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a guest
Oct 15th, 2019
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  1. no_permission: '&c&lOops! &7You don''t have permission to do that!'
  2. item_bought:
  4. sounds:
  5. use: true
  6. sounds:
  7. - FIREWORK_TWINKLE-1.0-2.0
  8. - ENDERDRAGON_DEATH-0.5-2.0
  9. actionbar:
  10. use: false
  11. message: '&a&lITEM BOUGHT! &7(&c-%COST% &6Cash&7)'
  12. titles:
  13. use: false
  14. title: '&e&lPurchase Successful!'
  15. subtitle: '&7Thank you!'
  16. messages:
  17. use: true
  18. message:
  19. - '%center%&7&m '
  20. - '%center%&e&lPurchase Succeed!'
  21. - '%center%&7You bought:&r %ITEM%'
  22. - '%center%&7Cost:&6 %COST% Cash'
  23. - '%center%&7Cash Left:&6 %CASH% Cash'
  24. - '%center%&7&m '
  25. redeem_attempt:
  26. - '&7Redeeming..'
  27. redeem_success:
  28. - '%center%&a&lSuccess!'
  29. - '%center%&7Your cash is now: &e%CASH% &lcash&7!'
  30. redeem_help:
  31. - '&6&l> &e&lRedeem'
  32. - '&7Use /redeem &f<code> &7and get your reward!'
  33. - ' '
  34. - '&b&lTIP: &fYou can purchase redeem code at our Store.'
  35. redeem_failure:
  36. - '%center%&c&l Failure!'
  37. - '%center%&7That redeem code doesn''t exist!'
  38. show_cash:
  39. - '&6&lCash'
  40. - '&7You have: &f%CASH% &ecashes.'
  41. show_accumulated_cash:
  42. - '&a&lAccumulated Cash&r'
  43. - '&7You have accumulated: &f%CASH% &7ac-cash '
  44. show_accumulated_cash_others:
  45. - '&a&lAccumulated Cash'
  46. - '&f%p &7has: &f%CASH% &7ac-cash.'
  47. show_cash_others:
  48. - '&6&lCash'
  49. - '&f%p &7has: &e%CASH% &7cash.'
  50. sql_still_loading:
  51. - '&7Please wait while we load your data..'
  52. blacklisted_perm:
  53. - '&c&lOops! &7You can''t buy that item anymore!'
  54. required_perm_deny:
  55. - '&c&lOops! &7You can''t buy that item yet!'
  56. not_a_number:
  57. - '&c&lOops! &7That''s not a number!'
  58. not_enough_cash:
  59. - '&c&lOops! &7You don''t have enough cash to do that, you need &6%MORE%&7 more!'
  60. not_enough_money:
  61. - '&c&lOops! &7You don''t have enough money to do that, you need &2$%MORE% &7more!'
  62. cash_top:
  63. format: '%center%&f(&6&l%RANK%&f) &e%p &m &7 %cash% cash'
  64. opening:
  65. - '%center%&6&lCash Top'
  66. - '%center%&e(&7Top &e%r &7to &f%m&e)'
  67. - '%center%&6&m '
  68. closing:
  69. - '%center%&6&m '
  70. ac_cash_top:
  71. format: '%center%&f(&2&l%RANK%&f) &a%p &m &r %cash% cash'
  72. opening:
  73. - '%center%&a&lMost Donations'
  74. - '%center%&2(&7Top &e%r &7to &f%m&2)'
  75. - '%center%&2&m '
  76. closing:
  77. - '%center%&2&m '
  78. broadcast:
  79. broadcast_redeems: true
  80. message_red:
  81. - '%center%&e&m--------------------------'
  82. - '%center%&a%PLAYER% &7has redeemed a code and received'
  83. - '%center%&e%CASH% &lcash&7!'
  84. - '%center%&e&m--------------------------'
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