. height: 39,
  203. size: 50 },
  204. 5 ]
  205. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.628 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  206. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.849 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 's' ]
  207. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.850 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  208. row: 6,
  209. scrollbar: false,
  210. completed_item: {},
  211. width: 67,
  212. height: 6,
  213. size: 6 },
  214. 5 ]
  215. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.851 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  216. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.863 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  217. 2019-03-25T10:08:04.866 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  218. row: 6,
  219. scrollbar: true,
  220. completed_item: {},
  221. width: 180,
  222. height: 39,
  223. size: 50 },
  224. 5 ]
  225. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.178 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'a' ]
  226. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.180 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  227. row: 6,
  228. scrollbar: false,
  229. completed_item: {},
  230. width: 67,
  231. height: 3,
  232. size: 3 },
  233. 5 ]
  234. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.180 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  235. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.185 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  236. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.189 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  237. row: 6,
  238. scrollbar: false,
  239. completed_item: {},
  240. width: 181,
  241. height: 33,
  242. size: 33 },
  243. 5 ]
  244. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.422 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'r' ]
  245. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.423 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  246. row: 6,
  247. scrollbar: false,
  248. completed_item: {},
  249. width: 67,
  250. height: 2,
  251. size: 2 },
  252. 5 ]
  253. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.424 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  254. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.429 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  255. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.431 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  256. row: 6,
  257. scrollbar: false,
  258. completed_item: {},
  259. width: 181,
  260. height: 17,
  261. size: 17 },
  262. 5 ]
  263. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.566 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'r' ]
  264. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.567 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  265. row: 6,
  266. scrollbar: false,
  267. completed_item: {},
  268. width: 67,
  269. height: 2,
  270. size: 2 },
  271. 5 ]
  272. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.568 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  273. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.572 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  274. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.574 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  275. row: 6,
  276. scrollbar: false,
  277. completed_item: {},
  278. width: 82,
  279. height: 11,
  280. size: 11 },
  281. 5 ]
  282. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.667 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'a' ]
  283. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.668 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  284. row: 6,
  285. scrollbar: false,
  286. completed_item: {},
  287. width: 67,
  288. height: 2,
  289. size: 2 },
  290. 5 ]
  291. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.669 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  292. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.673 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  293. 2019-03-25T10:08:05.675 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  294. row: 6,
  295. scrollbar: false,
  296. completed_item: {},
  297. width: 82,
  298. height: 7,
  299. size: 7 },
  300. 5 ]
  301. 2019-03-25T10:08:06.248 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  302. row: 6,
  303. scrollbar: false,
  304. completed_item:
  305. { word: 'asarray',
  306. menu: 'numpy.core.fromnumeric [LS]',
  307. user_data: '{"cid":1553526475,"source":"pyls","index":48}',
  308. info: '',
  309. kind: 'M',
  310. abbr: 'asarray' },
  311. width: 82,
  312. height: 7,
  313. size: 7 },
  314. 5 ]
  315. 2019-03-25T10:08:07.815 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  316. row: 6,
  317. scrollbar: false,
  318. completed_item:
  319. { word: 'asarray_chkfinite',
  320. menu: 'numpy.lib.function_base [LS]',
  321. user_data: '{"cid":1553526475,"source":"pyls","index":49}',
  322. info: '',
  323. kind: 'f',
  324. abbr: 'asarray_chkfinite(a, dtype, order)~' },
  325. width: 82,
  326. height: 7,
  327. size: 7 },
  328. 5 ]
  329. 2019-03-25T10:08:07.939 ERROR (pid:916) [util-highlights] - Error: request nvim_ui_attach - No such UI option: ext_hlstate
  330. at events_1.EventEmitter.constructor.(anonymous function).Promise.transport.request (/snapshot/coc.nvim/node_modules/@chemzqm/neovim/lib/api/Base.js:33:28)
  331. at Transport.parseMessage (/snapshot/coc.nvim/node_modules/@chemzqm/neovim/lib/utils/transport.js:137:17)
  332. at DecodeStream.events_1.EventEmitter.constructor.decodeStream.on (/snapshot/coc.nvim/node_modules/@chemzqm/neovim/lib/utils/transport.js:43:18)
  333. at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
  334. at DecodeStream.emit (events.js:211:7)
  335. at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)
  336. at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)
  337. at DecodeStream.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:208:10)
  338. at DecodeStream.Transform.push (_stream_transform.js:147:32)
  339. at DecodeBuffer.__dirname.DecodeStream.decoder.push (/snapshot/coc.nvim/node_modules/msgpack-lite/lib/decode-stream.js:24:12)
  340. 2019-03-25T10:08:07.950 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 2 ]
  341. 2019-03-25T10:08:07.952 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
  342. 2019-03-25T10:08:09.744 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 10,
  343. row: 6,
  344. scrollbar: false,
  345. completed_item:
  346. { word: 'apply_along_axis',
  347. menu: 'numpy.lib.shape_base [LS]',
  348. user_data: '{"cid":1553526475,"source":"pyls","index":19}',
  349. info: '',
  350. kind: 'f',
  351. abbr: 'apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, args, kwargs)~' },
  352. width: 82,
  353. height: 7,
  354. size: 7 },
  355. 5 ]
  356. 2019-03-25T10:08:09.865 ERROR (pid:916) [util-highlights] - Error: request nvim_ui_attach - No such UI option: ext_hlstate
  357. at events_1.EventEmitter.constructor.(anonymous function).Promise.transport.request (/snapshot/coc.nvim/node_modules/@chemzqm/neovim/lib/api/Base.js:33:28)
  358. at Transport.parseMessage (/snapshot/coc.nvim/node_modules/@chemzqm/neovim/lib/utils/transport.js:137:17)
  359. at DecodeStream.events_1.EventEmitter.constructor.decodeStream.on (/snapshot/coc.nvim/node_modules/@chemzqm/neovim/lib/utils/transport.js:43:18)
  360. at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
  361. at DecodeStream.emit (events.js:211:7)
  362. at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12)
  363. at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)
  364. at DecodeStream.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:208:10)
  365. at DecodeStream.Transform.push (_stream_transform.js:147:32)
  366. at DecodeBuffer.__dirname.DecodeStream.decoder.push (/snapshot/coc.nvim/node_modules/msgpack-lite/lib/decode-stream.js:24:12)
  367. 2019-03-25T10:08:09.870 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 2 ]
  368. 2019-03-25T10:08:09.872 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
  369. 2019-03-25T10:08:10.927 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  370. 2019-03-25T10:08:10.952 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 13 ] ]
  371. 2019-03-25T10:08:10.953 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  372. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.513 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ ':' ]
  373. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.516 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 14 ] ]
  374. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.517 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  375. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.574 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:11,574 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Handling notification from client {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'textDocument/didChange', 'params': {'textDocument': {'version': 18, 'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/'}, 'contentChanges': [{'range': {'start': {'line': 4, 'character': 6}, 'end': {'line': 4, 'character': 6}}, 'rangeLength': 0, 'text': 'asarra:'}]}}
  377. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.945 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'q' ]
  378. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.946 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 15 ] ]
  379. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.947 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  380. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.952 DEBUG (pid:916) [completion] - trigger completion with { word: 'q',
  381. bufnr: 1,
  382. col: 13,
  383. synname: '',
  384. filepath: '/home/mesada/',
  385. blacklist: [],
  386. line: 'numpy.asarra:q',
  387. filetype: 'python',
  388. linenr: 5,
  389. input: 'q',
  390. colnr: 15,
  391. triggerCharacter: 'q' }
  392. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.955 DEBUG (pid:916) [completion-complete] - Complete source "file" takes 0ms
  393. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.956 DEBUG (pid:916) [completion-complete] - Complete source "around" takes 1ms
  394. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.956 DEBUG (pid:916) [completion-complete] - Complete source "buffer" takes 1ms
  395. 2019-03-25T10:08:11.956 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:11,954 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Handling notification from client {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'textDocument/didChange', 'params': {'textDocument': {'version': 19, 'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/'}, 'contentChanges': [{'range': {'start': {'line': 4, 'character': 13}, 'end': {'line': 4, 'character': 13}}, 'rangeLength': 0, 'text': 'q'}]}}
  397. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.016 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,015 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Handling request from client {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 4, 'method': 'textDocument/completion', 'params': {'textDocument': {'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/'}, 'position': {'line': 4, 'character': 14}, 'context': {'triggerKind': 1}}}
  399. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.016 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,016 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - pyls_completions [hook]
  400. config: <pyls.config.config.Config object at 0x7f1647d213c8>
  401. workspace: <pyls.workspace.Workspace object at 0x7f165055cfd0>
  402. document: file:///home/mesada/
  403. position: {'line': 4, 'character': 14}
  406. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.018 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,017 UTC - DEBUG - parso.python.diff - diff parser start
  408. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.018 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,018 UTC - DEBUG - parso.python.diff - line_lengths old: 6; new: 6
  410. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.018 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,018 UTC - DEBUG - parso.python.diff - -> code[equal] old[1:4] new[1:4]
  412. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.018 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,018 UTC - DEBUG - parso.python.diff - copy old[1:3] new[1:3]
  414. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.019 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,019 UTC - DEBUG - parso.python.diff - parse_part from 4 to 5 (to 5 in part parser)
  416. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.020 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,019 UTC - DEBUG - parso.python.diff - -> code[replace] old[5:5] new[5:5]
  418. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.020 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,019 UTC - DEBUG - parso.python.diff - -> code[equal] old[6:6] new[6:6]
  419. 2019-03-25 10:08:12,020 UTC - DEBUG - parso.python.diff - diff parser end
  421. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.029 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,029 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - With user configuration: {}
  423. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.030 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,029 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - With plugin configuration: {'rope': {'extensionModules': ['OpenGL', 'PIL', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'matplotlib', 'mmap', 'mpmath', 'msvcrt', 'networkx', 'nose', 'nt', 'numpy', 'operator', 'os', 'os.path', 'pandas', 'parser', 'rgbimg', 'scipy', 'signal', 'skimage', 'sklearn', 'statsmodels', 'strop', 'sympy', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'wx', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport', 'zlib']}, 'plugins': {'preload': {'modules': ['OpenGL', 'PIL', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'matplotlib', 'mmap', 'mpmath', 'msvcrt', 'networkx', 'nose', 'nt', 'numpy', 'operator', 'os', 'os.path', 'pandas', 'parser', 'rgbimg', 'scipy', 'signal', 'skimage', 'sklearn', 'statsmodels', 'strop', 'sympy', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'wx', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport', 'zlib']}}}
  425. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.030 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,029 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - With lsp configuration: {'enable': True, 'trace': {'server': 'off'}, 'rope': {'extensionModules': ['OpenGL', 'PIL', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'matplotlib', 'mmap', 'mpmath', 'msvcrt', 'networkx', 'nose', 'nt', 'numpy', 'operator', 'os', 'os.path', 'pandas', 'parser', 'rgbimg', 'scipy', 'signal', 'skimage', 'sklearn', 'statsmodels', 'strop', 'sympy', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'wx', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport', 'zlib']}, 'configurationSources': ['pycodestyle'], 'commandPath': '', 'plugins': {'jedi_completion': {'enabled': True}, 'jedi_references': {'enabled': True}, 'jedi_signature_help': {'enabled': True}, 'jedi_symbols': {'enabled': True, 'all_scopes': True}, 'pyflakes': {'enabled': True}, 'yapf': {'enabled': True}, 'pycodestyle': {'enabled': True}, 'pydocstyle': {'enabled': False, 'match': '(?!test_).*\\.py', 'matchDir': '[^\\.].*'}, 'jedi_hover': {'enabled': True}, 'rope_completion': {'enabled': True}, 'mccabe': {'enabled': True, 'threshold': 15}, 'preload': {'enabled': True, 'modules': ['OpenGL', 'PIL', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'matplotlib', 'mmap', 'mpmath', 'msvcrt', 'networkx', 'nose', 'nt', 'numpy', 'operator', 'os', 'os.path', 'pandas', 'parser', 'rgbimg', 'scipy', 'signal', 'skimage', 'sklearn', 'statsmodels', 'strop', 'sympy', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'wx', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport', 'zlib']}}}
  426. 2019-03-25 10:08:12,030 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - With project configuration: {'enable': True, 'trace': {'server': 'off'}, 'rope': {'extensionModules': ['OpenGL', 'PIL', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'matplotlib', 'mmap', 'mpmath', 'msvcrt', 'networkx', 'nose', 'nt', 'numpy', 'operator', 'os', 'os.path', 'pandas', 'parser', 'rgbimg', 'scipy', 'signal', 'skimage', 'sklearn', 'statsmodels', 'strop', 'sympy', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'wx', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport', 'zlib']}, 'configurationSources': ['pycodestyle'], 'commandPath': '', 'plugins': {'jedi_completion': {'enabled': True}, 'jedi_references': {'enabled': True}, 'jedi_signature_help': {'enabled': True}, 'jedi_symbols': {'enabled': True, 'all_scopes': True}, 'pyflakes': {'enabled': True}, 'yapf': {'enabled': True}, 'pycodestyle': {'enabled': True}, 'pydocstyle': {'enabled': False, 'match': '(?!test_).*\\.py', 'matchDir': '[^\\.].*'}, 'jedi_hover': {'enabled': True}, 'rope_completion': {'enabled': True}, 'mccabe': {'enabled': True, 'threshold': 15}, 'preload': {'enabled': True, 'modules': ['OpenGL', 'PIL', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'matplotlib', 'mmap', 'mpmath', 'msvcrt', 'networkx', 'nose', 'nt', 'numpy', 'operator', 'os', 'os.path', 'pandas', 'parser', 'rgbimg', 'scipy', 'signal', 'skimage', 'sklearn', 'statsmodels', 'strop', 'sympy', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'wx', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport', 'zlib']}}}
  428. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.032 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,032 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - finish pyls_completions --> [[{'label': 'quit', 'kind': 18, 'detail': '', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'aquit', 'insertText': 'quit(${1:code})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}]] [hook]
  431. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.033 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,032 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Got result from synchronous request handler: {'isIncomplete': False, 'items': [{'label': 'quit', 'kind': 18, 'detail': '', 'documentation': '', 'sortText': 'aquit', 'insertText': 'quit(${1:code})$0', 'insertTextFormat': 2}]}
  433. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.035 DEBUG (pid:916) [completion-complete] - Complete source "pyls" takes 81ms
  434. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.035 INFO (pid:916) [completion-complete] - Results from: pyls
  435. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.038 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: MenuPopupChanged [ { col: 17,
  436. row: 6,
  437. scrollbar: false,
  438. completed_item: {},
  439. width: 15,
  440. height: 1,
  441. size: 1 },
  442. 5 ]
  443. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.039 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedP [ 1 ]
  444. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.455 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,455 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - pyls_lint [hook]
  445. config: <pyls.config.config.Config object at 0x7f1647d213c8>
  446. workspace: <pyls.workspace.Workspace object at 0x7f165055cfd0>
  447. document: file:///home/mesada/
  448. is_saved: False
  451. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.456 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:12,455 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - finish pyls_lint --> [] [hook]
  453. 2019-03-25 10:08:12,455 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Sending notification: textDocument/publishDiagnostics {'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/', 'diagnostics': []}
  455. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.598 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CompleteDone [ {} ]
  456. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.615 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 15 ] ]
  457. 2019-03-25T10:08:12.615 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  458. 2019-03-25T10:08:13.488 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ ':' ]
  459. 2019-03-25T10:08:13.491 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMovedI [ 1, [ 5, 16 ] ]
  460. 2019-03-25T10:08:13.492 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: TextChangedI [ 1 ]
  461. 2019-03-25T10:08:13.546 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:13,546 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Handling notification from client {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'textDocument/didChange', 'params': {'textDocument': {'version': 20, 'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/'}, 'contentChanges': [{'range': {'start': {'line': 4, 'character': 14}, 'end': {'line': 4, 'character': 14}}, 'rangeLength': 0, 'text': ':'}]}}
  463. 2019-03-25T10:08:14.047 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:14,047 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - pyls_lint [hook]
  464. config: <pyls.config.config.Config object at 0x7f1647d213c8>
  465. workspace: <pyls.workspace.Workspace object at 0x7f165055cfd0>
  466. document: file:///home/mesada/
  467. is_saved: False
  470. 2019-03-25T10:08:14.048 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:14,047 UTC - DEBUG - pyls.config.config - finish pyls_lint --> [] [hook]
  472. 2019-03-25 10:08:14,048 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Sending notification: textDocument/publishDiagnostics {'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/', 'diagnostics': []}
  474. 2019-03-25T10:08:14.340 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: InsertLeave [ 1 ]
  475. 2019-03-25T10:08:14.341 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 5, 15 ] ]
  476. 2019-03-25T10:08:15.800 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 1, 1000 ]
  477. 2019-03-25T10:08:15.801 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 1 ]
  478. 2019-03-25T10:08:15.802 DEBUG (pid:916) [workspace] - buffer unload 1
  479. 2019-03-25T10:08:15.802 DEBUG (pid:916) [workspace] - buffer unload 1
  480. 2019-03-25T10:08:15.808 DEBUG (pid:916) [language-client-index] - [pyls] 2019-03-25 10:08:15,801 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Handling notification from client {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'textDocument/didClose', 'params': {'textDocument': {'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/'}}}
  481. 2019-03-25 10:08:15,802 UTC - DEBUG - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Handling notification from client {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'textDocument/didClose', 'params': {'textDocument': {'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/'}}}
  482. 2019-03-25 10:08:15,802 UTC - ERROR - pyls_jsonrpc.endpoint - Failed to handle notification textDocument/didClose: {'textDocument': {'uri': 'file:///home/mesada/'}}
  483. Traceback (most recent call last):
  484. File "/home/mesada/.conda/envs/tf-1.12/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyls_jsonrpc/", line 142, in _handle_notification
  485. handler_result = handler(params)
  486. File "/home/mesada/.conda/envs/tf-1.12/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyls_jsonrpc/", line 23, in handler
  487. return method(**(params or {}))
  488. File "/home/mesada/.conda/envs/tf-1.12/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyls/", line 239, in m_text_document__did_close
  489. self.workspace.rm_document(textDocument['uri'])
  490. File "/home/mesada/.conda/envs/tf-1.12/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyls/", line 74, in rm_document
  491. self._docs.pop(doc_uri)
  492. KeyError: 'file:///home/mesada/'
  494. 2019-03-25T10:08:15.809 DEBUG (pid:916) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 2 ]
  495. 2019-03-25T10:08:15.810 DEBUG (pid:916) [workspace] - buffer unload 2
  496. 2019-03-25T10:08:57.922 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer created 1
  497. 2019-03-25T10:08:57.923 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 1 ]
  498. 2019-03-25T10:08:57.926 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 1, 1000 ]
  499. 2019-03-25T10:08:58.152 INFO (pid:2260) [plugin] - coc initialized with node: v8.9.0
  500. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.164 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 9, 11 ] ]
  501. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.404 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 9, 12 ] ]
  502. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.476 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 9, 11 ] ]
  503. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.483 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 9, 10 ] ]
  504. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.491 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 8, 10 ] ]
  505. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.499 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 8, 9 ] ]
  506. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.509 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 8, 8 ] ]
  507. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.524 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 8, 7 ] ]
  508. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.549 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 7, 6 ] ]
  509. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.561 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 7, 5 ] ]
  510. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.634 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 7, 4 ] ]
  511. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.643 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 6, 4 ] ]
  512. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.719 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 6, 3 ] ]
  513. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.735 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 5, 3 ] ]
  514. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.789 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 5, 2 ] ]
  515. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.815 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 4, 2 ] ]
  516. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.845 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 4, 1 ] ]
  517. 2019-03-25T10:09:00.923 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 3, 1 ] ]
  518. 2019-03-25T10:09:01.028 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 2, 1 ] ]
  519. 2019-03-25T10:09:03.058 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 1, [ 9, 11 ] ]
  520. 2019-03-25T10:09:08.353 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
  521. 2019-03-25T10:09:22.860 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorHold [ 1 ]
  522. 2019-03-25T10:09:30.781 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
  523. 2019-03-25T10:09:36.119 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
  524. 2019-03-25T10:09:39.578 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
  525. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.185 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 1, 1000 ]
  526. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.186 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufHidden [ 1 ]
  527. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.187 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 5 ]
  528. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.188 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ '', 5 ]
  529. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.204 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 5, 1000 ]
  530. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.205 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 1 ]
  531. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.205 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 1
  532. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.205 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 1
  533. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.212 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 5, [ 1, 1 ] ]
  534. 2019-03-25T10:09:42.256 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer created 5
  535. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.405 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 5 ]
  536. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.406 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 5
  537. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.406 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 5
  538. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.411 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 5 ]
  539. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.412 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ '', 5 ]
  540. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.415 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 5, 1000 ]
  541. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.416 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertEnter []
  542. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.416 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'f' ]
  543. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.418 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'o' ]
  544. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.419 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'r' ]
  545. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.419 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'c' ]
  546. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.419 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'e' ]
  547. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.419 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ ' ' ]
  548. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.420 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'e' ]
  549. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.420 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'n' ]
  550. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.420 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'e' ]
  551. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.421 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'w' ]
  552. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.422 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ ' ' ]
  553. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.422 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 't' ]
  554. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.422 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'o' ]
  555. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.422 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ ' ' ]
  556. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.423 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'c' ]
  557. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.423 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'r' ]
  558. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.423 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'e' ]
  559. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.423 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'a' ]
  560. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.423 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 't' ]
  561. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.424 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'e' ]
  562. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.424 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ ' ' ]
  563. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.424 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'a' ]
  564. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.424 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ ' ' ]
  565. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.424 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'n' ]
  566. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.425 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'e' ]
  567. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.425 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'w' ]
  568. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.425 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ ' ' ]
  569. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.425 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'b' ]
  570. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.425 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'u' ]
  571. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.426 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'f' ]
  572. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.426 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'f' ]
  573. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.426 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'e' ]
  574. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.426 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertCharPre [ 'r' ]
  575. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.426 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: InsertLeave [ 5 ]
  576. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.427 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 5, 1000 ]
  577. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.427 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufHidden [ 5 ]
  578. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.427 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 6 ]
  579. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.428 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ '', 6 ]
  580. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.440 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 6, 1000 ]
  581. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.440 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 6, 1000 ]
  582. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.441 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufHidden [ 6 ]
  583. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.441 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 5 ]
  584. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.442 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 5, 1000 ]
  585. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.453 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 5, 1000 ]
  586. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.453 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufHidden [ 5 ]
  587. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.453 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 6 ]
  588. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.454 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 6, 1000 ]
  589. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.464 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 5 ]
  590. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.464 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 5
  591. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.468 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 6, [ 1, 1 ] ]
  592. 2019-03-25T10:09:44.507 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer created 6
  593. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.281 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 6, 1000 ]
  594. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.281 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufHidden [ 6 ]
  595. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.282 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 5 ]
  596. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.283 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ '', 5 ]
  597. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.299 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 5, 1000 ]
  598. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.300 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 6 ]
  599. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.300 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 6
  600. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.300 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 6
  601. 2019-03-25T10:09:46.343 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer created 5
  602. 2019-03-25T10:09:47.249 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 7 ]
  603. 2019-03-25T10:09:47.250 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ '', 7 ]
  604. 2019-03-25T10:09:47.272 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 7, 1001 ]
  605. 2019-03-25T10:09:47.273 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: DirChanged [ '/home/mesada' ]
  606. 2019-03-25T10:09:47.275 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: DirChanged [ '/home/mesada' ]
  607. 2019-03-25T10:09:47.285 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ 'fzf', 7 ]
  608. 2019-03-25T10:09:47.331 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer created 7
  609. 2019-03-25T10:09:50.586 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 7, 1001 ]
  610. 2019-03-25T10:09:50.586 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 7 ]
  611. 2019-03-25T10:09:50.587 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 7
  612. 2019-03-25T10:09:50.615 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 5 ]
  613. 2019-03-25T10:09:51.662 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 5, [ 1, 1 ] ]
  614. 2019-03-25T10:09:55.195 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 8 ]
  615. 2019-03-25T10:09:55.196 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ '', 8 ]
  616. 2019-03-25T10:09:55.217 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 8, 1002 ]
  617. 2019-03-25T10:09:55.217 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: DirChanged [ '/home/mesada' ]
  618. 2019-03-25T10:09:55.219 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: DirChanged [ '/home/mesada' ]
  619. 2019-03-25T10:09:55.228 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ 'fzf', 8 ]
  620. 2019-03-25T10:09:55.267 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer created 8
  621. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.513 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 8, 1002 ]
  622. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.514 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 8 ]
  623. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.514 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 8
  624. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.542 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 5 ]
  625. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.543 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: DirChanged [ '/home/mesada' ]
  626. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.543 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 5, 1000 ]
  627. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.544 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufHidden [ 5 ]
  628. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.631 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufCreate [ 2 ]
  629. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.632 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FileType [ '', 2 ]
  630. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.645 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufEnter [ 2 ]
  631. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.647 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinEnter [ 2, 1000 ]
  632. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.648 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: DirChanged [ '/home/mesada' ]
  633. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.724 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 1 ] ]
  634. 2019-03-25T10:09:57.795 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer created 2
  635. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.407 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 7, 1 ] ]
  636. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.441 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 10, 1 ] ]
  637. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.473 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 13, 1 ] ]
  638. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.478 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 16, 1 ] ]
  639. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.483 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 19, 1 ] ]
  640. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.488 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 22, 1 ] ]
  641. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.493 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 25, 1 ] ]
  642. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.497 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 28, 1 ] ]
  643. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.502 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 31, 1 ] ]
  644. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.506 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 34, 1 ] ]
  645. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.515 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 37, 1 ] ]
  646. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.519 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 40, 1 ] ]
  647. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.523 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 43, 1 ] ]
  648. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.527 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 46, 1 ] ]
  649. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.531 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 49, 1 ] ]
  650. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.535 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 52, 1 ] ]
  651. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.543 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 55, 1 ] ]
  652. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.546 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 58, 1 ] ]
  653. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.550 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 61, 1 ] ]
  654. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.553 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 64, 1 ] ]
  655. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.557 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 67, 1 ] ]
  656. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.560 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 70, 1 ] ]
  657. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.564 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 73, 1 ] ]
  658. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.569 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 76, 1 ] ]
  659. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.573 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 79, 1 ] ]
  660. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.576 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 82, 1 ] ]
  661. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.579 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 85, 1 ] ]
  662. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.582 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 88, 1 ] ]
  663. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.585 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 91, 1 ] ]
  664. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.588 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 94, 1 ] ]
  665. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.619 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 97, 1 ] ]
  666. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.624 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 100, 1 ] ]
  667. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.629 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 103, 1 ] ]
  668. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.633 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 106, 1 ] ]
  669. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.638 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 109, 1 ] ]
  670. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.643 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 112, 1 ] ]
  671. 2019-03-25T10:10:00.647 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 115, 1 ] ]
  672. 2019-03-25T10:10:01.990 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 118, 1 ] ]
  673. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.015 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 121, 1 ] ]
  674. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.026 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 124, 1 ] ]
  675. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.030 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 127, 1 ] ]
  676. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.035 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 130, 1 ] ]
  677. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.040 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 133, 1 ] ]
  678. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.044 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 136, 1 ] ]
  679. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.049 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 139, 1 ] ]
  680. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.053 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 142, 1 ] ]
  681. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.057 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 145, 1 ] ]
  682. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.061 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 148, 1 ] ]
  683. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.065 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 151, 1 ] ]
  684. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.069 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 154, 1 ] ]
  685. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.072 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 157, 1 ] ]
  686. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.076 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 160, 1 ] ]
  687. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.079 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 163, 1 ] ]
  688. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.083 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 166, 1 ] ]
  689. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.086 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 169, 1 ] ]
  690. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.090 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 172, 1 ] ]
  691. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.093 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 175, 1 ] ]
  692. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.096 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 178, 1 ] ]
  693. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.099 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 181, 1 ] ]
  694. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.103 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 184, 1 ] ]
  695. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.106 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 187, 1 ] ]
  696. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.109 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 190, 1 ] ]
  697. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.112 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 193, 1 ] ]
  698. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.115 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 196, 1 ] ]
  699. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.118 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 199, 1 ] ]
  700. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.121 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 202, 1 ] ]
  701. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.123 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 205, 1 ] ]
  702. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.126 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 208, 1 ] ]
  703. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.129 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 211, 1 ] ]
  704. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.132 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 214, 1 ] ]
  705. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.135 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 217, 1 ] ]
  706. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.137 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 220, 1 ] ]
  707. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.140 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 223, 1 ] ]
  708. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.143 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 226, 1 ] ]
  709. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.146 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 229, 1 ] ]
  710. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.148 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 232, 1 ] ]
  711. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.151 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 235, 1 ] ]
  712. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.154 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 238, 1 ] ]
  713. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.420 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 241, 1 ] ]
  714. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.451 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 244, 1 ] ]
  715. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.468 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 247, 1 ] ]
  716. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.473 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 250, 1 ] ]
  717. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.479 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 253, 1 ] ]
  718. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.483 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 256, 1 ] ]
  719. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.487 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 259, 1 ] ]
  720. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.492 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 262, 1 ] ]
  721. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.496 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 265, 1 ] ]
  722. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.500 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 268, 1 ] ]
  723. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.504 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 271, 1 ] ]
  724. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.508 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 274, 1 ] ]
  725. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.512 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 277, 1 ] ]
  726. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.515 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 280, 1 ] ]
  727. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.519 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 283, 1 ] ]
  728. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.523 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 286, 1 ] ]
  729. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.526 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 289, 1 ] ]
  730. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.530 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 292, 1 ] ]
  731. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.533 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 295, 1 ] ]
  732. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.536 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 298, 1 ] ]
  733. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.540 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 301, 1 ] ]
  734. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.543 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 304, 1 ] ]
  735. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.546 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 307, 1 ] ]
  736. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.549 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 310, 1 ] ]
  737. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.552 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 313, 1 ] ]
  738. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.555 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 316, 1 ] ]
  739. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.558 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 319, 1 ] ]
  740. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.561 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 322, 1 ] ]
  741. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.564 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 325, 1 ] ]
  742. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.567 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 328, 1 ] ]
  743. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.570 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 331, 1 ] ]
  744. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.573 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 334, 1 ] ]
  745. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.576 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 337, 1 ] ]
  746. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.578 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 340, 1 ] ]
  747. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.581 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 343, 1 ] ]
  748. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.584 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 346, 1 ] ]
  749. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.587 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 349, 1 ] ]
  750. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.590 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 352, 1 ] ]
  751. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.593 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 355, 1 ] ]
  752. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.595 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 358, 1 ] ]
  753. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.598 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 361, 1 ] ]
  754. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.800 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 364, 1 ] ]
  755. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.822 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 367, 1 ] ]
  756. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.833 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 370, 1 ] ]
  757. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.838 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 373, 1 ] ]
  758. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.842 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 376, 1 ] ]
  759. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.846 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 379, 1 ] ]
  760. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.850 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 382, 1 ] ]
  761. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.855 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 385, 1 ] ]
  762. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.859 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 388, 1 ] ]
  763. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.863 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 391, 1 ] ]
  764. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.867 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 394, 1 ] ]
  765. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.870 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 396, 1 ] ]
  766. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.874 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 399, 1 ] ]
  767. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.878 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 403, 1 ] ]
  768. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.882 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 406, 1 ] ]
  769. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.886 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 409, 1 ] ]
  770. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.889 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 412, 1 ] ]
  771. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.893 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 415, 1 ] ]
  772. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.896 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 418, 1 ] ]
  773. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.899 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 421, 1 ] ]
  774. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.902 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 424, 1 ] ]
  775. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.906 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 426, 1 ] ]
  776. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.909 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 429, 1 ] ]
  777. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.912 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 432, 1 ] ]
  778. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.915 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 436, 1 ] ]
  779. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.918 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 439, 1 ] ]
  780. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.921 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 442, 1 ] ]
  781. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.924 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 445, 1 ] ]
  782. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.926 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 448, 1 ] ]
  783. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.929 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 451, 1 ] ]
  784. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.932 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 454, 1 ] ]
  785. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.935 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 457, 1 ] ]
  786. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.938 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 460, 1 ] ]
  787. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.941 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 462, 1 ] ]
  788. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.943 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 466, 1 ] ]
  789. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.946 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 469, 1 ] ]
  790. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.949 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 472, 1 ] ]
  791. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.952 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 475, 1 ] ]
  792. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.955 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 478, 1 ] ]
  793. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.958 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 481, 1 ] ]
  794. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.960 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 483, 1 ] ]
  795. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.963 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 487, 1 ] ]
  796. 2019-03-25T10:10:02.966 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 490, 1 ] ]
  797. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.238 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 489, 1 ] ]
  798. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.242 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 486, 1 ] ]
  799. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.246 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 483, 1 ] ]
  800. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.250 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 480, 1 ] ]
  801. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.253 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 478, 1 ] ]
  802. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.257 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 476, 1 ] ]
  803. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.260 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 473, 1 ] ]
  804. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.264 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 470, 1 ] ]
  805. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.267 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 466, 1 ] ]
  806. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.271 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 462, 1 ] ]
  807. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.274 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 444, 1 ] ]
  808. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.278 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 435, 1 ] ]
  809. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.281 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 432, 1 ] ]
  810. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.284 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 430, 1 ] ]
  811. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.288 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 427, 1 ] ]
  812. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.291 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 425, 1 ] ]
  813. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.294 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 424, 1 ] ]
  814. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.302 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 422, 1 ] ]
  815. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.310 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 419, 1 ] ]
  816. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.315 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 418, 1 ] ]
  817. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.318 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 415, 1 ] ]
  818. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.321 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 412, 1 ] ]
  819. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.324 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 407, 1 ] ]
  820. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.327 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 404, 1 ] ]
  821. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.330 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 401, 1 ] ]
  822. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.333 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 398, 1 ] ]
  823. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.335 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 396, 1 ] ]
  824. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.532 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 394, 1 ] ]
  825. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.539 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 391, 1 ] ]
  826. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.550 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 389, 1 ] ]
  827. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.555 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 386, 1 ] ]
  828. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.560 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 383, 1 ] ]
  829. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.564 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 380, 1 ] ]
  830. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.569 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 377, 1 ] ]
  831. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.573 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 374, 1 ] ]
  832. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.578 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 371, 1 ] ]
  833. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.582 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 370, 1 ] ]
  834. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.586 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 367, 1 ] ]
  835. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.590 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 364, 1 ] ]
  836. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.594 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 361, 1 ] ]
  837. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.597 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 358, 1 ] ]
  838. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.601 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 355, 1 ] ]
  839. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.605 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 352, 1 ] ]
  840. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.608 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 349, 1 ] ]
  841. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.612 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 346, 1 ] ]
  842. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.615 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 343, 1 ] ]
  843. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.618 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 340, 1 ] ]
  844. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.622 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 337, 1 ] ]
  845. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.625 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 334, 1 ] ]
  846. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.628 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 331, 1 ] ]
  847. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.631 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 328, 1 ] ]
  848. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.634 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 325, 1 ] ]
  849. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.637 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 322, 1 ] ]
  850. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.640 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 319, 1 ] ]
  851. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.643 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 316, 1 ] ]
  852. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.646 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 313, 1 ] ]
  853. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.649 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 310, 1 ] ]
  854. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.652 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 307, 1 ] ]
  855. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.655 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 304, 1 ] ]
  856. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.658 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 301, 1 ] ]
  857. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.660 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 298, 1 ] ]
  858. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.663 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 295, 1 ] ]
  859. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.666 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 292, 1 ] ]
  860. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.669 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 289, 1 ] ]
  861. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.671 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 286, 1 ] ]
  862. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.674 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 283, 1 ] ]
  863. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.677 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 280, 1 ] ]
  864. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.680 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 277, 1 ] ]
  865. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.683 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 274, 1 ] ]
  866. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.685 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 271, 1 ] ]
  867. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.688 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 268, 1 ] ]
  868. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.691 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 265, 1 ] ]
  869. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.694 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 262, 1 ] ]
  870. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.697 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 259, 1 ] ]
  871. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.699 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 256, 1 ] ]
  872. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.702 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 253, 1 ] ]
  873. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.705 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 250, 1 ] ]
  874. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.708 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 247, 1 ] ]
  875. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.711 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 244, 1 ] ]
  876. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.713 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 241, 1 ] ]
  877. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.716 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 238, 1 ] ]
  878. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.719 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 235, 1 ] ]
  879. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.722 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 232, 1 ] ]
  880. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.725 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 229, 1 ] ]
  881. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.727 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 226, 1 ] ]
  882. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.730 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 223, 1 ] ]
  883. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.733 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 220, 1 ] ]
  884. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.736 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 217, 1 ] ]
  885. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.738 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 214, 1 ] ]
  886. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.741 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 211, 1 ] ]
  887. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.744 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 208, 1 ] ]
  888. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.747 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 205, 1 ] ]
  889. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.750 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 202, 1 ] ]
  890. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.752 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 199, 1 ] ]
  891. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.755 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 196, 1 ] ]
  892. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.758 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 193, 1 ] ]
  893. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.761 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 190, 1 ] ]
  894. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.764 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 187, 1 ] ]
  895. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.767 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 184, 1 ] ]
  896. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.769 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 181, 1 ] ]
  897. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.772 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 178, 1 ] ]
  898. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.775 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 175, 1 ] ]
  899. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.778 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 172, 1 ] ]
  900. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.780 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 169, 1 ] ]
  901. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.783 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 166, 1 ] ]
  902. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.786 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 163, 1 ] ]
  903. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.789 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 160, 1 ] ]
  904. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.792 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 157, 1 ] ]
  905. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.794 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 154, 1 ] ]
  906. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.797 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 151, 1 ] ]
  907. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.800 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 148, 1 ] ]
  908. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.803 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 145, 1 ] ]
  909. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.806 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 142, 1 ] ]
  910. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.808 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 139, 1 ] ]
  911. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.811 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 136, 1 ] ]
  912. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.814 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 133, 1 ] ]
  913. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.817 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 130, 1 ] ]
  914. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.820 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 127, 1 ] ]
  915. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.822 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 124, 1 ] ]
  916. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.923 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 121, 1 ] ]
  917. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.935 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 118, 1 ] ]
  918. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.940 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 115, 1 ] ]
  919. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.944 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 112, 1 ] ]
  920. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.948 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 109, 1 ] ]
  921. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.953 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 106, 1 ] ]
  922. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.956 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 103, 1 ] ]
  923. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.960 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 100, 1 ] ]
  924. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.964 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 97, 1 ] ]
  925. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.968 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 94, 1 ] ]
  926. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.972 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 91, 1 ] ]
  927. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.975 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 88, 1 ] ]
  928. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.979 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 85, 1 ] ]
  929. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.983 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 82, 1 ] ]
  930. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.986 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 79, 1 ] ]
  931. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.991 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 76, 1 ] ]
  932. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.993 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 73, 1 ] ]
  933. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.996 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 70, 1 ] ]
  934. 2019-03-25T10:10:03.999 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 67, 1 ] ]
  935. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.003 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 64, 1 ] ]
  936. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.006 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 61, 1 ] ]
  937. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.009 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 58, 1 ] ]
  938. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.012 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 55, 1 ] ]
  939. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.015 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 52, 1 ] ]
  940. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.018 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 49, 1 ] ]
  941. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.021 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 46, 1 ] ]
  942. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.024 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 43, 1 ] ]
  943. 2019-03-25T10:10:04.029 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 1 ] ]
  944. 2019-03-25T10:10:06.395 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4 ] ]
  945. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.026 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 1 ] ]
  946. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.127 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 193 ] ]
  947. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.167 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 385 ] ]
  948. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.191 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 577 ] ]
  949. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.203 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 769 ] ]
  950. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.210 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 770 ] ]
  951. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.215 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 962 ] ]
  952. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.220 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 1155 ] ]
  953. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.233 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 1347 ] ]
  954. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.237 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 1540 ] ]
  955. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.244 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 1732 ] ]
  956. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.252 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 1924 ] ]
  957. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.267 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 2116 ] ]
  958. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.272 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 2308 ] ]
  959. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.279 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 2309 ] ]
  960. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.284 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 2501 ] ]
  961. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.292 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 2693 ] ]
  962. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.307 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 2885 ] ]
  963. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.315 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 3076 ] ]
  964. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.324 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 3077 ] ]
  965. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.335 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 3268 ] ]
  966. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.349 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 3460 ] ]
  967. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.355 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 3652 ] ]
  968. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.367 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 3843 ] ]
  969. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.372 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4034 ] ]
  970. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.377 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4035 ] ]
  971. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.386 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4226 ] ]
  972. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.402 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4418 ] ]
  973. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.406 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4609 ] ]
  974. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.411 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4801 ] ]
  975. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.417 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4992 ] ]
  976. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.426 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 4993 ] ]
  977. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.436 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 5375 ] ]
  978. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.441 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 5567 ] ]
  979. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.448 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 5758 ] ]
  980. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.456 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 5949 ] ]
  981. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.468 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 6141 ] ]
  982. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.474 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 6332 ] ]
  983. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.480 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 6523 ] ]
  984. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.488 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 6905 ] ]
  985. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.500 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 7096 ] ]
  986. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.505 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 7287 ] ]
  987. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.512 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 7669 ] ]
  988. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.520 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 1, 8051 ] ]
  989. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.542 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 2, 8624 ] ]
  990. 2019-03-25T10:10:07.550 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 45, 77 ] ]
  991. 2019-03-25T10:10:08.678 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 47, 57 ] ]
  992. 2019-03-25T10:10:08.683 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 48, 12 ] ]
  993. 2019-03-25T10:10:08.708 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 46, 60 ] ]
  994. 2019-03-25T10:10:08.716 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 46, 61 ] ]
  995. 2019-03-25T10:10:08.724 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 45, 62 ] ]
  996. 2019-03-25T10:10:08.740 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 44, 6 ] ]
  997. 2019-03-25T10:10:08.754 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 43, 16 ] ]
  998. 2019-03-25T10:10:08.943 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 44, 6 ] ]
  999. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.090 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 45, 74 ] ]
  1000. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.093 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 49, 22 ] ]
  1001. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.100 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 51, 16 ] ]
  1002. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.108 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 53, 16 ] ]
  1003. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.746 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 55, 77 ] ]
  1004. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.776 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 56, 65 ] ]
  1005. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.783 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 57, 60 ] ]
  1006. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.786 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 57, 55 ] ]
  1007. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.804 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 56, 46 ] ]
  1008. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.807 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 56, 43 ] ]
  1009. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.814 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 56, 40 ] ]
  1010. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.822 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 55, 37 ] ]
  1011. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.839 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 55, 34 ] ]
  1012. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.846 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 55, 33 ] ]
  1013. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.855 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 55, 32 ] ]
  1014. 2019-03-25T10:10:09.941 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 54, 6 ] ]
  1015. 2019-03-25T10:10:10.363 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 55, 32 ] ]
  1016. 2019-03-25T10:10:10.367 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 56, 32 ] ]
  1017. 2019-03-25T10:10:10.384 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 57, 32 ] ]
  1018. 2019-03-25T10:10:10.389 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 58, 12 ] ]
  1019. 2019-03-25T10:10:10.401 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 60, 24 ] ]
  1020. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.085 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 62, 16 ] ]
  1021. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.091 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 63, 16 ] ]
  1022. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.099 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 64, 6 ] ]
  1023. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.117 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 63, 16 ] ]
  1024. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.120 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 62, 16 ] ]
  1025. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.137 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 60, 24 ] ]
  1026. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.144 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 59, 21 ] ]
  1027. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.167 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 58, 12 ] ]
  1028. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.185 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 57, 61 ] ]
  1029. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.901 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 58, 12 ] ]
  1030. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.933 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 59, 21 ] ]
  1031. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.947 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 60, 24 ] ]
  1032. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.955 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 61, 16 ] ]
  1033. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.967 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 62, 16 ] ]
  1034. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.970 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 64, 6 ] ]
  1035. 2019-03-25T10:10:11.978 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 65, 62 ] ]
  1036. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.202 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 67, 12 ] ]
  1037. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.237 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 66, 88 ] ]
  1038. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.253 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 65, 80 ] ]
  1039. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.275 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 64, 6 ] ]
  1040. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.278 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 63, 16 ] ]
  1041. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.300 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 62, 16 ] ]
  1042. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.310 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 61, 16 ] ]
  1043. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.355 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 60, 24 ] ]
  1044. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.371 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 61, 16 ] ]
  1045. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.403 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 62, 16 ] ]
  1046. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.909 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 63, 16 ] ]
  1047. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.938 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 64, 6 ] ]
  1048. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.955 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 65, 80 ] ]
  1049. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.970 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 66, 88 ] ]
  1050. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.978 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 67, 12 ] ]
  1051. 2019-03-25T10:10:13.985 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 68, 22 ] ]
  1052. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.114 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 70, 16 ] ]
  1053. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.118 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 71, 16 ] ]
  1054. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.144 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 70, 16 ] ]
  1055. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.150 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 69, 24 ] ]
  1056. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.156 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 68, 22 ] ]
  1057. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.173 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 67, 12 ] ]
  1058. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.213 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 66, 88 ] ]
  1059. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.233 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 65, 80 ] ]
  1060. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.259 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 64, 6 ] ]
  1061. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.509 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 65, 80 ] ]
  1062. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.513 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 68, 22 ] ]
  1063. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.516 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 71, 16 ] ]
  1064. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.520 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 74, 77 ] ]
  1065. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.524 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 77, 12 ] ]
  1066. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.527 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 80, 16 ] ]
  1067. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.531 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 83, 6 ] ]
  1068. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.534 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 86, 12 ] ]
  1069. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.538 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 89, 16 ] ]
  1070. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.541 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 92, 6 ] ]
  1071. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.544 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 95, 88 ] ]
  1072. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.547 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 98, 24 ] ]
  1073. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.550 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 101, 16 ] ]
  1074. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.558 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 104, 88 ] ]
  1075. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.561 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 107, 24 ] ]
  1076. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.564 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 110, 16 ] ]
  1077. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.567 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 113, 78 ] ]
  1078. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.570 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 116, 22 ] ]
  1079. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.573 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 119, 16 ] ]
  1080. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.576 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 122, 88 ] ]
  1081. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.709 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 157, 67 ] ]
  1082. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.742 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 156, 19 ] ]
  1083. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.884 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 160, 77 ] ]
  1084. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.943 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 161, 88 ] ]
  1085. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.947 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 164, 24 ] ]
  1086. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.950 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 167, 16 ] ]
  1087. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.954 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 170, 78 ] ]
  1088. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.957 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 173, 88 ] ]
  1089. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.960 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 176, 24 ] ]
  1090. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.964 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 179, 16 ] ]
  1091. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.967 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 182, 78 ] ]
  1092. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.970 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 185, 88 ] ]
  1093. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.973 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 188, 24 ] ]
  1094. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.977 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 191, 16 ] ]
  1095. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.980 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 194, 78 ] ]
  1096. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.983 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 197, 88 ] ]
  1097. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.986 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 200, 24 ] ]
  1098. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.989 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 203, 16 ] ]
  1099. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.991 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 206, 80 ] ]
  1100. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.994 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 209, 22 ] ]
  1101. 2019-03-25T10:10:15.997 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 212, 15 ] ]
  1102. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.000 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 215, 77 ] ]
  1103. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.003 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 218, 12 ] ]
  1104. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.006 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 221, 16 ] ]
  1105. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.008 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 224, 6 ] ]
  1106. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.011 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 227, 12 ] ]
  1107. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.014 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 230, 15 ] ]
  1108. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.017 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 233, 6 ] ]
  1109. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.020 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 236, 88 ] ]
  1110. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.022 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 239, 24 ] ]
  1111. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.025 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 242, 16 ] ]
  1112. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.119 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 276, 22 ] ]
  1113. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.244 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 279, 16 ] ]
  1114. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.314 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 281, 6 ] ]
  1115. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.317 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 284, 12 ] ]
  1116. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.320 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 287, 15 ] ]
  1117. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.324 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 290, 6 ] ]
  1118. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.327 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 293, 88 ] ]
  1119. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.330 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 296, 24 ] ]
  1120. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.334 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 299, 15 ] ]
  1121. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.337 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 302, 12 ] ]
  1122. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.340 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 305, 24 ] ]
  1123. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.343 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 308, 17 ] ]
  1124. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.346 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 311, 15 ] ]
  1125. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.349 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 314, 6 ] ]
  1126. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.352 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 317, 22 ] ]
  1127. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.355 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 320, 45 ] ]
  1128. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.358 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 323, 18 ] ]
  1129. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.360 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 326, 15 ] ]
  1130. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.363 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 329, 100 ] ]
  1131. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.366 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 332, 100 ] ]
  1132. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.369 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 335, 45 ] ]
  1133. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.372 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 338, 65 ] ]
  1134. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.375 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 341, 73 ] ]
  1135. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.378 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 344, 22 ] ]
  1136. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.380 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 347, 42 ] ]
  1137. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.383 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 350, 18 ] ]
  1138. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.386 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 353, 15 ] ]
  1139. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.389 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 356, 100 ] ]
  1140. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.392 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 359, 100 ] ]
  1141. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.395 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 362, 45 ] ]
  1142. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.398 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 365, 65 ] ]
  1143. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.400 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 368, 73 ] ]
  1144. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.403 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 371, 77 ] ]
  1145. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.406 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 374, 77 ] ]
  1146. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.409 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 377, 80 ] ]
  1147. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.412 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 380, 92 ] ]
  1148. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.415 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 383, 15 ] ]
  1149. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.418 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 386, 26 ] ]
  1150. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.420 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 389, 14 ] ]
  1151. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.423 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 392, 97 ] ]
  1152. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.426 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 395, 100 ] ]
  1153. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.429 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 398, 1 ] ]
  1154. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.574 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 425, 290 ] ]
  1155. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.753 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 428, 290 ] ]
  1156. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.758 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 431, 290 ] ]
  1157. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.762 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 434, 82 ] ]
  1158. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.766 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 437, 22 ] ]
  1159. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.770 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 440, 15 ] ]
  1160. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.773 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 443, 77 ] ]
  1161. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.777 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 446, 69 ] ]
  1162. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.781 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 449, 1 ] ]
  1163. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.784 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 452, 1 ] ]
  1164. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.788 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 455, 78 ] ]
  1165. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.791 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 458, 80 ] ]
  1166. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.794 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 461, 290 ] ]
  1167. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.798 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 464, 67 ] ]
  1168. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.801 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 467, 22 ] ]
  1169. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.804 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 470, 165 ] ]
  1170. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.807 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 473, 1 ] ]
  1171. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.810 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 476, 82 ] ]
  1172. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.813 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 479, 70 ] ]
  1173. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.816 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 482, 172 ] ]
  1174. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.819 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 485, 37 ] ]
  1175. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.822 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 488, 129 ] ]
  1176. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.825 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 491, 28 ] ]
  1177. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.828 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 494, 74 ] ]
  1178. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.831 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 497, 74 ] ]
  1179. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.833 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 500, 88 ] ]
  1180. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.836 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 503, 88 ] ]
  1181. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.839 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 506, 87 ] ]
  1182. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.842 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 509, 87 ] ]
  1183. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.846 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 512, 87 ] ]
  1184. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.848 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 515, 87 ] ]
  1185. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.851 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 518, 87 ] ]
  1186. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.853 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 521, 76 ] ]
  1187. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.856 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 524, 74 ] ]
  1188. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.861 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 527, 74 ] ]
  1189. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.862 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 530, 75 ] ]
  1190. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.865 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 533, 87 ] ]
  1191. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.868 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 536, 71 ] ]
  1192. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.871 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 539, 78 ] ]
  1193. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.873 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 542, 81 ] ]
  1194. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.876 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 545, 81 ] ]
  1195. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.880 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 548, 81 ] ]
  1196. 2019-03-25T10:10:16.882 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 551, 81 ] ]
  1197. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.069 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 554, 81 ] ]
  1198. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.084 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 557, 81 ] ]
  1199. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.100 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 560, 81 ] ]
  1200. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.105 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 563, 81 ] ]
  1201. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.110 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 566, 81 ] ]
  1202. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.115 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 569, 81 ] ]
  1203. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.119 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 572, 81 ] ]
  1204. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.124 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 575, 77 ] ]
  1205. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.128 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 578, 74 ] ]
  1206. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.132 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 581, 83 ] ]
  1207. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.136 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 584, 83 ] ]
  1208. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.140 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 587, 74 ] ]
  1209. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.144 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 590, 71 ] ]
  1210. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.148 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 593, 83 ] ]
  1211. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.152 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 596, 78 ] ]
  1212. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.155 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 599, 71 ] ]
  1213. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.159 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 602, 74 ] ]
  1214. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.162 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 605, 89 ] ]
  1215. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.166 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 608, 72 ] ]
  1216. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.169 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 611, 71 ] ]
  1217. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.172 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 614, 74 ] ]
  1218. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.176 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 617, 89 ] ]
  1219. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.179 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 620, 72 ] ]
  1220. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.182 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 623, 71 ] ]
  1221. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.185 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 626, 83 ] ]
  1222. 2019-03-25T10:10:17.188 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 627, 75 ] ]
  1223. 2019-03-25T10:10:31.320 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: FocusGained []
  1224. 2019-03-25T10:10:32.323 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: CursorMoved [ 2, [ 627, 74 ] ]
  1225. 2019-03-25T10:10:37.013 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufWinLeave [ 2, 1000 ]
  1226. 2019-03-25T10:10:37.014 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 2 ]
  1227. 2019-03-25T10:10:37.014 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 2
  1228. 2019-03-25T10:10:37.015 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 2
  1229. 2019-03-25T10:10:37.017 DEBUG (pid:2260) [events] - Event: BufUnload [ 5 ]
  1230. 2019-03-25T10:10:37.018 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 5
  1231. 2019-03-25T10:10:37.018 DEBUG (pid:2260) [workspace] - buffer unload 5
  1232. 2019-03-25T10:13:01.987 INFO (pid:8120) [plugin] - coc initialized with node: v8.9.0
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