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Mar 21st, 2019
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  1. ///Libraries///
  2. #include <PID_v1.h>
  3. #include <stdint.h>
  4. // #include "TouchScreen.h"
  5. //#include <SPI.h>
  6. #include <Wire.h>
  7. //#include <wiinunchuk.h>
  8. #include <Servo.h>
  10. #define MODE 0
  12. // Definitions TOUCH PINS
  13. /* #define YP A0 //0
  14. #define XM A1 //1
  15. #define YM 3 //3
  16. #define XP 4 //4
  17. TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);
  18. int buttonPushCounter = 1; // counter for the number of button presses
  19. int lastButtonState = 0; // previous state of the button */
  20. // int flag, flagZ;
  21. bool touch;
  22. int noTouchCount=0;
  23. float x, y;
  24. void getxy()
  25. {
  26. int serial[18];
  27. for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
  28. {
  29. int num =;
  30. serial[i] = num;
  31. }
  32. for (int i = 9; i < 18; i++)
  33. {
  34. serial[i] = serial[i - 9];
  35. }
  36. for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
  37. {
  38. if (i > 5)
  39. if (serial[i] == 255)
  40. if (serial[i + 1] == 255)
  41. if (serial[i + 2] == 255)
  42. {
  43. x = serial[i - 5] * 255 + serial[i - 4];
  44. y = serial[i - 3] * 255 + serial[i - 2];
  45. touch = serial[i - 1];
  46. }
  48. }
  49. }
  50. // int cCount = 0;
  51. // int \ int flagK = 0;
  52. // float kk = 0;
  53. // int fl = 0;
  54. // double l = 0.00;
  55. // unsigned int noTouchCount = 0; //viariable for noTouch
  56. double k = 0;
  58. // PID values
  59. double Setpoint, Input, Output; //for X
  60. double Setpoint1, Input1, Output1; //for Y
  62. // int Modulo;
  63. // long lastcas = 0;
  65. // servos variables
  66. Servo servo1; //X axis
  67. Servo servo2; //Y axis
  68. /*
  69. uint16_t homeX = 550; // raw data value for center of touchscreen
  70. uint16_t homeY = 550; // raw data value for center of touchscreen */
  72. float convertX = 154.08 / 790.0; // converts raw x values to mm. found through manual calibration
  73. float convertY = 85.92 / 470.0; // converts raw y values to mm. found through manual calibration
  75. /////TIME SAMPLE
  76. int Ts = 0;
  77. unsigned long Stable = 0;
  79. //PID const
  80. float Kp = 0.3;
  81. float Ki = 0.03;
  82. float Kd = 0.13;
  84. float Kp1 = 0.3;
  85. float Ki1 = 0.08;
  86. float Kd1 = 0.13;
  87. // long cas = 0;
  89. //INIT PID
  90. PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, REVER);
  91. PID myPID1(&Input1, &Output1, &Setpoint1, Kp1, Ki1, Kd1, DIRECT);
  93. void setup()
  94. {
  95. pinMode(0, INPUT);
  96. servo1.attach(5);
  97. servo2.attach(6);
  98. Output = 60;
  99. Output1 = 4;
  100. servo1.write(Output);
  101. servo2.write(Output1);
  103. /* //init NUN
  104. nunchuk_setpowerpins();
  105. nunchuk_init();
  106. nunchuk_get_data(); */
  108. //INIT PINS
  109. /* pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  110. pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
  111. digitalWrite(9, LOW); //LED INIT
  112. digitalWrite(8, LOW); */
  114. Serial.begin(9600);
  117. getxy();
  118. Input = 120;//10
  119. Input1 = 65;//3
  121. Setpoint = 120;//7.7
  122. Setpoint1 = 65;//4.3
  123. //// Make plate flat
  124. /* servo1.attach(5);
  125. servo2.attach(6);
  126. Output = 95;
  127. Output1 = 95;
  128. servo1.write(Output);
  129. servo2.write(Output1); */
  131. //Zapnutie PID
  132. myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
  133. myPID.SetOutputLimits(20, 160);//10.140
  134. myPID1.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);
  135. myPID1.SetOutputLimits(20, 160);//10,76
  136. // TIME SAMPLE
  137. myPID1.SetSampleTime(Ts);
  138. myPID.SetSampleTime(Ts);
  140. delay(100);
  141. }
  143. void loop()
  144. {
  145. while (Stable < 125) //REGULATION LOOP
  146. {
  147. int oldx = x, oldy = y;
  148. getxy();
  149. if ((x != oldx) || (y != oldy)) //ball is on plate
  150. {
  151. servo1.attach(5); //connect servos
  152. servo2.attach(6);
  153. setDesiredPosition();
  154. noTouchCount = 0;
  155. getxy(); // measure actual position
  156. Input = (x * convertX); // read and convert X coordinate
  157. Input1 = (y * convertY); // read and convert Y coordinate
  159. if ((Input > Setpoint - 2 && Input < Setpoint + 2 && Input1 > Setpoint1 - 2 && Input1 < Setpoint1 + 2)) //if ball is close to setpoint
  160. {
  161. Stable = Stable + 1; //increment STABLE
  162. // digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
  163. }
  164. /* else
  165. {
  166. digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  167. } */
  168. myPID.Compute(); //action control X compute
  169. myPID1.Compute(); // action control Y compute
  170. }
  171. else //if there is no ball on plate
  172. {
  173. noTouchCount++; //increment no touch count
  175. if (noTouchCount == 75)
  176. {
  177. noTouchCount++;
  178. Output = 60; //make plate flat
  179. Output1 = 4;
  180. servo1.write(Output);
  181. servo2.write(Output1);
  182. }
  183. /* if (noTouchCount == 150) //if there is no ball on plate longer
  184. {
  185. servo1.detach(); //detach servos
  186. servo2.detach();
  187. } */
  188. }
  189. servo1.write(Output); //control
  190. servo2.write(Output1); //control
  191. Serial.print(Setpoint);
  192. Serial.print(",");
  193. Serial.print(Setpoint1);
  194. Serial.print(",");
  195. Serial.print(Input);
  196. Serial.print(",");
  197. Serial.println(Input1);
  199. } ////END OF REGULATION LOOP///
  201. /* servo1.detach(); //detach servos
  202. servo2.detach(); */
  204. ///control STABILITY////
  205. while (Stable == 125) //if is stable
  206. { //still measure actual postiion
  207. setDesiredPosition();
  208. getxy(); //alternative
  209. Input = (x * convertX); //read X
  210. Input1 = (y * convertY); //read Y
  211. if (Input < Setpoint - 2 || Input > Setpoint + 2 || Input1 > Setpoint1 + 2 || Input1 < Setpoint1 - 2) //if ball isnt close to setpoint
  212. {
  213. servo1.attach(5); //again attach servos
  214. servo2.attach(6);
  215. // digitalWrite(9, LOW);
  216. Stable = 0; //change STABLE state
  217. }
  219. } //end of STABLE LOOP
  220. } //loop end
  222. ////////////////////////Functions//////////////////
  224. void setDesiredPosition()
  225. {
  227. // nunchuk_get_data();
  228. //if zbutton is pressed, zero positions
  230. /* int c = nunchuk_zbutton();
  231. if (c != lastButtonState)
  232. {
  233. // if the state has changed, increment the counter
  234. if (c == HIGH && digitalRead(11) == 0)
  235. {
  236. // if the current state is HIGH then the button
  237. // wend from off to on:
  238. buttonPushCounter++;
  239. }
  240. }
  241. lastButtonState = c; */
  243. /* switch (buttonPushCounter)
  244. {
  245. case 1:
  246. Setpoint = 120;
  247. Setpoint1 = 70;
  248. fl = 1;
  249. break;
  250. case 2:
  251. Setpoint = 52;
  252. Setpoint1 = 70;
  253. fl = 2;
  254. break;
  255. case 3:
  256. Setpoint = 52;
  257. Setpoint1 = 40;
  258. fl = 3;
  259. break;
  260. case 4:
  261. Setpoint = 120;
  262. Setpoint1 = 40;
  263. buttonPushCounter = 0;
  264. fl = 4;
  265. break;
  266. } */
  268. switch (MODE)
  269. {
  270. case 0:
  271. Setpoint = 120;//
  272. Setpoint1 = 70;//
  273. break;
  274. case 1:
  275. Setpoint = 85 + (50 * cos(k)) / (1 + sin(k) * sin(k));
  276. Setpoint1 = 55 + (50 * sin(k) * cos(k)) / (1 + sin(k) * sin(k));
  277. k = k + 0.008;
  278. break;
  279. case 2:
  280. Setpoint = 85 + 25 * cos(k);
  281. Setpoint1 = 55 + 25 * sin(k);
  282. k = k - 0.02;
  283. break;
  284. case 3:
  285. Setpoint = 85 + 40 * cos(k);
  286. Setpoint1 = 55 + 25 * sin(k);
  287. k = k - 0.02;
  288. break;
  289. case 4:
  290. Setpoint = 85 + 18 * cos(k) + 12 * cos(k * 150); //
  291. Setpoint1 = 55 + 18 * sin(k) - 12 * sin(k * 150); //
  292. k = k + 0.01;
  293. }
  294. }
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