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a guest
Oct 3rd, 2017
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  1. --UniteamBot made by Tryton
  2. --27/07/2011
  3. ----------------------------------------------
  4. --Functions--
  5. --Auto op function
  6. --BadWords List
  7. --Poll function (for another mod)
  8. --Login gui
  9. ----------------------------------------------
  10. --To Do--
  11. --Speak if a player got decaped
  13. ------------------------------------------------
  14. ------------------------------------------------
  17. serverip = ""
  18. serverport = 20184
  20. defaultuser = "UniteamBOT"
  21. defaultpass = "Uniteambottest"
  23. OpList = {"Tryton", "name1", "name2", "name3", "name4",}--Enter the people who can be opped
  24. BadWords = {"nigger", "bitch", "asshole", "fag", "fuck",}--Enter all bad words you want
  26. ------------------------------------------------------
  27. --Dont chnge this if u dont know what you are doing!--
  28. ------------------------------------------------------
  30. dofile("scripts/BaseBot.lua")
  32. function Say(text)
  33. text = string.gsub(text, "#time","%X"))
  34. Send("SAY " .. text)
  35. end
  37. Connect(serverip,serverport)
  38. Login(user,pass)
  39. Say(".:UniteamBot Connected:.")
  40. Spec("")
  42. PollNames = {}
  43. PollVotes = {}
  44. VoteNo = 0
  45. VoteYes = 0
  46. Voted = nil
  48. --Mute and unmute players
  49. muteTimers = { }
  50. currTimer = 1
  51. function muteFor(name,time)
  52. Send("mute " .. name)
  53. muteTimers[currTimer] = timer()
  54. muteTimers[currTimer].Interval = time*1000
  55. muteTimers[currTimer].Enabled = true
  56. muteTimers[currTimer].Tick:Add(
  57. function()
  58. Send("unmute " .. name)
  59. end)
  60. currTimer = currTimer + 1
  61. end
  63. --Anti Ping-Out
  64. timer1 = timer()
  65. timer1.Interval = 5000
  66. timer1.Enabled = true
  67. timer1.Tick:Add(
  68. function()
  69. Send("PING")
  70. end)
  72. --Get Chat
  73. function LineChanged(Line)
  74. if(Line:sub(0,3) == "SAY") then
  75. A = Line:find(";")
  76. B = Line:find(" ",A+1)
  77. print("> " ..Line:sub(A+1))
  78. if(B ~= nil) then
  79. Chat = Line:sub(B+1)
  80. MsgOwnerEnd = Line:find("> ")
  81. end
  82. if MsgOwnerEnd ~= nil then
  83. MsgOwner = Line:sub(A+8, MsgOwnerEnd-4)
  84. --Op a Player
  85. if Chat == "!op" then
  86. for n=0, #OpList do
  87. if OpList[n] == MsgOwner then
  88. Op = 1
  89. end
  90. end
  91. if Op == 1 then
  92. Send("op " ..MsgOwner)
  93. Say("You are now opped " ..MsgOwner.."!")
  94. Op = 0
  95. elseif Op == nil then
  96. Say("Dont try to get opped if you arent allowed "..MsgOwner.."! <muted for 60 seconds>")
  97. muteFor(MsgOwner, 30)
  98. Op = nil
  99. end
  100. end
  101. --Find badwords
  102. for w=1, #BadWords do
  103. Word = string.lower(BadWords[w])
  104. if Chat:find(Word) ~= nil then
  105. Say("Don't say such bad words! <muted for 60 seconds>")
  106. muteFor(MsgOwner, 60)
  107. end
  108. end
  109. --Vote system
  110. --Mod
  111. IfModPoll = Chat:sub(0, 5)
  112. if IfModPoll == "!Mod " and Poll == nil and MsgOwner ~= user or IfModPoll == "!mod " and Poll == nil and MsgOwner ~= user then
  113. PollObject = Chat:sub(6)
  114. Poll = "set mod"
  115. PollNames[0] = MsgOwner
  116. PollVotes[0] = "yes"
  117. PollStartTime = os.time(sec)
  118. Say(MsgOwner.." Started a poll to change the mod to "..PollObject.."!")
  119. Say("Type !yes or !no to vote. The poll will end in 40 seconds")
  120. elseif IfModPoll == "!Mod " and Poll ~= nil and MsgOwner ~= user or IfModPoll == "!mod " and Poll ~= nil and MsgOwner ~= user then
  121. Say("There can be only one active poll")
  122. end
  123. --Ban
  124. if IfModPoll == "!Ban " and Poll == nil and MsgOwner ~= user or IfModPoll == "!ban " and Poll == nil and MsgOwner ~= user then
  125. PollObject = Chat:sub(6)
  126. Poll = "ban"
  127. PollNames[0] = MsgOwner
  128. PollVotes[0] = "yes"
  129. PollStartTime = os.time(sec)
  130. Say(MsgOwner.." Started a poll to ban the player "..PollObject.."!")
  131. Say("Type !yes or !no to vote. The poll will end in 40 seconds")
  132. elseif IfModPoll == "!Ban " and Poll ~= nil and MsgOwner ~= user or IfModPoll == "!ban " and Poll ~= nil and MsgOwner ~= user then
  133. Say("There can be only one active poll")
  134. end
  135. --Kick
  136. if IfModPoll == "!Kick" and Poll == nil and MsgOwner ~= user or IfModPoll == "!kick" and Poll == nil and MsgOwner ~= user then
  137. PollObject = Chat:sub(6)
  138. Poll = "kick"
  139. PollNames[0] = MsgOwner
  140. PollVotes[0] = "yes"
  141. PollStartTime = os.time(sec)
  142. Say(MsgOwner.." Started a poll to kick the player "..PollObject.."!")
  143. Say("Type !yes or !no to vote. The poll will end in 40 seconds")
  144. elseif IfModPoll == "!Kick" and Poll ~= nil and MsgOwner ~= user or IfModPoll == "!kick" and Poll ~= nil and MsgOwner ~= user then
  145. Say("There can be only one active poll")
  146. end
  147. if Poll ~= nil and Chat == "!yes" and MsgOwner ~= user or Poll ~= nil and Chat == "!Yes" and MsgOwner ~= user then
  148. for Num=0, #PollNames do
  149. if PollNames[Num] == MsgOwner then
  150. VoteNumber = Num
  151. end
  152. end
  153. if VoteNumber == nil then
  154. Num = #PollNames+1
  155. PollNames[Num] = MsgOwner
  156. PollVotes[Num] = "yes"
  157. VoteNumber = nil
  158. else
  159. Say("You can vote only once")
  160. VoteNumber = nil
  161. end
  162. elseif Poll ~= nil and Chat == "!no" and MsgOwner ~= user or Poll ~= nil and Chat == "!No" and MsgOwner ~= user then
  163. for Num=0, #PollNames do
  164. if PollNames[Num] == MsgOwner then
  165. VoteNumber = Num
  166. end
  167. end
  168. if VoteNumber == nil then
  169. Num = #PollNames+1
  170. PollNames[Num] = MsgOwner
  171. PollVotes[Num] = "no"
  172. VoteNumber = nil
  173. else
  174. Say("You can vote only once")
  175. VoteNumber = nil
  176. end
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end
  180. if Line:sub(0,6) == "BOUT 0" then
  181. Clients = 0
  182. if Line:sub(0,4) == "BOUT" then
  183. Bouts = Line:sub(5, 6)-1
  184. end
  185. end
  186. end
  188. --FAQ commands
  190. --Get poll end
  191. Ti.Tick:Add(function()
  192. if Poll ~= nil then
  193. if PollStartTime+40 <= os.time(sec) or Clients/2-1 > #PollVotes then
  194. for v=0, #PollVotes do
  195. if PollVotes[v] == "yes" then
  196. VoteYes=VoteYes+1
  197. elseif PollVotes[v] == "no" then
  198. VoteNo=VoteNo+1
  199. end
  200. end
  201. if VoteYes <= VoteNo then
  202. Say("Vote: Failed("..VoteNo..":"..VoteYes..").")
  203. else
  204. Say("Vote: Passed("..VoteYes..":"..VoteNo..").")
  205. Send(Poll.." "..PollObject)
  206. end
  207. Poll = nil
  208. PollNames = {}
  209. PollVotes = {}
  210. VoteYes = 0
  211. VoteNo = 0
  212. end
  213. end
  214. end)
  216. function setServer()
  217. serverSettings ="Scripts/serversettings.txt")
  218. if(serverSettings == nil) then
  219. print("Failed to load serversettings.txt")
  220. else
  221. line = serverSettings:read("*l")
  222. i=1
  223. while(line ~= nil) do
  224. Send("" .. line)
  225. print("Set \"" .. line .. "\" at line " .. i)
  226. line = serverSettings:read("*l")
  227. i = i + 1
  228. end
  229. end
  230. end
  232. --Open the Gui
  233. --Main Gui
  234. form1 = form()
  235. form1.Height = 125
  236. form1.Width = 250
  237. button1 = button()
  238. button1.Text = "Disconnect"
  239. button1.Dock = dockStyle.Bottom
  240. button1.Click:Add(function() Disconnect(); form1:Close() end)
  241. inputBox1 = textBox()
  242. inputBox1.Text = "hi"
  243. inputBox1.Dock = dockStyle.Bottom
  244. button2 = button()
  245. button2.Text = "Say"
  246. button2.Dock = dockStyle.Bottom
  247. button2.Click:Add(function() Say(inputBox1.Text) end)
  248. button3 = button()
  249. button3.Text = "Send"
  250. button3.Dock = dockStyle.Bottom
  251. button3.Click:Add(function() Send(inputBox1.Text) end)
  252. button4 = button()
  253. form1.Controls:Add(inputBox1)
  254. form1.Controls:Add(button2)
  255. form1.Controls:Add(button3)
  256. form1.Controls:Add(button1)
  258. --Login Gui
  259. LoginForm = form()
  260. LoginForm.Text = "Login"
  261. LoginForm.Height = 105
  262. LoginForm.Width = 250
  263. Username = textBox()
  264. Username.Text = defaultuser
  265. Username.Dock = dockStyle.Bottom
  266. Passwd = textBox()
  267. Passwd.Text = defaultpass
  268. Passwd.PasswordChar = "*"
  269. Passwd.Dock = dockStyle.Bottom
  270. LoginButton = button()
  271. LoginButton.Text = "Login"
  272. LoginButton.Dock = dockStyle.Bottom
  273. LoginButton.Click:Add(function() user=Username.Text; pass=Passwd.Text Connect(serverip,serverport); Login(user,pass); Spec(); LoginForm:Close(); form1.Text = user.."Server"; form1:Show(); setServer() end)
  274. LoginForm.Controls:Add(Username)
  275. LoginForm.Controls:Add(Passwd)
  276. LoginForm.Controls:Add(LoginButton)
  277. LoginForm:Show()
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