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Sep 29th, 2011
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  1. 1. A society is almost certainly a civilization if it has what characteristics?
  2. 2. Describe both roman and Chinese gender relations?
  3. 3. Civilizations arose in all these river valley areas during this period EXCEPT
  4. 4. Describe the social role of Chinese women in the classical age
  5. 5. Economically classical empires and cultures largely remained what.
  6. 6. Far more than classical Greece, India or china, slavery in Rome did what?
  7. 7. The Neolithic revolution began around 10,000BCE with the advent of what?
  8. 8. Legalism considered that all humans were by nature evil. Which of the following is a clear consequence of that system?
  9. 9. What was one of china’s key economic strengths?
  10. 10. Classical civilizations began with invasions and ended with the introduction of…
  11. 11. What was the highest Hindu caste in India?
  12. 12. Who was the core or mother civilization for other civilizations in Mesoamerica?
  13. 13. Despite their material success and increased wealth, how were Chinese merchants viewed?
  14. 14. The period of the Neolithic revolutions and river valley civilizations ended when what happened?
  15. 15. In the influence of geography upon culture, Chinese most closely resembles what region/area?
  16. 16. What is the major difference between a civilization and other methods of organizing humans in groups as civilizations?
  17. 17. During the period of river valley civilizations what was happening with concern to technology?
  18. 18. During classical civilization, how did cultures change?
  19. 19. How did the Confucian social relationships work?
  20. 20. In Axum and then Ethiopia, trade and contacts led to what?
  21. 21. In Mesopotamia, the cuneiform culture of the Mesopotamians assimilated invaders and provided continuity. The same role in India was performed by which institution?
  22. 22. After the collapse of classical civilizations, what role did classical cultures play.
  23. 23. Why did Ghana rise to prominence of the savannas of West Africa?
  24. 24. With regard to merchants, how did the classical civilizations in Rome, Greece< China, and India treat them?
  25. 25. The start of sedentary agriculture started where and developed how in other places?
  26. 26. How does the Chinese belief system differ from Hinduism and polytheism the most?
  27. 27. In the famous Hindu story, the Bhagavad-Gita, Prince Arjuna (Kshatriya caste) questions this caste dharma. In his next incarnation what might Arjuna expect?
  28. 28. Unlike Qin legalist philosophy, Roman imperial law allowed for what?
  29. 29. The major difference between Buddhism and Hinduism was what>
  30. 30. In that the Americas were isolated, the development of civilization involved what?
  31. 31. Which of these is an example of patriarchal society in he ancient world?
  32. 32. While the types of government in the early Greek polis (city-states) varied, they were least likely to have been what type of government.
  33. 33. Describe the early historic Japenese culture.
  34. 34. Why has The Fertile Crescent been called the crossroads of the world?
  35. 35. Compared to Hinduism and Buddhism, all of the following constitute distinctive features of late-Roman Christianity EXCEPT
  36. 36. The two American cultural hearths of civilization include central Mexico and the ______.
  37. 37. Compare the end of classical civilizations in China and India to the collapse of the Roman Empire.
  38. 38. What impact did Alexander the Great’s invasion of India have on India?
  39. 39. In river valley societies, why did priest develop considerable social power.
  40. 40. What does Mahayana Buddhism stress?
  41. 41. Christianity differed from classical Mediterranean culture in all of these ways EXCEPT.
  42. 42. Why did nomadic invaders often have military advantages over the armies of empires?
  43. 43. Which of the following reasons was LEAST responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire?
  44. 44. In comparison to the Hindus, Persians, and Chinese, religiously the Greeks did what?
  45. 45. During the Gupta era, an example of syncretism in Hinduism was its…
  46. 46. In early China, unity and cultural identity were provided by what?
  47. 47. At the end of the Classical Age, what was the result of the social and economic problems?
  48. 48. What did the Greek and Hellenistic approach in science stress?
  49. 49. How did Greek n Roman architecture compare to Chinese architecture?
  50. 50. Greco-Roman art and culture emphasized all of these qualities EXCEPT
  51. 51. Classical differed from river valley civilizations in all of these ways EXCEPT
  52. 52. How did Indian social and economic structure compare to China?
  53. 53. In the classical period, how were both China and India similar with concern to religion?
  54. 54. During the Han-Gupta-Roman period of the Classical Age, which civilization was the LEAST interested in purchasing products abroad?
  55. 55. What did Chinese art feature?
  56. 56. As the Han Empire collapsed, what happened?
  57. 57. What was the center of the Buddhist world?
  58. 58. How did the end of Gupta empire differ from the demise of Rome (in that it did not involve what)?
  59. 59. Classical Greek styles were adapted by Central Asian Buddhists s a result of what?
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