
Let's Glitch Super Mario World Content

Sep 27th, 2015
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  1. I made a list of every single glitch shown in nathanisbored's Let's Glitch Super Mario World series ( episode by episode, first for personal use to check glitch setups and maybe find new ones, but later I found that it would be useful to other people as well.
  2. The pattern is:
  3. -[time in video] glitch (level abbreviation)
  5. Episode 1 (
  6. -[1:33] collected dragon coin in title screen counting after starting the game (Title Screen)
  7. -[2:43] glitched berry (YI2)
  8. -[7:38] preventing other sprites to spawn due to sprite limit (setup starts in 2:43) (YI2)
  9. -[7:44] red berries transforming into pink berries due to previous glitch (YI2)
  10. -[9:26] recycling p-switch + spawning a cheep-cheep from a p-switch (YI2)
  12. Episode 2 (
  13. -[0:31] holding p-switch while riding yoshi (YI4)
  14. -[2:42] damaging pokey with p-switch (YI4)
  15. -[5:45] item swap a message box (YI2)
  16. -[8:58] item swap a chargin' chuck (getting a koopa in item box) (YI2)
  17. -[11:53] item swap a clapin' chuck (getting orb in item box) (YI1)
  19. Episode 3 (
  20. -[0:41] Yoshi running slower when hit by extended sprites (projectiles) (DP1)
  21. -[3:41] multiple hitting block with cape by screen scrolling (DP1)
  22. -[4:32] death cancel/infinite time (DP1)
  23. -[9:48] kicked shell doesn't interact with the ceiling (DP2)
  25. Episode 4 (
  26. -[0:42] yoshi clipping through floor after coming from pipe (DS1)
  27. -[1:34] clipping through slopes swimming (DS1)
  28. -[5:21] block duplication (DS1)
  29. -[5:55] pipe color changes in vertical levels (DS1)
  30. -[7:40] wings leading to glitched bonus room (DS1)
  31. -[12:34] downward block duplication using layer 2 (didn't get) (DP2)
  33. Episode 5 (
  34. -[0:31] multiple hitting block with cape by getting hurt + 1ups replacing boos (cluster sprites) (DGH)
  35. -[3:55] multiple hitting block with cape by getting fireflower (TSA)
  36. -[4:22] invisible Yoshis (TSA)
  37. -[8:26] killing yourself in Top Secret Area using an invisible yoshi (setup actually starts in 4:22) (TSA)
  39. Episode 6 (
  40. -[0:39] throw items through slopes (DSH)
  41. -[2:22] destroying block riding Yoshi after spinjumping (SW1)
  42. -[3:04] bounce sprite limit exploit (Smashola) (explanation only) (SW1)
  43. -[5:56] getting 2 mushrooms from 1 (SW1)
  44. -[6:45] holding key while riding Yoshi (SW1)
  45. -[7:07] activating keyhole with Yoshi's tongue (while holding the key and riding yoshi) (SW1)
  46. -[10:40] goal tape replacing sprite due to sprte limit (DS2)
  47. -[11:54] eating the goal tape due to previous glitch (DS2)
  48. -[13:14] stunning the goal tape due to previous glitch (DS2)
  49. -[14:04] spawning a red koopa from a stunned goal tape (DS2)
  51. Episode 7 (
  52. -[1:16] duplicating bonus blocks (DP3)
  53. -[3:21] glitching rainbow shell (DP4)
  54. -[7:12] getting golden shell due to the previous glitch (DP4)
  55. -[9:24] softlock eating berry (DP4)
  56. -[13:20] item swap a hammer bros platform (DP4)
  57. -[15:27] hammer bros overlapping another one due to the previous glitch (DP4)
  59. Episode 8 (
  60. -[1:11] item swap a growing pipe sprite (DP4)
  61. -[3:33] surviving pillar crush (#1C)
  62. -[4:45] glitched Iggy's projectiles death animation (#1C)
  63. -[5:35] hitting Iggy from above the screen (explanation only) (#1C)
  64. -[6:31] Iggy's projectile warping to the other side of screen (#1C)
  65. -[6:50] running and jumping warp on Iggy's platform (#1C)
  66. -[8:59] item swap a yoshi egg (TSA)
  68. Episode 9 (
  69. -[0:15] spike top turning in corner in the far left of the level (VD1)
  70. -[1:30] block duplication over a dragon coin (getting key) (VD1)
  71. -[3:22] making an unused green koopa block by duplicating a key block (VD1)
  72. -[6:00] multiple keys (only one works) (VD1)
  73. -[10:04] glitched blargg death animation (VD1)
  74. -[11:09] clipping into the floor (VD1)
  75. -[13:38] clipping into the floor with yoshi (VD2)
  76. -[14:57] corner clip mounting Yoshi in water (VD2)
  78. Episode 10 (
  79. -[0:29] "reviving" turn block (VD2)
  80. -[1:57] sprites floating inside the ground (VD2)
  81. -[12:55] glitched spin sound effect (Bonus Game)
  83. Episode 11 (
  84. -[0:20] suicide swap to make mushroom teleport to Mario (VD4)
  85. -[2:28] getting red Yoshi in next room due to previous glitch (VD4)
  86. -[5:21] making floating platform fall down (#3C)
  87. -[10:26] suicide swap to make platform spawn bellow Mario (CBA)
  88. -[13:11] getting "Chuck-hammer" Yoshi in next room due to previous glitch (CBA)
  89. -[18:53] suicide swap to make rope spawn bellow Mario (CBA)
  90. -[19:19] climbing in the air due to previous glitch (CBA)
  92. Episode 12 (
  93. -[0:04] Mario standing on ground with rope still pushing (CBA)
  94. -[0:33] spinjump from a rope (CBA)
  95. -[1:57] making Sumo's lightning permanent and loop vertically the level (CM)
  96. -[3:42] clipping and dying in cement block right above a passable ground (CM)
  97. -[7:36] delaying cloud from pink berries + hitting a block with the egg (CM)
  98. -[10:32] layer switch/pipe cancel glitch (CM)
  99. -[12:58] weird climbing animation due to layer switch/pipe cancel glitch (CM)
  100. -[13:52] burning sprites you couldn't before and vice-versa due to previous glitch (CM)
  101. -[15:55] walljump (CM)
  102. -[16:27] burning and mounting Yoshi at the same time due to Layer Switch (CM)
  103. -[18:13] getting Yoshi in next room due to previous glitch (CM)
  104. -[19:04] layer Switch/pipe cancel frame perfectly (Mario still has sprite interaction) (CM)
  105. -[20:14] holdable items get stuck to Mario's body due to previous glitch (CM)
  106. -[22:00] bringing items through doors due to layer switch/pipe cancel (explanation only) (CM)
  107. -[22:45] glitched Yoshi's tongue due to Layer Switch (CM)
  109. Episode 13 (
  110. -[0:23] Torpedo Teds move faster going to the right than to the left (SL)
  111. -[0:54] clip through block underwater riding Yoshi (SL)
  112. -[13:10] duping silver p-switch block into a blue one (VS2)
  113. -[14:35] despawning sprites via sprite overflow (VS2)
  114. -[16:25] used block becomes turn block, after spinning turn block (bounce sprite) stops spinning (VS2)
  115. -[16:51] sprite "teleport" due to sprite overflow (it's basically stunning, but p-switches are stunned already) (VS2)
  116. -[17:38] recycling p-switch due to sprite overflow (VS2)
  117. -[19:52] stunning a feather due to sprite overflow (VS2)
  118. -[21:40] spawning a goomba in bubble from a stunned feather (VS2)
  119. -[25:03] stunning a mushroom from item box due to sprite overflow (VS2)
  120. -[26:44] making a silver p-switch act like a blue one (VS2)
  122. Episode 14 (
  123. -[0:55] item swap a dolphin (VS3)
  124. -[6:09] 1up chain overflow (explanation only) (VF)
  125. -[7:43] walk off the edge of Reznor's platform during ending fade (VF)
  126. -[8:38] enemy bouncing chain by dismounting Yoshi before he touches the ground (explanation only) (BB1)
  127. -[9:14] invisible block by bounce sprite limitation (BB1)
  128. -[16:29] glitching spin sound effect (Bonus Game)
  130. Episode 15 (
  131. -[0:38] softlock by transforming into caped Mario while offscreen in an autoscrolling level (BB1)
  132. -[5:17] weird tongue while entering the pipe(BB2)
  133. -[5:40] pipe-cancel/layer-switch (BB2)
  134. -[11:48] stunning various sprites (BB2)
  135. -[15:46] smashing sound effect after layer 2 smash (#4C)
  136. -[17:16] Ludwig's spinning phase skip (#4C)
  138. Episode 16 (
  139. -[0:25] eat-cancel a shell (FoI1)
  140. -[3:01] double grab with 2 shells after eat-cancel (FoI1)
  141. -[3:38] dismember a wiggler via eat-cancel (FoI1)
  142. -[5:01] eat-cancelled wiggler doesn't get angry (FoI1)
  143. -[5:39] hitting wiggler in death animation (FoI1)
  144. -[6:20] delaying wiggler's death animation (FoI1)
  145. -[6:54] glitched life/bouncing chain with wigglers (FoI1)
  146. -[10:51] spawning Hammer Bros on you (FoI1)
  148. Episode 17 (
  149. -[0:12] double tongue (FoI1)
  150. -[2:05] null sprite spit via double tongue (FoI1)
  151. -[2:17] storing a berry in counter with null sprite in Yoshi's mouth (FoI1)
  152. -[4:26] getting 2up by hitting wigglers with star (FoI1)
  153. -[5:06] multiple hitting block with cape by getting a fireflower (FoI1)
  154. -[8:17] null sprite spit changing sprites properties (setup starts in 5:11) (FoI1)
  155. -[9:18] p-balloon graphical glitch due to null sprite spit (FoI1)
  156. -[11:20] double grab with p-balloon (FoI1)
  157. -[12:27] death cancel/infinite time (FoI1)
  158. -[15:47] spitting a p-balloon (FoI1)
  159. -[16:12] Yoshi swallowing a p-balloon while Mario uses it (FoI1)
  160. -[18:14] "mounting" Yoshi while in p-balloon state (FoI1)
  161. -[20:18] sometimes can't jump from 2 (or more) keys (FoI1)
  163. Episode 18 (
  164. -[4:32] corner clip mounting Yoshi in water (FoI2)
  166. Episode 19 (
  167. -[0:40] springboard duplication (FoI3)
  168. -[5:48] multiple hitting bubble with a shell (FoI3)
  169. -[7:29] upward boost by eating and jumping on a springboard ("Dino-soar") (FoI3)
  170. -[10:30] key hitting blocks while on Yoshi's tongue (FoI3)
  171. -[11:55] activating keyhole after dying (FoI3)
  172. -[15:21] extending throw block timer (FoI2)
  173. -[19:00] key duplication (FoI2)
  174. -[23:00] null sprite spit changing sprites properties (FoI2)
  175. -[28:56] null sprite spit changing more sprite properties (FoI2)
  176. -[35:32] changing type of whistlin' chuck (setup starts in 18:44) (FoI2)
  178. Episode 20 (
  179. -[0:28] multiple hitting block with cape by getting a fireflower (FoI3)
  180. -[0:52] double tongue (FoI3)
  181. -[3:25] red koopa falling off the ledge (FoI3)
  182. -[3:50] double tongue + emulation error (FoI3)
  183. -[5:20] null sprite spit (deeper explanation) (FoI3)
  184. -[7:48] null sprite spit changing Yoshi's properties (FoI3)
  185. -[15:53] null sprite spit changing the goal tape properties (setup starts in 11:16) (FoI3)
  186. -[18:07] getting more than 50 stars in goal tape due to previous glitch (FoI3)
  187. -[21:35] hardlock by getting feather when Mario does his victory animation (Bonus Game)
  189. Episode 21 (
  190. -[0:27] not activating the creating/eating block sprite (#5C)
  191. -[2:57] p-switch jump (#5C)
  192. -[10:01] item swap a clappin' chuck (CI1)
  193. -[11:50] using an auto-scrolling sprite from item box due to previous glitch (CI1)
  194. -[12:51] killing an auto-scrolling sprite due to previous glitch (CI1)
  196. Episode 22 (
  197. -[0:04] lakitu's cloud warped graphic (FoI4)
  198. -[4:14] manipulating when lakitu throws spinies (and even making it not throwing them) (FoI4)
  199. -[6:30] throwing items on lakitu without hitting it (FoI4)
  200. -[10:18] orb glitch (item swap a clappin' chuck) (CI1)
  201. -[10:40] making cloud infinite (FoI4)
  202. -[12:11] cloud boost (FoI4)
  203. -[15:51] using orb in bonus game (Bonus Game)
  204. -[18:49] using orb in switch palace (BSP)
  206. Episode 23 (
  207. -[0:06] overworld palette glitch (FSA)
  208. -[3:19] glitched lives in goal tape (FSA)
  209. -[7:23] sliding on grinders (FF)
  211. Episode 24 (
  212. -[0:51] double eating with baby Yoshi (SW4)
  213. -[3:06] eat cancel with baby Yoshi (SW4)
  214. -[10:27] making coin snake music infinite (SW5)
  216. Episode 25 (
  217. -[0:17] tongue noise with side exit enabler sprite (TSA)
  218. -[1:12] getting exit in Top Secret Area with orb (TSA)
  219. -[7:00] downward block duplication (DP2)
  220. -[8:51] orb glitch (YI1)
  221. -[10:25] getting exit on Yoshi's House with orb (YH)
  222. -[16:25] chimney smokes glitching by freezing the screen (YH)
  223. -[18:24] extra exits (explanation only) (OW)
  225. Episode 26 (
  226. -[0:41] making coin point not counting (YI2)
  227. -[1:46] Yoshi block duplication (YI2)
  228. -[2:27] eat cancel due to spawning another Yoshi (YI2)
  229. -[4:36] shell recycling (spawning a koopa) (YI2)
  230. -[5:03] item swap a chuck via eating a koopa entering a shell (YI2)
  231. -[7:47] getting a silver p-switch from a blue one via item swap (YI2)
  232. -[8:38] getting golden p-switch from a blue one via item swap (YI2)
  233. -[12:26] eating goal tape due to invisible Yoshi's eat cancel (YI2)
  234. -[12:58] eat cancel a goal tape (YI2)
  235. -[14:49] getting 110 star points with goal tape due to previous glitch (YI2)
  236. -[16:00] dying in Bonus Game with koopa in item box (Bonus Game)
  237. -[16:49] starting on midway entrance even not getting it due to previous glitch (YI2)
  238. -[17:37] yoshi spawning and laying egg (YI2)
  239. -[18:35] delaying egg laying while in mid-air (YI2)
  240. -[20:26] controlling Yoshi's sliding on slopes (YI1)
  242. Episode 27 (
  243. -[0:23] riding a mushroom for 1 frame (or getting a red Yoshi from a despawned green Yoshi) (VD4)
  244. -[3:59] transforming a mushroom into a berry (VD4)
  245. -[6:27] despawning lakitu via sprite limit (SW3)
  246. -[7:36] clipping through block with cloud (SW3)
  247. -[8:35] item swap a goal tape without dismounting Yoshi (SW3)
  248. -[11:54] item swap a goal tape (SW3)
  249. -[13:32] item swap a goal tape with baby Yoshi (SW3)
  250. -[19:29] key block duplication to get wings (SW3)
  251. -[20:13] control over Yoshi while in keyhole animation (SW3)
  253. Episode 28 (
  254. -[1:09] Yoshi trapped in solid blocks (SW5)
  255. -[2:16] double tongue (SW5)
  256. -[2:23] null sprite spit changing Yoshi's properties (SW5)
  257. -[6:33] null sprite spit changing Yoshi's properties (different) (SW5)
  258. -[7:44] Yoshi trapped in solid blocks with different properties due to previous glitch (SW5)
  260. Episode 29 (
  261. -[0:47] block duplication over dragon coin (getting wings) (Gnarly)
  262. -[1:13] wings glitched graphics with p-switch (Gnarly)
  263. -[2:11] vine blocks becoming turn blocks, after spinning turn blocks (bounce sprites) stop spinning (Gnarly)
  264. -[3:27] storing flying by climbing on vines (Gnarly)
  265. -[3:56] dive bomb on wall (Gnarly)
  266. -[5:35] entering pipe via wall clipping (Gnarly)
  267. -[7:00] clipping into wall and dying using p-switches (Gnarly)
  268. -[11:44] block factory (wings) (Tubular)
  269. -[14:16] despawning springboard from Yoshi's tongue and getting wings (item swap?) (Tubular)
  271. Episode 30 (
  272. -[2:35] sticking out Yoshi's togue making its wings disappear (Sky Bonus Room)
  273. -[3:37] spawning a fish from a p-switch (Awesome)
  274. -[4:20] sprite clipping (Awesome)
  275. -[4:41] changing cheep-cheep palette with suicide swap (Awesome)
  276. -[7:36] quickly eating pokey (Groovy)
  277. -[11:40] item swap a goal tape (Groovy)
  279. Episode 31 (
  280. -[0:10] clipping through hammer bro's platform (Mondo)
  281. -[0:34] graphical glitch due to previous glitch (Mondo)
  282. -[1:34] double tongue (Mondo)
  283. -[1:44] null sprite spit changing position of extended sprite (Mondo)
  284. -[2:46] double tongue (Mondo)
  285. -[3:11] null sprite spit changing position of extended sprite (Mondo)
  286. -[5:18] double tongue (Outrageous)
  287. -[5:24] null sprite spit changing position of extended sprite (Outrageous)
  288. -[6:56] multiple hitting block with cape by getting a fireflower (Outrageous)
  289. -[8:57] suicide swap to get silver Yoshi (Outrageous)
  291. Episode 32 (
  292. -[0:15] delaying green berry effect (Funky)
  293. -[1:25] double tongue (Funky)
  294. -[2:07] null sprite spit changing position of bouncing sprite (Funky)
  295. -[3:20] p-switch block duplication (Funky)
  296. -[3:34] sumo brother walking off the ledge (Funky)
  297. -[4:33] multiple hitting block with cape by getting a fireflower (Funky)
  298. -[5:17] graphical glitch with berries due to sprite limit (Funky)
  299. -[6:34] multiple using green berry due to sprite limit (Funky)
  300. -[8:29] making hurry music even faster due to previous glitch (Funky)
  301. -[11:01] swallowing graphical glitch due to sprite limit (Funky)
  302. -[11:24] sprite in slot 0 teleporting to sumo brother's flame (Funky)
  303. -[13:15] hurry music becomes slower after getting super fast (Funky)
  304. -[17:43] item swap a whistlin' chuck (getting key in item box) (Funky)
  305. -[24:24] stunning a dino-rhino and spawning a keyhole (setup starts in 23:01)(CI1)
  306. -[27:15] unable to walk on path due to activating secret exit on the previous level (24:57) (CGH)
  308. Episode 33 (
  309. -[0:03] time above 999 (Funky)
  310. -[1:43] note blocks creating invisible solid blocks (Funky)
  311. -[7:59] wrong points if you end the level with a time bigger than 400 (Funky)
  312. -[9:47] multiple hitting block with cape by getting a fireflower (YI2)
  313. -[10:13] double tongue (YI2)
  314. -[10:18] null sprite spit changing Yoshi's properties (YI2)
  315. -[11:48] goal tape becoming unusable by replacing Yoshi due to previous glitch (YI2)
  316. -[16:09] TAS strats (YI2)
  317. -[26:43] unable to jump if speed is 64 (after pipe cannon) (YI1)
  319. Episode 34 (
  320. -[4:55] more TAS strats (YI2)
  321. -[8:32] double tongue (stun glitch setup) (YI2)
  322. -[10:11] stunning a blue koopa (YI2)
  323. -[11:56] koopas entering in a stunned koopa (YI2)
  324. -[14:07] glitching rainbow shell (YI2)
  325. -[17:34] stunning a coin (YI2)
  327. Episode 35 (
  328. -[0:29] double tongue (stun glitch setup) (YI2)
  329. -[1:25] spawning a green koopa from a stunned blue koopa (YI2)
  330. -[2:06] spawning an unused sprite from a stunned chargin' chuck (YI2)
  331. -[4:37] unable to jump if speed is 64 (after pipe cannon) (YI1)
  332. -[5:57] more TAS strats (DS1)
  333. -[11:13] null sprite (via invisible Yoshi) (YI3)
  334. -[12:04] null sprite spit on a swinging brown platform (YI3)
  336. Episode 36 (
  337. -[0:15] null sprite (via invisible Yoshi) (YI3)
  338. -[1:23] power incrementation via null sprite spit on a swinging brown platform (YI3)
  339. -[4:58] null sprite (via double tongue) (YI3)
  340. -[5:03] "Halloween Mario" (PI04) via power incrementation (YI3)
  341. -[5:43] "Halloween Mario" (PI04) glitched properties (YI3)
  342. -[10:01] star power delay (unused $7E13CB address) due to previous glitch (#2C)
  343. -[11:33] glitched ball 'n' chain death animation due to previous glitch (#2C)
  344. -[12:18] "Christmas Mario" (PI05) via power incrementation (YI3)
  345. -[14:41] getting Yoshi in item box via PI38 (TSA)
  346. -[18:08] Yoshi spitting itself out due to previous glitch (setup starts in 16:28) (YI2)
  347. -[19:55] more properties about null sprite spit with Yoshi from item box (YI2)
  349. Episode 37 (
  350. -[0:18] recycling p-switch (YSP)
  351. -[1:28] invisible corner tile sprite (YSP)
  352. -[3:56] throwing up a kicked shell + shell going through the ceiling (GSP)
  353. -[5:21] switch jump + block graphics overlapping Mario's (GSP)
  354. -[6:07] fish indefinitely jumping by pausing when passing through bridge (OW)
  355. -[7:46] screen scrolling when yellow koopa is jumping (RSP)
  356. -[11:24] holding item while riding Yoshi (setup starts in 10:55) (BSP)
  357. -[11:48] Mario releasing item when in transforming animation (BSP)
  358. -[13:57] item swapping a invisible corner tile sprite (crash) (BSP)
  359. -[14:47] glitched swallowing animation in switch room (BSP)
  361. Episode 38 (
  362. -[1:14] stunning a blue sliding koopa (setup starts in 0:15) (Groovy)
  363. -[3:07] spawning a koopa kid from a stunned blue sliding koopa (Groovy)
  364. -[6:27] beating the level by killing a koopa kid from the previous glitch (Groovy)
  365. -[10:43] riding an invisible Yoshi + eat cancel (Funky)
  366. -[13:56] death cancel/infinite time (Funky)
  367. -[16:51] no sound of wings due to the presence of invisible Yoshi (Funky)
  368. -[23:13] stunning a 1up and spawning a dino-rhino (setup starts in 21:20) (Funky)
  369. -[25:09] stunning a dino-rhino and spawning a keyhole (setup actually starts in 10:43) (Funky)
  370. -[27:56] item swap a whistlin' chuck (getting key in item box) (Funky)
  371. -[28:30] getting the secret (unintended) exit in Funky (setup starts in 8:11) (Funky)
  373. Episode 39 (
  374. -[0:31] fishing boo glitched death animation (explanation only) (CGH)
  375. -[6:01] springboard in slope making infinite sliding/belly sliding (CI2)
  376. -[6:26] belly sliding animation with small and big Mario due to previous glitch (CI2)
  377. -[9:15] crash by using wings in Chocolate Island 2 due to its unique properties (explanation only) (CI2)
  378. -[9:48] Yoshi bouncing faster on the edge of a slope (CI2)
  379. -[11:49] spin jump bouncing on throw block on its last frame (explanation only) (CI2)
  381. Episode 40 (
  382. -[1:10] holding items while sliding (CS)
  383. -[2:22] double grab (CS)
  384. -[3:52] sinking layer 2 platforms don't sink when running at max speed (CS)
  386. Episode 41 (
  387. -[0:14] null sprite (CI3)
  388. -[0:34] null sprite spit changing gray rotating platform properties (CI3)
  389. -[3:29] messing the OW palette (CI3)
  390. -[6:35] glitched fireball death animation (CF)
  391. -[6:55] weird wooden spikes hitboxes (CF)
  392. -[10:50] clipping through ceiling slope corner (CI4)
  394. Episode 42 (
  395. -[0:22] 1up block factory (CI5)
  396. -[3:04] Yoshi block factory (CI5)
  397. -[3:26] teleporting and riding fake Yoshi using the pit (CI5)
  398. -[4:08] moving pipes not spawning due to sprite limit (CI5)
  399. -[6:08] Yoshi looping vertically on the level (explanation only) (CI5)
  400. -[11:52] getting golden Yoshi (setup starts in 6:58) (CI5)
  402. Episode 43 (
  403. -[0:10] passing through gap on the left border (SGS)
  404. -[2:57] despawning boo ring (SGS)
  405. -[12:36] chuck breaking tiles of the level (VoB1)
  406. -[16:52] solid blocks inside the ground (VoB1)
  408. Episode 44 (
  409. -[0:59] hold shell while riding Yoshi via eat cancel (VoB2)
  410. -[2:00] burning wings (VoB2)
  411. -[3:29] block duplication (VoB2)
  412. -[5:41] clipping through layer 2 ground (VoB2)
  413. -[6:30] glitched pipe entrance (VoB2)
  414. -[9:59] podoboo hurting Mario even with spinjump (VoB2)
  416. Episode 45 (
  417. -[2:28] weird keep of tracking which coins you got (VGH)
  418. -[4:12] infinite time by repeatedly entering door (VGH)
  419. -[4:31] entering door 255 times (VGH)
  420. -[8:52] getting crushed in wall + clipping through wall using 2 solid items (VGH)
  421. -[10:43] clipping downwards using 2 solid objects (VGH)
  422. -[18:26] item swap a clapin' chuck (getting orb in item box) (setup starts in 17:47) (CI1)
  423. -[19:00] using orb in Bowser's Castle (FD)
  425. Episode 46 (
  426. -[0:41] getting mechakoopa trapped in the ceiling (BD)
  427. -[1:46] graphical glitch with mechakoopa's stomp animation (BD)
  428. -[3:10] glitched Bowser's bowling ball death animation (BD)
  429. -[4:20] unable to jump if speed is extremely high (after clown car pushing Mario) (BD)
  430. -[5:23] using orb in Bowser's fight (BD)
  431. -[8:16] null sprite + null sprite spit changing springboard properties (setup starts in 6:38) (VoB3)
  432. -[9:30] weird springboard graphics due to previous glitch (VoB3)
  433. -[12:41] stunning a orange platform (setup starts in 10:55) (VoB3)
  434. -[13:33] clipping through slope by flying (VoB3)
  435. -[17:00] walljump (VoB3)
  437. Episode 47 (
  438. -[0:44] vertical screen barrier pushing Mario through slope (VoB4)
  439. -[4:14] lava activating the initial state of a shell (VoB4)
  440. -[8:28] null sprite spit changing key properties (VoB4)
  441. -[8:40] lava activating the initial state of a key (VoB4)
  442. -[15:55] riding an invisible Yoshi + eat cancel (setup starts in 14:58) (VS2)
  443. -[17:42] item swap splittin' chuck due to previous setup (getting changing item sprite in item box) (VS2)
  444. -[18:54] glitched ball 'n' chain death animation (#7C)
  445. -[19:00] clipping through floor by spinjumping (#7C)
  446. -[21:22] making only the creating block sprite spawn (#7C)
  447. -[23:59] making the eating block sprite meet an intersection due to previous glitch (#7C)
  449. Episode 47.5 (
  450. [It's an update video, not a real episode, unfortunately]
  451. -[2:32] blue koopa kicking Yoshi egg (DP4)
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