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  141. <h1>Data Recovery Services<b>- from £195</b></h1>
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  148. <h1>Use Data Recovery Services So All Is Not Lost</h1>
  149. <p>When your hard drive fails it can feel like the end of the world no matter whether it is personal information in the form of family photos and financial information or business records for a company. The first thing to do is not to panic, there are data recovery specialists on hand who can help you to recover everything that you thought you had lost. Depending on your system we can successfully recover your data in an average 72 hours and we have a 99% success rate.</p>
  150. <p>Data can be stored on a number of different types of system, all of which can fail, but all of which we have experience in recovering. Perhaps the most common recovery that we carry out is on hard disk drives from desktop computers. There are lots of reasons why your hard disk can fail, most of which are due to the high levels of usage that an internal hard disk undergoes. It is possible to accidentally format the wrong hard disk or partition on the disk or accidentally delete data, particularly during a backup process if something doesn’t quite work according to plan and the originals are deleted from the system.</p>
  151. <p>There are also other types of failure that are due to the system either being susceptible to a virus attack or if some sort of software or mechanical corruption occurs that lead to the operating system becoming corrupted and not allowing the system to boot up, data being corrupted, or mechanical damage to the system that affects the accessibility of the data that is stored there.</p>
  152. <p>Laptops are just as susceptible to the problems mentioned above as desktops are and so Edinburgh Data Recovery have spent just as much time building up expertise on recovering lost data from laptops as well.</p>
  153. <p>There are a large number of different file formats and computer makes and models around but we are able to recover data from all types of file systems that include Windows and Mac as the most common, but we can also recover files from Linux, Unix and Novell systems as well. We can deal with all types of file systems as well, including all versions of NTFS, FAT, FAT32, XFS, HFS, EXT as well as less common file systems.</p>
  154. <p>Our services are not just limited to data recovery from internal hard drives, we also have a great deal of expertise recovering data from both external hard drives and also have 14 years experience with RAID drives. We can deal with all of the popular makes of external hard drive from Buffalo through to WD. In terms of RAID drives, we specialise in recovering data from RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 and RAID 10. RAID 0 recovery can be particularly devastating for a user as there is no fault tolerance. Raid 0 systems can typically be found in some high spec Dell Precision Desktops, some basic raid servers but mostly can be found in NAS (Network Attached Storage) External Drives these days, such as Lacie Big Disks, Buffalo Linkstationsetcso our specialist services can retrieve data that appears to be totally lost.</p>
  155. <p>So, if your hard disk fails, give us a call to get a quote for recovering your system. Our recovery process is simple to follow and all you have to do is send us your drive(s), we’ll get back to you with results of our inspection and then we can recover your data.</p>
  156. <h1>Why Choose Us?</h1>
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  165. <h1>No Fix No Fee</h1>
  166. <p>It is in our interest to recover your data as we don’t get paid if we don’t recover your data.</p>
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  179. <h1>No Job to Large or Small</h1>
  180. <p>We recover data from 20 disk Raid Servers to recovering pictures from a home computer.</p>
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  193. <h1>Quick Recovery Times</h1>
  194. <p>We offer the quickest recovery times within the UK for the prices we charge.</p>
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