monotonetimunarchive 2017-12-21 [19:57] - ac93d8be-b7f3-4e1c-a19a-33414c0254f5.mpeg

Dec 21st, 2017
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  1. [19:57:48] bananaburger: hey pacman, whats up?
  2. [19:57:54] afluhatinrapper: Ya
  3. [19:58:57] kevin1760: Tim I'm going to Canada today, how much poutine should i mail to the PO Box? timClip
  4. [19:59:09] xroyce: all of it
  5. [19:59:27] afluhatinrapper: do the post office people a favor and fill it up to capacity
  6. [19:59:49] literallytrash0: oh hey
  7. [20:00:11] kevin1760: that would be great, a PO box overflowing with gravy and fries
  8. [20:00:21] selahdejah: is this chronic trigger?
  9. [20:00:28] selahdejah: chrono *
  10. [20:00:39] kevin1760: this is chronic depression
  11. [20:00:44] selahdejah: lol
  12. [20:01:09] selahdejah: 420 man
  13. [20:01:24] killing_moon: Dr. Dre - The Chronic Trigger(1994)
  14. [20:01:34] selahdejah: haha
  15. [20:01:55] xroyce: tricked!
  16. [20:02:24] selahdejah: How does a bubble hurt so much
  17. [20:02:35] selahdejah: maybe if it popped in your eye
  18. [20:02:37] anonymousv8: 6am tim
  19. [20:02:38] xroyce: its filled with lies about one's mother :(
  20. [20:02:43] afluhatinrapper: acid bubbles?
  21. [20:02:52] oldmario: stereo
  22. [20:03:56] xroyce: man, the team attacks really made this game for me. finding the hidden stones and stuff felt super rewarding
  23. [20:04:46] 13thmarc: Yay! Tim is on, steam winter sale is on, and.. I have to go to work!
  24. [20:04:48] xroyce: they were colored stones that enabled certain triple attacks
  25. [20:05:34] xroyce: completely agree
  26. [20:05:41] hexxtwain: snes was a great system
  27. [20:06:18] xroyce: i was just finding out about dbz when i first played this game (many years ago) and it was so amazing to me that guy to made cartoons would also do video game art
  28. [20:07:28] xroyce: oh yeah, i mean the fact that sometimes the characters had different attack animations based on their proximity to the mobs..
  29. [20:07:37] xroyce: that was such a small thing, but it made the game so cool to me
  30. [20:08:00] killing_moon: I'll shred ya!
  31. [20:08:29] selahdejah: hey look a jelly donut
  32. [20:09:20] ttiewinwt: yeah get fucked jelly donuts
  33. [20:09:36] selahdejah: lol
  34. [20:09:45] xroyce: tim, did you ever play chrono cross?
  35. [20:10:03] ttiewinwt: heal up your guys tim
  36. [20:10:13] wryght: hey tim some good garbage on sale in steam right now i'll send you a dm on twitter later
  37. [20:10:20] wryght: might be a few good ones to stream
  38. [20:10:29] xroyce: I liked it, but pretty far away from where we are in trigger, for sure.
  39. [20:11:19] wryght: game based off a chinese cult leader that thought himself to be the reincarnation of jesus christ also also has youtube videos of him dancing to pop beats
  40. [20:11:26] hexxtwain: i found the starocean games to be pretty good too, esp the snes one from what i remember
  41. [20:11:55] selahdejah: I liked the lunar series
  42. [20:12:09] xroyce: me too, but i only played through silver star, the first one
  43. [20:12:35] selahdejah: that one was good
  44. [20:12:56] selahdejah: Tim is your twitch icon a banana?
  45. [20:13:29] xroyce: you are going the wrong way
  46. [20:13:30] wryght: you race johnny for a thing you need
  47. [20:13:30] selahdejah: Oh.
  48. [20:13:46] xroyce: you need to go back and the race is north of the sewer to the right
  49. [20:14:26] xroyce: through the sewer, sorry
  50. [20:14:27] robertthedude: hi Tim
  51. [20:15:03] xroyce: yeah through here, head right
  52. [20:15:14] xroyce: ok, enough from me. bbl :)
  53. [20:15:17] selahdejah: does rickeon and low quality wallet still mod?
  54. [20:15:49] selahdejah: Oh.
  55. [20:15:53] pinguino: 2 robots and like 10 of Tim's alrts
  56. [20:15:54] pinguino: alts
  57. [20:16:03] selahdejah: Oh. lol
  58. [20:16:14] selahdejah: I see
  59. [20:16:19] kevin1760: timOh
  60. [20:16:29] selahdejah: beep boop
  61. [20:16:32] pinguino: 🤖
  62. [20:16:48] madtaz64: pinguino is actually tim's only real account, the rest are just alts
  63. [20:16:54] pinguino: eggman
  64. [20:17:09] selahdejah: Tim has multiple personality disorder?
  65. [20:17:13] killing_moon: Dr Wawee
  66. [20:18:37] selahdejah: I'm so glad you have been streaming alot. I had surgery and on leave from work and I've been so bored!
  67. [20:21:56] helzarian: hi tim
  68. [20:22:36] helzarian: I left my job at Kellogg's today because the future is not looking good :( hoping I can find a new venture soon or start my own business
  69. [20:22:56] helzarian: I was a supervisor
  70. [20:23:11] kevin1760: Did you supervise the cereal?
  71. [20:23:27] helzarian: Yes
  72. [20:23:31] helzarian: I was captain crunch
  73. [20:23:33] creatorbrian: Back to work, Corn Flakes!
  74. [20:23:42] pinguino: why did you not hook up tim with the frosted flakes
  75. [20:24:03] helzarian: cereal is expensive
  76. [20:24:11] helzarian: we had 500k waste in 6 months
  77. [20:24:21] kevin1760: Tim seems like a Raisin Bran kinda guy
  78. [20:24:56] helzarian: people don't eat cereal anymore anway
  79. [20:25:12] helzarian: it's true
  80. [20:25:13] blackeyedsceva7: whole only
  81. [20:25:13] basssic: millennials are destroying the cereal industry
  82. [20:25:17] bananaburger: ^
  83. [20:25:18] helzarian: sales are down 15% annually
  84. [20:25:31] creatorbrian: What else are people eating for breakfast?
  85. [20:25:35] basssic: soylent
  86. [20:25:37] afluhatinrapper: I never really eat breakfast, sorry for killing your industry
  87. [20:25:38] akeazy: Eggs
  88. [20:25:40] creatorbrian: I've always been a cereal guy
  89. [20:25:41] blackeyedsceva7: eating it rn wtf
  90. [20:25:43] bananaburger: avocado toast obviously
  91. [20:25:45] helzarian: people are choosing healthy alternatives
  92. [20:25:53] kevin1760: Thats called Soylent
  93. [20:26:18] bananaburger: whats a healthy alternative?
  94. [20:26:25] akeazy: I slowed down on my cereal eating
  95. [20:26:28] helzarian: we have 'Kashi' which is our line of healthy cereal, but no one buys that either
  96. [20:26:28] bananaburger: i hardly ever have time to even eat breakfast
  97. [20:26:35] bananaburger: well yeah
  98. [20:26:56] bl0cks: when i have cereal i eat it almost exclusively at night bc im a weird depressed loser
  99. [20:27:12] blackeyedsceva7: healthy cereal exists
  100. [20:27:17] afluhatinrapper: you can't fix your sadness with sugar :(
  101. [20:27:55] helzarian: you can drown yourself in sugar
  102. [20:28:00] helzarian: that will get rid of the sadness
  103. [20:28:06] mareepthelittlesheep: If you wake up at 5pm and eat at 6pm is that breakfast or dinner?
  104. [20:28:09] megabro5000: I tried to fix my sadness yesterday by eating an entire thing of frosting but it didnt work :(
  105. [20:28:31] turnsie: You must have just not eaten enough
  106. [20:28:37] blackeyedsceva7: its breakfast
  107. [20:28:38] kevin1760: Frosting is much more dense than coolwhip
  108. [20:28:45] megabro5000: it was like a jar
  109. [20:29:01] megabro5000: I guess next time I'll try two jars
  110. [20:29:18] kevin1760: try dipping bacon into the frosting, that might help
  111. [20:29:22] turnsie: keep doubling jars until nausea replaces sadness
  112. [20:29:47] helzarian: nausea and sadness aren't mutually exclusive
  113. [20:30:29] afluhatinrapper: I ate two full cans of pineapple today, that did not work either
  114. [20:30:39] kevin1760: how does your tongue feel?
  115. [20:30:58] rickeon: where could you possibly obtain pineapple
  116. [20:31:28] bl0cks: because pineapple is good and you can make things with it
  117. [20:31:31] killing_moon: nobody wants tofu
  118. [20:31:41] afluhatinrapper: This is Europe, my supermarket just has sliced pineapple in cans... is that weird?
  119. [20:32:05] afluhatinrapper: I mean, you just eat it, what else would you do with it?
  120. [20:32:12] kevin1760: You eat it... pineapple is a fruit i think...
  121. [20:32:14] jencis0: Umm.. eat it
  122. [20:32:33] pinguino: I've eaten cans of pineapple
  123. [20:32:39] jencis0: it's delicious
  124. [20:32:40] turnsie: It's like a giant fruit cup
  125. [20:32:44] kevin1760: You ate packing peanuts...
  126. [20:32:45] turnsie: but in an aluminum can
  127. [20:32:48] jencis0: and nutritious
  128. [20:32:57] killing_moon: Tim's problem with pineapple is that it's a fruit and not some strangely renderd form of protein and nutrients like tofu or soylent
  129. [20:33:16] jencis0: right back at you
  130. [20:33:26] bl0cks: Tim doesn't understand food items that havent been processed down to their base nutrients
  131. [20:33:31] kevin1760: Tim buy a pineapple and eat it in your car
  132. [20:34:41] shimmerfairy: fwiw, I also think it's weird to just have pineapple around the house. Wanting it and getting it is fine, but just having it there? weird.
  133. [20:34:55] jencis0: yayyy
  134. [20:35:09] shimmerfairy: the saddest B) :(
  135. [20:35:11] pinguino: now show them your cosplays
  136. [20:35:14] raynor_ex: testostertone tim
  137. [20:35:23] killing_moon: lol
  138. [20:35:39] it_is_fanatic: this is some early video games
  139. [20:36:01] raynor_ex: are you arguing with science?
  140. [20:36:49] helzarian: Tim is science
  141. [20:36:53] raynor_ex: destruction rains from the heavens
  142. [20:37:02] thewhitelarrybyrd: y2k tim
  143. [20:37:05] rickeon: 1999 is the most futuristic year possible
  144. [20:37:09] chx_jon: the word arcology makes me want to play simcity 2000
  145. [20:37:22] ninby: thank god something else to watch other than twitch's ad marathon
  146. [20:37:25] zomgqwert: 2999
  147. [20:37:26] killing_moon: shoul've went with the classic "20XX"
  148. [20:37:48] jencis0: you'll be surprised how drastically different the year 2021 will be
  149. [20:38:19] thesilentjester: in the year 3000 humanity will be replaced with androids
  150. [20:39:05] kibabawingu: A daytime stream?? timMrBones
  151. [20:39:15] killing_moon: They're will be a new Iphone and Bangladesh will be underwater
  152. [20:39:52] jencis0: new iPhone?? say it ain't so
  153. [20:40:52] jencis0: which final Fantasy is this?
  154. [20:40:54] afluhatinrapper: I'm still kind of hungry but I don't think I could live with myself if I ate another can of pineapple today
  155. [20:41:21] kevin1760: bikeman?
  156. [20:41:24] it_is_fanatic: THE MAN
  157. [20:41:27] donny_pandairaz: Johnny is a Robo Bikeman
  158. [20:41:46] donny_pandairaz: Like that one robot master in MM10
  159. [20:42:06] djgamer_: SourPls
  160. [20:42:30] jencis0: exactly
  161. [20:42:33] rairv: Oh shit Tim Trigger?
  162. [20:43:24] afluhatinrapper: because man is imperfect :(
  163. [20:43:49] zornicater: that's the most menacing pile of orange goop I've ever seen
  164. [20:47:12] jencis0: Aww yeah
  165. [20:47:13] kevin1760: SourPls
  166. [20:47:14] raynor_ex: never gonna give you up
  167. [20:47:15] it_is_fanatic: SourPls
  168. [20:47:25] bananaburger: we're familiar with love
  169. [20:47:39] zornicater: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  170. [20:47:46] turnsie: Fisto
  171. [20:48:11] helzarian: humanbot
  172. [20:48:12] raynor_ex: R66-Y? that's perfect!
  173. [20:48:23] shimmerfairy: if you wanted to call it something, why didn't you?
  174. [20:49:04] donny_pandairaz: ACTION punches the door
  175. [20:49:09] donny_pandairaz: "The power is off."
  176. [20:49:23] it_is_fanatic: Seems Good
  177. [20:49:27] i_r_nutter: hi tim
  178. [20:49:50] i_r_nutter: best game
  179. [20:50:52] i_r_nutter: is this the psx or snes?
  180. [20:51:01] helzarian: mario party 2 or 3 is the best imo
  181. [20:51:06] raynor_ex: chrono frog ayla, spam 3d attack
  182. [20:51:08] donny_pandairaz: Chrono, Marle, and Ayla for me
  183. [20:51:09] i_r_nutter: cool
  184. [20:51:28] gashapon: whatever party people use to speedrun I'm guessing
  185. [20:51:37] donny_pandairaz: Yep
  186. [20:51:58] donny_pandairaz: Cube Toss just does soo much damage for no real reason
  187. [20:53:13] donny_pandairaz: That and having two stealing party members is great too
  188. [20:55:20] flaminx: you damn kids and your 64bits
  189. [20:55:55] yunvon: I think so
  190. [20:56:16] yunvon: It was Patrick and Ryan
  191. [20:57:12] yunvon: He works better on Way point with Austin
  192. [20:57:41] pinguino: does waypoint do video
  193. [20:58:17] basssic: yeah
  194. [20:58:26] yunvon: I think so, don't really follow them myself
  195. [20:58:27] basssic: they do pubg every week, unless they stopped
  196. [21:00:30] hexxtwain: top left is Y top right is X
  197. [21:00:31] thesilentjester: x circle triangle i think
  198. [21:00:35] basssic: triangle circle x square
  199. [21:00:38] raynor_ex: x is the top
  200. [21:00:45] raynor_ex: top right down left
  201. [21:01:02] commanderpepper: is this an EU stream?
  202. [21:01:31] jencis0: r1 r2 l1 l2
  203. [21:02:32] omegacentauri: Tim have you played the mr bones game?
  204. [21:03:14] raynor_ex: does it take a year to complete
  205. [21:03:20] raynor_ex: if not, it's inaccurate
  206. [21:03:21] savellon: cirThink
  207. [21:03:28] infinityissue: tech points teach new skills/spells
  208. [21:03:30] donny_pandairaz: It's hoe you learn new "spells'
  209. [21:03:34] donny_pandairaz: how*
  210. [21:04:22] shimmerfairy: I'm guessing food
  211. [21:04:27] it_is_fanatic: SourPls
  212. [21:05:11] praxismaximus: SourPls
  213. [21:06:37] kibabawingu: He's beating on the buttons like a gorilla
  214. [21:06:45] yunvon: Oh no Steam winter sale started! Send help!
  215. [21:06:51] slice919: Tim when you gonna do the pubg update
  216. [21:06:53] zero3k: Have you played Chrono Trigger before?
  217. [21:07:20] commanderpepper: i played the DS version
  218. [21:07:35] zero3k: ok
  219. [21:07:58] zero3k: speaking of JRPGS, you should try playing Treasure of the Rudras
  220. [21:08:13] zero3k: its the last RPG Squaresoft made
  221. [21:08:18] zero3k: before they became Square Enix
  222. [21:08:37] commanderpepper: SNES
  223. [21:08:48] zero3k: it has a very unique magic system
  224. [21:08:53] zero3k: can make spells out of words
  225. [21:09:16] zero3k: has animated sprites in battle
  226. [21:09:23] jencis0: wait so is Pub gee officially out as a real game now?
  227. [21:09:27] zero3k: great music
  228. [21:09:35] zero3k: not many optional bosses though
  229. [21:09:47] zero3k: or secret areas to explore
  230. [21:10:05] rickeon: PUBG is too main stream for Tim now
  231. [21:10:09] rickeon: he only likes early access games
  232. [21:10:48] pinguino: She was almost a Marle sandwich.
  233. [21:10:59] jencis0: finna buy pubg after Xmas I think
  234. [21:11:01] commanderpepper: oh Robo
  235. [21:11:26] infinityissue: the only time I really feel like a nerd is when I play this and change Robo to R-66Y
  236. [21:11:26] zero3k: I'm planning on playing Treasure of the Rudras on my GPD WIN
  237. [21:11:31] it_is_fanatic: Bible Thump
  238. [21:11:36] zero3k: since I didn't beat it when I played it on PC
  239. [21:11:41] jencis0: TearGlove
  240. [21:11:50] zero3k: The GPD WIN Is a UMPC that runs Windows 10 and has gaming controls
  241. [21:11:55] yunvon: These feelings! :(
  242. [21:12:21] infinityissue: at least our jobs are safer
  243. [21:12:23] zero3k: anyone interested can check it out on Amazon
  244. [21:12:25] jencis0: he's getting hazed for frat admission
  245. [21:12:30] arthekz: into the trash compactor he goes
  246. [21:12:38] commanderpepper: time to meet the family
  247. [21:12:45] zero3k: and beat them up
  248. [21:12:54] zero3k: they were programed to be evil
  249. [21:13:04] zero3k: and Robo fogot his programming
  250. [21:13:06] jencis0: that's how I got into my frat
  251. [21:13:08] zero3k: *forgot
  252. [21:13:45] zero3k: I'm also going to play many other games on it
  253. [21:13:49] commanderpepper: are these robots evil? iforget
  254. [21:14:08] commanderpepper: oh
  255. [21:14:14] zero3k: see if the Arcade version of Persona 4 Ultimax works on it
  256. [21:14:18] commanderpepper: i thought it was poor programming
  257. [21:14:21] zero3k: since the arcade version uses Windows
  258. [21:14:41] infinityissue: same
  259. [21:14:43] commanderpepper: Robo can mine for bitcoin
  260. [21:15:15] hexxtwain: SourPls
  261. [21:15:20] zero3k: *Arena Ultimax
  262. [21:17:58] infinityissue: this part is so damn picky
  263. [21:18:24] commanderpepper: lol
  264. [21:18:28] hexxtwain: /
  265. [21:18:31] afluhatinrapper: (
  266. [21:18:31] slice919: Poor robo
  267. [21:18:45] commanderpepper: Technology is a kind of a magic I guess
  268. [21:21:00] it_is_fanatic: 65M B.C. monkaS
  269. [21:23:55] donny_pandairaz: Time for the best girl!
  270. [21:23:57] raynor_ex: objection: lucca is not wearing pants
  271. [21:24:23] donny_pandairaz: I think Lucca wears shorts
  272. [21:24:31] infinityissue: what's your main team in this tim
  273. [21:24:55] hackoon_: old skins?
  274. [21:24:58] donny_pandairaz: Yeah, she wears like bike shorts underneath her skirt
  275. [21:25:19] infinityissue: ayla crono robo is a really good team
  276. [21:25:30] hackoon_: bro, no trigger
  277. [21:26:05] it_is_fanatic: o shist
  278. [21:26:08] jencis0: ouch
  279. [21:27:14] ethernetseeds: step up those menu-ing skills
  280. [21:27:26] donny_pandairaz: Oh.
  281. [21:28:15] kevin1760: RIP
  282. [21:28:50] it_is_fanatic: punished
  283. [21:29:06] jencis0: u succ
  284. [21:29:13] hackoon_: yes
  285. [21:29:44] djgamer_: friendship ended with lucca, now robo is my new best friend
  286. [21:30:57] savellon: cirLaugh
  287. [21:30:58] infinityissue: robo still can't use magic
  288. [21:31:23] jencis0: ded
  289. [21:31:35] donny_pandairaz: I could never beat Spekkio's last form
  290. [21:32:06] skygtr350: I just want to play video games
  291. [21:32:12] donny_pandairaz: He has multiple and if you be him he gives you things like magic tabs
  292. [21:32:37] kcjn: i just wanna drink pepsi and eat doritos every night and every day
  293. [21:33:03] djgamer_: but not moun tain dew
  294. [21:33:14] jencis0: I wanna play punk rock music with friendz
  295. [21:33:34] kcjn: i-i-i just wanna do-ri-to all niiiight... and pepsi every day
  296. [21:33:56] reikergaming: do you get timed out for links in here
  297. [21:34:13] djgamer_: no but you do get timed out for saying memes
  298. [21:34:18] djgamer_: or you did
  299. [21:34:24] supermahou: 420blazeit
  300. [21:34:25] donny_pandairaz: meme
  301. [21:34:28] reikergaming: I found this game a few days ago and it gave me strong Tim stream vibes
  302. [21:34:34] djgamer_: oh there it is
  303. [21:34:36] literallytrash0: no saying the m word
  304. [21:34:37] jencis0: banned
  305. [21:34:52] donny_pandairaz: That's a good one
  306. [21:34:52] supermahou: me neither there was a caveman game i used to play as a kid and it weirded me out
  307. [21:35:24] supermahou: the main character clubbed a woman and dragged her with him to "save" them it was weird lol
  308. [21:35:32] hackoon_: ??????
  309. [21:36:02] supermahou: YES
  310. [21:36:04] supermahou: joe and mac
  311. [21:36:05] supermahou: thats it
  312. [21:36:13] fenrax: whats a poundland
  313. [21:36:15] pinguino: nobody thinks about Bonk
  314. [21:36:16] djgamer_: so what did these people do that it took them like 64 million years and change to get civilized
  315. [21:36:32] jencis0: this environment reminds of the Legend of Goku on the Gameboy Advance
  316. [21:37:01] donny_pandairaz: Cave Ape must throw things!
  317. [21:37:04] it_is_fanatic: #GetShistOn
  318. [21:37:13] ireborn: hello
  319. [21:37:39] jencis0: h-hi
  320. [21:37:48] fenrax: Is it where you go every friday night?
  321. [21:38:14] ireborn: havent watched tim this early before
  322. [21:38:32] notajitpai: so it can poop
  323. [21:38:38] it_is_fanatic: it didn't lose the wings through evolution yet
  324. [21:38:56] jencis0: AlphatoneTim
  325. [21:39:40] literallytrash0: probably some british thing
  326. [21:39:45] donny_pandairaz: The faces of these things always made me think that they had goatees
  327. [21:40:02] ireborn: wait..someone? Have we moved up from rats to people now or are you getting really close and personal with the rats ?
  328. [21:40:27] it_is_fanatic: mouse stuff timClip
  329. [21:40:30] donny_pandairaz: Only himself
  330. [21:40:36] ireborn: mouse stuff timLewd
  331. [21:41:14] skygtr350: LuL
  332. [21:41:19] skygtr350: timMrBones
  333. [21:41:26] donny_pandairaz: Tim got rocked
  334. [21:41:29] ireborn: what are you doing for the holidays tim ?
  335. [21:42:22] mountainhaze64: What did you ask for for Christmas?
  336. [21:43:03] jencis0: 3
  337. [21:44:00] jencis0: Littl Saint Nick
  338. [21:45:08] ireborn: Hope you enjoy your visit tim ( also the home cooked meals )
  339. [21:45:21] donny_pandairaz: You have to go back
  340. [21:45:22] reikergaming: are you even at the part of the game where you're supposed to be here yet
  341. [21:45:34] zero3k: yeah, you're thinking ahead
  342. [21:45:40] donny_pandairaz: ^
  343. [21:45:48] bryantzuki: britis version of a dollar store.
  344. [21:45:50] zero3k: you have to go to the main part of the town
  345. [21:45:53] zero3k: to have a party
  346. [21:45:58] zero3k: to get the Red Dreamstone
  347. [21:46:06] zero3k: only to have it be taken away by the dinos
  348. [21:46:10] zero3k: and then go to fight them
  349. [21:46:21] reikergaming: I don't even think he's at that part yet
  350. [21:46:25] zero3k: oh
  351. [21:46:35] nikozbk: wow spoilers
  352. [21:46:39] zero3k: talk to people in town then
  353. [21:47:02] ireborn: rip my experience
  354. [21:47:09] ireborn: @Zero3K
  355. [21:47:34] dehumanization: tim dont be a caveist
  356. [21:47:34] jencis0: timClip
  357. [21:47:53] ireborn: can someone say "spoilers" about a 20 year old thing though?
  358. [21:48:07] jencis0: yes
  359. [21:48:09] nikozbk: yes
  360. [21:48:14] donny_pandairaz: If they never played it, yes
  361. [21:48:34] dehumanization: if somebody is worried about spoilers stay off social media and streams
  362. [21:48:43] it_is_fanatic: ive never played it but now i know thunder stuns dinos.
  363. [21:48:51] ireborn: i meant more like can they expect not to bespoiled
  364. [21:48:54] zero3k: oh, go north then
  365. [21:49:00] jencis0: this is la policia
  366. [21:49:06] mountainhaze64: Prehistoric police!
  367. [21:49:06] skygtr350: cirCop
  368. [21:49:12] commanderpepper: its the dino cops!
  369. [21:49:13] maeuil: damn i thought that was outside my house lmao
  370. [21:49:18] i_r_nutter: go back to 1000
  371. [21:49:20] skygtr350: timMrBones The Fashion Police timMrBones
  372. [21:49:22] reikergaming: did you just get to the end of time from the future?
  373. [21:49:29] reikergaming: cause if so you're not supposed to be in this era yet
  374. [21:50:22] fenrax: It sounds like a bar diggle would frequent
  375. [21:50:35] ireborn: will we have to dive into the save file again?
  376. [21:51:53] zero3k: oh
  377. [21:51:57] zero3k: you have to go find Frog
  378. [21:52:02] zero3k: I rememer now
  379. [21:52:06] zero3k: remember now
  380. [21:52:50] supermahou: member now
  381. [21:52:52] zero3k: or not
  382. [21:53:10] skygtr350: LUL
  383. [21:53:14] it_is_fanatic: now im in the closet too
  384. [21:53:37] supermahou: progressive mystic
  385. [21:53:41] zero3k: yes
  386. [21:53:49] zero3k: I think you can get the weapon
  387. [21:54:08] zero3k: from the ruins
  388. [21:54:13] it_is_fanatic: is there a reason so much of this game resembles DBZ?
  389. [21:54:23] supermahou: art director was the mangaka for Dragon Ball
  390. [21:54:33] it_is_fanatic: k
  391. [21:54:48] supermahou: they have butt heads
  392. [21:55:28] it_is_fanatic: BUY! SELL! FIGHT!
  393. [21:55:30] empty_sentry00: Akira Toriyama
  394. [22:00:23] supermahou: Persona 5 was so improved over 4
  395. [22:00:42] supermahou: Everything about the dungeons feels better
  396. [22:01:54] supermahou: yeah the story seems interesting. i want to emulate it eventually
  397. [22:01:57] pinguino: There are 3 Vita games next year I intend to buy
  398. [22:02:14] pinguino: I can name more 2018 Vita games I want than Switch games
  399. [22:03:04] pinguino: P3 and P5 dancing
  400. [22:03:07] pinguino: those are separate games right?
  401. [22:03:11] revolutionrespawn: ye
  402. [22:03:53] turnsie: I never played the dancing spinoffs, they're just rhythm games right?
  403. [22:04:02] turnsie: similar to the hatsune miku one
  404. [22:04:04] pinguino: I still pop into P4D now and then
  405. [22:04:41] pinguino: the story is just visual novel
  406. [22:04:43] oldmario: poundland is dollar tree
  407. [22:04:44] pinguino: and it's godawful
  408. [22:04:59] savellon: cirMiku
  409. [22:05:11] oldmario: Fenrax
  410. [22:05:14] it_is_fanatic: so the exact same thing as Persona dancing?
  411. [22:05:19] ethernetseeds: that's what rthym games are though
  412. [22:05:23] revolutionrespawn: ^
  413. [22:05:43] raynor_ex: what's the point of a rhythm game if you don't like the music
  414. [22:05:54] ethernetseeds: what? that's exactly what rockband was
  415. [22:06:03] ethernetseeds: just button prompts
  416. [22:06:25] raynor_ex: so you just don't like the virtual anime idol aesthetic
  417. [22:07:13] empty_sentry00: there's a tip for this boss if you want
  418. [22:07:14] turnsie: The only reason I like Osu over EBA/Ouendan is the fact that you can make more in depth maps than what the DS was able to do
  419. [22:07:47] madtaz64: I can understand what he says and agree
  420. [22:07:48] ethernetseeds: you sound like you just dislike most rhythm games
  421. [22:08:06] empty_sentry00: this cave is a tutorial for magic
  422. [22:08:08] madtaz64: osu looks like a hollow shell of what EBA/Ouendan was
  423. [22:08:22] supermahou: honestly the rythym minigames in danganronpa are my least favorite
  424. [22:08:25] madtaz64: aside from that one EBA/Phoenix Wright crossover thing
  425. [22:08:35] shimmerfairy: Most rhythm games should be disliked.
  426. [22:08:45] santanadvxfan: the one in DR1 seemed good
  427. [22:08:54] ronball: I jump into water the same
  428. [22:08:54] supermahou: yeah hah i just brute force it every time
  429. [22:09:12] zero3k: dr3 is nuts
  430. [22:09:29] empty_sentry00: drv3
  431. [22:09:32] madtaz64: a lot of the charm EBA, and what really drew me in, was the ridiculous concept and the over the top stories each mission had
  432. [22:09:36] raynor_ex: i think it's just, you play rhythm games for a completely different reason for everyone ese
  433. [22:09:38] raynor_ex: else
  434. [22:09:39] supermahou: urgle
  435. [22:10:07] it_is_fanatic: even you didnt know you had it.
  436. [22:10:13] ronball: Tim , you ever play stardew valley or prison architect?
  437. [22:10:19] gashapon: Your email probably?
  438. [22:10:27] donny_pandairaz: The speaker in your phone
  439. [22:10:31] jencis0: mine recommends weird videos you've watched on here
  440. [22:10:36] ronocthede: he's played prison architect before!
  441. [22:11:03] santanadvxfan: tim like to submerge his power station in water when playing prison architect
  442. [22:11:05] santanadvxfan: it never seems to work out
  443. [22:11:08] raynor_ex: i think you're on to the magus/frog arc now
  444. [22:11:08] santanadvxfan: for some reason
  445. [22:12:07] ronball: Oh that would be epic, ill have to lookup vods for it if they still exist
  446. [22:12:31] turnsie: Tim did you ever get into the im@s games?
  447. [22:13:02] it_is_fanatic: Mr Destructoid Hello.
  448. [22:13:07] ronocthede: @ronball I think the vods should still be out there, there's also this highlights of one stream:
  449. [22:13:10] turnsie: idolmaster
  450. [22:13:12] silversonic: did someone say IM@S
  451. [22:13:15] silversonic: silver19OMG
  452. [22:13:46] sorayarlarwin: ... I've never seen anyone abbreviate it to that before
  453. [22:14:00] silversonic: it's always been abbreviated to that
  454. [22:14:11] shimmerfairy: one of you is lying
  455. [22:14:27] silversonic: I ain't lying lol
  456. [22:14:37] sorayarlarwin: All I've ever seen is "IMAS"
  457. [22:14:40] kriegerfluff: the one with the blue name is lying
  458. [22:14:49] pinguino: imats
  459. [22:14:52] silversonic: well yeah, because it's either spelt imas or iM@S
  460. [22:14:58] silversonic: pffffft
  461. [22:15:07] silversonic: sure ping we'll go with that too
  462. [22:15:09] silversonic: timOh
  463. [22:15:25] pinguino: silver19OMG
  464. [22:15:31] shimmerfairy: would YOU want to comment on the giant robot?
  465. [22:15:34] turnsie: it says "idol m@ster" on the cover of the game
  466. [22:15:34] silversonic: Why do you have a giant robot behind you
  467. [22:15:36] raynor_ex: he's just some weird knight
  468. [22:15:58] silversonic: it's part of the logo Tim
  469. [22:16:04] it_is_fanatic:
  470. [22:16:23] silversonic: I heard Yahoo became a legend tbh
  471. [22:16:41] skygtr350: I like how all the chatrooms work but you can't IM anymore
  472. [22:16:43] bumble_beanie: My dad has an AIM account
  473. [22:16:44] skygtr350: like what's the point
  474. [22:16:44] it_is_fanatic:
  475. [22:16:47] neophobos: Every goddamn day
  476. [22:16:51] alwayscomfy: tim, i just spent 2 weeks in Baltimore. why do you live there?
  477. [22:16:58] bumble_beanie: And my mother got so angry when her AIM instant messenger stopped working
  478. [22:17:08] skygtr350: @aol doesn't work though we tried
  479. [22:17:19] silversonic: Tim is trapped in eternal hell called science
  480. [22:17:23] it_is_fanatic: cya later
  481. [22:17:26] yunvon: drugs?
  482. [22:17:31] yunvon: oh
  483. [22:17:35] it_is_fanatic: timHair
  484. [22:17:39] revolutionrespawn: oh no
  485. [22:17:42] infinityissue: I was guessing HairGut
  486. [22:17:42] shimmerfairy: no don't get a haircut timMinus
  487. [22:17:43] jencis0: cut it all
  488. [22:17:43] bumble_beanie: You enjoy your bear butt, Tim
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