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Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. [23:40:58] <shaun413> I am crying
  2. [23:44:10] <Capricious> Why are you crying, shaun413
  3. [23:44:30] <shaun413> Because I'm sad
  4. [23:45:30] <Lola> shaun413: make a list of all the good things in your life that you are grateful for
  5. [23:46:04] <shaun413> Nothing
  6. [23:46:07] <shaun413> I hate everything
  7. [23:46:38] <Lola> I am disabled and live in poverty
  8. [23:46:58] <Lola> I'm pretty frucking sure you have things in your life that are good
  9. [23:48:03] <Lola> Like a place to live, food, friends, etc. You have to get out of the mindset where the only thing you think about is negative stuff.
  10. [23:51:58] <shaun413> I live in a home where I am abused constantly
  11. [23:52:05] <shaun413> I don't have friends
  12. [23:52:09] <Capricious> Who is abusing you?
  13. [23:52:14] <shaun413> Parents
  14. [23:52:19] <Capricious> Why?
  15. [23:52:25] <shaun413> Idk?
  16. [23:53:14] <jesusgrande> can we all hug
  17. [23:54:55] <Capricious> Lola is right though. Having gratitude helps mentally.
  18. [23:55:58] <Lola> Why don't you leave shaun413 ?
  19. [23:56:20] <Lola> My parents were also abusive
  20. [23:56:35] <Lola> I left when I was a teenager
  21. [23:56:38] <shaun413> You want to give me money to leave?
  22. [23:57:12] <Lola> you don't need money to leave and gp to a shelter dude
  23. [23:57:49] <Lola> I was homeless before and ot was still better than being with my parents
  24. [23:58:20] <Lola> You just need the will to leave
  25. [00:00:11] <Lola> Do you have a job now ?
  26. [00:00:15] <shaun413> No
  27. [00:01:13] <Lola> Ok, start picking up gigs on craigslist. Clean houses, collect cans, apply for welfare, get the fuck out.
  28. [00:01:22] <Lola> Reach out to fami
  29. [00:01:30] <Lola> Family and friends to help
  30. [00:01:41] <shaun413> No
  31. [00:01:47] <shaun413> I cant
  32. [00:01:51] <Lola> Why ?
  33. [00:01:55] <shaun413> I don't want to fucking move
  34. [00:01:58] <shaun413> Let alone work
  35. [00:02:04] <shaun413> I want to slit my throat
  36. [00:03:06] <Lola> Then go to therapy and take meds and if the abuse is bad call adu
  37. [00:03:14] <Lola> Adult Protective Services
  38. [00:03:26] <Lola> They will put you into a different living situation
  39. [00:05:02] <caze> How do your parents abuse you?
  40. [00:05:25] <shaun413> I don't need meds
  41. [00:05:32] <shaun413> I need to fix my shit hormone levels
  42. [00:09:52] <shaun413> Idk how
  43. [00:10:02] <shaun413> Sure I can take hormone shots for the rest of my life
  44. [00:10:15] <shaun413> Or I can try exercise? Diet? Vitamin d zinc
  45. [00:10:24] <shaun413> But maybe the hormone issues are causing that
  46. [00:10:38] <shaun413> Is not like I'm just kinda low or on the low end
  47. [00:10:47] <shaun413> I'm clinically off the charted reference range
  48. [00:11:17] <shaun413> My mother refuses to believe it's a legitimate medical issye
  49. [00:11:47] <shaun413> Despite studies showing links to heart issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bone density loss
  50. [00:12:04] <shaun413> Many of which I'm already exhibiting symptoms
  51. [00:12:24] <shaun413> This shit is destroying my lige
  52. [00:12:26] <shaun413> Life
  53. [00:15:39] <shaun413> Just kill me
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