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a guest
Jan 12th, 2017
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text 2.32 KB | None | 0 0
  1. begin{filecontents*}{data.txt}
  2. a b d c
  3. 9 1 a 2
  4. 8 2 b 4
  5. 7 3 c 6
  6. 6 4 d 8
  7. 5 5 e 10
  8. 4 6 f 12
  9. 3 7 g 14
  10. 2 8 x 16
  11. 1 9 x 18
  12. end{filecontents*}
  13. documentclass[paper=a4,ngerman,xcolor=dvipsnames]{article}
  14. usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
  15. usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  16. usepackage{pgfplots}
  17. pgfplotsset{compat=1.14}
  18. usepackage{siunitx}
  19. usepackage{caption}
  20. usepackage{graphicx}
  21. usepackage{lipsum}
  23. pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{mycolorlist}{
  24. blue!99!black,dashed,every mark/.append style={fill=blue!10!black},mark=+\
  25. red!99!black,solid,every mark/.append style={fill=blue!10!black},mark=+\
  26. green!99!black,densely dashed,every mark/.append style={fill=blue!10!black},mark=+\
  27. yellow!80!black,every mark/.append style={fill=blue!10!black},mark=+\
  28. }
  30. defshowmark#1{tikznode[red!95!black]{pgfuseplotmark{#1}};}
  32. begin{document}
  33. begin{figure}
  34. begin{tikzpicture}
  35. begin{axis}[
  36. grid=both,
  37. width=12cm,
  38. height=9cm,
  39. axis equal,
  40. xtick pos=left,
  41. ytick pos=left,
  42. title style={draw,fill=none,name=legend},
  43. title={%
  44. showmark{pentagon*}=$SI{100}{kiloHz}$,
  45. showmark{triangle*}=$SI{10}{kiloHz}$,
  46. showmark{square*}=$SI{1}{kiloHz}$,
  47. showmark{diamond*}=$SI{100}{Hz}$,
  48. showmark{10-pointed star}=$SI{10}{Hz}$,
  49. showmark{oplus}=$SI{1}{Hz}$,
  50. showmark{o}=$SI{20}{mHz}$},
  51. xlabel={R}, ylabel={Z},
  52. legend style={at={(0.02,0.98)},anchor=north west,cells= anchor=west}},
  53. legend style={font=footnotesize},
  54. cycle list name=mycolorlist,
  55. scatter,
  56. point meta=explicit symbolic,
  57. scatter/classes={
  58. x={},% empty argument means: use the default style
  59. g={mark=pentagon*,red!95!black},
  60. f={mark=triangle*,red!95!black},
  61. e={mark=square*,red!95!black},
  62. d={mark=diamond*,red!95!black},
  63. c={mark=10-pointed star,red!95!black},
  64. b={mark=oplus,red!95!black},
  65. a={mark=o,red!95!black},
  66. z={mark=*,red!80!black}
  67. },
  68. ]
  69. addplot table [x=b,y=c, meta=d]{data.txt};
  70. addplot table [x=c,y=b, meta=d]{data.txt};
  71. addplot table [x=a,y=c, meta=d]{data.txt};
  72. addplot table [x=b,y=a, meta=d]{data.txt};
  74. legend{1, 2, 3 ,4}
  75. end{axis}
  76. end{tikzpicture}
  77. end{figure}
  78. end{document}
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