
CustomEnchants - Config

Jan 9th, 2018
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  1. # CustomEnchants by Peaches_MLG
  2. Options:
  3. # Do you want the plugin to automatically update?
  4. # Requires MVDWUpdater
  5. Update: true
  6. # Prefix of all the messages
  7. Prefix: '&c&lCustomEnchants &7>>'
  8. # Gui title
  9. Title: '&c&lCustomEnchants'
  10. # Do you want a gui where you can buy enchants?
  11. TierGUI: true
  12. # Gui Configuration
  13. TierAmount: 3
  14. # What slot do you want each tier to be in
  15. Tier1Slot: 12
  16. Tier2Slot: 14
  17. Tier3Slot: 16
  18. # How much will each tier cost?
  19. Tier1Cost: 20
  20. Tier2Cost: 40
  21. Tier3Cost: 60
  22. # What item do you want each Tier to be
  23. Tier1Item: ENCHANTED_BOOK
  24. Tier1Meta: 0
  25. Tier2Item: ENCHANTED_BOOK
  26. Tier2Meta: 0
  27. Tier3Item: ENCHANTED_BOOK
  28. Tier3Meta: 0
  29. GkitsBackgroundItem: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  30. GkitsBackgroundMeta: 7
  31. # Amount of xp required to use Enderforged ability
  32. EnderForgedXP: 20
  33. # What do you want each item to be called?
  34. Tier1Name: '&b&lBasic Tier'
  35. Tier2Name: '&5&lEpic Tier'
  36. Tier3Name: '&6&lLegendery Tier'
  37. # What do you want the lore format to be?
  38. Tier1LoreFormat: '&b'
  39. Tier2LoreFormat: '&5'
  40. Tier3LoreFormat: '&6'
  41. # Do you want the item to have a glow effect?
  42. Tier1Glow: true
  43. Tier2Glow: true
  44. Tier3Glow: true
  45. # Format for the cost
  46. TierCostFormat: '&cCost: &4&l%Cost%XP'
  47. EnchantCrystalItem: NETHER_STAR
  48. EnchantCrystalLore:
  49. - '&7&lRight Click The Crystal to Use it'
  50. - '&7&l%Description%'
  51. # How do you want the players to pay for the enchants? (XpLevels Xp Vault)
  52. Payment: XpLevels
  53. # When using an infusion do you want it to call an event to all other plugins, this will be useful for plugins such as McMMO or anti grief plugins. but can also make anticheats falseban for nuke(Unless your anticheat is supported)
  54. UseBlockBreakEvent: true
  55. # Format for the Crystal
  56. CrystalNameFormat: '&c&l&n'
  57. CrystalLoreFormat: '&7&l'
  58. # What is the Maximum amount of enchants alloued on one item
  59. MaxEnchants: 4
  60. # next page and previous page for the /ce list gui
  61. NextPage: '&a&lNext Page'
  62. PreviousPage: '&c&lPrevious Page'
  63. # What do you want the amount of hearts a player gets to be, deafault = 20
  64. DefaultHearts: 20
  65. # What Items do you want to be in each tier?
  66. Tiers:
  67. Tier1:
  68. - SpeedI
  69. - JumpI
  70. - DecapitateI
  71. - VisionaryI
  72. - NetherSkinI
  73. - ReplenishI
  74. - LifestealI
  75. - AquaticI
  76. - FuryI
  77. - HardenedI
  78. - JacketI
  79. - PenetrateI
  80. - EvadeI
  81. - EnlightenedI
  82. - CookI
  83. - CatchI
  84. - WardenI
  85. Tier2:
  86. - BlazingTouchI
  87. - SpeedII
  88. - JumpII
  89. - MultishotI
  90. - InfusionI
  91. - IgnitionI
  92. - WitherI
  93. - HasteI
  94. - LifestealII
  95. - JacketII
  96. - CursedI
  97. - AssassinateI
  98. - HulkI
  99. - CoinsI
  100. - FuryII
  101. - HardenedII
  102. - PenetrateII
  103. - EvadeII
  104. - WingsI
  105. - SaviorI
  106. - LeaderI
  107. - ResistanceI
  108. - EnlightenedII
  109. - CatchII
  110. - FrostbiteI
  111. - HeadshotI
  112. - WardenII
  113. - EnderforgedII
  114. - EnderforgedI
  115. Tier3:
  116. - MultishotII
  117. - InfusionII
  118. - WitherII
  119. - HasteII
  120. - JacketIII
  121. - InquisitiveI
  122. - InquisitiveII
  123. - CursedII
  124. - FrostyI
  125. - FlareI
  126. - AssassinateII
  127. - HulkII
  128. - CoinsII
  129. - FuryIII
  130. - HardenedIII
  131. - PenetrateIII
  132. - EvadeIII
  133. - SaviorII
  134. - LeaderII
  135. - ResistanceII
  136. - EnlightenedIII
  137. - FrostbiteII
  138. - HeadshotII
  139. - WardenIII
  140. - EnderforgedIII
  141. Chances:
  142. # Chances for each enchant to activate
  143. IgnitionI: 10
  144. ParalyzeI: 10
  145. ParalyzeII: 10
  146. BlindnessI: 10
  147. BlindnessII: 10
  148. PoisonI: 10
  149. PoisonII: 10
  150. WitherI: 10
  151. WitherII: 10
  152. NauseaI: 10
  153. SlownessI: 10
  154. SlownessII: 10
  155. LifestealI: 10
  156. LifestealII: 10
  157. FlareI: 10
  158. CursedI: 10
  159. CursedII: 10
  160. CoinsI: 10
  161. CoinsII: 10
  162. EvadeI: 10
  163. EvadeII: 30
  164. FrostbiteI: 5
  165. FrostbiteII: 5
  166. WardenI: 5
  167. WardenII: 5
  168. WardenIII: 5
  169. Enabled:
  170. # do you want the enchant to be enabled?
  171. SpeedI: true
  172. SpeedII: true
  173. JumpI: true
  174. JumpII: true
  175. VisionaryI: true
  176. NetherskinI: true
  177. JacketI: true
  178. JacketII: true
  179. JacketIII: true
  180. RageI: true
  181. RageII: true
  182. AquaticI: true
  183. HasteI: true
  184. HasteII: true
  185. DecapitateI: true
  186. ReplenishI: true
  187. MultishotI: true
  188. MultishotII: true
  189. InfusionI: true
  190. InfusionII: true
  191. InquisitiveI: true
  192. InquisitiveII: true
  193. BlazingtouchI: true
  194. IgnitionI: true
  195. ParalyzeI: true
  196. ParalyzeII: true
  197. BlindnessI: true
  198. BlindnessII: true
  199. PoisonI: true
  200. PoisonII: true
  201. WitherI: true
  202. WitherII: true
  203. NauseaI: true
  204. SlownessI: true
  205. SlownessII: true
  206. LifestealI: true
  207. LifestealII: true
  208. FrostyI: true
  209. FlareI: true
  210. CursedI: true
  211. CursedII: true
  212. AssassinateI: true
  213. AssassinateII: true
  214. CoinsI: true
  215. CoinsII: true
  216. FuryI: true
  217. FuryII: true
  218. FuryIII: true
  219. HardenedI: true
  220. HardenedII: true
  221. HardenedIII: true
  222. PenetrateI: true
  223. PenetrateII: true
  224. PenetrateIII: true
  225. EvadeI: true
  226. EvadeII: true
  227. EvadeIII: true
  228. NauseaII: true
  229. RebornI: true
  230. RebornII: true
  231. RebornIII: true
  232. WingsI: true
  233. SaviorI: true
  234. SaviorII: true
  235. LeaderI: true
  236. LeaderII: true
  237. ResistanceI: true
  238. ResistanceII: true
  239. EnlightenedI: true
  240. EnlightenedII: true
  241. EnlightenedIII: true
  242. CookI: true
  243. CatchI: true
  244. CatchII: true
  245. FrostbiteI: true
  246. FrostbiteII: true
  247. HeadshotI: true
  248. HeadshotII: true
  249. WardenI: true
  250. WardenII: true
  251. WardenIII: true
  252. EnderforgedI: true
  253. EnderforgedII: true
  254. EnderforgedIII: true
  255. MaxPower:
  256. # Max enchant number for each enchantment e.g. Speed:2 = SpeedI & SpeedII Reborn:3 = RebornI, RebornII & RebornIII
  257. Speed: 2
  258. Jump: 2
  259. Rage: 2
  260. Haste: 2
  261. Assassinate: 2
  262. Multishot: 2
  263. Infusion: 2
  264. Paralyze: 2
  265. Blindness: 2
  266. Poison: 2
  267. Wither: 2
  268. Nausea: 2
  269. Slowness: 2
  270. Lifesteal: 2
  271. Cursed: 2
  272. Reborn: 3
  273. Inquisitive: 2
  274. Coins: 2
  275. Fury: 3
  276. Hardened: 3
  277. Penetrate: 3
  278. Jacket: 3
  279. Evade: 3
  280. Saviour: 2
  281. Leader: 2
  282. Resistance: 2
  283. Enlightened: 3
  284. Catch: 2
  285. Frostbite: 2
  286. Headshot: 2
  287. Warden: 3
  288. Enderforged: 3
  289. Translate:
  290. # Do you want to rename an enchant?
  291. Speed: Speed
  292. Jump: Jump
  293. Visionary: Visionary
  294. Netherskin: Netherskin
  295. Jacket: Jacket
  296. Rage: Rage
  297. Aquatic: Aquatic
  298. Haste: Haste
  299. Decapitate: Decapitate
  300. Replenish: Replenish
  301. Multishot: Multishot
  302. Infusion: Infusion
  303. Inquisitive: Inquisitive
  304. Blazingtouch: Blazingtouch
  305. Ignition: Ignition
  306. Paralyze: Paralyze
  307. Blindness: Blindness
  308. Poison: Poison
  309. Wither: Wither
  310. Nausea: Nausea
  311. Slowness: Slowness
  312. Lifesteal: Lifesteal
  313. Frosty: Frosty
  314. Cursed: Cursed
  315. Assassinate: Assassinate
  316. Flare: Flare
  317. Reborn: Reborn
  318. Coins: Coins
  319. Fury: Fury
  320. Hardened: Hardened
  321. Penetrate: Penetrate
  322. Evade: Evade
  323. Wings: Wings
  324. Saviour: Saviour
  325. Leader: Leader
  326. Resistance: Resistance
  327. Enlightened: Enlightened
  328. Cook: Cook
  329. Catch: Catch
  330. Frostbite: Frostbite
  331. Headshot: Headshot
  332. Warden: Warden
  333. Enderforged: Enderforged
  334. Description:
  335. # What do you want the description of an enchant to be in /ce list
  336. SpeedI: Gives you an unlimited Speed 1 effect
  337. SpeedII: Gives you an unlimited Speed 2 effect
  338. JumpI: Gives you an unlimited Jump 1 effect
  339. JumpII: Gives you an unlimited Jump 2 effect
  340. JacketI: Gives you an extra 1/2 Heart of health per Armor
  341. JacketII: Gives you an extra 1 Heart of health per Armor
  342. JacketIII: Gives you an extra 1 1/2 Heart of health per Armor
  343. CoinsI: Gives you 2 MobCoins instead of 1
  344. CoinsII: Gives you 3 MobCoins instead of 1
  345. CursedI: Gives your opponent Mining Fatuige 1 for 5 seconds
  346. CursedII: Gives your opponent Mining Fatuige 2 for 5 seconds
  347. AssassinateI: Gives you an unlimited Haste 1 effect
  348. AssassinateII: Gives you an unlimited Haste 2 effect
  349. NauseaI: Confuses your opponent
  350. NauseaII: Confuses your opponent
  351. HasteI: Gives you an unlimited Haste 1 effect
  352. HasteII: Gives you an unlimited Haste 1 effect
  353. PenetrateI: Deals extra armor damage
  354. PenetrateII: Deals extra armor damage
  355. PenetrateIII: Deals extra armor damage
  356. EvadeI: Chance to dodge attacks
  357. EvadeII: Chance to dodge attacks
  358. EvadeIII: Chance to dodge attacks
  359. ParalyzeI: Paralyzes your opponent for 1 second
  360. ParalyzeII: Paralyzes your opponent for 2 seconds
  361. SlownessI: Gives your opponent slowness 1 for 5 seconds
  362. SlownessII: Gives your opponent slowness 2 for 5 seconds
  363. RebornI: When you kill a player, you will get Absorption 1 Resistance 1 and Regeneration 1 potion effect for 10 seconds!
  364. RebornII: When you kill a player, you will get Absorption 2 Resistance 2 and Regeneration 2 potion effect for 10 seconds!
  365. RebornIII: When you kill a player, you will get Absorption 3 Resistance 3 and Regeneration 3 potion effect for 10 seconds!
  366. BlindnessI: Blinds your opponent
  367. BlindnessII: Blinds your opponent
  368. InquisitiveI: Gives you Double the xp when killing a mob
  369. InquisitiveII: Gives you Triple the xp when killing a mob
  370. FuryI: Deals Extra damage with combos
  371. FuryII: Deals Extra damage with combos
  372. FuryIII: Deals Extra damage with combos
  373. PoisonI: Gives your opponent Poison 1 for 5 seconds
  374. PoisonII: Gives your opponent Poison 1 for 5 seconds
  375. WitherI: Gives your opponent Wither 1 for 5 seconds
  376. WitherII: Gives your opponent Wither 1 for 5 seconds
  377. HardenedI: Gives your armor extra durability
  378. HardenedII: Gives your armor extra durability
  379. HardenedIII: Gives your armor extra durability
  380. MultishotI: Shoots 2 arrows instead of 1
  381. MultishotII: Shoots 3 arrows instead of 1
  382. LifestealI: Chance to heal you as you attack
  383. LifestealII: Chance to heal you as you attack
  384. RageI: gives you an unlimited Strength 1 effect
  385. RageII: gives you an unlimited Strength 2 effect
  386. InfusionI: Digs a 3x3 Hole
  387. InfusionII: Digs a 5x5 Hole
  388. DecapitateI: Drops the players head upon death
  389. VisionaryI: Gives you an unlimited nightvison 1 effect
  390. IgnitionI: Chance to set your attacker on fire
  391. ReplenishI: Replenishes your hunger
  392. BlazingtouchI: Automatily smelts ores
  393. AquaticI: Lets you breath underwater
  394. FrostyI: Gives you a snow trail when you walk
  395. FlareI: Chance for your arrows to explode
  396. NetherskinI: Gives you an unlimited fire resistance 1 effect
  397. WingsI: Allows you to fly in your territory
  398. SaviorI: Gives nearby faction members regeneration 1.
  399. SaviorII: Gives nearby faction members regeneration 2.
  400. LeaderI: Gives nearby faction members haste 1.
  401. LeaderII: Gives nearby faction members haste 2.
  402. ResistanceI: Gives you an unlimited Resistance 1 effect.
  403. ResistanceII: Gives you an unlimited Resistance 1 effect.
  404. EnlightenedI: Chance to heal you 0.5 hearts when getting attacked.
  405. EnlightenedII: Chance to heal you 1 heart when getting attacked.
  406. EnlightenedIII: Chance to heal you 1.5 hearts when getting attacked.
  407. CookI: When you catch a fish it will be automatically cooked.
  408. CatchI: Instead of catching 1 fish you will catch 2 fish.
  409. CatchII: Instead of catching 1 fish you will catch 3 fish.
  410. FrostbiteI: 5% chance to freeze your target in ice for 5 seconds.
  411. FrostbiteII: 5% chance to freeze your target in ice for 7 seconds.
  412. HeadstotI: If you get a headshot with a bow, The damage doubles
  413. HeadstotII: If you get a headshot with a bow, The damage Triples
  414. WardenI: Chance to give you HasteI and give the enemy Mining FatuigeI for 10 seconds
  415. WardenII: Chance to give you HasteII and give the enemy Mining FatuigeII for 10 seconds
  416. WardenIII: Chance to give you HasteIII and give the enemy Mining FatuigeIII for 10 seconds
  417. EnderforgedI: Teleports you to the block you click on when you shift+leftclick 50blocks max
  418. EnderforgedII: Teleports you to the block you click on when you shift+leftclick 100blocks max
  419. EnderforgedIII: Teleports you to the block you click on when you shift+leftclick 150blocks max
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