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Apr 6th, 2012
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  1. #Setup Scratchbox2, qemu & a Raspberry Pi rootfs for cross compiling for the Raspberry Pi
  2. #Start with a debian(other base distros will work but the commands will be slightly
  3. #different) install correctly configured (if the install is inside a VM such as VirtualBox make sure
  4. #that guest-additions or the equivilent is installed). These instructions assume that your shell
  5. #is bash, which 99.9% of the time it will be.
  7. #Install packages required to install Scratchbox2 & qemu plus a few useful extras. Fedora
  8. #does not have realpath available as a package installable via yum so you'll need to find the
  9. #source for one (or write your own) and install it manually.
  10. sudo apt-get install build-essential mc openssh-server apache2 wget git subversion fakeroot \
  11. realpath libsdl1.2debian-all libsdl1.2-dev libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libcurl3 libcurl4-openssl-dev \
  12. gftp autoconf
  14. #Create a tempory working directory
  15. mkdir work ; cd work
  17. #Get Scratchbox2, qemu & a toolchain (you can build your own crosscompile toolchain but
  18. #there is one freely available so might as well use that.
  19. git clone git://
  20. git clone git://
  21. wget
  23. #Install the toolchain
  24. mkdir $HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools
  25. tar xjvf arm-2011.03-41-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 -C $HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools
  27. #Configure, build & install scratchbox2
  28. cd $HOME/work/scratchbox2
  29. ./
  30. mkdir $HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools/Scratchbox2
  31. make install prefix=$HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools/Scratchbox2
  33. #Configure, build & install qemu (linaro "fork"). configure options other that --target-list
  34. #are pretty much a matter of taste and/or requirements. The ones listed are ones I find work
  35. #for me.
  36. cd $HOME/work/qemu-linaro
  37. mkdir $HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools/qemu-linaro
  38. ./configure --prefix=$HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools/qemu-linaro --target-list=arm-linux-user,arm-softmmu --audio-drv-list=alsa,sdl,oss --audio-card-list=ac97,sb16 --enable-mixemu
  39. make && make install
  41. #Add the following lines to $HOME/.bashrc using your favourite editor (in the running shell as well)
  42. export PATH=$HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools/Scratchbox2/bin:$HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools/qemu-linaro/bin:$PATH
  43. alias doch='sudo $(history -p !-1)'
  45. #Create a directory for keeping all your Raspberry Pi related files & builds in
  46. mkdir $HOME/RaspberryPiDevelopment
  48. #Go back to the working directory
  49. cd $HOME/work
  51. #Download the desired rootfs from the downloads page on and
  52. #copy it to your working directory. If you download using a non-bittorrent direct link using a
  53. #browser it'll be in the downloads directory. On debian cp $HOME/Downloads/debian*.zip $HOME/work
  54. #If you download it using bittorrent then it'll be in the directory that your bittorent client
  55. #puts things. If you are going to use a direct link you can also just wget it as shown below.
  56. wget http://<direct link you go from>
  57. #I am going to use the latest available debian rootfs
  58. unzip
  59. cd debian6-17-02-2012
  60. file debian6-17-02-2012.img
  62. # You will get output similar to below
  63. debian6-17-02-2012.img: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0xc, starthead 0, startsector 2048,
  64. 153600 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x83, starthead 3, startsector 157696, 3256320 sectors;
  65. partition 3: ID=0x82, starthead 3, startsector 3416064, 391168 sectors, code offset 0xb8
  67. #You need to note the value of startsector for partition 2 which in this case is 157696
  68. #and multiply it by 512. using bc calculator i get the value 80740352
  70. #Mount the rootfs image as a loop device offset at the start of the second partition in the image
  71. #which is the actual rootfs in the image.
  72. sudo losetup -o 80740352 /dev/loop0 debian6-17-02-2012.img
  73. sudo mkdir /mnt/rootfs
  74. sudo mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/rootfs
  76. #Copy the files from the rootfs to the directory which we will be using for all our Raspberry Pi
  77. #developing etc. (if your userid/groupid are not raspberrypi then change change the raspberrypi
  78. #in the chown & chgrp commands to your userid and groupid
  79. sudo mkdir $HOME/RaspberryPiDevelopment/.debian6_rootfs
  80. sudo cp -v -r /mnt/rootfs/* $HOME/RaspberryPiDevelopment/.debian6_rootfs
  81. sudo chown -R raspberrypi $HOME/RaspberryPiDevelopment/.debian6_rootfs
  82. sudo chgrp -R raspberrypi $HOME/RaspberryPiDevelopment/.debian6_rootfs
  83. sudo chmod -R 777 $HOME/RaspberryPiDevelopment/.debian6_rootfs
  85. #Unmount, detach the rootfs & delete the mountpoint
  86. sudo umount /mnt/rootfs
  87. sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
  88. sudo rmdir /mnt/rootfs
  90. #Initialise Scratchbox2
  91. cd $HOME/RaspberryPiDevelopment/.debian6_rootfs
  92. sb2-init raspberrypi_debian6 $HOME/ARMDevelopmentTools/arm-2011.03/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
  94. #Move back to your developemnt directory and test that everything is working
  95. cd ..
  96. mkdir hello
  97. vi hello.c
  98. #include <stdio.h>
  99. void main(){
  100. printf("hello, world\n");
  101. }
  102. sb2 gcc -o hello.arm hello.c
  104. #If everything is installed and configured correctly the thenfile hello.arm will output like below
  105. hello.arm: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, not stripped
  107. #Running hello.arm using the command sb2 hello.arm will print hello, world
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