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a guest
May 16th, 2018
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  1. var isMobile = {
  2. Android: function() {
  3. return navigator["userAgent"]["match"](/Android/i)
  4. },
  5. BlackBerry: function() {
  6. return navigator["userAgent"]["match"](/BlackBerry/i)
  7. },
  8. iOS: function() {
  9. return navigator["userAgent"]["match"](/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i)
  10. },
  11. Opera: function() {
  12. return navigator["userAgent"]["match"](/Opera Mini/i)
  13. },
  14. Windows: function() {
  15. return navigator["userAgent"]["match"](/IEMobile/i)
  16. },
  17. any: function() {
  18. return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile["iOS"]() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows())
  19. }
  20. };
  21. var ini_btnShare = function() {
  22. var variable_0 = document["querySelector"]("a[shdwsp]");
  23. var variable_1 = document["querySelector"]("a[data-cpa]");
  24. var variable_2 = document["querySelector"]("span[shdwsp_counter]");
  25. var variable_3 = 0;
  26. var variable_4 = variable_0["getAttribute"]("shared-max");
  27. var variable_5 = "wexnchdpxix";
  28. variable_2["innerHTML"] = variable_4;
  29. variable_1["onclick"] = function() {
  30. var variable_6 = variable_1["getAttribute"]("data-cpa");
  31. if (getCookie(variable_5) == "completed") {
  32. window["location"]["href"] = variable_6
  33. }
  34. };
  35. variable_0["onclick"] = function() {
  36. if (isMobile["any"]()) {
  37. var variable_7 = variable_0["getAttribute"]("data-text");
  38. var variable_8 = variable_0["getAttribute"]("data-link");
  39. var variable_9 = encodeURIComponent(variable_7) + " - " + encodeURIComponent(variable_8);
  40. if (variable_4 != 0) {
  41. var variable_10 = "whatsapp://send?text=" + variable_9;
  42. window["location"]["href"] = variable_10;
  43. variable_4--;
  44. setCookie(variable_5, variable_4, 5);
  45. variable_2["innerHTML"] = variable_4;
  46. if (variable_4 <= 0) {
  47. setCookie(variable_5, "completed", 5);
  48. variable_1["classList"]["add"]("btnActive")
  49. }
  50. }
  51. } else {
  52. alert("Please share this article in mobile device")
  53. }
  54. }
  55. };
  57. function setCookie(variable_11, variable_120, variable_121) {
  58. var variable_122 = new Date();
  59. variable_122["setTime"](variable_122["getTime"]() + (variable_121 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
  60. var variable_123 = "expires=" + variable_122["toUTCString"]();
  61. document["cookie"] = variable_11 + "=" + variable_120 + ";" + variable_123 + ";path=/"
  62. }
  64. function getCookie(variable_11) {
  65. var variable_125 = variable_11 + "=";
  66. var variable_126 = document["cookie"]["split"](";");
  67. for (var variable_127 = 0; variable_127 < variable_126["length"]; variable_127++) {
  68. var variable_128 = variable_126[variable_127];
  69. while (variable_128["charAt"](0) == " ") {
  70. variable_128 = variable_128["substring"](1)
  71. };
  72. if (variable_128["indexOf"](variable_125) == 0) {
  73. return variable_128["substring"](variable_125["length"], variable_128["length"])
  74. }
  75. };
  76. return ""
  77. }
  78. window[addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent"](addEventListener ? "load" : "onload", ini_btnShare)
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