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Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
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  4. <meta charset="utf-8">
  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  6. <title>JS Bin</title>
  7. </head>
  8. <body>
  10. <script id="jsbin-javascript">
  11. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  13. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. // Exercise: Property Path Evaluation
  17. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. //Function propertyValueAt(inputObject, propertys)
  20. //Input: object whose value to find.
  21. // propertys: an array of a property to find.
  22. //Output: object's property based on input array, or undefined if not found.
  23. function propertyValueAt(inputObject,propertys){
  24. //We need to find the property, which could be another object of properties.
  25. var propertyValue = inputObject;
  26. //Let's loop through propertys to go down the list.
  27. for(var i = 0; i < propertys.length; i++ ){
  28. propertyValue = propertyValue[propertys[i]];
  29. }
  30. return propertyValue;
  31. }
  32. /*
  33. var object = {
  34. a: 1,
  35. b: {
  36. c: 2,
  37. d: 3
  38. }
  39. };
  40. */
  41. //console.log(propertyValueAt(object,['b']));
  44. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  46. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. // Exercise: Sum Nested Arrays
  50. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. // Function sumNested(addArray)
  53. // Input: addArray - an array of numbers and arrays of numbers to be added.
  54. // Return Output: The sum of all numbers (current code version has to have numbers)
  56. //var maxLoop = 0; //Inf. loop protector cuz JSBin doesn't have a stop option.
  57. function sumNested(addArray){
  58. //Let's go for this approach:
  59. //for each element, we need to recurse on each element of the array./*
  60. /*maxLoop++;
  61. if( maxLoop > 1000 ){
  62. console.log("max hit");
  63. return 0;
  64. }*/ //uncomment to enable loop protection, and the var maxLoop above!
  65. var sum = 0;
  66. //So if we're just a number at a array element, add it up!
  67. // else dive into the array until we're at the elements then add them up.
  69. for( var i = 0; i < addArray.length; i++){
  70. if(!Array.isArray(addArray[i])){
  71. if(!isNaN(addArray[i])){ //add only numbers!
  72. sum = sum + addArray[i]; // Single num found! Add it up!
  73. }
  75. } else {
  76. var addSum = sumNested(addArray[i]);
  77. if(!isNaN(addSum)){
  78. sum = sum + addSum;//sumNested(addArray[i]); //Add up everything inside the array!
  79. }
  80. }
  81. }
  82. return sum;
  83. }
  85. //console.log(sumNested([1,1,1,['a',4,[8]],['a']])); //can ignore letters. 15.
  87. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  89. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. // Exercise: Word Count
  93. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. //Function wordCount(sentence)
  96. // Input: A string of characters to count the # of words of.
  97. // Output: The number of words. Words are space seperated, and can consist
  98. // of any type of symbol that isn't a space or newline.
  99. function wordCount(sentence){
  100. //A simple problem, simply check for spaces in a small loop
  101. var numWords = 0;
  102. var atSpace = true;
  103. //Here's the logic. We start assuming we're at a space.
  104. //Check a letter, if we're at a space and the next letter is a real letter
  105. // we're at a new word!
  106. //If we're not at a space, then we end the current word at a space, then
  107. // check for the next word as above.
  108. for( var i = 0; i < sentence.length; i++){
  109. if(atSpace){
  110. if(sentence[i] !== ' ' && sentence[i] !== '\n'){
  111. atSpace = false;
  112. numWords++;
  113. }
  114. } else {
  115. atSpace = sentence[i] === ' ' || sentence[i] === '\n';
  116. }
  117. }
  118. return numWords;
  119. }
  121. //console.log(wordCount('Its a newline\ntest! \n Hi!'));
  122. //Returns 5, "Its" "a" "newline" "test!" "Hi!"
  124. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  126. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. // Exercise: Anagram Tester
  130. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. //function isNumberofEqual(testChar, stringA, stringB)
  133. //input: a character to test for the number of occurances
  134. // string 1 to check.
  135. // string 2 to check.
  136. //output: If the number of testCha occurances in the strings is the same
  138. //function areTheseAnagrams(stringA,stringB)
  139. //input: stringa and stringb to check for anagrams.
  140. //output: if they are anagrams.
  141. function isNumberOfEqual(testChar, stringA ,stringB){
  142. var numA = 0;
  143. var numB = 0;
  144. //Let's count all the characters!
  145. for( var i = 0; i < stringA.length; i++){
  146. if(stringA.charAt(i) === testChar){
  147. numA++;
  148. }
  149. if(stringB.charAt(i) === testChar ){
  150. numB++;
  151. }
  152. }
  153. return numA === numB;
  154. }
  156. function areTheseAnagrams(stringA,stringB){
  157. //Ok! We got two string! First, if they're not equal length they're not anas
  158. if( stringA.length != stringB.length)
  159. {
  160. return false;
  161. }
  162. //Now from here on they are equal length. My quick idea is a markoff method.
  163. //is to check if the character at i ocurs the same amount of times in both
  164. // strings, using isNumberofEqual.
  165. for(var i = 0; i < stringA.length; i++){
  166. //if(stringB.indexOf(stringA.charAt(i)) === -1){
  167. if( isNumberOfEqual(stringA.charAt(i),stringA,stringB) === false ){
  168. return false;
  169. }
  170. }
  171. return true;
  172. }
  175. //console.log(areTheseAnagrams("abc","cde"));
  177. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  179. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  181. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  182. // Exercise: Analyze Prices
  183. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. //function analyzePrices(priceArray)
  186. //input: An array of prices, indexed by time.
  187. //output: an object of buyIndex: the index to buy the stock. sellIndex: the index to sell
  188. //Nulls if it's not profitable at all.
  189. function analyzePrices(priceArray){
  190. var priceIndex = new Object;
  191. priceIndex.buyIndex = 0;
  192. priceIndex.sellIndex = 0;
  193. var maxProfit = 0;
  194. var heldStock = 0;
  195. for( var i = 0; i < priceArray.length; i++){
  196. for( var j = 1; j < priceArray.length; j++){
  197. //find the profit for buying at i, selling at j
  198. if(i < j){ //can't sell before buy
  199. var profit = priceArray[j]-priceArray[i];
  200. if(profit > maxProfit){
  201. //record!
  202. priceIndex.buyIndex = i;
  203. priceIndex.sellIndex = j;
  204. maxProfit = profit;
  205. }
  206. }
  207. }
  208. }
  209. if( maxProfit === 0){
  210. priceIndex.buyIndex = null;
  211. priceIndex.sellIndex = null;
  212. }
  213. return priceIndex;
  214. }
  215. //console.log(analyzePrices([1,1,1,1,1]));
  217. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  218. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  219. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  222. // Exercise: Fizz Buzz
  223. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. //function fizzBuzz(n)
  226. //input: A single number, n, to list out with 3's for fizes and 5 for buzzes.
  227. //output: a string of characters from 1 to n, with commas, and fizz's if divis.3 and
  228. //buzzes if div by 5. Both fizzbuzz if both.
  230. function fizzBuzz(n){
  231. var returnString = "";
  232. if( n <= 0 ){
  233. return returnString;
  234. }
  235. for( var i = 1; i <= n; i++){
  236. returnString += i;
  237. if(i%3 === 0){
  238. returnString += 'fizz';
  239. }
  241. if(i%5 === 0){
  242. returnString += 'buzz';
  243. }
  244. if( i != n){
  245. returnString += ","
  246. }
  247. }
  249. return returnString;
  250. }
  253. //Really? Fizzbuzz?
  254. //console.log(fizzBuzz(15));
  256. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  257. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  258. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  260. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. // Exercise: Object Oriented Programming - Car
  262. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. //function car() constructor function
  265. //has properties:
  266. //speed -> Speed of the car.
  267. //getSpeed -> function that returns the speed.
  268. //setSpeed -> function that sets the car speed. No going reverse so if < 0, car stops.
  269. //stop -> Sets speed to 0;
  271. function Car(){
  272. this.speed = 0;
  273. this.getSpeed = function() {return this.speed;}
  274. this.setSpeed = function(newSpeed) {
  275. if(newSpeed > 0 ){
  276. this.speed = newSpeed;
  277. } else {
  278. this.speed = 0;
  279. }
  280. }
  281. this.stop = function() {this.speed = 0;}
  282. }
  284. /*
  285. var car = new Car();
  286. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  287. car.setSpeed(10);
  288. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  289. car.stop();
  290. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  291. car.setSpeed(9);
  292. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  293. car.setSpeed(-1);
  294. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  295. car.setSpeed(8);
  296. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  297. car.setSpeed(null);
  298. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  299. car.stop();
  300. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  301. */
  302. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  303. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  304. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. // Exercise: Bonus - Calculate Bowling Score
  308. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  309. function calculateBowlingScore(bowlingScore){
  310. var frameA = ' ';
  311. var frameB = ' ';
  312. var frameCount = 1;
  313. var bonus = [' ',' '];
  314. var score = 0;
  315. for(var i = 0; i < bowlingScore.length; i++){
  316. //Check for strikes
  317. if(bowlingScore.charAt(i) === 'X'){
  318. if(bonus[0] === 'X'){
  319. score = score + 10;
  320. bonus[0] = ' ';
  321. }
  322. if(bonus[1] === 'X'){
  323. score = score + 10;
  324. bonus[0] = 'X';
  325. }
  326. score = score + 10;
  327. if(bonus[0] === ' '){
  328. bonus[0] = 'X';
  329. }
  330. }// Lots of work to get this working, trying to save strikes for adding bonuses.
  332. }
  333. }
  334. //Hi!!!!
  335. //Yeah kinda doesn't work yet
  337. </script>
  341. <script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  342. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  343. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  345. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  346. // Exercise: Property Path Evaluation
  347. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  349. //Function propertyValueAt(inputObject, propertys)
  350. //Input: object whose value to find.
  351. // propertys: an array of a property to find.
  352. //Output: object's property based on input array, or undefined if not found.
  353. function propertyValueAt(inputObject,propertys){
  354. //We need to find the property, which could be another object of properties.
  355. var propertyValue = inputObject;
  356. //Let's loop through propertys to go down the list.
  357. for(var i = 0; i < propertys.length; i++ ){
  358. propertyValue = propertyValue[propertys[i]];
  359. }
  360. return propertyValue;
  361. }
  362. /*
  363. var object = {
  364. a: 1,
  365. b: {
  366. c: 2,
  367. d: 3
  368. }
  369. };
  370. */
  371. //console.log(propertyValueAt(object,['b']));
  374. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  376. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  378. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  379. // Exercise: Sum Nested Arrays
  380. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382. // Function sumNested(addArray)
  383. // Input: addArray - an array of numbers and arrays of numbers to be added.
  384. // Return Output: The sum of all numbers (current code version has to have numbers)
  386. //var maxLoop = 0; //Inf. loop protector cuz JSBin doesn't have a stop option.
  387. function sumNested(addArray){
  388. //Let's go for this approach:
  389. //for each element, we need to recurse on each element of the array./*
  390. /*maxLoop++;
  391. if( maxLoop > 1000 ){
  392. console.log("max hit");
  393. return 0;
  394. }*/ //uncomment to enable loop protection, and the var maxLoop above!
  395. var sum = 0;
  396. //So if we're just a number at a array element, add it up!
  397. // else dive into the array until we're at the elements then add them up.
  399. for( var i = 0; i < addArray.length; i++){
  400. if(!Array.isArray(addArray[i])){
  401. if(!isNaN(addArray[i])){ //add only numbers!
  402. sum = sum + addArray[i]; // Single num found! Add it up!
  403. }
  405. } else {
  406. var addSum = sumNested(addArray[i]);
  407. if(!isNaN(addSum)){
  408. sum = sum + addSum;//sumNested(addArray[i]); //Add up everything inside the array!
  409. }
  410. }
  411. }
  412. return sum;
  413. }
  415. //console.log(sumNested([1,1,1,['a',4,[8]],['a']])); //can ignore letters. 15.
  417. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  418. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  419. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  421. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  422. // Exercise: Word Count
  423. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  425. //Function wordCount(sentence)
  426. // Input: A string of characters to count the # of words of.
  427. // Output: The number of words. Words are space seperated, and can consist
  428. // of any type of symbol that isn't a space or newline.
  429. function wordCount(sentence){
  430. //A simple problem, simply check for spaces in a small loop
  431. var numWords = 0;
  432. var atSpace = true;
  433. //Here's the logic. We start assuming we're at a space.
  434. //Check a letter, if we're at a space and the next letter is a real letter
  435. // we're at a new word!
  436. //If we're not at a space, then we end the current word at a space, then
  437. // check for the next word as above.
  438. for( var i = 0; i < sentence.length; i++){
  439. if(atSpace){
  440. if(sentence[i] !== ' ' && sentence[i] !== '\n'){
  441. atSpace = false;
  442. numWords++;
  443. }
  444. } else {
  445. atSpace = sentence[i] === ' ' || sentence[i] === '\n';
  446. }
  447. }
  448. return numWords;
  449. }
  451. //console.log(wordCount('Its a newline\ntest! \n Hi!'));
  452. //Returns 5, "Its" "a" "newline" "test!" "Hi!"
  454. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  455. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  456. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  458. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  459. // Exercise: Anagram Tester
  460. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  462. //function isNumberofEqual(testChar, stringA, stringB)
  463. //input: a character to test for the number of occurances
  464. // string 1 to check.
  465. // string 2 to check.
  466. //output: If the number of testCha occurances in the strings is the same
  468. //function areTheseAnagrams(stringA,stringB)
  469. //input: stringa and stringb to check for anagrams.
  470. //output: if they are anagrams.
  471. function isNumberOfEqual(testChar, stringA ,stringB){
  472. var numA = 0;
  473. var numB = 0;
  474. //Let's count all the characters!
  475. for( var i = 0; i < stringA.length; i++){
  476. if(stringA.charAt(i) === testChar){
  477. numA++;
  478. }
  479. if(stringB.charAt(i) === testChar ){
  480. numB++;
  481. }
  482. }
  483. return numA === numB;
  484. }
  486. function areTheseAnagrams(stringA,stringB){
  487. //Ok! We got two string! First, if they're not equal length they're not anas
  488. if( stringA.length != stringB.length)
  489. {
  490. return false;
  491. }
  492. //Now from here on they are equal length. My quick idea is a markoff method.
  493. //is to check if the character at i ocurs the same amount of times in both
  494. // strings, using isNumberofEqual.
  495. for(var i = 0; i < stringA.length; i++){
  496. //if(stringB.indexOf(stringA.charAt(i)) === -1){
  497. if( isNumberOfEqual(stringA.charAt(i),stringA,stringB) === false ){
  498. return false;
  499. }
  500. }
  501. return true;
  502. }
  505. //console.log(areTheseAnagrams("abc","cde"));
  507. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  508. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  509. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  511. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  512. // Exercise: Analyze Prices
  513. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  515. //function analyzePrices(priceArray)
  516. //input: An array of prices, indexed by time.
  517. //output: an object of buyIndex: the index to buy the stock. sellIndex: the index to sell
  518. //Nulls if it's not profitable at all.
  519. function analyzePrices(priceArray){
  520. var priceIndex = new Object;
  521. priceIndex.buyIndex = 0;
  522. priceIndex.sellIndex = 0;
  523. var maxProfit = 0;
  524. var heldStock = 0;
  525. for( var i = 0; i < priceArray.length; i++){
  526. for( var j = 1; j < priceArray.length; j++){
  527. //find the profit for buying at i, selling at j
  528. if(i < j){ //can't sell before buy
  529. var profit = priceArray[j]-priceArray[i];
  530. if(profit > maxProfit){
  531. //record!
  532. priceIndex.buyIndex = i;
  533. priceIndex.sellIndex = j;
  534. maxProfit = profit;
  535. }
  536. }
  537. }
  538. }
  539. if( maxProfit === 0){
  540. priceIndex.buyIndex = null;
  541. priceIndex.sellIndex = null;
  542. }
  543. return priceIndex;
  544. }
  545. //console.log(analyzePrices([1,1,1,1,1]));
  547. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  548. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  549. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  551. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  552. // Exercise: Fizz Buzz
  553. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  555. //function fizzBuzz(n)
  556. //input: A single number, n, to list out with 3's for fizes and 5 for buzzes.
  557. //output: a string of characters from 1 to n, with commas, and fizz's if divis.3 and
  558. //buzzes if div by 5. Both fizzbuzz if both.
  560. function fizzBuzz(n){
  561. var returnString = "";
  562. if( n <= 0 ){
  563. return returnString;
  564. }
  565. for( var i = 1; i <= n; i++){
  566. returnString += i;
  567. if(i%3 === 0){
  568. returnString += 'fizz';
  569. }
  571. if(i%5 === 0){
  572. returnString += 'buzz';
  573. }
  574. if( i != n){
  575. returnString += ","
  576. }
  577. }
  579. return returnString;
  580. }
  583. //Really? Fizzbuzz?
  584. //console.log(fizzBuzz(15));
  586. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  587. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  588. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  590. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  591. // Exercise: Object Oriented Programming - Car
  592. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  594. //function car() constructor function
  595. //has properties:
  596. //speed -> Speed of the car.
  597. //getSpeed -> function that returns the speed.
  598. //setSpeed -> function that sets the car speed. No going reverse so if < 0, car stops.
  599. //stop -> Sets speed to 0;
  601. function Car(){
  602. this.speed = 0;
  603. this.getSpeed = function() {return this.speed;}
  604. this.setSpeed = function(newSpeed) {
  605. if(newSpeed > 0 ){
  606. this.speed = newSpeed;
  607. } else {
  608. this.speed = 0;
  609. }
  610. }
  611. this.stop = function() {this.speed = 0;}
  612. }
  614. /*
  615. var car = new Car();
  616. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  617. car.setSpeed(10);
  618. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  619. car.stop();
  620. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  621. car.setSpeed(9);
  622. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  623. car.setSpeed(-1);
  624. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  625. car.setSpeed(8);
  626. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  627. car.setSpeed(null);
  628. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  629. car.stop();
  630. console.log(car.getSpeed());
  631. */
  632. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  633. // Name: Christopher Cobb
  634. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  636. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  637. // Exercise: Bonus - Calculate Bowling Score
  638. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  639. function calculateBowlingScore(bowlingScore){
  640. var frameA = ' ';
  641. var frameB = ' ';
  642. var frameCount = 1;
  643. var bonus = [' ',' '];
  644. var score = 0;
  645. for(var i = 0; i < bowlingScore.length; i++){
  646. //Check for strikes
  647. if(bowlingScore.charAt(i) === 'X'){
  648. if(bonus[0] === 'X'){
  649. score = score + 10;
  650. bonus[0] = ' ';
  651. }
  652. if(bonus[1] === 'X'){
  653. score = score + 10;
  654. bonus[0] = 'X';
  655. }
  656. score = score + 10;
  657. if(bonus[0] === ' '){
  658. bonus[0] = 'X';
  659. }
  660. }// Lots of work to get this working, trying to save strikes for adding bonuses.
  662. }
  663. }
  664. //Hi!!!!
  665. //Yeah kinda doesn't work yet
  666. </script></body>
  667. </html>
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