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a guest
Jul 18th, 2019
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  1. apiVersion: apps/v1
  2. kind: StatefulSet
  3. metadata:
  4. name: quorum-node
  5. labels:
  6. app: quorum-node
  7. spec:
  8. replicas: 1
  9. selector:
  10. matchLabels:
  11. app: quorum-node
  12. serviceName: quorum-node
  13. template:
  14. metadata:
  15. labels:
  16. app: quorum-node
  17. spec:
  18. initContainers:
  19. - name: geth-node-init
  20. image: quorumengineering/quorum:2.2.3
  21. workingDir: /home/quorum
  22. command:
  23. - "./"
  24. volumeMounts:
  25. - name: data-volume
  26. mountPath: /home/quorum
  27. - name: geth-init-script
  28. mountPath: /home/quorum/
  29. subPath:
  30. - name: genesis
  31. mountPath: /home/quorum/genesis.json
  32. subPath: genesis.json
  33. - name: geth-config
  34. mountPath: /quorum/qdata/nodekey
  35. subPath: nodekey
  36. containers:
  37. - name: tessera
  38. image: quorumengineering/tessera:0.9
  39. workingDir: /home/quorum/tessera
  40. command:
  41. - "java"
  42. - "-cp"
  43. args:
  44. - "/etc/driver/postgresql-42.2.5.jar:/tessera/tessera-app.jar:."
  45. - "com.quorum.tessera.Launcher"
  46. - "-configfile"
  47. - "/etc/tessera/config.json"
  48. envFrom:
  49. - configMapRef:
  50. name: tessera-vault-config
  51. ports:
  52. - name: p2p
  53. containerPort: 9001
  54. - name: third-party
  55. containerPort: 9081
  56. volumeMounts:
  57. - name: tessera-config
  58. mountPath: /etc/tessera/
  59. - name: data-volume
  60. mountPath: /home/tessera
  61. - name: jdbc-driver
  62. mountPath: /etc/driver/postgresql-42.2.5.jar
  63. subPath: postgresql-42.2.5.jar
  64. - name: quorum
  65. image: quorumengineering/quorum:2.2.3
  66. workingDir: /quorum
  67. env:
  68. - name: PRIVATE_CONFIG
  69. value: /quorum/tm.ipc
  70. - name: NETWORK_ID
  71. valueFrom:
  72. configMapKeyRef:
  73. key: NETWORK_ID
  74. name: geth-config
  75. - name: RAFT_ID
  76. value: '1'
  77. args: [
  78. "--nodiscover",
  79. "--verbosity", "5",
  80. "--networkid", "$(NETWORK_ID)",
  81. "--raft",
  82. "--rpc",
  83. "--rpcaddr", "",
  84. "--rpccorsdomain", "*",
  85. "--rpcapi", "admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3,quorum,raft",
  86. "--datadir", "./qdata",
  87. "--raftport", "22003",
  88. "--rpcport", "22000",
  89. "--port", "21000",
  90. "--ipcdisable",
  91. "--emitcheckpoints",
  92. "--raftjoinexisting", "$(RAFT_ID)"
  93. ]
  94. ports:
  95. - name: raft
  96. containerPort: 22003
  97. - name: peer
  98. containerPort: 21000
  99. volumeMounts:
  100. - name: data-volume
  101. mountPath: /quorum
  102. - name: geth-config
  103. mountPath: /quorum/qdata/static-nodes.json
  104. subPath: static-nodes.json
  105. - name: geth-config
  106. mountPath: /quorum/qdata/nodekey
  107. subPath: nodekey
  108. - name: geth-config
  109. mountPath: /quorum/qdata/nodeid
  110. subPath: nodeid
  111. volumes:
  112. - name: genesis
  113. configMap:
  114. name: genesis
  115. - name: tessera-config
  116. configMap:
  117. name: tessera-config
  118. - name: geth-config
  119. configMap:
  120. name: geth-config
  121. - name: geth-init-script
  122. configMap:
  123. name: geth-init-script
  124. defaultMode: 0777
  125. - name: jdbc-driver
  126. configMap:
  127. name: postgres-jdbc-driver
  128. volumeClaimTemplates:
  129. - metadata:
  130. name: data-volume
  131. namespace: quorum
  132. spec:
  133. accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
  134. storageClassName: quorum-storage
  135. resources:
  136. requests:
  137. storage: 5Gi
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