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a guest
Jan 12th, 2018
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  1. Feature: Add brand admin
  2. As a super user
  3. In order to delegate a power of brand management
  4. I want to create brand admins
  6. Background:
  7. Given I am logged in as a super admin
  8. And I am on admin panel page
  10. Scenario: Super admin adds a new brand admin and associates him with a brand
  11. Given I follow "Neuen Nutzer anlegen"
  12. When I fill in the following:
  13. | First name | Otto |
  14. | Last name | von Bismarck |
  15. | Email | |
  16. And I choose " Biotherm Homme"
  17. And I press "Create user"
  18. Then I should be on admin panel page
  19. And I should see "Otto von Bismarck"
  20. And email containing password reset link should be sent to ""
  22. Scenario: Newly added brand admin logs in after password reset
  23. Given a brand admin "" is added to brand "Biotherm"
  24. And a user "" resets his password to "123456"
  25. And I am not logged in
  26. When I sign in as ""
  27. Then login should be successful
  28. And I should be on "Chanel" brand products list
  30. Scenario: Super admin tries to add a new brand admin without providing mandatory data
  31. Given I follow "Neuen Nutzer anlegen"
  32. And I press "Create user"
  33. Then I should see "Fehler"
  34. And I should not be on admin panel page
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