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a guest
Jan 15th, 2016
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  1. [^7] Duffman : sushi
  2. sushi : ?
  3. [^7] Duffman : would you rather
  4. sushi : suck my own dick
  5. [^7] Duffman : take a pill every day
  6. sushi : what kind of pill
  7. [^7] Duffman : or have 1 shot a year
  8. sushi : is it like a fish oil tablet
  9. [^7] Duffman : yeah
  10. sushi : im already takin pills to combat my pregnancy
  11. sushi : might as well pills
  12. ^7] Duffman : what if it was your pregancy pills
  13. [^7] Duffman : would you rather take 1 a day
  14. sushi : do i have an unlimited supply of pills
  15. sushi : and i dont have to go outside to purchase
  16. [^7] Duffman : unlimited
  17. sushi : so i can just keep takin them
  18. [^7] Duffman : such a shut in
  19. [^7] Duffman : when are you going to open your closet doors?
  20. [^7] Duffman : im not coming out of the closet, you can just go away
  21. [^7] Duffman : but everyone wants you out the closet.
  22. [^7] Duffman : that doesnt matter and im gonna stay
  23. [^7] Duffman : now im starting to get angry
  24. [^7] Duffman : SO I PULL OUT MY GUN
  26. [^7] Duffman : sushi
  27. [^7] Duffman : what should i get on my pizza
  28. [^7] Duffman : im hungry
  29. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : pizza has dough
  30. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : im made of dough
  31. [^7] Duffman : so you want me to lay you down
  32. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : btw whats this song?
  33. [^7] Duffman : cover you in peperoni
  34. [^7] Duffman : then eat them off you?
  35. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : not gay
  36. [^7] Duffman : bread has no gender
  37. [^7] Duffman : is just food.
  38. [^7] Duffman : get your mind out of the gutter
  39. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : im not bread
  40. [^7] Duffman : can you prove that claim?
  41. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : can u prove that ur aint a noob?
  42. Under_Score : i've already proven that
  43. Under_Score : you're terrible
  44. [^7] Duffman : what is aint
  45. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : haha
  46. Under_Score : that view minutes of fighting
  47. *DEAD* Under_Score : few*
  48. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : cause i havent played tf2 in like 1 year i think
  49. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : com spoiled
  50. [^7] Duffman : what to get on my pizza
  51. [^7] Duffman : quick someone is waiting
  52. sushi : jalapenos and chilli flakes
  53. [^7] Duffman : your the worst at eating
  54. sushi : LMAO
  55. [^7] Duffman : thats all i get from you people chilli and cum
  56. sushi : where is this
  57. sushi : dominos?
  58. [^7] Duffman : pizza hut
  59. sushi : eagle boys?
  60. sushi : lmao
  61. sushi : just order like
  62. sushi : the halfy
  63. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : eww eagle boys
  64. sushi : 2 pizzas halves
  65. sushi : just to spice it up
  66. sushi : :^)
  67. Under_Score : also you have to ask for a joke on the box, they always reply with something about their own job
  68. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : get pasta from pizza hut
  69. sushi : put alot of mushrooms on it
  70. [^7] Duffman : i got someone coming around with it
  71. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : ikr
  72. [^7] Duffman : pizza hut pasta is disgusting
  73. SS-***MŸŠTÊRÏØÙŠ*** : 9gag?
  74. [^7] Duffman : like their lasagna
  75. [^7] Duffman : since you people were no help she is getting me a meatlovers
  76. [^7] Duffman : see what you did with your chilli and cum
  77. Under_Score : she
  78. [^7] Duffman : you say that like women are rare to find
  79. sushi : lmao meatlovers
  80. [^7] Duffman : it turns out 50% of people are women
  81. sushi : she's probs a meat lover herself
  82. sushi : :^)
  83. [^7] Duffman : and 10% of men are women as well
  84. Under_Score : isnt it a little over 50
  85. Under_Score : like 51
  86. [^7] Duffman : depends on demographics
  87. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : yezs
  88. sushi : duff u shuldve had a lot of spicys on there
  89. [^7] Duffman : you were too slow
  90. Player Admiral Akbar has joined the game
  91. [^7] Duffman : she txt me from the counter
  92. sushi : i did say add jalapenos and chilli flakes cunt
  93. sushi : ANYTHING
  95. [^7] Duffman : how about
  96. sushi : fuck you dude
  97. [^7] Duffman : if i put tobasco on it
  98. [^7] Duffman : when it gets here?
  99. sushi : no ur suppose to add more
  100. sushi : get some pickled jalapenos at the nearest store right now
  101. [^7] Duffman : ranch is disgusting
  102. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : its amazing
  103. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : cause im american
  104. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : and i put ranch on my pizza
  105. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : american style
  106. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : garlic is pretty good
  107. sushi : this map is so fucking shit
  108. [^7] Duffman : ranch is disgusting
  109. sushi : whjat about garlic aioli
  110. [^7] Duffman : garlics is alright
  111. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : goos
  112. [^7] Duffman : just overused
  113. sushi : mayonnaise
  114. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : jizz
  115. sushi : hollandaise sauce
  116. [^7] Duffman : mayo is toxic
  117. Under_Score : you need some to chilli pepper, toadstools, asbestos, vomit cheeze and to top it off, some good old fashioned charcoal
  118. sushi : lmao under
  119. sushi : mustard
  120. cheezeburger : LOL
  121. sushi : tobasco
  122. Under_Score : can't forget the mustard
  123. Under_Score : although i did
  124. sushi : lmao
  125. [^7] Duffman : mustard is delicious
  126. sushi : yeyey
  127. [^7] Duffman : i put it on my grilled cheese
  128. sushi : good cuz i have like 3 bottles of mustard in the cupboard
  129. sushi : g00d stuff
  130. [^7] Duffman : you need to learn to coook
  131. [^7] Duffman : so you can make a monte cristo
  132. sushi : i watch cunts cook LMAO
  133. Under_Score : quite literally
  134. [^7] Duffman : what was the last food you cooked?
  135. sushi : like
  136. [^7] Duffman : cereal
  137. sushi : 2min noodles
  138. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : dnoodles
  139. [^7] Duffman : why dont you make something more interesting
  140. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : doodles
  141. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
  142. Under_Score : i stirred the pot, does that count
  143. sushi : cooked it at school
  144. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : poodles
  145. sushi : i put like
  146. sushi : spring onions and tobasco sauce in the noodles
  147. [^7] Duffman : are you one of those wierd asians that doesnt drain the water?
  148. sushi : i drain the water
  149. [^7] Duffman : and just puts the noodles in a bowl of water
  150. [^7] Duffman : from the kettle
  151. sushi : no
  152. sushi : dats for other noodles
  153. sushi : somehting like cooking migoreng
  154. sushi : shuldnt be cheapened out
  155. sushi : gotta add the
  156. sushi : seasonings n stuff
  157. [^7] Duffman : just buy bulk msg
  158. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : im asian
  159. [^7] Duffman : its delicious
  160. sushi : gotta garnish it too
  161. sushi : lmao
  162. sushi : of course
  163. [^7] Duffman : i got a half kilo of msg
  164. [^7] Duffman : bulk
  165. sushi : orly
  166. [^7] Duffman : came in a kinda wierd bag
  167. sushi : is it the piZza u have
  168. [^7] Duffman : i put it in a jar
  169. [^7] Duffman : its delicious
  170. [^7] Duffman : its pretty much the essence of flavor
  171. sushi : how often do u lick the msg
  172. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : how do we make bread
  173. [^7] Duffman : its too salty
  174. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : im lonely
  175. [^7] Duffman : to lick
  176. [^7] Duffman : =O
  177. [^7] Duffman : weapon duplication
  178. [^7] Duffman : redisguise to get your wep back
  179. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : we need panda express
  180. Under_Score : tbh duff i don't think i've ever seen you talk this much before,
  181. Player cheezeburger left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  182. [^7] Duffman : we are the best knife jugglers
  183. sushi : it's all me man
  184. [^7] Duffman : im procrastinating
  185. [^7] Duffman : i didnt do anything yesterday
  186. [^7] Duffman : so now i have to work today
  187. [^7] Duffman : so im compromising and not doing any of that.
  188. Under_Score : you're not alone
  189. sushi : got work due this sunday
  190. sushi : so ceebs
  191. [^7] Duffman : sushi your smart
  192. sushi : yeahnah
  193. [^7] Duffman : cant you just sum this up for me
  194. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : you loyal
  195. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : ypou respectful
  196. sushi : im already thinking of myself in a dumpster
  197. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : i appreciate that
  198. [^7] Duffman : its using CRISPR to treat duchanne in in mice.
  199. [^7] Duffman : you know all about that right?
  200. sushi : lmao no
  201. sushi : genome editing
  202. sushi : so basically rearranging sugars?
  203. [^7] Duffman : treating genetic illness
  204. [^7] Duffman : dna isnt made of sugar
  205. [^7] Duffman : thats starch
  206. sushi : lmao
  207. sushi : rip
  208. sushi : droppin out
  209. sushi : i dont even do bio mate
  210. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : knawledge
  211. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : chilling in my garage
  212. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : eating my pasta linghini
  213. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : wearing a bikini
  214. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : touching my wienni
  215. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : drinking a dried martini
  216. sushi : reading on what dna is made of
  217. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ :
  218. sushi : lmao joggin my memory
  219. sushi : so dna is made up of
  220. sushi : sugars with a N base?
  221. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : bread crumbs
  222. sushi : accordin to goggle
  223. sushi : adanine, guanine, thymine and cytosine
  224. sushi : isnt there like a fifth
  225. sushi : one
  226. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : ces 2016
  227. Under_Score : why
  228. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : did i doo
  230. Under_Score : i have no life
  231. sushi : lmao l0sre
  232. sushi : get no one in here
  233. [^7] Duffman : go get a life.
  234. Under_Score : i should
  235. Under_Score : no one has a life
  236. Under_Score : currently at a bday party
  237. sushi : LOL
  238. sushi : NOT INVITED
  239. sushi : SCRUBLORD
  240. Under_Score : :(
  241. [^7] Duffman : you need more alcohol
  242. [^7] Duffman : iga is awful
  243. sushi : why not coles
  244. 3era The Reptilian Heavy : Countdown > Wolworths
  245. [^7] Duffman : aldi life.
  246. sushi : shit didnt think of aldi
  247. sushi : i live close to one tho
  248. [^7] Duffman : aldi >>> safeway > coles = iga
  249. Under_Score : local chinese $2 store owner is nice to us
  250. [^7] Duffman : its so cheap
  251. Under_Score : gives us free tamagotchi's when they're ded
  252. [wM1] 10chness91 : tamagotchi ftw
  253. Under_Score : so what do you guys think of mathew santoro going public
  254. tai lopez ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #bd : i dunnpo
  255. Golden_Tree : who?
  256. Itz_Dave (Carbando King Is Bae) : wait he is
  257. [^7] Duffman : who is he?
  258. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : Under_score is my cousins fathers friend uncle brother sister best friend brother in law
  259. (Voice) Faarreak: MEDIC!
  260. Under_Score : some youtuber that made a vlog on domestic abuse
  261. Under_Score : load of controversy
  262. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : matthew.s
  263. My Name Is Jeff : AWWW
  264. Under_Score : he isn't a small youtuber too
  265. just bread ⎛ಠ౪ಠ⎞ : fuck keemstar
  266. Under_Score : 5m subs
  267. [^7] Duffman : i never understand why people are so interested in youtube
  268. 3era The Reptilian Heavy : The 'abuser' was the bitch who made dear fat people
  269. sushi : i remember hearing the news of a speed runner going public as a transvestite
  270. sushi : his entire fanbase basically went mental
  271. [^7] Duffman : hey sushi
  272. sushi : wat
  273. [^7] Duffman : my dinner is here
  274. [^7] Duffman : and she brought a pizza
  275. sushi : so is ur gal?
  276. sushi : LMAO
  277. [^7] Duffman : ;)
  278. Under_Score : can you eat in next to the mic like silkee
  279. Player [^7] Duffman left the game (Disconnect by user.)
  280. sushi : nice one
  281. Under_Score : nooo
  282. Under_Score : gg
  283. sushi : he went to fuck the girl
  284. sushi : legit
  285. sushi : under do u wanna know how big duffs penis is
  286. Under_Score : depends
  287. sushi : idk if u know drug
  288. sushi : but he and i saw his penis
  289. sushi : and it's like
  290. sushi : a behemoth
  291. Under_Score : as expected from a muscular guy with shoulder length hair
  292. sushi : LOL
  293. Under_Score : it's the hair man
  294. Under_Score : always the hair
  295. sushi : if the hair is shoulder length
  296. sushi : you get the big pepe
  297. (Voice) Genuine Nugget: Thanks!
  298. Under_Score : duff ded
  299. sushi : duf is pouding away
  300. sushi : then eating the pizza
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