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Klarth | X-Change2 crypt

a guest
Jun 15th, 2011
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  1. .text:00403310 ; int __thiscall sub_403310(LPSTR, LPSTR lpFileName, int, int)
  2. .text:00403310 sub_403310 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_415F60+DD7p
  3. .text:00403310 ; sub_420EF0+1E4p ...
  4. .text:00403310
  5. .text:00403310 var_98 = dword ptr -98h
  6. .text:00403310 var_94 = dword ptr -94h
  7. .text:00403310 var_90 = dword ptr -90h
  8. .text:00403310 NumberOfBytesRead= dword ptr -8Ch
  9. .text:00403310 var_88 = _OFSTRUCT ptr -88h
  10. .text:00403310 lpFileName = dword ptr 4
  11. .text:00403310 arg_4 = dword ptr 8
  12. .text:00403310 arg_8 = dword ptr 0Ch
  13. .text:00403310
  14. .text:00403310 sub esp, 98h
  15. .text:00403316 push ebx
  16. .text:00403317 push esi
  17. .text:00403318 mov esi, ecx
  18. .text:0040331A push edi
  19. .text:0040331B cmp dword ptr [esi+0C0h], 1
  20. .text:00403322 jnz short loc_40333D
  21. .text:00403324 mov eax, [esi+0D0h]
  22. .text:0040332A mov dword ptr [esi+0C0h], 0
  23. .text:00403334 push eax ; lpMem
  24. .text:00403335 call sub_422B34
  25. .text:0040333A add esp, 4
  26. .text:0040333D
  27. .text:0040333D loc_40333D: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+12j
  28. .text:0040333D mov ebx, [esp+0A4h+lpFileName]
  29. .text:00403344 lea ecx, [esp+0A4h+var_88]
  30. .text:00403348 push 0 ; WORD
  31. .text:0040334A push ecx ; LPOFSTRUCT
  32. .text:0040334B push ebx ; LPSTR
  33. .text:0040334C call LZOpenFileA
  34. .text:00403351 mov edi, eax
  35. .text:00403353 cmp edi, 0FFFFFFFFh
  36. .text:00403356 jnz short loc_4033CC
  37. .text:00403358 push 0 ; hTemplateFile
  38. .text:0040335A push 80h ; dwFlagsAndAttributes
  39. .text:0040335F push 3 ; dwCreationDisposition
  40. .text:00403361 push 0 ; lpSecurityAttributes
  41. .text:00403363 push 0 ; dwShareMode
  42. .text:00403365 push 80000000h ; dwDesiredAccess
  43. .text:0040336A push ebx ; lpFileName
  44. .text:0040336B call ds:CreateFileA
  45. .text:00403371 mov edi, eax
  46. .text:00403373 cmp edi, 0FFFFFFFFh
  47. .text:00403376 jnz short loc_403386
  48. .text:00403378 pop edi
  49. .text:00403379 pop esi
  50. .text:0040337A xor eax, eax
  51. .text:0040337C pop ebx
  52. .text:0040337D add esp, 98h
  53. .text:00403383 retn 0Ch
  54. .text:00403386 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. .text:00403386
  56. .text:00403386 loc_403386: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+66j
  57. .text:00403386 mov ebx, ds:ReadFile
  58. .text:0040338C lea edx, [esp+0A4h+NumberOfBytesRead]
  59. .text:00403390 push 0 ; lpOverlapped
  60. .text:00403392 push edx ; lpNumberOfBytesRead
  61. .text:00403393 push 0C0h ; nNumberOfBytesToRead
  62. .text:00403398 push esi ; lpBuffer
  63. .text:00403399 push edi ; hFile
  64. .text:0040339A call ebx ; ReadFile
  65. .text:0040339C mov eax, [esi+0A0h]
  66. .text:004033A2 push eax ; unsigned int
  67. .text:004033A3 call ??2@YAPAXI@Z ; operator new(uint)
  68. .text:004033A8 mov edx, [esi+0A0h]
  69. .text:004033AE add esp, 4
  70. .text:004033B1 lea ecx, [esp+0A4h+NumberOfBytesRead]
  71. .text:004033B5 mov [esi+0D0h], eax
  72. .text:004033BB push 0 ; lpOverlapped
  73. .text:004033BD push ecx ; lpNumberOfBytesRead
  74. .text:004033BE push edx ; nNumberOfBytesToRead
  75. .text:004033BF push eax ; lpBuffer
  76. .text:004033C0 push edi ; hFile
  77. .text:004033C1 call ebx ; ReadFile
  78. .text:004033C3 push edi ; hObject
  79. .text:004033C4 call ds:CloseHandle
  80. .text:004033CA jmp short loc_403401
  81. .text:004033CC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. .text:004033CC
  83. .text:004033CC loc_4033CC: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+46j
  84. .text:004033CC push 0C0h ; INT
  85. .text:004033D1 push esi ; LPSTR
  86. .text:004033D2 push edi ; INT
  87. .text:004033D3 call LZRead
  88. .text:004033D8 mov eax, [esi+0A0h]
  89. .text:004033DE push eax ; unsigned int
  90. .text:004033DF call ??2@YAPAXI@Z ; operator new(uint)
  91. .text:004033E4 mov ecx, [esi+0A0h]
  92. .text:004033EA add esp, 4
  93. .text:004033ED mov [esi+0D0h], eax
  94. .text:004033F3 push ecx ; INT
  95. .text:004033F4 push eax ; LPSTR
  96. .text:004033F5 push edi ; INT
  97. .text:004033F6 call LZRead
  98. .text:004033FB push edi ; INT
  99. .text:004033FC call LZClose
  100. .text:00403401 ; Fully encrypted at this point
  101. .text:00403401 loc_403401: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+BAj
  102. .text:00403401 mov eax, [esi+0A0h]
  103. .text:00403407 xor ecx, ecx
  104. .text:00403409 xor ebx, ebx
  105. .text:0040340B cmp eax, ecx
  106. .text:0040340D mov [esp+0A4h+var_90], ebx
  107. .text:00403411 mov [esp+0A4h+var_98], ecx
  108. .text:00403415 mov [esp+0A4h+var_94], ecx
  109. .text:00403419 jbe loc_4034BB
  110. .text:0040341F
  111. .text:0040341F loc_40341F: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+1A5j
  112. .text:0040341F lea eax, [ecx+ebx]
  113. .text:00403422 xor edx, edx
  114. .text:00403424 div [esp+0A4h+arg_8]
  115. .text:0040342B mov eax, [esp+0A4h+var_98]
  116. .text:0040342F and ecx, 0FFh
  117. .text:00403435 and eax, 0FFh
  118. .text:0040343A and ecx, eax
  119. .text:0040343C mov eax, [esp+0A4h+arg_4]
  120. .text:00403443 mov edi, edx
  121. .text:00403445 mov edx, [esi+0D0h]
  122. .text:0040344B add ebx, edx
  123. .text:0040344D xor edx, edx
  124. .text:0040344F mov dl, [edi+eax]
  125. .text:00403452 or ecx, edx
  126. .text:00403454 and ecx, 800000FFh
  127. .text:0040345A jns short loc_403464
  128. .text:0040345C dec ecx
  129. .text:0040345D or ecx, 0FFFFFF00h
  130. .text:00403463 inc ecx
  131. .text:00403464
  132. .text:00403464 loc_403464: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+14Aj
  133. .text:00403464 push ecx
  134. .text:00403465 mov cl, [ebx]
  135. .text:00403467 push ecx
  136. .text:00403468 mov ecx, esi
  137. .text:0040346A call sub_402E70
  138. .text:0040346F test edi, edi
  139. .text:00403471 mov [ebx], al
  140. .text:00403473 jnz short loc_4034A0
  141. .text:00403475 mov edx, [esp+0A4h+var_94]
  142. .text:00403479 mov edi, [esp+0A4h+var_98]
  143. .text:0040347D xor ecx, ecx
  144. .text:0040347F lea eax, [edx+edi]
  145. .text:00403482 xor edx, edx
  146. .text:00403484 div [esp+0A4h+arg_8]
  147. .text:0040348B mov eax, [esp+0A4h+arg_4]
  148. .text:00403492 inc edi
  149. .text:00403493 mov [esp+0A4h+var_98], edi
  150. .text:00403497 mov cl, [edx+eax]
  151. .text:0040349A mov [esp+0A4h+var_94], ecx
  152. .text:0040349E jmp short loc_4034A4
  153. .text:004034A0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. .text:004034A0
  155. .text:004034A0 loc_4034A0: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+163j
  156. .text:004034A0 mov ecx, [esp+0A4h+var_94]
  157. .text:004034A4
  158. .text:004034A4 loc_4034A4: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+18Ej
  159. .text:004034A4 mov ebx, [esp+0A4h+var_90]
  160. .text:004034A8 mov eax, [esi+0A0h]
  161. .text:004034AE inc ebx
  162. .text:004034AF cmp ebx, eax
  163. .text:004034B1 mov [esp+0A4h+var_90], ebx
  164. .text:004034B5 jb loc_40341F
  165. .text:004034BB
  166. .text:004034BB loc_4034BB: ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+109j
  167. .text:004034BB mov eax, [esi+0A0h]
  168. .text:004034C1 mov dword ptr [esi+0C8h], 0
  169. .text:004034CB mov [esi+0D4h], eax
  170. .text:004034D1 mov [esi+0D8h], eax
  171. .text:004034D7 mov dword ptr [esi+0C0h], 1
  172. .text:004034E1 mov dword ptr [esi+0CCh], 1
  173. .text:004034EB pop edi
  174. .text:004034EC pop esi
  175. .text:004034ED mov eax, 1
  176. .text:004034F2 pop ebx
  177. .text:004034F3 add esp, 98h
  178. .text:004034F9 retn 0Ch ; Fully decrypted
  179. .text:004034F9 sub_403310 endp
  181. .text:00402E70 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
  182. .text:00402E70
  183. .text:00402E70
  184. .text:00402E70 sub_402E70 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_403310+15Ap
  185. .text:00402E70 ; sub_403820+81p ...
  186. .text:00402E70
  187. .text:00402E70 arg_0 = dword ptr 4
  188. .text:00402E70 arg_4 = dword ptr 8
  189. .text:00402E70
  190. .text:00402E70 mov ecx, [esp+arg_4]
  191. .text:00402E74 mov edx, [esp+arg_0]
  192. .text:00402E78 and ecx, 0FFh
  193. .text:00402E7E and edx, 0FFh
  194. .text:00402E84 mov eax, ecx
  195. .text:00402E86 or ecx, edx
  196. .text:00402E88 and eax, edx
  197. .text:00402E8A not eax
  198. .text:00402E8C and eax, ecx
  199. .text:00402E8E retn 8
  200. .text:00402E8E sub_402E70 endp
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