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a guest
Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. function! TerminalTab()
  2. " find evey terminal buffer
  3. let b = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')),
  4. 'getbufvar(v:val, "&buftype", "ERROR") == "terminal"')
  5. " if no terminal buffers are available
  6. if len(b) == 0
  7. tabnew
  8. terminal
  9. else
  10. " we only care for the first terminal buffer
  11. let b = b[0]
  12. let bb = win_findbuf(b)
  13. " if there is no window in any tab that contains a terminal
  14. if len(bb) == 0
  15. tabnew
  16. buffer b
  17. else
  18. " again we only care for the first match
  19. let bb = win_id2tabwin(bb[0])
  20. exe 'tabnext'.bb[0]
  21. exe bb[1].'wincmd w'
  22. endif
  23. endif
  24. " we open a terminal to do something
  25. startinsert
  26. endfunc
  27. nmap <silent> <leader>s :call TerminalTab()<cr>
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