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Aug 21st, 2019
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  1. library(shinycssloaders)
  2. library(shiny)
  3. library(shinyWidgets)
  4. library(DiagrammeR)
  5. library(tidyverse)
  6. library(shiny)
  7. library(shinyjs)
  8. library(shinythemes)
  10. # load data
  11. # circle nodes & edges
  12. circle_nodes <- read.csv(header = T, file = "data/circle_nodes.csv")
  13. # head(circle_nodes)
  14. # Node Type Pillar Shape Pos.x Pos.y
  15. # 1 1 H1 S plaintext 1.715 2.150
  16. # 2 4 H2 S plaintext 2.272 1.549
  17. # 3 6 H3 S plaintext 2.628 0.811
  18. # 4 9 H4 S plaintext 2.750 0.000
  19. # 5 10 H4 S plaintext 2.628 -0.811
  20. # 6 52 blank S plaintext 2.272 -1.549
  22. circle_edges <- read.csv(header = T, file = "data/circle_edges.csv")
  23. # head(circle_edges)
  24. # from to color penwidth
  25. # 1 1 4 #B3E2CD 6
  26. # 2 4 6 #B3E2CD 6
  27. # 3 6 9 #B3E2CD 6
  28. # 4 9 10 #B3E2CD 6
  29. # 5 10 52 #FFFFFF 6
  30. # 6 52 53 #FFFFFF 6
  32. # centre nodes & edges
  33. centre_nodes <- read.csv(header = T, file = "data/centre_nodes.csv")
  34. #head(centre_nodes)
  35. # Node Type Initiated Complete Info Shape
  36. # 1 A Centre Y N Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in vocent accusam argumentum circle
  37. # 2 B Centre N N sit amet, in vocent accusam argumentum mei circle
  38. # 3 C Centre N N summo admodum suavitate ex nam. Ex circle
  39. # 4 D Centre Y Y nam. Ex sonet lucilius eum, at circle
  40. # 5 E Centre N N at adhuc audiam tincidunt quo. Magna circle
  41. # 6 F Centre N N Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in vocent accusam argumentum circle
  43. centre_edges <- read.csv(header = T, file = "data/centre_edges.csv")
  44. #head(centre_edges)
  45. # From To color
  46. # 1 6 Q #B3E2CD
  47. # 2 6 A #B3E2CD
  48. # 3 6 I #B3E2CD
  49. # 4 6 O #B3E2CD
  50. # 5 6 B #B3E2CD
  51. # 6 6 C #B3E2CD
  53. # load functions
  54. circle_nodes_list <- circle_nodes %>%
  55. filter(!Type %in% c("blank","Pillar"))
  57. # Circle Node Paster Function
  58. circle_node_paster <- function(x) {
  59. paste("'",str_trim(x["Node"]),
  60. "' [shape = '",x[["Shape"]],
  61. "', width = '1', height = '1',",
  62. " pos = '",str_trim(x[["Pos.x"]]),",",
  63. x[["Pos.y"]], "!'] ",
  64. sep = "", collapse = "n")
  65. }
  67. # create output
  68. circle_node_dat <- paste(unlist(apply(circle_nodes, 1, circle_node_paster)), collapse = "")
  70. # Circle edge paster function
  71. circle_edge_paster <- function(x) {
  72. paste(" '",str_trim(x[["from"]]),"'--'", str_trim(x[["to"]]),
  73. "' [color = '",x[["color"]],
  74. "', penwidth = '",x[["penwidth"]],"']",
  75. sep = "", collapse = "")
  76. }
  78. # produce 'circle_edge_dat' grViz code
  79. circle_edge_dat <- paste(unlist(apply(circle_edges, 1, circle_edge_paster)),
  80. collapse = "")
  82. ## Pastable centre node code
  83. # Centre Node Paster Function
  84. centre_node_paster <- function(x) {
  85. paste(" '",str_trim(x["Node"]),
  86. "' [fillcolor = '",x[["Fill.Color"]],
  87. "', fontcolor = '",x[["Font.Color"]],
  88. "', tooltip = '",x[["Node"]],
  89. "', penwidth = '",str_trim(x[["Pen.Width"]]),
  90. "', shape = '",x[["Shape"]],"']",
  91. sep = "", collapse = "n")
  92. }
  94. # centre edge paster function
  95. centre_edge_paster <- function(x) {
  96. paste(" '",str_trim(x[["From"]]),"'--'", x[["To"]],
  97. "' [color = '",x[["color"]],
  98. "', penwidth = ",str_trim(x[["Pen.Width"]]),"]",
  99. sep = "", collapse = "")
  100. }
  102. #########
  104. # UI
  105. ui <- fluidPage(
  106. sidebarLayout(position = "right",
  107. sidebarPanel(width = 3, pickerInput(inputId = "highlight",label = "Select/Deselect Relevant Groups", choices = paste(circle_nodes_list$Node), selected = paste(circle_nodes_list$Node), options = list('actions-box' = TRUE, size = 10, 'selected-text-format' = "count > 3"),multiple = TRUE)),
  108. mainPanel(width = 9,
  109. grVizOutput('diagram', width = "100%",
  110. height = "800px"),
  111. textOutput("grViz_code"))
  112. )
  113. )
  115. # SERVER
  116. server <- function(input, output) {
  118. reduced_centre_nodes <-reactive({
  119. centre_edges %>% filter (From %in% input$highlight)
  120. })
  122. centre_edges_dataset <-reactive({
  123. centre_edges %>% mutate(
  124. Pen.Width = ifelse(From %in% unique(reduced_centre_nodes()$From), 8, 1))
  125. })
  127. centre_edge_dat <-reactive({
  128. paste(unlist(apply(centre_edges_dataset(), 1, centre_edge_paster)),
  129. collapse = "")
  130. })
  132. centre_nodes_dataset <-reactive({
  133. centre_nodes %>%
  134. mutate(Fill.Color = ifelse(Node %in% unique(reduced_centre_nodes()$To),
  135. "#80ADD7","grey10"),
  136. Pen.Width = ifelse(Node %in% unique(reduced_centre_nodes()$To),
  137. 8,2),
  138. Font.Color = ifelse(Node %in% unique(reduced_centre_nodes()$To),
  139. "white","gray50"))
  140. })
  142. centre_node_dat <-reactive({
  143. paste(unlist(apply(centre_nodes_dataset(), 1, centre_node_paster)),
  144. collapse = "")
  145. })
  147. viz_code <-reactive({
  148. paste("graph {
  149. graph [bgcolor = 'white',
  150. layout = 'neato', mode = 'KK',
  151. outputorder = 'edgesfirst',
  152. overlap = scale, splines = 'true']
  153. { node [fontname = 'Helvetica', pin = 'true'] ",
  154. circle_node_dat, # circle node data
  155. " edge [splines = 'curved']",
  156. circle_edge_dat, # circle edge data
  157. "} node [fontname = 'Helvetica',
  158. shape = 'circle',
  159. style = 'filled',
  160. color = 'black',
  161. fixedsize = 'true',
  162. fontcolor = 'gray50']",
  163. centre_node_dat(), # centre node data
  164. " edge [splines = 'curved']",
  165. centre_edge_dat(), # centre edge data
  166. " }")")
  167. })
  169. ### for some reason there are additional nodes being added 55+????
  170. output$diagram <- renderGrViz({
  171. grViz(viz_code())
  172. })
  174. }
  176. # Run the application
  177. shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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