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Feb 11th, 2019
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  1. install.packages("sna")
  2. install.packages("igraph")
  3. library(sna)
  4. library(igraph)
  6. # This is the Log-likelihood function in Meneses et al.'s article (2017).
  7. # This function receives as inputs:
  8. # p: parameter of randomness, based on Watts and Strogatz's model, and
  9. # AdjMat: adjacency matrix of the social network.
  11. loglike <- function(p, AdjMat){
  12. n <- nrow(AdjMat) # n: number of nodes
  13. Dens <- sna::gden(AdjMat) # Dens: network density of the social network.
  14. K <- round(Dens * (n - 1)/2, 0) # K: number of neighbors a node has to its rights side in the regular lattice before rewiring.
  16. # logProbs: vector of the logarithm of the probabilities of observing the degree centrality of each node in social network, based on Menezes et al.'s paper.
  17. logProbs <- log(apply(X = matrix(seq(n), ncol = 1),
  18. MARGIN = 1,
  19. FUN = function(j){
  20. m <- sum(AdjMat[, j])
  21. LowLim <- max(c(2 * K - m, 0))
  22. UppLim <- min(c(n - 1 - m, 2 * K))
  23. a <- 1/2 * p * (n - 1 - 2 * K)/n
  24. b <- p/n
  25. Factor1 <- dbinom(x = LowLim:UppLim, size = 2 * K, prob = a)
  26. Factor2 <- dbinom(x = m - 2 * K + LowLim:UppLim, size = (n - 2) * K, prob = b)
  27. sum(Factor1 * Factor2)
  28. }
  29. ))
  30. sum(logProbs) # output: loglikelihood of observed data.
  31. }
  33. # This part of the program attemps to build the sampling distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the randomness parameter p, with 0 <= p <= 1.
  35. p <- 0.2 # True value of the randomness parameter.
  37. # This part of the program simulates 1000 times a social network of N nodes with density d and parameter of randomness p. For each social network, I obtain the MLE of p. Then, I build the sampling distribution of the MLE of p.
  39. d <- 0.1
  40. N <- 2000
  41. MLE_p <- NULL
  42. for(i in 1:100){
  43. K <- round(d * (N - 1)/2, 0)
  44. AdjMat <- as.matrix(igraph::get.adjacency( = 1,
  45. size = N, nei = K, p = p)))
  46. OptProblem <- nlminb(start = runif(1),
  47. objective = function(x) -loglike(p = x, AdjMat = AdjMat),
  48. lower = 0, upper = 1,
  49. control = list(trace = TRUE))
  50. MLE_p <- c(MLE_p, OptProblem$par)
  51. }
  53. hist(MLE_p, col = "gray60")
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