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cfg fuks

a guest
Mar 19th, 2019
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  1. unbindall
  2. bind "1" "slot1"
  3. bind "2" "slot2"
  4. bind "3" "slot3"
  5. bind "4" "slot4"
  6. bind "5" "slot5"
  7. bind "6" "slot6"
  8. bind "7" "slot7"
  9. bind "9" "slot9"
  10. bind "b" "buymenu"
  11. bind "c" "radio1"
  12. bind "d" "+moveright"
  13. bind "e" "+use"
  14. bind "f" "use weapon_flashbang"
  15. bind "g" "give weapon_flashbang ; give weapon_flashbang ;give weapon_hegrenade; give weapon_smokegrenade"
  16. bind "h" "toggle cl_crosshairsize 2 1000000"
  17. bind "i" "noclip"
  18. bind "j" "+spray_menu"
  19. bind "k" "+voicerecord"
  20. bind "m" "teammenu"
  21. bind "n" "-attack"
  22. bind "p" "say_team nw"
  23. bind "q" "+moveleft"
  24. bind "r" "slot10"
  25. bind "s" "+back"
  26. bind "t" "+lookatweapon;r_cleardecals"
  27. bind "u" "messagemode2"
  28. bind "v" "slot8"
  29. bind "w" "radio3"
  30. bind "x" "radio"
  31. bind "y" "messagemode"
  32. bind "z" "+forward"
  33. bind "'" "toggleconsole"
  34. bind "`" "toggleconsole"
  35. bind "," "buyammo1"
  36. bind "." "buyammo2"
  37. bind "-" "ent_create chicken"
  38. bind "SPACE" "+jump"
  39. bind "TAB" "+showscores"
  40. bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
  41. bind "DEL" "mute"
  42. bind "HOME" "mainpos"
  43. bind "END" "noclip"
  44. bind "PAUSE" "pause"
  45. bind "SHIFT" "+duck"
  46. bind "ALT" "noclip"
  47. bind "RALT" "savepos"
  48. bind "CTRL" "+speed"
  49. bind "RCTRL" "loadpos"
  50. bind "F1" "sensitivity 9999999999"
  51. bind "F2" "sensitivity 2"
  52. bind "F3" "say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
  53. bind "F4" "ent_create chicken"
  54. bind "F5" "+fw"
  55. bind "F6" "+fw2"
  56. bind "F7" "demo_togglepause"
  57. bind "F8" "demoui"
  58. bind "F10" "quit prompt"
  59. bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
  60. bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
  61. bind "MOUSE3" "+reload"
  62. bind "MOUSE4" "lastinv"
  63. bind "MOUSE5" "drop"
  64. bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
  65. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
  66. bind "B_BUTTON" "+reload"
  67. bind "X_BUTTON" "+use"
  68. bind "Y_BUTTON" "invnextnongrenade"
  69. bind "L_SHOULDER" "invnextitem"
  70. bind "R_SHOULDER" "+lookspin"
  71. bind "BACK" "togglescores"
  72. bind "START" "gameui_activate"
  73. bind "STICK2" "+attack2"
  74. bind "DOWN" "drop"
  75. bind "S1_UP" "xmove"
  76. bind "L_TRIGGER" "+duck"
  77. bind "S2_UP" "xlook"
  78. @panorama_debug_overlay_opacity "0.8"
  79. adsp_debug "0"
  80. ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"
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  82. budget_averages_window "30"
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  92. budget_panel_y "50"
  93. budget_peaks_window "30"
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  95. budget_show_history "0"
  96. budget_show_peaks "1"
  97. bugreporter_uploadasync "0"
  98. bugreporter_username ""
  99. c_maxdistance "200"
  100. c_maxpitch "90"
  101. c_maxyaw "135"
  102. c_mindistance "30"
  103. c_minpitch "0"
  104. c_minyaw "-135"
  105. c_orthoheight "100"
  106. c_orthowidth "100"
  107. c_thirdpersonshoulder "false"
  108. c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist "120.0"
  109. c_thirdpersonshoulderdist "40.0"
  110. c_thirdpersonshoulderheight "5.0"
  111. c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset "20.0"
  112. cachedvalue_count_partybrowser "1553011712"
  113. cachedvalue_count_teammates "1553041152"
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  115. cam_idealdelta "4.0"
  116. cam_idealdist "150"
  117. cam_idealdistright "0"
  118. cam_idealdistup "0"
  119. cam_ideallag "4.0"
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  121. cam_idealyaw "0"
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  246. joy_advaxisu "4"
  247. joy_advaxisv "0"
  248. joy_advaxisx "3"
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  250. joy_advaxisz "0"
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  284. joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack "0"
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  290. joystick_force_disabled_set_from_options "1"
  291. key_bind_version "4"
  292. lobby_default_privacy_bits1 "6"
  293. lockMoveControllerRet "0"
  294. lookspring "0"
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  296. m_customaccel "0"
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  318. mc_max_yawrate "230.0"
  319. mm_csgo_community_search_players_min "3"
  320. mm_dedicated_search_maxping "92.000000"
  321. mm_server_search_lan_ports "27015,27016,27017,27018,27019,27020"
  322. muzzleflash_light "0"
  323. name "szymon"
  324. net_allow_multicast "1"
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  341. option_duck_method "0"
  342. option_speed_method "0"
  343. password "pcw"
  344. play_distance "1"
  345. player_botdifflast_s "2"
  346. player_competitive_maplist_2v2_7_0_E8907D2E "mg_de_train,mg_de_lake,mg_de_inferno,mg_de_shortnuke,mg_de_vertigo,mg_gd_rialto,mg_de_shortdust,mg_de_overpass,mg_de_cbble"
  347. player_competitive_maplist_8_7_0_92A6FFBB "mg_de_inferno,mg_de_overpass,mg_de_cache,mg_de_nuke,mg_de_train,mg_de_dust2,mg_de_cbble,mg_de_zoo,mg_de_abbey,mg_de_biome,mg_cs_agency,mg_cs_office"
  348. player_nevershow_communityservermessage "1"
  349. player_teamplayedlast "3"
  350. player_wargames_list2_7_0_604 "mg_skirmish_armsrace,mg_skirmish_demolition,mg_skirmish_flyingscoutsman"
  351. r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax "1.5"
  352. r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin "0.1"
  353. r_drawtracers_firstperson "1"
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  357. r_eyeshift_y "0"
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  381. snd_hrtf_distance_behind "100"
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  393. snd_mvp_volume "0.071436"
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  395. snd_roundend_volume "0.000000"
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  397. snd_surround_speakers "-1"
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  399. sound_device_override ""
  400. spec_replay_autostart "1"
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  427. texture_budget_panel_x "0"
  428. texture_budget_panel_y "450"
  429. tr_best_course_time "0"
  430. tr_completed_training "0"
  431. tv_nochat "0"
  432. ui_inventorysettings_recently_acknowledged ""
  433. ui_nearbylobbies_filter "survival"
  434. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_casual "mg_de_dust2"
  435. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_competitive "mg_de_dust2"
  436. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_deathmatch "random_classic"
  437. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_scrimcomp2v2 "mg_de_inferno"
  438. ui_playsettings_maps_listen_skirmish "mg_skirmish_flyingscoutsman"
  439. ui_playsettings_maps_official_casual "mg_dust247"
  440. ui_playsettings_maps_official_dangerzone "mg_dz_blacksite"
  441. ui_playsettings_maps_official_deathmatch "mg_casualsigma"
  442. ui_playsettings_maps_workshop "@workshop/353366249/tr_trainingcenter"
  443. ui_playsettings_mode_listen "casual"
  444. ui_playsettings_mode_official_dz "competitive"
  445. ui_playsettings_survival_solo "0"
  446. ui_playsettings_warmup_map_name "de_mirage"
  447. ui_popup_weaponupdate_version "1"
  448. ui_steam_overlay_notification_position "bottomright"
  449. ui_vanitysetting_itemid "509882075"
  450. ui_vanitysetting_loadoutslot "rifle4"
  451. ui_vanitysetting_model2 "models/player/custom_player/legacy/tm_jumpsuit_varianta.mdl"
  452. ui_vanitysetting_team "t"
  453. vgui_message_dialog_modal "1"
  454. viewmodel_fov "68"
  455. viewmodel_offset_x "2.500000"
  456. viewmodel_offset_y "0"
  457. viewmodel_offset_z "-1.500000"
  458. viewmodel_presetpos "3"
  459. viewmodel_recoil "1.0"
  460. voice_caster_enable "0"
  461. voice_caster_scale "0.322539"
  462. voice_enable "1"
  463. voice_forcemicrecord "1"
  464. voice_mixer_boost "0"
  465. voice_mixer_mute "0"
  466. voice_mixer_volume "1.0"
  467. voice_modenable "1"
  468. voice_positional "0"
  469. voice_scale "1"
  470. voice_system_enable "1"
  471. voice_threshold "2000"
  472. volume "0.3"
  473. vprof_graphheight "256"
  474. vprof_graphwidth "512"
  475. vprof_unaccounted_limit "0.3"
  476. vprof_verbose "1"
  477. vprof_warningmsec "10"
  478. weapon_accuracy_logging "0"
  479. xbox_autothrottle "1"
  480. xbox_throttlebias "100"
  481. xbox_throttlespoof "200"
  482. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick "0.7"
  483. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.9"
  484. cmd1 +jlook
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