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Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. #include <iostream> //library used to access functions such as cin and cout
  2. #include <time.h> //srand, which is used in order to find a random immortal peg
  3. #include <graphics.h>
  4. #include <windows.h>
  5. #include <stdlib.h>
  6. #include <winbgim.h>
  9. using namespace std;
  12. const int NUMCOLUMNS = 5; //the number of columns
  13. const int NUMROWS = 5; //the number of rows
  17. //This subprogram fills the board initially
  18. void MakeGrid(char Board[NUMROWS][NUMCOLUMNS] /*inout*/,
  19. char& pegSpace, bool& startNewGame /*inout*/)
  20. {
  21. if (startNewGame == true) //if a new game is started
  22. {
  23. char Peg = 'O'; // O is used as a peg
  24. for (int xCoord = 5; xCoord > 0; xCoord--) //filling the X coordinates
  25. //from row 5 (at the top) to row 1 (at the bottom)
  26. {
  27. for (int yCoord = 1; yCoord < 6; yCoord++) //filling the Y coordinates
  28. //from column 1 (left) to column 5 (right)
  29. {
  30. Board[xCoord][yCoord] = Peg; //both the X and Y coordinates in the for
  31. //loops will store a peg (O)
  32. }
  33. }
  34. Board[3][3] = pegSpace;
  35. //except the location 3,3 (centre) has a space
  36. }
  37. }
  41. //This subprogram shows the board once it is made
  42. void ShowGrid(char Board[NUMROWS][NUMCOLUMNS]/*inout*/, char pegSpace /*in*/,
  43. int pegsRemaining /*in*/, int& highscore /*inout*/)
  44. {
  45. cout << "\n" << endl;
  46. cout << " Solitaire " << endl;
  47. cout << "\n Highscore: " << highscore;
  48. cout << " Pegs Remaining: " << pegsRemaining;
  49. cout << "\n\n\n\n";
  50. for (int xCoord = 5; xCoord > 0; xCoord--) //for loop displays the board
  51. {
  52. if (xCoord == 5) //if loop displays a Y next to 5, or spaces instead
  53. //next to numbers instead
  54. {
  55. cout << " Y " << xCoord << " | "; //displays a Y, #
  56. }
  57. else
  58. {
  59. cout << " " << xCoord << " | "; //or displays spaces, #
  61. }
  62. for (int yCoord = 1; yCoord < 6; yCoord++)
  63. {
  64. cout << Board[yCoord][xCoord] << " ";
  65. } //end of Y Coordinate
  66. if (xCoord != 1)
  67. {
  68. cout << "\n \n";
  69. }
  70. }//end of X Coordinate
  71. cout << "\n --------------------\n";
  72. cout << " 1 2 3 4 5 \n";
  73. cout << "\n X \n";
  74. }
  78. //This subprogram takes the user's input of the X and Y coordinates and
  79. //the direction the player wishes to move, works out the peg to be removed
  80. //and if the move is valid. If the user has selected the immortal peg, the
  81. //moves of its new position are worked out.
  82. void CalculateMoves(int& playerCoordinateX /*inout*/,
  83. int& newSpaceX /*inout*/,
  84. char directionToMove /*in*/, char Board[NUMROWS][NUMCOLUMNS]/*inout*/,
  85. int& playerCoordinateY /*inout*/, int& newSpaceY/*inout*/,
  86. int& immortalX /*inout*/, int& immortalY /*inout*/)
  87. {
  88. if (directionToMove == 'n' || directionToMove == 'N')
  89. {
  90. //if the user inputted direction is N
  92. //---------------- X -----------------
  94. if (playerCoordinateX == immortalX)
  95. {
  96. immortalX = immortalX;
  97. }
  98. //the immortal peg's X coordinates are not changed, if the user has
  99. //selected it
  101. newSpaceX = playerCoordinateX;
  102. playerCoordinateX = playerCoordinateX;
  103. //no changes are made to the coordinates
  105. //---------------- Y -----------------
  107. if (playerCoordinateY == immortalY)
  108. {
  109. immortalY = immortalY + 2;
  110. }
  111. //the immortal peg's Y coordinate is moved two spaces up
  112. //if the user has selected it
  114. newSpaceY = playerCoordinateY + 1;
  115. //the peg to be deleted in one space up from the inputted peg
  116. playerCoordinateY = playerCoordinateY + 2;
  117. //the new peg coordinate is two spaces up from the inputted peg
  118. }
  119. else if (directionToMove == 'e' || directionToMove == 'E')
  120. {
  121. //if the user inputted direction is E
  123. //---------------- X -----------------
  125. if (playerCoordinateX == immortalX)
  126. {
  127. immortalX = immortalX + 2;
  128. }
  129. //the immortal peg's X coordinate is moved two spaces right
  130. //if the user has selected it
  132. newSpaceX = playerCoordinateX + 1;
  133. //the deleted peg is one space more than the inputted peg
  134. playerCoordinateX = playerCoordinateX + 2;
  135. //the new coordinate is two spaces more than the inputted peg
  137. //---------------- Y -----------------
  139. if (playerCoordinateY == immortalY)
  140. {
  141. immortalY = immortalY;
  142. }
  143. //the immortal peg's Y coordinate is not changed, if the user has
  144. //selected it
  146. newSpaceY = playerCoordinateY;
  147. playerCoordinateY = playerCoordinateY;
  148. //no changes are made to the peg
  150. }
  151. else if (directionToMove == 'w' || directionToMove == 'W')
  152. {
  153. //if the user inputted direction is W
  155. //---------------- X -----------------
  157. if (playerCoordinateX == immortalX)
  158. {
  159. immortalX = immortalX - 2;
  160. }
  161. //the immortal peg's X coordinate is moved two spaces left
  162. //if the user has selected it
  164. newSpaceX = playerCoordinateX - 1;
  165. //the deleted peg is one space less than the inputted peg
  166. playerCoordinateX = playerCoordinateX - 2;
  167. //the new coordinate is two spaces less than the inputted peg
  169. //---------------- Y -----------------
  171. if (playerCoordinateY == immortalY)
  172. {
  173. immortalY = immortalY;
  174. }
  175. //the immortal peg's Y coordiante is not changed, if the user has
  176. //selected it
  178. newSpaceY = playerCoordinateY;
  179. playerCoordinateY = playerCoordinateY;
  180. //no changes are made to the peg
  181. }
  182. else if (directionToMove == 's' || directionToMove == 'S')
  183. {
  184. //if the user inputted direction is S
  186. //---------------- X -----------------
  188. if (playerCoordinateX == immortalX)
  189. {
  190. immortalX = immortalX;
  191. }
  192. //the immortal peg's X coordinate is not changed, if the user has
  193. //selected it
  195. newSpaceX = playerCoordinateX;
  196. playerCoordinateX = playerCoordinateX;
  197. //no changes are made to the pegs
  199. //---------------- Y -----------------
  201. if (playerCoordinateY == immortalY)
  202. {
  203. immortalY = immortalY - 2;
  204. }
  205. //the immortal peg's Y coordinate is moved two spaces down,
  206. //if the user has selected it
  208. newSpaceY = playerCoordinateY - 1;
  209. //the peg to be deleted is one space down from the peg inputted
  210. playerCoordinateY = playerCoordinateY - 2;
  211. //the new peg location is two spaces down from the peg inputted
  212. }
  213. }
  217. //This subprogram validates user moves
  218. void MoveValidation(char Board[NUMROWS][NUMCOLUMNS] /*inout*/,
  219. int playerCoordinateX /*in*/,
  220. int playerCoordinateY /*in*/, int newSpaceX /*in*/,
  221. int newSpaceY /*in*/, bool& makeAMove /*inout*/,
  222. bool& validMove /*inout*/,
  223. int lastMoveX/*in*/, int lastMoveY/*in*/)
  224. {
  225. if (Board[lastMoveX][lastMoveY] == ' ')
  226. {
  227. //if the last move (i.e. the original user coordinates) is
  228. //a space:
  229. cout << "~~~ Error 0 - there is no peg to start with" << endl;
  230. //output error 0 as there is no peg to start with
  231. makeAMove = true; //return the user to the move making stage
  232. validMove = false; //set to invalid move
  233. }
  234. else if (Board[newSpaceX][newSpaceY] != 'O')
  235. {
  236. //if the peg that is to be deleted is not a peg (is a space instead):
  237. cout << "~~~ Error 1 - there is no peg to jump over" << endl;
  238. //output error 1 as there is no peg to jump over
  239. makeAMove = true; //returns user to move making stage
  240. validMove = false; //set to invalid move
  241. }
  242. else if (playerCoordinateX < 0 || playerCoordinateX > 5
  243. || playerCoordinateY < 0 || playerCoordinateY > 5
  244. || newSpaceX < 0 || newSpaceX > 5 ||
  245. newSpaceY < 0 || newSpaceY > 5)
  246. {
  247. //if the new coordinates or deleted peg coordinates are not within
  248. //the range of 1 to 5 (the original coordinates are dealt with in
  249. //the main subprogram):
  250. cout << "~~~ Error 2 - a peg will move off the board" << endl;
  251. //output error 2 as a peg would move off the board and the array
  252. //would break
  253. makeAMove = true; //returns user to move making stage
  254. validMove = false; //set to invalid move
  255. }
  256. else if (Board[playerCoordinateX][playerCoordinateY] == 'O')
  257. {
  258. //if the new coordinates already have an O (a peg) in:
  259. cout << "~~~ Error 3 - a peg already occupies this space!" << endl;
  260. //output error 3 as a peg already exists in the selected location
  261. makeAMove = true; //returns user to move making stage
  262. validMove = false; //set to invalid move
  263. }
  264. }
  268. //This subprogram updates the user inputted moves on the board after
  269. //the program has validated the user's moves
  270. void UpdateMoves(char Board[NUMROWS][NUMCOLUMNS], int& playerCoordinateX,
  271. int& playerCoordinateY, int& newSpaceX,
  272. int& newSpaceY, int& lastMoveX, int& lastMoveY,
  273. bool& validMove, int& immortalX,
  274. int& immortalY)
  275. {
  276. Board[playerCoordinateX][playerCoordinateY] = 'O';
  278. Board[newSpaceX][newSpaceY] = ' ';
  280. Board[lastMoveX][lastMoveY] = ' ';
  281. Board[immortalX][immortalY] = 'O';
  283. }
  288. void DisplayHighscores(int& currentScore, int& highscore) /*both inout*/
  289. {
  290. }
  295. void DisplayRules()
  296. {
  298. }
  302. //This subprogram is the very first run and asks the player whether they need
  303. //to see the rules or not
  304. void IntroductionToGame(bool& gameActive, bool& startNewGame, bool& makeAMove)
  305. //all parameters are inout
  306. {
  307. bool validChar = false; //used to determine inputted character
  308. char userInput = '\0'; //the letter that the user inputs
  309. cout << "Welcome to Peg Solitaire!" << endl; //prints out line
  310. cout << "To start the game input"; //prints out line
  311. cout << " (A): "; //prints out next to input
  312. cin >> userInput; //user inputs choice
  314. if (userInput == 'a' || userInput == 'A')
  315. { //if the user inputs N or n
  316. validChar = true;
  317. }else {cout << "Please input 'A' to start the Game";}
  318. while (validChar == false)
  319. {
  320. cout << "Please input 'A' to start the Game";
  321. cout << "\n";
  323. cin >> userInput;
  324. if (userInput == 'a' || userInput == 'A')
  325. {
  326. validChar==true;
  327. break;
  328. }
  329. }
  330. }
  334. //This subprogram contains the game
  335. void PlayTheGame(char Board[NUMROWS][NUMCOLUMNS], char pegSpace,
  336. bool& startNewGame, int& pegsRemaining, bool& validMove,
  337. bool& gameActive, int& playerCoordinateX,
  338. int& playerCoordinateY, int& lastMoveX, int& lastMoveY,
  339. bool& makeAMove, int& newSpaceX, int& newSpaceY,
  340. char& inputKey, char& directionToMove, int& currentScore,
  341. int& highscore, int& moveCounter, int& immortalX,
  342. int& immortalY)
  343. //all are 'inout' except pegSpace
  344. {
  345. while (gameActive == true)
  346. { //while the game is being played
  347. MakeGrid(Board, pegSpace, startNewGame); //the board is generated
  348. ShowGrid(Board, pegSpace, pegsRemaining, highscore);
  349. //the board and UI is
  350. //shown
  351. while (makeAMove == true)
  352. { //while the player is making a move
  353. validMove = true; //valid move reset to true
  354. cout << "\nWhat move would you like to make?" << endl;
  355. //asks user to input a move
  356. cout << "X: ";
  357. cin >> playerCoordinateX; //X coordinate is inputted first
  358. while (!cin >> playerCoordinateX)
  359. { //if the input is invalid - e.g. a letter is inputted
  360. cin.clear(); //the input stream is cleared
  361. cin.ignore(999, '\n'); //all input is discarded
  362. cout << "Please enter a valid X coordinate: " << endl;
  363. cin >> playerCoordinateX; //a valid input must be used
  364. }
  365. cout << endl; //a new line is started
  366. if (playerCoordinateX < 0 || playerCoordinateX > 5)
  367. { //if coordinates are not between 1 and 5, then error is printed out
  368. cout << "Error 2 - X Coordinate is off the board"; //error message
  369. //is displayed and
  370. cout << endl; //a new line printed
  371. cout << "Please enter a valid coordinate: ";
  372. cin >> playerCoordinateX; //user asked to re-enter X coordinate
  373. while (!cin >> playerCoordinateX)
  374. { //if the input is invalid - e.g. a letter is inputted
  375. cin.clear(); //the input stream is cleared
  376. cin.ignore(999, '\n'); //all input is discarded
  377. cout << "Please enter a valid X coordinate: " << endl;
  378. cin >> playerCoordinateX; //a valid input must be used
  379. }
  380. }
  381. cout << "Y: ";
  382. cin >> playerCoordinateY; //the user then inputs the Y coordinate
  383. while (!cin >> playerCoordinateY)
  384. { //if the input is invalid - e.g. a letter is inputted
  385. cin.clear(); //the input stream is cleared
  386. cin.ignore(999, '\n'); //all input is discarded
  387. cout << "Please enter a valid Y coordinate: " << endl;
  388. cin >> playerCoordinateY; //a valid input must be used
  389. }
  390. cout << endl; //a new line is printed
  391. if (playerCoordinateY < 0 || playerCoordinateY > 5)
  392. { //if coordinates are not between 1 and 5, then error is printed out
  393. cout << "Error 2 - Y Coordinate is off the board"; //error message is
  394. //printed out
  395. cout << "\nPlease enter a valid coordinate: ";
  396. cin >> playerCoordinateY; //user asked to re-enter the Y coordinate
  397. while (!cin >> playerCoordinateY)
  398. { //if the input is invalid - e.g. a letter is inputted
  399. cin.clear(); //the input stream is cleared
  400. cin.ignore(999, '\n'); //all input is discarded
  401. cout << "Please enter a valid X coordinate: " << endl;
  402. cin >> playerCoordinateX; //a valid input must be used
  403. }
  404. cout << endl; //prints out new line
  405. }
  407. if (playerCoordinateX == 0 && playerCoordinateY == 0)
  408. { //if 0,0 is input, the game is stopped
  409. cout << "The game will be stopped... are you sure?" << endl;
  410. cout << "Y/N: "; //user asked to confirm exit
  411. cin >> inputKey; //user inputs Y or N to stop game
  412. if (inputKey == 'y' || inputKey == 'Y')
  413. { //if y or Y is input and game is stopped
  414. gameActive = false; //game loop ends
  415. startNewGame = false; //resets new game variable
  416. makeAMove = false; //move making ends
  418. //Final Score Calculator
  419. if (pegsRemaining > 8)
  420. { //if 9 or more pegs remain, score is 0
  421. currentScore = 0;
  422. }
  423. else if (pegsRemaining == 8)
  424. { //if 8 pegs remain, score is 10
  425. currentScore = 10;
  426. }
  427. else if (pegsRemaining == 7)
  428. { //if 7 pegs remain, score is 20
  429. currentScore = 20;
  430. }
  431. else if (pegsRemaining == 6)
  432. { //if 6 pegs remain, score is 30
  433. currentScore = 30;
  434. }
  435. else if (pegsRemaining == 5)
  436. { //if 5 pegs remain, score is 40
  437. currentScore = 40;
  438. }
  439. else if (pegsRemaining == 4)
  440. { //if 4 pegs remain, score is 50
  441. currentScore = 50;
  442. }
  443. else if (pegsRemaining == 3)
  444. { //if 3 pegs remain, score is 60
  445. currentScore = 60;
  446. }
  447. else if (pegsRemaining == 2)
  448. { //if 2 pegs remain, score is 70
  449. currentScore = 70;
  450. }
  451. else if (pegsRemaining == 1)
  452. { //if 1 peg remains, score is 80
  453. currentScore = 80;
  454. }
  455. if (Board[3][3] == 'O' && pegsRemaining == 1)
  456. { //if one peg is the centre hole (3,3) remains, score is
  457. //80 with a 20 point bonus (totalling 100)
  458. currentScore = currentScore + 20;
  459. cout << "Congratulations, you performed the expert finish";
  460. cout << " and receive an extra 20 points!" << endl;
  463. }
  465. cout << "\nYour final score is: " << currentScore << "!" << endl;
  467. if (currentScore > highscore)
  468. {
  470. highscore = currentScore;
  471. cout << "Congratulations! You've set a new high ";
  472. cout << "score!" << endl;
  473. //congratulatory message is printed
  474. }
  475. cout << "You made " << moveCounter << " moves!\n\n";
  477. break;
  478. }
  479. else if (inputKey == 'n' || inputKey == 'N')
  480. {
  481. cout << "Please change your coordinates -" << endl;
  482. cout << "X: ";
  483. cin >> playerCoordinateX;
  484. cout << endl;
  485. cout << "Y: ";
  486. cin >> playerCoordinateY;
  487. cout << endl;
  488. }
  489. else
  490. {
  491. cout << "Please input Y or N:" << endl;
  492. cin >> inputKey;
  493. }
  494. }
  496. if (playerCoordinateX == immortalX && playerCoordinateY == immortalY)
  497. {
  498. cout << "\nYou have selected the immortal peg!" << endl;
  499. cout << "This peg can jump over others, but if jumped over, will ";
  500. cout << "not be removed from the board" << endl;
  502. }
  504. {
  505. cout << "In which direction: N, E, S or W?" << endl;
  506. cin >> directionToMove;
  507. cout << endl;
  508. if (directionToMove == 'n' || directionToMove == 'N' ||
  509. directionToMove == 'e' || directionToMove == 'E' ||
  510. directionToMove == 's' || directionToMove == 'S' ||
  511. directionToMove == 'w' || directionToMove == 'W')
  512. {
  513. lastMoveX = playerCoordinateX;
  514. lastMoveY = playerCoordinateY;
  515. }
  516. while ( directionToMove != 'n' && directionToMove != 'N' &&
  517. directionToMove != 'e' && directionToMove != 'E' &&
  518. directionToMove != 's' && directionToMove != 'S' &&
  519. directionToMove != 'w' && directionToMove != 'W')
  520. {
  522. cout << "Please enter a valid direction: ";
  523. cin >> directionToMove;
  524. cout << "\n";
  525. if (directionToMove == 'n' || directionToMove == 'N' ||
  526. directionToMove == 'e' || directionToMove == 'E' ||
  527. directionToMove == 's' || directionToMove == 'S' ||
  528. directionToMove == 'w' || directionToMove == 'W')
  529. {
  530. lastMoveX = playerCoordinateX;
  531. lastMoveY = playerCoordinateY;
  533. break;
  534. }
  536. }
  538. cout << "So, you want peg " << lastMoveX << "," << lastMoveY;
  539. cout << " to move ";
  540. if (directionToMove == 'n' || directionToMove == 'N')
  541. {
  542. cout << "up?" << endl;
  543. }
  544. else if (directionToMove == 'e' || directionToMove == 'E')
  545. {
  546. cout << "right?" << endl;
  547. }
  548. else if (directionToMove == 'w' || directionToMove == 'W')
  549. {
  550. cout << "left?" << endl;
  551. }
  552. else if (directionToMove == 's' || directionToMove == 'S')
  553. {
  554. cout << "down?" << endl;
  555. }
  556. cout << "If so, press 'Y' or press 'Q' to choose again:" << endl;
  558. cin >> inputKey;
  559. cout << "\n" << endl;
  560. if (inputKey == 'y' || inputKey == 'Y')
  561. {
  562. makeAMove = false;
  563. }
  564. else if (inputKey == 'q' || inputKey == 'Q' ||
  565. inputKey == 'n' || inputKey == 'N')
  566. {
  567. makeAMove = false;
  568. makeAMove = true;
  569. ShowGrid(Board, pegSpace, pegsRemaining, highscore);
  570. }
  571. else
  572. {
  573. cout << "Please enter a valid key: ";
  574. cin >> inputKey;
  575. if (inputKey == 'y' || inputKey == 'Y')
  576. {
  577. makeAMove = false;
  578. }
  579. else if (inputKey == 'q' || inputKey == 'Q')
  580. {
  581. makeAMove = false;
  582. makeAMove = true;
  583. }
  584. }
  585. }
  587. while (makeAMove == false)
  588. {
  589. CalculateMoves(playerCoordinateX, newSpaceX,
  590. directionToMove, Board, playerCoordinateY, newSpaceY,
  591. immortalX, immortalY);
  594. MoveValidation(Board, playerCoordinateX, playerCoordinateY,
  595. newSpaceX, newSpaceY, makeAMove, validMove,
  596. lastMoveX, lastMoveY);
  598. while (validMove == true)
  599. {
  600. UpdateMoves(Board, playerCoordinateX,
  601. playerCoordinateY, newSpaceX, newSpaceY,
  602. lastMoveX, lastMoveY, validMove, immortalX,
  603. immortalY);
  605. pegsRemaining--;
  606. moveCounter++;
  607. validMove = false;
  608. }
  609. ShowGrid(Board, pegSpace, pegsRemaining, highscore);
  611. makeAMove = true;
  612. }
  613. }
  614. }
  615. }
  620. void ShowMenu(bool& gameActive, bool& startNewGame, bool& makeAMove,
  621. char Board[NUMROWS][NUMCOLUMNS], char pegSpace,
  622. int& currentScore, int& highscore, int pegsRemaining,
  623. bool validMove, int playerCoordinateX,
  624. int playerCoordinateY, int lastMoveX, int lastMoveY,
  625. int newSpaceX, int newSpaceY, char inputKey,
  626. char directionToMove, int& moveCounter, int& immortalX,
  627. int& immortalY)
  629. {
  630. int menuInput = '\0';
  632. cout << "\n------- MENU -------\n" << endl;
  633. cout << "1) Play Game" << endl;
  634. cout << "2) Exit Game" << endl;
  635. cout << "Option: ";
  636. cin >> menuInput;
  637. if (!cin >> menuInput)
  638. {
  639. cin.clear();
  640. cin.ignore(999, '\n');
  641. cout << "Please enter a valid menu option: " << endl;
  642. cin >> menuInput;
  643. }
  644. switch (menuInput)
  645. {
  646. case 1:
  647. gameActive = true;
  648. startNewGame = true;
  649. makeAMove = true;
  650. PlayTheGame(Board, pegSpace, startNewGame, pegsRemaining, validMove,
  651. gameActive, playerCoordinateX, playerCoordinateY, lastMoveX,
  652. lastMoveY, makeAMove, newSpaceX, newSpaceY,
  653. inputKey, directionToMove, currentScore, highscore, moveCounter,
  654. immortalX, immortalY);
  656. break;
  658. case 2:
  659. cout << "2) Exit Game" << endl;
  660. exit(0);
  661. break;
  662. default:
  663. cout << "Please enter a valid menu input!" << endl;
  665. }
  666. }
  670. int main()
  671. {
  672. srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
  673. bool gameActive = false;
  674. bool makeAMove = false;
  676. bool validMove = true;
  677. bool startNewGame = true;
  678. char Board[NUMROWS][NUMCOLUMNS];
  680. char pegSpace = ' ';
  681. char directionToMove = '\0';
  682. char inputKey = '\0';
  683. int pegsRemaining = 24;
  684. int playerCoordinateX = '\0';
  686. int newSpaceX = '\0';
  688. int lastMoveX = '\0';
  689. int playerCoordinateY = '\0';
  691. int newSpaceY = '\0';
  692. int lastMoveY = '\0';
  693. int highscore = 0;
  694. int currentScore = 0;
  695. int immortalX = rand()% 5+1;
  696. int immortalY = rand()% 5+1;
  697. int moveCounter = 0;
  701. IntroductionToGame(gameActive, startNewGame, makeAMove);
  703. ShowMenu(gameActive, startNewGame, makeAMove, Board, pegSpace, currentScore,
  704. highscore, pegsRemaining, validMove, playerCoordinateX,
  705. playerCoordinateY, lastMoveX, lastMoveY, newSpaceX,
  706. newSpaceY, inputKey, directionToMove, moveCounter,
  707. immortalX, immortalY);
  709. PlayTheGame(Board, pegSpace, startNewGame, pegsRemaining, validMove,
  710. gameActive, playerCoordinateX, playerCoordinateY, lastMoveX,
  711. lastMoveY, makeAMove, newSpaceX, newSpaceY,
  712. inputKey, directionToMove, currentScore, highscore, moveCounter,
  713. immortalX, immortalY);
  716. while (gameActive == false)
  717. {
  718. ShowMenu(gameActive, startNewGame, makeAMove, Board, pegSpace,
  719. currentScore, highscore, pegsRemaining, validMove, playerCoordinateX,
  720. playerCoordinateY, lastMoveX, lastMoveY, newSpaceX,
  721. newSpaceY, inputKey, directionToMove, moveCounter,
  722. immortalX, immortalY);
  724. }
  725. }
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