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Sep 16th, 2019
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  1. #define _ARMA_
  3. class CfgPatches
  4. {
  5. class ALF_PW207
  6. {
  7. units[] = {"ALF_PW207", "V_ALF_PW207", "V_ALF_PW207_Pompier"};
  8. weapons[] = {};
  9. requiredVersion = 0.1;
  10. requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"};
  11. };
  12. };
  13. class WeaponCloudsMGun;
  14. class CfgVehicles
  15. {
  16. class Helicopter;
  17. class Helicopter_Base_F: Helicopter
  18. {
  19. class Turrets;
  20. };
  21. class Helicopter_Base_H: Helicopter_Base_F
  22. {
  23. class Turrets: Turrets
  24. {
  25. class CopilotTurret;
  26. };
  27. class ViewPilot;
  28. class Viewoptics;
  29. class RotorLibHelicopterProperties;
  30. class CargoTurret;
  31. class Reflectors
  32. {
  33. class Right;
  34. };
  35. };
  36. class ALF_PW207: Helicopter_Base_H
  37. {
  38. scope = 1;
  39. side = 3;
  40. faction = "CIV_F";
  41. crew = "C_man_1";
  42. author = "ALF - Bollino";
  43. cost = 2000000;
  44. fuelCapacity = 20;
  45. fuelConsumptionRate = 0.01;
  46. simulation = "helicopterx";
  47. armor = 20;
  48. altFullForce = 4000;
  49. altNoForce = 6000;
  50. maxSpeed = 300;
  51. maxFordingDepth = 0.55;
  52. mainBladeRadius = 7.0;
  53. liftForceCoef = 1.1;
  54. bodyFrictionCoef = 0.7;
  55. cyclicAsideForceCoef = 1.0;
  56. hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","numberplate1","numberplate2","numberplate3","numberplate4","numberplate5","numberplate6","numberplate7"};
  57. cyclicForwardForceCoef = 1.0;
  58. backRotorForceCoef = 1.0;
  59. accuracy = 0.5;
  60. displayName = "PW 207";
  61. driveOnComponent[] = {"Wheels"};
  62. model = "ALF_Heli\ALF_PW207\ALF_PW207.p3d";
  63. icon = "\A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\UI\Map_Heli_Light_02_CA.paa";
  64. picture = "\A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\UI\Heli_Light_02_CA.paa";
  65. driverAction = "pilot_Heli_Light_02";
  66. driverInAction = "pilot_Heli_Light_02";
  67. selectionHRotorStill = "main rotor static";
  68. selectionHRotorMove = "main rotor blur";
  69. selectionVRotorStill = "tail rotor static";
  70. selectionVRotorMove = "tail rotor blur";
  71. preciseGetInOut = 1;
  72. GetInAction = "pilot_Heli_Light_02_Enter";
  73. GetOutAction = "pilot_Heli_Light_02_Exit";
  74. memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos pilot";
  75. memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos pilot dir";
  76. cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInHelicopterCargo"};
  77. cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutHelicopterCargo"};
  78. transportSoldier = 4;
  79. cargoAction[] = {"passenger_apc_narrow_generic03","passenger_apc_generic02","passenger_apc_narrow_generic01","passenger_apc_generic04","passenger_apc_narrow_generic02","passenger_generic01_leanright","passenger_generic01_leanleft","passenger_generic01_foldhands"};
  80. cargoIsCoDriver[] = {0,0};
  81. memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos cargo";
  82. memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos cargo dir";
  83. hideWeaponsCargo = 1;
  84. cargoProxyIndexes[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
  85. class MFD{};
  86. class TransportBackpacks
  87. {
  88. class _xx_B_Parachute
  89. {
  90. backpack = "B_Parachute";
  91. count = 1;
  92. };
  93. };
  94. class TransportItems
  95. {
  96. class _xx_FirstAidKit
  97. {
  98. name = "FirstAidKit";
  99. count = 0;
  100. };
  101. };
  102. class HitPoints {
  103. class HitEngine {
  104. armor = 0.25;
  105. material = -1;
  106. name = "motor";
  107. visual = "";
  108. passThrough = true;
  109. };
  110. class HitRotor {
  111. armor = 0.25;
  112. material = -1;
  113. name = "main rotor";
  114. visual = "";
  115. passThrough = true;
  116. };
  117. class HitTail {
  118. armor = 0.25;
  119. material = -1;
  120. name = "tail rotor";
  121. visual = "";
  122. passThrough = true;
  123. };
  124. class HitGlass1 {
  125. armor = 0.25;
  126. name = "glass1";
  127. visual = "";
  128. passThrough = true;
  129. };
  130. class HitGlass2 {
  131. armor = 0.25;
  132. name = "glass2";
  133. visual = "";
  134. passThrough = true;
  135. };
  136. class HitGlass3 {
  137. armor = 0.25;
  138. name = "glass3";
  139. visual = "";
  140. passThrough = true;
  141. };
  142. class HitGlass4 {
  143. armor = 0.25;
  144. name = "glass4";
  145. visual = "";
  146. passThrough = true;
  147. };
  148. };
  149. class RotorLibHelicopterProperties: RotorLibHelicopterProperties
  150. {
  151. RTDconfig = "ALF_Heli\ALF_PW207\RTD_ALF_PW207.xml";
  152. defaultCollective = 0.545;
  153. autoHoverCorrection[] = {4.8,-3.2,0};
  154. retreatBladeStallWarningSpeed = 83.333;
  155. maxTorque = 2700;
  156. stressDamagePerSec = 0.0033333332;
  157. maxHorizontalStabilizerLeftStress = 10000;
  158. maxHorizontalStabilizerRightStress = 10000;
  159. maxVerticalStabilizerStress = 10000;
  160. horizontalWingsAngleCollMin = 0;
  161. horizontalWingsAngleCollMax = 0;
  162. maxMainRotorStress = 130000;
  163. maxTailRotorStress = 10000;
  164. };
  165. maximumLoad = 50;
  166. cargoCanEject = 1;
  167. driverCanEject = 1;
  168. class Exhausts
  169. {
  170. class Exhaust1
  171. {
  172. position = "exhaust1";
  173. direction = "exhaust1_dir";
  174. effect = "ExhaustsEffectHeliMed";
  175. };
  176. class Exhaust2
  177. {
  178. position = "exhaust2";
  179. direction = "exhaust2_dir";
  180. effect = "ExhaustsEffectHeliMed";
  181. };
  182. };
  183. memoryPointLMissile = "";
  184. memoryPointRMissile = "";
  185. memoryPointGun = "";
  186. LockDetectionSystem = "";
  187. incomingMissileDetectionSystem = "";
  188. selectionFireAnim = "";
  189. weapons[] = {};
  190. magazines[] = {};
  191. class ViewPilot: ViewPilot {
  192. initFov = 0.75;
  193. minFov = 0.375;
  194. maxFov = 1.1;
  195. };
  196. class Viewoptics: Viewoptics {
  197. initAngleX = 0;
  198. minAngleX = 0;
  199. maxAngleX = 0;
  200. initAngleY = 0;
  201. minAngleY = 0;
  202. maxAngleY = 0;
  203. initFov = 0.1;
  204. minFov = 0.1;
  205. maxFov = 1.2;
  206. };
  207. class pilotCamera
  208. {
  209. class OpticsIn
  210. {
  211. class Wide
  212. {
  213. opticsDisplayName = "W";
  214. initAngleX = 0;
  215. minAngleX = 0;
  216. maxAngleX = 0;
  217. initAngleY = 0;
  218. minAngleY = 0;
  219. maxAngleY = 0;
  220. initFov = 0.5;
  221. minFov = 0.5;
  222. maxFov = 0.5;
  223. showHUD = 0;
  224. visionMode[] = {"Normal"};
  225. thermalMode[] = {0,1};
  226. gunnerOpticsModel = "A3\drones_f\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_wide_F.p3d";
  227. };
  228. showMiniMapInOptics = 0;
  229. showUAVViewpInOptics = 0;
  230. showSlingLoadManagerInOptics = 1;
  231. };
  232. minTurn = 0;
  233. maxTurn = 0;
  234. initTurn = 0;
  235. minElev = 80;
  236. maxElev = 80;
  237. initElev = 80;
  238. maxXRotSpeed = 1.5;
  239. maxYRotSpeed = 1.5;
  240. pilotOpticsShowCursor = 1;
  241. controllable = 0;
  242. };
  243. memoryPointDriverOptics = "slingCamera";
  244. slingLoadMaxCargoMass = 500;
  245. slingLoadMemoryPoint = "slingLoad0";
  246. class Turrets: Turrets
  247. {
  248. class CopilotTurret: CopilotTurret
  249. {
  250. gunnerAction = "copilot_Heli_Light_02";
  251. gunnerInAction = "copilot_Heli_Light_02";
  252. precisegetinout = 1;
  253. showHUD = 0;
  254. gunnerGetInAction = "copilot_Heli_Light_02_Enter";
  255. gunnerGetOutAction = "copilot_Heli_Light_02_Exit";
  256. memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos Codriver";
  257. memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos Codriver dir";
  258. canEject = 0;
  259. minElev = -50;
  260. maxElev = 30;
  261. initElev = 11;
  262. minTurn = -170;
  263. maxTurn = 170;
  264. initTurn = 0;
  265. gunnerLeftHandAnimName = "lever_copilot";
  266. gunnerRightHandAnimName = "stick_copilot";
  267. maxHorizontalRotSpeed = 3;
  268. maxVerticalRotSpeed = 3;
  269. };
  270. };
  271. class Damage
  272. {
  273. tex[] = {};
  274. mat[] = {"A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext.rvmat","A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext_damage.rvmat","A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_ext_destruct.rvmat","A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_glass.rvmat","A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_glass_damage.rvmat","A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_02\Data\Heli_Light_02_glass_destruct.rvmat","A3\data_F\default.rvmat","A3\data_F\default.rvmat","A3\data_F\default_destruct.rvmat"};
  275. };
  276. attenuationEffectType = "HeliAttenuation";
  277. emptySound[] = {"",0,1};
  278. soundGeneralCollision1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_default_int_1","db0",1,100};
  279. soundGeneralCollision2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_default_int_2","db0",1,100};
  280. soundGeneralCollision3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_default_int_3","db0",1,100};
  281. soundCrashes[] = {"soundGeneralCollision1",0.33,"soundGeneralCollision2",0.33,"soundGeneralCollision3",0.33};
  282. soundLandCrashes[] = {"emptySound",0};
  283. soundBuildingCrash[] = {"soundGeneralCollision1",1,"soundGeneralCollision2",1,"soundGeneralCollision3",1};
  284. soundArmorCrash[] = {"soundGeneralCollision1",1,"soundGeneralCollision2",1,"soundGeneralCollision3",1};
  285. soundWoodCrash[] = {"soundGeneralCollision1",1,"soundGeneralCollision2",1,"soundGeneralCollision3",1};
  286. soundBushCollision1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_bush_int_1","db0",1,100};
  287. soundBushCollision2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_bush_int_2","db0",1,100};
  288. soundBushCollision3[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_bush_int_3","db0",1,100};
  289. soundBushCrash[] = {"soundBushCollision1",0.33,"soundBushCollision2",0.33,"soundBushCollision3",0.33};
  290. soundWaterCollision1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_water_ext_1","db0",1,100};
  291. soundWaterCollision2[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_coll_water_ext_2","db0",1,100};
  292. soundWaterCrashes[] = {"soundWaterCollision1",0.5,"soundWaterCollision2",0.5};
  293. soundDammage[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\crashes\helis\Heli_crash_default_int_1","db20",1};
  294. soundGetIn[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\open","db-5",1};
  295. soundGetOut[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\close","db0",1,50};
  296. soundEngineOnInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_int_start_v2","db-8",1.0};
  297. soundEngineOnExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_ext_start_v2","db-2",1.0,600};
  298. soundEngineOffInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_int_stop_v2","db-8",1.0};
  299. soundEngineOffExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_ext_stop_v2","db-2",1.0,600};
  300. soundLocked[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\opfor_lock_1","db0",1};
  301. soundIncommingMissile[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\opfor_lock_2","db0",1};
  302. rotorDamageInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_rotor_int_1","db0",1.0};
  303. rotorDamageOut[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_rotor_ext_1","db8",1.0,300};
  304. rotorDamage[] = {"rotorDamageInt","rotorDamageOut"};
  305. tailDamageInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_tail","db0",1.0};
  306. tailDamageOut[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_tail","db0",1.0,300};
  307. tailDamage[] = {"tailDamageInt","tailDamageOut"};
  308. landingSoundInt0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\landing_wheels_large_int1","db0",1.0,100};
  309. landingSoundInt1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\landing_wheels_large_int2","db0",1.0,100};
  310. landingSoundInt[] = {"landingSoundInt0",0.5,"landingSoundInt1",0.5};
  311. landingSoundOut0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\landing_wheels_ext1","db5",1.0,100};
  312. landingSoundOut1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\landing_wheels_ext2","db5",1.0,100};
  313. landingSoundOut[] = {"landingSoundOut0",0.5,"landingSoundOut1",0.5};
  314. slingCargoAttach0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineDownEndINT","db0",1.0};
  315. slingCargoAttach1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_1hookLock","db0",1.0,80};
  316. slingCargoAttach[] = {"slingCargoAttach0","slingCargoAttach1"};
  317. slingCargoDetach0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineUpEndINT","db0",1.0};
  318. slingCargoDetach1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_1hookUnlock","db0",1.0,80};
  319. slingCargoDetach[] = {"slingCargoDetach0","slingCargoDetach1"};
  320. slingCargoDetachAir0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_unhook_air_int","db0",1.0};
  321. slingCargoDetachAir1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_unhook_air_ext","db0",1.0,80};
  322. slingCargoDetachAir[] = {"slingCargoDetach0","slingCargoDetach1"};
  323. slingCargoRopeBreak0[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_rope_break_int","db0",1.0};
  324. slingCargoRopeBreak1[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_rope_break_ext","db0",1.0,80};
  325. slingCargoRopeBreak[] = {"slingCargoDetach0","slingCargoDetach1"};
  326. class Sounds
  327. {
  328. class EngineExt
  329. {
  330. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_ext_engine_v2","db5",1.0,700};
  331. frequency = "rotorSpeed";
  332. volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  333. };
  334. class RotorExt
  335. {
  336. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_ext_rotor_normal","db3",1.0,1500};
  337. frequency = "rotorSpeed * (1-rotorThrust/5)";
  338. volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))*(1 + rotorThrust)";
  339. cone[] = {1.6,3.14,1.6,0.95};
  340. };
  341. class RotorNoiseExt
  342. {
  343. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\rotor_swist","db0",1,400};
  344. frequency = 1;
  345. volume = "(camPos*(rotorThrust factor [0.6, 1]))";
  346. cone[] = {0.7,1.3,1.0,0};
  347. };
  348. class EngineInt
  349. {
  350. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_int_engine_v2","db0",1.0};
  351. frequency = "rotorSpeed";
  352. volume = "2 * (1-camPos)*(rotorSpeed factor[0.4,1])";
  353. };
  354. class RotorInt
  355. {
  356. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_int_rotor_normal","db-3",1.0};
  357. frequency = "rotorSpeed * (1-rotorThrust/5)";
  358. volume = "(1-camPos) * (rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1]) * (1 + rotorThrust)";
  359. };
  360. class TransmissionDamageExt_phase1
  361. {
  362. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_transmission_ext_1","db0",1.0,150};
  363. frequency = "0.66 + rotorSpeed / 3";
  364. volume = "camPos * (transmissionDamage factor [0.3, 0.35]) * (transmissionDamage factor [0.5, 0.45]) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.2, 0.5])";
  365. };
  366. class TransmissionDamageExt_phase2
  367. {
  368. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_transmission_ext_2","db0",1.0,150};
  369. frequency = "0.66 + rotorSpeed / 3";
  370. volume = "camPos * (transmissionDamage factor [0.45, 0.5]) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.2, 0.5])";
  371. };
  372. class TransmissionDamageInt_phase1
  373. {
  374. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_transmission_int_1","db0",1.0,150};
  375. frequency = "0.66 + rotorSpeed / 3";
  376. volume = "(1 - camPos) * (transmissionDamage factor [0.3, 0.35]) * (transmissionDamage factor [0.5, 0.45]) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.2, 0.5])";
  377. };
  378. class TransmissionDamageInt_phase2
  379. {
  380. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_transmission_int_2","db0",1.0,150};
  381. frequency = "0.66 + rotorSpeed / 3";
  382. volume = "(1 - camPos) * (transmissionDamage factor [0.45, 0.5]) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.2, 0.5])";
  383. };
  384. class damageAlarmInt
  385. {
  386. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_alarm_opfor","db-10",1.0};
  387. frequency = 1;
  388. volume = "engineOn * (1 - camPos) * ( 1 - ((transmissionDamage factor [0.61, 0.60]) * (motorDamage factor [0.61, 0.60]) * (rotorDamage factor [0.51, 0.50]))) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.0, 0.001])";
  389. };
  390. class damageAlarmExt
  391. {
  392. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_alarm_opfor","db-13",1.0,20};
  393. frequency = 1;
  394. volume = "engineOn * camPos * ( 1 - ((transmissionDamage factor [0.61, 0.60]) * (motorDamage factor [0.61, 0.60]) * (rotorDamage factor [0.51, 0.50]))) * (rotorSpeed factor [0, 0.001])";
  395. };
  396. class rotorLowAlarmInt
  397. {
  398. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_alarm_rotor_low","db-10",1.0};
  399. frequency = 1;
  400. volume = "engineOn * (1 - camPos) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.9, 0.8999]) * (rotorSpeed factor [-0.5, 1]) * (speed factor [3, 3.01])";
  401. };
  402. class rotorLowAlarmExt
  403. {
  404. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_alarm_rotor_low","db-13",1.0,20};
  405. frequency = 1;
  406. volume = "engineOn * camPos * (rotorSpeed factor [0.9, 0.8999]) * (rotorSpeed factor [-0.5, 1]) * (speed factor [3, 3.01])";
  407. };
  408. class scrubLandInt
  409. {
  410. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\wheelsInt","db0",1.0,100};
  411. frequency = 1;
  412. volume = "2 * (1-camPos) * (scrubLand factor[0.02, 0.05]) * (1 - (lateralMovement factor [0.7,1]))";
  413. };
  414. class scrubLandExt
  415. {
  416. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\dummysound","db0",1.0,100};
  417. frequency = 1;
  418. volume = "camPos * (scrubLand factor[0.02, 0.05]) * (1 - (lateralMovement factor [0.7,1]))";
  419. };
  420. class scrubBuildingInt
  421. {
  422. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\wheelsInt","db0",1.0,100};
  423. frequency = 1;
  424. volume = "(1-camPos) * (scrubBuilding factor[0.02, 0.05]) * (1 - (lateralMovement factor [0.7,1]))";
  425. };
  426. class scrubBuildingExt
  427. {
  428. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\dummysound","db0",1.0,100};
  429. frequency = 1;
  430. volume = "camPos * (scrubBuilding factor[0.02, 0.05])";
  431. };
  432. class scrubTreeInt
  433. {
  434. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\scrubTreeInt","db0",1.0,100};
  435. frequency = 1;
  436. volume = "(1 - camPos) * ((scrubTree) factor [0, 0.01])";
  437. };
  438. class scrubTreeExt
  439. {
  440. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\scrubTreeExt","db0",1.0,100};
  441. frequency = 1;
  442. volume = "camPos * ((scrubTree) factor [0, 0.01])";
  443. };
  444. class RainExt
  445. {
  446. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\noises\rain1_ext","db0",1.0,100};
  447. frequency = 1;
  448. volume = "camPos * (rain - rotorSpeed/2) * 2";
  449. };
  450. class RainInt
  451. {
  452. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\noises\rain1_int","db0",1.0,100};
  453. frequency = 1;
  454. volume = "(1-camPos)*(rain - rotorSpeed/2)*2";
  455. };
  456. class SlingLoadDownExt
  457. {
  458. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineDownEXT","db0",1.0,500};
  459. frequency = 1;
  460. volume = "camPos*(slingLoadActive factor [0,-1])";
  461. };
  462. class SlingLoadUpExt
  463. {
  464. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineUpEXT","db0",1.0,500};
  465. frequency = 1;
  466. volume = "camPos*(slingLoadActive factor [0,1])";
  467. };
  468. class SlingLoadDownInt
  469. {
  470. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineDownINT","db0",1.0,500};
  471. frequency = 1;
  472. volume = "(1-camPos)*(slingLoadActive factor [0,-1])";
  473. };
  474. class SlingLoadUpInt
  475. {
  476. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineUpINT","db0",1.0,500};
  477. frequency = 1;
  478. volume = "(1-camPos)*(slingLoadActive factor [0,1])";
  479. };
  480. class WindInt
  481. {
  482. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\wind_closed","db-7",1.0,50};
  483. frequency = 1;
  484. volume = "(1-camPos)*(speed factor[5, 60])*(speed factor[5, 60])";
  485. };
  486. class GStress
  487. {
  488. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\noises\vehicle_stress2e","db-8",1.0,50};
  489. frequency = 1;
  490. volume = "engineOn * (1-camPos) * ((gmeterZ factor[1.5, 2.5]) + (gmeterZ factor[0.5, -0.5]))";
  491. };
  492. };
  493. class SoundsExt
  494. {
  495. class SoundEvents{};
  496. class Sounds
  497. {
  498. class EngineExt
  499. {
  500. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_ext_engine_v2","db5",1.0,700};
  501. frequency = "rotorSpeed";
  502. volume = "camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)";
  503. };
  504. class RotorExt
  505. {
  506. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_ext_rotor_normal","db3",1.0,1500};
  507. frequency = "rotorSpeed * (1-rotorThrust/5)";
  508. volume = "camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))*(1 + rotorThrust)";
  509. cone[] = {1.6,3.14,1.6,0.95};
  510. };
  511. class RotorNoiseExt
  512. {
  513. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\rotor_swist","db0",1,400};
  514. frequency = 1;
  515. volume = "(camPos*(rotorThrust factor [0.6, 1]))";
  516. cone[] = {0.7,1.3,1.0,0};
  517. };
  518. class EngineInt
  519. {
  520. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_int_engine_v2","db0",1.0};
  521. frequency = "rotorSpeed";
  522. volume = "2 * (1-camPos)*(rotorSpeed factor[0.4,1])";
  523. };
  524. class RotorInt
  525. {
  526. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\Heli_Light_02\Heli_Light_02_int_rotor_normal","db-3",1.0};
  527. frequency = "rotorSpeed * (1-rotorThrust/5)";
  528. volume = "(1-camPos) * (rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1]) * (1 + rotorThrust)";
  529. };
  530. class TransmissionDamageExt_phase1
  531. {
  532. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_transmission_ext_1","db0",1.0,150};
  533. frequency = "0.66 + rotorSpeed / 3";
  534. volume = "camPos * (transmissionDamage factor [0.3, 0.35]) * (transmissionDamage factor [0.5, 0.45]) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.2, 0.5])";
  535. };
  536. class TransmissionDamageExt_phase2
  537. {
  538. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_transmission_ext_2","db0",1.0,150};
  539. frequency = "0.66 + rotorSpeed / 3";
  540. volume = "camPos * (transmissionDamage factor [0.45, 0.5]) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.2, 0.5])";
  541. };
  542. class TransmissionDamageInt_phase1
  543. {
  544. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_transmission_int_1","db0",1.0,150};
  545. frequency = "0.66 + rotorSpeed / 3";
  546. volume = "(1 - camPos) * (transmissionDamage factor [0.3, 0.35]) * (transmissionDamage factor [0.5, 0.45]) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.2, 0.5])";
  547. };
  548. class TransmissionDamageInt_phase2
  549. {
  550. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_damage_transmission_int_2","db0",1.0,150};
  551. frequency = "0.66 + rotorSpeed / 3";
  552. volume = "(1 - camPos) * (transmissionDamage factor [0.45, 0.5]) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.2, 0.5])";
  553. };
  554. class damageAlarmInt
  555. {
  556. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_alarm_opfor","db-10",1.0};
  557. frequency = 1;
  558. volume = "engineOn * (1 - camPos) * ( 1 - ((transmissionDamage factor [0.61, 0.60]) * (motorDamage factor [0.61, 0.60]) * (rotorDamage factor [0.51, 0.50]))) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.0, 0.001])";
  559. };
  560. class damageAlarmExt
  561. {
  562. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_alarm_opfor","db-13",1.0,20};
  563. frequency = 1;
  564. volume = "engineOn * camPos * ( 1 - ((transmissionDamage factor [0.61, 0.60]) * (motorDamage factor [0.61, 0.60]) * (rotorDamage factor [0.51, 0.50]))) * (rotorSpeed factor [0, 0.001])";
  565. };
  566. class rotorLowAlarmInt
  567. {
  568. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_alarm_rotor_low","db-10",1.0};
  569. frequency = 1;
  570. volume = "engineOn * (1 - camPos) * (rotorSpeed factor [0.9, 0.8999]) * (rotorSpeed factor [-0.5, 1]) * (speed factor [3, 3.01])";
  571. };
  572. class rotorLowAlarmExt
  573. {
  574. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\heli_alarm_rotor_low","db-13",1.0,20};
  575. frequency = 1;
  576. volume = "engineOn * camPos * (rotorSpeed factor [0.9, 0.8999]) * (rotorSpeed factor [-0.5, 1]) * (speed factor [3, 3.01])";
  577. };
  578. class scrubLandInt
  579. {
  580. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\wheelsInt","db0",1.0,100};
  581. frequency = 1;
  582. volume = "2 * (1-camPos) * (scrubLand factor[0.02, 0.05]) * (1 - (lateralMovement factor [0.7,1]))";
  583. };
  584. class scrubLandExt
  585. {
  586. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\dummysound","db0",1.0,100};
  587. frequency = 1;
  588. volume = "camPos * (scrubLand factor[0.02, 0.05]) * (1 - (lateralMovement factor [0.7,1]))";
  589. };
  590. class scrubBuildingInt
  591. {
  592. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\wheelsInt","db0",1.0,100};
  593. frequency = 1;
  594. volume = "(1-camPos) * (scrubBuilding factor[0.02, 0.05]) * (1 - (lateralMovement factor [0.7,1]))";
  595. };
  596. class scrubBuildingExt
  597. {
  598. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\dummysound","db0",1.0,100};
  599. frequency = 1;
  600. volume = "camPos * (scrubBuilding factor[0.02, 0.05])";
  601. };
  602. class scrubTreeInt
  603. {
  604. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\scrubTreeInt","db0",1.0,100};
  605. frequency = 1;
  606. volume = "(1 - camPos) * ((scrubTree) factor [0, 0.01])";
  607. };
  608. class scrubTreeExt
  609. {
  610. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\scrubTreeExt","db0",1.0,100};
  611. frequency = 1;
  612. volume = "camPos * ((scrubTree) factor [0, 0.01])";
  613. };
  614. class RainExt
  615. {
  616. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\noises\rain1_ext","db0",1.0,100};
  617. frequency = 1;
  618. volume = "camPos * (rain - rotorSpeed/2) * 2";
  619. };
  620. class RainInt
  621. {
  622. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\noises\rain1_int","db0",1.0,100};
  623. frequency = 1;
  624. volume = "(1-camPos)*(rain - rotorSpeed/2)*2";
  625. };
  626. class SlingLoadDownExt
  627. {
  628. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineDownEXT","db0",1.0,500};
  629. frequency = 1;
  630. volume = "camPos*(slingLoadActive factor [0,-1])";
  631. };
  632. class SlingLoadUpExt
  633. {
  634. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineUpEXT","db0",1.0,500};
  635. frequency = 1;
  636. volume = "camPos*(slingLoadActive factor [0,1])";
  637. };
  638. class SlingLoadDownInt
  639. {
  640. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineDownINT","db0",1.0,500};
  641. frequency = 1;
  642. volume = "(1-camPos)*(slingLoadActive factor [0,-1])";
  643. };
  644. class SlingLoadUpInt
  645. {
  646. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\SL_engineUpINT","db0",1.0,500};
  647. frequency = 1;
  648. volume = "(1-camPos)*(slingLoadActive factor [0,1])";
  649. };
  650. class WindInt
  651. {
  652. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\air\noises\wind_closed","db-7",1.0,50};
  653. frequency = 1;
  654. volume = "(1-camPos)*(speed factor[5, 60])*(speed factor[5, 60])";
  655. };
  656. class GStress
  657. {
  658. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\noises\vehicle_stress2e","db-8",1.0,50};
  659. frequency = 1;
  660. volume = "engineOn * (1-camPos) * ((gmeterZ factor[1.5, 2.5]) + (gmeterZ factor[0.5, -0.5]))";
  661. };
  662. };
  663. };
  664. class AnimationSources
  665. {
  666. class assu
  667. {
  668. source = "user";
  669. animPeriod = 1;
  670. initPhase = 0;
  671. };
  672. class tracker
  673. {
  674. source = "user";
  675. animPeriod = 1;
  676. initPhase = 0;
  677. };
  678. };
  679. class UserActions
  680. {
  681. class ChargerBrancard
  682. {
  683. displayName = "<t color='#1815b6'>Charger Brancard</t>";
  684. radius = 7;
  685. position = "";
  686. onlyForplayer = 0;
  687. condition = "(count attachedObjects player isEqualTo 0) && {count (attachedObjects this) isEqualTo 0} && {count (nearestObjects [this, [""ALF_Brancard_P""], 6]) > 0} && {!(player in crew this)}";
  688. statement = "[this] spawn ALF_fnc_chargerBrancard;";
  689. };
  690. class DechargerBrancard
  691. {
  692. displayName = "<t color='#1815b6'>Extraire Brancard</t>";
  693. radius = 7;
  694. position = "";
  695. onlyForplayer = 0;
  696. condition = "(({_x isKindOf ""ALF_Brancard_P""} count (attachedObjects this)) > 0) && {!(player in crew this)}";
  697. statement = "[this] spawn ALF_fnc_dechargerBrancard;";
  698. };
  699. };
  700. class Reflectors
  701. {
  702. class Right
  703. {
  704. color[] = {7000,7500,10000};
  705. ambient[] = {70,75,100};
  706. intensity = 750;
  707. size = 5;
  708. innerAngle = 15;
  709. outerAngle = 180;
  710. coneFadeCoef = 10;
  711. position = "Light_R_pos";
  712. direction = "Light_R_dir";
  713. hitpoint = "Light_R_hitpoint";
  714. selection = "Light_R";
  715. useFlare = 1;
  716. flareSize = 5;
  717. flareMaxDistance = 1000;
  718. dayLight = 0;
  719. class Attenuation
  720. {
  721. start = 0;
  722. constant = 0;
  723. linear = 1;
  724. quadratic = 1;
  725. hardLimitStart = 800;
  726. hardLimitEnd = 1000;
  727. };
  728. };
  729. };
  730. aggregateReflectors[] = {{"Right"}};
  731. };
  732. class V_ALF_PW207: ALF_PW207 {
  733. scope = 2;
  734. crew = "C_man_1";
  735. side = 3;
  736. faction = "CIV_F";
  737. author = "ALF - Bollino";
  738. displayName = "PW 207";
  739. hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\alf_vehicules\alf_data\skin_white_co.paa","","","","","","",""};
  740. };
  741. class V_ALF_PW207_Pompier: ALF_PW207 {
  742. model = "ALF_Heli\ALF_PW207\ALF_PW207_Pompier.p3d";
  743. scope = 2;
  744. crew = "C_man_1";
  745. side = 3;
  746. faction = "CIV_F";
  747. author = "ALF - Bollino";
  748. maximumLoad = 150;
  749. displayName = "PW 207 (Pompier)";
  750. };
  751. };
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