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a guest
Jun 19th, 2019
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  1. <script>
  2. //Start Hero slider initialize code
  3. $(document).ready(function(){
  4. var heroSlider = $('.owl-carousel');
  5. heroSlider.owlCarousel({
  6. animateOut: 'fadeOut',
  7. animateIn: 'fadeIn',
  8. autoplayTimeout:3000,
  9. autoplayHoverPause: true,
  10. // smartSpeed :800,
  11. loop: true,
  12. margin: 0,
  13. nav: false,
  14. mouseDrag:true,
  15. touchDrag:true,
  16. pullDrag:false,
  17. freeDrag:true,
  18. dots:true,
  19. autoplay:true,
  20. responsive: {
  21. 0: {
  22. items: 1
  23. },
  24. 600: {
  25. items: 1
  26. },
  27. 1000: {
  28. items: 1
  29. }
  30. }
  31. });
  32. // End Hero slider initialize code
  33. // Start Reactivate css animation every time a slide is loaded
  34. heroSlider.on("changed.owl.carousel", function(event){
  35. // selecting the current active item
  36. var item = event.item.index-2;
  37. // first removing animation for all captions
  38. $('h1, p').removeClass('fadeInUp');
  39. $('.owl-item').not('.cloned').eq(item).find('h1, p').addClass(' fadeInUp');
  40. $('.anim1').removeClass('fadeInUp');
  41. $('.owl-item').not('.cloned').eq(item).find('.anim1').addClass(' fadeInUp');
  42. })
  43. });
  44. // End Reactivate css animation every time a slide is loaded
  45. </script>
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