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Feb 13th, 2018
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  1. # Usage Documentation
  2. # ---
  3. # Permission required: playerstatsremover.admin
  4. # Usage: /psr <player/string/*> <type (uuid, uuid_dashless, string)> <file path> [config path]
  5. # /psr RobiFoxx string plugins/ExampleFolder/%ph%.yml >>>
  6. # -> This will remove the file named RobiFoxx.yml in folder plugins/ExampleFolder
  7. # -> Since the type is string, no changes will happen to the first argument
  8. # /psr RobiFoxx uuid plugins/ExampleFolder/%ph%.yml >>>
  9. # -> This will remove the file named 31f0fe00-7278-4254-ba72-fc58adcca990.yml in folder plugins/ExampleFolder
  10. # -> Since the type is uuid, the first argument will be converted to its UUID
  11. # /psr RobiFoxx uuid_dashless plugins/ExampleFolder/%ph%.yml >>>
  12. # -> This will remove the file named 31f0fe0072784254ba72fc58adcca990.yml in folder plugins/ExampleFolder
  13. # -> Since the type is uuid, the first argument will be converted to its UUID, but without dashes (-)
  14. # /psr * string plugins/ExampleFolder/%ph%.yml >>>
  15. # -> This will remove the file for every player.
  16. # -> Since the type is string, no changes will happen to the first argument
  17. # /psr RobiFoxx string plugins/ExampleFolder/data.yml stats.%ph% >>>
  18. # -> The file data.yml in folder plugins/ExampleFolder will remain UNTOUCHED!
  19. # -> The stats.RobiFoxx path will be removed from the config file.
  20. # -> The config hierarchy looks like this:
  21. # ... |_ stats <---- This would be stats
  22. # ... |_ RobiFoxx <---- This would be stats.RobiFoxx
  23. # ... |_ stat1: ... <---- This would be stats.RobiFoxx.stat1
  24. # ... |_ stat2: ... <---- This would be stats.RobiFoxx.stat2
  25. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. # Config Documentation
  27. # ---
  28. # no-permission: Message, when player has no permission to the command.
  29. # stats-reset-commands-toggle: If enabled, and a player's stats are reset, the commands will be ran.
  30. # stats-reset-commands: List of commands that are executed when player's stats got reset
  31. # offline-reseted-players: Don't touch this. This is a list of players, whose stats got reset when they weren't online.
  33. no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to this!'
  34. stats-reset-commands-toggle: true
  35. stats-reset-commands:
  36. - rawmsg %player% false &c&lYour stats have been reset!
  37. - clear %player%
  38. - kit autoreset %player%
  39. presets:
  40. preset1:
  41. - psr -allp string kick %player% Server resetting
  42. - plugman disable playervault
  43. - plugman disable ontime
  44. - plugman disable auctionhouse
  45. - plugman disable chestshop
  46. - plugman disable mcmmo
  47. - plugman disable tokenmanager
  48. - psr -allp string playervault pvdel %player%
  49. - psr * uuid plugins/Essentials/userdata/%ph%.yml
  50. - psr * uuid plugins/PlayerVaults/uuidvaults/%ph%.yml
  51. - psr none string plugins/OnTime/playerdata.yml
  52. - psr none string plugins/AuctionHouse/data.db
  53. - psr none string plugins/ChestShop/users.db
  54. - psr none string plugins/Essentials/usermap.csv
  55. - psr none string plugins/mcMMO/flatfile/mcmmo.users
  56. - psr none string usercache.json
  57. - psr * uuid spawn/playerdata/%ph%.dat
  58. - psr * uuid world/playerdata/%ph%.dat
  59. - plugman enable playervault
  60. - plugman enable ontime
  61. - plugman enable auctionhouse
  62. - plugman enable chestshop
  63. - plugman enable mcmmo
  64. - plugman enable tokenmanager
  65. - mapreset ASkyBlock overworld
  66. offline-reseted-players:
  67. - test123
  68. - XFlameInfirenX
  69. - MahShadow
  70. - XyoshikingX
  71. - ThisGirlKhia
  72. - EkOrren_
  73. - master_vovar
  74. - DegenerateTurtle
  75. - MythicalWatch101
  76. - Chainzaws
  77. - Im_Manda_Pinga
  78. - SagieBaby
  79. - Turkleopious
  80. - theparkerevan
  81. - JakkasALT
  82. - WigglyArms
  83. - Ophies
  84. - drakfyr13
  85. - creativeskating
  86. - TacoTumor
  87. - Ahrona
  88. - ThisGirlLily
  89. - Aloeni
  90. - Katrinet
  91. - v66
  92. - xHeluim
  93. - happyfrogs
  94. - TyDaddy
  95. - 2BB
  96. - iIi__________iIi
  97. - bsudo
  98. - RhetoricalTurtle
  99. - Wizza41
  100. - Squirel147
  101. - Akunary
  102. - superb1997
  103. - TheMindCraft2K
  104. - zenith988
  105. - SMHunter
  106. - V1rrOr
  107. - Orangutitan
  108. - Mrdalek222
  109. - LouwQii
  110. - SuperSly123
  111. - djeamy
  112. - BigHRO
  113. - Bl4ckZilla
  114. - xVenax
  115. - CitrioN
  116. - Treeskeet
  117. - DrRubixCube
  118. - FunkinCopy
  119. - Aurore_2003
  120. - tigergrisen
  121. - fycon
  122. - sbenitez
  123. - Joeri2902
  124. - DemonzNetwork
  125. - CYBERPLEXdotORG
  126. - PJCANNON1
  127. - mnorton00
  128. - Mikaaail
  129. - Country_Girl101
  130. - nightgoul
  131. - BleuGenie
  132. - Flaming_Dorito
  133. - nkdrew
  134. - xSonario
  135. - MatheusVF
  136. - Gazyy
  137. - barttenderman
  138. - Olively
  139. - Gugusk
  140. - ruff_and_tuff
  141. - JellNo
  142. - koebimoonlight
  143. - MadsWP
  144. - Satarelle
  145. - FridgeofFreedom
  146. - TwislerrrHD
  147. - davinstein
  148. - Malkra
  149. - Horneey
  150. - cedonole
  151. - Listentome
  152. - GuppysCookies
  153. - ClassyKilRoy
  154. - UniversalHiker
  155. - _voidd
  156. - Alive93
  157. - NightPurple
  158. - xApexGaming
  159. - Streams747
  160. - Roob7
  161. - PlatinumEcho
  162. - ManoLiech
  163. - RoyalAssassinLD
  164. - metasora
  165. - KKaleb_
  166. - RJMenendez
  167. - Oribearon
  168. - DaUgandaKween
  169. - SovietBear65
  170. - 2411BoostMC
  171. - rydogm
  172. - Fynnex
  173. - none
  174. - huwstergb
  175. - kingalix1234
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