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a guest
Mar 24th, 2019
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  1. from pwn import *
  2. frontPadding = '.' * 43
  3. backPadding = '.' * 3
  5. # implementation of the poodle attack
  6. def send(frontPadding, backPadding):
  7. # returns false and an empty array if unsuccessful, if unsuccessful, returns true and an array holding the char of interest
  8. p = remote('', 14263)
  9. p.recvuntil('(S)')
  10. p.sendline('e')
  11. p.recvuntil('report: ')
  12. p.sendline(frontPadding)
  13. p.recvuntil('else? ')
  14. p.sendline(backPadding)
  15. outputStr = p.recvuntil('(S)').split('\n')[0][11:] # getting the hex output
  16. output = []
  17. for i in range(0, len(outputStr) - 32, 32):
  18. output.append(outputStr[i:i+32])
  19. # we are interested in block 8 and its previous block, 7, remember first block is the randomized iv
  20. interestBlock = output[8]
  21. interestBlockPrev = output[7]
  22. # also need second to last block for decryption if successful
  23. interestBlockLast = output[13]
  24. # replace padding block (block 14) with interestBlock
  25. exploit = outputStr[0:448] + interestBlock
  26. # sending in the probable exploit
  27. p.sendline('s')
  28. p.recvuntil('message: ')
  29. p.sendline(exploit)
  30. result = p.recvall()
  31. p.close()
  32. if 'Successful decryption' not in result:
  33. return False, []
  34. else:
  35. return True, [(xor(xor(0x10, interestBlockLast[-1].decode('hex')), interestBlockPrev[-1].decode('hex'))]
  37. #exploiting
  38. flag = ''
  39. result = False
  40. output = []
  41. # Exception catching
  42. repeat = True
  43. for i in range(29):
  44. while repeat:
  45. try:
  46. result, output = send(frontPadding[i:], backPadding + '.' * i)
  47. repeat = False
  48. if result:
  49. print '\033[92mSUCCESS ON ONE CHARACTER\033[0m'
  50. print '\033[92m' + chr(output[0]) + '\033[0m'
  51. break
  52. else:
  53. repeat = True
  54. except Exception as e:
  55. print 'Error... retrying'
  56. output += chr(output[0])
  57. print output
  58. print output
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