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a guest
Jan 23rd, 2019
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text 7.59 KB | None | 0 0
  1. pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
  2. import "./SafeMath.sol";
  3. import "./Random.sol";
  5. contract Platform {
  7. /*
  8. * | commit | reveal | reward |
  9. */
  10. uint public commitT;
  11. uint public revealT;
  12. uint public rewardT;
  13. uint public periodT;
  14. uint public startT;
  15. uint public commitPrice;
  16. uint public bonusPrice;
  17. uint public depositLimit;
  18. uint public scoreScale;
  20. struct PeerStatus {
  21. uint reward;
  22. uint times;
  23. }
  25. // slot => task => score => count
  26. mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(uint => uint))) slotTasks;
  27. // slot => agent => task => score
  28. mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(address => uint))) slotReports;
  29. // slot => agent => commitments
  30. mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(address => bytes32))) slotCommitments;
  31. mapping(uint => mapping(address => mapping(address => uint))) slotCommitRandom;
  32. // slot => agent => status
  33. mapping(uint => mapping(address => PeerStatus)) slotPeerStatus;
  34. // slot => status
  35. mapping(uint => PeerStatus) slotStatus;
  37. mapping(address => uint) public deposit;
  39. constructor() public {
  40. commitT = 60;
  41. revealT = 60;
  42. rewardT = 60;
  43. periodT = 180;
  44. startT = block.timestamp;
  45. commitPrice = 0;
  46. bonusPrice = 1000;
  47. depositLimit = 100000;
  48. scoreScale = 3;
  49. }
  51. function platActive() public payable {
  52. deposit[msg.sender] = SafeMath.add(deposit[msg.sender], msg.value);
  53. }
  55. function platWithdraw(uint amount) public {
  56. require(amount <= deposit[msg.sender]);
  57. deposit[msg.sender] -= amount;
  58. msg.sender.transfer(amount);
  59. }
  61. function platCheckActive(address addr) public view returns (bool) {
  62. return (deposit[addr] > depositLimit);
  63. }
  65. function platGetSlot() public view returns (uint) {
  66. uint nowTime = block.timestamp;
  67. uint slot = SafeMath.div(nowTime - startT, periodT);
  68. return slot;
  69. }
  71. // 0: before; 1: commit; 2: reveal; 3: reward; 4: after
  72. function platCheckSlot(uint slot) public view returns (uint) {
  73. uint nowTime = block.timestamp;
  74. uint slotStart = SafeMath.add(SafeMath.mul(slot, commitT), startT);
  75. if (nowTime < slotStart) {
  76. return 0;
  77. } else if (nowTime < slotStart + commitT) {
  78. return 1;
  79. } else if (nowTime < slotStart + commitT + revealT) {
  80. return 2;
  81. } else if (nowTime < slotStart + commitT + revealT + rewardT) {
  82. return 3;
  83. } else {
  84. return 4;
  85. }
  86. }
  88. function platCheckScore(uint score) internal view returns (bool) {
  89. return (score > 0 && score <= scoreScale);
  90. }
  92. function platCommit(address task, bytes32 commitment) public {
  93. // require(platCheckActive(msg.sender));
  94. uint slot = platGetSlot();
  95. slotCommitments[slot][msg.sender][task] = commitment;
  96. slotCommitRandom[slot][msg.sender][task] = Random.randInt256(1);
  97. deposit[msg.sender] = SafeMath.sub(deposit[msg.sender], commitPrice);
  98. }
  100. function platCommitPack(address[] tasks, bytes32[] commitments) public {
  101. for (uint i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
  102. platCommit(tasks[i], commitments[i]);
  103. }
  104. }
  106. function platReveal(uint slot, address task, uint score, uint random) public {
  107. // require(regAllCheck(msg.sender));
  108. require(platCheckScore(score));
  109. // require(platCheckSlot(slot) == 2);
  110. // slot nounce of commitment
  111. bytes32 commitment = slotCommitments[slot][msg.sender][task];
  112. // check commitment
  113. require(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(score, random)) == commitment);
  114. // require(slotReports[slot][msg.sender][task] == 0);
  115. slotReports[slot][msg.sender][task] = score;
  116. // update plattation
  117. slotplattations[slot][task][score] = SafeMath.add(slotplattations[slot][task][score], 1);
  118. plattations[task][score] = SafeMath.add(plattations[task][score], 1);
  119. slotTotalplattations[slot][score] = SafeMath.add(slotTotalplattations[slot][score], 1);
  120. slotTotalplattations[slot][0] = SafeMath.add(slotTotalplattations[slot][0], 1);
  121. }
  123. function platRevealPack(uint slot, address[] tasks, uint[] scores, uint[] randoms) public {
  124. for (uint i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
  125. platReveal(slot, tasks[i], scores[i], randoms[i]);
  126. }
  127. }
  129. function platPrediction(uint slot, address task) public {
  130. // require(regAllCheck(msg.sender));
  131. // require(platCheckSlot(slot) == 3);
  132. uint reward = computeReward(slot, msg.sender, task, slotReports[slot][msg.sender][task]);
  133. // update status
  134. slotPeerStatus[slot][msg.sender].reward = SafeMath.add(slotPeerStatus[slot][msg.sender].reward, reward);
  135. slotPeerStatus[slot][msg.sender].times = SafeMath.add(slotPeerStatus[slot][msg.sender].times, 1);
  136. slotStatus[slot].reward = SafeMath.add(slotStatus[slot].reward, reward);
  137. slotStatus[slot].times = SafeMath.add(slotStatus[slot].times, 1);
  138. }
  140. function platPredictionPack(uint slot, address[] tasks) public {
  141. for (uint i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
  142. platPrediction(slot, tasks[i]);
  143. }
  144. }
  146. function platReward(uint slot) public {
  147. // require(regAllCheck(msg.sender));
  148. // require(platCheckSlot(slot) == 4);
  149. uint tradeoff = SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(slotPeerStatus[slot][msg.sender].times, slotStatus[slot].reward), slotStatus[slot].times);
  150. deposit[msg.sender] = SafeMath.sub(
  151. SafeMath.add(
  152. SafeMath.add(
  153. deposit[msg.sender],
  154. slotPeerStatus[slot][msg.sender].reward
  155. ),
  156. commitPrice
  157. ),
  158. tradeoff
  159. );
  160. }
  162. // peer prediction RPTS
  163. function computeReward(uint _slot, address _agent, address _task, uint _score) internal view returns (uint) {
  164. // select reference peer
  165. uint selected_score = selectRandomSlotReport(_slot, _agent, _task);
  166. uint score_amount;
  167. for (uint i = 1; i <= scoreScale; i++) {
  168. score_amount = SafeMath.add(score_amount, slotTotalplattations[_slot][i]);
  169. }
  170. // compute result
  171. if (slotTotalplattations[_slot][_score] == 0) return 1000000000;
  172. else if (selected_score == _score) {
  173. return SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(1000000000, score_amount), slotTotalplattations[_slot][_score]);
  174. }
  175. else {
  176. return 0;
  177. }
  178. }
  180. function selectRandomSlotReport(uint slot, address agent, address task) internal view returns (uint) {
  181. uint[] memory score_list = new uint[](scoreScale);
  182. uint selected_score;
  183. uint score_amount;
  184. for (uint i = 1; i <= scoreScale; i++) {
  185. score_list[i-1] = slotplattations[slot][task][i];
  186. score_amount = SafeMath.add(score_amount, slotplattations[slot][task][i]);
  187. }
  188. uint r = slotCommitRandom[slot][agent][task] % score_amount;
  190. for (i = 1; i <= scoreScale; i++) {
  191. if (r < score_list[i-1]) {
  192. selected_score = i;
  193. break;
  194. }
  195. r = SafeMath.sub(r, score_list[i-1]);
  196. }
  197. require(platCheckScore(selected_score));
  198. return selected_score;
  199. }
  201. function test(uint slot, address task, uint score) public {
  202. slotplattations[slot][task][score] = SafeMath.add(slotplattations[slot][task][score], 1);
  203. plattations[task][score] = SafeMath.add(plattations[task][score], 1);
  204. slotTotalplattations[slot][score] = SafeMath.add(slotTotalplattations[slot][score], 1);
  205. }
  206. }
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