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a guest
May 29th, 2016
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  1. options:
  2. AnahtarItem: tripwire hook
  3. AnahtarIsim: &bKasa Anahtarı
  4. Prefix: &bKasa &8&l»&7
  5. KasaMenusuAdi: &2Kasa Açılıyor...
  7. on script load:
  8. loop all players:
  9. if {kasaAciliyor::%loop-player%} is true:
  10. clear {kasaAciliyor::%loop-player%}
  11. clear {kasaAciliyor}
  12. clear {_itemler::*}
  13. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::1} to "5 ender pearl" #örnek
  14. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::2} to "5 ender pearl"
  15. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::3} to "5 ender pearl"
  16. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::4} to "1 diamond chestplate"
  17. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::5} to "1 diamond chestplate"
  18. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::6} to "1 diamond chestplate of protection 3"
  19. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::7} to "1 diamond chestplate of protection 4"
  20. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::8} to "diamond sword"
  21. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::9} to "diamond sword"
  22. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::10} to "diamond sword of sharpness 2"
  23. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::11} to "3 diamond blocks"
  24. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::12} to "3 diamond blocks"
  25. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::13} to "3 diamond blocks"
  26. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::14} to "diamond axe"
  27. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::15} to "diamond axe of efficiency 2"
  28. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::16} to "4 emerald block"
  29. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::17} to "4 emerald block"
  30. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::18} to "4 emerald block"
  31. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::19} to "nether star"
  32. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::20} to "10 tnt"
  33. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::21} to "16 obsidian"
  34. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::22} to "16 obsidian"
  35. set {Kasa::Esyalar::item::23} to "16 obsidian"
  37. on quit:
  38. if {kasaAciliyor::%player%} is true:
  39. clear {kasaAciliyor::%player%}
  40. clear {kasaAciliyor}
  42. command /sandıkayarla:
  43. trigger:
  44. if player has permission "sandik.admin":
  45. if targeted block is chest:
  46. if {ozelSandik::%location of targeted block%} is not set:
  47. set {_loc} to location of targeted block
  48. set {ozelSandik::%{_loc}%} to {_loc}
  49. send "{@Prefix} Önünüzdeki sandık artık kasa, kasanın özelliğini kaldırmak için /sandıkayarla yazabilirsin."
  50. stop
  51. else if {ozelSandik::%location of targeted block%} is set:
  52. clear {ozelSandik::%location of targeted block%}
  53. send "{@Prefix} Önünüzdeki sandık artık kasa değil, tekrar kasa yapmak için /sandıkayarla yazabilirsin."
  54. else:
  55. send "{@Prefix} Bunu kullanabilmek için bir sandığa bakman gerek!"
  56. else:
  57. send "{@Prefix} Bunun için iznin yok"
  60. on rightclick on chest:
  61. if {ozelSandik::%location of event-block%} is set:
  62. cancel event
  63. if player's tool is {@AnahtarItem}:
  64. if name of player's tool is "{@AnahtarIsim}":
  65. if {kasaAciliyor} is set:
  66. send "{@Prefix} Lütfen bekle, şuanda bu kasa açılıyor.."
  67. stop
  68. set {_key} to true
  69. set {_hash} to line 1 of lore of player's tool
  70. remove 1 {@AnahtarItem} named "{@AnahtarIsim}" with lore {_hash} from player's inventory
  71. if {_hash} is not set:
  72. send "{@Prefix} Kullandığınız anahtarın kodu geçersiz!"
  73. set {_key} to false
  74. stop
  75. if {tumKodlar::*} does not contain {_hash}:
  76. send "{@Prefix} Kullandığınız anahtarın kodu geçersiz!"
  77. set {_key} to false
  78. stop
  79. remove {_hash} from {tumKodlar::*}
  80. set {kasaAciliyor} to true
  81. set {kasaAciliyor::%player%} to true
  82. wait 5 tick
  83. loop 9 times:
  84. add "%{Kasa::Esyalar::item::%random integer between 1 and 23%}%" to {_itemler::*}
  85. open chest with 3 rows named "{@KasaMenusuAdi}" to player
  86. wait 1 tick
  87. loop 9 times:
  88. format slot (loop-number - 1) of player with black stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
  89. loop 9 times:
  90. format slot ((loop-number - 1)+18) of player with black stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
  91. format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&7Senin Eşyan!" to be unstealable
  92. format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&7Senin Eşyan!" to be unstealable
  93. set {_loop} to a random integer between 20 and 25
  94. loop {_loop} times:
  95. set {_item::9} to {_item::8}
  96. set {_item::8} to {_item::7}
  97. set {_item::7} to {_item::6}
  98. set {_item::6} to {_item::5}
  99. set {_item::5} to {_item::4}
  100. set {_item::4} to {_item::3}
  101. set {_item::3} to {_item::2}
  102. set {_item::2} to {_item::1}
  103. set {_item::1} to "%a random element out of {_itemler::*}%" parsed as material
  104. loop 9 times:
  105. set {_n} to loop-number-2
  106. set {_i} to {_item::%loop-number-2%}
  107. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  108. format slot (({_n} - 1)+9) of player with {_item::%loop-number-2%} to be unstealable
  109. add 1 to {_ses}
  110. if {_ses} > 3:
  111. set {_ses} to 1
  112. if {_ses} = 1:
  113. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
  114. if {_ses} = 2:
  115. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  116. if {_ses} = 3:
  117. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 0 volume 0.5
  118. wait 2 ticks
  119. set {_loop} to a random integer between 10 and 18
  120. loop {_loop} times:
  121. set {_item::9} to {_item::8}
  122. set {_item::8} to {_item::7}
  123. set {_item::7} to {_item::6}
  124. set {_item::6} to {_item::5}
  125. set {_item::5} to {_item::4}
  126. set {_item::4} to {_item::3}
  127. set {_item::3} to {_item::2}
  128. set {_item::2} to {_item::1}
  129. set {_item::1} to "%a random element out of {_itemler::*}%" parsed as material
  130. loop 9 times:
  131. set {_n} to loop-number-2
  132. set {_i} to {_item::%loop-number-2%}
  133. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  134. format slot (({_n} - 1)+9) of player with {_item::%loop-number-2%} to be unstealable
  135. add 1 to {_ses}
  136. if {_ses} > 3:
  137. set {_ses} to 1
  138. if {_ses} = 1:
  139. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
  140. if {_ses} = 2:
  141. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  142. if {_ses} = 3:
  143. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 0 volume 0.5
  144. wait 4 ticks
  145. set {_loop} to a random integer between 7 and 15
  146. loop {_loop} times:
  147. set {_item::9} to {_item::8}
  148. set {_item::8} to {_item::7}
  149. set {_item::7} to {_item::6}
  150. set {_item::6} to {_item::5}
  151. set {_item::5} to {_item::4}
  152. set {_item::4} to {_item::3}
  153. set {_item::3} to {_item::2}
  154. set {_item::2} to {_item::1}
  155. set {_item::1} to "%a random element out of {_itemler::*}%" parsed as material
  156. loop 9 times:
  157. set {_n} to loop-number-2
  158. set {_i} to {_item::%loop-number-2%}
  159. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  160. format slot (({_n} - 1)+9) of player with {_item::%loop-number-2%} to be unstealable
  161. add 1 to {_ses}
  162. if {_ses} > 3:
  163. set {_ses} to 1
  164. if {_ses} = 1:
  165. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
  166. if {_ses} = 2:
  167. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  168. if {_ses} = 3:
  169. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 0 volume 0.5
  170. wait 6 ticks
  171. set {_loop} to a random integer between 3 and 7
  172. loop {_loop} times:
  173. set {_item::9} to {_item::8}
  174. set {_item::8} to {_item::7}
  175. set {_item::7} to {_item::6}
  176. set {_item::6} to {_item::5}
  177. set {_item::5} to {_item::4}
  178. set {_item::4} to {_item::3}
  179. set {_item::3} to {_item::2}
  180. set {_item::2} to {_item::1}
  181. set {_item::1} to "%a random element out of {_itemler::*}%" parsed as material
  182. loop 9 times:
  183. set {_n} to loop-number-2
  184. set {_i} to {_item::%loop-number-2%}
  185. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  186. format slot (({_n} - 1)+9) of player with {_item::%loop-number-2%} to be unstealable
  187. add 1 to {_ses}
  188. if {_ses} > 3:
  189. set {_ses} to 1
  190. if {_ses} = 1:
  191. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
  192. if {_ses} = 2:
  193. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  194. if {_ses} = 3:
  195. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 0 volume 0.5
  196. wait 8 ticks
  197. set {_loop} to a random integer between 1 and 3
  198. loop {_loop} times:
  199. set {_item::9} to {_item::8}
  200. set {_item::8} to {_item::7}
  201. set {_item::7} to {_item::6}
  202. set {_item::6} to {_item::5}
  203. set {_item::5} to {_item::4}
  204. set {_item::4} to {_item::3}
  205. set {_item::3} to {_item::2}
  206. set {_item::2} to {_item::1}
  207. set {_item::1} to "%a random element out of {_itemler::*}%" parsed as material
  208. loop 9 times:
  209. set {_n} to loop-number-2
  210. set {_i} to {_item::%loop-number-2%}
  211. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  212. format slot (({_n} - 1)+9) of player with {_item::%loop-number-2%} to be unstealable
  213. add 1 to {_ses}
  214. if {_ses} > 3:
  215. set {_ses} to 1
  216. if {_ses} = 1:
  217. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
  218. if {_ses} = 2:
  219. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
  220. if {_ses} = 3:
  221. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 0 volume 0.5
  222. wait 10 ticks
  223. set {_item} to {_item::5}
  224. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  225. format slot 9 of player with gold ingot named "&7" to be unstealable
  226. format slot 17 of player with gold ingot named "&7" to be unstealable
  227. wait 5 ticks
  228. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  229. format slot 10 of player with gold ingot named "&7" to be unstealable
  230. format slot 16 of player with gold ingot named "&7" to be unstealable
  231. wait 5 ticks
  232. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  233. format slot 11 of player with gold ingot named "&7" to be unstealable
  234. format slot 15 of player with gold ingot named "&7" to be unstealable
  235. wait 5 ticks
  236. if inventory name of player's current inventory contains "{@KasaMenusuAdi}":
  237. format slot 12 of player with gold ingot named "&7" to be unstealable
  238. format slot 14 of player with gold ingot named "&7" to be unstealable
  239. play raw sound "fireworks.twinkle" at player with pitch 1 volume 2
  240. wait 40 ticks
  241. give player {_item}
  242. message "{@Prefix} Tebrikler, kazandığın eşya &b%{_item}%&7!"
  243. broadcast "{@Prefix} &6%player%, &7kasadan şu eşyayı kazandı: &b%{_item}%"
  244. play raw sound "random.successful_hit" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
  245. clear {kasaAciliyor}
  246. clear {kasaAciliyor::%player%}
  247. clear {_itemler::*}
  248. close player's inventory
  249. stop
  250. else:
  251. send "{@Prefix} Bu eşya bir kasa anahtarı değil!"
  252. stop
  253. else:
  254. send "{@Prefix} Lütfen elinde {@AnahtarItem} eşyasını tut!"
  255. stop
  257. on inventory close:
  258. if {kasaAciliyor} is set:
  259. if {kasaAciliyor::%player%} is set:
  260. wait 1 tick
  261. open chest with 3 rows named "{@KasaMenusuAdi}" to player
  262. wait 1 tick
  263. loop 9 times:
  264. format slot (loop-number - 1) of player with black stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
  265. loop 9 times:
  266. format slot ((loop-number - 1)+18) of player with black stained glass pane named "&7" to be unstealable
  267. format slot 4 of player with red stained glass pane named "&7Senin Eşyan!" to be unstealable
  268. format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "&7Senin Eşyan!" to be unstealable
  270. on break of chest:
  271. if {ozelSandik::%location of event-block%} is set:
  272. cancel event
  274. command /anahtarver:
  275. trigger:
  276. if player has permission "sandik.admin":
  277. set {_hash} to "c%random integer from 0 to 9%%random integer from 0 to 9%%random integer from 0 to 9%de%random integer from 0 to 9%%random integer from 0 to 9%%random integer from 0 to 9%"
  278. add {_hash} to {tumKodlar::*}
  279. send "{@Prefix} Anahtar envantere eklendi."
  280. give 1 {@AnahtarItem} of unbreaking 10 named "{@AnahtarIsim}" with lore "%{_hash}%" to player
  281. else:
  282. send "{@Prefix} Bunun için iznin yok"
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