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Sep 20th, 2019
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  1. import * as React from "react"
  2. import Ripples from 'react-ripples'
  3. import styled from "styled-components"
  4. import { variant } from "styled-system"
  5. import { MdChevronLeft, MdChevronRight } from "react-icons/md"
  6. import { useTransition, animated } from 'react-spring'
  7. import { Box } from "./Box"
  8. import { Text } from "./Text"
  10. const Wrapper = styled(Box)`
  11. height: 400px;
  12. position: relative;
  13. width: 100%;
  14. display: grid;
  15. grid-template-columns: [left-chevron] 1fr [content] 8fr [right-chevron] 1fr;
  16. `
  18. const ContentWrapper = styled(Box)({
  19. gridColumn: 'content',
  20. position: 'relative',
  21. '& > div': {
  22. willChange: 'transform, opacity',
  23. position: 'absolute',
  24. width: '100%',
  25. height: '100%',
  26. },
  27. })
  29. const SlideControlWrapper = styled(Ripples)({
  30. display: 'flex',
  31. alignItems: 'center',
  32. justifyContent: 'center',
  33. cursor: 'pointer',
  34. }, variant({
  35. variants: {
  36. disabled: { opacity: 0.6, pointerEvents: 'none' }
  37. }
  38. }))
  40. const SlideControl = ({ children, ...props }) =>
  41. <SlideControlWrapper {...props}>
  42. {children}
  43. </SlideControlWrapper>
  45. const initialState = {
  46. currentIndex: 0,
  47. animation: {
  48. enter: { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0%, 0, 0)" },
  49. leave: { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(100%, 0 ,0)" },
  50. from: { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(-50%, 0, 0)" },
  51. },
  52. }
  54. const CarouselContext = React.createContext({
  55. previous: () => {},
  56. next: () => {},
  57. carouselState: initialState,
  58. })
  60. export const useCarousel = () => React.useContext(CarouselContext)
  61. export const Provider = ({ children }) => {
  62. const [carouselState, setCarouselState] = React.useState(initialState)
  64. const previous = () => {
  65. setCarouselState({
  66. currentIndex: carouselState.currentIndex - 1,
  67. animation: {
  68. enter: { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0%, 0, 0)" },
  69. leave: { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(100%, 0 ,0)" },
  70. from: { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(-50%, 0, 0)" },
  71. },
  72. })
  73. }
  74. const next = () => {
  75. setCarouselState({
  76. currentIndex: carouselState.currentIndex + 1,
  77. animation: {
  78. from: { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(100%, 0 ,0)" },
  79. enter: { opacity: 1, transform: "translate3d(0%, 0, 0)" },
  80. leave: { opacity: 0, transform: "translate3d(-50%, 0, 0)" },
  81. },
  82. })
  83. }
  85. return (
  86. <CarouselContext.Provider value={{ previous, next, carouselState }}>
  87. {children}
  88. </CarouselContext.Provider>
  89. )
  90. }
  92. export const Carousel = ({ items }) => {
  93. const { previous, carouselState, next } = useCarousel()
  94. const transitions = useTransition([carouselState.currentIndex], item => item, {
  95. reset: true,
  96. unique: true,
  97. ...carouselState.animation,
  98. })
  100. return (
  101. <Wrapper>
  102. <SlideControl
  103. gridColumn="left-chevron"
  104. onClick={previous}
  105. variant={carouselState.currentIndex == 0 ? "disabled" : "normal"}
  106. >
  107. <Text color="black" fontSize="48px">
  108. <MdChevronLeft />
  109. </Text>
  110. </SlideControl>
  111. <ContentWrapper height="400px">
  112. {{ item, props, key }) => <animated.div key={key} style={props}>{items[item]()}</animated.div>)}
  113. </ContentWrapper>
  114. <SlideControl
  115. gridColumn="right-chevron"
  116. onClick={next}
  117. variant={
  118. carouselState.currentIndex == items.length - 1 ? "disabled" : "normal"
  119. }
  120. >
  121. <Text color="black" fontSize="48px">
  122. <MdChevronRight />
  123. </Text>
  124. </SlideControl>
  125. </Wrapper>
  126. )
  127. }
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